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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Shino&KCR, or "wait.....what?" on: 2007 August 04, 19:30:44
Maybe we should just add another t to the last word in the thread title?

Does Redlove have 'twat on the brain'?
2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Shino&KCR, or "wait.....what?" on: 2007 August 04, 19:20:13
Quote from: "RedLove"
I say we call him and Teko the "Pissy Peenors" cause they don't have vaginas.  Cheesy <I'm smart huh?  :? Please say yes.

I guess you could still technicaly use 'twat'- here, according to what I found online...

"The noun twat has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: a man who is a stupid fool
  Synonyms: fathead, goof, bozo, jackass, goose, cuckoo, zany

Meaning #2: obscene terms for female genitals"


"Although it can also refer to the female genitalia, the word is used as a more general term in various ways:

>A fool, synonymous with the word twit - 'You are a real twat and a half'
>One who behaves in a childish, extroverted manner to the annoyance of others - 'He can be an annoying twat sometimes'
>To hit something (or someone) really hard or violently - 'I twatted him one'
>To become drunk or otherwise intoxicated - 'Let's get twatted'
>Also used in reference to annoyances - 'I hate going to work, it's a twat'

(Sorry, but the above 'I twatted him one' just  souds SO wrong...)
3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Shino&KCR, or "wait.....what?" on: 2007 August 04, 18:32:50
I don't think you understand the way some of us feel.  I believe it is WRONG to charge for custom content for ANY game, be it Sims or any other game.  The only people that have a right to charge for game content are the game publishers themselves.  Almost no other 'community' that I know of tolerates this.
Many of those here feel the same.  There are several ways to 'deal' with people selling custom content.  One is simple peer pressure, or even shaming, in many 'communities' those work.  Here people PURCHASE the custom content, and then share it.  Granted, it may be in a legal 'grey area', but everyone here feels 'once I buy it, since it is not legal, I can share it'.
Another issue has been the quality of what has been paid for.  Simply put, if somethingis paid for, it should be higher quality then what is free.  Now I am NOT calling your stuff inferior quality, I don't have,  it is not the category of things I am interested in.  My point is, by going to a pay site, you are by association, condoning the practices of that particular site.  Such things as NOT supporting 'borked', or non-functioning, broken or even DANGEROUS items that people are PAYING for.  On many free stes, if an item is not working properly, the 'community' there will help get it working.  On TSR, the attitude is 'oh well, thanks for the $$$'.  On most free sites, the creators get feed back, suggestions and help, which leads to better quality items.  Complain on most paid sites, and you'll get ignored, or banned WITHOUT REFUND OF UNUSED SUBSCRIPTION!
As for the 'hostage' complaint, TSR is VERY guilty of this.  Let me put it to you this way.  Say a few months from now, you decide you want to leave TSR.  Guess what- everything you created while there, and maybe some of the stuff you created earlier but hosted there, will STAY there.  TSR will continue to make $$$ from YOUR work.  When peole leave other sites, usualy, if they want their stuff removed, it is.  Not at TSR.
TSR defends this with 'We paid them for it, it is ours to continue to sell, give away, whatever".  You see, it will no longer be yours.  Someone else will make money from YOUR work, YOUR creations, even if you don't want them to.  Don't tell me this is the same as creating something for a job.  The 'rule of thumb' used in many countries is:  if you use an employers tools, materials, a 'space' to create an item, they own it.  If you create using your OWN tools, equipment, ect, it is yours.  SO why won't TSR give it back?  Why, if you try to post it elsewhere do they try to have it removed?  That has happened on the Exchange several times.

From what I have read, the stuff on your site was well liked and respected.  You had many fans.  Fans who were puzzled by why you were going pay (and to some extent, why some stuff was both pay and free).  If you had responded differently, you simply would have had some puzzled and possibly dissapointed fans.  Now you have people who, because of your attitude, don't want your stuff EVEN IF IT WERE FREE.

Let me ask you this.  Why did you start creating and SHARING in the first place?  To make money?  Was your thoughts as worked and struggled with the first item 'I can get rich doing this'?  Or was it for a sense of accomplishment, the joy of 'I did it' when you were done?  The thrill that others actualy LIKED whay you were doing?  That is why most people do this, to create and SHARE.

