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76  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I wonder if Budweiser is getting a cut of the profits on: 2007 September 13, 07:07:00
Disney also busted a daycare for the same infringement. An amateur artist painted Mickey and friends on the outside of the house and it took mere days for them to get a C&D order.
77  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I wonder if Budweiser is getting a cut of the profits on: 2007 September 12, 23:04:02
Quote from: "SparklePlenty"
I think this pretty much confirms that this forum is being closely monitored by all sorts of TSR trash (and Jan, of course) because the moment we fix on a problem, it gets corrected.

All the better! Pescado has new IPs to watch, as they dip into the booty files.

It is also more convenient for us, as they apparently are all about testing to see how far they can push the boundaries and break the law, and self-correct when they are (inevitably) caught, and it's convenient for me, as I hardly ever go to their sites, but get to see the paysiter stupidity all gathered in one convenient place.
78  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Simsweb pl. on: 2007 September 12, 08:09:02
I'd far prefer to be afflicted with vampirism than zombification, myself. Vampires tend to retain their personality and intellect and physical appearance.

There are also different types of vampirism, not all of which result in inevitable death for victims (though some can be just as nasty: ).

I think adapting to a vampire lifestyle and deriving enjoyment from it would depend on how attached one is or was to things, in life, that vampires can't easily enjoy. If you happened to be a very gregarious sort, and outgoing, you would no doubt miss various human companions as they inevitably died on you. If you tend to be a solitary character by nature, however, you wouldn't mind as much, as you wouldn't form deep emotional bonds in the first place. If you tend to get lonely or bored easily, being a vamp is not for you. If you enjoy your own company and manage to entertain yourself with ease, you'd adapt better.

In philosophy of mind, zombies are hypothetical persons who lack full consciousness but behave otherwise just like other people; thought experiments involving them are often used as metaphors for doubting the existence of minds besides one's own. They are referred to as philosophical zombies or "p-zombies". (wiki)

Again, it is a choice between having a functioning consciousness and possessing self-determination, or merely existing and either being entirely a creature of electrical impulses remaining in the brain pan / someone else's will.

Either way you are dead, but in one case your physical form is preserved and your will and consciousness remain, and in the other your physical form degrades and you are a mindless horror. In the former case, it is possible to attempt to adhere to a moral code and to make the best of the situation, and in the latter, your impulses drive you to be a predator and you lack the consciousness or ability to choose not to harm others.

Longevity and the instinct towards self-preservation is not part of the zombie mythology. Eventually the shell being propelled about falls apart or is consumed by others of its kind, or destroyed by its intended prey. Conversely, longevity and doing anything to continue to survive is one of the major themes in the vampire mythos.

Neither state is ideal, but if one is not interested in maintaining an identity or in self-preservation, zombification would definitely be the less lengthy ordeal. You might do gross things, but "you" wouldn't be around to apply moral judgment or feel pangs of conscience about your behaviors. You'd certainly be free from worldly cares and any personal responsibility.

Vampirism would come with its own challenges, but ultimately the monster you became would still depend to a great extent on the type of person you were before you were infected / transformed.

Also, a small investment in several banks would quickly, to a vampire's mind, multiply into enough financial resources to allow you to adapt in style to your new situation.

If I have to be an undead monster, I'd prefer not to be smelly and have bits of me dropping off, and I'd prefer to be able to make conscious choices about my behavior and interactions with others. If I'm going to be a ruthless predator, perhaps I deserve to feel a little guilt.  :twisted:
79  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Email from Wood for Sims on: 2007 September 10, 08:52:54
Or it could be poor design, non-optimized graphics  and/or a shitty web host.

Or, hey, she could just be lying about the cost of bandwidth to justify charging a fee.


Not like THAT's a new trick.

We don't need to give the ratfinks out there more ideas that will help them harass others, do we? When they think for themselves, they are merely annoying and stupid. Why should we think up clever evil plans for them?   :shock:
80  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Main Street Sims: BTG's Golden Fuck Nut Award Winner on: 2007 September 10, 06:11:11
Quote from: "Hecubus"
So...moving on:

I was watching Mythbusters just now, and realized that something cohost Adam Savage said (and has a t-shirt for) is Jan's motto:

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."

That explains it all.

That's a grand motto if, like, you're actually a sane person.

Nutbags are not allowed to own or wear this shirt. Tongue

And I lurve JaimeCat! LOL
81  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Main Street Sims: BTG's Golden Fuck Nut Award Winner on: 2007 September 09, 08:48:35
Quote from: "armywife"

With that said, I hope you will reconsider and know that NOT everyone feels that way about you or anyone of the other "refugees".   Cheesy

This is true, we don't all feel that way. Unlike some people (Jan), all the people you see here are different people, none of which share a brain. Smiley I hope you stay.

