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226  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Simbella: Vive la Revolution...or something like that on: 2007 May 07, 13:48:52
Quote from: "OneEyedWillie"
Also if it's against the forum's rule to advertise, then what's up with the WCIF thread?  Isn't that a form of advertising right there?  Or if someone asked in a PM where they got something from and they answer, isn't that advertising too?   :roll:

You're expecting logical behavior from a lobotomized hivemind site. Stop that, you'll get a rash.

I would be highly annoyed if I was a forum member, was asked where I got something, answered honestly, and was banned for doing so. What I'm seeing is that someone asked someone else WCIF "item" and so someone else responded truthfully that she'd snagged it from SFV, and then a third someone turned someone else in for answering her question via a private message.

That should have been the end of it. It was a PM. Instead, some weenie (either a third someone or a third someone's crony) tattled, and someone else got banninated.

That's lame on so many different levels that my brain struggles to grasp it (hence the lack of effort to remember what screennames did what to who, as demonstrated in the above paragraphs, because I don't care enough to remember them). I don't speak Lamer, their ways are always foreign and confusing to me.
227  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / schuldig_seiben has gone a bit too far... on: 2007 May 07, 13:27:37
Quote from: "missangelica"
I guess Eddie Izzard wouldn't fit the bill either eh?

It'd be a hoot to see Amanda Lepore in the game..  

There's also another off the top of my head but I can't place her stage name.. I want to say Twiggy or Sunshine.

There's always room for executive transvestites in my world.

Lepore's lips starred in a Tiga & Zyntherius video (a remake of Corey Hart's "Sunglasses @ Night") and really, one had to ask "WRYYYYYYYY!?!?!" a lot over that, for many different reasons. Seriously, it was about four minutes of LIPS OF DOOM and terrible 80s pop crap in a twisted clusterboink.

As for the drag queen you're trying to think of...Lady Bunny? Tinkerbelle died ages ago, took a header out a window. Divine's dead, too.

Then there's The Lady Chablis in Georgia, as well as Charlie Brown and her troupe of glamour bombers.

Twiggy was indeed the name of a semi-famous NYC queenie, if memory serves.
228  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / New Paysite Alert on: 2007 May 07, 03:23:30
Friends and acquaintances:

Mirhi = Mah Rye Ah
Ziana = Zy Knee
Jerimey= Jeremy
Schulyer=Sky Lar
Siobhan=Shuh Vahhn


Though there was a kid I went to high school with who was so incredibly dim that he regularly misspelled his own name as "Micheal".

A friend of mine has other people misspell her name as "Shelia" constantly.

My own name has been misspelled so often that it irks. The common misspelling is to put "e"s in it when it has none. Nevermind what it actually is, I don't give out my first name online if I don't have to. Smiley And why someone couldn't cut and paste it when replying to me always baffled me.

The constant mangling of my name's spelling, however, is why I go by a nickname online friends chose for me ages ago ("Milla") online and off these days, as it is harder to spell incorrectly, but pronouncing it (Mee Lah) can be a challenge for some.
229  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / schuldig_seiben has gone a bit too far... on: 2007 May 06, 22:22:43
One of my fave lesser-known drag queens in Atlanta is Jalouse'. Pronounced "jealousy". Smiley

Fairly convincing, and she did a good Hedwig.
230  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / WTF H&M? What kinda sellout-ripoff is this? on: 2007 May 03, 00:04:38
Quote from: "keirra"
House is a God!  Cheesy

It's never Lupus, and everybody lies.

Words to live by.
231  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / The PMBD Most Wanted Paysites on: 2007 April 29, 10:35:51
You guys are the best. I laughed my buttocks off!

I think one rolled under the fridge, damn you all.

My faves of the moment are the Sshodan and OHJ ones, but it's so hard to choose. They're all roffletastic.  :lol:
232  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Killmark Graveyard on: 2007 April 29, 10:20:16
If I missed some of your favourites, feel free to use the handy links provided to make your own snarky tombstones. Smiley
233  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Casting Call on: 2007 April 29, 09:10:59
Sim Me can be found at, as Sim Lorelei or Sim Milla. Pics in Made Up Animals thread at MATY.

Do what you want with her / them, I don't really care. If the Sim is accurate, I'll be impressed, if it's completely unlike me, I'll be amused.
234  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / The PMBD Most Wanted Paysites on: 2007 April 27, 23:55:36

Feel free to make your own at
235  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Killmark Graveyard on: 2007 April 27, 23:52:49
I couldn't find an official PMBD Killmark Graveyard, and was bored, so here's a start.