To put it in a nushell, many around here feel betrayed.  Someone whose work they liked and RESPECTED has SOLD OUT[/b].
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 August 04, 05:46:29
Quote from: "keirra"
Easy Paden, your not THAT old.  Come on now, aren't you 42?  We may feel old compared to some of the younger posters around here, but, seriously, we are in the prime of our lives.  I just became a Grandma, the kids have been out of the house for over a year now.  Let me tell ya, I am having a good time!  :lol:  And we is still young.  :wink:

No, not old at all.  My girlfreind became a mother for the 6th time at 42 (then the 7th at 50, but that is another story), so the 40s can be some of the better years.
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 August 04, 05:28:24
Quote from: "Lorelei"
We also typically learn better when using music or other mnemonics, because this makes additional connections in different parts of the brain. Also, you probably heard the music repeatedly and more frequently (in car, at skating rink/mall, in movie soundtrack, at home, at friends' houses, at beach or camp on portable radio/Walkman, etc.) than facts you learned sitting in your study area at home (usually the same one or two areas, same time of day, et cetera). Again, different environments, different connections in the brain.

Want to learn something and have it stick? Set it to a tune so your auditory memory is triggered, write down your new lyrics so your visual memory is triggered, then walk around your house and yard singing the new lyrics. Add some mnemonics, such as "Every Good Boy Deserves Favour" to learn specific keys on a piano or HOMES for the Great Lakes, and you won't forget the info soon.


An other trick is using words that sound the same.  For example, to for the difference between verticle and horizontal- vertigo and horizon.  Or rhymes/ aliteration(sp?)- to remember the correct way to turn screws/nobs, ect- righty tighty, lefty loosy.
But then us oldsters do learn losts of 'tricks' to help our fading memory...

Quote from: "SnarkyShark"
Quote from: "Freed Willy"

You're right.  In many ways, the things she says reminds me of my grandmother.... :twisted:

Run. Don't bother with personal belongings. JUST RUN NOW. I'll throw some meat (along with the admiration and respect) in Paden's direction. You run in the OPPOSITE direction. :wink:

 Paden and I are having walker races?
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 August 04, 05:15:09
Quote from: "SnarkyShark"
Quote from: "Paden"
...cause our brains tend to get more rigid as we age. Don't that suck? While the rest of us dissolves to flab and floppiness, the brain just gets firmer. Should be the other way around, at least a bit...

Paden, honestly, you should have a syndicated column. You're very often entertaining and sometimes just plain genius.

*SnarkyShark throws admiration and respect in Padens direction*

You're right.  In many ways, the things she says reminds me of my grandmother.... :twisted:
7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Main Street Sims: BTG's Golden Fuck Nut Award Winner on: 2007 August 04, 04:53:49
Quote from: "Pooki"
Looks like her yahoo group is gone again.  And she has this up on her site now.

Is her mention of HP new?
8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Main Street Sims: BTG's Golden Fuck Nut Award Winner on: 2007 August 04, 01:39:30
Quote from: "armywife"
I know someone at Yahoo and they told me that Yahoo got a lot of complaints about a harassing e-mail by this person.  They are considering banning her permenantly from Yahoo for harassment and account abuse.  We'll have to wait and see.

Of course, the pirates will get the blame.  We will have all fooled Yahoo into banning her.  She wil never see it as a responce to her OWN actions.
Jan, you wanna play Sims, play Sims.  You wanna make 'easy money on the Internet', find another way.  I know, how abouts a subscription site called 'Ramblings of a Confused Drama Queen'?

