I had long hair, like down to my butt, until about 7th grade. I got it cut once...well, actually, I tried to cut it myself when I was about 10. Bad idea. It was horrible. One side was really short. I had to get school pictures taken the next day. They were awful! My mother was so pissed! It grew back though, and it was down to my butt again. I keep it shoulder length now, but I'm really thinking about getting it cut because it's such a pain. It won't curl very well, and it won't straighten at all. It's just wavy and really really thick.
I used to beat up boys too. I was such a tomboy. I still am too, I just don't dress boyish anymore.
I remember once in junior high, this boy kept harassing my friend. He was always talking crap about her or grabbing her butt. One day he did that and I saw him. They were up on the bleachers. It made me mad, so I marched right up there and told him off. He didn't believe that I would/could hurt him... so I punched him in the face. I broke his nose. The principal came in, not long after that, and told me to go to class. The boy got suspended and I didn't even get in trouble. I guess they knew what a jerk he was. He never tried messing with my friends again.