You know, even IF Thomass and crew are mostly in parts of Europe that allows this/thinks it's ok for kids, TSR is an INTERNATIONAL site!! They ought to understand there are certain things that are appropriate for kids as far as other countries are concerned and be sensitive to that.
I'd also like to back Luna up and say that I live in England and we would not tolerate that kind of stuff for children. In fact if there is even the slightest hint of paedophillia people go completly nuts over it. I think there was a mass panic a few years ago for some reason where a mob of people went after someone who had been named a paedophile and almost killed them so they had to go into hiding and there were some really dumb people who went after paediatricians because the first couple of letters are similar
I know that in loads of films Europe is portrayed as having fairly loose morals and generally being more explicit than America but it really isn't true. At least not in any of the UK.