Quote from: "raekira"
You know, I feel very offended. I've never had certain luxuries that many other people have, like, say, enough food at any given time or clothes that fit. My family has always been very low-low-middle class to the point we're in the poor section. And I may not be a bastard technically, but I was conceived before my parents were married. As far as I understand, "bastards" are those born out of marriage.
(If you're wondering how I know about being conceived, I was born in September. My parents were married in February of that year. So I was made about a month before they were married.  :oops:)

No need for the embarrasment, raekira.  Don't take it so personal, Jan is tossing isnults blindly.  Next thing you know, she'll be calling me a satanistic, pinko, commy, facist, liberal, redneck, athiestic Yankee...
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / To Those with Legal Understanding, or Even an Opinion.. on: 2007 August 03, 21:58:29
Just some random thoughts:

Often in these threads, I see posts asking 'why so long' or 'think of the cost' when disscussing why EA hasn't done anything.  As many have stated already, the 'communities' of other mod-able games do NOT tolerate pay sites, the publishing companies will not tolerate them.  And when one does pop up, all it usualy takes is a 'cease and desist' letter to the site owner, or their provider, to bring such things to an end.  So if EA were really serious, they could close down 99% of the pay sites within a week.  Most sites do not have the finacial backing to go up against EA, even if they truly believed they would win.
Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that EA/Maxis (either or both) put the 'no pay sites' clause in their EULA 'just in case'.  They don't feel the need to use it at this time, and may have some worry that if they did enforce it, they might loose some future revenue.

Some of the advantages to creating a mod-able game are; it extends the life cycle of the game, increases the fan base, and reduces the amount of production for the game itself.  Seriously, how many people would have stayed with Sims or Sims2 as long as they did if the only content was what shipped with the games and the EPs?  How well would the EPs have sold?

EA may fear, that if they crack down on pay sites, they will eliminate a lot of the custom content, and/or the incentive for custom content.  They may not have a realistic 'picture' of the content and creators out there.  It also may be a low priority of theirs, they are releasing what may well be the last or next-to-last EP for Sims2 before they push Sims3.  And don't forget, they have many other titles as well.

Hell, they may be even thinking of a 'franchise' arrangement in the future- allowing a paysite for Sims3 in exchange for a 'cut' of the proceeds.  If they crush paysites now, it will be harder to do that in the future.  Or they could be looking at perhaps their biggest 'life game' competitor, Second Life, which ENCOURAGES the sale of custom content.  If that model works well, EA may well go that route.

ETA:  Addressing the 'fear' that a crack down on pay sites will 'spill over' into a crack down on free sites, the history of 'mod-able games' shows this not to be valid, when ever a crack down did occur, the free sites were left alone.  The only exceptions I ever saw were crack downs on 'adult' content, but that is  a completely different thing.  And, as I stated above, no custom content would mean much less revenue for the game.
10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 July 30, 01:05:49
Quote from: "armywife"
She's probably close to getting banned.  I hope so, she needs to crawl back over to TSR.  If I were Thomas, I'd be pissed at the way she acted, it wouldn't make anyone want to go to that site because of her and the way she talked to everyone.

Problem with that is, Thomas lacks rational thinking.  If it cause a drop in site visits, he'd turn it around and make it OUR fault.
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 July 29, 23:59:48
Quote from: "armywife"
That is so ridiculous to post that on a forum.  Brisbane whoever should have all fingers broken and be forced to eat dog shit.

EDIT:  I don't think that was Delphy.  Unfortunately, we should remember Jan at this point where anyone can write anything about anybody and it's up to the reader if you believe it or not.

EDIT #2:  All of Dina's posts have been deleted as well.  SMACK DOWN!

Smells more like LyricLee then Jan.
12  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Main Street Sims: BTG's Golden Fuck Nut Award Winner on: 2007 July 29, 23:57:30
Quote from: "that1chica"
Whoa! Did I miss the neglected and starving chilluns on that ride?!

What a fucking jip!

No, the proceeds from the ride go to support the Paysite Orphans Foundation.  The POF feeds the chilluns of former paysites owners, and gives them clothes that won't get them assualted on the playground.
13  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Main Street Sims: BTG's Golden Fuck Nut Award Winner on: 2007 July 28, 21:43:38
She obviously has no idea how computers or the Internet work.  The cops 'put things' on her computer to reroute to them?  MAYBE, the police decided SHE was a wack job and they are watching HER!

Seriously,  there are so many easier ways to track who might be harrassing her.  Local Usage Details (LUDS) would give the numbers of whoever called her.