I think that with all the fucknuttery going on, some of us got a little gunshy and skittish. We now Jan reads the thread, and is fond of being 42 different people at any given time. With all the newbies in the thread, clearly someone just overlooked your posts and overreacted a wee bit.

Also, someone who isn't Jan has no reason to fear 1337 pirate-y "spy skillz" tracking multiple personalities, because if you're not one of Jan's Hydra heads, that quickly becomes obvious.
82  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 September 09, 08:42:35
Quote from: "Paden"
*singsong voice* Oh, Lorelei!!! WANT! Seriously, I would love to have those kind of things, because I've been getting my simplaying sister converted. Hell, she was converted the first time I pointed out the legalities to her, and then, I introduced her to Mr. Booty Page! She was in heaven! What kind of design/payment method/sizes for t-shirts do you have in mind, I would love to see them. If I still had all of my fabric paint, I'd make up a few t-shirts of my own, with the saying, "I canz get booty. Azk me how!" Wouldn't that make a few people wonder what in the hell I was up to... Yeah, I used to paint my shirts and stuff, made a lot of cool smeg... I miss those days...

I can make a general design that goes on every shirt they make, including dark ones, or a few specific ones. Ditto coffee mugs.

I'm thinking a pirate, or jolly roger skull pirate, or pirate ship, or several designs along those lines. All with a link to the booty. Taglines can vary.

For a coffee mug, the tagline should be something like "This needs more rum". Cheesy
83  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Do they realize the irony??? on: 2007 September 09, 08:40:13
Snopes is fairly safe; it is an excellent urban legend repository.

The link mentioned probably just debunks the urban legend that Pop Rocks and Coke will blow up your stomach.

You can actually consume both together without risk of anything more exciting than some interesting belches.

This was also debunked on Mythbusters.

There's a related urban legend about Mentos and soda pop.
84  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 September 08, 22:36:02
Quote from: "thecheese"
They have their own coffee mug? That whole site must be some elaborate, sick, joke. PMBD mugs would be interesting...

I could handle that. Smiley

I can haz art skillz and cafe press shop thing.

How about some tee-shirts?

Bumper stickers?

I have a little free time this week. After that, not so much. Could bang out some piratey goodness tonight and tomorrow and get them online.

Up to you guys.

85  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / The Sims Mod Board is having problems, too. on: 2007 September 08, 06:49:24
I thought Katy and smithycpl were BFFs.

In fact, that whole list sounds like Katy V. The World. I recognize most of those names as being Big Name SMB creators / subfora owners from back when i used to visit the place. Weird!


Curiouser and curiouser.
86  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 September 07, 04:36:05
Re: Tom the Charlatan. Holy schnizz, I have carbonation burn in my nose.

Note to self: drinks go IN, drinks go IN, drinks do not go OUT, especially not out via the nostrils.
87  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Coco Sims Closing! Another paysite Destroyed! on: 2007 September 07, 04:34:32
Quote from: "liegenschonheit"
I dunno, I must be a freak in this community. I don't celebrate when a site closes down entirely, I celebrate when a site goes from pay to entirely free or decides to just upload everything to MTS2. I don't like driving creators to stop completely, I just want them to stop charging.

You're not alone.

I don't want creators to go away or stop creating (unless they are Carla Niven), and I, too, prefer to help paysites go free rather than burn them to the ground.

Most paysite people are not bad people, just misguided. The greedtrolls and "1337 haxx0rz" and butthurt slandering gossipers make the rest of them look bad.

I want to help them avoid being sued into oblivion by EA and copyright holders like Disney, from resorting to illegal behaviors such as DDOS attacks, and from being hated and reviled by those of us who obey the law and EA guidelines for filesharing.

If they choose not to accept our help, then they are fair game, and THEN I do not mind at all if their sites go down in flames.

And I will throw a party the day TSR goes toes up like a dead Norwegian Blue.
88  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / The Sims Mod Board is having problems, too. on: 2007 September 06, 18:37:48
Quote from: "Aquamarine"

That's actually quite interesting.
The truth is, according to the polls, INTJs only polled as 20%, rather than the "majority" as Lorelei stated, but it's certainly and visibly a dominantly overrepresented faction.

That seems slightly more realistic. I automatically assumed she meant 51% or more, which was just laughable, all things considered. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, no, Lorelei just posted hastily and didn't catch the wrong word choice.

What I meant was that the temperament type with the largest number of respondents claiming it was their MB type was INTJ which had approximately twice the votes when compared the second-most popular choice.