Whether they jump, or are pushed, or can't make up their minds whether they are dead or not (quick, someone grab some stakes and a big, heavy rock or two!), here are some of the vanquished.

They will submit!

Make your own:
236  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Who Put This There? on: 2007 April 26, 16:41:51
Quote from: "Pescado"

Quote from: "Lorelei"
I also have crappy blood-related issues, such as hypoglycaemia, low blood pressure, anaemia, you name it, which means I have to keep an eye on my diet so I don't faint or go into a coma. Fun times! If I ever want to lose weight fast, all I have to do is stop eating meat, sugar, dairy and bread and the weight peels off. Unfortunately, I also faint and get dizzy and have my doctor yell at me and tell me I can NOT be a vegetarian and to cut it out. Pass the steak and pie, thanks.

Yeah, I get that anemia thing also. My solution for that is to drink blood. Have you considered that you might be a vampire?

No, that's one thing I hadn't considered. But given that I am super pale, am awake at night, hiss at the sun, have pointy incisors, am not grossed out by blood in general, wear a lot of black and don't suffer fools gladly, maybe you have a point.

On the other hand, I don't go around biting people. I don't know when they washed their necks last, or where they've been. Cooties are bad. Would also require interaction with other humans, and sometimes I'm just not into that concept. I'm busy, no time for chit-chat.

I think I'll stick with eating a nice, big steak and some spinach when my iron levels drop.  If I had to actually talk to the cow first, I don't know what I'd do. Also, God forbid someone might mistake me for a Goth or something and egg me.

Steaks, not stakes!
237  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / this might be a sign.. on: 2007 April 26, 15:28:04
Quote from: "Tchân de Bouley"
I can't do it in BS. Especially not accessories. It takes you ten pages to get to what you want, you delete it, and it takes you back to the blooming beginning again!!

My biggest peeve of all time with BS, besides the "iIf I delete the crappy colour, I will delete everything (except maybe the mesh)" bollocks I've dealt with.

Jfade, please finish your fab clothing / hair sorter. We needs the precioussss.

ETA: close parenthesis, useful word things.
238  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Who Put This There? on: 2007 April 26, 15:24:31
If there was a single diet solution that worked for everyone, there wouldn't be 40,000 books and companies and pills out there trying to convince people that they work 100%.

Since no one solution has ever been proven to work permanently and without health-related drawbacks for everyone all the time, it's likely that there are no shortcuts to eating less and exercising more.

Well, no shortcuts that don't cause more problems than they resolve.

If you don't care about your health at all, and just want to get skinny, meth would be the perfect solution. Your skin and teeth will rot and fester, your hair will start falling out, your mind will be a mushy soup of addiction and psychosis and you'll start imagining bugs under your skin, your moral compass will go into the toilet as you start to steal, whore and lie to get your fix, but, by God, you'll be thin.

Other fun ways to get thin include wasting diseases like cancer and AIDS, but since death is a likely result, they are contraindicated. No sane person would see contracting a high-fatality-rate disease as a weight-loss solution.

Of course, no sane person would willingly do things like consume live tapeworms or have fat hacked or sucked off their body, but some people do that, too.

If eating less and exercising more aren't possible for whatever reason (or excuse), the next best solution is to be as healthy as you can be, and to come to peace with your own body type. Big-boned tall adult people aren't supposed to wear size 0 jeans.

I've experienced all kinds of different sizes and heights throughout my life. I was shorter than everyone in my age group until high school, when I reached average height. In college, I shot up 3 1/2 inches and am now considered taller than average.

