The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: Pescado on 2009 March 30, 06:52:16

Title: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 30, 06:52:16
Newsflash: Ongoing TSR atrocities!

Apparently, Buggybooz, the person who has been fighting to have some work stolen by an FA removed, has been hacked and all of her stuff on MTS2 deleted.

Her profile now says "paysite OK". Coincidence?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 March 30, 07:30:15
That's just low, even for TSR scum.  What can we do to help?  Buggybooz says she has most of the downloads backed up.  Don't know about the pictures.  If Buggybooz needs to redo any pictures for upload threads, maybe a few folks could help do that.  Unless, of course, Delphy has those threads backed up somewhere, in which case, nevermind.

What can people do to avoid having their accounts hacked?  Besides have secure passwords, I mean.  Anything?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 30, 07:35:16
Seems like they have given buggy a new terms of use.

"Uploading terms:
May be uploaded on pay or free sites.
General terms:
Use for whatever you want."

This is what TSR wishes, while they tell everyone not to steal their stuffs.  Bloody hypocrites.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 30, 08:39:35
What can people do to avoid having their accounts hacked?  Besides have secure passwords, I mean.  Anything?
"Secure" passwords are mostly a myth. While it pays not to have really LAME passwords, beyond that, it is no use. Besides, given that TSR bundles mysterious SPYWARE in with their downloads, it is likely that Buggybooz picked up a keylogger trojan, probably from a TSR download.

So remember, get your TSR downloads HERE, where we have swept and cleaned them, don't run strange executables, and don't download from TSR.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 30, 09:07:59
I don't even download the free items from TSR.  I know I have a weird thought pattern, but I believe that every time someone signs up, downloads or interacts with TSR in a positive way, they are telling them that they are ok with their site, and are condoning everything that TSR does.  My downloads folder doesn't suffer for it.  There are too many good free sites for me to give TSR a second thought.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 30, 09:14:27
I am presently receiving reports that the hacker who hacked Buggybooz was none other than Thomas himself, it seems. BEWARE! And NEVAR FORGET!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 March 30, 10:42:48
Why is she listed as banned?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: HystericalParoxysm on 2009 March 30, 11:01:53
Why is she listed as banned?

The account was temp banned by staff with lower-level privs until it could be secured by those with the ability to do so.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 March 30, 11:14:04
I am presently receiving reports that the hacker who hacked Buggybooz was none other than Thomas himself, it seems. BEWARE! And NEVAR FORGET!

If there is proof of this, can't Delphy or HP (Hi HP!) press charges? 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 March 30, 11:17:47
With regards to keyloggers, etc, from talking to buggy, that wasn't the issue.  Suffice to say that having the same password on both sites was the reason - which indicates that TSRs passwords are either stored unencrypted *or* the admins have a way of viewing user passwords, which is a HUGE breach of security.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: HystericalParoxysm on 2009 March 30, 11:24:33
I am presently receiving reports that the hacker who hacked Buggybooz was none other than Thomas himself, it seems. BEWARE! And NEVAR FORGET!

If there is proof of this, can't Delphy or HP (Hi HP!) press charges? 

I think cops and prosecutors are busy enough with real crimes to spend their time and effort on a case where no real harm was done - yeah, it's assholeish, but we got the files and threads back without too much trouble, and now they just look like mega-douchenozzles.  Public ridicule in the community seems the way to go here.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 March 30, 11:35:36
Public ridicule in the community seems the way to go here.

That might be true, but then the word has to get out, especially to those people who only go to TSR.  And some kind of proof needs to be spread. 

Why am I always surprised by the level to which Thomas et al will sink?

With regards to keyloggers, etc, from talking to buggy, that wasn't the issue.  Suffice to say that having the same password on both sites was the reason - which indicates that TSRs passwords are either stored unencrypted *or* the admins have a way of viewing user passwords, which is a HUGE breach of security.

I know they changed my password (I could recover the new one, because they are dumbasses) and then the email addy that was associated with my TSR account, which probably doesn't tell you much.  I just changed my MTS2 password, just in case.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 March 30, 11:59:04

This is really depraved.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 30, 12:10:18
With regards to keyloggers, etc, from talking to buggy, that wasn't the issue.  Suffice to say that having the same password on both sites was the reason - which indicates that TSRs passwords are either stored unencrypted *or* the admins have a way of viewing user passwords, which is a HUGE breach of security.

Why am I not surprised that TSR  take members security as something that doesn't apply to them.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dragonballz on 2009 March 30, 12:14:14
I'm sure ThomASS sit's back on his fat ass in his cushy comp chair, reading our posts and cackling. His utter lack of couth or sense of remorse is just astounding.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: marauder on 2009 March 30, 12:15:08
Could we point people to this thead as a way of getting the word out, or is that a big no-no?  I really could care less about TSR, but the tactics they continue to use just astounds me!  Exposing information, stealing, hacking OTHER sites!?!  WTF?  

I believe public humiliation is a good idea, if any humility exists in Thomass.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: redisenchanted on 2009 March 30, 12:20:03
Well what do you expect from EA's BFF?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Missbonbon on 2009 March 30, 13:01:05
Could we point people to this thead as a way of getting the word out, or is that a big no-no?  I really could care less about TSR, but the tactics they continue to use just astounds me!  Exposing information, stealing, hacking OTHER sites!?!  WTF?  

I believe public humiliation is a good idea, if any humility exists in Thomass.

Feel free to direct as many people to this thread as you like. Just remind them to lurk moar and read the faq before they post.  ;) Essentially that's why this thread was started, to get out all the wrong doings that paysites themselves have been committing against the sims community, and this forum here won't stand for it.

As for the hacking, I agree with Palo, that we need proof. Cause right now Thomass could release a statement and it would become he said/she said.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 March 30, 13:27:16
I hope someone provides information to Coconut to post. That would be a good way also to spread the word as many do not come here for various reasons. This is just crass. I think TSR has sunk to new lows with this.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: HystericalParoxysm on 2009 March 30, 13:42:05
As for the hacking, I agree with Palo, that we need proof. Cause right now Thomass could release a statement and it would become he said/she said.

See Sims Community, um... shortly.  Proof is coming soon. They could still potentially go, "It's all lies, they just Photoshopped the whole thing!1111one" since it's all screenshots, but they've got motive, means, and opportunity, and we have pretty freakin' conclusive proof.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 March 30, 13:44:49
As for the hacking, I agree with Palo, that we need proof. Cause right now Thomass could release a statement and it would become he said/she said.

See Sims Community, um... shortly.  Proof is coming soon. They could still potentially go, "It's all lies, they just Photoshopped the whole thing!1111one" since it's all screenshots, but they've got motive, means, and opportunity, and we have pretty freakin' conclusive proof.

I want you to know that I don't need proof.  Yours and Delphy's word is good enough for me.  I was thinking of those on the fence that might need some persuasion.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 13:45:10
Do Delphy and HP have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was TSR?   If so,  would humbly ask if you would  please share it with Coconut, like Skoria Bay suggested. Or put the proof somewhere public where people can see it for themselves. Because not to play the devil's advocate, but it's hard to believe TSR could be that stupid.  Hacking the account, yes I can believe that.  But then writing "Paysites okay" and changing the terms?  It's just...beyond stupid.   Why not just leave links to TSR and say, "HEY, WE HACKED YOUR ACCOUNT!"

I understand the legal issue being hard to press.  But, I wonder how EA would feel if the evidence was sent to them?  "Hey, EA, your bestest favorite fansite likes to attack free sites to steal their meshes."  

Disregard, questions have already been answered.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Immortelle on 2009 March 30, 13:49:24
This is just nuts.  What we have happening here is Buggybooz makes nice stuff.  T$R wanker copies said pretty stuff.  Buggybooz gets upset, tries take action against The $hit Resource.  The $hit Resource gets petty and vindictive (which is nothing new) and viciously hacks Buggybooz.  At present we have no evidence on hand to rub in the face of The Shit Resource, meaning Thomarse and Co. could come back with a whole "who  innocent sweet, little me . . . aw paw wickle Buggybooz type attitude."

*Edit.  But the good news is we can now at least shove the finger up at them.  Congratulations TSR you have earned yet another shiney nail for your rotten coffin.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 30, 13:51:29
Once HP puts the proof out there something tells me we are all going to need to take screenshots.  We have seen what happens to posts and conversations that TSR doesn't like.  

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: HystericalParoxysm on 2009 March 30, 13:53:53

D's fixing it so the pics don't stretch the thing out (so it might be picless for like a minute or so) but there's the proof for all to see.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 13:54:04
This is just nuts.  What we have happening here is Buggybooz makes nice stuff.  T$R wanker copies said pretty stuff.  Buggybooz gets upset, tries take action against The $hit Resource.  The $hit Resource gets petty and vindictive (which is nothing new) and viciously hacks Buggybooz.  At present we have no evidence on hand to rub in the face of The Shit Resource, meaning Thomarse and Co. could come back with a whole "who  innocent sweet, little me . . . aw paw wickle Buggybooz type attitude."

*Edit.  But the good news is we can now at least shove the finger up at them.  Congratulations TSR you have earned yet another shiney nail for your rotten coffin.

Yeah, and if Delphy and/or HP post it, that says a lot.  TSR is trying to discredit Coconut by saying the screenshots are fake.  Someone else having screenshots of them and their nasty little tricks will go a long way in showing people on the fence that nope, Coconut is not lying.  

*Sees above post*  EXCELLENT! 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 March 30, 14:16:47
Let's not let Shakeshaft's theft fly under the radar, either. 

Thief! Hypocrite!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 14:25:20
Wow - well, I guess it did get made big.  And good luck for TSR getting Delphy's post and pictures removed. *snickers*

This was a little lower than expected, but it isn't surprising.  I think the entire free community should send letters to EA's person in charge of PR and let them know that their friendship with TSR is hurting them.  Because it is, and if anyone would care it would be PR.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 March 30, 14:26:57

 Wow, I am lost for words.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 30, 14:39:56
Any takers that a new Delphy - Hp hate campaign pops up to discredit them. For the TSR eavesdroppers:-  don't bother every one knows what you are about.  We aren't paying attention to your scumscucking propaganda.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 14:45:10

Any of those ip's involved in the Simsecret hacking?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 30, 14:56:57
Popped over to Coconuts blog, the Ip used on Simsecrets was that was a proxy though. 

ETA  Going to the bottom of Coconuts blog page there was another

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 15:17:28
Thomas is now doing things alot less subtully because he basically has all EA staff dealing with the community, in his pocket. Everything that goes to the higher ups that could put a stop to this, goes through them first. So he doesn't care anymore and will go all out.
I suggest people try different ways of reaching those higher up.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: mrs_cicero on 2009 March 30, 15:17:47
Well I have been on the fence about this for some time and I've finally gone and done it, this is what I've posted at two of my popular stories at TSR. Many people opt to be made aware through email when a favorite story has updated so I am sure many will see this! At least I hope they do! Here is what it said in Safaatville Liyah's Legacy and My Not So Perfect Life:

"After finally sitting on the fence on this issue I am finally plunging head first into the great abyss of the paysites versus free site debate. I must admit that I did not want to choose a side as I believe if someone wants to charge for something that they have spent time and energy on that should be their choice. However, I personally put countless hours into getting the right screenshot and creating stories and wouldn't dare to ask for recompesense in this as it is something that I love to do, a hobby. With that being said I must say that I have been growing increasingly disenchanted with the tactics by tsr and have been following ...and , as well as using the booty for the often crappy material that I thought I wanted from the subscriber only section.

Now I learn that tsr is putting TROJANS into their files which can do GOD knows what and also causes game crashes if removed. They are also accusing users who have legitimate claims of technical issues with files of downloading from the booty and therefore being not worthy of assistance. This is ludicrous!!! I have met many people that I have befriended but I must admit that after reading coconut's blog found here and seeing some very familiar names that have helped me numerous times on this site I became flabbergasted. WHICH IS THE REAL YOU, the person condoning the spread of illegally obtained information or the person that is so helpful and encouraging?

I decided to finally break my silence because I have had enough. It was wrong for THOMAS TO HACK Buggybooz account at modthesims 2 because she exposed a feature artist for stealing her meshes! That was the last straw for me! It was wrong for THOMAS AND NAMELESS FEATURED ARTIST TO CONDONE THE PUBLIC DISPLAY OF NAMES, ADDRESSES, AND PHONE NUMBERS TO MEMBERS WHO were caught stealing as they call it (even though they steal other peoples things all the time)! IT IS WRONG TO NOT PAY A MEMBER BACK THEIR SUBSCRPITION MONEY WHEN THEY CANCEL IT OR HAVE A PROBLEM.




About buggybooz account being hacked:
Blackpearl sims also has a thread:

What TSR has been doing with personal information: "

I tried to screen capture this but I suck at it and it's all distorted when i pull it up in photoshop



Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 30, 15:23:07
I am so disgusted!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(  Thanks Nouk for posting the link about this  in the chatbox @ BPS-I was not aware of this bullshit! I can't say this is a big surprise--because I know he's a shady bastard who's capable of  such lowness. Thanks delphy for bringing this information to all of our attention. Buggybooz I hope you get your stuff situated... --Shakeshaft. You thief bitch.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Missbonbon on 2009 March 30, 15:27:13
As for the hacking, I agree with Palo, that we need proof. Cause right now Thomass could release a statement and it would become he said/she said.

See Sims Community, um... shortly.  Proof is coming soon. They could still potentially go, "It's all lies, they just Photoshopped the whole thing!1111one" since it's all screenshots, but they've got motive, means, and opportunity, and we have pretty freakin' conclusive proof.

Ahh thanks for the clarification. I'm reading Delphy's post right now since it rather long but informative.  :)

Edited to say: Well I just finished reading it, and I must agree with Jonsei's post over there. "I am appalled, but not surprised," as she put it. I feel those words best describe any situation with TSR nowadays. I am rather curious as to how many other accounts they have tried to log in to over the years with claims of stolen content. I am rather curious as to how TSR will handle this one indeed. I agree with the posters on S2C, that this word needs to be spread as far as we can get it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 March 30, 16:13:55
Thanks Delphy and HP for your information. TSR you are lower than dirt in my book. And Thomas, remember Karma is a bitch baby. What goes around, comes around.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 March 30, 16:22:06
Quote from: Missbonbon
I am rather curious as to how TSR will handle this one indeed.

Well, either they'll lie unconvincingly, or else they'll lie even more unconvincingly.

Like Nouk said, maybe it's time we formulated a plan to bypass Drea and the rest of the "team".  But still, just for fun we could bombard EA with emails relating to the matter until Drea's fingers bleed from having to delete them all.

Oh, and Shakeshaft is a fucking thief.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 30, 16:33:15
Wow. Just... wow. I don't know what else to say except that TSR is full of thieves and liars. I can't put into words the outrage I feel about the raping of a site as awesome as MTS 2, and yes, when someone goes in and removes something that is not their own creation, alters something they've no right to touch, that is a kind of rape. I hope those fuckers burn. And I hope Buggybooz and the rest of you guys at MTS 2 will be ok and stonger than ever.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 30, 16:44:32
I am also appalled but not surprised.  Do we know what file it was she stole?  Is it still up over at TSR? (Curious cat is curious).

Mrs. Cicero- Good for you.  I am sure that was hard for you and I am glad you have a new home for your stories and a supportive place your fans will be able to find you.  I agree that is a good and effective way to get out a message but I am sure they will find a way to take it down before many see it. (unfortunately)  Welcome to PMBD.  There is a lot of information here you may find interesting.  Enjoy your stay.  BRAVO!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 16:47:12
You know Buggy's awesome planters?  At least one of -those- was stolen and given a recoloured texture without the dirt.

And the UV map is identical, except for the dirt part, which is not there.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 16:53:44
This site ( has proof from BuggyBoots about the planter.  She compairs the meshes and all such, starting about page 8 or 9

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: calalily on 2009 March 30, 17:00:05
I can confirm from coconut that Shakeshaft stole it, and that TSR have no intention of removing it, in fact they based a full chat on how they can discredit any 'accusers'.

Shakeshaft is a disgusting pig, uh?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Missbonbon on 2009 March 30, 17:03:43
Ohh Cala! Nice to see you.  ;D Since coconut has those pictures, hopefully they will be up on her blog sometime soon. Just to beat TSR to the punch. Then they can't discredit anyone.

Well, either they'll lie unconvincingly, or else they'll lie even more unconvincingly.

This much I figured, but I'm wondering how they will do it, just to plan ahead for how hard I'm going to laugh.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 March 30, 17:07:03
Ohh Cala! Nice to see you.  ;D Since coconut has those pictures, hopefully they will be up on her blog sometime soon. Just to beat TSR to the punch. Then they can't discredit anyone.

Well, either they'll lie unconvincingly, or else they'll lie even more unconvincingly.

This much I figured, but I'm wondering how they will do it, just to plan ahead for how hard I'm going to laugh.

Dot is probably working on another tutorial right now. So I guess, you can plan on laughing very hard.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 30, 17:14:49
I was just over there to see if they were up and I cant find them.  I looked all over and it seems they have been at least temporarily taken down at least.  I am sure it is so that they can say it never happened and everyone is making it up. You know, "what files?".  "Shakeshaft never made any pots!"- "You all are Crazy!".  Anyone else able to locate the files?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 30, 17:16:17
Wow, just when I thought TSR was just happy with siphoning money from innocent (though foolish) individuals. Thomas just keeps digging the hole deeper, doesn't he? Humpty Dumpty's going to have a long way to fall when he finally does.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 17:17:12
Shakeshaft is probably changing the UV mapping and the textures as we speak. She will keep selling them.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 30, 17:20:35
Paleo, I see you posted on the BBS. You might wanna SS it just in case Steve still has his SM powers and should decide to login and--OOPS!--accidentally delete it. ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 17:22:42
I can confirm from coconut that Shakeshaft stole it, and that TSR have no intention of removing it, in fact they based a full chat on how they can discredit any 'accusers'.

Shakeshaft is a disgusting pig, uh?

Does Coconut have proof of this she can post?  I'd love to see it and it would be great to get an out and out admittance that they know what they did and don't care.

And, because it never hurts to let people know:

Shakeshaft is a thief!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 30, 17:26:18
Paleo, I see you posted on the BBS. You might wanna SS it just in case Steve still has his SM powers and should decide to login and--OOPS!--accidentally delete it. ::)

I used my snagit, hehe, so got it! If they delete it, I'll be happy to re-post it.

You are right Nouk-she probably shouldn't post anything @ the moment. Luckily, all the proof currently needed is up already. Besides, nothing thomass says will make me or any  intelligent peps doubt the truth. He is hoping for some real "12's" to keep him and his lies afloat.
Naturally, I would love to see any SS to the effect that they are plotting to re-steer the situation to pure innocence....LMAO

Arrgghhh! Welcome Mrs Cicero! *hands caramel rum cupcake!*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 17:27:03
Coconut should be careful about posting anything. MTS2 has provided more than enough evidence, and this may just be another sceme to flush out Coconut.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 17:29:04
*belatedly hands Mrs. Cicero a bottle of rum* Welcome.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 30, 17:34:24
I used my snagit, hehe, so got it! If they delete it, I'll be happy to re-post it.
Woot, nice job. I think this is going to be very important to get out to the community that their personal information is certainly STILL not safe. :-\

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 30, 17:34:32
Coconut should be careful about posting anything. MTS2 has provided more than enough evidence, and this may just be another sceme to flush out Coconut.

I was thinking something similar.  Somehow I can't see Thomas succeeding to lie his way out of this one.  For the people who see all the evidence and say TSR is still innocent then there is no hope for them.  They are too far submerged in TSR nothing Thomas or anyone else from that site does will ever convince them that TSR is scum.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 17:35:46
Coconut should be careful about posting anything. MTS2 has provided more than enough evidence, and this may just be another sceme to flush out Coconut.

If so, it is about the stupidest thing they've ever done, and that's saying a lot.  "Hey, let's do something the Sim community will find entirely loathesome, and make sure there is legitimate proof, just so we can catch Coconut!"  

Then again...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 March 30, 17:38:12
For what I have read on the BBS, people are really disgusted over this. I have not seen any support for TSR what so ever. I think Thomass has sunk his ship this time. Well, maybe not totally, but it would be nice if it did.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 30, 17:44:43
I saw on MTS2 someone mention that they're surprised EA's not responded to that thread. EA's not going to respond because it's too early yet. And since they don't have moderators moderating anymore (check Neena's and Anubis's blogs), they're stuck doing all the dirty work. And I wouldn't be surprised if EA ignored it because that's usually what they do when zongzz dramz! appears.
/me covers her ears and says "La La La I can't hear you!" like EA does

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 March 30, 17:45:18
For what I have read on the BBS, people are really disgusted over this. I have not seen any support for TSR what so ever. I think Thomass has sunk his ship this time. Well, maybe not totally, but it would be nice if it did.

I just wish there was more ways to reach people within TSR, the ones that never go any further than TSR. I see why TSR is trying to be a one-stop download site, because the moment people left the site and look at the community, they'd realize what scum TSR is.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 17:46:49

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scourge on 2009 March 30, 17:56:31
I'm disgusted but not surprised. What boggles me is that Thomas made the same mistake -again-. What he did will reach quite a number of people who have been on the fence between pay and free from the S2C Forums and his actions will most likely cause quite a bit of people to fall on the free side (as some already have).

I move that we thank Thomas and his gang of thieving bastards (like Shakeshaft) for proving that paysite owners are nothing but greedy, selfish assholes who will share and use private information of their customers, who will hack into another site and remove downloads to hide their thieving ways and who will sink to new lows every single week if it serves their purpose.

Fake Edit: I love that pie chart, Darqstar. Quite accurate.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 17:58:09
*snort* *rotfl* darqstar, that's about right, except for most you can just delete the 'legitimate job' and replace it for 'sleeping'.

Also, don't make it too easy for TSRoids to delete blog entrees by advertising them here, you guys. It can get those people in trouble.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 18:01:21
I personally think the green and the purple slivers need to be smaller, and a 'changing hues on maxis meshes' should be added in

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 30, 18:03:06
LMAO! Thanks Darqstar! We all needed that hehehe :D *good thing I followed the FAQ and kept my drink*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 March 30, 18:08:28
I personally think the green and the purple slivers need to be smaller, and a 'changing hues on maxis meshes' should be added in

I agree. I would also add "Whining about 'But I iz talented artist because I iz FA'"

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 18:13:27
I consider the "day" to be the waking part of it, not the sleeping.  Thus, why there was no "Sleep" involved. 

I couldn't make the green any smaller. 

I also figured that "Searching the net for content to steal" included modifying such content as well. 

Sorry I wasn't clearer.   ;D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Ardently on 2009 March 30, 18:41:22
Until today, I have been quietly reading this forum and others, doing research on the backstory to paysites and TSR's unethical behavior.  At one time, I was a TSR subscriber, hapless and new to The Sims and custom content; this site (thanks to Nouk's site leading me here) pulled the wool off my eyes and greatly helped diminish my naivete.

But today is when I am sickened by TSR, really and truly shaken at the means they will go to in order to scam and steal their way into more wallets.  I adore Buggy's work and have used it near exclusively in my Sims' homes.  And so dear Buggy, if you are reading this thread, my complete sympathies to you at TSR/Thomas's invasive, atrocious actions.

Damn that man.
Long live the pirates and the rights to free content.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: HystericalParoxysm on 2009 March 30, 18:49:42
Someone wanna gimme a quick summary of the Coconut thing?  I don't keep up on the drama like I used to.  From what I can get the gist of, Coconut is an... unknown TSR insider posting shit about them and somehow flying under their radar?  Was the DOT tutorial thing on spotting faked screenshots to try to discredit Coconut's stuff?  Yeah, I know, search moar, whatever - someone wanna type a couple sentences to help a lazy bitch out?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 18:57:54
Someone wanna gimme a quick summary of the Coconut thing?  I don't keep up on the drama like I used to.  From what I can get the gist of, Coconut is an... unknown TSR insider posting shit about them and somehow flying under their radar?  Was the DOT tutorial thing on spotting faked screenshots to try to discredit Coconut's stuff?  Yeah, I know, search moar, whatever - someone wanna type a couple sentences to help a lazy bitch out?

Where to start?  But yes, Dot's little "tutorials" are to discredit Coconut, we're pretty sure of that. 

We don't know how TSR plans on destroying coconut, but there has been some speculation that they are going to try to "prove" Coconut is lying by having what they'll claim to be as "unaltered" screenshots, supposedly "proving" that Coconuts were fake. 

As to who is Coconut, we know that Coconut has access to inside information at TSR.  We don't speculate too much on who exactly Coconut is or could be, because we don't want to give TSR any help.   TSR has tried various tricks to catch Coconut, but all of them have met with fail. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 30, 18:58:39
You've pretty much hit the nail on the head, oh lazy bitch you. :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 March 30, 18:59:09
Basically yes, you summed it up nicely. We're pretty sure DOT's "tutorials" are indeed trying to discredit Coconut. If you or Delphy want to forward information to her, she does have a blog at Plus I'm sure some people here have direct contact with Coconut and can contact you privately how to forward information.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 March 30, 19:09:46

 I am beginning to think Thomass is actually coconut, he is doing more harm to the TSR by his dumbass actions  LOL!!!!

 Seriously tho.. he is obviously not that smart ( well it has been said many times but he proves it over and over). IF bug's  claimed meshes and stuff was stolen, if I was thomass I would PM shakesass and tell her to change her crap then deny the whole damn thing. Instead he hacks an account that leaves his trail behind. stupid move for sure.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 19:37:49
TSR has both Maxoid Hydra and Maxoid Drea in their pockets, probably bribing them. All threads that talk negatively about TSR have been closed and deleted by Maxoid Hydra's hand. Without even a comment on what's happened to their 'valued customers'.
All Maxoid statements have been in support of TSR no matter what they do, even if TSR disregards their statements of 'respecting creators wishes'. They don't give a damn because they're getting paid.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 19:45:08
Yup, they deleted both my threads.  Back to plan A - I don't suppose anyone got any screenies of the posts on the BBs and the lame excuses?

