Speaking of which, the youth-centric culture we've built for ourselves seems so disheartening to me. I heard "oh God, he's soooo old, what can he know about it?" somewhere the other day and it got me rather angry. If we refuse to learn from our elders then who are we learning from?
The elder generation has ALWAYS detested those damn kids throughout the span of recorded history. As such, it can be demonstrated mathematically that people have been in a state of decline for a very long time, each successive generation more horrid than the previous. How do we know this? Quite simple: If A > B, and B > C, then A > C. As each previous generation has complained about the successive generation, it stands to reason that GN > GN+1, and as such, G0 must be greater than GWhatever We Have Now.The solution is quite simple: We must kill all of those damn kids!
Thanks for the laugh. I didn't get the whole number formulas but the last part was great!
(although I'm sure if I wanted to learnz the formulas I probably could, but it's late ya know? And I need more coffee or some other excuse not too.)