I have tiny bones and a small frame. I wear a size 4 3/4 ring on my larger ring finger, as an example, and my wrists are about six inches around on a "fat" day. I've had 32AA boobs and 36D boobs. I've been 25 pounds overweight and 30 pounds underweight. When I was underweight, I didn't have a car and walked everywhere and was often too busy to take time to eat. Obviously I was eating less and exercising more. When heavier, I was on medications that slowed my metabolism, but I was also exercising less, thanks to the reason I was being medicated in the first place. Nowadays I'm still tall and small-framed, and vary from a few pounds underweight to ten pounds overweight, and it all can be tied to how busy I am at the time. If I'm driving rather than walking everywhere and too busy to cook or plan healthier meals rather than ordering in or hitting the drive-throughs, I'm going to gain weight, especially if I'm on a medication that slows my metabolism, if I am depressed (which, for me, slows my metabolism) or if I skip meals and cause my body to go into "starvation mode" where it thinks it has to hold on to every calorie. Note also that working for commission or for variable hours a week rather than a salary can have an effect: if you're tight on money, cheap food is usually horribly bad for you and usually horribly fattening. Health food stores, organic food and high-quality ingredients cost a mint and usually take more time to prepare. If I have time to go out clubbing or dancing every week and to sit down and eat something home-cooked, I'm going to be underweight. When I say overweight, by the way, I'm talking about my personal acceptable weight range, where my clothes fit me well and I don't stress if the elevator isn't working somewhere. Even at my heaviest, no one ever thought of me as "the fat girl" but that's the gift of having a small frame, because I was indeed a fat girl, to be frank. I dressed to conceal it, and my thin extremities helped, but I knew I was overweight. When it became more of a priority to me than whatever was keeping me too busy to properly maintain my food/exercise ratio, I would, slowly but surely, get down to my normal size, which is not size 0, but a 6-10 pant size. When I was the equivalent of a 0-3, I looked like a Holocaust victim. I'm not meant to be that small, despite my tiny bones/frame, because I am tall and have largish bazooms.

I also have crappy blood-related issues, such as hypoglycaemia, low blood pressure, anaemia, you name it, which means I have to keep an eye on my diet so I don't faint or go into a coma. Fun times! If I ever want to lose weight fast, all I have to do is stop eating meat, sugar, dairy and bread and the weight peels off. Unfortunately, I also faint and get dizzy and have my doctor yell at me and tell me I can NOT be a vegetarian and to cut it out. Pass the steak and pie, thanks.

I'm not saying losing weight is easy-peasy for me, just that I see my weight state as a reflection of my habits at the time. Focusing on weight gain and fretting about it and trying various shortcuts isn't going to make me "thin" overnight. The only time I really worry about being larger or smaller than usual is if it involves buying clothing. If I'm heavier or smaller than usual, I resent buying new clothing, because I will only be able to wear those things when my weight is off-kilter. Buying crap is already complicated enough for women because of vanity sizing, so it's a long drawn-out ordeal that you can't attack by just grabbing a bunch of size X pants in the length and colour you want and knowing they are likely to fit. Also, my legs are right in between tall and regular sizes, and I refuse to wear high-water pants, so even getting length right is a hassle. You also have to hope that the pants won't shrink in the wash or at the dry-cleaner's. In short, I hate shopping.

Right now? I'm at my average weight. Maybe a few pounds more, as I haven't checked the scale for several months and I ate a lot of pizza during midterms. I look okay, my clothes fit, people still look twice when I walk by (in a good way), and it's all okay with me. I'm not skinny (did that, modeled for Hanes hosiery, got no T-shirts, did get 40 pounds of panty hose, woo) and I'm not fat (been there, got off the meds, exercised more, ate less, was patient), and I don't give a crap about trying to compete with people who look anorexic or bond with my Big Beautiful Sisters over fat rolls. I'm in the middle, and where I go from here is 100% dependent on what I do or don't eat, what meds I am on or off of, what time of day I eat, how much exercise I get or don't get, the choices I make when grocery shopping, whether I am depressed at the time or not, whether it's that time of the month or not (yay, water retention and cravings for unhealthy foods), and whether I have been responsible about controlling my blood-related issues through proper responsible diet-watching or not. It doesn't depend one bit on what I'd prefer, or what society as a whole seems to think, or what fashion trend is hot at the moment.

I prefer letting myself eat a doughnut every now and then and accepting the consequences rather than freaking out that I'm a certain number on my scale. (I don't even know if it is accurate, come to think of it.) It doesn't reflect whether the weight is muscle or fat, or whether my pants fit or don't fit.

As long as my pants fit and I don't have to go buy new pants, life is good and to hell with dieting. Did I mention I hate shopping?
239  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Post self-sims of your favorite paysite creators on: 2007 April 22, 18:19:44

I love SimPeg's t-shirt.

240  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Dramaliciousness on: 2007 April 22, 18:16:43
Quote from: "MizzKitty"
I was under the impression that it was Pescado's idea of a joke.

Ditto. I hope it stays up for a while. It amuses me.  :lol:
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