Really a little bit borrowed from most sentiments here...
The EULA for EA clearly states that EA Games owns the copyright of any items created with the code they used to make the Sims. They did however give creators permissions to accept money to cover their bandwidth costs. Unfortunately a lot of creators have abused this system.
Truthfully, what creators who charge for donations sets are doing is against the EULA of EA Games and therefore a grayshade of illegal. Pescado received the files from people who donated money to receive the files. He did not steal them. He is sharing what was shared with him.
I agree with Sharon, that is is humorous and hypocritical of the Retail Sims site owner the have abused the Krispy Kreme copyright, but now that her set is available for free, she cries foul and throws a temper tantrum.
What Pescado is doing causes no harm except to people who have abused the system. These people do not work for EA Games, they aren't employees of EA and therefore should not treat a hobby as employment.
Do these creators have business licenses? Do they pay taxes on their received donations?
If they aren't careful they will wake up someone larger than EA Games at the door. The taxman. Heaven help you if the taxman makes a visit.
As a side note. The owner of Retail Sims may have taken her stuff down, but she made sure to leave her Paypal button up didn't she?
Just a thought...