I really think we need to go over the Sims franchise group's heads and contact the PR folks.  Think honestly someone should contact the various independent game media with this too.

Whoever does that, should make sure to mention that while they play the Sims, they also play plenty of other games, and know that what's going on with EA and TSR stinks worse than a limburger and lutefisk sandwich. [Don't get me wrong, I like limburger and the jury is out on lutefisk until I try some]

I'm willing to do it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 19:46:44
Me too. This also sound like a good job for the Animal Army, don't you think, foxeh fox?  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 19:48:39
I've got a screen capture of Paleoanth's thread with the lame excuse for closing it too. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 30, 19:52:17
I got ss of it as well--That has to be the lamest excuse *stay on topic about the sims 2 games or website* And were we referring to any other game hydra?? It's important for the community to be warned of the bastardy behavior of their bfffffffff. So sorry the truth hurts.

It was a great effort though-Thanks for posting it Paleoanth. At least it reached some peps.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 30, 19:54:45
At other official websites I've been to, the moderators would have been the ones to post warning everyone about TSR; they certainly wouldn't tell people not to talk about a large community website that's screwing people over. But the Maxoids aren't really EA employees, they're TSR employees.

Edit: I just tried to log in to TSR to change my password (again), and couldn't because of "no matching e-mail". That wasn't the case last week. Hmm...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: VaVe on 2009 March 30, 20:01:51
But the Maxoids aren't really EA employees, they're TSR employees.

Is there a difference?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 20:03:26
I'm hoping there is.  It might just be that the Sims division is riddled with corruption.  And it does sound like a job for the Animal Army.  Let's go and see if anyone is around.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 20:07:34


I didn't even make one of those anti TSR threads, I just posted to agree with every one of them.

Wow, every moment, EA makes it easier and easier to hate them. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ekimsal on 2009 March 30, 20:10:41
Well they're not even giving excuses now, threads are just disappearing.
But if the maxoids hadn't deleted the threads I'm sure the TSR cheerleader of the BBS AussieKoala (god I don't know someone else on that forum I've wanted to strangle more) would have derailed them. One poor newbie just wanted to see what the drama was about so I filled her in through guestbook.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 20:11:14
There weren't even any site rules broken. This is ridiculous. They are definately being paid by TSR.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 20:16:01
There weren't even any site rules broken. This is ridiculous. They are definately being paid by TSR.

I know, it's getting more and more obvious that someone in power on the BBS has a lot to lose if TSR is badmouthed.   I didn't break any of their rules, they just banned me because I agreed with all the other threads that were anti TSR. I didn't know that was against the rules. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ekimsal on 2009 March 30, 20:17:00
I thought most people would've waken up to TSR and the EAxis of Evil working together when half the creator camp people were TSR FA's. Can't even link to Coconuts journal on BBS anymore

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: KiwiJaye on 2009 March 30, 20:19:17
Is it just me, or did TSR's forum suddenly go on lockdown mode? It wants a TSR Email.  ???

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 March 30, 20:19:53
This one's still up, probably because of the misleading thread title:,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.127,item.23

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 20:20:33,103681.0.html If you're interrested in maybe organizing something.  :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 30, 20:21:13
I really don't think it's TSR and EA working together. This crap is losing EA money. It's people in the Sims division who are obviously being paid by TSR. Because EA is run poorly, their employees are not loyal, and the higher-ups don't really know what's going on because they're too busy using $100 bills to snort cocaine off hookers' chests.

KiwiJaye: It's not just you.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 30, 20:22:19
*Passes Darqstar and SoggyFox a cookie* The ban sting will go away soon! the nerve they have. You posted nothing but a well stated opinion that never broke any of their posted rules. I guess they should let the community see their supa sekret tsr handbook rules...
ETA: I added my 2 cents to that thread, Scurvy...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 20:24:47
I've been banned too - which means that there will be two printed pictures, along with a letter.  And multiple letters because I -am- contacting Penny Arcade, X-Play and any other independent source I can think of now.

Someone needs to blow the whistle and investigate -why- the Sims division lets TSR get away with this.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: VaVe on 2009 March 30, 20:25:40
Banned here.
The Maxiods are idiots, how is a ban until thursday going to make everything okay? I'd guess it's just crowd control

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 20:27:38
Why? Because any addition to EA's shitty salary is welcome, I'm guessing? Especially if EA is rewarding you for your 'refreshing idea's on how to work together with the Sims 2 fan Community' ???

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Fresh-Prince on 2009 March 30, 20:31:05
That's just horrible what happened to buggybooz.

I have no words. Its just absolutely horrible.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 20:31:26
*Passes Darqstar a cookie* The ban sting will go away soon! the nerve they have. You posted nothing but a well stated opinion that never broke any of their posted rules. I guess they should let the community see their supa sekret tsr handbook rules...

I've never been banned from any forum before.  It's a new experience for me!   :D  I used to hang out there quite a bit.  I remember getting royally flamed once, by someone because I dared to state I wasn't eager to see Pets in the game.  And when I say flamed, I mean flamed.  And the person signed the hell out of my GB there, also telling me off.  And, making physical threats against me too.  Along with wishes that I get sick and die, so on and so forth. Really amateur stuff, but it was pretty nasty.

They got a warning.  A warning, that's it.  I write that I agree with people, and I get banned.

Why doesn't EA just come out and say, "Anything TSR does is aces in our book!"  

I'm curious if anyone else gets banned over this, or if I'm especially evil in their eyes.  If I got banned, shouldn't everyone who started one of those threads get banned too?

Edit: FreshPrince, you're right. It is horrible.  Thanks for reminding me that my banning is nothing compared to what Buggy has gone through.  Shakeshaft is a thief!  I'm just glad they could fix Buggy's issues on MTS2

Another Edit:  Soggy, I'm sorry you got banned too.  At least I feel less alone *hands Soggy a milkshake* 

I just don't believe that EA is willing to pretend none of this exists.   THe only problem is that unless you understand the situation, unless you've been involved in custom content, this doesn't seem like that big a deal.  It's like when fanfiction is stolen (which I've had happen) while it's terrible, there isn't much that can be done and it's tough to explain to someone from the outside.

The biggest thing I have to remember (offline) is to make sure my family doesn't get me Sims3  for Christmas or my birthday or something, knowing that usually with me, a Sim game is a surefire hit.  I don't want EA making money off of me directly or indirectly. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 20:37:20
They probably gave a list of names for people to ban. You're a 'traitor' to TSR, along with Paleo among others, so you're first to go.
And yes they know the reaction is completely over the top and unfair, and that is why all proof is being deleted.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 30, 20:37:33
They are ridiculous. Period. I am sure they will ban me next ^-* I'm surprised as well Darqstar, that they didn't ban every single person who wrote in that thread-Everyone was agreeing and stating pretty much the same thing you said *shrugs* There's no words to describe their hypocrisy and retardation. They are as low as tsr is. And I don't think anyone would want to be in that category.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 20:38:40
So, that makes three of us banned?

And I've been banned before, for calmly stating that while I was sorry other people's feelings had been hurt, but they needed to consider that maybe the person who'd just lost a toe might have feelings too.'  I was IP banned for that, because goodness, couldn't hurt this one person's feelings.  The site owner had/has a crush on her. :P

This time, it just makes me more and more determined.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: KiwiJaye on 2009 March 30, 20:39:15
I'm RoofPigExpected, and as of three seconds ago I'm banned till April 2. Oh, noes. Guess I'll have to switch to one of my other accounts.  :P My "Least Favorite CC Site and Why? thread has been deleted too.

I'd really like to know how a least favorite cc site thread is off topic.

Here's Drea's newest sticky: "It would seem some of our community members don't have anything better to do today other than post off topic threads and hijack old discussions that happened earlier in the month. We've spent the whole morning trying to keep the boards clean.

Please do not post Off Topic threads or hijack existing threads. Continuing to do this will result in a temp ban.

Eesh. I hate playing the Bad Cop."

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Yaardarm Monkey II on 2009 March 30, 20:39:59
bloody insanity   >:(

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 20:42:31
What a fucking hypocritical piece of shit.  Drea, may you get -exactly- what you deserve too.  And if by chance you're just taking orders, then I wish the person giving you orders to get exactly what he or she deserves too.

Never mess with a practicing witch.

And yay milkshakes!

*starts making rum popcorn balls for all the folks getting banned*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 30, 20:42:50

Here's Drea's newest sticky: "It would seem some of our community members don't have anything better to do today other than post off topic threads and hijack old discussions that happened earlier in the month. We've spent the whole morning trying to keep the boards clean.

Please do not post Off Topic threads or hijack existing threads. Continuing to do this will result in a temp ban.

Interesting.  Love how some of us didn't get that warning, we were just BANNED!  

From now on then, they should delete any thread that says anything about custom content, good or bad.  If it's against the rules, then it's against the rules.

And what old discussions were hijacked?  

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darby on 2009 March 30, 20:45:23
Chiming in: I've been pretty damned vocal about all this crap myself (tamandar75 on the BBS), and my account has NOT yet been banned.  I keep refreshing my simpage to see if they're going to get around to it.   :D

But if the maxoids hadn't deleted the threads I'm sure the TSR cheerleader of the BBS AussieKoala (god I don't know someone else on that forum I've wanted to strangle more) would have derailed them.
AussieKoala is an EA sock if I ever saw one.   :P

Neriana, are you serious about Maxoids being TSR employees and not EA employees?  If that's true, the relationship EA denies having with TSR must go back a long way.  Very discouraging, really.  I'm more and more convinced, especially in the last couple days, that there's not a damned thing we can do to change EA's business practices with our petty little complaints.  They've got a way of being in place, and they're way beyond seeing reason.  I've recently begun to think they don't give a shit for long-term business because they see the ship sinking anyway, and perhaps Riccitiello is counting on one last bit of pocket lining with the Sims 3 base game before the whole thing goes under. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 March 30, 20:49:16
I got banned by TSR way back in the Sims 1 days.  Does anyone here remember that charming soul SM Lust?  Founder and major contributor to the first evil paysite-- 8DS?  He used to show up on the TSR boards and start announcing that he was going to "expose" people he disliked.  Steve, GFM and Tug would just ignore him.  I finally got pissed off and told him what I thought of him, and he "exposed" me.  Apparently I had somehow caused Miffy (now Bunny Huggles) to get all depressed and suicidal by writing an article on a subject that Miffy had considered writing an article on.  Even Miffy said this was BS, BTW.

Shortly after that I got in an arguement with some of the goths on the site, they violated site rules and I got banned.  Putting two and two together, I still think it was because I was mean to Steve's buddy Lusty.  And that was shortly after they'd turned pay, so he was probably hoping to recruit him and I messed that up.

I may have been banned again today, but since I changed my new password to deliberately random letters so I couldn't be tempted to get back on, I'll never know.....

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 30, 20:52:27
Neriana, are you serious about Maxoids being TSR employees and not EA employees?  If that's true, the relationship EA denies having with TSR must go back a long way.  Very discouraging, really.  I'm more and more convinced, especially in the last couple days, that there's not a damned thing we can do to change EA's business practices with our petty little complaints.  They've got a way of being in place, and they're way beyond seeing reason.  I've recently begun to think they don't give a shit for long-term business because they see the ship sinking anyway, and perhaps Riccitiello is counting on one last bit of pocket lining with the Sims 3 base game before the whole thing goes under. 

Yes. I don't think EA knows about this, because it would certainly be in violation of the Maxoids' contracts. I do think it's entirely plausible that Riccitello and his buddies are lining their golden parachutes for when EA does go under. Considering the way he's gone shooting his mouth off about the video game industry, and the counterproductive things he's been doing with EA, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 March 30, 20:54:50

It's a craze!!! I've been banned from the BBS. Has a nice ring to it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 30, 20:59:03
If I were to guess, I'd say a dozen people have been banned today because of this. I hope everyone banned sends in a letter. This is utterly ridiculous.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ekimsal on 2009 March 30, 21:00:20
I reposted a link in the fansite section. I know it's a dead subsection but hey, let them try and tell me I'm offtopic there

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 21:01:41
Hypocrite lying corrupt bitch. You must be raking in some big money to be such a lousy human being.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 30, 21:03:32
I reposted a link in the fansite section. I know it's a dead subsection but hey, let them try and tell me I'm offtopic there

Did you screencap it?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ekimsal on 2009 March 30, 21:08:33

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 21:10:27

There - that was my last post.  I'm sure it doesn't help my case, but it was the third post I'd made today and that they deleted.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 30, 21:14:15
Your post has also been screencapped and posted by others, along with a bunch more, at at least one other good-sized site. This should get interesting ;D.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 21:15:23
I think that photobucket autoshrunk it - I can try tidying it up a bit in gimp and make it more legible. *goes to crop a bit.*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 30, 21:17:00
Here's a pretty good screencap of it, if you want to skip the work:;boardseen#new

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 21:24:39
Well too late, but, they also got my second post, which makes me happy. :)  And if I'm right, than one of the offended parties happens to be a former simmaster?

I think EA's made a worse mistake than Thomass' hacking of Buggy's account.  If he'd just been smart and told Shakeshaft to get rid of the stolen item.  If Hydra and dRea had been smart and just let folks complain....but no, and each mistake is worse than the last.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 March 30, 21:25:22
Here's someone else's that I grabbed.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 30, 21:27:37
And if I'm right, than one of the offended parties happens to be a former simmaster?


Heh, Jarsie was lamenting that she didn't screencap that, I'll send her here.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 30, 21:29:58
If anyone wants it and missed it--->Here's a link to the entire deleted Paleo thread- -it's in png format and I don't have the time to re-size and make it into readable pics to add to pbucket. You can view it in fireworks or whatever other programs open it??
 (Sorry! I'll try to make it so everyone can get to view it later)
It will show as a long ass box if you don't open it in fireworks. Sorry just scrunched for time right now! But anyways, I have other thread ss too..

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Rissa on 2009 March 30, 21:31:12
I thought most people would've waken up to TSR and the EAxis of Evil working together when half the creator camp people were TSR FA's. Can't even link to Coconuts journal on BBS anymore

Sorry to go back some pages, but you still can link to the blog. Use instead of the original link. It's just a second url which forwards to the main one, but at least you can't get banned for posting that link ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ekimsal on 2009 March 30, 21:33:31
I thought most people would've waken up to TSR and the EAxis of Evil working together when half the creator camp people were TSR FA's. Can't even link to Coconuts journal on BBS anymore

Sorry to go back some pages, but you still can link to the blog. Use instead of the original link. It's just a second url which forwards to the main one, but at least you can't get banned for posting that link ;)

Thanks, did not know that

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darby on 2009 March 30, 21:46:55
Cool - I finally got the banhammer.  My first evah!   :D  This is what did it, unless they were just about to do it for my earlier posts anyway. 


(Edited multiple times until I could get the danged image posted correctly.   :P)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: KiwiJaye on 2009 March 30, 21:47:55
Alright, with one of my alt accounts I posted a thread asking for rule clarifications.

Link to the now locked thread:,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.127,item.23

You're really helpful there, Maxoid_Zipper.

Here's what they said: "Locking this thread.

Please read Drea's sticky here:,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.127,item.23

The BBS Rules:"

That didn't answer anything, at all. ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 30, 21:50:34
They think avoiding it is going to make it go away.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jojoba on 2009 March 30, 21:53:45
Here is hoping they not only lose subscribers over this, but also some creators, as that is what will hurt the people who did this (Thomas and the staff who organised it). How can you justify being at a site which does stuff like this?  :-X

I am not surprised at the act..but almost surprised that he did not make an attempt to hide the IP, as they usually use proxies in their dark deeds.

Also, fyi as I did not see it posted yet, this has been posted at SimWank. ( They have links to where people are talking about this, and have spread the word at thesims2LJcommunity  ( gets quite a lot of visitors, from what I gather). This certainly needs to be posted at sites..its disgusting and pathetic. The more that know, the better.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 22:02:06
If they were just ignoring it, the posts wouldn't be deleted nor would so many folks be banned.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 30, 22:09:20
What I mean by 'ignore' is that they're not responding to this whatsoever. Instead of listening to simmers, the dictatorial behavior they choose is standard. They'd rather ignore and censor than man up and do good business.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 March 30, 23:22:00
And it's still up!,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.127,item.23

The secret seems to be using a title that doesn't clue the maxoids.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: WolfSilverOak on 2009 March 30, 23:29:43
And here I used to love Shakeshaft's stuff.  Not anymore.

This shit makes me very glad the Booty exists.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 March 30, 23:33:53
Thanks for getting the screenie of my post.  I didn't get a chance to do that before I had to go to work.  Funnily enough, I have NOT been banned.  I did like that the Idiot Maxoid in the new sticky stated that people who did post had nothing better to do and that she and the other maxoids had to spend all morning cleaning up the forum.  Sob. 

Edited: grammar.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 23:39:13
We can't see your post, Scurvy - some of us are banned - and my second post was titled to hide its intent - but failed - I guess sarcasm wasn't lost on them.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 30, 23:47:30
Maybe that biatch should consider how long it took for MTS 2 to get up and running again after the shit that rotten bastard Thomass pulled and shut her whiny mouth for once. Such a stupid [CENSORED] should have been left in the corner to drool on herself where she couldn't do any harm...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 30, 23:49:22
From reading Manga_Moons's posts in the Featured Artist forums (copied and pasted straight from Thomas, as they have the exact same writing style as Nohead in the old paysite debates on s2c), they already have an excuse/explanation prepared. They will simply say the following, in short:

Delphy and Buggybooz used the event of Shakeshaft stealing Buggybooz's textures to prepare for this giant scam. BuggyBooz has deleted her own creations with the aid of MTS2 admins to slander TSR's Thomas's name. All evidence is doctored by Delphy and cannot be trusted. It is not real evidence.

Also you can probably guess that Manga_moon is aiming to be the next new FA.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 March 30, 23:49:50
Specify which biatch, Paden.  There are so many out there....

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 March 30, 23:52:30

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 30, 23:59:53
Ken, why aren't you doing a web comic - and if you are, why don't I have a link to it?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: showercapfrog on 2009 March 31, 00:00:56
From reading Manga_Moons's posts in the Featured Artist forums (copied and pasted straight from Thomas, as they have the exact same writing style as Nohead in the old paysite debates on s2c), they already have an excuse/explanation prepared. They will simply say the following, in short:

Delphy and Buggybooz used the event of Shakeshaft stealing Buggybooz's textures to prepare for this giant scam. BuggyBooz has deleted her own creations with the aid of MTS2 admins to slander TSR's Thomas's name. All evidence is doctored by Delphy and cannot be trusted. It is not real evidence.

Also you can probably guess that Manga_moon is aiming to be the next new FA.

Looks like they've flounced from MTS2.  (

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 00:03:19
Actually, he or she had left well before.  I think there was only one upload and it was one that allowed for continued access to the Featured forums on MTS2.  Its a shame, really.  But it looks like Manga had the kool-aid.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Irish Wench on 2009 March 31, 00:12:06
Question  ??? This current behavior of Thomass and TSR has made me decide to finally try to get my account(s) there deleted. If I email them asking them to delete both my accounts will that work? Isn't having 2 accounts there against their rules? Not that I go there for anything anymore.

I am amazed at how they plan to blame Buggybooz and Delphy for this. And unfortunately a lot of the TSR sheeple will believe them. Fortunately alot of other people are rethinking their stance regarding EA and TSR.

Thanks for all the information and links, am following this as it plays out.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 00:12:24
I can guess why they left that one item up - access to the featured artists forum.
And that flounce post is new, it's partly quoted from BuggyBooz.

To Manga_Moon: doesn't it feel nice that you can decide to delete your content from a site you don't want it at? BuggyBooz didn't have that option with the stolen stuff on TSR, dear. Neither does any other artist. These are the people you choose to believe over Delphy and Buggybooz. Good luck.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Canoodle on 2009 March 31, 00:13:06
No. Manga flounced. He had 8 uploads earlier. I know because I had looked. So yes, he did throw his toys out of the pram.
Edit: He no longer has privs to see that forum.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 00:15:30
Ah, okay - I thought I'd only seen one when I looked earlier, though I was mostly looking to see if there was a link to a tsr SA/FA minisite, not looking at stuff.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 March 31, 00:23:37
To Manga_Moon: doesn't it feel nice that you can decide to delete your content from a site you don't want it at? BuggyBooz didn't have that option with the stolen stuff on TSR, dear. Neither does any other artist. These are the people you choose to believe over Delphy and Buggybooz. Good luck.

Who needs luck when when they can be earning money dishonestly? Fuck him. No doubt, he's right where he belongs - hanging with the absolute filth of the sims community over at TSR.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 00:25:58
We can't see your post, Scurvy - some of us are banned - and my second post was titled to hide its intent - but failed - I guess sarcasm wasn't lost on them.

Here you go Soggy (and anyone Here is the link to the thread scurvy was mentioning (it's not too long-but glad it's still up lol) It's in png format (still haven't had time to mess with Open it with fireworks or whatever other program works to see the thread--okiedoke ETA: It is now a deleted thread.

Who the hell was this mangamoon clown anyways??? I'm so anticipating this new "innocence plot"  ::) Their lies and bs schemes are the only sims 2 creations they truly make...They may have too much 'shape,' but at least thomass doesn't have enough 'hardware' to think them out thoroughly. Thankfully.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Manga on 2009 March 31, 00:34:42
@Whoever wants to read, I flounced because I know where I'm not wanted, and it seems illogical to have my stuff there, too, if I'm not going to be there. What's happening to my stuff? It's going onto TSR, of course! Because as the words came out of the whores horses mouth, 'TSR Is where my home and dimes are, I want the monies'. My MTS2 content will be staying free on TSR. As for 'throwing my toys out of the pram' again, you don't move house and leave furniture do you.
As for my future in the community, if any of you care, quite frankly it's none of your business. Don't need to explain anything for anyone.

@Nouk - If Shakeshaft had stolen from buggybooz, the 'people' who I choose to believe will not have had anything to do with that. And you can say that I coyp and paste from Thomas all you like, but I do own these funny things called 'fingers' which I often use for activities such as typing.

@SnarkyShark - Fuck me? Fuck you, carry on following like the rest of the sheep. And you have absolutely no right to judge me just because I decide to upload my 'unwanted' stuff at TSR.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 00:37:08

but I do own these funny things called 'fingers' which I often use for activities such as typing.

Too bad you don't have a BRAIN to comprehend the ILLEGAL Shit TSR does. Go over to TSR. Enjoy your stay with crooked criminals. Thomass will get his use out of you.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Manga on 2009 March 31, 00:38:27
Hypocrite much? This whole website is illegal...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 00:39:52
Hypocrite much? This whole website is illegal...

So says ThomasS. EA's EULA tells you this site is not ILLEGAL.

But Hacking, and sharing PERSONAL information-NOW that is ILLEGAL. And who does this? Why TSR of course. So yes, enjoy yourself.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 00:42:04
@Manga: Stupid fucking cunt, get the hell out of here! You are nothing but an enabling twit that condones illegal and immoral activity so just shut your scum-sucking mouth and fucking leave! You're not fucking wanted here either, because by being associated with those fucktards and supporting what they did, you have proven to be one of them! Also, we don't give a flying damn if you have a future or not because your talent would fit into a thimble. If you own your fingers, why don't you pull them out of your nose and quit tickling your brain, asswipe!? It's damaged your cognitive functions. You are the sheep, you poor excuse for a human. Thomass tells you that his theft is ok and you follow it. Dur de dur!! Now go wipe the drool off of your face, you slobbering bag of shit.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darby on 2009 March 31, 00:42:33
@Nouk - If Shakeshaft had stolen from buggybooz, the 'people' who I choose to believe will not have had anything to do with that.
O'rly?  That's very insightful and convincing.  I guess everything Thoma$$ has been clearly proven to have done in the past is all hogwash too.  Thanks so much for enlightening us all so thoroughly!   ::)    

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 00:44:03
Manga, stop drinking the kool-aid, or has Thoma$$ promised you a  -microscopic- slice of his huge fortune for coming to the dark side?

The Eula says -non-commercial.  Letters from EA legal and John Riccitello say otherwise, that we can share and that this site -is- legal.  That Drea and Hydra squash any sharing of TSR's stuff, any bad things said about TSR and any links to this place just say that he's giving someone there also microscopic slices of the fortune building is luxurious second home.

As for Shakeshaft stealing, how do you explain identical UV maps - that Buggy stole from Shakeshaft's future projects?  You're supposed to be talented - so stop being an idiot.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 00:46:32
*passes around the rum popcorn balls and settles back to watch the ensuing bloodshed* Seriously.  I do hope Thomass is giving you something for being so brave.  But you don't seem to realize that there are quite a few people who stopped drinking the kool-aid here, who realized just what was going on, and -left-.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 March 31, 00:47:10
@Whoever wants to read, I flounced because I know where I'm not wanted, and it seems illogical to have my stuff there, too, if I'm not going to be there. What's happening to my stuff? It's going onto TSR, of course! Because as the words came out of the whores horses mouth, 'TSR Is where my home and dimes are, I want the monies'. My MTS2 content will be staying free on TSR. As for 'throwing my toys out of the pram' again, you don't move house and leave furniture do you.
As for my future in the community, if any of you care, quite frankly it's none of your business. Don't need to explain anything for anyone.

Try deleting your content from TSR sometime and show us how far you get with that.  At MTS2, you could throw your toys out of the pram.  You will not have that option at TSR.  And let me tell you something about the people you choose to believe.  They are liars, thieves, and utterly without a grain of morality or conscience.  They treat people as means to their own ends, which is the worst form of immorality I can think of.  Anyone who stays at TSR after the info sharing, the hacking of the LJ sim secret forum and this most recent offense is just as culpable as those who did the actual acts.  I have had it with all of you.  Even those that I liked and had a good relationship with, I no longer have any feeling for other than utter abhorrence.  I do not have the words to express how much of an abomination I think you all are.  As far as I am concerned you are ALL scum and are the absolute worst example of humanity I have seen on the internet. 

