I don't think the underwear is skanky at all. I actually find them quite cute and attractive. It's so much better than the granny panties crapola that Eaxis gave elders.
I totally agree. Eaxis elders clothing is hideous. Not everything from TSR is fugly, otherwise the TSR section at the Booty wouldn't be there.
I'm curious now -- what's so special about Aikea's sims if a bunch of people want'em so?
Mainly that she has a big story about them, Deception Pass, and she won't share them - partly because she apparently doesn't want others to have them, and partly because a lot of their content is edited from other stuff - like blends of Enayla skins, etc., I think. I dunno, I don't think they're all that interesting, but a lot of folks seem to obsess over them.
Enayla by her turn edited Rens/Louis- body skins. Isn't a small world?