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271  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / New paysite threatening to open on: 2007 March 29, 02:51:14
I find this whole discussion tedious, especially the bit about how I (we), by virtue of posting on here, am (are) actively harassing paysite owners.

As I've noted before, once you violate the EULA and try to wring money out of your peers for pixels, you're dead to me and cease to exist. No attention, no site hits, no e-mails, nothing.

The most I do is point and laugh.

In Net-Macro-ese: "Plz to not feed the attention hos, kthxbye."

I think the lion's den analogy is apt. I won't seek THEM out, but if they come to our playhouse and Are More Stupid, then they pretty much volunteer for all abuse and dogpiling they get, at least here in the forum. Don't like it? Go away, or lurk and tremble in impotent rage like the other scurvy dog paysite people.

272  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Universal Sims... on: 2007 March 28, 15:35:18
One of the few things I hate more than paysites is SPAM. So if I failed to conceal my email info well enough to avoid getting e-panhandled, it won't do them any good.
273  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Time to replace the fridges Seasons borkinated! on: 2007 March 28, 00:13:57
Does anyone know if the following have been updated for Seasons?

274  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / More and more disgusted with OpenHouseJackAss on: 2007 March 25, 16:24:14
Did you guys hear about the guy who goatse'd MySpace? He got tired of people hotlinking to his files without credit and stealing his bandwidth, so he changed their locations and replaced them with goatse images. Since one of the major offenders was a site offering MySpace theme code, and lots of people failt to look at their site's appearance, choosing instead to just read bulletins and mail and whatnot, some people STILL have animated, flashing, enormous goatse images on their pages. Heh!

I feel a little sorry for the folks who had no idea the free theme site stole hotlinked images, but not at all sorry for those who did it deliberately.
275  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Poser Content on: 2007 March 25, 14:16:06
You have to look at the underlying structure, not the texture. What's also confusing is taking into account alpha edits, which can make long ponytail shapes look shorter, because the texture isn't allowed to extend to the end of the potential mesh frame edge.

As for how many ponytails there can be for one game: a googillion. Which is why I've started to be really aggressive about zorching similar hair meshes.

@Nouk: I noticed that most, if not all, of your new hair items are binned, thanks! Should I re-DL old things, assuming that they've been caught and binned? Also, major kudos for, as far as I can tell, keeping polys super low in your work. I *heart* that, a LOT.
276  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 March 25, 14:10:18
You forgot:

Oh mah ghod, mah boy hairz iz NEVAR to be used on wimmenz!!!!eleventy!!11!
*spaz froth flail weep moan bitch*

People are crazy.
277  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Oh dear - We made Fandom Wank again. on: 2007 March 23, 07:57:42
Quote from: "Quinctia"
Quote from: "Lorelei"
Quote from: "Surelyfunke"
Whatever you're smoking, Lorelei, I want some. Cool

DJARUM Bali Hai cloves!

Those are too harsh for me, I go with the Lites or the Cherry, usually!

I miss Sampoerna Classics. Those were the best.
278  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Oh dear - We made Fandom Wank again. on: 2007 March 22, 17:11:47
Quote from: "Surelyfunke"
Whatever you're smoking, Lorelei, I want some. Cool

DJARUM Bali Hai cloves!

The good stuff makes me sleepy.

The real neuron-scrambler for me is chocolate-covered espresso beans. I hate to think what I might have posted if I had access to those right now.

This is old-fashioned crankiness after dealing with GeekSquad, several departments of "I don't know, let me transfer you to limbo and MUZAK Barry Manilow and Jimmy Buffett for a half hour" at grad school, and too many errands I need to be doing rather than waiting for callbacks. Spite causes me to free-associate sometimes.

Because I do not have access to sharp, pointy things and the backsides of people who are annoying me or the ability to combine them in vengeful ways.
279  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Oh dear - We made Fandom Wank again. on: 2007 March 22, 15:44:30
Quote from: "Aquamarine"
Quote from: "Lorelei"

Your forgot the Deception Pass girl having some kind of breakdown because people were downloading her super-special-awesome Tristan sim (or whatever the hell happened with this. I don't speak LJ-angst well enough.)

He's an embodiment of an entity in her head, after all. One shouldn't share those kinds of things.

