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121  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 July 31, 10:23:16
Quote from: "kaos"
And the award for best ass-licker goes to...

You, of course.

But whose paysite-loving anus are you sticking your tongue up? That's what inquiring minds want to know.

Now before you attack me for having an opinion

Do as you say, not as you do?

The hypocrisy in here astounds me! If this was a paysite owner's past, you know you would use it as ammunition against him.

We are far more focused on current actions and behaviors, actually. Unless the past actions are Sims community related, in which case they are relevant.

I don't have or want kids, but if I did, I would be the one responsible for them, not a school or church or government representative. To defer any of my personal responsibility for my spawn would be out of character for me.  

I have said my piece. You may attack me now. Sharpen those hyporitical teeth and feed away! Cheesy

"Attack" you? No. Think that your insistence that this old, old news, which occurred long before Delphy was involved with Sims stuff in any way, and which we only know the barest details about is IRRELEVANT? Yes.

So, no, I wouldn't be a thoughtless sheep assuming that the gossip was true and going off on a "Think of the chillldruuun" tirade until I did my own homework. Too bad you can't do the same.
122  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 July 31, 08:48:57
Quote from: "RenegadeSims"
Delphy, I think at this point, any one who has already heard of what happened in your past, no longer gives a shit/no longer holds it against you.  It's your past, it's your business, but the past should stay in the past.

Well said!

I should probably edit the (very old) post at, too, because even though Delphy has not befriended or offended me, I have long since gone way beyond being neutral on the subject. Heck, even then, I was on his side.

Delphy may not be my bestest buddy, but I still feel warmly towards him for the good he has done for the community, his sense of humour when he visits, and because I see him as the aggrieved party.

If Delphy, or any other person, wishes to respond to the crazies point by point, I will post every letter of their comments. I always have posted every comment in all journals; I do reserve the right to preview them first to weed out any commercial links, porn images, or unintelligible BBS-speak, but have only had to reject one (Anonymous) comment ever, which was an uninspired and uncreative 'griefer' image (like 'Beecock'/'Goatse'/'Tubgirl', et cetera). No reason was given, and it didn't seem to be in response to anything, so it was probably just some bored kid trying to see how many journals they could post yucky stuff to.

As far as I am concerned, though, most people read the crap and my comments and understood full well that it was the work of crazy or vindictive buttholes, and I didn't even get the crazies chinchillagrl6 got when she posted the same thing for the same reason. (Darn!)

My personal preference, which may or may not be relevant, is that it remain an old and dead issue. The info is there not to injure Delphy, but to show the curious bystander what ludicrous crap was actually being said. Rumours without a definite source get distorted and morph, like in the game of Telephone, and since the allegations were horrific enough, that bugged me. There were a lot of tongues wagging, and many of those gossipers had, apparently, not even seen the original shitty post, but were merely passing on exaggerated tales heard second-hand, third-hand, fourth-hand, etcetera. Lots of naive youngsters blindly trusted that the rumours were true and attempted to crucify Delphy further for things he has not, in my opinion, done.

So I posted the screed, and made my opinions quite clear, and the comments I got were clearly in favour of Delphy, as should be, and against the fucktards who felt the need to start a crazy vendetta. (I did notice that some of the original comments to the post are gone, but I did not remove them. IT ARE A MYSTERY.)

My belief is that very, very few of the allegations have ever been even remotely true. What little was based in fact is old, old news, is no longer remotely relevant, and is none of our business.

I further believe that the whole thing was done to discredit a freesite owner who has done more to fight against people who break the EULA than most in the community, and done his best to prevent Moderator abuses, and the ringleader of the whole sorry event was probably Lyric Lee, plus some other co-conspirators (see the comments attached to the aforementioned sims2-snapshots link, where they are named).

I typically take a neutral stance in the community at large, but there are exceptions.
1. I am not neutral, in the least, where paysites are concerned. They are in the wrong. They must be destroyed.
2. Spreading vile gossip about community members in order to discredit them is shitty.
3. EA needs to clarify their position. As it stands, all we have is the EULA< which is pretty cut and dried to me: commercial gain related to The Sims is only for EA. No one else is allowed to make a buck on the game. Very simple, very clear. Whereas we have letters that further underscore this policy, we also are getting mixed messages, most of which seem to be due to EA not being full aware of these discrepancies (e.g., what Maxoids are saying, fansite lists, invites to events).
4. Maxis needs to stop having any say in game-related policy, because every decision they make seems to be fraught with stupidity and contradiction. As they are now owned by EA, and subject to EA's policies, they need to follow them.
5. Pescado is an ass, he knows he is an ass, he says openly that he is an ass, and, as such, I have no problem when he behaves like an ass. Especially when PMBD and MATY are there to show how much good he has done for the community as a whole.
6. Pirates rock.
123  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 July 30, 04:08:20
Quote from: "RenegadeSims"
Okay, after reading that post and then a google, I stumbled upon this little website

Read more carefully. It was posted because it was being censored. Look at the whole LJ.

