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226  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Poor Atwat.... on: 2008 June 19, 19:59:03
Well, I'm sorry if I just don't worry about silly things like this. It's not worth my time. This is really just about a video game to me. And I don't need anyone to kiss my boo boos... if she turns on me, then oh well... there are plenty of other people in the world. You get what I mean?  Undecided

Anita is not dictating what I say. I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself... and frankly, I don't need a person to tell me what I can think, do or say. I have my own brian for a reason, so I can make my own choices. If anyone tried to control me like that, I would definately drop them in a heartbeat... and if she starts doing that, I'll drop her too.

She knows I wrote in here. Though I don't know why her getting mad and turning on me is such a big deal. Isn't that my problem? If she turns on me, then it's something I have to deal with, not anyone else. It's not like she could do that much damage to me anyway. She knows nothing of my personal life aside from me having some parrots. If what you guys say is true, she's losing her power anyway, so... yeah. That's why I just don't worry about these things. It's too much to stress over. Besides, it's just a video game... I have a real life that needs more of my attention. That is really what I should be stressing over.

It's late here, so I won't be back until tommorow night if you still want to discuss anything. Later.

So, basically you're asking her to use you and if she does and turns on you, who cares, right?  It's disappointing that you have such a laissez-faire attitude to what Atwa is capable of doing to your reputation in this community.  Although really you didn't have the best one to begin with, it doesn't help to have your name and hers in the same sentence and yes, even if what people are saying that she is saying turns out to be untrue.  (We have yet to see screenshots of her saying this stuff.)  It may just be a gaming community but I doubt very much you joined with the intention to become someone's pawn.
227  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Poor Atwat.... on: 2008 June 18, 21:20:45
missangelica, then you are one of the better people in this world, but even I have trouble fighting fire with sugar, sunshine, kisses and butterflies. Sometimes I like to use a mace, land mines, super glue and a pit of snakes.  Smiley

Reading your entire post the first thought that came to my mind was, "He doesn't know who he is talking to, does he?"  Before you roll your eyes and think I just have a big head, hear me out.  It's hard to hold a conversation beyond chit-chat with someone you know nothing about.  We at least knew about you beforehand but, as far as I can tell, you know nothing about us as individuals.  You certainly wouldn't of said that (what I quoted) to me if you were familiar with me. 

You misinterpreted what I said.  Let me try to explain it a different way.  When you feel something negative has been done to you or said about you, you have two initial choices.  You can think about it or react.  Atwa reacts before thinking.  She doesn't take the time to find out if it is even true before lashing out.  Since you can't take back what you do, no matter how much you may regret it later, it makes sense to think about it and approach it as diplomatically as possible.  If you do it that way then you won't look like an ass if you find out that you are wrong about the situation.  Even better, if it is true then you will come out the better person because you're not stooping down to that person's level.  It's not about sugar, sunshine, kisses, and butterflies.  It's about civility and maturity.

ETA:  As for the "let me find out for myself how horrible Atwa is", you're really showing your age.  I'm not really surprised though.  My youngest sister is your age and she has the same attitude.  Warning her does no good either.  When Atwa does turn on you, don't come here and expect us to kiss your boo-boo's.

Also, how does she feel about you talking to pirates?
228  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Poor Atwat.... on: 2008 June 18, 17:00:50
Anyone that gets mad at anyone else is going to do bad things to that person, regardless of who they are. That's just human nature. So if Anita got angry and did something to me, it wouldn't be that shocking. Everyone has done it / is capable of it. I don't really let crap like that get to me anyways.

I'm sorry, I don't agree with that at all.  If I am upset with a person that does not give me the right to do horrible and say things to him/her and effectively try to destroy that person.  What if I was wrong?  What if it was a misunderstanding or mistaken identity?  Wouldn't it make more sense to try to talk to the person you're upset with and resolve the issue maturely before doing something you can't take back?

I'd imagine you would be surprised/shocked if you had perceivably done nothing wrong and she attacked you!  Unfortunately this has been a reality for most of her victims.  She doesn't need proof to turn on you.  All she needs is a thought.
229  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Poor Atwat.... on: 2008 June 18, 02:18:11
Yes, she's learning, I read that; however, why was she made a FA if she's still "learning"?

Because she's either diddling or black mailing Thomass?
230  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Official Survey: They're going to sell individual downloads!?WTF?! on: 2008 June 18, 00:23:06
UKnortherner used the pound sign so that would actually be a little under $10 ($9.77) for us Americans. :/

Yep. Although it'll probably be something like $7.50 + tax, which means you'll get a slightly better deal than we do in rip-off Britain.

I've noticed that about American VS British pricing for the same thing.  It's pretty fucked up.

Do they honestly think that pirates are going to illegally download a friggin' demo?

My theory is when people complain about Securom when Spore comes out EA will go, "Well, whoever has downloaded the demo and played such and such games, you already have it and didn't bitch back then!"
231  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Official Survey: They're going to sell individual downloads!?WTF?! on: 2008 June 17, 19:06:10
This is why mine will be ARRed. Unfortunately. I've had a lot of fun playing with the leaked 25% demo and would give them $5 for the creator. But I won't pay for SecuROM.