Aqua, I've only been Sim2-ing for, like, five-six weeks. This is drama I missed out on!

Here are some belated eyerolls: :roll: :roll: :roll:

The crazy person with "weh, mah husband is cheating on me because his PIXELself talked to a PIXELtownie" dates back to Sims 1. I vaguely recall the LULZ over that. Sshodan, I saw her disclaimers. (OMFG, mah hairs on wimmenz, sky will fall!)  

We get our share of the crazy. But babyFurries with diapers (holy deity, you don't want to know) and otaku yaoi squeeing (now with added tentacles and upskirts! Yes, men in skirts! with pointy plastic Crayola hair! stop validating Japanese weirdness, they do that to point and laugh at you!) and Real People Slash Fic (take two het people, add buttsecks, get out thesaurus for synonyms for "moist" and "turgid", blend until everyone not into such things starts hunting for trepanning kits to make the bad brain pictures stop) still make our nutters look almost...normal.

I'm waiting for goatse / Tubgirl fursuit Trek pr0n with cat macros and Bible-thumping set at Hogwartz with magikal Ewoks. Acted out in 3-D on Second Life by griefer goons from SA, Plastic Duckzilla and a PRIM of LEGO Trogdor's beefy arm. There will be Sailor Moon upskirts and updates sent to eBaum's House of Theft courtesy of cranky Weebl fans, disguised as a DOSS attack. Snopes will call it a verified rumour. will stop scanning in forensic journal photos long enough to shrug. MySpace will be flooded with OMFGWTFBBQ bulletins and crappy band Add Me spam. (Oh wait, that's nothing new.) Fark and Worth1000 will make mocking Photoshop images. Pes will Point And Laugh [tm]. Lindsay Lohan will continue to lack variety in her facial expressions. Sims 2 fans will say, "well, groovy, but I want MAKIN' MAGIC STUFFZ!" Canter and Siegel will rise from the dead and offer everyone a goddamned green card. Kibo will pop up whenever his name is mentioned. Joel Furr will rot-13 "Sheesh!" and obsess over lemurs. Kurdt Kobain Not Rilly Ded, just Nailed To Perch posts will reappear. OpenHouseJack will feel like a piker, unable to compete with PaintShopPro renditions of yaoi jockstraps su de su su de su kawaii. NeoPetz will claim there is no spoon, in a rare burst of outdated relevance, then ask "What about the chilllldruuuun?" Uninformed idiots will fight over politics ad infinitum, all while neglecting to READ anything. There will be angst over body modifications and sexual preference, none of which will be remotely interesting to anyone but the OP. LiveJournal will consist solely of fights over who stole whose Goatse / TubGirl icons and pastede-on ded-ness and pseuicide. 20-year-old Monty Python jokes will be considered HIGH-larious again. It will all be posted in l337speak.

Then the net will asplode.

And YouTube will have videoezzz of it.

And the Grinch will grow three IQ points that day.


280  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / FYI: InSIMinator updated for Seasons on: 2007 March 22, 13:32:04
No problem!

If you have any problems, I'm selling it on EBay for $5. Get it while it's hot!

281  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / "Destroy" A Paysite (or any site) Today! on: 2007 March 22, 09:58:27
Excellent submissions!

A fun game with WallSims is judging how many cheats, other people's content (shiny, shiny floorz!) and Photoshop manipulations each picture requires to look the way it does.
282  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Oh dear - We made Fandom Wank again. on: 2007 March 22, 09:37:24
Seriously. They MUST be bored. That barely qualifies as a tiff, much less a wank.

I idly browsed their tags, and other Sims 2 related stuff was similarly tame.

Well, other than the woman who apparently was experiencing some kind of psychotic break with reality, given that she was so upset that her SimHusbandReplica was more friendly with a Townie than "her": a SimSelf. She may be beyond therapeutic assistance.

And there was something about free v. pay sites. Have you guys heard anything about that?


What about wankiness over male "hairs" converted for women?

Poser mesh theft?

The wankiness of the idea of Sims needing religious items?

Wankiness from parents who ignore the T-rating and then demand that someone make the game safe for the chillldruuuun?