The poster is not against Delphy, and, in fact, calls the people circulating the bullshit "raving lunatics".

How do I know?

S2S is one of my LJs.

It was posted so people could see what was being spewed, rather than guess.

I think Lyric Lee and her ilk are nutburgers.

Very curious that you didn't pick up on my point of view.

For fuck's sake. *sigh* Well, here's the latest Sims2 fan drama. I'm posting it only because it has been censored left, right and center since it has been posted. This doesn't mean that I don't think the people behind it aren't raving lunatics.

chinchillagrl6 posted the same thing, actually. As noted.

My other comment:

Oh Em Eff Gee. Double-you Tee Eff.

(I have a headache after all that.)

So there you are. Do with the information what you will.

The biggest dumbassery in the above info is linking MATY (moreawesomethanyou) with MTS2 (modethesims2) and whatever the other one was...S2C, right. The latter two are actually connected, whereas MATY is an entity unto itself. Duh, Barbie.

It is suspected that one of the writers is an ex-mod who was fired from MTS2 for being a power-mad fuckhead with a rageful hard-on for MATY, because s/he also supports paysites.

[exerpt from Medico, from #grah here]

The folks behind the screed are hitting every major forum in the community and posting this poopness, and it is being repeatedly deleted. Whatever. I think they're mostly bugshit, but the deletions are foolish, it just makes people pay closer attention and ask questions and assume the angry letter people have a point.

The comparison between MTS2 and CULTS (ohmigawd, people, why are you so lame?) is particularly tardly.

I don't feel one way or the other about Delphy, myself. He's neither befriended nor offended me in any way.

FACT: He had girlie pix on his computer. Busted! Damn, divorce drama is arsey.
FACT: He hosts MTS2, S2C and UniversalSims. USims's Nate got a whoppin' bill.
FACT: There's no such word as "silmilairities."

All else is up for debate.

I have to ask... Why are there no fandoms free of wankiness? Why? WHY?

Cults. I ask you. What the hell is their glitch?! Gawd. Lame.

I felt that it was better for people to be able to read the craziness for themselves, and see what all the shit was about, rather than asking someone and hearing only "Delphy's a pedophile! Burn him!!" and going off half-cocked as a result.

I think reading the whole screed is educational.

These are not normal people, here. No normal person would spread that crap around.

I invite you to read more of that LJ, I think my opinion on everything is quite clear! Smiley
124  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Main Street Sims: BTG's Golden Fuck Nut Award Winner on: 2007 July 28, 09:03:03
Quote from: "Pillage Pearl"
Now speak your peach

I'm really sad.  My peach has never said anything.  :cry:

I immediately flashed on comedienne Kathy Griffin's "I don't want to go to jail, I don't want a broomstick up my peesh! DO NOT WANT!" gag.

Jan needs meds.
125  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Well, I don't know how much clearer it can get... on: 2007 July 28, 05:51:54
Quote from: "MIKEY"

We did give the IP, home address, telephone number, and all the rest of the info the the authorities in his home state of Wisconsin, and they did nothing.

Wisconsin is a weird place anyway. Despite hosting and fostering two of the most famous psychokillers of this century (or the last), Jeffrey Dahmer and Eddie Gein, both who liked to eat people and diddle corpses, it is still legal to diddle corpses in Wisconsin. IIRC, two goth twins and an accomplice just got off scot free trying to dig up a recently deceased woman to have relations with her corpse and were not charged with it, because there was no law against it.

I wouldn't expect Wisconsin to be more enlightened about pr0n than they are about a major warning sign that someone is seriously fucked up and sociopathic.

(The greatly simplified list:
1. You pee your bed past toilet training age
2. You torture animals and/or smaller/weaker children
3. You are unable to accept blame for your mistakes
4. Abusive family / missing or uninvolved parent dynamic
5. Lack of empathy for others
6. Feeling persecuted in general
7. Obsession with "dark"/taboo subject matter to the exclusion of all else)

I mean, if you're already porking bodies and playing with body parts, I can't see your behavior getting more socially acceptable later on. Especially if you don't go to jail or get therapy.
126  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / well these are preeettyyyyyyy.... on: 2007 July 26, 10:27:56
Kitteh told me his braynz were hurting and tried to get me to flick my Bic and set you on fire with Disapproval, but I don't have the heart.

