It's apparently linked to a different nude mesh. There's a version linked to the Maxis nude mesh that someone on SFV made. I could upload it and post a link if you'd like.
I asked the chick who said she had Jacob, the other-guy-in-the-band-who-isn't-James, and some other stuff Aikea Guinea hadn't released to tell me when she got the stuff together, but I haven't heard from her in about a month.
wicked_one, I totally grabbed all of those the moment I saw them, heh. I just wish someone would make some completely and totally flat chested ones. But hey, at least I can have them muscley ^_^
Cross dressing for guys is obviously way beyond wonderful to some parts of the community, but crossing for chicks is non-existent. I would really love to see - but am quite certain I never will - male clothes meshes converted for females, so that female sims can actually cross dress. I've used SimPE to change the clothes on occasion, but I'm no mesher and thus the sims have to walk around with severed heads floating above their necks.