Let us not forget the red ring of death on the X-box 360, which I've only heard about but never experienced. Husband is a Play Station and Nintendo man console gamer. We've had great luck with the PS consoles, being now on our first replacement since the damn things hit the shelves way back when. We still have an original Play Station floating around, as well. And yes, I will admit that we also own the Play Station 3, as well. That was our last EVAR Sony purchase, though, which the husband agrees to as he plays Metal Gear Solid 4, which was his only reason for wanting the system in the first place. No problems with it yet and have my fingers crossed that there won't be. (He does play Pets on it, too, but that was gotten when it came out for the PS 2, before the SecuROM thing broke.)
Oh oh oh! We've gotten that before! ::Raises hand:: That SUCKED. We had to send it into Microsoft... But they paid for shipping, at least. Actually, it didn't take too long to get back, either. We did go through two other ones though when i tried going the used route, though.. =/ So i'd say buy new if its an Xbox360.