Please review your posts and ask yourself if they added anything to the discussions.

Your enthusiasm is fantastic.
The non sequiturs are, on the other hand, distracting.

Just sayin'.

Enjoy your stay at PMBD. Here's your rum, your pirate hat, and a copy of Strunk and White so we can understand what you're saying.

Think of Kitteh. Don't hurt Kitteh's braynz.

And consider the punctuation marks you're squandering. Poor punctuation marks. If you use up all our punctuation marks, we may have to start talking like telegrams. That would be regrettable. Telegrams reached their peak popularity in the 1920s and 1930s when it was cheaper to send a telegram than to place a long-distance telephone call. People would save money by using the word “stop” instead of periods to end sentences because punctuation was extra while the four character word was free STOP

Please do not use up all our punctuation marks PAUSE as we need them STOP

Oh no BANG

It may be too late BANG

You may have exceeded our daily allotment of punctuation marks BANG

Now what QUERY

I guess we are hosed FULL STOP
127  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / New confirmation on: 2007 July 26, 06:34:39
How's this for simplicity:

Stop trying to weasel around the terms of the EULA in order to justify making a buck off of Sims 2 players and start applying your artistic talents elsewhere where you can make money if making money is so damn important to you.

You have been speculating wildly from Cloudcuckooland about What IF this and What IF that, all of which require two or three currently non-existent tools or hypothetical conditions in order for them to even be possible, and the end goal is to continue to make a buck off the community in defiance of EA Games' EULA and intent and desires--and in defiance of most people who value the community and making connections and friendships within it.

In the simplest version of your scheme, you still require end users to convert art into usable Sims 2 files, either by teaching themselves how to put the info into a package (without using any of the community or EA tools, mind you) or  using a tool that doesn't exist yet, and which probably would not meet with EA's approval anyway as it would be intended solely to subvert the EULA.

Frankly, given the quality of the free content available*, and the fact that most people who download don't take the time to create and fuss if you don't put stuff into a ZIP rather than a RAR, I sincerely doubt that anyone is going to make a buck by selling texture files (even if they haven't stolen them from someone else's photograph of fashion or a celebrity or a toy or whatever) or meshes (even if they haven't stolen them from Renderosity, Poser, Maya).

Again, most people are apparently too lazy to figure out how to use Q-Express, WinRAR (and clones), and .7z files. Even more are leery of SimPE. You REALLY think they are going to want to pay money for the joy of having to do some homework on their own time to learn how to make paystuff work in the game? I think you're deluding yourself.

* YOUR homework: find one pay item where there is not a similar or identical item available for free, and which looks/performs better in the game than the free item, and which the creator actually continues to support. This item should work for the EPs it claims it works with. This item has to be re-downloadable if the user's computer blows up or the file gets corrupted. If the item gets broken, or manages to break the user's game, then the creator also must cheerfully fix it without bitching about people being SO demanding JUST because they PAID MONEY for the broken item: show an example where this was done; say, after a new EP. This item also has to use NO copyrighted material belonging to fashion designers, celebrities, films, books, record companies, restaurants, architects, advertisers, car designers, et cetera. Do you think you can find one?
128  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Main Street Sims: BTG's Golden Fuck Nut Award Winner on: 2007 July 26, 00:59:20
Bah. I am not on The Evil Pirate List but Exnem IS?

That's totally unfair. I protest.

*downloads some booty*

Look, I'm being an evil pirate, too. Hate me, plz!

*downloads some booty*

*downloads some booty*

*downloads some booty*

*downloads some MORE booty*

Nothing? Really?!

129  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 July 15, 18:46:42
Quote from: "BionixWV"
This I found interesting recently.........ok, I posted a notice about my Simford Wives lots at SFV, gave a link and all to go yet.I go post them at Insim-Adult, and blamo.........about 3 dozen downloads already per lot.............hmmm........

What gives?Lol.........must have made to big a stink recently,lol.......

I don't ever play with Servos, so variations of Servos weren't interesting to me.

My downloads folder is also bursting at the seams.

Nothing personal whatsoever.

I'd guess it is a case of sheer numbers. Insim (both variations) is enormous. SFV, not so much.
130  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / You have got to be kidding me... on: 2007 July 12, 01:53:18
Pes has, I believe, stated that he honestly doesn't care.