The fact that you are willing to go over there after all this speaks volumes about you and your character.  You suck.  You are a terrible person.  You are without value as a human being.  You and the rest of the TSR/EA meatbags are wastes of iron and water.  You suck up resources and give nothing back.  In an evolutionary scheme you guys are Darwinian losers.  I hope every single one of you get sued and lose everything you own. 

Hypocrite much? This whole website is illegal...

No it isn't you half-witted, moronic, clueless, obtuse, piece of shit.  Everything in the booty was paid for, not stolen, hacked or taken from someone else, you imbecilic, repulsive, nausea inducing, mammal of low moral merit.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 00:47:41
If TSR had a brain cell, they'd have blamed all of it on Atwa.

If they had a quarter of a brain cell, they'd have blamed it on Pescado.

However, they have a negative amount of brain cells; they drain intelligence from everyone they come into contact with. Thus, they try to blame Delphy, who runs the biggest, most well-regarded Sims 2 site, and Buggybooz, a well-loved creator who is not at all known for being involved in drama.

Manga: Shove it, we know you're doing it for the money.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Manga on 2009 March 31, 00:52:10
LOL @ Paden... may I remind you that without the 'fucktards' this website wouldn't even exist. You think you look cool saying things like that? Seriously, people like you are the scum of this community, in fact, this whole website is. You can throw judgements around all you like, LOL, small-minded imps with curse words as their vocabulary don't particularly bother me.

You can all live your lives bogged down about paysites, something that'll never be resolved, or you can fucking get on with it and do what you want to do like I am. You're all incredibly nieve to think that I actually care what you think? Yep, you guys have fun spending the rest of your lives here getting ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE, and good riddence to you all when you finally get some common sense and give up this sharade.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 March 31, 00:53:07
@SnarkyShark - Fuck me? Fuck you, carry on following like the rest of the sheep. And you have absolutely no right to judge me just because I decide to upload my 'unwanted' stuff at TSR.

Either educate yourself about the sheepish, cult-like behavior of your new playmates over TSR or just piss off, asswipe. You truly have no credibility anymore.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 00:53:25
Make ya kind of wonder what else the Manga does for the money. Wait, did I say wonder or did I mean it makes ya gag at what they do for the money... Oh well, it's pretty much the same: Manga SUCKS!

ETA: @Manga: If I'm such scum, how come I don't have a second home built from monies bilked out of people for crap that doesn't even work half the time? If I'm such scum, why don't I have flunkies and idiots like yourself wiping my bodily secretions from their chins and grinning happily? If I'm such scum, why don't I go around and vandalize websites that are not mine to mess with? Easy answer. Because I'm not scum I don't do this. If not for crap sites like TSR violating the EULA, sites like this wouldn't need to exist because in the long run, we protect those that don't know better. We pay for the files and we share them. You know what? Will Wright says that file sharing is GOOOOOD, paying for them is not. I'd rather follow the spirit of what the game's original creator/designer wished for his product than listen to the piping of some half-wit fool that promises much but gives back nothing. Go ahead, drink your Kool-Aid and know that in the end, you're gonna get the shaft just like so many people have over there. Hope you enjoy said shafting, twit.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 00:54:18
LOL @ Paden... may I remind you that without the 'fucktards' this website wouldn't even exist. You think you look cool saying things like that? Seriously, people like you are the scum of this community, in fact, this whole website is. You can throw judgements around all you like, LOL, small-minded imps with curse words as their vocabulary don't particularly bother me.

You can all live your lives bogged down about paysites, something that'll never be resolved, or you can fucking get on with it and do what you want to do like I am. You're all incredibly nieve to think that I actually care what you think? Yep, you guys have fun spending the rest of your lives here getting ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE, and good riddence to you all when you finally get some common sense and give up this sharade.

*YAWWWWWNNN* Oh. It's still posting. I thought it didn't care.

Make ya kind of wonder what else the Manga does for the money. Wait, did I say wonder or did I mean it makes ya gag at what they do for the money... Oh well, it's pretty much the same: Manga SUCKS!

Could it possibly be taking the NEW place of Atwa and MArcella? Thomass: SUCK IT, MAnga

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: They on 2009 March 31, 00:54:54
LOL @ Paden... may I remind you that without the 'fucktards' this website wouldn't even exist. You think you look cool saying things like that? Seriously, people like you are the scum of this community, in fact, this whole website is. You can throw judgements around all you like, LOL, small-minded imps with curse words as their vocabulary don't particularly bother me.

You can all live your lives bogged down about paysites, something that'll never be resolved, or you can fucking get on with it and do what you want to do like I am. You're all incredibly nieve to think that I actually care what you think? Yep, you guys have fun spending the rest of your lives here getting ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE, and good riddence to you all when you finally get some common sense and give up this sharade.

Well, wouldn't ya still think that those fucktards not existing at all would be at least better than that? And the small-minded imps with curse words strangely describes you just as much, if not better.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: pickles on 2009 March 31, 00:55:20
Have I mentioned lately that SHAKESHAFT IS A THIEF?
Because, srsly, Shakeshaft (lolwhut? I R TEH masturbator!) is a thief!

Also :
may I remind you that without the 'fucktards' this website wouldn't even exist.

Damn straight it wouldn't. And charade is spelt with a C, just for future reference.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 00:57:07
Let's see - how many of the FA started on MTS2, or learned how to do what little honest work they did on MTS2?  How many of them stole work from MTS2.  How many of them use tools that were developed on MTS2, or by creators on MTS2 [Numenor, anyone?  Wes_H?].  Seems to me the parasite is TSR, since most of us are well respected members of the community.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 00:57:17
@Whoever wants to read, I flounced because I know where I'm not wanted, and it seems illogical to have my stuff there, too, if I'm not going to be there. What's happening to my stuff? It's going onto TSR, of course! Because as the words came out of the whores horses mouth, 'TSR Is where my home and dimes are, I want the monies'. My MTS2 content will be staying free on TSR. As for 'throwing my toys out of the pram' again, you don't move house and leave furniture do you.
As for my future in the community, if any of you care, quite frankly it's none of your business. Don't need to explain anything for anyone.

@Nouk - If Shakeshaft had stolen from buggybooz, the 'people' who I choose to believe will not have had anything to do with that. And you can say that I coyp and paste from Thomas all you like, but I do own these funny things called 'fingers' which I often use for activities such as typing.

@SnarkyShark - Fuck me? Fuck you, carry on following like the rest of the sheep. And you have absolutely no right to judge me just because I decide to upload my 'unwanted' stuff at TSR.

Damn, so now BuggyBooz has made up that shakeshaft has stolen her crap too? That, with legions of people having their content in their games and being able to proof theft? And you are calling her a whore, for what exactly? You know very well that her content is stolen, you have said so in the Featured Artist forum. Now you're suddenly calling her a liar and a whore? Shakeshaft is a goddamned thief and you are actively supporting her!
What the hell is happening to you? Have you completely lost it? Is TSR really that attractive, that you would throw away all your morals and ethics and spout all kinds of lies and insults about people, just so you can justify going there? Do you realize the long list of shit that site has done, and you still want to go there? All of it is lies?

I think you know full well what the truth is of all the illegal and downright evil activities on TSR, and you couldn't care less how the community got abused and hurt. You really do belong there. Byebye you worthless asshole.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Irish Wench on 2009 March 31, 00:57:39
You're all incredibly nieve to think that I actually care what you think?

If you didn't care you wouldn't be here following this thread and known just when you were being talked about.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: picklechick on 2009 March 31, 00:57:56
Clearly, Manga, you do care, or you're just too retarded to spell properly when making a "Fuck u guys, I dun liek u!" post. Your stuff was shit, you yourself are shit, and TSR is shit. Have fun in the shit pile!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 March 31, 00:58:17
Quote from: siberiansunset
*YAWWWWWNNN* Oh. It's still posting. I thought it didn't care.

Serious. A boring sims content creator that trolls in it's spare time. DOT must be rubbing off on it already.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 00:59:27
Manga, you slimy, immature, amoral little puke -- and everyone else still involved in the whoredom of TSR:

1) It's spelled charade.

2) You're right. I should give up the charade of being a law-abiding citizen who tries to do what's right. Common sense dictates that I should start dealing heroine, instead. Or perhaps I should start swindling money out of little old ladies. After all, there will always be crime, always be people who make money illegally, so why even bother to fight it? To all police officers: Manga, the most brilliant philosopher of our times, says you should give up and go home because you will never stop crime. To all activists: stop, don't bother, there will always be injustice, pollution and violence, so just throw in the towel. Go ahead and do whatever the fuck you want, use people, lie, cheat and steal, because after all, that's what "common sense" dictates. Be a winner like Manga!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 00:59:34
Oh, and I know -exactly- why you flounced, Manga - maybe if you'd been less abusive with your puppeted remarks to Delphy on his own boards, you wouldn't have lost -access-.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 March 31, 01:01:08
  I guess Manga ( or whatever you spell the name)  seems to forget there is many people here who have been burnt by the TSR personally. They did not need coconut or MTS2 to tell them the TSR are jerks, they experienced it first hand.

* forgot to add I too have been banned. But I have 1 account for every time to use the back ups and keep posting threads to spread awarness*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 March 31, 01:02:25

You can all live your lives bogged down about paysites, something that'll never be resolved, or you can fucking get on with it and do what you want to do like I am. You're all incredibly nieve to think that I actually care what you think? Yep, you guys have fun spending the rest of your lives here getting ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE, and good riddence to you all when you finally get some common sense and give up this sharade.

When Thomas uses you up and betrays you, when you are no longer of any value to him, when you feel disgusted to the point of actual nausea, you remember what you wrote and know that I for one, will not be forgiving you.  You are truly a completely empty individual.  I know nothing of your work, nor do I care anything about it.  What I see is a soulless automaton willing to sell whatever talent you may possess to the devil himself.  Enjoy the ride. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 01:02:56
Quote from: siberiansunset
*YAWWWWWNNN* Oh. It's still posting. I thought it didn't care.

Serious. A boring sims content creator that trolls in it's spare time. DOT must be rubbing off on it already.

We will know for sure when it has it's first tsr creation pic..and it has lamp law 2009 approved on it. ^-* (or any sign of 'shape', 'hardware' or 'finals' )

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 01:03:48
Manga doesn't give a shit, and has not forgotten anything, he knows the truth. He agrees with what TSR is doing. He is purposely calling people liars because he thinks there's something good for him to be found on TSR. I wish him good luck.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 01:06:48
I hope he gets exactly what he deserves - nothing more, nothing less.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darby on 2009 March 31, 01:07:16
You're all incredibly nieve to think that I actually care what you think?
Puleeze.  ::)  If you didn't care, why bother to post at all, or even BE HERE to see what people might be saying about you.  

And did I read correctly that you think being a paid cc creator on a site like TSR is a way of moving UP in the world, and everyone else here is a loser because they're not working for an illegal paysite?  Ur funnee.   ;D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: De on 2009 March 31, 01:10:05
What has happened is disgusting on all levels.

Yeah, Shakeshaft is a lying thief

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 March 31, 01:13:16
We'll I guess you've all been told. Who was that Manga person anyway. Do we know them?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 01:14:22

Even if this was not a deliberate security breach on the part of TSR (See latest post by Delphy at Mod the Sims) I am boycotting The Sims Resource  from this point on . I admit I do have a paid account but would like to point out that the darned thing was a gift for the last b-day. I really don't like having my credit card info, email address and all of that known by some hacker- not to mention the possibility of someone getting ahold of my bank passwords and shit. Free sites have better stuff and no worries about some idiot finding out more than your user name, password and email address which as we have seen is easily fixed if the site has decent backups of a creators stuff With free sites I  don't have to deal with the FA's whining when I don't like something or the so called PG-13 policy (story rejected cause I had Dina of Pleasantview murder Bella's brother and then kidnap her all for the money of course- like a lot of simmers don't think that happened- also like ya know Vicky Secret Naughty nighties are PG13 and murder doesn't happen in PG13 - uhh hello I have been playing video games PC and Console since 1983 and murder does happen in PG13, PG13 anything really TV, books, Movies, and guess what TSR- video games  )- also don't like their acceptance of the blatant dishonesty of some of their FA's and SA's - stealing other people's work is simply not done- of course you shouldn't get paid either good artists only get paid when they are DEAD!!! I hereby offer all lots  and that I have created for The Sims Resource  for the Booty to post - look under profile Arelenriel - Frankly they are not very good as they are the first ones I created (some of them frankly suck like a five year old on a lollipop ) but as I am boycotting so won't download them myself - I am sick of the crap - I would much rather create for someone free who will not dictate to me how I portray my lots, or my stories. You guys have my support in bringing paysite idiots down - I am also boycotting all sites associated with Sims Resource FA's with the exception of those that have retired and not reneged on the decision in order to post their stuff on free sites like GOS or Mod the Sims

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 01:15:33
We'll I guess you've all been told. Who was that Manga person anyway. Do we know them?

Just a mammal of low merit. (I'm totally yoinking that insult from Paleoanth for future use.) I'd never heard of them before.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 March 31, 01:17:06
We'll I guess you've all been told. Who was that Manga person anyway. Do we know them?

Just a mammal of low merit. (I'm totally yoinking that insult from Paleoanth for future use.) I'd never heard of them before.

You go for it.  I got the low moral merit thing from my best friend from college, so it isn't original with me. Just the mammal part.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 01:22:09

TSR is setting up a scapegoat. It looks like they do have perhaps one brain cell between them. We'll see who they try to blame.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Kyna on 2009 March 31, 01:23:12
Heh, TSR have now told Delphy that "they had a security breach about 3 months ago that may have left subscriber accounts vulnerable. If this information is indeed correct, it's possible that a third party could have logged into both buggybooz and Thomas accounts."

What a coincidence that the hacker should choose now to use this stolen info, and what a coincidence that they chose to attack MTS2 Buggybooz' account, so soon after Buggybooz lodged a complaint with TSR about stolen creations.

Yeah, right.  I'm TOTALLY convinced these "hackers" (if they exist) held on to this information for 3 months, and only chose to use it now.  And I believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the goodness of EA, too.

EDIT TO ADD: Oh, and way to go TSR.  If you did have this alleged security breach, why didn't you advise your members at the time so that they could take protective steps if they were foolish enough to use the same password elsewhere?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 01:23:24
Quote from: Delphy
Hi All,

I've spoken with TSR regarding this matter, and they informed me that they had a security breach about 3 months ago that may have left subscriber accounts vulnerable. If this information is indeed correct, it's possible that a third party could have logged into both buggybooz and Thomas accounts.

It's also entirely possible that other accounts have been compromised, which is why it's strongly advised to change your passwords anywhere where they are the same as at TSR. While the initial evidence indeed pointed to a TSR-owned account on MTS2 being used to initiate this attack, no actual hacking was done on MTS2 itself. The information supplied by TSR is worth thinking about, and indeed, I will be the first to admit that - at the time - I was annoyed about the whole thing and thought that this was a new low.

When this attack happened, my first concern was for how it happened, and then for restoring any damage done to buggys account. I worked with her for hours today in chat, as I mentioned in my first post, and we went through and restored everything. It was only after this was done that I decided to post up up this thread.

At the time, we believed that, given the evidence at hand, this was either a (very stupid) TSR sanctioned move, or one by a TSR staff member with access to the accounts. Given the lack of evidence to point elsewhere, I felt that, as this was a seemingly direct attack on a creator on *my* website, to get as much information out publically as possible. It is, however, with this new information about a possible security exploit, not 100% clear that, indeed, this was TSRs doing. Obviously neither I nor anybody else here knew about the alleged vulnerability, and the information to hand strongly pointed to a direct link.

I am willing to consider the possibily that this was not TSR sanctioned, but this raises other questions, particularly about the timing of the attacks and access to information that I simply don't have answers for right now. The evidence itself, however, remains unchanged. The IP addresses and screenshots are only edited to blur out any other users details and contain the real information as gotten from the MTS2 backend - and the validity of which is not disputed in any way by TSR. Regardless of the evidence at hand, there any many more questions that need addressing, and precious few answers right now.

The issue of the stolen content is still one that I, personally, would like to get cleared up and from comparing the downloads, there is some issue about the source textures, UV mapping and mesh for the Featured Artist to answer. I hope that TSR investigate this as an urgent matter.

For now, though, lets assume that this may not have been, indeed, a TSR sanctioned move - and I think we all agree that this would be a particularly stupid thing to do. I have to wonder as to the motivations and reasoning behind this apparent attack. What would somebody have to gain by deleting only a specific creators uploads, especially since any and all details would eventually come out publically? This entire thing has left a bad taste in my mouth, and while I don't like the idea of paysites, I also don't like the possibility of my being used and looking stupid.


So does TSR explain the timing and the fact that Buggybooz has had NO reaction from TSR on the issue of her stuff being stolen? Why BuggyBooz and why just when her stuff was reported as being stolen by Shakeshaft?
Ultimately, only someone with inside knowledge could have done it, so I think they're going to pin this one on the apparently allpowerfull and amazing HAX0R Coconut.

Another question: Howcome this third party has used the same ip as Thomas has regularly used for Thomas's account on MTS2? Even if you breached it, that should not be possible.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 01:27:36
We should start a forum pool, complete with odds. Who will TSR try to pin it on? Will it be coconut? They want to discredit him/her badly. Atwa? I've always thought Thomas just keeps her around so they can throw her to the sharks when necessary. Pescado? Just because there are people who would believe it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 01:28:19
Wait - three months ago was when the 'hacking' happened in off hours to Cyclone Sue and Windkeeper's pages, right?  Yeah......I buy it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 01:29:22
Another question: Howcome this third party has used the same ip as Thomas has regularly used for Thomas's account on MTS2? Even if you breached it, that should not be possible.

Exactly. Obviously the hacker was using his internet access. *Cough* So who could that be?

Yeah, right.  I'm TOTALLY convinced these "hackers" (if they exist) held on to this information for 3 months, and only chose to use it now.  And I believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the goodness of EA, too.

EDIT TO ADD: Oh, and way to go TSR.  If you did have this alleged security breach, why didn't you advise your members at the time so that they could take protective steps if they were foolish enough to use the same password elsewhere?

Bingo. If there 'were' a security breach they should have notified all parties involved about possible info theft. It would have been slightly more logical (not saying they have any...) to say it happened the last time they tried to say someone hacked into TSR. (windkeeper bs etc...) That was what only a month or something ago.... ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 March 31, 01:30:22
I am not buying it either.  I think Thomas is trying to cover his tracks. And I hope Delphy is not buying this either.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 01:34:10
And Manga used to be a featured creator on MTS2, until this evening in fact.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2009 March 31, 01:34:35
LOL @ Paden... may I remind you that without the 'fucktards' this website wouldn't even exist. You think you look cool saying things like that? Seriously, people like you are the scum of this community, in fact, this whole website is.

Heh...that's sort of the point, isn't it?  We wouldn't NEED to exist without paysites, and the community would be a happier place.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 01:35:44
Nope, that fake hack was only a few weeks or a month ago.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 March 31, 01:36:23
LOL @ Paden... may I remind you that without the 'fucktards' this website wouldn't even exist. You think you look cool saying things like that? Seriously, people like you are the scum of this community, in fact, this whole website is.

Heh...that's sort of the point, isn't it?  We wouldn't NEED to exist without paysites, and the community would be a happier place.

He doesn't understand complicated concepts like points, logic, or morals. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 March 31, 01:37:22
Ya that all sounds plausible. riiiiiiight. Next he'll be blaming it on Dr. Evil.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 01:38:32
I'm pretty sure that it was before my surgery, which was beginning of february.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 March 31, 01:39:28
Nouk, with regards to why buggy had only one download on her account wasn't becuase of access to the featured forum, per se, but more that it *wasn't her upload*.  It was an upload to a group she belongs to.  Group uploads show on the profile of each person that is in that group.

Also, the IP address on Thomas' account *only* used for this thing.  The 2 previous times back in January are totally different IPs (and countries, even).  Yesterday is the only time that that IP appears

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 01:41:30
Wich country was this deleting thing done from, if I may ask? And can you check if it's a proxy?
Also, has it happened before yesterday that that account has been used from countries other than Sweden? If so, it doesn't prove alot for TSR.

I still think that TSR is trying to make out Coconut to be a hacker and trying to discredit their blog, because they have no possibility of reporting it anywhere anymore.

I'm pretty sure that it was before my surgery, which was beginning of february.

That long ago? Sheesh, shows how much I apparently care, lol.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Kyna on 2009 March 31, 01:42:56
Yeah, right.  I'm TOTALLY convinced these "hackers" (if they exist) held on to this information for 3 months, and only chose to use it now.  And I believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the goodness of EA, too.

EDIT TO ADD: Oh, and way to go TSR.  If you did have this alleged security breach, why didn't you advise your members at the time so that they could take protective steps if they were foolish enough to use the same password elsewhere?

Bingo. If there 'were' a security breach they should have notified all parties involved about possible info theft. It would have been slightly more logical (not saying they have any...) to say it happened the last time they tried to say someone hacked into TSR. (windkeeper bs etc...) That was what only a month and something ago.... ::)

When you take into consideration that the account information that may have been stolen includes email, password, and possibly credit card details, then it would be highly irresponsible* for TSR to not have advised their membership of the alleged security breach at the time it allegedly happened.  It is difficult to believe their claim that their membership database was hacked 3 months back and they are only now revealing it.  And does anyone know if they have issued a warning today to their membership?  Or is it only TSR members who visit MTS2, PMBD, etc, who are permitted to know that their personal info may have been stolen?

*But OTOH, such irresponsibility from TSR wouldn't surprise me.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 01:46:10
We were talking about Manga, not Buggy - I misremembered only seeing one download on his? info page.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 01:46:35
Delphy, lil Tommy boy got Anutty a proxy program to use so others would not recognize her, so what's to prevent him from using the same kind of thing himself. He's proven himself to be dishonest before, so what's to say he's not trying to blow smoke up your ass to prevent you from being angry with him over all of this?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Sarahsuke on 2009 March 31, 01:46:53
You're all incredibly nieve to think that I actually care what you think?
If you really didn't care about what we think, you wouldn't be here spewing your greed-based drivel at us. But hey, enjoy being used like a crusty old sock.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 March 31, 01:49:27
As I said in my post, I'm not entirely convinced either way.

IF TSR had no such security problem, then this still points to them/

IF TSR had a security problem, this still points to them having serious issues with the security of thier data.

And the timings are way off.  Why choose *now* to do this attack if you've had the logins for *months*? It doesn't make any sense.  The timings are way off, and are very suspicious.

So, while I'm not convinced it was a TSR high-level sanctioned thing, I'm still wanting to know who and why.  It could have been a lower down or it could have been somebody else entirely.

Paden, who is this "Anutty"? 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 01:50:26
Anutty = Anita, Atwa.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 01:52:16
Delphy, could you check for yourself (if you don't want to share) from what countries besides Sweden this account was accesed before the deleting, and when? if this account was shared and/or accessed from different countries before, the "It wasn't me"- excuse doesnt fly that easily.

You're right about the weird timing.
The lack of reaction towards BuggyBooz's accusations aside from the deleting of all her stuff is very suspicious.
Also, Coconut has told us that they were aware of the theft, but it was decided to take entirely different action.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 01:52:38
Paden, who is this "Anutty"? 

Anita/Atwa. She is a very unpopular person whom Thomas keeps around for some reason. My theory has always been that she's there to deflect attention and blame from him and from TSR's bad practices generally.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 01:53:21
Delphy, she's also known as Anita, Atwa and Atwat. She's one of the most annoying pains in the ass that you could ever dream of. And if you did dream of her, she'd be a bloody nightmare. :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Light_Angel on 2009 March 31, 02:05:53

And the timings are way off.  Why choose *now* to do this attack if you've had the logins for *months*? It doesn't make any sense.  The timings are way off, and are very suspicious.


In my honest opinion, so everyone would forget about the "security breeches" and they'd be able to use that as their safety net down pat.  This whole thing seems played out even since the so called account hackings a few months back.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 March 31, 02:08:54
Delphy, could you check for yourself (if you don't want to share) from what countries besides Sweden this account was accesed before the deleting, and when? if this account was shared and/or accessed from different countries before, the "It wasn't me"- excuse doesnt fly that easily.

You're right about the weird timing.
The lack of reaction towards BuggyBooz's accusations aside from the deleting of all her stuff is very suspicious.
Also, Coconut has told us that they were aware of the theft, but it was decided to take entirely different action.

Which account? Thomas's?  The only 2 recorded IPs are both in Sweden.  Both of which are in one of the screenshots.  I have no recorded login data prior to Jan 2009 for that account other than the intial registration, so I couldn't say anything about last year but the data you see in the screenshot is everything recorded on the account.  It hasn't been used much.

Paden, Ahh Atwa.  Okay, thanks.  Well, unless I know who that is on MTS2 I obviously cannot to any comparisons. :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 02:13:21
Ok, to clarify, so the ip's used before the attack are from sweden? And the one used in the attack is not?

Delphy told me in msn that the ip used in the deleting thing is not from Sweden, but it is somekind of proxy setup. And to ask whatever the that means and any server details, to Pescado.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 March 31, 02:16:50
Yes Nouk, but it's the same address used on both accounts.  Pescado can give you more info about the actual server hardware and stuff, but it appears to be some kind of weird proxy setup.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Witchboy on 2009 March 31, 02:43:50
I have done an ip search & it comes back as being in Texas.

IP Address   Country (Short)   Country (Full)   Flag   Region   City   ISP   Map US UNITED STATES  TEXAS DALLAS THEPLANET.COM INTERNET SERVICES INC 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 02:47:38
It looks like the IP belongs to a professional proxy service. nmapping the server reveals that it is a Linux, probably CentOS 5, which is NOT consistent with the browser string given. This means the browser string is either faked entirely, or passed transparently. Nmap also reveals that only ports 80, 90, and 7007 are open, and all are running ssh. These are NOT standard ports for ssh. In fact, 80 is HTTP. The only clear reason someone would be running a SSH on port 80 is to intentionally bypass firewall blocks like those set by workplaces or schools, as most firewalls leave port 80 open so people can view websites. Again, supports "professional proxy service".

