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The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Openhousejack
on: 2006 November 12, 00:11:37
Silly jesserocket.
And I don't believe there are any known exceptions to Rule 34. I'm sure it will soon be determined that this is a fundemental law of the universe and cannot be violated.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Retail Sims
on: 2006 November 08, 00:28:35
People really don't need a gift for donating. They've already gotten the gift, which was the freely available files for download on the site. Holding certain items 'hostage' until someone donates is not a donation, it's a sale.
People have always been willing to donate to free sites (big and small) to help defray costs, as long as the site provides good quality stuff. That's been going on forever. People trying to make their living off creating and selling custom content for the game need to be convinced that this is a not a viable business plan.
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / EA: All Your Mesh Are Belong To Us
on: 2006 November 08, 00:15:03
Well now, this whole thing just keeps getting better and better. :mrgreen:
EA actually did a good thing for a change. Imagine that. Did hell freeze over when I wasn't looking?
The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Retail Sims
on: 2006 November 04, 22:00:45
OMG, that is the most hilarious thing I've read in a long time. Waaa, I'm going to take my toys and go home! Then I'm going to keep making new toys and posting pictures of them, but you can't have them anymore!
Jebus H. Fucking Christ, grow up people.