I suspect that, if he ever thinks much about it at all, he's not thrilled that this stuff is being sold, but pretty much seems to think that if anyone is dumb enough to pay for outdated custom content that is available for free and supported / updated elsewhere, then that is on the dumb person's head.

If I have misinterpreted Pes's comments, that is on me. He was asked directly and his attitude was basically "Meh, whatever". Smiley
131  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / FOR NOUK on: 2007 July 12, 01:47:39
Many happy returns!

Much love to Noukie!!!einz!uno!1one!!!1!
132  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: OFFICIAL THANK YOU THREAD on: 2007 July 10, 10:25:09
Thank YOU for kitteh!

(Iz cute.)

133  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / TSR IS A SUCK-ASS SUCKY WEBSITE on: 2007 July 05, 12:05:54
Has anyone asked her how she'll feel if/when she leaves and Thomas holds her content hostage?

Now THAT is theft.
134  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I read about the copyright with EA and Paysites on: 2007 June 29, 14:48:50
Quote from: "derMarcel"

But as far as I know - I'm not a lawyer - the EULA does not 'work' (sorry, don't know the correct word) in germany, because I just can read it after I bought the game/software.
There is a part in the german copyright laws, that lets me think that EA does not own the copyright on things I make with SimPE - but my english is absolutely not good enaugh to translate  :wink:

Sorry, it still applies. You have the option to disagree and not install the software.

Also, once you use SimPE to make something, it can only work with Sims games, so EA still owns the right to that content to the extent that they can forbid you from selling it commercially.

I can use the same ingredients to make a lunch sandwich that McDonald's uses, but I can not then sell it to people who want McDonald's sandwiches.

The analogy falls a little short, alas, because the sandwich is actually useful if you decide not to sell it as a McDonalds' product. SimPE-created content is completely worthless without the Sims 2 games.

It is also rather rude, to be honest, honey, to take a tool that was given free to the community at large to create items you intend to sell. That is not why SimPE was offered to us. The creator offered if for free, and does not even accept donations, much less sell it, because he wanted everyone to make content that was likewise free.

Quote from: "Lorelei"

If you ever see any of your work being distributed without proper credit, especially if someone is attempting to sell your work, please let us know. We will help you.

I know most people don't like the way I handle it, but I don't like to see my meshes on other sites even if proper credit is given. People can recolor things, but the mesh should stay on my site (of course meshes can be included in houses). I think therefore I cannot count with your help in this cases  :wink:
But at this time I know only one site offering meshes made by me without my permission  Cool

Alas, once you post anything to the Internet, you can't entirely control what people will do with it. However, we could gently urge the people not crediting you properly to do so.

Also, does it not give you a hint that meshes are automatically included in lots and sims2packs? EA intended for all content to be freely available. If you are not happy with that decision, you need to find another outlet for your talents.

As a suggestion, I would urge you to consider rethinking your insistence that people visit your site for meshes. It is annoying to play hide and go seek and have to visit a handful of sites to complete a download for the game. It is unnecessary. If your work is superlative, people WILL look to see who made it, and will come to your site on their own.

Whenever I have had to play hide and go seek for a mesh, I am generally so annoyed that I either do not use the item at all, or visit the site only long enough to find the one specific item I need, at which point I do not stay, and am not in any kind of mood to be thankful that I was forced to detour all over the net for a stupid game item.

But that is just me.

To repeat: you deserve credit for your creative ideas and work.

You can not legally sell your work IF it requires the Sims 2 games to function properly.

You had the option to disagree with the EULA's terms and return the game if you disagreed with what they required legally of you. You did not choose to disagree, and thus you made the choice to abide by the legal contract you were shown.

Using tools offered free to the community at large (and intended for creators to make free content for the community) to make pay content is, in a word, rude.

You are welcome to solicit donations. You are not allowed to offer anything in exchange for those donations. Once you make payment a requirement to get a specific item, you are selling content.

Selling content is against the legal contract you agreed to.

Therefore, selling content is not only illegal, but you can not argue that you did not know it was illegal. It is stated quite clearly in the end user legal agreement (EULA).

Thus, if you sell items, you are knowingly doing something that is illegal.

It is really very simple.
135  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / I read about the copyright with EA and Paysites on: 2007 June 29, 14:33:48
Quote from: "alia"

So, Maxis can't take the credit from you, but they own the copyright.


Well said.

(And thank you.)
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