UKnortherner used the pound sign so that would actually be a little under $10 ($9.77) for us Americans. :/
232  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: More Smutty Than You: TSR's Hall of Shame on: 2008 June 15, 18:15:43
You guys really need Adblock.. Shocked
233  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Official Survey: They're going to sell individual downloads!?WTF?! on: 2008 June 15, 16:03:33
Then we went back to the TS2 Store idea with questions about purchasing points instead of paying for specific items at the time of purchase, preferred methods of payment, and how I'd feel about only being able to pay by credit card. These questions were followed by a seemingly-random inquiry about what online game/virtual/etc. community I've been active in over the past few months

I guess it would be a seemingly-random inquiry if you weren't aware of what those communities are.  I know that IMVU, Gaia (it's actually Gaia Online), Habbo Hotel (they spelled it wrong), and 2nd Life all have virtual stuff that you buy with real money.
234  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Poor Atwat.... on: 2008 June 13, 00:48:41
Isn't Sheyza the dude that looks female and was whining in his mts2 blog a while back about how he never got featured while the same people kept on being featured?
235  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Official Survey: They're going to sell individual downloads!?WTF?! on: 2008 June 12, 16:17:49
I wonder if the only reason they mentioned Pars. was because Maxoid MoonBelly used to upload her creations there.. it's like free fan sites do not exist to EA.  It's the weirdest thing.
236  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Poor Atwat.... on: 2008 June 12, 00:11:47
You seriously need to change your name back, Amazone..

Lol, why? Luna means moon. Not lunatic :-p Moon is the female power, ying. Smiley

But i have no time to scan 40 pages, i don't really care about Atwat, i do care for destroying TSR. Not a female who probably need medication.
She is a very selfdestructive woman as i see her. So she has clearly problems with her self, need for controlling other people, spying on them, lying
about her profession etc.. She is maybe bipolar and they need help. I know people like her, believe me i do. To me she is just another sick (ill) person
who need help.

I was asking because i am a bit curious, since i do not know too much about TSR, their FAs or SAs.

'cause that is the name you started off with.  You know how confusing it is to have someone just switch names on you after knowing them as one name?  "Hey, I know you've been calling me Bob this past year but call me Jim now."  Sounds ridiculous, right?  It really is.  Don't you remember when Tchan kept changing her name and people were having fits?

My family is plagued with bipolar and I can tell you from what we know about her that atwat is not bipolar.  It's irritating how people throw around that word and do not know what it means.
237  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Poor Atwat.... on: 2008 June 11, 20:53:23
You seriously need to change your name back, Amazone..
238  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Poor Atwat.... on: 2008 June 11, 03:17:15
I wanted to be a profiler but I'm too squeamish for the worst of humanity and too empathic for it to not effect me outside of work.  I don't know of profilers that work outside of murder stuff.. but maybe there are?

Theoretical criminology - in lots of areas.  Still involves crime scene photos though, and if you want to make a living, you have to do murder.

Yeah.. don't think I could do it.   Undecided
239  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Poor Atwat.... on: 2008 June 11, 01:06:19
Agreed...Atwat reminds me of the infamous Elitemaiden from WoW.  Atwat needs her own entry at the ED

Oh wow, Atwa would make a great addition to ED!  'cause really, she's put so much effort into all this crazy that it should be preserved.

energy vampires

Damn. That was really insightful, missangelica. Profile much?

I wanted to be a profiler but I'm too squeamish for the worst of humanity and too empathic for it to not effect me outside of work.  I don't know of profilers that work outside of murder stuff.. but maybe there are?
240  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Poor Atwat.... on: 2008 June 10, 21:18:57
People with the atwa type personality are energy vampires.  They need to constantly have drama going on in their lives to drain others of their time, resources, and physical/mental energies.  They feel they are the victims in every situation and twist reality to justify their actions and feelings.  You'll hear them complain that they hate the spotlight and the drama but they always know just what to say to start it up again as it dies down.  They have hordes of multiple accounts to play the game and talk shit about their friends behind their backs.  Having public falling out with friends is common and fairly often.

In an interesting twist to this type of personality, perhaps to relieve some of the guilt for being so horrible, they tend to be active members of a community.  They churn out creative content in mass loads and appear to be online almost all day.  They tend to appoint themselves as leaders and overload themselves with responsibility.  They are helpful and appear to almost be too sweet/too nice, which helps them because people (the sheeple/minions) that do not know better will defend them.  What the sheeple don't know is when you finally do see the vicious streak, it's already too late.  You are in their sights and you cannot stop the assault.

Unfortunately, I have met and befriended a few of these people and they are just train wrecks.. it never ends.  Only way to not get involved in what they do is to cut them completely out of your life.. and that includes having to ban them from all your livejournals/emails/im accounts/etc because they will harass you!
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