lol, I've never been a part of the HP community, but I started reading this thing and it sounds vastly amusing. Come to think of it, it reminds me a lot of the old BtVS/AtS community (which pretty much died when the series did) "Buffy should be with Angel" "no, Spike!" "What about Willow and Giles?" "Mmmm, SPIKE and XANDER" *grin* Made for excellent smut and excellent general reading when people first got going.
Never really thought about HP that way, though, because... Well... They're kids. It's for kids. It's... wrong. Or maybe I'm just getting old. Or maybe it's because I got stuck less than halfway through book five and never bothered to catch up again. My bf just finished book five and he said it's hardly worth the read, so that's not very encouraging. His brother says the movie doesn't make sense without the book, though. Oh, well...
Anyhoo, mentally unstable personas. Intriguing. I knew the HP fandom was messed up, guess I'll find out just how much. *munches popcorn*
I seriously thought you were talking about HystericalParoxysm. :lol: My excuse is that I just got home from work... :lol: