Lurker delurking!
For what it's worth, LJ probably would get in a snit-fit if coconut just added links to a new LJ and said, "Go there!" and someone complained. Clearly LJ thinks what coconut is doing is worth suspension, so I'm not sure if changing how stuff is posted would do anything. There has been plenty of nonsense there regarding what is appropriate to link to. InsaneJournal has a decent number of server issues now and then, but the owner is a pretty cool guy and, as far as I know, does not take a stance that links to another location are grounds for suspension unless they're clearly against the terms of service. Like, no porn, hate speech, blah blah, the usual stuff. The owner was very upfront about that after last year's shining moment of LJ idiocy. And, IJ is not friends only. The accounts there can have any privacy set up. It's just a lot harder to complain about what you saw when you asked to be allowed to see what's going on in a friends only journal. Can't guarantee that IJ wouldn't suspend an account, but they'd be a lot less stupid about it.
JournalFen is also a pretty good choice...if Sims 2 can be considered a fandom (there's certainly enough drama for it), it would be an easy in I'd think. If someone can get coconut an account and she(?) is 18+, I doubt anyone there would bother coconut with TOSing and bannination.
I'm not sure I want to open my site up for target practice (I'd like more exposure, but I'm not sure I want THAT kind of exposure!), but if worst comes to absolute worst, I could set aside some space and set it up so that coconut could have a subdomain and limited FTP looks like the TOS at my host would allow it and wouldn't suspend my account for it (or if they considered it, they would have the decency to tell me and give me a chance to remove it). Still, since PMBD is willing to host, that's much better--we know that Pescado isn't going to delete it, and then coconut could get a blog or journal elsewhere and point to the hosted material.