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31  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Openhousejack on: 2006 November 11, 13:53:26
I see nothing wrong in prostitution. I would definitely sell my virginity for a pair of True Religion's jeans. Volunteers, anyone?

Btw, I'm not inclined to believe to what he(?) writes on his MySpace. I've learned that, usually, the more a person publicly complain about some issue, the less are the chances that the problem is that bad.. or real.

As for the work thing. I have no idea of how are the working conditions in the States, so I can't judge this.
I know that here where I live, Italy, finding a work *is* a *real* problem.

Steady jobs almost doesn't exist anymore - the most of the contracts last for 1 or 3 months and then you're unemployed again - and this means you really have no chances to legally get an house on your own or something, because no one is willing to sell/rent an house to someone who doesn't have a steady job.

I know alot of people in their middle 20s that still live with their parents. I myself am almost 19 but I still live with my mum- not that I dislike to stay with her, but yes I would also like to have an home on my own.
In my specific case, I dropped highschool at seventeen due to personal reasons, this means I don't have a diploma and finding a decent job is even harder for me.

So, yes, I understand that living with your parents when you're almost 30 and having no job is a real problem, but still I don't think this is a valid reason to open a paysite.  :?

As for the prostitution thing. I higly doubt this is true, and btw I find kinda ..offensive that someone could say things such as "I sell my body for a pair of panties". :?
Prostitution is a real issue, alot of women and men prostitue themself to feed their family, so if what he writes is true, it's really nasty.

But then again I don't believe this is true, so I'm not gonna make a big drama about it and this whole post is useless :lol:
32  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / EA: All Your Mesh Are Belong To Us on: 2006 November 11, 11:32:45
Quote from: "Twain"
Of course on the bright side..this is another example of how stupid EA is :-/

I actually thought it was great to have meshes included into SimPackages, it would make Sims sharing way easier.
Bu then again a bunch of creators would pop up complaining about "illegal" redistribuition of their meshes, so..  :?
33  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: More on MTS2 banning links or mentioning PMBD in sigs on: 2006 November 07, 20:24:39
Quote from: "shakiyla"
I started the thread... No where in the rules did it say I couldn't put i PMBD in my siggie. Then on here I read they'd take it off so I had to put it up there. I got in trouble there and a friend of mine Pmmed me telling me to be careful on another site. I'm not afraid of lyric or the other mods. I really don't care anymore. I'm going to finish out my contest there and then I'm not going back. All my stuff will be on InSim. This is BULL!
I see Delphy warned you. Blech.
I so *hate* how MtS and S2C are quickly becoming a sort of online-tird-reich. No wonder if they'll introduce a "Heil-Delphy" button somewhere.  :?

So sad. MtS used to be a lovely place, once.

Quote from: "coliss"
I like how everything is turning into gossip. :lol:
I kind of majored in Gossips, so I'm loving all this Eve-Delphy drama. I didn't know about it  :lol:
34  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Retail Sims on: 2006 November 07, 20:12:45
Quote from: "sickpuppy"
In fact, without SimPE they'd make NOTHING! Let's not forget Quaxi works for FREE.
Actually, everytime I check Quaxi's site I'm darn afraid to find out it became pay. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he goes pay. I hope not, even thought I would definitely donate something to them if they had some paypal account or something (do they..?)

BTW, I really don't understand all this drama about Retail Sims.
Well, I've always considered their stuff pretty too low quality, so I guess this is why I'm not particularly moved (I actually didn't even know it was a paysite, lol).

If she really think people will miss her stuff, then I suppose she will be kinda disappointed. She can post all the pics of her unavaiable stuff she wants, but I highly doubt people will visit her site anymore, if there's nothing to download. And she will be quickly forgotten  :?
Not meant to be mean, I'm just being rational and honest.

So, what's all the drama about?

And, small OT, Coliss, I love your avatar Smiley
35  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Carla Niven must be destroyed! on: 2006 November 02, 15:32:27
Seriously, when I first saw the site I thought is was a big joke. Actually, I still think this is just an hoax.
36  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / For Lyriclee on: 2006 November 02, 15:23:58
Quote from: "yamikuronue"
and eventually, when the debate starts to go sour and people call Lyriclee names, the entire thread is DELETED, not locked, by Lyriclee, moments after I messaged Delphy saying that Lyriclee was calling various posters names and behaving like a total brat.
Nothing like burning the evidence, eh?

Actually, I don't think she deleted the thread to "burn the evidence" so that Delphy couldn't read it.
As far as I know, when a MOD/ADMIN delete a thread/post in a VBullettin board the "ordinary users" can't see it anymore, but all the others mods/admins can.
I think LL basically deleted it because of the people attacking her.