Of course, this means there is no actual way into the server that isn't secure. Therefore, there is no way a "hacker" could be randomly using this service. No true hacker would ever pay for a "secure" proxy service knowing it would leave a paper trail back to him, and so many free "open" proxies exist on the Internet. This sort of service is only paradoxically used by those who don't understand privacy at all AND have money to throw around. Who do we know that fits that profile?

Last but not least, unconfirmed, but isn't this the same IP address implicated in the SimSecret hackings? Someone doublecheck

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Witchboy on 2009 March 31, 02:55:47
Last but not least, unconfirmed, but isn't this the same IP address implicated in the SimSecret hackings? Someone doublecheck

The ip for the SimSecret hacking is

Details for that ip are...

IP Address   Country (Short)   Country (Full)   Flag   Region   City   ISP   Map UK UNITED KINGDOM  ENGLAND LONDON RAPIDSWITCH LTD 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Henbane on 2009 March 31, 03:12:02
Check this out: (

"Buggy, this is awful and I am so sorry that this happened to you. I'd like to say that TSR wouldn't stoop this low, but that's just a lie. They can, will, and do.

In November, my Livejournal was hacked and used to fuck with Simsecret (in fact, recent secrets are how I found out about this!)... and I think now I know how. My LJ and TSR passwords used to be the same. Also? The login info that LJ logs (browser, OS, IP address, etc) is almost identical to the info logged for Buggy's account. ASFDDFH, I just feel sick now!

I think we need make sure that as much of the Sims 2 community as possible knows about what happened to Buggy, and that TSR did it. Something good will come of this: more people will realize that TSR is a bunch of jerks who have nothing better to do than harass people."

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 March 31, 03:15:57
Of course, this means there is no actual way into the server that isn't secure. Therefore, there is no way a "hacker" could be randomly using this service. No true hacker would ever pay for a "secure" proxy service knowing it would leave a paper trail back to him, and so many free "open" proxies exist on the Internet. This sort of service is only paradoxically used by those who don't understand privacy at all AND have money to throw around. Who do we know that fits that profile?

If we're talking about a resident TSR fanatic going that extra mile to try and undermine coconut, my guess would be either padre or DOT. Neither seems particularly tech savvy and both have demonstrated an unusual desire to "get" us. Remember padre's failed attempt to perform an attack on the booty? How about DOT's totally senseless tutorials?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Witchboy on 2009 March 31, 03:20:36
If we're talking about a resident TSR fanatic going that extra mile to try and undermine coconut, my guess would be either padre or DOT. Neither seems particularly tech savvy and both have demonstrated an unusual desire to "get" us. Remember padre's failed attempt to perform an attack on the booty? How about DOT's totally senseless tutorials?

My vote is on Atwat. Shes been known to have been inquiring on how to hack & i think was the one responsible for hacking Sim Secret.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 03:21:08
I don't think padre or DOT have money to throw around. Thomas does though.

What's the name of the company that owns TSR?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Witchboy on 2009 March 31, 03:27:43
What's the name of the company that owns TSR?

Electronic Arts :P LOL

I don't remember what the company name name is.

Found it. TSR is owned by Ibibi AB.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 03:33:26
If we're talking about a resident TSR fanatic going that extra mile to try and undermine coconut, my guess would be either padre or DOT. Neither seems particularly tech savvy and both have demonstrated an unusual desire to "get" us. Remember padre's failed attempt to perform an attack on the booty? How about DOT's totally senseless tutorials?

How does this affect Coconut?  She/he hasn't really said much, only that they heard TSR were talking about it and confirmed it, but they haven't posted any proof.    Coconut seems to be staying out of this, so how can attacking Mts2 help to discredit Coconut?

On the other hand though, I do wonder if someone inside of TSR is trying to destroy TSR.   No, not just Coconut, because this isn't Coconut's style, and if they had this power, why weren't they using it earlier?   I'm just wondering if there might not be someone else trying to destroy TSR who's on the inside.  Because it does seem weird that MST2 was hacked, but no real damage was done, and they were sure to leave a "Calling card," in the form of using an account that Thomas uses. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 March 31, 03:37:46
That's what I have been thinking too, Darq. This all reeks of T$R, and while Thomass is not a bright bulb, I have trouble believing even he could be this stupid. Although, maybe that was the point. So he could blame the "big, bad pirates", since we are all such excellent HAXXORS.  ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 March 31, 03:38:08
I thought the same thing as Darqstar, maybe somebody at the tsr ( besides coconut) is pissed off.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 03:44:16
Sinthe posted that when her Life Journal account was hacked in November last year, her password for TSR and LiveJournal where the same.
This means that, months and months before TSR claims to have had the breach, they have already used the same method to get Sinthe's password, and used the same proxy service to attack Simsecret.
So yeah, Thomas is full of shit. Surprise surprise?

This whole fake hacking thing was, like alot of people said back then, a way to expose and/or discredit Coconut and blame her for being a hacker. And this is what they are steering towards, to keep EA and now Delphy on their good side.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 03:52:20
Hmmm... Nouk, are you saying that maybe TSR did all this in order to blame Coconut? 

If so, that's pretty freakin' clever of them. And risky as hell too.  They hack Simsecrets, then use Buggy's complaint as an excuse to hack her site.  They leave a lot of calling cards to draw attention to the fact that it's TSR, and everyone goes, "Those bastards!" But some of us wonder, how stupid do you have to be?

So, TSR comes forward and says, "We wuz haxed!" 

And who is the logical person to blame?  Coconut.  Because Coconut has the motive.  And, from the screen shots, it's known that Coconut has access to TSR, higher access than other people. 

EDIT to add:  Also, I think all of us would agree that Coconut is pretty intelligent.  He/She has to be clever to get away with everything they have.  So, I think even Coconut would know not to leave too much evidence that it was Thomas, if Coconut was doing all this damage.  But, if you were Thomas, and wanted to make sure that TSR would get the blame until they could claim they were hacked, he'd make sure the evidence was as crystal clear as possible, so there would be no doubt that the hacker wants to frame TSR. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 31, 03:55:45
On gayles screencap, of the banning of Atwa, in Coconuts blog there were two ips connected to Atwa. The email address used was associated with Toms wife.  I am not in the know of ip addresses but one of them was very similar to it was  Similar isn't the same so I don't know if it means anything or nothing.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 03:57:11
Same service. The configuration is identical and everything. Probably another exit node for their network. We can thus consider the SimSecret hacker and the Buggybooz hacker to be the same, entry vector, also the same. It's confirmed to be TSR, and refutes Thomas's "3 months" claim because the SimSecret break is nearly 5 months old!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Kyna on 2009 March 31, 03:57:55
And who is the logical person to blame?  Coconut.  Because Coconut has the motive.  And, from the screen shots, it's known that Coconut has access to TSR, higher access than other people. 

But Coconut doesn't have the motive.  Coconut is doing just fine with bringing down TSR's reputation already by reporting on stuff that TSR actually do.

Why would Coconut need to contrive something like this, when TSR are already handing out plenty of rope for Coconut to hang their collective a$$e$ with?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 03:59:39
Can't be Coconut: Coconut lacks the technical chops to pull this off, and the funding. That is a PROFESSIONAL proxy service for those with more money than sense. It is NOT something Coconut would use, as Coconut cannot afford such a thing, as she cannot even afford hosting for CoconutBlog.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 04:00:58
Same service. The configuration is identical and everything. Probably another exit node for their network. We can thus consider the SimSecret hacker and the Buggybooz hacker to be the same, entry vector, also the same. It's confirmed to be TSR, and refutes Thomas's "3 months" claim because the SimSecret break is nearly 5 months old!

There you have it. Wonder what the next "story" will be...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 04:02:00
Well, I'm already embroiled in a fight with someone who thinks it was Pescado. *sigh* No, it's no one I knew before. I think that if Thomas can't figure out a way to make a coconut accusation stick, he's going to throw blame on Pescado. And defending Pescado is really not how I enjoy spending my time.  :P

I still expect Thomas to break the glass in case of emergency and end up blaming Atwa, though.

Edit: unclear pronoun usage.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 04:02:05
Hmmm... Nouk, are you saying that maybe TSR did all this in order to blame Coconut? 

If so, that's pretty freakin' clever of them. And risky as hell too.  They hack Simsecrets, then use Buggy's complaint as an excuse to hack her site.  They leave a lot of calling cards to draw attention to the fact that it's TSR, and everyone goes, "Those bastards!" But some of us wonder, how stupid do you have to be?

So, TSR comes forward and says, "We wuz haxed!" 

And who is the logical person to blame?  Coconut.  Because Coconut has the motive.  And, from the screen shots, it's known that Coconut has access to TSR, higher access than other people. 

EDIT to add:  Also, I think all of us would agree that Coconut is pretty intelligent.  He/She has to be clever to get away with everything they have.  So, I think even Coconut would know not to leave too much evidence that it was Thomas, if Coconut was doing all this damage.  But, if you were Thomas, and wanted to make sure that TSR would get the blame until they could claim they were hacked, he'd make sure the evidence was as crystal clear as possible, so there would be no doubt that the hacker wants to frame TSR. 

To explain more clearly: TSR is making up/has been staging the hacking of their site 3 months ago.

The proof that they are lying is that TSR used the same method of attack (using their TSR passwords to gain entree to accounts on other websites) on Sinthe's Simsecret as they did yesterday on MTS2, except back then they hadn't prepared a scape goat. And, they used the same Proxy Service to do it.

There is no-one sabotaging TSR except Thomas or maybe Atwa.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 04:04:50
And who is the logical person to blame?  Coconut.  Because Coconut has the motive.  And, from the screen shots, it's known that Coconut has access to TSR, higher access than other people. 

But Coconut doesn't have the motive.  Coconut is doing just fine with bringing down TSR's reputation already by reporting on stuff that TSR already do.

Why would Coconut need to contrive something like this, when TSR are already handing out plenty of rope to hang them with?

BINGO!  But, would it be that hard to convince people that Coconut did have the motive?  People that are on the fence, that TSR wants to lure to their side.  Yes, they took a huge risk today by setting themselves up, but that can also work to their advantage.

1: Get everyone pissed at TSR by hacking something and being so obvious that they were the ones who hacked it.

2: Let people foam and froth and work themselves into a true lather over this.

3: Come forward and "confess" that you have a security breach.  

4: Watch as everyone in a foaming lather looks for a scapegoat, after all, we're all MAD, and when you're mad you don't want to be played for a fool.

5: Point out slyly, that there is someone in the community, well known in the community, that has inside information.  

6: Watch lathering crowd turn on Coconut.  

7: Sit back, cry victim, and wait for the sympathies (and $$$) to roll in.  

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Sinthe on 2009 March 31, 04:06:54
If anyone should want more evidence, here ( is the screen I took of my LJ's logins after it was hacked. The entries with blue dots next to them are not me.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 04:07:44
FAIL, as ANYONE can now confirm that the ip's have the same source, and the Simsecret hacker is the MTS2 attacker, and the first hacking happened BEFORE TSR's fake security breach. The Simsecret evidence points to Thomas, and the new evidence just supports that.

It was a great idea, Thomas. If you wouldn't have forgotten about Simsecret, you could have won this one.  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 March 31, 04:09:07
Same service. The configuration is identical and everything. Probably another exit node for their network. We can thus consider the SimSecret hacker and the Buggybooz hacker to be the same, entry vector, also the same. It's confirmed to be TSR, and refutes Thomas's "3 months" claim because the SimSecret break is nearly 5 months old!

The dots. Funny how they connect, isn't it? Well, maybe the EA "team" can now coach Thomass on how to handle the fallout.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 04:09:46
I like your shape, Snarky.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 March 31, 04:10:29
Good point Darqstar. I think perhaps it might really be Anita with orders from Thomass as he keeps her around for just such emergencies. "Oh, look it wasn't me! It was that crazy Atwa person seeking revenge on me for having fired her as Artist Manager."

I showed Delphy's post about what happened to my husband (who does not play Sims at all) and he agreed that what they did was low. I still say it is TSR and they are blowing smoke to obscure the facts.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 04:11:29
If anyone should want more evidence, here (http://"") is the screen I took of my LJ's logins after it was hacked. The entries with blue dots next to them are not me.

Sinthe, the link isn't working. ( <-- This one does though  ;D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Sinthe on 2009 March 31, 04:13:58
If anyone should want more evidence, here (http://"") is the screen I took of my LJ's logins after it was hacked. The entries with blue dots next to them are not me.

Sinthe, the link isn't working. ( <-- This one does though  ;D

Well, at least that works! I'm kinda angry right now. Thanks, Darqstar!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 04:15:23
Well, lookie there. We got the same browser string, and one of these IPs is, surprise surprise, Thomas himself dating back to olden times. We can clearly see our h4x0r wannabe trying, and failing, at using proxycondoms, probably because noob how-tos don't cover how to configure Furryfox, and as a result, BUSTED.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 March 31, 04:17:26
Didn't someone have a list of the IP's Thomas bought for Atwa? I think they were listed in Coconut's journal, but I can't remember.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 04:21:08
By setting up this trap for Coconut, and admitting the login info came from TSR, Thomas has now 100% proven himself to be the Simsecret hacker AND the modthesims2 hacker. Proving every word of Coconot is true. Thanks, Thomas!
Karma is a bitch. Lawsuit ahoy.

Title: Re: TSR: Stealing Your Identities!
Post by: paperbeth on 2009 March 31, 04:28:51
I showed Delphy's post about what happened to my husband (who does not play Sims at all) and he agreed that what they did was low. I still say it is TSR and they are blowing smoke to obscure the facts.

I told my husband about this too. He also does not play sims and thinks it's all frivolous waste of time (whatever). He agreed that this is not only low but unethical and quite illegal. Not just morally wrong, but an actual crime, punishable by fines and, yes, jail time.
Is there a way someone can actually press charges and sue TSR for identity theft, hacking and whatever else they have done?
This isn't just about some video game anymore. There are serious crimes being committed now.

I was gone for a day and came back to find all this has happened. I am literally sick in my stomache over this.
I have Buggy's planter pots collection. I love them. So this whole thing about the meshes being being stolen is absolutely repulsive to me.

fake edit: I believe the thread was split while I was typing this, so it sent my first attempt to post somewhere wierd. I don't really understand what happened. Just wanted to explain in case this post shows up twice or something.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 March 31, 04:38:34
So have Delphy and MTS2 been appraised of the situation?

As for Shakeshaft? As it turns out, at the very least she's a thieving bitch.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 04:45:42
I've been trying to find out anything new about Ibibi and phailed. It's a privately owned for-profit company, TSR's webstats have been meandering downward for 6 months, but we already knew that. Is Thomas even trying to play the "it's for bandwidth!" game any more?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 March 31, 04:48:06
Maybe Thoma$$ could rename his 2nd home "Bandwidth Manor", then "it's for bandwidth" would be true!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 31, 04:53:00
Thomas must be kicking himself now, if it wasn't for Shakeshaft's thieving episode a few loose ends, regarding hacking activities, wouldn't have been put together. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: calalily on 2009 March 31, 04:55:32
Why choose *now* to do this attack if you've had the logins for *months*? It doesn't make any sense.  The timings are way off, and are very suspicious.

I can tell you only that TSR anti-freesite related activity has been picking up in the last couple of months.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dragonballz on 2009 March 31, 05:09:30
So....only for the reason that I'm no hacky-hackerson type: If I run a tracert on one of the IPs in question and end up with this before it lags and times out:

10    37 ms    33 ms    39 ms []
11   184 ms   186 ms   208 ms []
12   182 ms   214 ms   186 ms []

I'm to assume that "rapidswitch" is a proxy of some sort? Sorry for the somewhat OT, but I'm just attempting to wrap my meager brain around the ins and outs of IP jargon.

As long as it connects back in some form to TS(uck)R I'm satisfied.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 March 31, 05:30:38
BTW. has anyone else noticed that TSR just hung Manga Moron out to dry?  Since they are now claiming that MTS2 was hacked by someone who hacked them, they are, therefore, not going to go with the "they did it to themselves" excuse.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 05:36:48
That moron needs to dry, still wet behind the ears and in the shorts, as my mom used to describe kids still in diapers like him.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 31, 05:42:31
BTW. has anyone else noticed that TSR just hung Manga Moron out to dry?  Since they are now claiming that MTS2 was hacked by someone who hacked them, they are, therefore, not going to go with the "they did it to themselves" excuse.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.  Blaming Mts2 for hacking themselves would have been a bad idea. Considering that MTS2's servers totally failed recently, surely if Delphy wanted to stick one to Thomas, that would have been the time to do it. Delphy refuted all claims that hackers and virus were to blame.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Canoodle on 2009 March 31, 05:50:46
BTW. has anyone else noticed that TSR just hung Manga Moron out to dry?  Since they are now claiming that MTS2 was hacked by someone who hacked them, they are, therefore, not going to go with the "they did it to themselves" excuse.

Can someone link me? My google-fu is failing as is my TSR search. I'm very interested in what has become of poor Manga. [/snark]

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 05:52:02
I'm to assume that "rapidswitch" is a proxy of some sort? Sorry for the somewhat OT, but I'm just attempting to wrap my meager brain around the ins and outs of IP jargon.
Rapidswitch, in this case, is referring to a fast switch or router. It's meaningless, ignore it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Missbonbon on 2009 March 31, 05:57:13
Sorry to go back a few pages, but I've read this entire thread since I was at work earlier.

@Whoever wants to read, I flounced because I know where I'm not wanted, and it seems illogical to have my stuff there, too, if I'm not going to be there. What's happening to my stuff? It's going onto TSR, of course! Because as the words came out of the whores horses mouth, 'TSR Is where my home and dimes are, I want the monies'. My MTS2 content will be staying free on TSR. As for 'throwing my toys out of the pram' again, you don't move house and leave furniture do you.
As for my future in the community, if any of you care, quite frankly it's none of your business. Don't need to explain anything for anyone.

How did you know you weren't wanted at MTS2? Actually, it wasn't until someone gave an event line that I've even heard your name mentioned during this whole thing. Who is Manga moon anyways? I mean really. And now we know TSR hovers over PMBD since you obviously are reading this. And yes I do move house and leave furniture. That's why I owe my last apartment $500, because I left it for them to throw away. Why should I do the work when they will, and I have the money for them to do it? My favorite part about your rant though is that you don't need to explain for anyone, yet you come here posting why you left MTS2, and how loyal to TSR you feel.  :D

LOL @ Paden... may I remind you that without the 'fucktards' this website wouldn't even exist. You think you look cool saying things like that? Seriously, people like you are the scum of this community, in fact, this whole website is. You can throw judgements around all you like, LOL, small-minded imps with curse words as their vocabulary don't particularly bother me.

I honestly don't think Paden cares about looking cool to anyone actually. She is just amazingly foul mouthed. Again, you accuse us of making small minded judgements about you, yet we are "fucktards," and "small minded imps with curse words as their vocabulary." Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? How do you expect us not to think your a mentally defective dunce, when you think we are the same?

The difference between here vs. TSR though, we are allowed opinions and viewpoints. We are allowed to be us. We aren't force fed the kool-aid, and told what to type on the forums by Thomass. We are ourselves. Now do you really think you could make the same type of posts here as you do on TSR, and get away with it? I'm not talking about in his super sekrit FA forums either.  ::)

Take a clue from all the FA's that have left Manga. A great portion of them create for the sims community on free websites. If TSR was so great, then why aren't they still there? Yes, because they have been fucked royally in their ass hole. Thomass doesn't care about you and what you think. He pays his FA's because it's an incentive to create. If he really wanted to tell you guys good job, why doesn't he just randomly give you money? Why does everyone have to have downloading standards? Because he runs a business of lies and deceit. He doesn't give a flying fuck if your there or not. He will always find new, naive people to fill your shoes. Look at Paleo, Darq, Aikea, Geldyh, Windkeeper, all of the great ones. All been replaced. Only a matter of time before it happens to you.

You can all live your lives bogged down about paysites, something that'll never be resolved, or you can fucking get on with it and do what you want to do like I am. You're all incredibly nieve to think that I actually care what you think? Yep, you guys have fun spending the rest of your lives here getting ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE, and good riddence to you all when you finally get some common sense and give up this sharade.

Your right, the issue about paysites will probably never be resolved. But if we are naive to think you care, then what does that make you? Obviously you felt compelled to come here and make a point and make it be known. Do you honestly think we care? Fuck no. I could have lived my life happily without you posting here. Yet, you felt that your opinion was all so mighty and powerful, that the evil mean impy pirates must read it.

Alas, I could not stop myself from pointing out the hypocrisy in your posts. You must be a 12.

Now I would like to throw in that TSR's "excuse" is lame as shit. If they were hacked 3 months ago, why the fuck didn't they tell their members? Why wait until 3 months later when someone was hacked to pull the "omg guise! Us 2!!!!eleventy!!!!!one!!!!" I call bullshit, and Delphy I highly doubt you need to believe their crap. The proof is there, and Cala has informed us that Coconut has proof as well.

Now just a reminder to all our friendly new pirates:
Don't throw away your current TSR subs! Let's put them to good use! Yes ladies and gents, donate to the booty! Get in touch with any of the booty and staff and find out how you can help out today! Still got 5 days left on your sub and don't give a fuck if your banned? Get some bleach and go on a TSR downloading spree! Coordinate with our booty staff to make sure every last penny you paid to TSR, goes towards making them cry like little bitches! The people you need to get in touch with would either be:

Or Pescado.

I know we might have enough donaters, but it wouldn't hurt to get a few more if people are willing. If you can't help PMBD, then go to Sims Cave, or even GOS and go to their section for paysite items. (The name of it escapes me at the moment.) See a friend on BPS in a WCIF wanting TSR items? PM the item! Do whatever you feel necessary to cause them moar butthurt!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Axeleefe on 2009 March 31, 05:59:14
'Tis obvious I'm a newbie of sorts  ::) So I'll keep it brief, cause I'm sure no pirates are really interested.

Anyway, my point was (as I'm sure has been stated to death on other forums about this) WHY are TSR determined to be such tools? Seriously, one thing after another piles up and they evidently have EA in their pocket. It's like fighting a brick wall, unless somebody is able to get above Hydra and Drea  :-\

I'm just going to pray to Lord Delphyoxysm that something can and/or will be done   :-X

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 06:06:41
Hey, now, it's been quite some time since I blew up on a troll that bad, I've behaved myself rather well. Gee, nothing like knowing that people only see me as a repository for cussing terms... I wanted to use simple words on the fool because I figured it would be too brain-taxing for them to dig out a dictionary to look up words like "pusilaminous" or "chicanery" or even "thieving liar"... Hmph!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Missbonbon on 2009 March 31, 06:09:32
Hey, now, it's been quite some time since I blew up on a troll that bad, I've behaved myself rather well. Gee, nothing like knowing that people only see me as a repository for cussing terms... I wanted to use simple words on the fool because I figured it would be too brain-taxing for them to dig out a dictionary to look up words like "pusilaminous" or "chicanery" or even "thieving liar"... Hmph!

 :P I know, that's why it was more enjoyable to read. You've become soft! Now we must put in a pit of lions to toughen you up! *Grawr!* Plus Paden I think anything more than "Good work, here's money" would be more than most FA's could comprehend.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 March 31, 06:09:43

Now just a reminder to all our friendly new pirates:
Don't throw away your current TSR subs! Let's put them to good use! Yes ladies and gents, donate to the booty! Get in touch with any of the booty and staff and find out how you can help out today! Still got 5 days left on your sub and don't give a fuck if your banned? Get some bleach and go on a TSR downloading spree! Coordinate with our booty staff to make sure every last penny you paid to TSR, goes towards making them cry like little bitches!

I was going to state something similar after peeking at TSR a second ago. People that want to burn their free accounts at TSR by posting links should to the bad pirate sites should probably do so during peek hours (more people will see it) and consider pming a few random people as well. *going to wash TSR scum off myself and my beloved laptop now*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Missbonbon on 2009 March 31, 06:15:10
Posting the links would help get the simmers who have not heard of paysite debate/PMBD over here, but we really don't want an influx of 12's. It would probably be safer to direct them Garden of Shadows since they just as acidic to TSR as we are, but can be concealed better. My whole point with what you quoted though, is that if your currently paying to download from TSR, instead of doing something dumb and getting banned, help out with the cause. Booty isn't free ya know.  ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 March 31, 06:22:52
Posting the links would help get the simmers who have not heard of paysite debate/PMBD over here, but we really don't want an influx of 12's. It would probably be safer to direct them Garden of Shadows since they just as acidic to TSR as we are, but can be concealed better. My whole point with what you quoted though, is that if your currently paying to download from TSR, instead of doing something dumb and getting banned, help out with the cause. Booty isn't free ya know.  ;)

I guess you're right about the 12's, it was just a thought I had after seeing some posts over at TSR with links to serveral places, including the the phorum.

Fake Edit: I just posted something similar over at the BPS, after seeing some people stating they canceled their sub.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: calalily on 2009 March 31, 07:14:27
Anyway, my point was (as I'm sure has been stated to death on other forums about this) WHY are TSR determined to be such tools?

Subs are dropping, and they think they're being clever. Plus, they have to put paid to this stuff before Sims 3 or they might lose more money.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Axeleefe on 2009 March 31, 07:38:27
Anyway, my point was (as I'm sure has been stated to death on other forums about this) WHY are TSR determined to be such tools?

Subs are dropping, and they think they're being clever. Plus, they have to put paid to this stuff before Sims 3 or they might lose more money.

So the entire argument, the whole 'YOU SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!' hacking incident can be boiled down to them wanting to make, what? a couple of extra dollars?  ??? Seems like their dream world is falling apart and they want to take everyone else down with them.

 :-\ Incredibly sad.

(Also Hi Cala! :D )

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 07:48:22
Hey, now, it's been quite some time since I blew up on a troll that bad, I've behaved myself rather well.

