Private forums are probably exposed to the wrong people more than most people realise. When I was running a particular unmentionable site, one of the moderators shocked me by "emailing a thread to a friend" from the private staff forum (all the moderator actions showed in the log). From that time on, I resolved never to have private forums on my site again, as they're just a entrapment for people to post things they would not want certain people to see, which end up going round, coming back, and biting them on the bum.
Yes this is very true. (ps I eat quorn too LOL) I am only recently entering sims 2 world but I am a long time from sims 1. Time and again and many times more I have gone to forum lists and seen that a whole lot of 'new'forums were added only to find on entering that they were admin only forums that were now public for short while. At EZ Board and other style of forums too.
I learned a lot about some prominint people that was nasty compared to their usual public self. At first I was in shock for a lot of things that I saw happening. But also it affirmed my good feelings to some people who were just as nice and strong ethics in their private self as their public.
Pescado this is a good thing you are doing here, but I will not say this more cause I kno pirates dont like to be called good LOL!