Soggy, I'm a little confused as to your argument about the US President getting the blame, when it's the Congress really in power - i.e. see above where you list Clinton's Republican Congress as wrong, wrong, wrong. Under this logic that you hold to be true for Clinton - directly *negated* is your argument against the Bush administration which leaves under a Democratic Congress - a Dem Congress that voted against Freddie & Fannie being reigned in, mind you. So - *your* logic holds as far as I can see that Republicans are evil, and Democrats are "the goodies." Any argument holds as long as Dems are in the right?? Also - you DO know the history BEHIND the current economic crisis, right? Please correct if I'm wrong - only going on previous correspondence...
Oh, and I left these political debates a while back because there was no way my ass WASN'T going to be handed to me - my being on the evil side of things and all, but what the Hell - I hate paysites, love what EVERYONE has done here on this phorum, and still have a right to free speech and all... Don't get it in its entirety though - you DO know your fave guy won, right?? Why beat dead horses? Why??
Also - just really tired of being quiet, quiet, quiet when I have certain feelings about how certain members here are free as hell to shout their opinions, and everyone else be damned - or shot down to the point of not returning. Not the way I know PMBD. Love it here, and need free speech to continue damn it. I EXPECT to be shot down. Can YOU accept it, in turn??
Off my damn soapbox.