Yes, it has made me sad. I was happy to see you on a good old-fashioned rampage once again.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 08:06:00
Which reminds me, I've been meaning to do this for awhile but never got around to it. Here is your new title, Pottymouth Paden. :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: vexed on 2009 March 31, 09:24:23
Might be related, might not, might even be a wacky coincidence, but The Sporum ( has been apparently been hacked (which is one of the forums where this has been discussed).

Linking ( because it's a massive pic, and shrinking it makes it impossible to read.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 09:27:37
Unrelated: That's just the usual kiddy shit that happens on the net all the time. The Sporum isn't even a Sims site, it's like a failed Splotch site. TSR sending people to hack THAT would be like shooting a sinking ship. It is not relevant to our interests. Tell Twain to fix his crappy site more often. :P Also, all Veckis suck.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: vexed on 2009 March 31, 09:31:31
Who is this Vecki of which you speak? :D

I figured it most likely was a coincidence, but the timing just seemed eerie.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Saraswati on 2009 March 31, 09:55:54
After that garbage that Prism went through a few months back, Trey has my sympathy with the Sporum. No matter how big or small, no site deserves to be hacked..

On the subject of Thomas, words fail me. ??? I'm not even sure what he thought he would gain  ??? *confused*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 10:01:35
After that garbage that Prism went through a few months back, Trey has my sympathy with the Sporum. No matter how big or small, no site deserves to be hacked..
Lies and falseness! TSR totally deserves it, as does EAxis, and if the Turks get them, I will lol!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Saraswati on 2009 March 31, 10:08:42
*chuckling* ;D Ah Pescado, thank you for making me laugh.. I think that's a fly on the wall I'd love to be on. I remember reading something about the mongrel who hacked us, he got interviewed by some journalist and he's going on about some crap of being a social engineer.. I'm reading this right as we'd gotten hacked and I am turning the air blue at that point..  ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 March 31, 10:52:16
I'm still 2 pages back but I thought I'd answer some stuff.

Nouk is making assumptions based on what I said, specifically that TSR had a security *breach* 3 months ago.  This is incorrect.  In actuality, any vulnerabilities existed before then and 3 months was when they allegedly fixed it

In other words, it sets up a scenario that they had problems with the security of the accounts and that anything prior to 3 months ago could have been compromised.  But for me it still leaves questions about why whoever did this waited till now - months later - to do this attack on MTS2.  Not many people know how much information we log, and didn't before yesterday, so I really don't think that whoever did this really thought it would go public.  I suspect it was more simply a way to make buggybooz look bad and to try and discredit her, rather than any specific attack against MTS2 as a whole.  So then it all goes back to timings - who knew about the stolen content, and who would have the motivation and technical knowledge to pull this off?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 11:04:16
TSR, anyone and their dog, because this wasn't a technical attack. Also, profile entirely matches Thomas@TSR and his attempt to play stealthy buggers with proxycondomns and failing at SimSecret.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 12:16:54
I think TSR is in deep shit- financially maybe cause the economy is shit - maybe just cause they're asshats - but , the dear little FA's and all the cute little SA"s with their fluffy puffy wittle cheeks have submitted shit in the last month or so- it used to be you would see at least 15 sets per day  from FA"s and SA's  alone now if one is unlucky one sees 2-3 sets per day - also a lot of them who didn't x-post to free sites before are bailing ship and doing. People really have slowed down on the downloading just since I received my account (gift, don't ask) , they post the daily download stats and they keep going down and down and down - so funny - of course given that half the items are recolors and lots  that my 12 year old niece can do better it is to be expected

There are two possible explanations for this 

TSR is being abandoned like the sinking ship it is before Sims 3 comes out since (I'd suspect many don't believe the bs that EA will release good tools for creating CC to TSR, like they really  did last time {snerk}), and get the idea that if anyone creates content tools for Sims 3 it will be modders/programmers at MATY, Insim, MTS2, and Simbology rather than anyone at TSR since even the most gifted amongst the FA"s there can barely manage default paintings or baby bottles forget about programs like CEP or SimPE- They all know that free content site creators/programmers will be the first to come up with a way to get new stuff into the game with rr without EA's support.

Of course the more sinister and logical reason is that  FA's  who left in the last month or two are abandoning the site  in order to steal other people's shit on free sites.

Option two makes more sense to me- it seems to be more the mentality at TSR and EA these days - I love the game but will laugh my ass off (I wish that really friggin worked) when Sims 3 flops around in the dust cause we are sick of unethical corporate bullshit like invasion of privacy, condoning shit that goes against ones own EULA, and not listening to the people who actually play the game. I would actually like to take a count in the Artists Area at TSR of how many creators state in their blogs- "I have stopped playing to create full time"

I can't spell for shit today

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: eternal_darkness on 2009 March 31, 13:00:07
I can't believe this man considers himself an adult male. This is pre-adolescent female queen bee behavior, or the behavior of a middle aged woman who was picked on by the queen bee. If you have a problem with someone, it should be discussed in a civil manner; Doing petty things behind the scene is childish and stupid.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 March 31, 13:17:03
I have seen just as many dumbfuck men as I have women. This behavior is not isolated to females of various ages.  ::) Men can be just a petty and stupid as women, it doesn't have anything to do with reproductive organs; its lack of brain cells.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: misshate on 2009 March 31, 13:36:14
What Tabby said.

Thomass is a fucktard. His penis does not factor into it in any way. (One would hope.)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 13:44:14
Only in Atwa's fevered imagination *hides*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 13:45:23
I have seen just as many dumbfuck men as I have women. This behavior is not isolated to females of various ages.  ::) Men can be just a petty and stupid as women, it doesn't have anything to do with reproductive organs; its lack of brain cells.
Men are more likely, actually. Men are both more likely to be smart and more likely to be stupid. This is because, biologically, males are more likely to exhibit extreme characteristics, in part because they are nature's guinea pigs, and partly because they lack the moderating influence of a balanced chromosome set. This is why the ranks of both the super-genius and profoundly retarded are both heavily male. The logic is quite simple: Nature can afford to play risks with males. Males are expendable. If you crank out 30 males and 20 get eaten by lions, no biggie, your population growth is unchanged. Can't do the same thing with females.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 13:52:50
While women are more inclined to show wisdom, since wisdom means they are more likely to surprise, and thus more likely to keep the population growing. :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 14:41:11
Well, lookie there. We got the same browser string, and one of these IPs is, surprise surprise, Thomas himself dating back to olden times. We can clearly see our h4x0r wannabe trying, and failing, at using proxycondoms, probably because noob how-tos don't cover how to configure Furryfox, and as a result, BUSTED.

Sorry Delphy, but you are being lied to.
- The Proxy Service is definately and specifically linked to TSR Thomas
- He has apparently used the same ip's on unrelated sites, being Thomas
- The same method of getting the info needed to break in has been used, all on an administrator level
Are you telling me that poor Thomas's computer has been hacked, and the hacker is the one that coversated with Atwa and gave her the ip's she needed to return to TSR and do all kinds of other crap? Because you realize that that story of Thomas buying her ip's  has been confirmed by others besides Coconut? Because, Atwat couldn't keep her mouth or her behaviour in check?

This is TSR trying to pin this on an 'inside hacker', namely Coconut, and you're just being used to slowly get there.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Missbonbon on 2009 March 31, 14:44:26
In other words, it sets up a scenario that they had problems with the security of the accounts and that anything prior to 3 months ago could have been compromised.  But for me it still leaves questions about why whoever did this waited till now - months later - to do this attack on MTS2.  Not many people know how much information we log, and didn't before yesterday, so I really don't think that whoever did this really thought it would go public.  I suspect it was more simply a way to make buggybooz look bad and to try and discredit her, rather than any specific attack against MTS2 as a whole.  So then it all goes back to timings - who knew about the stolen content, and who would have the motivation and technical knowledge to pull this off?

It still creates questions like you have said. How many other accounts have been tapped into? How long did they have a security breech? Who all knew they were having security issues? Why didn't they inform their customer base? Plus tons more. I personally think it is a cover up, because if they had this security breech, then it should have been there all along. If that mistake has been hanging around, why did it take them so long to fix it? Why did they not tell people, who ya know, put money in Thomass's pocket? At the very least they could have made a tiny news announcement so people could change their information.

I still call bullshit on this one. It would be more believable if they had released a new statement about it when they discovered it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Shiny on 2009 March 31, 14:46:24
Well, I'm taking it beyond the sims community at this point, because this shit has gotten ridiculous.

Here's my thread as of this morning (still going 2 hours later!):,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.127,item.23

Also, I did write to the Consumerist. We shall see what happens.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 14:47:29
It's definately a cover up, Missbonbon.
Thomas's ip has been busted on events unrelated to this, and also, the ip's have been linked to him personally, as they had also been purchased for atwa to use.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 14:54:29
Why choose *now* to do this attack if you've had the logins for *months*? It doesn't make any sense.  The timings are way off, and are very suspicious.

That works on Coconut's side of things more than TSR.  If you had all that information, all that power, and were going to use it to destroy TSR, wouldn't you want to use it ASAP?  After all, it's only a matter of time before the leak is discovered and blocked.  Why make a tiny attack on Sim secrets, wait a few months, then make one tiny attack on MTS2?  It comes off like someone who knows that time is on their side and they can leisurely  pick and choose when to strike.   Not doing too much damage, because well, if the truth is discovered, you don't want to leave too much of a mess.  After all, no one really got hurt with this, did they?  Sure, annoyance all around, but Buggy has her stuff, MsT2 fixed the problem, all is well! 

Think about it.  If you were Coconut, or even Pescado (as he's been brought up from the outside as a potential suspect) why be so namby pamby about it? I mean, if you're going to commit a crime and lay it at the feet of TSR, do it RIGHT.   This comes across like someone with ninja training using their skills merely to sneak into your house in the dead of night and annoy your cat, then leave a video of it for you to watch.  Yes, it's shaky, someone broke into your house.  And sure, the cat is miffled as hell, but nothing is permanent, it can all be fixed. 

This sounds like a crime planned to indite someone, yet leave as little true damage as possible.  If you're truly someone who's out to get TSR and trying to line them up in this, wouldn't you go to a lot more trouble?  Wouldn't you want to do some real damage? 

I can tell you only that TSR anti-freesite related activity has been picking up in the last couple of months.

Remember awhile ago when several of us were sure that  TSR was up to something and we were waiting for the big shoe to drop?  I thought it was Dot's little "How to treat people like idiots, when you're one yourself!" tutorials, but I think now that was the red herring to lull us into a false sense of security.  After all, how many of us felt so superior to see that lame attempt?  "Oh, TSR, you are such sillies!" 

We were lulled into a false sense of security, that TSR were total idiots, and all was right with the world.  They even picked DOT, someone we have talked about not being very bright as the bait.  Why not pick BlackGarden?  We hate her, but I at least, don't think she's stupid.  Nope, pick Dot.  We can all point and laugh now.

Meanwhile, they plot and scheme and wait for the right moment.  And BANG here it is!  Buggy blames Shakeshaft for theft, perfect!  The only rough point is the coincidence factors, which is that Buggy happened to notice it.  TSR was taking a pretty big risk, unless they've been stealing stuff for a long time and Buggy is the first person to notice it and who has an account with TSR that uses the same password.  But if that were the case, then why haven't other people stepped forward to claim theft.  People that they couldn't hack their accounts because they didn't use the same password?

But, I think this really is the other shoe.  Dot was just being used as a decoy for all of us to follow and think that TSR was being stupid. 

EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION:  I am NOT saying that Buggy knew what was going on.  Upon rereading what I wrote, I could see where someone might think I was hinting at that.  I am not. She is an innocent victim in this whole thing. 

Also, can anyone do a C&P of the BBS thread Shiny posted?  First because it'll be gone soon enough, second because I'm banned from the BBS and can't see it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 31, 14:56:45
Delphy, Thomas is laughing at you. You've been duped. You fell for his lame excuse.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 15:01:53
Does anyone know if there is a list compiled with the most popular TSR myths somewhere?
Any help would be appreciated!

/Johan @ TSR

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 31, 15:03:26
Sorry, johan. We don't have myths here. Fresh out. But you're doing a good job trying to create them. ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 March 31, 15:06:45
Well, lookie there. We got the same browser string, and one of these IPs is, surprise surprise, Thomas himself dating back to olden times. We can clearly see our h4x0r wannabe trying, and failing, at using proxycondoms, probably because noob how-tos don't cover how to configure Furryfox, and as a result, BUSTED.

Sorry Delphy, but you are being lied to.
- The Proxy Service is definately and specifically linked to TSR Thomas
- He has apparently used the same ip's on unrelated sites, being Thomas
- The same method of getting the info needed to break in has been used, all on an administrator level
Are you telling me that poor Thomas's computer has been hacked, and the hacker is the one that coversated with Atwa and gave her the ip's she needed to return to TSR and do all kinds of other crap? Because you realize that that story of Thomas buying her ip's  has been confirmed by others besides Coconut? Because, Atwat couldn't keep her mouth or her behaviour in check?

This is TSR trying to pin this on an 'inside hacker', namely Coconut, and you're just being used to slowly get there.


The only IPs that I know of are in Sinthes screenshot - and they dont link to Thomas based on information in the MTS2 logs. The 70 address is obviously the proxy, but the other two do not match anything we have on record here as being Thomas. The two IP addresses on the Hamilton IP are wildly different from the 2 on the Sinthe screenshot.

Which IPs are supposedly Atwas then?  I'll look them up and see who else they match.

There are way too many holes in the story right now to pin this down.  Suffice to say I don't think that this is all as they say.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: mrs_cicero on 2009 March 31, 15:09:44
Also, can anyone do a C&P of the BBS thread Shiny posted?  First because it'll be gone soon enough, second because I'm banned from the BBS and can't see it.

Done...will post in a sec...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 March 31, 15:12:19
Delphy, Thomas is laughing at you. You've been duped. You fell for his lame excuse.

Uh huh. So how come I am still questioning the facts then?  How come I am still posting asking questions about what has gone on and still wondering about the reasonings?

If I had surely "fallen for his lame excuse" I would have locked the threads and shut up. 

Just becuase I am saying that I don't think there is enough evidence that I have seen to prove it was Thomas personally doesn't mean I don't want to know who and why and how this was done. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 15:15:35
I could make one up for you if you'd like

1. Our stuff is free- you are paying a subscription fee so we can keep the site going.

2. We support the work of creators on free sites (only so we can try to lure them away).

3. You information is entirely private- until we decide to share it with EA, Coca Cola, or Enzyte, or allow hackers to attach mal-ware to our ads.

4. You have full creative control of your work (of course this is limited to posting sheer lingerie, and blood encrusted vampire makeup- you can't post stories mentioning murder, crime- other than burglary, or screenies of non-blurred anatomically correct sex- this is not pg-13 despite explicit advertising and clothing on the site)

5. We support the Sims 2 and 1 communities by offering helpful tutorials (vague and non-descriptive- I have learned more on my own and from the Prima Guides than TSR Tutorials have taught me) and programs (mostly obsolete or unavailable except the crap EA created like Homelesscrafter)  to help your create your own content.

6. Our FA"s and SA's produce the highest quality work ( that might be true of the ones who left like Aikea Guinea, Helga, and possibly Windkeeper since no one on the site has heard from her on the forums or blogs in many long month, but the rest ehhh!!!).

7.. We favor all creators equally (then why is it so many have left? ).

8. We promote honesty on our site both in the forums and in terms of creators using other peoples work and crediting it properly. (and we had a problem why? )

People feel free to add to or continue the list

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 31, 15:17:44
You've trusted his excuse too easily. I guess I've just seen people duped so much by TSR and what goes on there that there's no way on earth I could ever believe anything that they say anymore. This comes from a long-time simmer who ONCE had a sub to TSR during Sims 1 days. Wolves in sheep's clothing eventually forget to put on the full costume and expose themselves. ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Shiny on 2009 March 31, 15:19:07
Oh, the BBS thread is beautiful. This is becoming a true shitstorm.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 31, 15:20:52
8. We promote honesty on our site both in the forums and in terms of creators using other peoples work and crediting it properly.
That one's the bestest.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 15:30:30
Oh, the BBS thread is beautiful. This is becoming a true shitstorm.

It already was one -Buggybooz and others who have had work stolen or as Delphy did their sites hacked by TSR or related idiots should report this asshats to the Better Business Bureau online - stealing other creators work, violating EA's EULA even if EA are such ass kissers they refuse to recognize it, and violation of customer privacy by selling their information which they claim they don't, not to mention false advertising (you are only paying a subscription fee to support the site, our shit is PG13) are certainly all violations of consumer protection laws.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 March 31, 15:30:45
You've trusted his excuse too easily. I guess I've just seen people duped so much by TSR and what goes on there that there's no way on earth I could ever believe anything that they say anymore. This comes from a long-time simmer who ONCE had a sub to TSR during Sims 1 days. Wolves in sheep's clothing eventually forget to put on the full costume and expose themselves. ;)

I fail to see how posting the information that TSR told me *and then questioning it* is "trusting" it.  Just becuase I don't instantly go "TSR fail! Death to Thomas!" doesn't mean that I believe everything they say.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 March 31, 15:37:32
I think Delphy is just trying to get all the facts and have irrefutable evidence before he says for sure they did it. He is saying he doesn't really think it's likely (in so many words) that it was a hacker. It is better to be able to say without a doubt that Thomass is responsible than it is to jump to it, and then be proven wrong. Highly unlikely, but, you know some people like to cover their asses.  ;)

Title: Screencaps
Post by: mrs_cicero on 2009 March 31, 15:38:12
I'm just getting use to this so they're kind of crappy...this is for all who were banned and can't read it!









Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 March 31, 15:47:56
Well, I hope people do contact outside sources. Some suggested X-Play, Penny Arcade, and few other gaming related sites and media outlets. Seriously, this does need to be told to people at large. Like Darqstar said earlier, she doesn't want some innocent family member buying her the game, sub, or whatever because they think "Oh, this is the perfect for Darq because we know she loves the Sims!". That adds more innocent people to the mix who don't even know what EA, TSR and lord knows who else have been up to.

I need to check out a few other Sims sites I frequent that aren't are the normal beaten path. I do want them to know what happened and that TSR has stooped to these low means. I think the more people that contact friends and media outlets the more they will realize something is going on.

You've trusted his excuse too easily. I guess I've just seen people duped so much by TSR and what goes on there that there's no way on earth I could ever believe anything that they say anymore. This comes from a long-time simmer who ONCE had a sub to TSR during Sims 1 days. Wolves in sheep's clothing eventually forget to put on the full costume and expose themselves. ;)
I fail to see how posting the information that TSR told me *and then questioning it* is "trusting" it.  Just becuase I don't instantly go "TSR fail! Death to Thomas!" doesn't mean that I believe everything they say.

I think Delphy is right. Ok, now flame me with Cat Macros and stuff. Delphy isn't supporting Thomas's excuse, but I do think he(?) is right to question who did it, why, and what exactly the heck is going on. I think he(?) strongly suspects Thomas, but to be honest (as much as I'd love to be proven right that it was him meaning Thomas), we should focus on what exactly did happen. I think somewhere in Coconut's journal are the IP addresses that Thomas did buy for Atwa or whoever. If this does match up, then I'd say Thomas is very likely a strong suspect. And I'd like to know (curiosity and all that with cats) if those IP's can be used outside of Sweden. If not, then that narrows the field considerably to just a few suspects.

Edit: To clarify pronoun

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 31, 15:56:35
I don't flame. And, to me, TSR shouldn't have been mentioned if there was some doubt that it may not have been them.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 16:00:48
I am curious as to who knew the details about the theft of buggy's work before the hacking.  If we are to believe that it was a coincidence or that the hacker seized an opportunity to exploit the Buggy theft then they would have had to know that the complaint was even made.  This all happened pretty fast and most of the details of what happened went on behind the scenes with Delphy and his staff and then the reporting to the TSR staff.  Most of us (the greater community) didn't get the details until after or near the same time as the hacking.  The hacker needed to know that this was happening in order to take advantage of it.  

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Missbonbon on 2009 March 31, 16:02:47
Guys, let's not outcast Delphy just yet. All he is trying to do is find out all the facts before he jumps to conclusions. I still think TSR's "excuse" is a crock of shit. One big question we need to ask TSR, is that if they were hacked, they should be able to find the IP's of their hacker. Once they find it, they should report it. And not just "Hai guise! We foundz da haxxorz!!!" But with proof. And let's not forget that all of Thomass's minions coming over here trying to make guests appearances, is not helping their cred either. I need the proof that TSR was hacked before I'll believe their shit storm of lies.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 16:10:16
I don't think anyone wants to out Delphy or accuse him of any Pro TSR favoritism.

He is questioning things and I think that it is good that he's doing so.   We pirates have the reputation of being foaming lunatics, unable to every think anything good of TSR, we're not exactly who someone looking for unbiased information will think of to find it. 

If Delphy were ignoring us, and leaving messages, "Hai guz, let's cool it on the TRS Bashin'  'coz thei wuz haxed!"  it would be different. Instead he's coming to us and giving us all the evidence.  And we are refuting it. 

Forewarned is forearmed and it's good the Delphy is willing to see both possibilities and to share information with us, so we can draw our own conclusions, based on all the evidence. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jojoba on 2009 March 31, 16:13:22
Yes, Delphy is simply asking questions to get details before reaching a solid conclusion, personally agree with that as it is better to know all details.

Also, I fully expected TSR to 'reveal' something like this, where they would show a 'you are wrong, pity us because xyz'..and they've gone for the old hacking reason. I am entirely unconvinced by this reason, and presume this is *another* of their anti free attempts - remember that they have planned and are attacking free/anti pay sites/creators.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 March 31, 16:14:39
Of course, Delphy's right to want to attain all the facts. Just consider the source. Coconut has proven her integrity by being careful that the information released doesn't harm anyone innocent. Thomas and his staff, on the other hand, have shown little regard for anyone outside of their insular community. They've also been caught in a whole host of documented lies.

Also, Thomas and his staff have been getting away with underhanded behavior for years, so it's no stretch of the imagination to believe that he'd think himself capable of squirming his way out of this situation as well. Even on the slim chance that Thomas wasn't directly involved and that it was a rogue TSR fanatic who's responcible, the matter still lies at TSR's doorstep. Their security breech - the community's problem.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: HystericalParoxysm on 2009 March 31, 16:16:55
I am curious as to who knew the details about the theft of buggy's work before the hacking.  If we are to believe that it was a coincidence or that the hacker seized an opportunity to exploit the Buggy theft then they would have had to know that the complaint was even made.  This all happened pretty fast and most of the details of what happened went on behind the scenes with Delphy and his staff and then the reporting to the TSR staff.  Most of us (the greater community) didn't get the details until after or near the same time as the hacking.  The hacker needed to know that this was happening in order to take advantage of it.  

Buggy posted regarding the theft in The Ranch on MTS - it's a "private" forum, visible to winners of the various MTS awards (moomoo, mocca, latte, and features) so, while not visible to everyone, there are quite a few people who can view it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 March 31, 16:21:12
Guys, let's not outcast Delphy just yet. All he is trying to do is find out all the facts before he jumps to conclusions.
I would never outcast Delphy. I'm all for innocent until proven guilty, but at this rate it appears like TSR is already guilty, if Pescado's statements are true. I agree with Nouk that he's being lied to. I'm just upset that what looks like obvious TSR bunk is going on once again.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 16:21:27
Yes, Delphy is simply asking questions to get details before reaching a solid conclusion

I agree.  I would like him to add my questions to the ones he is asking then.  Who knew about the theft in the time frame needed to take advantage of the timing so that they could use the info to take advantage of information that they supposedly would have hacked into TSR over three months ago and gained.  Also, if the hacker would have had to get the info over 3 months ago (since the vulnerability was supposedly fixed then) they would have had to get every password on TSR and been storing them waiting for a reason to use them or they would have had to coincidentally just get the exact right ones (like Buggy's and the Hamilton one and be lucky enough to have them actually match at MTS2).  I think it is worth knowing this stuff.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 16:26:47
I, of course, have my reservations about the whole ordeal, -BUT I respect Delphy in the fact he is researching the full evidence and questioning the unknowns.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 March 31, 16:27:39
HP just said the award winners knew about the theft. So unless Buggy told anyone else, only select people on MTS2 and T$R knew about it.

I would think that with all the times T$R has been supposedly hacked in just the last year, they would take some of the money they are using to be second dream homes, and put it into site security.  ::)

Even if Thomass is telling the truth (LOL!), you shouldn't sub to T$R because, apparently, it's the weakest website on Earth when it comes to security.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 16:27:52
Given the fact that some creators x-post at both MTS and TSR - some of whom may have access to this forum at MTS - even if it was not instigated by Thomas or other corporate officials at TSR - it still could have been a TSR FA or SA . I would be hard put to trust anyone who x-posts at both sites who is currently an FA or SA on TSR and I am sure that both Delphy, and HP are aware of who these creators are  and are keeping a very close eye on them considering recent issues over site security.
 Retired artists who have left TSR  and are doing their own thing and have been accepted into the free community maybecan be trusted, especially, since many of them are voicing the same opinions of TSR as everyone else (possibly worse actually) but  people  who currently post to both shouldn't be trusted farther than they can be thrown.

 I admit I have submitted at TSR but, am not one of the dearly favored ones - I saw the lie after only 16 creations and am publishing my stuff elsewhere from now own. This is getting ridiculous - Clearly TSR and their EA kisser uppers think that we all have the IQ's of stepping stones if they think we will all buy the " but we were hacked to feel sowwy for us " I have this to say" TSR would you like some Limburger Cheese with your cheap wino whine?"

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 March 31, 16:29:17
 I agree, gather as much info from the TSR as possible about their possible take on this.  More evidence is good!  Even IF it was a security breach, the TSR still has a lot to answer for.

 I think coconut is going to lay low on this one for now...seeing what she can get from her end of things.

 I made a post at the BBS with my back up account, the one I use to upload stuff with. I am wondering how long it will last.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jojoba on 2009 March 31, 16:31:17
Coconut has proven her integrity by being careful that the information released doesn't harm anyone innocent.

Unless I've missed something (if so, please give a link!), they've not accused Coconut..yet. They've not given any details to their suspicions of said apparent hacking third party.

