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136  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2008 November 27, 00:13:44
Mr. Boddy: Since you're hearing clicking, it's still spinning- or at least trying to. Clicking usually means the heads are damaged. The data on might be recoverable- if you're willing to pay to get that done. Clicking CAN also mean that there are bad sectors on the drive- but since you get the "operating system not found" message I think it's the heads. The heads can be replaced, but that involves taking the drive apart and you've got to have the right kind of heads to use as a replacement....

Get your new drive and if what you have on the other one is stuff you can't bear to part with, take it in and see if they can fix it and/or recover the data.

P.S. The "operating system not found"? Firmware problem- which wouldn't make any noise. That's why I'm not sure your data could be recovered. But, seeing as I'm not a professional and only know what I know from tinkering around with my own computers- this is just my opinion and I could be wrong.
137  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation! on: 2008 November 25, 12:40:02
Paleo, honestly, what assumptions am I making that don't hold up to the evidence? I'm not assuming she's sorry. I'm not assuming anything about what she did, what she might have done or what she even had a fleeting thought about. Nor have I said she's sorry, might say she's sorry or should say she's sorry. I don't know diddly about the woman other than what I've read.
As for BlackDwarf reading something into anything- I was NOT talking about anything that went on at TSR. There's no way I'd assume I know more about TSR than you, BlackDwarf or anyone else who's been involved there. I have nothing to do with TSR at all. What I was talking about is any post I've made since my first about it that BlackDwarf has responded to.

Now, I am done with this. How this went from me saying something about it might be hard for her to get a real job to people accusing me of making assumptions, I don't know. I know, I posts were tldr. I'm usually pretty quiet and only really speak up when I feel strongly about something. Considering the fact that I have a mentally disabled child, have worked with mentally and physically disabled people and happen to have a problem or 2 myself- I feel strongly about certain people seeming to think it's really "just that easy" for a person with any kind of disability to do what others take for granted.

Edited because I forgot: The last part about forgiveness? No, Raveena hasn't asked for forgiveness, nor do I expect that she will. That statement had to do with me being able to forgive others without them asking for forgiveness.
138  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation! on: 2008 November 25, 09:10:51
One last thing from me on this, then no more:
Somewhere along the way, the reason I thought the "she can just get a job" statement was harsh got lost. Sometimes it's just not that easy. I know many, many people who've recently lost their jobs and I know many people who can't find a job. That's mainly because of the economy. Hell, our local McD's isn't hiring- and they're always hiring. Add in a disability- and that makes it harder, regardless of all the tax breaks and such that employers are eligible for. From what I've seen lately, an employer is going to go for an able-bodied person who can perform their job at the optimum level and speed so the job can get done faster- meaning less working hours needed and less chance of having to pay overtime to anyone. It's not fair, but that's how it seems to be....of course, I don't know about other areas of the world, just the one I live in. Since I don't know anything about Raveena's personal life, aside from the vision problem, I- nor most likely anyone else here- don't know if there are other things going on in her life to prevent her from going out and getting a regular job.

Oh, calalily, I never meant to imply that you or anyone else isn't capable of feeling sympathy. Some people just tend to be more likely to be over-sympathetic....I tend to be that way. I worked with mentally and physically disabled people so I know how hard getting and keeping a job can be for someone with a disability.
139  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation! on: 2008 November 25, 07:17:37
I had to think about this for a minute. After all, I think that BlackDwarf has a tendency to read more into something than is actually there. Well, I do that, too. Thanks to calalily for making me realise that.
I know that nobody here said "haha Raveena is blind...yay". It doesn't even have to be about Raveena. This could be about anyone: I just get the feeling that there are people who won't have compassion for anyone that works for TSR. Just TSR- well, maybe Peggy, too. TSR is THE site that just about everyone who isn't majorly involved there hates. Maybe I took some of what I was reading to mean that people wouldn't feel sorry for her because she was an artist there. Maybe. I'm not 100% convinced of that myself. Why? Because I know that there are those who are bitter because of the way that they were treated by Thoma$$- and I know that bitterness can color your attitude towards a person, place or thing. One thing that I will freely admit: I tend to feel more sympathy towards others. I've been through some pretty shitty experiences in my life- been there, done that, had that happen when it comes to alot of things. Some of it was because of my own stupidy, some because of others. But, I've never used any of it to get any sympathy. I've always been able to own up to what I've done. They say that what goes around comes around. That's true. But, there's also a saying that has to do with "to err is human....." that I think has to do with being able to forgive being divine. It would help if I could remember it correctly I guess- but I know what I'm thinking of and it's a true saying, too. Guess I figure if people can forgive me for the stuff I did in the past, then I can forgive someone for something they've done.
140  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation! on: 2008 November 25, 06:07:35
I have absolutely no compassion for her whatsoever.  I save my compassion for people who deserve it, not for someone who was getting illegally paid for something.  Yeah, little pixels isn't the same as selling drugs, but still, an illegal source of income is still an illegal source of income

