welcome! im am SO happy that a link to this site was found on the BBS, i hate those idiots! (benes, oh my god, benes!-ridiculous) glad you approve. pescado doesnt mean anything by what he says, lol, you have to just learn to love him!
You know, I'm glad somebody else said something about the EA BBSers and their vomiting of "benes" all over each other. I've been on enough boards to realize that every one has its own unique culture, but that level of forced cuteness should be beaten out of a person. I can only imagine a clique of bubblegum popping twelve year old girls convincing some partial lobotomy recipients that saying "kudos" wasn't saccharine enough, and for some reason chirping "good" in Italian was agreed upon as a replacement.
Eh, maybe I'm just being a grouchy old fuck, but I'm sticking by my position of "beatings for benes". Which is another reason why I'm glad to have found this place.
And I hope Piscado at least means what he says about doing this to piss paysite owners off. I think it's a worthy cause.