Well, I've made a summary sort of thing of this whole wank, I don't really know why. People were asking for some sort of fandom_wank style write-up and I obliged. Tell me if it needs editing, or something. If you come accross any confused newbies, I guess you can just direct them there. So there's that :p
Ok, the English major in me is making me delurk. What you've got is really good, but just needs some minor polishing (typos, etc.). Since this is an important article for the community, it should be nicely polished.
Devilfish, I'm willing to proofread this, but I'll need to send the proofed article to you. My profile has my email, so you can just email me and I'll send this to you in a reply. I promise to immediately lose your addy as soon as I've finished this project (unless you don't mind a long-time lurker keeping it).
Edit: corrected typo and grammar......see what happens when you type too fast? I was trying to get this posted quickly since this thread moves at what seems to be the speed of light. Thanks to all those who mentioned the errors and thanks to those who already proofed and posted the article. I'll just quietly go back to lurking.....