The above is the main reason I used the example that I did. My example was like comparing apples to oranges- same as the above quote from BlackDwarf. There's no comparison. They're not the same. This quote is also the reason I just don't get the (whatever it is- ok, so maybe hate is way too strong of a word) that I get when reading some of what's posted about this. Nobody at TSR is forcing anyone to pay for their crap. Nobody who buys it is putting them or anyone around them in harms way. Nobody who buys it is at any kind of risk- other than paying for crap. Which is a hell of alot different than paying for crack. And, YES, I understand that what TSR does is illegal. But to compare it to selling drugs? And to be so vehement about it? I don't get that and to keep debating it with me is going to get nowhere. I hate TSR and all it stands for. However- I DON'T hate all the artists. After reading all the coconut posts, there are those who I don't have an ounce of respect for, but I don't hate them. And I WOULD have compassion for any of them who have a true problem- not the "OMG, my computer is broked!" kind of problem, but a true problem that can affect the quality of their life. Losing your sight does affect the quality of your life. How can it not? (I've been "slowly going blind" for 20 years- I still have my sight 5 years after the doc said it would be gone. And I had an uncle who lost his sight.) The fact that they participate in the illegal selling of pixels would not, and does not, affect my feelings about that.

What should I show compassion for?

Definintely not the fact that she's not at TSR anymore- for whatever reason. Definitely not the fact that she can't create low-quality cc anymore. I surely never said you should. I just can't help but feel that if you were in her shoes, you'd expect someone to have at least a bit of compassion for you. (That goes for anyone, actually.)

I'm trying to figure something out here. Where did I say that anyone should have compassion towards her because she can't sell her pixels anymore? And where have I acted like I think that the "real crime" is that she's no longer going to get paid? Good grief- I've said it before and I guess I have to say it again- Paysites Must Be Destroyed! I AM against them and what they stand for. I could give a shit that she won't be making money off it anymore. Need me to say it again? I will- in another way- my sig other wants me to sell the lots I make- I refuse to do that. Get it yet? What I said has nothing to do with her not getting paid anymore. It has to do with the fact that someone refuses to have any compassion for her because of the fact that she was at TSR.

Before I forget- the only reason that I brought up the person with the brain tumor is to point out that people can show compassion for someone who is with (or was at) TSR. I'm not trying to say that losing your sight is as bad as that. Just trying to point out that the people at TSR are human, after all...and they do have real-life problems that can affect their lives.

BlackDwarf- I've seen this before with you. You get very emotional when you feel strongly about something. You seem to read more into something that what's really there. You think I implied that you're a cold-hearted bitch? Fine. Read it that way. But, I tend to think you misread. I never said that you should feel sorry for Raveena because she's not going to get paid for her pixels anymore. Her not getting paid has nothing to do with it. ("hurray for you"- nice, sarcasm...i likes sarcasm.)
141  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation! on: 2008 November 25, 03:22:31
Sorry, BlackDwarf. I read your whole post and you do have some valid points. You just seem to have such hatred in you for this woman. I don't understand that- not one bit. Yes, I realize that TSR shouldn't be charging for cc. Yes, I understand that it's against the EULA. But, to deny someone an ounce of compassion because of that? I just don't get it. I'm not saying anyone should cry her a river, mind you.
I'm gonna make this short and sweet and tell you WHY I don't get it- instead of drawing this out into a long debate: I was sexually abused as a child. The abuser developed kidney disease, had a transplant, it was rejected- he died a horrible death. Even though he was a nasty man and I hated him, I felt sorry for him. I was capable of feeling at least an ounce of compassion. Why? Because I'm human and I have a heart. Even though I never forgave that man for what he did to me and I'll never forget it, I could still find it in my heart to feel some compassion for him. If I can do that, surely anyone can feel some for a person who sold pixels for a living. It's just pixels- not someone's health and well-being.