They've also not even said that this third party was not connected to TSR in any way or means. Atwa, as a random example, is no longer (publically) TSR staff and so does not represent them, so she would be someone who they could label as a 'third party'.

 Also, if the hacker would have had to get the info over 3 months ago (since the vulnerability was supposedly fixed then) they would have had to get every password on TSR and been storing them waiting for a reason to use them or they would have had to coincidentally just get the exact right ones (like Buggy's and the Hamilton one and be lucky enough to have them actually match at MTS2).

If a hacker had access to that amount of information, why use it over 3 months after gaining it? Why use it only on two accounts (Buggy, and Hamilthomas)?

Quote from: Delphy@S2C
they informed me that they had a security breach about 3 months ago that may have left subscriber accounts vulnerable.

Firstly, 'may'. They are not sure what was apparently breached? That shows their securtiy, and knowledge of it, is dire.

Secondly, the fact that it affected subscriber accounts. Why were only these accounts affected? Why were they so easy to breach? Does that mean all admin staff have access to subscriber account passwords, and other details? Why were subscribers not told that their details may have been yoinked? Again, shows that subscriber info is far from safe with TSR.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 16:33:54
I missed the "subscriber" part.  Was Buggy a "subscriber"?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 16:36:36
Delphy - did you take a gander at this? It's the ip's recorded from Atwa on Natural Sims (and alot more).
Combined with what sinthe provided:  (dotted ones are the hacker)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jojoba on 2009 March 31, 16:39:07
I missed the "subscriber" part.  Was Buggy a "subscriber"?

Buggy may be or have been a subscriber at some point. Furthermore, did this zomgbreach affect current subscribers or all previous ones as well? The scale of apparent hack has been left out. If it did affect past and present subscribers, then again why was Buggy and Hamilthomas only affected like this. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 March 31, 16:41:43
I can't imagine Delphy being anyone's dupe, especially not Thomas'.   And I applaud him for not jumping to conclusions and for withholding blame if there's any doubt.  Because this idiotic dance of Thomas' has gone on for so long that it would be best to get solid evidence this time and then--finally--he's trashed.

(If it turns out that the hacking was done by Atwa or another TSR person, is Thomas liable, on the grounds that it's his employee and that he apparently provided the IP?  Or am I just dreaming?)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 16:43:50
Also remember, even if they can prove they were hacked, it still leaves a couple of huge issues.

1: Why was Buggy's stuff stolen?  Even if TSR claims they didn't know until Buggy made them aware of it, (entirely possible)  it doesn't excuse that no action was taken about the situation.  Why wasn't the item removed?  Even if they hadn't concluded yes or no on the stolen status, shouldn't they have at least temporarily blocked the item from downloading until a verdict was reached?  And, because the item is stolen, where is Shakeshaft's punishment?  Why hasn't he/she been forced to give an apology or lose his/her FA status? What type of site allows its most prized members, members that others are encouraged to emulate and try to become more like, to steal from other creators?  

2: IF TSR was hacked, they did nothing to warn their supposed "valued" customers and "loyal" members about it. Nothing was mentioned.  No one was told to change their password.  Even if TSR didn't want to admit to being hacked, for fear of scaring people, they could have still encouraged people to change their passwords, claiming one of several things from a switch in the software for better security, to "we just want to make sure you're safe, having you change your passwords every so often is a good way to help keep you safe."  The later one I've had on several sites before, banking, credit card, so I wouldn't even have batted an eye about it, I just would have changed my password.     Yet, TSR did nothing.  Not one thing to put their customers and members  out of risk.  

I am no longer a member, but we have enough spies/people who still have accounts there.  Can anyone verify if TSR has ever asked them to change their password, or put up any type of notice/warning/suggestion to change their password in the last few months?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 16:44:28
dietofworms: He is liable if Atwa currently has Admin level. You need Admin level to read people's passwords. I seriously doubt he did that.
So fat chance that he can pin this on Atwa.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 March 31, 16:46:43
Darqstar--no, they haven't.  I've logged in almost every day and there's been no discussion about security breaches or advice to change passwords.  It's all business as usual. ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: eternal_darkness on 2009 March 31, 16:51:08
Secondly, the fact that it affected subscriber accounts. Why were only these accounts affected? Why were they so easy to breach? Does that mean all admin staff have access to subscriber account passwords, and other details? Why were subscribers not told that their details may have been yoinked? Again, shows that subscriber info is far from safe with TSR.

It's a lose-lose situation for subscribers. If their account info hasn't been hacked by an outside source, they'll still have their privacy and security compromised by T$R, who attaches spyware to their pay-files.
It is wise for Delphy to examine all sides of the issue. The accuser is the one who is guilty if the person they accused is innocent, i.e. if Delphy pointed the finger at T$R and it turns out that it wasn't them, that would look really really bad and give T$R bashing ammunition.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 16:54:22
The ip's used breaking into Sinthe's account and hacking Simsecret.

The same IP is banned from Naturalsims because it is causing trouble as Atwa.

The email in the second image is from Thomas's wife. Atwa may have been a bitch and used it on purpose.

It is also known from Pescado that the screenshot from Sinthe contains an ip Thomas has used in the past.

Quote from: Pescado
Well, lookie there. We got the same browser string, and one of these IPs is, surprise surprise, Thomas himself dating back to olden times. We can clearly see our h4x0r wannabe trying, and failing, at using proxycondoms, probably because noob how-tos don't cover how to configure Furryfox, and as a result, BUSTED.

Both ip's in Sinthe's image have been tracked back as being used in the Proxy Service Thomas has aquired. Thomas has been seen using one of them in the past. The other one was used by Atwa at NaturalSims.

This in relation to the ip's that ruined BuggyBooz'z account: They are from the same service and the same range, and looking at browsers used and the settings, are from the same person.

So - you can definately say that yes - Thomas is responsible. He's is either an enabler or he did it himself.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: El Diablo on 2009 March 31, 16:55:23
I am no longer a member, but we have enough spies/people who still have accounts there.  Can anyone verify if TSR has ever asked them to change their password, or put up any type of notice/warning/suggestion to change their password in the last few months?


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 16:57:14
I have a current paid  account and have had my account for nearly a year- TSR " claims" this breach occurred three months ago- I have never received a notice from either TSR or Paypal telling me that TSR had been hacked and had a security breach.

 There were no warnings in forum posts or site issues for subscribers to change their passwords for TSR and no TSR user that I am aware of has received a PM or guestbook msg from Admin telling us to change our info.

Again, there has been no notice that I am aware of - of course all complaints about the new mal-ware, porno advertising V7 of TSR are quickly booted into the site issues forum and " lost" so I don't know if others were notified of any security breaches. Certainly Darqstar was not informed as per the post  and other former FA's and SA's who have posted at GOS and other forums were not told (e.g. Aikea Guinea).

Logic would deduce that this " security breach" is just an excuse to try and shift the blame to Buggy, or Delphy and HP because of  the recent server crash or whatever sorry reason TSR will think up.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 17:00:39
I seriously doubt there ever was a security breach besides the one in Thomas's head.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 17:02:41
And I think it's funny how they STILL haven't mentioned any warning to its members about their "security breach." I was very appreciative when I logged onto MTS2 and saw the change your password post along with a warning about info being attained...

So. Tsr. Why haven't you?...

I seriously doubt there ever was a security breach besides the one in Thomas's head.

That seems to be a valid reason why they haven't warned their members...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 17:03:58
I seriously doubt there ever was a security breach besides the one in Thomas's head.

I cannot say it- ohhh yes I can - That security breach is big enough to fit the state of Texas through.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jojoba on 2009 March 31, 17:05:45
Also, adding to the list of WTF questions, why would a hacker change Buggy's policy?  ;) What would a hacker, who is not connected to TSR or the gaming community, gain from that and why would they even have an interest in changing her policy? Why 'yes to paysites and anything you want' if you were a mere hacker and not aware of the paysite issues and Buggys recent problem with a paysite?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 17:10:58
It's been proven that the users of these ip's have been hacking - just NOT tsr. lol

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neo-patriot on 2009 March 31, 17:12:14
I wish I had you guys years ago when I was in the community trenches trying to prove sub prime lending was a scam and would collapse the economy. Organizin'--ur doin it rite!

I have a free account at TSR. I don't know what it can be used for but I don't use it for anything but to scroll through FA/SA creations and see what I want from the booty. Nobody knows me because I don't create or talk to anyone and the SN is different. Just putting that out there in case I can help because you guys are giving me the "power to the people" bug again. :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 17:13:36
Also, adding to the list of WTF questions, why would a hacker change Buggy's policy?  ;) What would a hacker, who is not connected to TSR or the gaming community, gain from that and why would they even have an interest in changing her policy? Why 'yes to paysites and anything you want' if you were a mere hacker and not aware of the paysite issues and Buggys recent problem with a paysite?

Very awesome point! How convenient this hacker even knows the dramaz between TSR and BB, and seemingly knows about the great paysite debates. Ah, could this random, unassociated haxor really be doing "pro-tsr/paysite" stuff unawares... ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 March 31, 17:16:30
Shouldn't people that still subscribe to TSR complain to paypal and their credit card companies? I know, this was discussed when they were sharing information, but now that they officially claim there is a  breach and they don't inform users, shouldn't that warrant a flood of complains once again??

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 March 31, 17:20:13
Absolutely, Raebchen.  And in addition I think we should ask Thomas to 'splain this "security breach." Has anyone tried to post in the TSR forum about this? I'm dying to read the non-response.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 17:22:44
You will be supporting their lies, though.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 17:24:23
Absolutely, Raebchen.  And in addition I think we should ask Thomas to 'splain this "security breach." Has anyone tried to post in the TSR forum about this? I'm dying to read the non-response.

People at TSR have complained about the issues - things that TSR does not want to deal with are swept under the rug (e.g moved to the site issues forum) and then disappear so even if someone has complained it is gone now just like everyones complaints to the official BBS. Yes I have filed a complaint with paypal and my bank and revoked my permission for either one to auto-pay a subscription renewal just like I did when my computer caught  a trojan from the Big Fish games download manager cause someone had hacked their site and corrupted their games.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 March 31, 17:24:56
Absolutely, Raebchen.  And in addition I think we should ask Thomas to 'splain this "security breach." Has anyone tried to post in the TSR forum about this? I'm dying to read the non-response.

Well, considering the mods over there love the delete and ban button, I don't think it'll get very far.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 17:28:11
You will be supporting their lies, though.

Or exposing them.  I would love to see a subscriber quoting the claim that "subscriber accounts" had been hacked months ago allowing for passwords to be gained and no one was told.  THey would have to explain WTF or admit that it was a lie.  Of course we all know that any thread started on their forum would just get moved to somewhere inaccessible to the general public  or deleted.

Edited cause I was ninja'd

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 17:32:30
Can I inject a little humor into this?

(This was one screenshot edited and cut in half, just to make it so it was still readable (hopefully) without having to do a left-right scroll)

Disregard, I screwed something up.  Darn it, feel free to macro my stupidity.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 March 31, 17:34:25
OK, I've just pm'ed an admin to ask all omgwtf about the "breach."  Let's see if I get an answer.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 17:36:00
OK, I've just pm'ed an admin to ask all omgwtf about the "breach."  Let's see if I get an answer.

Uh... was it really that smart to admit that here?  We're being watched pretty carefully.  Yes, your TSR name is probably different, but have you given enough to connect the dots?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 March 31, 17:36:53
You will be supporting their lies, though.

Sorry, I somehow missed your answer earlier.

I am not saying, we should take this whole "we've been haxxored" as the truth. I was just thinking that TSR kinda painted themselves in a corner. By claiming that they have had security breaches, they're opening a whole another can of worms. There should be consequences for there actions (hacking) and their cover up lies ("no, we haz security breach and informed nobody"). I am just thinking along the lines of the more butthurt, the better.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 March 31, 17:43:18
Darqstar,  I'm confident that  I'm not the only person pm'ing them about this issue.  They won't be able to track that particular message to me.  And even if by some stroke of luck they did, I don't have anything to lose.

I think we (collectively) should do everything we can to pressure them into confirming or denying the "breach".  Either way they're screwed, but I want to see it in black and white.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jojoba on 2009 March 31, 17:44:50
You will be supporting their lies, though.

Or exposing them.  

They will either delete the thread and ban you.. or post in response saying about apparent hacker, lock the thread and leave that for the members at TSR to read, to show how fuzzy TSR is and what nasty accusations are being spread. Remember the threads at TSR where an admin/mod says the EULA has changed, lock the thread, and the members there have read it and believed it? Thats what I mean and if I understand Nouk right, then by 'support' she means that also. If not, Nouk explain what you are talking about  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 17:53:18
Them using your complaints about breaches to support their claim it has really happened...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Shiny on 2009 March 31, 17:56:35
My BBS thread is gone now, but it was up for quite a while. I thought perhaps the mods were turning a blind eye...fat chance.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 31, 17:59:37
Whatever they say it's a lose lose situation for TSR.  If TSR hacked buggy then it shows they have no qualms using members private info for their own purposes.  If, and that is a big if, TSR was hacked it shows they don't give a crap about the security and safety of their members, and they were more worried about losing money than protecting their subscribers.

For a hacker to use an old thomas ip, the hacker would have to be at the place Thomas was when he used that account.  Even ATWA got the connection on IPs,  she used the excuse that she spotted someone outside her house with a laptop.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 18:00:19
Them using your complaints about breaches to support their claim it has really happened...

I don't see how that confirms it.  I think the idea is to say, "Hey, we heard you're claiming a breech in security that happened several months ago.  Why weren't we informed?  Why weren't we told to change our password?

If TSR says, "Noo, there was no breech," then they'll be also admitting they lied to Delphy.

if TSR says, "Well, there was a breech..." then they still have to explain why none of their valued customers and members were given any instructions on how to keep themselves safe.  TSR asks for a lot of personal information, if they were hacked, they have an obligation to warn people so they will know to change passwords and any other sensitive information.

Yes, telling them to change personal information after a hack is rather like locking the barn after the horse escaped, but telling them to change their password to a new one is not and is the only decent thing to do after a breech.  They didn't do that, they have some 'splainin' to do.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 March 31, 18:03:51

 anyone who messages the tsr will probably be ignored unless enough people do it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 18:04:32
My BBS thread is gone now, but it was up for quite a while. I thought perhaps the mods were turning a blind eye...fat chance.

It WILL live on though  ;) SS for the win!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 March 31, 18:06:46
Them using your complaints about breaches to support their claim it has really happened...

I don't see how that confirms it.  I think the idea is to say, "Hey, we heard you're claiming a breech in security that happened several months ago.  Why weren't we informed?  Why weren't we told to change our password?

If TSR says, "Noo, there was no breech," then they'll be also admitting they lied to Delphy.

if TSR says, "Well, there was a breech..." then they still have to explain why none of their valued customers and members were given any instructions on how to keep themselves safe.  TSR asks for a lot of personal information, if they were hacked, they have an obligation to warn people so they will know to change passwords and any other sensitive information.

Yes, telling them to change personal information after a hack is rather like locking the barn after the horse escaped, but telling them to change their password to a new one is not and is the only decent thing to do after a breech.  They didn't do that, they have some 'splainin' to do.

Thanks Darqstar, I've been trying to say what I meant in another way and you just did it perfectly.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 18:09:49
As TSR you will look a whole lot better as the victim that tried to hide their shame, than the agressor that hacked several sites. But that may be just me.  :D I'd rather be seen as an irrisponsible loserish fansite that can promise to do better in the future, than a hacker. Don't underestimate puppy dog eyes and pity :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 March 31, 18:18:05
Okay this is gonna be long and slightly repeating myself here.  So here goes.

First, the screenshot from Sinthe:


As I have said, none of the IPs marked there are logged against Thomas' account on MTS2.  Let's examine this:

mysql> select * from iplogtable left join user on (user.userid=iplogtable.userid) where iplogtable.ipaddress in ('', '', '', '', '');

| username     | ipaddress      | info                                                                                                     |
| Sinthe       | | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4 Creative ZENcast v2.01.01 |
| Sinthe       | | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4               |
| sherriesim   | | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7)    |
| Sinthe       | | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4               |
| Adele Somers | | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; GTB5; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30) |
| leftywillnot | | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7)                |

Now let's examine the other IP addresses used for NaturalSims:

| username         | ipaddress     | info                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| xxxx         | | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0 (de) (TL-FF)                                                                                                          |
| yyyy | | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0                                                                                                                    |
| yyyy | | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0                                                                                                                    |
| zzzz            | | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Sky Broadband; Sky Broadband)                                                                                 |
| aaaa        | | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3                                                                                                              |
| bbbb         | | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5                                                                                                              |
| bbbb         | | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5                                                                                                              |
| ccccc        | | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Foxy/1; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; Foxy/1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; MAXTHON 2.0) |
| dddd   | | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs; rv: Gecko/2009011913 Firefox/                                                                                                               |
| buggybooz        | | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7)                                                                                                   |
| Hamilton         | | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7)                                           
| leftywillnot | | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7) |

(I've blanked out the names of the other people using these same IPs. None of them are particularly stand outworthy).  The interesting ones are the ones that share the same IP and the same browser info.

Let's look at that browser string, too, since it's fairly uncommon:

| username   | ipaddress      | info                                                                                                  |
| sherriesim |  | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7) |
| sherriesim | | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7) |
| sherriesim | | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7) |
| buggybooz  |  | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7) |
| Hamilton   |  | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7) |
| leftywillnot |  | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7) |
| leftywillnot | | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7) |
| leftywillnot |  | Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; FDM; ImageShack Toolbar 4.5.7) |

The date on the IP address usage on Thomas' MTS2 account was a few hours *after* the intrusion on buggy's account.  So whoever it was logged into buggy's account *first* and then logged into Thomas' after (not the other way around).  This could be for one of two reasons: Either they wanted to check everything out from a "normal" users perspective to make sure everything of buggys was gone, or they wanted to deliberately create a link between the two.

With regards to the security thing, and the timings, I do think that it's *very* suspicious that somebody would keep ahold of user account logins for *months* and not use them and then only use them now and *also*, at the end of it all, change buggys profile to a pro paysite friendly one.  This last act is the one that suggests it's more personal, rather than general.

Also as an update, according to Steve they investigated the item, confirmed it was the same, and have since removed it in the past couple hours.  Since I don't have a TSR account I obviously can't check. :)

Edited to add info from S2C.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 18:20:43
As TSR you will look a whole lot better as the victim that tried to hide their shame, than the agressor that hacked several sites. But that may be just me.  :D I'd rather be seen as an irrisponsible loserish fansite that can promise to do better in the future, than a hacker. Don't underestimate puppy dog eyes and pity :P

Oh, I agree, which is exactly why they're claiming this whole, "Hey giuz, we haxed! ONOES!"   But, as a former subscriber to TSR, I'd be more worried personally if there was a hacker.  I exchanged PM's with some folks that had some sensitive information that I stored.  I blithely gave them my true name and address, because I thought in order to subscribe, the information on your profile had to match the information given to the credit card company.

So, while to the community it would look better to have been hacked, to each individual, it could be a very different story.  If someone hacked into TSR and I wasn't notified?  If I still had all the stuff I used to have?  I would be livid.  I'd be beyond livid. I would call the credit card company they use, I would flip my shit out good.  Because that's my safety they've just compromised.  

It's not that I'd blame them for being hacked even.  Mistakes can happen and no one is invulnerable.  But the fact that they didn't warn people so they could change their passwords (in case the hacker returned before security leaks were blocked)  get rid of sensitive information, and go around changing passwords at other sites that used them.  That would be a HUGE issue.  Even if I was still enchanted with TSR, I would never subscribe again, because I couldn't risk it, I couldn't risk that someone might hack TSR again and again, I'd only find out third hand.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 18:23:53
*snippy snip*

The date on the IP address usage on Thomas' MTS2 account was a few hours *after* the intrusion on buggy's account.  1.So whoever it was logged into buggy's account *first* and then logged into Thomas' after (not the other way around).  This could be for one of two reasons: Either they wanted to check everything out from a "normal" users perspective to make sure everything of buggys was gone, or they wanted to deliberately create a link between the two.

With regards to the security thing, and the timings, I do think that it's *very* suspicious that somebody would keep ahold of user account logins for *months* and not use them and then only use them now and *also*, at the end of it all, change buggys profile to a pro paysite friendly one.  2.This last act is the one that suggests it's more personal, rather than general.

3. Also as an update, according to Steve they investigated the item, confirmed it was the same, and have since removed it in the past couple hours.  Since I don't have a TSR account I obviously can't check. :)

1.Very suspect indeed.
2. I whole-heartedly agree.
3. What items were made by shakeshaft from stealing from BB, so i can check?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Shiny on 2009 March 31, 18:25:56
From MaxoidHydra:

Hi Simmers,

We're still seeing a few off topic posts concerning TSR and a thread on MTS2. Threads about this issue will be deleted and temp bans will be given out if they continue to be posted.

If you woud like to discuss the issue, please discuss them in either the TSR or MTS2 forums.


HAHAHAHA. Yes, we'll take it to TSR. Why didn't I think of that, that's brilliant. What an extremely relevant response to what people have been saying on the BBS.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 March 31, 18:26:39
As TSR you will look a whole lot better as the victim that tried to hide their shame, than the agressor that hacked several sites. But that may be just me.  :D I'd rather be seen as an irrisponsible loserish fansite that can promise to do better in the future, than a hacker. Don't underestimate puppy dog eyes and pity :P

I see what you're saying. I guess, the way I am seeing it is that he did attack buggybooz and MTS2, now let's cause some more butthurt, while you look at it from the view point of the greater community and those who are watching all this from the fence. For me, TSR will never look like the victim no matter what. But then again, I am not the person, that needs to be convinced of their evil doings  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 18:36:16
As TSR you will look a whole lot better as the victim that tried to hide their shame, than the agressor that hacked several sites. But that may be just me.  :D I'd rather be seen as an irrisponsible loserish fansite that can promise to do better in the future, than a hacker. Don't underestimate puppy dog eyes and pity :P

Except that as an irresponsible loser-ish fansite that allows personal information to be shared and then gets "hacked" and more personal information is acquired by someone with malicious intent they become someplace that even more people would need to protect themselves against.  The idea that they may have hacked someones profile is despicable but may not cause a big hit to their pocketbooks but if they once again cant be trusted with personal information then maybe that would be the angle to exploit to get people either to not get subs or to try to cancel current ones.  I mean people can be appalled about the behavior and not act on that but if your passwords and personal information are not safe then that seems like it might spur more action on the part of the "on the fencers" than something that only effects other people.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 March 31, 18:37:13
I didn't see any pots on Shakeshaft's artist's sight. I think Steve has removed them.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 18:49:17

 anyone who messages the tsr will probably be ignored unless enough people do it.

Don't message TSR. Eesh. That's like calling the thief to ask him to please return what he stole.

Message Paypal. Report TSR to better business sites.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 18:51:04
Yeah - I vote we, as our bans are lifted, keep posting on the BBS - or don't they want the children protected from the crooks at TSR....oh, wait.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 March 31, 18:52:38

 anyone who messages the tsr will probably be ignored unless enough people do it.

Don't message TSR. Eesh. That's like calling the thief to ask him to please return what he stole.

Message Paypal. Report TSR to better business sites. is a good one. A company I used to work for had pages of complaints there. I remember finding them and being shocked about it. Anyway, I don't think they ever delete anything on there, so it'll be up for everyone to see.

ETA: Soggyfox, I haven't been banned there yet. I suggest we alternate. Everyday someone will start a post there, so banning won't matter, as there is plenty of people here to go post over there. I'll do it tonight or tomorrow as I am off to an interview and then to work. Someone else post the day after and so on...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 18:53:43
As TSR you will look a whole lot better as the victim that tried to hide their shame, than the agressor that hacked several sites. But that may be just me.  :D I'd rather be seen as an irrisponsible loserish fansite that can promise to do better in the future, than a hacker. Don't underestimate puppy dog eyes and pity :P

Except that as an irresponsible loser-ish fansite that allows personal information to be shared and then gets "hacked" and more personal information is acquired by someone with malicious intent they become someplace that even more people would need to protect themselves against.  The idea that they may have hacked someones profile is despicable but may not cause a big hit to their pocketbooks but if they once again cant be trusted with personal information then maybe that would be the angle to exploit to get people either to not get subs or to try to cancel current ones.  I mean people can be appalled about the behavior and not act on that but if your passwords and personal information are not safe then that seems like it might spur more action on the part of the "on the fencers" than something that only effects other people.

I agree, but I don't know if the less computer savvy people - and that's a huge chunk of the populace - will be worried enough, especially if TSR apolagizes and promises to do better/ take care of it. They could feed them anything.
And going into TSR posting that - they can pick and choose what to delete and what not, and all that's left is what they want people to read.
I'd just take it to Paypal.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 18:57:59
As TSR you will look a whole lot better as the victim that tried to hide their shame, than the agressor that hacked several sites. But that may be just me.  :D I'd rather be seen as an irrisponsible loserish fansite that can promise to do better in the future, than a hacker. Don't underestimate puppy dog eyes and pity :P

Except that as an irresponsible loser-ish fansite that allows personal information to be shared and then gets "hacked" and more personal information is acquired by someone with malicious intent they become someplace that even more people would need to protect themselves against.  The idea that they may have hacked someones profile is despicable but may not cause a big hit to their pocketbooks but if they once again cant be trusted with personal information then maybe that would be the angle to exploit to get people either to not get subs or to try to cancel current ones.  I mean people can be appalled about the behavior and not act on that but if your passwords and personal information are not safe then that seems like it might spur more action on the part of the "on the fencers" than something that only effects other people.

I agree, but I don't know if the less computer savvy people - and that's a huge chunk of the populace - will be worried enough, especially if TSR apolagizes and promises to do better/ take care of it. They could feed them anything.

