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The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Free Content Pwns Paysite Crap
on: 2008 August 20, 10:19:52
Oh my, get your panties out of a twist. My knickers are utterly not in a twist. Sorry if you think I'm being confrontational or summin. Just the way you said "peggy's crap over helga's" sounded (to me) like you were bunching them both as crap. You're free to prefer peggy's hairstyles over any other artists, but you can't deny, at least helga's meshes are free and good quality i.e no neck gaps and possessed hair flying around every time your sims breathe. Why get pay content when free artists make much better quality items? And that is what this thread's about. And to me, the colors of the [peggy] hair don't matter because I retexture them anyway Although Helga's probably gap-less, I think her textures are kind of eh.... Uh? I think what Caedre wants to say is that most Peggysims textures are rather straight so that they are easy to retexture while most hairs by Helga are at least a bit wavy/curly. This means that if you don't like the rather realistic textures by Helga and want to retexture them, you'd either use a straight texture which makes the hair look kinda strange, or you have to work really hard to get the original wavy look but with textures to your liking. And if I remember right Caedre prefers Maxis-matching textures which might look nice on some of Helga's hairs, but not on all of them... Just export some hairtextures by Helga and Peggy and compare them, and you'll notice the difference. This of course doesn't mean that Helga's hairs are worse than Peggy's, they just use totally different ways of texturing, but from the view of someone who deals with hair textures on a daily basis Caedre's arguments are understandable. For someone who just downloads the original style or recolors are these arguments irrelevant though. Edit: typoHmm hmm yeah n____n thank you! I'm not good at explaining myself anyway x___x but if you Helga's meshes and Peggy's.. compare the curly ones, for me Peggy's curly ones are more fun to paint because theyre actually on a flat mesh. I just dont like meshed curls, my personal preference. And yeah, I love maxis textures <3 Anyway, on topic: I've got something to compare aswell, something I noticed while looking for a hairstyle I used to have.. Peggy hair vs XM Sims hair: Is it to me or are they similar? XM Sims' actually animated and Peggy's isnt. Also; If I'm being confusing.. english isn't my native tongue n___n
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Free Content Pwns Paysite Crap
on: 2008 August 18, 20:04:36
Oh my, get your panties out of a twist. I wasn't saying that Helga's hair is crap, I was just saying that I prefer Peggy's hair over Helga's, and yes I referred to Peggy's hair as crap, but not to Helga. Because you obviously find Peggy's hair crappy. And to me, the colors of the hair don't matter because I retexture them anyway. I just don't like the way Helga forms her meshes. So thats why I like them better. You shouldn't be so offended just because it's a free creator. I'm just stating my opinion. And by the way, I don't like neck-gaps either, but I don't get disturbed by them as I use mainly long hairs. So I am no way stating that it is a fact that Peggy's hair is better than Helga's, I'm just saying that it is my personal opinion that I like Peggy's hair better (to retexture). srs bizniz
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Free Content Pwns Paysite Crap
on: 2008 August 18, 14:58:50
Don't shoot, but seriously, even though Peggy is pay (and we can get it for free anyway ) I prefer Peggy's crap over Helga's. Although Helga's probably gap-less, I think her textures are kind of eh....
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Offical Site Interviews Windkeeper
on: 2007 September 27, 17:19:48
Well, I dont mind her being a pay creator at TSR, her stuff is awesome and its easier to get free than to have to purchase/install a ep with it, so I hope she never goes to work for EA.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols.
on: 2007 June 12, 09:06:58
netherlands: dutch holland weed amsterdam nederland beer belgium europe french german germany hitler italian language marijuana pot sex tilburg
2. Netherlands Mills, Wooden Shoes, Cheese, Marihuana, Hookers and Tullips. Have to say more?
3. netherlands a fictional place where peter pan lives, fights with captain hook and all the widdle orphans live forever. and wendy would lose her bloody button and then make out with jeremy sumpter.
Yay I live in the same place where Peter Pan lives.... fags
7. netherlands hairy area where the wind blows free
I don't think I'd like to live there really...
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Non-English-Speaking Thread
on: 2007 June 10, 21:27:34
Ich will wurst mit ketchup!!!11EINZ Ik ben heelemaal een met jou liefje. :lol: (as in IAWTC) ik ook, ik ook met een vette klodder mayo erbij, als 't ff kan!!!een 8B edit: urgh nederlands praten/typen klinkt ineens heel erg idioot..... -_______- Ja echt he, het klinkt zo.. boers, alsof we allemaal op klompen lopen :lol:
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
on: 2007 June 05, 07:03:16
I need help.... there has to be a word for why I keep making eyes even after swearing to myself I wouldn't. The really sad thing is I can't upload these up until I finish the Retooled series... that section of my website is out of order/choatic enough as it is. THEN... they will be my last. I MEAN IT OMG. Wait... I'll need to make defaults ::cries:: Lovely eyes as usual! But maybe you could make the ring on the outside of the colored part of the eyes a little darker? I hope you get what I mean, Im sorry :lol:
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Idiot of the year anyone?
on: 2007 May 29, 15:49:21
I dunno about idiot of the year,wait till December to decide that, but Idiot of the month, for May, yes. Hell, let's make it a "feature" here, every month name a new jackass. Maybe even send the winner every month a certified PMBD "Idiot of the Month" html certificate,lol......... Sounds like a great idea!
on: 2007 May 28, 18:23:42
Hahaha oh god, that guy is sooo full of himself! :shock: if he was somewhat near being handsome, I wouldn't mind looking at pics of him, but he isn't, not his fault, but please, you don't have to post yourself everywhere, *scratches eyes out* and I've never seen a straight guy telling he isn't gay that much! :lol: