I guarantee you Modthesims will NEVER be listed because of their past with having adult-related materials. It doesn't matter that they no longer have adult content there--they USED to and because of that EA has blacklisted them for life. I think that's ludicrous, but hey it's EA we're talking about here.
And what's with Hydra's signature? Whoever made it needs to go back to second grade. It's "Gurus", idiots.
Really? I thought that was what SexySims was for. I don't know much about MTS's past, since I was never really interested in CC until late in the Sims 2 series. That seems so silly. People change. Websites change. They should really give MTS another chance. :\ EA should really see the "More Smutty Than You" thread... or at least take a look at kenmtl's post. Then again, if they did, they wouldn't care anyway.
I think that signature was made by someone for the SimGurus team for a "food fight" game on the forums. I remember seeing the thread before, but it didn't seem very interesting. I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out. There are lots of kids out there. I wouldn't be surprised if whoever made that
was in the second grade either.