Something that really bothers me? I've read alot of outraged comments about Thoma$$ not having any compassion for someone who had a brain tumor. Yet, it seems to be perfectly OK for someone/everyone/everybody besides Thoma$$ to not have any compassion for this woman.
142  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2008 November 24, 18:04:37
Awesome! Paden you and Mustluv could work together on building the house. Like take turns building rooms or whatever, or one could do landscaping and the other the actual building.

Even better.  Grin

143  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2008 November 24, 07:54:41
Good idea.
You all create.
And I'll collect it all and put it in a house.
Which I'd share.

Works for me.
144  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR Sharing your infomation! on: 2008 November 23, 23:17:57
And if it's just that she's loosing the money? Well, she can get a job and earn money that way.

Whoa. Kinda harsh there. I don't know anything about Raveena outside of the fact that she's obviously got vision problems.
Yea, she can get a job. IF she's lucky enough to find one in this economy. IF she's lucky enough to find an employer who'll hire a disabled person (I say disabled because I'm betting she's legally blind- and that's a disability) over someone with no disability- that would be discrimination, sure: but I can guarantee you that the prospective employer would just say the other person was more qualified. IF she can find a job- I'd bet that she'd need reliable transportation to get there. Lotta "ifs" in her case to be tossing out a comment like yours. She may have "worked" for TSR but don't let that throw your compassion out the window.
145  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Photoshop shopped! on: 2008 November 23, 20:13:27
So.. did carebear get the idea that flubberbut is a known troll and therefore a target for anything we care to lob at it? (I still think blubberflub is peggy herself.)

Not that I really think it matters. It sounded more like carebear was upset that we (most of us- if not all) think that peggy's hairs suck and freely and openly admit it.

Silly, if you think about it. This site isn't called "Sunshine, Rainbows and HappynessLand". It's called Paysites Must Be Destroyed. Peggy=paysite. Peggy=paysite w/crappy, gappy hairs=more destroy-worthy.

146  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2008 November 23, 04:54:01
That makes the meat slab dress look good.


The meat slab is the epitome of FAIL.

Nothing could ever hope to top (or would that be bottom?) that.


Trust me. I just saw something that definitely tops the meat slab dress.  Shocked
147  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2008 November 22, 18:22:34
No, no. Her bellybutton is where it's supposed to be. It's the point of the skirtthingamajiggy that's off-center. Not that it matters one bit- I'd put my self-sim in the meat slab dress before I'd put her in that "outfit".
148  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2008 November 22, 06:00:38
You know, I used to be quite the wild child back in the day. That outfit is worse than anything I ever hallucinated. Seeing something like that most likely would've "scared me straight."
That makes the meat slab dress look good.
149  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: BlackysSims2Zoo on: 2008 November 22, 05:47:58
That's pure genius. Except for one thing: I bet you have to pay for the recolor up front and that the email is just so you can approve the recolor before you get the actual finished object. Anyone greedy enough to offer to recolor objects for a fee isn't going to take chances on getting their grubby, little hands on the actual monies. Nope. Getting the monies is the reason for doing it in the first place.
I say just send them a copy of the EULA- "disguised" as a recolor request- in the first place and be done with it.

ETA: When I said that's pure genius- I meant what TheMissus said.
150  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2008 November 21, 05:00:04
Thank you! It's almost done...and well, I don't know when it'll be available. But, it IS almost done.

I've got your recolors. Awesome, or would that be awesim?

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