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The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: The Booty Shopping List
on: 2008 May 21, 14:24:59
when a site is really good and free, they will get donations! don't you see modthesims or insimenator? both are wonderful sites and completely free, and they're alive! and it's not because this site's itens is going to the booty it means that the owner will lose money! I have some itens in my download folder that i would never pay for. if weren't the booty, I wouldn't have it, so the site wouldn't earn money at all you must keep one thing in mind: it's not because someone has downloaded a pay item from the booty, it means that this person would pay for this item if it's weren't free
I understand, squall. This site is really good, and it's understandable that people want the items. You say good, free sites are alive with donations, and I'm sure FF fans would rather have a chance of this site being saved than being destroyed. So we shouldn't put the site's items in the Booty and cause it to close down. We won't get another chance if this site closes again.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Random rant that was on the Booty shopping list
on: 2008 May 21, 13:47:04
Actually, you are being a hypocrite. You presumably joined this site because you want to see paysites destroyed, because that's the only reason anyone joins here unless they are a troll or doing some sort of...research. And now you are saying that this paysite has the right to remain pay just because they make stuff that you like, and because the site owner will react with some sort of indignant pettiness if the big, bad pirates dare to defile their work by making it available to as many people as possible? Uh-uh. No. Nope, não, nein. That flies in the face of everything we stand for. Paysites are violating the EULA and have absolutely no standing for their behavior. You clearly don't understand our mission here, or know us at all. Here's a brief introduction: we don't take threats, and we don't take excuses.
If the creator's concern is artistic rather than financial, perhaps they should be free already. Most educated downloaders have more respect for free creators than pay creators, anyway, regardless of the content of their work. And, there are plenty of options for creators who want to stay free but require help paying for hosting services and the like. Just talk to the Wicked Nouk Family. Or, submit content to MTS2, if for some reason running a free site is still too difficult (which it should not be). Either option would undoubtedly be in their own interests, actually, since I'd never even heard of this content until someone requested it here. Not only would they have little or no trouble running the site for free, if they so chose, but they would actually end up getting a lot more exposure than they currently have. What artist doesn't want that? Unless, of course, they really are in it for the money, on some level.
If this site is truly as impressive as people are claiming, then they would have no problem staying free by working within the wonderful pro-free community that has developed over the past few years, or even just by requesting donations from their users rather than extorting money out of people. Options exist. Pretending that they don't doesn't make it so.
I honestly do not buy the idea that this creator is motivated by something other than money, unless they honestly have no knowledge of Nouk and other great resources out there. In that case, if you really want to protect the site, consider educating them about their options rather than coming to pirate HQ and asking us not to act like pirates. The only reason that this site isn't on the booty already, I assume, is that interest and demand is not high enough.
Our motivations aren't just fueled by a desire to get stuff for free. We have the EULA behind us, and the destruction of paysites is our goal. If this site goes down because we present its content as it should have been presented in the first place (free for all), then that is a victory. Yes, it would be a shame if the creator gave up her craft as a result, but that would be their own doing, not ours. Please, learn the facts.
I didn't come here to attack the Pirates, and I never said I had anything against paysites, so I'm not a hypocrite. I try to see thing from both sides. Even the person who made the request doesn't want the site destroyed. Many innocent people would suffer because one person donates to the Booty, and I'm trying to prevent that. That's why I'm asking that no one donates these items to the Booty. No one will get any new items at all if the site closes. And this stuff is essential for a great FF7 Sims game. It's not just some dress that you can ask yourself, "could I do without this?". I actually do know a lot about your site because I try to understand things from everyone's point of view. And I know you don't just destroy paysites. You also liberate them. But if someone shares this site's items, we won't get a second chance, because this is our second chance. So I have to ask you this. Who is the real person being greedy and selfish here? If one person doesn't want to pay for an item, they ruin it for everyone. There are other options. The site doesn't have to be destroyed.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: The Booty Shopping List
on: 2008 May 21, 11:49:54
No, I'm not the site owner, but I do love FF7, and this person makes my Sims game wonderful. All FF7 fans can agree on that. And I do know for a fact that the owner will definitely close the site if their items are uploaded to the Booty. If that happens, we'll never be able to download new creations from their site in the future. This is the best and only site that is actively creating new FF7 meshes and items on a regular basis. The new items will never be released if any items are found in the Booty. For someone to request even one free item will ruin it for everyone.