But the ones who will believe them wont be swayed by the hacking argument either then.  I think if people think they could somehow be effected or hurt by the occurrences (even if they believe that it isn't TSR's fault) they might be more apt to do something.  If this was the first time that peoples info was shown not to be safe there then that would be one thing but how many times can TSR put people's info in jeopardy without beginning to feel it in the bottom line. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 19:07:48
Let's hope so. But I think it will just end up being cencored like everything else.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 March 31, 19:12:34
Going back a little, I can think of two reasons why a non-TSR hacker might pick Buggyboos stuff to hack.  To "punish" Buggyboos for being "cruel" to Shakeshaft, or because their idea of fun is "Oh, look a hornet's nest!  Let's throw a rock in it."  In the latter case they're probably sittling at their computers howling with laughter and getting their tiny little rocks off.  

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 19:13:36
Well, I never said anything about posting it over there because it wouldnt last for even a minute but all around the rest of the community and anywhere that the fence riders might accumulate plus anywhere that members of TSR or subscribers might read would be a good place apply this argument.  Also secrets about this incident could present both of the arguments such as "TSR hacks peoples accounts to be vindictive"  as well as "TSR cant keep anyone's info safe and they don't tell you when you are at risk.

Going back a little, I can think of two reasons why a non-TSR hacker might pick Buggyboos stuff to hack.  To "punish" Buggyboos for being "cruel" to Shakeshaft, or because their idea of fun is "Oh, look a hornet's nest!  Let's throw a rock in it."  In the latter case they're probably sittling at their computers howling with laughter and getting their tiny little rocks off.

But how would they even have known about it in time to make it happen.  SO few people even knew about the Buggy-shakeshaft thing before the hack and they would have had to be in possession of the passwords and know in time.

edited to respond to scurvy and not double post

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 19:57:47
Going back a little, I can think of two reasons why a non-TSR hacker might pick Buggyboos stuff to hack.  To "punish" Buggyboos for being "cruel" to Shakeshaft,  

Again, a bit too coincidental.  TSR is claiming they were hacked god-only-knows-when, but that three months ago they "found" this leak and plugged it.  Yet, s/h/it has a hard on for Shakeshaft and hatred for TSR enough that the moment Shakeshaft was in any "danger" they rushed forward and slammed on Buggy, then set it up to look like it was Thomas who did it.

Something isn't connecting there.  Even if this person did somehow manage to adore Shakeshaft and hate TSR, they would have to realize that because Shakeshaft is on TSR, that this wouldn't look good for Shakeshaft either.

or because their idea of fun is "Oh, look a hornet's nest!  Let's throw a rock in it."  In the latter case they're probably sittling at their computers howling with laughter and getting their tiny little rocks off. 

Again, what's with the patience?  First a little hack to Sim secrets. Then, patiently wait around for something like this to happen.  In the meantime, TSR could find out about you and change everything so you're SOL.  It seems like an awful lot of sitting around patiently and hoping for something to happen. 

Again, I think TSR is trying to discredit Coconut.  Yes, I know, TSR hasn't deliberately mentioned Coconut, but, I think they want others to draw the conclusion themselves.  After all, if someone else says, "Hey, what about Coconut!"

TSR can go, "Oh!" *V-8 Headsmack*  "Silly us, we forgot about Coconut!  But now that you mention it, yeah, that is a possibility!"

We know TSR wants coconut gone.   It isn't even speculation anymore.  If TSR follows Coconut around to several different journals, getting each one closed down, it's obvious they want her gone, they aren't just ignoring this. 

So, Coconut goes to Pescado's server.  Now she can't be torn down.  So, what option does TSR have?  They can't have her banished, because if they asked Pescado, the worst that could happen was that he'd get a bellyache from laughing too hard at them.  So, now they have to discredit Coconut.  Make her look like she's evil!  How do you do that?  Do you hack sites and claim you're coconut?  Of course not.  Yes, you can claim that those screenshots were all faked, but any idiot knows that there really is no way to tell if something is screen shot or original.   Professional people who work with photoshop can tell you that it's impossible.  Anyone who's played with more than one type of screen capture, graphics program, or video card knows that it's pretty much impossible.  So, even if TSR comes up with the supposed "Real" screenshots, some folks will just say, "Yeah, sure, took you long enough to fake those, didn't it?"  Also, you have the issue of why were the FA's backpedaling when LDG confronted them?  Wouldn't you think that she would have written that post and then people would have said, "Oh, that's not what happened, here's the real story," thus, end of thread.  Instead they talk about starting special boards and give her assurances that this won't happen again.   

So, faking screen shots won't help.  Hm... what do you do?

Well, you hack other sites.  Nothing too serious, just so if this thing bites you in the ass, you haven't done anything too terrible.  Nothing's been permanently destroyed, it was just annoying.  You make it so obvious that it was you who did this, you carefully make all the connections you can, because you want to be sure you're blamed for this quickly.

You let the fur fly, then step forward, kick your toe in the dirt and say, "Gosh, guys... uh... well, maybe we should have said something earlier, but we were hacked.  Here's proof that we were hacked...." 

And what you hope happens is that everyone goes, "Oh no! They were hacked!  WHO DID THIS?" Because as I pointed out before, we're upset and angry about this.  And when you're upset and angry and someone says, "It's not me, and I can prove it," you're going to get twice as mad at the person who did it.  First for being jerks and doing it, second for duping you into thinking it was someone else.  No one likes to be played for an idiot. 

But you don't say Coconut did it, you wait.  Because yeah, sooner or later, people are going to draw the lines in the sand.  "Hey, who could possibly have broken into TSR that could have later hacked Buggy?  Oh, wait, there is that Coconut person.  We know she has access to hidden forums.  It's not a long stretch of the imagination that she decided to take it one step further and go out hacking to make TSR look even worse!"

Remember Coconut saying that Thomas said she was a hacker but she'd been blocked?  (Turned out to be false, of course)  Remember just a few weeks ago Solander coming in and questioning Coconut's character, implying that because Coconut reposted pictures of Thomas's house, that she wasn't a very trustworthy person?  Remember me and others saying that something was in the works?  We thought it was Dot.  It was NOT Dot, it was this.

There is really no motive for Coconut to pretend to be TSR and go out hacking.  Coconut can do a lot more damage by staying in the know.  If this little trick now discredits her, she does become useless to the entire cause, because no one will believe her ever again. She'll get branded a lying hacker and become a laughing stock.

TSR sniffles and says how sowwy they are that they got hacked and hope and pray that people will forgive them their transgression of not informing them of when they were hacked.  Sympathy rolls in, sympathy and a hopeful jump in subscriptions and everything is just fine.    Sure, TSR is still a paysite, but at least they aren't going around HACKING and STEALING things, no, they're cool, they're just off being TSR. 

You buying it yet?  Cause I ain't.

EDIT TO ADD: I refer to Coconut as a "she" because it seems the majority of people in the fandom are women.  In truth, I have no idea if Coconut is male, female, or transgender.  Coconut, if you are a guy, I'm sorry 'bout that.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 20:03:24
TSR sniffles and says how sowwy they are that they got hacked and hope and pray that people will forgive them their transgression of not informing them of when they were hacked.  Sympathy rolls in, sympathy and a hopeful jump in subscriptions and everything is just fine.    Sure, TSR is still a paysite, but at least they aren't going around HACKING and STEALING things, no, they're cool, they're just off being TSR.  

See, I don't see this happening.  I think only the stupidest of the stupid continue giving personal information to a website that continuously puts that information in harms way.  I think people get mad if someone hacks someone's site but people get scared if thier info is compromised.  I think scared might elicit more of a reaction to make changes than angry.  If I didn't know much about all of this but someone kept showing me proof (or at least planting the seed of doubt) that my information was not safe and then the site itself admits that it knew my information was compromised and didn't tell me so I could protect myself, I would certainly not give them more info or more money. (even if I believed them and felt sorry for them.)

edited because only the quote showed up-- sorry

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 20:10:59
Well, we could see it coming, that they would try to stick something on Coconut when the first staged hackings happened to accounts on TSR (all on quiet hours).

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 March 31, 20:15:25
In the case of the Shakeshaft Groupie--how long ago did Buggyboos file a protest?  

In the case of the small-balls hornet's nest hacker--it's Spring Break season in a lot of US schools.  Excellent time for a hacker kiddie to be at work.

OTOH, I still think it was probably TSR.  I mean, who profits if MTS2 or coconut is "discredited"? I'm sure Delphy is secretly buying a yaht with helipad, and coconut is being paid under the table by... by... well, somebody.  Marukati Selectives, I guess.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 20:17:33
It all just happened in the past few days.

And fear causes hatred, which can do more harm than righteous anger.  Anger, you can still think, hatred can cause people to do something stupid.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 20:30:52
See, I don't see this happening.  I think only the stupidest of the stupid continue giving personal information to a website that continuously puts that information in harms way.  I think people get mad if someone hacks someone's site but people get scared if thier info is compromised.  I think scared might elicit more of a reaction to make changes than angry.  If I didn't know much about all of this but someone kept showing me proof (or at least planting the seed of doubt) that my information was not safe and then the site itself admits that it knew my information was compromised and didn't tell me so I could protect myself, I would certainly not give them more info or more money. (even if I believed them and felt sorry for them.)

edited because only the quote showed up-- sorry

I agree, it's stupid of them, but what options do they have, when you think about it.   They can't just say, "Coconut's a liar!"  Because we'll laugh.  They've got to do something pretty risky to completely and utterly discredit her, or to at least do max damage.  You may not be able to convinces us that she's not what she seems, but there are probably more than a few sheeples that'll listen.  And at this point, I think TSR figures that the risk is worth it. 

I will be curious as to what TSR says about all of this.  I don't think they realize what information people might have stored on their site and how upset they might get.  They might just try to buy it off with, "None of your pay information is stored on our server!"  Yes, the real life addresses might raise issues, but I think they're counting on most people not filling in the information accurately, or if they did, not being all that concerned.  They could even say that addresses and such were stored on a different server that wasn't hacked, that's why they didn't feel it was such a big deal. 

I'm betting if they even address this, it will be along the lines of, "Nothing super important was accessed."  And they'll leave it at that.  Or else they will write that they weren't even sure the Hacker got that much information, blah blah blah.  They'll basically try to fluff it over as "Nope, it's cool, your safe," and hope that people won't get upset.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 20:37:29
TSR admins are really the only ones who have all tools available to them.

- full acces to user accounts - check
- real time knowledge of BuggyBooz's complaints - check
- have been using the same proxy service in the past - check
- knowledge about the community in general, knowing the implications of all this - check

Random script kid? - Nope, does not posess the knowledge of the community, and of the shitstorm this would cause, it's too specific. More importantly, the same random script kid would have needed access to MTS2's featured creator forum to know if BuggyBooz was going to complain about something. They would have had access to TSR blocked for them 3 months ago. Extremely unlikely.
Coconut the hacker? - Not possible, the simsecret hacker used a proxy service ip used by Atwa on Naturalsims
Atwa the hacker? - Possible, but Atwa hasn't had access to user accounts for many months. This means she had help from an admin at TSR. OR hacked simsecret and TSR wich I very seriously doubt, as the hacking wasn't real hacking, but simply trying out if TSR password was being used elsewhere.
TSR admin the hacker? - Possible, have full access, have all tools available, and even suckers to do it for him.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: calalily on 2009 March 31, 20:44:51
Coconut has proven her integrity by being careful that the information released doesn't harm anyone innocent.

Unless I've missed something (if so, please give a link!), they've not accused Coconut..yet. They've not given any details to their suspicions of said apparent hacking third party.

They've also not even said that this third party was not connected to TSR in any way or means. Atwa, as a random example, is no longer (publically) TSR staff and so does not represent them, so she would be someone who they could label as a 'third party'.

Once they get the lies bought and supported by the community, they'll accuse coconut - like they do already in the FA forums . coconut is already seen as a hacker - all the FAs keep freaking out at this information being leaked, and Thomass keeps telling them it's a hacker - not an insider.  So he's not only feeding bullshit to his own staff, but anyone who believes his "outside hacker" story is helping his bullshit become acceptable.

As for believing TSR - the long history of grievances between MTS2 and TSR - from the time when they refused to link to the CEP to now - why you would choose to listen to a word TSR writes on a subject is beyond me.  And the next time this happens, who will care, uh?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 March 31, 20:52:23
* Nouk kinda ninja'd me but I made an effort to type it all out so nuyuh*

I'm sorry if this has been answered already but I'm still a little curious about the whole Buggy/ShitShaft info thing. Assuming that it's not a total coincidence, outside of T$R, exactly how many people knew about the situation? Maybe that's something only she can answer but it would be interesting to know exactly how many people knew before her page got attacked. If for the sake of argument we say it's not Thomas, then somebody had to have to information in order to take advantage of a convenient situation. I'm assuming Buggy didn't go blabbing all over the internet about the complaint she made so I'm also assuming very few people knew it even happened. So if it wasn't someone from T$R than it had to be someone she had told.

Conversely if it wasn't one of those people than it had to be someone from T$R. Aside from the person she addressed her complaint to how many people at T$R might had been told? I'm assuming they also tried to keep the information as quiet as possible in order to avoid embarrassing the thief. It not like this was some wide open event that everyone knew about. The pool of suspects is very small. It was either someone from T$R who knew about the complaint or one of her close friend that she might told. hmmmm, who would you pick?

Or it's a complete coincidence that the two events happened to coincide. *ahem* There's no doubt in my mind however, regardless of ip's it had to be someone that knew what was happening.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 21:04:08
That's what I have been trying to say.  I have been told that she mentioned it in an artist forum at MTS2 (I am not an artist so I have no info about how many were there and knew) and that it had been reported to someone at TSR but very few people really knew anything.  That's why there seems to be no way this could be random or coincidental and even if the moment just presented itself as a convenient opportunity then someone had to have this info for many months sitting around waiting for a chance to use it and if so then who else's info is still sitting there waiting for another opportunity.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 21:11:48
The artist forum is for anyone who has ever gotten featured, a moomoo award, a mocha award, or a latte award [I think that covers it ].  If someone deletes their featured items off of MTS2 I -think- they lose access.  If they smart off and are abusive repeatedly in the forum, they can lose access.

That still leaves a lot of people, assuming -all- people with access actually log on every day and check it.  But who would have a motive -and- access to the info needed - TSR

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jonesi on 2009 March 31, 21:16:14
Buggy posted on the 28th in the moomoo forum and her stuff was removed from her mts2 account the next day. Too close to be a coincidense.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 21:17:39
Going back a whole lot of pages to just say this: Pescado, you do know that tagging me with that title is just going to make me clean up my act more, right?? Sorry, but if you were hoping to get me provoked enough to storm around, it ain't happening.

As for the TSR stuff, I'm glad Delphy is still digging because it sounds to me as if there is still a lot more data yet to come out. Taking the problem to TSR is like taking a wounded lamb to a lion in hopes that it will take care of and nurture it. Not gonna happen. Lion is gonna be hungry and see wounded lamb as lunch, simple as that. Asking the BBS to take care of issues is about like putting mammary glands on a boar which are about as useless as a sterile man using condoms while having sex with his wife. At least the information can be gotten out there, though.

You folks needing help to get it up and out there is getting me to seriously consider registering my game and making an account in order to lend a hand. I dunno, though. Also, the way this thread has grown since I went to bed last night/this morning makes me wonder if I should have spent most of the day cleaning the house!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 March 31, 21:19:59
I agree with Ken. We need to look at the list of suspects. A) people who knew about the Shakeshaft content stealing thing when Buggy told TSR B) Who on the MTS forums knew her account had been tampered with C) Those who Buggy told outside of A and B. I would think the C option would be a handful of people and they would only know part of the story. Thanks Jonesi for the answer about the timing. I feel sorry for Buggy, but I am glad everything was restored at MTS.

I also think Darqstar has valid points about Coconut and I hope Coconut lays low until this is mostly over and can then post what she has from the "super sekrit" forums. I think this has a much more negative backlash than TSR thinks. From what I have seen around the community, TSR is not looked upon favorably at this point. A lot of people are not willing to give TSR a second chance.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 21:20:24
IP's at the time Buggy's stuff was deleted

All three used exacty the same browser versions, plugins and settings.

IP's Atwa has used on Natural Sims

 same as leftywillnot  

Ip's 'hacker' has used on simsecret

Atwa is connected to all three cases. She has no access to TSR's userdatabase. Also she has no reason to keep hold of the logins of BuggyBooz fro months on end.  However, someone with admin access provided her with

1. the proxy server ip, and
2. the passwords used to get into both accounts
3. the knowledge about the theft

Do we think that Atwa would have the capabilities to read and try out some passwords? - sure
Do we think that Atwa has the knowledge to hack into TSR? - Fat chance.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 21:21:21
The problem is that a lot of creators x-post under the same name and and at least one of them has  had featured creations- MsBarrows, PhoenixPhaerie, and Opehouse Jack just to name a few- that means that anybody who was friends with either Shakeshaft or Tommy Boy could have handed over BuggyBooz info on a platinum platter

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 21:25:45
But how would any of them have her password?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 21:27:24
Sorry. Couldn't resist.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 21:28:57
They would not necessarily have her password however; they could give the info to someone who had the ability to figure it out if they knew one of their fellow FA's was being accused of doing something wrong- TSR is such a snakepit/cesspool that any of it is possible at this point.Especially since I would bet that x-posters who have not retired  from TSR are given extra incentives to report on things that are going on on the free sites they post to .

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 21:29:32

And Two of those three are FAs, aren't they?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 21:30:19
Two FA's and one SA (they are really just FA's in waiting).

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 21:32:18
Have any of those FA's been recorded at Simsecret, Modthesims2 and Naturals sims with the same ip's? Have any of those FA's gotten access to a proxy service to hide their real ip? Did they use the IP's identified as Atwa at Naturalsims?
I think it's Atwa, being helped by TSR. look at the info in my last post.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 21:32:47
Of course it could just be conspiracy theory because I am so pissed off at this shit.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 21:39:44
Have any of those FA's been recorded at Simsecret, Modthesims2 and Naturals sims with the same ip's?
I think it's Atwa, being helped by TSR.

Unfortunately I could not tell you - I have not really paid attention to any of the forums except MTS2 and TSR (past history after my acct runs out)- but I do know that it is the kind of environment that they foster with their FA's and SA's - bribing them to work for TSR etc- it would be a very TSR thing to do to bribe them to pass information to Thomas about what is going on on the free sites- They need not necessarily have been present there at the time- one of the two present who was not poor BuggyBooz could have pm'd or im'd them about the situation etc- and having visited the FA forum once or twice - they do loooovvveee their gossip

On a side note - all Shakeshaft sets that are not temporarily replacing the M&G stuff till someone at a free site gets around to M&G build mode add ons , or isn't currently part of my legacy house are gone from my DL folder, I have downloaded all of Buggybooz' luverly stuff in support of her work, and found alternate re-colors for my Ikea shit at Insim so that I do not have anything to do with this intellectual property thief.

Of course until Delphy figures out what really happened it is all just extrapolation other than the theft of Buggybooz stuff- yes something happened to her profile but until Delphy has 100 % proof - above and beyond the IP addresses which is what he needs to pursue legal proceedings on MTS2 and Buggybooz behalf we can all only theorize especially since we all know that TSR will never admit wrongdoing and will do their damnedest to sweep any evidence of their actions under the carpet with the help of EA

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 21:42:06
What do we know about leftywillnot, how is he/she connected?
IP's at the time Buggy's stuff was deleted

All three used exacty the same browser versions, plugins and settings.

IP's Atwa has used on Natural Sims

 same as leftywillnot  

Ip's 'hacker' has used on simsecret

Atwa is connected to all three cases. She has no access to TSR's userdatabase. Also she has no reason to keep hold of the logins of BuggyBooz fro months on end.  However, someone with admin access provided her with

1. the proxy server ip, and
2. the passwords used to get into both accounts
3. the knowledge about the theft

Do we think that Atwa would have the capabilities to read and try out some passwords? - sure
Do we think that Atwa has the knowledge to hack into TSR? - Fat chance.

I think you are a little bit confused about the anonymous proxy part. Anyone using the service (Hide My IP or similar) can get that IP, you might even be able to request a specific IP.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 31, 21:42:45
Can I ask leftywillnot has to do with the IP's if anything Anouk.  

I have seen leftywillnot on simscave asking about Atwa's downloads quite a while ago. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Yaardarm Monkey II on 2009 March 31, 21:45:06
Until Delphy reports this to his IP and they investigate it as internet fraud, nothing will happen.

The first post by Delphy was 'zomg TSR haxed me', (and everyone went nuts, posts and bannings at the BBS)
then later it was 'well maybe not folks' (and now it's detective/guess the bad guy time)

If this has happened, then Delphy needs to contact the authorities and let them check it out.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 21:50:16
leftywillnot has the same ip Atwa used on Naturalsims. They are from the same service Thomas has bought to hide atwa's ip from staff members on TSR.

Aside from Thomas,
- What are the chances that any of the people who buy that service, know anything about the sims 2 community?
- What are the chances that any of the people who buy that service, care about what was posted on Simsecret about TSR?
- What are the chances that any of the people who buy that service, would break into TSR?
- What are the chances that any of the people who buy that service, use the ip's that have been linked to Atwa on a different site than MTS2 and LiveJournal?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 21:52:30
Just an info post - checked Shakeshaft current upload over at TSR- Several people had made negative comments about the situation which have been deleted by Admin. Good thing I have several email addresses- left a nasty comment for Google Search about the site which has not been deleted yet

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 22:02:05
lefwillynot has the same ip Atwa used on Naturalsims. They are from the same service Thomas has bought to hide atwa's ip from staff members on TSR.

- What are the chances that any of the people who buy that service, know anything about the sims 2 community?
- What are the chances that any of the people who buy that service, care about what was posted on Simsecret about TSR?
- What are the chances that any of the people who buy that service, would break into TSR?
- What are the chances that any of the people who buy that service, use the ip's that have been linked to Atwa on a different site than MTS2 and LiveJournal?
Thanks for clarifying that Anouk, do we know anything else abut this user? For example where it stands in the paysite debate?
I don't want to get into discussions right now, i am trying to collect as much information as i can about this for our own investigations but to answer your questions:
We see A LOT of trouble makers on TSR using this service!
And you can't link such an IP to a specific user as anyone using the service can get that IP.
I'm not 100% sure that you can select a specific IP but if you can you could even use that to make it look like you are atwa for example if atwa were seen as "connected" to that IP.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 22:07:30
Johan... from TSR, eh? OK, so which part of the happy family are you from? nohead or nobrain? Doesn't really make much of a difference, because either way you're part of an illegal and evil empire. So, who has the popcorn today? *eye blink*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 22:07:49
Maybe this is a bit much to ask but i can at least try:
Pescado, can you make something out of the IP's and user agent strings in Delphy's last post?
If you for example have a user on your forum with logins from any of those IP's where the user agent matches (the IE 7 one in particular)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jojoba on 2009 March 31, 22:08:58
 ::) Huh. New breed of troll?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 22:10:49
Yeah, I think so. This one makes me wanna do what the guy in your avi is doing, Jojoba... Roll the eyes up in the head and pass the heck out from the sheer inane whatever they spout.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: El Diablo on 2009 March 31, 22:11:24
One thing I can't figure out is if Thomas really was hacked and somebody used his password to use his mts account to do this to Buggybooz, how come he's not screaming bloody murder about it? If somebody used my name and my account like that I'd be reporting that IP myself and working with anybody I could to get to the bottom of it. This service that lets you have any IP you want, don't they have records of who they gave that IP to? It seems to me it's an illegal use of their service to use it to hack a site under someone else's name. If it's a US company there must be laws that will make them turn over those records. If I was Thomas that's what I'd be doing, not blowing off all this just saying "Nope, wasn't me."

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 31, 22:13:53
Is that johan isaacson or just a member of TSR

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 22:17:16
Thanks for clarifying that Anouk, do we know anything else abut this user? For example where it stands in the paysite debate?
I don't want to get into discussions right now, i am trying to collect as much information as i can about this for our own investigations but to answer your questions:
We see A LOT of trouble makers on TSR using this service!
And you can't link such an IP to a specific user as anyone using the service can get that IP.
I'm not 100% sure that you can select a specific IP but if you can you could even use that to make it look like you are atwa for example if atwa were seen as "connected" to that IP.

I get that, but do all of these random annoying people have admin access? Acces to personal info used to break into accounts on other sites, apparently to support TSR in some way? And is it just a coincidence that Atwa really really really loves tsr? ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Stoertebekker on 2009 March 31, 22:17:35
All the proxies Nouk was talking about belong to the bunch that Thomass gave to Atwa - correct me if I'm wrong. (Coconut, Dec. 1st)
Combined with the incidents surrounding Buggy, Simsecret and Natural Sims, and all of it taking place within the Sims community - there's not much doubt left IMO.

*runs away to her lurking corner*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 22:25:27
I get that, but do all of these random annoying people have admin access? Acces to personal info used to break into accounts on other sites, apparently to support TSR in some way? And is it just a coincidence that Atwa really really really loves tsr? ;)
Of course not.
Atwa is not part of TSR and i have nothing else to say about her other than it don't look like it's her based on our own investigations.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Chelsea on 2009 March 31, 22:28:38
Can I just summon up my opinion with an LOLcat?



Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Alexia on 2009 March 31, 22:29:56
Nice fishing expedition you're having here Johan? So what would this leftywillnot visiting our site have anything to do with this whole ZOMG we're innocent T$Rlings? It wouldn't be the first time one of your minions would come here. RED HERRING anyone?! Just so you can say lookit it be the ebil piratezzz behind this whole mess?

Why don't you just go back to minding your flock of sheeplets? You never know one of them might be hiding moniez from you...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 22:30:05
Johan- Can you explain why no one was ever notified that their private information such as passwords may have been compromised and if that is not the case, why Thomas or Steve would tell Delphy that it was?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anyerfillag on 2009 March 31, 22:32:33
Atwa is not part of TSR and i have nothing else to say about her other than it don't look like it's her based on our own investigations.