Or: INTJ had most votes, yo. Second place had far fewer votes than INTJ. I/T types overall seem to be predominant. For an MB type that is supposedly rare, more people claim to be this type than any other type (ant other individual type, not all 15 other types combined) by a roughly 2:1 margin.
89  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Main Street Sims: BTG's Golden Fuck Nut Award Winner on: 2007 September 06, 16:42:59
Quote from: "JFederated"

Dear Jan,

Pay for your own damn bandwidth!  No one told you to go make a fecking website, you ass!  If you can't foot the bill, GTFOff teh interwebz!

Not About to Pay Your Bills, oh HAIL NO.

Seriously! An addendum to your excellent letter:

P.S. Hey, bitch, get a real job for fuck's sake.

Everyone else has to do it, why not you?
90  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Main Street Sims: BTG's Golden Fuck Nut Award Winner on: 2007 September 05, 22:50:26

How many times is she going to open and close sites?

Everyone is on to her mental illness by now. Whatever pity I might have had, should she actually have sought any help, has long since vanished.

The really funny thing was that this particular round of drama was all spawned because someone kindly offered to help her with hosting costs so she could go free. That's it.

Nothing malicious whatsoever.

She went ape-shit and alienated a bunch of people who, instead of pitying poor ol' crazy Jan, pointed and laughed instead.

So now she's butthurt, paranoid, freaking out her most loyal friends, and generally acting like a loon.

I already posted a long screed about my opinion about her overall mental health (obviously poor, needs therapist, OMFGWTF, Earth Logic not detected, ABORT! ABORT!), so backtrack a few pages for that if you care.

I join the other "pirates" in welcoming our new refugee friends. Hello, have some rum.

No one here is an unmedicated, irresponsible crazy, even those of us on meds.

BTW, the song I hear in my head when I read a Jan post is by Suicidal Tendencies.

Sometimes I try to do things, and it just don't turn out the way I wanted to and I get real frustrated, it's like, I take my time and I try real hard, but no matter what I do and no matter what I try it never works out, it's like I concentrate on it real hard, but it never works out, it's like I need some time to figure these things out, but there's always someone there going:

- Hey Mike, you know, we been noticing you've been having a lot of problems lately, you know, and like maybe you should talk about it, you'd  feel a lot better.

And I go:

- No, it's OK, I know I have some problems, I'll figure it out myself, just leave me alone, I'll figure it out.

And they go:

- Why don't you talk about it, you'll feel a lot better?

And I go:

- No, I don't want to, just leave me alone, I'll figure it out myself!

And they keep on bugging me and it builds up inside, it builds up inside...

So you're gonna be institutionalized
You'll come out brainwashed with bloodshot eyes
You won't have any say
They'll brainwash you until you see their way

I'm not crazy - institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - institutionalized

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed professional help
To protect me from the enemy, myself

I was sitting in my room, and I was like staring at the walls thinking about everything but then again I was thinking about nothing, and then my mom came in and I didn't notice she was there and she calls my name and I didn't hear her and then she started screaming:

- Mike, Mike!

And I go:

- What, what's the matter?

She goes:

- What's the matter with you?

I say:

- Nothing mom.

She goes:

- Don't tell me nothing, you're on drugs!

I go:

- No mom, I'm not on drugs, I'm OK, I'm just thinking, you know, why don't you get me a Pepsi?

She goes:

- No, you're on drugs, you're crazy, normal people won't be acting that way!

I go:

- Mom, I'm all right, I'm just thinking, you know, so why don't you, like give me a Pepsi?

And she goes:

- No, you're crazy!

All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me, just one Pepsi.

They give you a white shirt with long sleeves
Tied around you're back, you're treated like thieves
Drug you up because they're lazy
It's too much work to help a crazy

I'm not crazy - institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - institutionalized

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed professional help
To protect me from the enemy, myself

I was sitting in my room and my mom and my dad came in and they pulled up a chair and they sat down, they go:

- Mike, we need to talk to you.

And I said:

- Okay, what's the matter?

They go:

- Well, me and your mom, we been noticing lately you've been having a lot of problems, and you haven't been acting like yourself, and we're afraid that you're going to hurt somebody, and we're afraid that you're gonna hurt yourself, so we decided that it would be in your best interest if we put you somewhere where you could get the help that you need...

And I said:

- Wait, what are we talking about?! We decided?! My best interest?! How can you know, how can you say what my best interest is? What are you trying to say? I'm crazy? When I went to your schools, I went to your churches, I went to your institutional learning facilities. So how can you say that I'm crazy?

They say they're gonna fix my brain
Alleviate my suffering and my pain
But by the time they fix my head
Mentally I'll be dead

I'm not crazy - institutionalized
You're the one who's crazy - institutionalized
You're driving me crazy - institutionalized

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
To give me the needed professional help
To protect me from the enemy, myself

It doesn't matter, I'm trying to get hit by a car anyway.


(All I wanted was a Pepsi. GOSH!)
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