I agree with the concept. I mean I too desperatly want bigger boobs in the game... I even went to sexysims to grab bigger boobs for the nude state. But do not want THAT big! The boobs are almost falling damnit! That's too much reality ingame for me lol. And something tells me these don't replace the EA meshes, so you'ld have a cluttered clothes tabs. Uh. I'ld rather have a global mod sor something. Or even better: breasts slider! Fucking EA!! *waves raging fist* EA, females sims looks like 12 year old girls! That's awful! I have small boobs yet mine are still
bigger than my sims' ones! How silly is that?!
http://www.sexysims2.com/showthread.php?t=172461Would that be what you're looking for?