Stupidity from politicians who think pixelated Sim WooHoo is in any way enticing or pornographic?

Dumbarsery about who stole some copyright content or Poser mesh first and claimed it was original and who merely stole the stolen stuff and claimed that THAT was original? (As coma-inducing as a "you stole my ICON!!!oneeleventyone!1" fight)

Dumbasses at TheStupidRegurgitory probably making profiles for known freesite supporters and watching the gullible and concerned alike run around like SimAnts under a magnifying glass. Let's post more OHNOEZZZ! about that.

People unable to accept kicking, stomping and smiting as Pescado-speak for "I acknowledge your presence and only hate you at the default setting, you haven't been interesting enough for me to nickname, Sim you, or start a thread about how fat, hairy, fugly or stupid you are...yet. I'll do that when I decide I really like you a lot" and getting their widdle feewinks all bruised. What do you want? He comes labeled for your convenience! "Fat Obstreperous Jerk"! Right there! Not even in Engrish! Do not taunt Happy Fun Pes. It's gelignite with a beard. Do not poke.

Drama-llama over killing pixels. PIXELS!! For fuck's sake!! So, don't kill yours. Some days it's a challenge just keeping natural Sim stupidity from having the inevitable Darwinian result. (Disclaimer: no Sims were burninated for this message.)

How about seriously justifiable wank resulting from discovering that people were sharing subscribers' credit info and names, addresses, etc. in Double Sekrit Fora?

Isn't OpenHouseJackoff worthy of wank? (No pun intended. TRULY. Gruh.)

Legal Beagle wank is always fun. I iz gunna soo yoo  :shock:  :shock: for sharing my stuffz that I do not legally ownz cuz I fail to comprehend logic and law. My made-up lawyer will be e-mailing you soon, LOLZ, I no u iz skairt now!

Denial Of Service threats are also fun! I iz gunna thweaten j00 with virii and stuffs,  :shock:  :shock: but I can't really do it, for some made-up reason I'll make up, so I'll just impotently wave my fists around and pretend I could actually do this, LOLZ, I no u iz skairt now!

Srsly. So much wank, so little time. This ranks as a 0.01 on the Wankster Scale. A mouse farting has equivalent earthshaking capability.

IMVHO, of course.

283  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 March 22, 09:06:45
God! What kind of loser lacks a life so much that they'd make an account under someone else's name? If, of course, that's what's going on.

*eyerolls so hard I get a headache*

I vote that we set this to "ignore" until we actually have some facts to back up the speculation, because to do otherwise feeds someone's desperate need for attention and validation.

Note to identity-smurfing trolls: please do something more useful, such as shutting down your computer and getting laid, reading a book, talking to other humans with your vocal cords not via typing, going for a walk, etc.
284  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Noukiesims2 hosting account suspended on: 2007 March 21, 18:18:34
Nouk, the primary benefit of CSS is less work for you. You make your template or templates, and then any files / text can be pointed to within the CSS code.

This way updates require you updating a text file and your new pix and files, rather than redesigning each page and changing info on every other page in your site pointing to that page.

Changing the look of your entire site is also a matter of minutes and editing one (or, at most, a handful) of files.
One Fell Swoop design is much easier to maintain, so def. do CSS.

Google "Zen Garden" and CSS for examples of the same info presented 100 different ways. They defined different fonts, different colour sets, different headlines, different backgrounds, different layouts, etc., but as different as each page looks, it has EXACTLY the same content!

The biggest space saver, besides putting the forum elsewhere or foregoing it, will be using the Optimize for Web feature in PShop or Image Ready. Also, and forgive me for not doublechecking, but in January when I DLed my fave Noukie hairs (the cornrows and long pulled-back dreads are faves for my most fabulous Sims Of Colour) there were a bunch of unbinned hairs, and if each colour is kept as a separate file rather than a big file, server load will drop, because chances are some folks will only want the basic colours and the mesh, not every available colour, no matter how awesome. Every K you shave off reduces the server load.
285  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / FYI: InSIMinator updated for Seasons on: 2007 March 21, 13:44:29
Be sure to thank Eric when you download it!

Lots of interesting new tweaks available.

Thanks, you guys!

Can't wait until I get my Sims-puter back. Smiley
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