Another thing so many of these Amurican wackos don't realise, not every one on the Internet is from the USA.  SO I guess she has to get InterPol invovled?
14  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Well, I don't know how much clearer it can get... on: 2007 July 28, 03:18:15
Quote from: "MIKEY"
Quote from: "Freed Willy"
You don't want to seem to really debate this. Pot shots? Eunich and 'Wee Willy' are not 'pot shots'? Gambit/Racket was a VALID opinion of your site. Then you make outrageous claims, meant to silence others on the grounds "I've been here longer, I know better then you". But that did play out as you planned, did it? You simply make your 'pot shots' because you are trying to deflect from the fact that you don't have valid responces for direct questions.

You dodge DIRECT questions - because you know your 'reasons' are spurious cover for simply wanting to make money were money should NOT be made.

I exposed you main argument as flawed, you ignored it, dodged it, and danced around it. Now you're pulling the old "I'm taking my ball and going home", simply because you don't have a valid answer.

Eunuch and Wee Willy were retaliatory to your prior comments.  Seems they have hurt your feelings too.

As for answers, I have already supplied my answers in my original reply to the email that was sent us.  As well as in my posts here today.  It is you who dance around and avoid.  And so what If I want to take my ball home and play with whom I choose.  It's my F'ing ball.  LOL.

So, goodbye.  I'll talk to either Hecubus, RedLove, or armywife...via email.


Retalitory to what comments?  Using the word 'horse shit'?  Sorry to offend you.
Show me one instance of my 'dancing and avoidance'.

Your tactic of 'turning it back' upon me is also a classic example of avoidance.
I have only asked  ONE question, yet you have not addressed it, simply because it shows your lying.  OR are you not?  Prove me wrong, I 'double dog dare' you.
Why do you claim you are a pay site to restrict access to adult material when not all of your pay stuff is adult?  You can't/won't  answer this, which PROVES you are a coward hiding behind a smoke screen.  You do not have a valid reason, you are simply doing out of GREED.
15  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Well, I don't know how much clearer it can get... on: 2007 July 28, 02:32:12
Quote from: "MIKEY"
Quote from: "Freed Willy"

Gambit or racket?

Forget it.  I see some of you are willing to talk.  And some aren't. And then you have Wee Willy who tries to converse, but keeps tossing in pot shots.  And if I fire back, then I'm a "troll", or full of shit.  There are 2 sides to every story, folks.  Doesn't mean necessarily that one is 100% right either.  I never claimed to be perfect, or an angel either.  <edit> And no one here is going to listen to me with one of theirs being a jackass.

But here you all stand fighting a fight, that doesn't exist, for EA (who seemingly could care less.)  There wallets get fatter and fatter every day. You talk about rights and morality, but as a whole you don't practice them. At least not fully.  It's a twisted, re-interpreted standpoint some of you are reaching from.  And I came here to try to talk.  If you want to talk, then email me so I can at least block or filter out the folks that just want to fight.

And don't get me wrong, if someone wants to hash it out, I'm ready, willing, and able to mette it out.  But I honestly didn't come here for that, and don't think it'll do any good.  Besides, there seem to be a couple of level-headed folk here who honestly think they have helpful answers...Those ones can email me.

But I promise, if anyone tries to start something via email, I'll being it right back to this forum for all their 'friends' to see.  That being said, if everyone here can prove they know how to be civil, I might be apt to come back and talk with everyone at once.


You don't want to seem to really debate this.  Pot shots?  Eunich and 'Wee Willy' are not 'pot shots'?  Gambit/Racket was a VALID opinion of your site.  Then you make outrageous claims, meant to silence others on the grounds "I've been here longer, I know better then you".  But that did play out as you planned, did it?  You simply make your 'pot shots' because  you are trying to deflect from the fact that you don't have valid responces for direct questions.

You dodge DIRECT questions - because you know your 'reasons' are spurious cover for simply wanting to make money were money should NOT be made.

I exposed you main argument as flawed, you ignored it, dodged it, and danced around it.  Now you're pulling the old "I'm taking my ball and going home", simply because you don't have a valid answer.
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