We don't put free items in the booty. It's very hypocritical if you're using the booty and you're okay with certain sites having items in the booty but not with your favourite sites. A pay site is a pay site. The whole point of this website is to destroy pay sites not just to host their files here for people to use for free. If hosting the files here would mean that the site was closed most people would see it as a victory. I meant if they request the donation item to be free in the Booty, not put a free item in the Booty. And I never said I was okay with having any items from any site in the Booty, so I'm not a hypocrite. I understand that this site aims to destroy paysites. That's why I'm requesting to not put this sites items in the Booty. This is a site we don't want destroyed. Look, even the person that requested the item to be put on the Booty doesn't want the site destroyed! Every situation is different, and therefore must be approached in different ways. To post this site's items in the Booty is the completely wrong approach, and will have a terrible outcome that punishes everyone, even the innocent people with no connection to PMBD.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Random rant that was on the Booty shopping list
on: 2008 May 21, 10:22:18
Are you the site owner or something? You seem to care more about this than a normal person wouild. Nemenor's one donation file is in the booty and he does a lot more for the community. If the booty staff get a payfile it goes in the booty they don't care who made it. If this person wasn't in it for the money they would just ask for donations. Myself and many other simmers happily donate to many free sites without getting anything in return. and they get by. [/quote]
No, I'm not the site owner, but I do love FF7, and this person makes my Sims game wonderful. All FF7 fans can agree on that. And I do know for a fact that the owner will definitely close the site if their items are uploaded to the Booty. If that happens, we'll never be able to download new creations from their site in the future. This is the best and only site that is actively creating new FF7 meshes and items on a regular basis. The new items will never be released if any items are found in the Booty. For someone to request even one free item will ruin it for everyone.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Random rant that was on the Booty shopping list
on: 2008 May 21, 07:41:15
Many thanks for the reply, Captain, and some good advice. I'll try sending them an e-mail, the main reason I submitted a request first is because the owner of the site had taken down all their content once before, and I do not wish to upset them into taking it down again. It's very hard to find good meshers who are willing to take up a request for something, an item that would prove very popular or that is very hard to obtain. If the site owner fails to understand the message I put across, and fails to understand further if I breif them again, I'll let you know. If all else fails, I'll get a subscription and submit some of the content to the Booty once I get my online payment working again.
Hey, guys. Please hear me out. Seriously, I don't think it's a good idea to submit content from Silver Wind. If the site owner sees their content posted on the Booty, they WILL close down their site and take all downloads away. Trust me, that's not good at all. That means no one can download any more new FF7 content from them, ever. We all agree, this person is so talented, and the only one capable of making such wonderful FF7 content. And I'm positive we all agree that we don't want their site to be forever closed with no chance at all to download any great new items from them. No offense, but just because you want one item from them for free, you will be punishing everyone when their site closes. This is one site where I actually don't mind buying their items at all. They are excellent quality, and something you can't find anywhere else. You can tell this person strives really hard for quality and is kind enough to even share these items with us when they don't have to. Obviously, this person isn't in it for the money, or they wouldn't threaten to close their site. They just want a little appreciation and respect for their hard work to please us, and I think they deserve it x100. We shouldn't put these items in the Booty. I don't want there site to close with no chance of ever downloading any fantastic new FF7 items from them. And they seriously will close their site and never share again. I don't want one person to ruin it for everyone. That would be a huge tragedy. I can tell from your posts you love this person's stuff and you don't want their site to close. So for the love of FF7 and all the Simmers who love it, please don't put their items in the Booty!!!