Quote from: "Enelar"
[..]Most often, I share my work with those who appreciate it and might be inspired to write their own or just be made happy by it. That's my payment - my work being enjoyed by another and if people want to donate to me a resource book I need or artwork or money for bandwidth (back when I had a site) or ink for my printer, well then I let them but I don't charge for my many weeks, months and sometimes years of effort.
[..]I choose to write just like creators choose to make items. It's not a job, it's something done for fun and enjoyment. No one makes these creators put out new objects, no one forces them to design new meshes. They do it to improve the game. Now if they themselves had created and owned The Sims 2 - they could by all rights charge... but they don't. It's just like fanfic, the parent company is allowing them to use their resources to create and so long as the items in question are for The Sims 2, only EA owns the right to charge per item. Be thankful EA isn't cracking down and allows players to create and distribute fan content. Keep abusing the system and they might start.
As for the game costing alot. Well.. it does. I've spent $350 this year between expansion packs and upgrades to my computer. The point being made is the game is expensive enough without paysites trying to milk every last drop. Let's face it, EA is pretty shitty when it comes to content for male sims. If I want say long hair on my male sim, why should I have to fork over $20 to someone who maybe put a few hours of work into shaping a mesh? Why shouldn't EA get any of that money? We pay that much for a "stuff pack" and the community is already unhappy about that, why give that much to one site for maybe a few meshes?
Another important point - not everyone has a credit card or Paypal. By making a site pay, you're shutting those folks out and as one of those who didn't have either option for years, I can say that sucks pretty hard. A lot of folks I knew in the Sims 1 days who were file sharers were under 18 or in other countries where Paypal wasn't available. Okay sure, tell them to do without. Well maybe that would be okay if you had any right to charge and make profit to begin with..
So if it costs so much.. why do I buy the Sims? To be honest, it distracts me from my disability and fills the long hours while I'm stuck inside. I'm sorry if someone thinks I'm not entitled to a hobby because my income level won't allow me to afford $50 in paysites per month. I do tend to go without a few things when a new expansion comes out but it's not something I could afford all the time. Rest assured if it cost $15 to play the Sims every month, I wouldn't. [..]And lastly, Lyriclee's attitude upsets me. I know mods suffer from tons of stress and bullshit but the whole reason they are chosen as mods is because they are suppose to know how to handle that without reverting to behaving like a child and waving a ban stick while uttering the F word. Moderators are also expected to obey their own rules. If Lyriclee behaved that way and wasn't a mod, don't you think her ass would be banned?


And as for the "being a moderator is stressful" thing, I think this is a pretty weak excuse.
I understand that at times user can be whining, annoying, whatever. But, I believe one of the better things of internet is, you don't always have to be.. spontaneous.
When you feel you're getting tired or nasty, all you have to do is shout down your computer. Drink a cup of tea, smoke a cigarette, practice yoga, do whatever you want to cool down, and then you can eventually turn on your computer again.
So.. I really don't think that this is an excuse for LL behaviour. She surely has some reasons to act like she does, but I don't think this is one of them.
37  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / two cents.. on: 2006 October 27, 19:05:18
Before starting, I'd love to introduce myself.
I'm Stella, and you can find me with this nickname both on MtS and on S2C.

Just in case someone wants to look at my IP and my logs, ..don't.
Yes, I have downloaded from this site and no, I'm not gonna deny it.
..But God-our-savior told me to do it, so, don't blame me for that  

I just couldn't resist from posting a couple of words about our beloved LyricLee.
Someone mentioned the "Exchange Bandits" thread over S2C.
I am one of those who took part of the huge fight.. or maybe I even started it, not sure about it.

I don't think that LL was talking specifically about herself with the "raising kid" line, but more generally of pay sites owners.
When I read it I almost started laughing. Usually pay-creators take the time to make up some story about the bandwith costs and such, but not Lyric :lol:
And when I mentioned that, here, were I live, people have "this very weird thing called work" to raise their kids, I was called rude, evil, demeaning, nasty, and at the very end I was even threatened to be banned  :roll: .
What I found really amusing was how a simple statement ("it's not legal to sell Sims 2 custom content") was turned into a general message against every kind of online commerce  :?

I tried to keep talking about the original subject of the topic, but after seeing that it's not possible to have a mature and polite debate with some people, I just gave up.
Unluckly, this means I missed the final part of the thread.. since it was deleted (so if anybody have it saved somewhere.. I'd love to read the rest Cheesy )

Beside this, I can't say I hate LyricLee. After my small fight with her, I was contacted by a bunch of "LyricLee haters", and I admit I was kinda ..puzzled. I knew that a lot of people didn't like her - but I had no idea so many people in fact *hate* her.
I don't know, I just feel a bit sorry for her. I really hope that she isn't similar to her online persona, because if she is, then I highly doubt she will ever have any true friend - just a bunch of ass-lickers, if she hold a certain position.

I've also lost lot of respect for Delphy. I found out a lot of things about the guy that I would have never thought.
That quote posted by Immortal says a lot about it.

I have no idea of the context in wich this words were written, so I really can't judge or anything, but the way LL conduct is always supported by her clique is upsetting.

I for one am not judging her as a person, I don't even know the kid! I'm judging her as admin of a community - and I dare to say she's pretty much too over the top to be a good mod.

As for the whole paysite thing.. I could stay here hours talking about it :wink: .
Just to sum it up, I can say that I don't like pay sites, I don't believe one should make profit from TS2, and most of all, if paysite owner would stop to make content because of file-sharing, I couldn't care less.
There will always be free creators sharing their stuff for the simple pleasure of seeing others using it. Like I do

I'd love to reason this points closely, but my poor english keep me from doing it  :lol:

I'm done. My two cents were given.. goodnight  :wink:
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