If Atwat is not a part of TSR, then I'm the bloody Pope. You've been fooled.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 22:33:04
Yes I would really like to know to since it is my private info that may have been revealed- As per your investigations I highly doubt there are any other than on how to further dig your way deeper into EA's pockets. Would you like some cheese with your ZOMG we are innocent of anything whine- I have some lovely stinky Limburger

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 22:36:32
So. If not Atwa (since she is so not involved with TSR ::)), than who at TSR did it??

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 22:37:36
In all the time that Atwa has been a pain in the ass for TSR, NOW is suddenly the time to tell the community that she's not involved with TSR. Hehehehehe.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 22:38:12
Johan- Can you explain why no one was ever notified that their private information such as passwords may have been compromised and if that is not the case, why Thomas or Steve would tell Delphy that it was?
It seems Delphy jumped to conclusions or got the wrong idea. I wasn't in the chat with them so i don't know exactly what was said but no, our users login details were not compromised. Some FA accounts were compromised a while ago, if you remember blaming us for hacking ourselves? This is the incident i think they were talking about.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 22:39:58
SO according to you, Delphy was not told by Steve that there was a vulnerability that was rectified 3 months ago that may have resulted in passwords being compromised?

I hope my posts are coming off in the tone I intend.  I appreciate you staying long enough to answer a few questions and only intend, at this moment, to have a civil conversation with you to understand some of what is going on.

Edited for clarification.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 March 31, 22:40:44
In all the time that Atwa has been a pain in the ass for TSR, NOW is suddenly the time to tell the community that she's not involved with TSR. Hehehehehe.

I'm actually QUITE surprised they are protecting her! I was so certain they would be fast to throw her to the wolves. (what a spell she has on Thomass  :-*)

Johan- Can you explain why no one was ever notified that their private information such as passwords may have been compromised and if that is not the case, why Thomas or Steve would tell Delphy that it was?
It seems Delphy jumped to conclusions or got the wrong idea. I wasn't in the chat with them so i don't know exactly what was said but no, our users login details were not compromised. Some FA accounts were compromised a while ago, if you remember blaming us for hacking ourselves? This is the incident i think they were talking about.

I don't think Delphy jumped to any conclusions--do you not see he is investigating things? He analyzed his initial evidence quite correctly IMO though...

Oppsies. Busted ^-*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 22:41:03
Yeah, sure, I believe you. Uh huh. Right. Do you by any chance have any swamp lands in the fjords of Denmark that you would happen to be selling, by any chance?? ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 22:41:24
Johan- Can you explain why no one was ever notified that their private information such as passwords may have been compromised and if that is not the case, why Thomas or Steve would tell Delphy that it was?
It seems Delphy jumped to conclusions or got the wrong idea. I wasn't in the chat with them so i don't know exactly what was said but no, our users login details were not compromised. Some FA accounts were compromised a while ago, if you remember blaming us for hacking ourselves? This is the incident i think they were talking about.

Thanks for telling us that BuggyBooz's and Thomas's user account info like passwords have not been compromized. (?) lol That narrows it down pretty nicely. The one that has 'compromized' your FA's accounts could not have been the same one using user's login details to screw with MTS2.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Chelsea on 2009 March 31, 22:43:17
Wow. Like this whole "OMGAH DELPHY MISUNDERSTOOD." wasn't expected.  ::)

I was just waiting for them to send someone over here. I love how they're doing "investigations." Ha, hahaha.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 22:45:12
I think the only thing they're "investigating" is people's gullibility factor, ya know?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Simlizus on 2009 March 31, 22:46:11

Thanks for clarifying that Anouk, do we know anything else abut this user? For example where it stands in the paysite debate?
I don't want to get into discussions right now, i am trying to collect as much information as i can about this for our own investigations but to answer your questions:
We see A LOT of trouble makers on TSR using this service!
And you can't link such an IP to a specific user as anyone using the service can get that IP.
I'm not 100% sure that you can select a specific IP but if you can you could even use that to make it look like you are atwa for example if atwa were seen as "connected" to that IP.
[/quote] I wondered how long it was going to take before tsr sent one of their lackeys over to try to misdirect the post.  Anyone else find the whole, "We see alot of troublemakers on tsr" comment amusing?  This lame ass makes me glad i got banned for 3 days from the BBS for my two posts that had the link to Delphy's post and coconuts blog.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 March 31, 22:47:13
Do they even talk to each other over there? Is a little coordination in their excuses too much to ask? I mean really, it's getting hard keep up. Don't make me get pen.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 22:48:01
One thing I can't figure out is if Thomas really was hacked and somebody used his password to use his mts account to do this to Buggybooz, how come he's not screaming bloody murder about it? If somebody used my name and my account like that I'd be reporting that IP myself and working with anybody I could to get to the bottom of it. This service that lets you have any IP you want, don't they have records of who they gave that IP to? It seems to me it's an illegal use of their service to use it to hack a site under someone else's name. If it's a US company there must be laws that will make them turn over those records. If I was Thomas that's what I'd be doing, not blowing off all this just saying "Nope, wasn't me."
Good points, but Thomas MTS account was not used to do this to Buggybooz, Buggybooz account were used. What should we tell in the report, that we got the blame for something we didn't do because someone was using their service?
I doubt this company would reveal any information if you just ask them but if anyone have a chance to get the information it would be Delphy since he is the one who got "hacked".

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 March 31, 22:48:25
Johan- Can you explain why no one was ever notified that their private information such as passwords may have been compromised and if that is not the case, why Thomas or Steve would tell Delphy that it was?
It seems Delphy jumped to conclusions or got the wrong idea. I wasn't in the chat with them so i don't know exactly what was said but no, our users login details were not compromised. Some FA accounts were compromised a while ago, if you remember blaming us for hacking ourselves? This is the incident i think they were talking about.

Johan, talk to your boss (Steve) then. :)  Becuase he said this: "...for Tom's login, it *is* possible it was obtained from his end... thats a loophole we fixed just after Christmas".

Chatting with Steve I don't think I "got the wrong idea" since we where talking *specifically* about security of accounts and logins, etc.

I would suggest that, before you go around trying to discredit me, you first check your own source.  "No our users login details where not compromised" does not tally with "thats a loophole we fixed after Christmas".

Either actual TSR accounts *where* compromised or they weren't.  The explanation that Steve told me was that they *where*, and this is how people managed to get into Thomas' MTS2 account *and* buggys.  If, however, you are saying that they where NOT compromised... then the ONLY people that would have access to the account information to log into those two accounts... are TSR themselves.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 22:48:59
I'd like to investigate how much of a kickback TSR is giving EA for not prosecuting them for violating their EULA agreement- It must be a pretty nice one and EA is desperate after all losing 641 billion and that is billion folks dollars in a single quarter ( According to last years quarterly sales reports posted online along with other corporate entities that demonstrated a loss), which can be attributed to Securom and TSR related asshattery and drastically lowered sales because people didn't have 40-50 USD last year to fill the gas tanks on their cars or pay their mortgages , forget about buying games. They must be pretty desperate for money to violate their own TOS and EULA policies .  Not to mention all the users who won't buy Sims 3.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 March 31, 22:49:44
"Hey everyone, plan 1 isn't working so great! Let's throw Atwa to the wolves! Again!" That's what she's there for, she's Thomas' shield, and it's really getting boring.

If TSR really was hacked and had all this user info compromised, and didn't tell their customers about it, thus allowing someone to use Buggybooz' password to delete all her stuff at another site, that makes them look worse than if Thomas deleted Buggybooz' stuff. Of course, I think that's bullshit, but if that's the way TSR wants to play it, fine with me! Hey everyone, TSR didn't tell you that all of your information has been compromised for months!

Paypal wouldn't care about the mts2 deletion, nor would better business type sites, and it would be kind of a pain in the butt to explain outside the Sims 2 community. Ya know what's not hard to explain, what is in fact so easy almost anyone can understand it? You give your credit card info to a company. Said company is hacked. Said company doesn't tell anyone about it, so you don't change your passwords, which by the way aren't encrypted properly. Then the hacker (yeah right) runs around playing with the information they retrieved, which they're free to do with impunity because the dumbass company hasn't done a damn thing to warn their customers.

Oh, and you think people are going to believe only some user accounts were compromised? Have fun with that.

Brilliant cover plan, TSR. You couldn't have shoplifted the candy bar because you were too busy mugging little old ladies.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 22:50:30
*yawn* Are you still here trying to sell a bill of goods that no one wants? Let me make it clear, we don't believe you or what you have to say, because many of us have found your site ethics to be on the deplorable side of the scale. ::) Have a nice day.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Chelsea on 2009 March 31, 22:50:50
Wait, a lot of people are using the IP service? Isn't it expensive? Is every "troublemaker" rich? Or am I missing something.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 22:50:56
One thing I can't figure out is if Thomas really was hacked and somebody used his password to use his mts account to do this to Buggybooz, how come he's not screaming bloody murder about it? If somebody used my name and my account like that I'd be reporting that IP myself and working with anybody I could to get to the bottom of it. This service that lets you have any IP you want, don't they have records of who they gave that IP to? It seems to me it's an illegal use of their service to use it to hack a site under someone else's name. If it's a US company there must be laws that will make them turn over those records. If I was Thomas that's what I'd be doing, not blowing off all this just saying "Nope, wasn't me."
Good points, but Thomas MTS account was not used to do this to Buggybooz, Buggybooz account were used. What should we tell in the report, that we got the blame for something we didn't do because someone was using their service?
I doubt this company would reveal any information if you just ask them but if anyone have a chance to get the information it would be Delphy since he is the one who got "hacked".

Thomas's account was accessed from the same ip right after it happened. If so, and it was not Thomas as you say, then it definately was compromised. I still agree with you and say it wasn't, but for very different reasons. ;)

I suggest you talk to Steve and make sure that TSR representatives tell us all the same story...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 22:56:41
SO according to you, Delphy was not told by Steve that there was a vulnerability that was rectified 3 months ago that may have resulted in passwords being compromised?

I hope my posts are coming off in the tone I intend.  I appreciate you staying long enough to answer a few questions and only intend, at this moment, to have a civil conversation with you to understand some of what is going on.

Edited for clarification.
Thanks for being civil!
As i said earlier i was not in the chat but since this didn't happend i highly doubt that he told Delphy so. It is probably a misunderstanding. Some FA accounts were compromised about 3 months ago, i think this is what he means.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: picklechick on 2009 March 31, 22:58:30
If it's all a big misunderstanding, why doesn't STEVE clarify the situation to Delphy instead of sending your clearly mentally challenged ass over here to flail around?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 23:02:21
SO according to you, Delphy was not told by Steve that there was a vulnerability that was rectified 3 months ago that may have resulted in passwords being compromised?

I hope my posts are coming off in the tone I intend.  I appreciate you staying long enough to answer a few questions and only intend, at this moment, to have a civil conversation with you to understand some of what is going on.

Edited for clarification.
Thanks for being civil!
As i said earlier i was not in the chat but since this didn't happend i highly doubt that he told Delphy so. It is probably a misunderstanding. Some FA accounts were compromised about 3 months ago, i think this is what he means.

OMG! Quoting this just to be sure.  ;D

Johan do you realize that THIS is the excuse Steve used to explain the ip's used in the attack?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 23:03:17
There have been so many things that seem to need explanations and the TSR admin dont seem to be very forthcoming with information, not just about this but many other things in the past as well.  It is disheartening to be confronted by so much negative information about your site and only get the response from your side that it is all lies.  I used to frequent your forums (under a different name) and I can say that the censorship of your members and activity of your staff without recourse makes your credibility as a site come into question.

I would like to hear your opinion of these things as well as some of the other things circulating around the net right now such as what exact kind of relationship deos TSR have with EA/Maxis?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 23:04:30
Sorry EATSR not buying the excuses anymore- It has been made abundantly clear that you care not for the gamers who purchase your shit- poor quality games, poor quality custom content, poor customer service (whatever happened to the customer is always right????), and poor quality business ethics- Well EATSR you can add poor quality sales to that cause if Ya''ll don't start treating the people who pay for your stuff (even though the TSR half of EATSR is violating the EA half's  EULA that they wrote all by their wittel swelves by selling stuff created by Maxis - point more than half of certain FA's so called custom content is based on EA meshes - which are the intellectual property of the game designer who created the mesh and EA games) properly than you can continue to add poor quality sales (remember last year and the 641 billion dollars you lost) to the list.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 23:04:54
Well, this surely is a switch from them sending over some idiot that is panting to become an FA, but it still is made of fail, that's for sure.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 March 31, 23:06:03
So Delphy is the one TSR have decided to throw to the wolves, I would have stuck with Atwa on that one it's a lot more believable.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: El Diablo on 2009 March 31, 23:07:54
One thing I can't figure out is if Thomas really was hacked and somebody used his password to use his mts account to do this to Buggybooz, how come he's not screaming bloody murder about it? If somebody used my name and my account like that I'd be reporting that IP myself and working with anybody I could to get to the bottom of it. This service that lets you have any IP you want, don't they have records of who they gave that IP to? It seems to me it's an illegal use of their service to use it to hack a site under someone else's name. If it's a US company there must be laws that will make them turn over those records. If I was Thomas that's what I'd be doing, not blowing off all this just saying "Nope, wasn't me."
Good points, but Thomas MTS account was not used to do this to Buggybooz, Buggybooz account were used. What should we tell in the report, that we got the blame for something we didn't do because someone was using their service?
I doubt this company would reveal any information if you just ask them but if anyone have a chance to get the information it would be Delphy since he is the one who got "hacked".

Thomas's account was accessed from the same ip right after it happened. If so, and it was not Thomas as you say, then it definately was compromised. I still agree with you and say it wasn't, but for very different reasons. ;)

I suggest you talk to Steve and make sure that TSR representatives tell us all the same story...
That's what I meant, that somebody (is this the story? Am I getting it right?) got some proxy service to give them the IP address they wanted -so they have to know Thomas's IP address, first off - then they use this proxy IP to hack MTS or at least to get into Buggybooz's account using her password, which was the same as her TSR password (who would know that outside of TSR admin?). But Thomas doesn't feel upset that someone did this in his name?

If Buggybooz's account was accessed using her password then MTS wasn't hacked. Using a password isn't hacking unless you hack to get a password. So who all had access to her password? Buggybooz did. Did TSR? Did Delphy? Did Coconut? Did her cat?

No such thing as a perfect crime. Somebody left traces somewhere along the line.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 23:09:35
Johan, talk to your boss (Steve) then. :)  Becuase he said this: "...for Tom's login, it *is* possible it was obtained from his end... thats a loophole we fixed just after Christmas".

Chatting with Steve I don't think I "got the wrong idea" since we where talking *specifically* about security of accounts and logins, etc.

I would suggest that, before you go around trying to discredit me, you first check your own source.  "No our users login details where not compromised" does not tally with "thats a loophole we fixed after Christmas".

I'm sorry if you got the impression that i was trying to discredit you, that was not my intention.
I don't know exactly what he meant by fixing the loophole but we don't have any reason to believe that our members login details have been compromised.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Canoodle on 2009 March 31, 23:10:50
Wait..who is Johan? Really?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: picklechick on 2009 March 31, 23:12:02
So wait a second. You're saying that nobody hacked your user database (which Steve did say) and stole Buggybooz password, but they did hack into your FA accounts which is entirely unrelated to somehow magically deciphering Buggybooz password? Your story makes NO SENSE and is totally irrelevant to what happened with Buggybooz account.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 March 31, 23:13:03
I know Thomas has a brother named Johan, helps run TSR too.  From what I've seen, apparently Steve and Johan are the more intelligent crooks.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 23:13:12
"I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in, and stops my mind from wandering..." First one to identify that song quote gets the first cream pie to throw at the idiots expecting us to believe they didn't do anything. ;D Sorry bout the off-topic, just thought it would be fun to riff for a moment...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 23:14:13
Johan, talk to your boss (Steve) then. :)  Becuase he said this: "...for Tom's login, it *is* possible it was obtained from his end... thats a loophole we fixed just after Christmas".

Chatting with Steve I don't think I "got the wrong idea" since we where talking *specifically* about security of accounts and logins, etc.

I would suggest that, before you go around trying to discredit me, you first check your own source.  "No our users login details where not compromised" does not tally with "thats a loophole we fixed after Christmas".

I'm sorry if you got the impression that i was trying to discredit you, that was not my intention.
I don't know exactly what he meant by fixing the loophole but we don't have any reason to believe that our members login details have been compromised.

Ok swell.
However, this is what Steve has told them to be the probable cause of an ip logging into Thomas's account also logging into BuggyBooz's account, vandalizing.
If this has not happened, and you confirm there was no theft of passwords or compromising of TSR that would have gotten them the login details of both Thomas and Buggy, then the only possibility left is the admins doing this or enabling this.

Are you sure you don't want to, maybe talk this over with Steve....

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 23:15:27
Now I am getting really catty - someone needs to sit in a corner - over there by the Family Fun Stuff Chalkboard and write -  I will not lie to the customers that sign my paycheck 641 billion times.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 23:15:41
Johan- What so you believe happened then at this point and will Shakeshaft have any repercussions at this point that you know of for the original theft of the Buggybooz items?  (I realize that you may not have any knowledge of those type things but if you do).  

Delphy, was the Hamilton IP a proxy or was it the original IP used to set up the Hamilton account that is known to be Thomas' account at MTS2?  

I was under the understanding that the only IP's that accessed the hacked account were those and I didn't think that either of them were a proxy.  I thought all the talk of Proxy IP's came in after the original conversation that Thomas' account and Buggy's account were the only ones used to access the account.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 23:16:16
I know Thomas has a brother named Johan, helps run TSR too.  From what I've seen, apparently Steve and Johan are the more intelligent crooks.
I actualy haven't seen "Steve" or "Johan" directly involved in anything crooked at all, it seems mostly like Thomas is behind the crooked activity and the other two are just hapless schmucks who don't really have any idea what's going on.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 23:16:34
There have been so many things that seem to need explanations and the TSR admin dont seem to be very forthcoming with information, not just about this but many other things in the past as well.  It is disheartening to be confronted by so much negative information about your site and only get the response from your side that it is all lies.  I used to frequent your forums (under a different name) and I can say that the censorship of your members and activity of your staff without recourse makes your credibility as a site come into question.

I would like to hear your opinion of these things as well as some of the other things circulating around the net right now such as what exact kind of relationship deos TSR have with EA/Maxis?
I would like to give answers, that first post i made was actually serious, exactly what are we accused of doing?
PayPal info sharing, DDos attacks, closing other fansites?
It's getting late so i will not be around to answer it now.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 23:19:03
There have been so many things that seem to need explanations and the TSR admin dont seem to be very forthcoming with information, not just about this but many other things in the past as well.  It is disheartening to be confronted by so much negative information about your site and only get the response from your side that it is all lies.  I used to frequent your forums (under a different name) and I can say that the censorship of your members and activity of your staff without recourse makes your credibility as a site come into question.

I would like to hear your opinion of these things as well as some of the other things circulating around the net right now such as what exact kind of relationship deos TSR have with EA/Maxis?
I would like to give answers, that first post i made was actually serious, exactly what are we accused of doing?
PayPal info sharing, DDos attacks, closing other fansites?
It's getting late so i will not be around to answer it now.

Knock yourself out. We're talking about something else.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Sigmund on 2009 March 31, 23:20:16
I don't know exactly what he meant by fixing the loophole but we don't have any reason to believe that our members login details have been compromised.

Why do all of your responses seem to start with "I don't know"?

I've pretty much been staying out of this thread because I'm not one of the "insiders," so to speak. I just don't have all the information on everything, so I'm not sure how relevant any of my comments are. You seem to be in the same boat, Johan, so I'm not sure what it is you're trying to do here.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Axeleefe on 2009 March 31, 23:22:09
I don't know exactly what he meant by fixing the loophole but we don't have any reason to believe that our members login details have been compromised.

Why do all of your responses seem to start with "I don't know"?

I've pretty much been staying out of this thread because I'm not one of the "insiders," so to speak. I just don't have all the information on everything, so I'm not sure how relevant any of my comments are. You seem to be in the same boat, Johan, so I'm not sure what it is you're trying to do here.

With myself being the same boat too - Johan, get your "Facts"(or lack thereof) organised before trying to explain things. I think Steve and yourself just painted TSR into a bit of a corner.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 23:22:56
It's quite possible that in the end of all this, Thomas will be 'thrown to the wolves' and retire to his second home, while TSR continues undamaged, rid of the 'blight' ready for Sims 3. If you can do it for Atwa, you can do it for Thomas! ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 March 31, 23:23:08
Why do all of your responses seem to start with "I don't know"?
Because based on all the information I have, it seems like Johan really is as clueless as he claims to be. Based on his position within the organization, they probably don't let him out of his cage much.

It's quite possible that in the end of all this, Thomas will be 'thrown to the wolves' and retire to his second home, while TSR continues undamaged, rid of the 'blight' ready for Sims 3.
That'd be the logical move. And honestly, I think Thomas is mostly responsible for the mess to begin with.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jrobinred on 2009 March 31, 23:23:56
ThomASS needs to go have a sit down.  It's atrocious that he can use the oldest trick in the book ("SOMEONEZ HACKED US AND DECIDED TO HACK TODAYZ ON BUGGYBOOZ'S ACCOUNT!") to try and get himself out of this one.  TSR is a fat joke.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 23:24:56

Knock yourself out. We're talking about something else.
I've been trying to read up there but it's very hard to tell what parts are speculation and what are supposed to be facts.
Are you saying that everything posted there are serious accusations?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Axeleefe on 2009 March 31, 23:26:14
It's quite possible that in the end of all this, Thomas will be 'thrown to the wolves' and retire to his second home, while TSR continues undamaged, rid of the 'blight' ready for Sims 3. If you can do it for Atwa, you can do it for Thomas! ;)

I thought we were pirates?

Thomas can walk the plank  ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 March 31, 23:26:54
Everything posted there is from the TSR forums, or people directly involved in the forums. Your brother seems to enjoy playing these games, you should really keep up with this stuff more.  :-\

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 March 31, 23:27:16
I realize that you are leaving but if you have the time you could take a look at the coconut blog (I am sure that your brother will say it is all made up but I can assure you that it is not).  There are many disgruntled ex-FA's here and tons of former members that would like some explanations about some of these things?

Why are the Forums at TSR so moderated that any questioning of the establishment gets immediately deleted?  What is being hidden?

What is the relationship with EA that makes any criticism of TSR result in the same kind of deletion or banning?

Why does TRS believe that it is okay to share personal information of any of it's members for any reason with non Admins. (Thomas has admitted to at least 5 such incidents).

Why can't anyone get a refund if they become unhappy with the service of TSR?  

I have many more but I don't want to overwhelm you now.  I hope you will come back despite the reception you may have received here.  Obviously TSR representatives are not a welcome bunch around here but I still appreciate the opportunity to have access to a conversation with you and would like to continue it if you are able.  Thank you

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: picklechick on 2009 March 31, 23:27:40
I thought you were leaving? And no, those aren't serious accusations, they're lovely children's stories concocted to entertain the mindless masses. What kind of epic twat are you?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 23:29:29
In one word, yes. It's what has been going on and if you don't like it, then you had best clean house over there, starting with your dearly loved Thomas.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 23:29:36
" I don't know" doesn't cut it- you and your fellow admins or whatever you are are a business- this means following commonly accepted international business ethics

1. Stealing other peoples stuff is a no no - its called intellectual property theft or corporate espionage (The theft of Buggybooz stuff by Shakeshaft for instance, or your actions towards Natural Sims, SimsSecrets, Reflexsims and other sites which though non-profit as per EA's Eula are incorporated none- the less) - In ethical companies the people who do this shit aren't only fired, or suspended they are arrested and thrown in jail (Shakeshaft is an FA- FA's get paid for their work even if it is only in free shit- hence they fit the definition of an employee)

2. Lying to the customers that sign your paycheck about potential invasion of their privacy or theft of credit card information is poor business ethics and violates the BBBO Code of Ethics for online businesses. Not telling people makes it worse (I'm sorry but like a real hacker would steal the info on the FA:s and SA's who have free subscriptions no PayPal or credit cards required when they can steal the info of paying customers ).

3. Convincing other companies like EA to violate the TOS and Eula's that they wrote themselves and that they have been supporting for 25 years - is unethical

4. Don't waste your breath with the ohh pity me routine- if you come to a site that has made obvious their hate for you over the years expecting sympathy than EATSR are bigger idiots than even the most cynical of us thought you were. If you people would be honest with your creators and customers and EA would be honest with us than well we would not have as much of a problem with your.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 23:30:42
It's quite possible that in the end of all this, Thomas will be 'thrown to the wolves' and retire to his second home, while TSR continues undamaged, rid of the 'blight' ready for Sims 3. If you can do it for Atwa, you can do it for Thomas! ;)

I thought we were pirates?

Thomas can walk the plank  ;)

Damn straight we are pirates. But you can't tell me the admins didn't know/agree with Thomas while he did these things. Getting rid of the 'bad guy', the 'scape goat', will put TSR in the clear. Thomas gets to retire with a bag of money and TSR will continue without any justice.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 March 31, 23:33:22
Because based on all the information I have, it seems like Johan really is as clueless as he claims to be. Based on his position within the organization, they probably don't let him out of his cage much.
I would be interested in finding out what your information on me might be?
Did you looks at the IP's and that user agent by the way? I thought it looked very interesting and I'm sure it's in all our interest to bring forward any additional information that can help us get us to the bottom of this.

If i'm not sure about something then i don't pretend to be, hence the "i don't know"'s
You can call it clueless if you want, i think i'm just being honest.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 23:35:00
I think he tends to forget that when one of the higher echelon people in a company gets busted for anything, it makes the company look bad and lose business. I hope that happens here, because the whole thing is shady in the first place.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Axeleefe on 2009 March 31, 23:35:22
Damn straight we are pirates. But you can't tell me the admins didn't know/agree with Thomas while he did these things. Getting rid of the 'bad guy', the 'scape goat', will put TSR in the clear. Thomas gets to retire with a bag of money and TSR will continue without any justice.

The painful truth of pretty much ANY corrupt 'business' these days. The owner, who is often just the 'face' sits back and cashes people's cheques, only to be made obsolete and sitting back in his big chair with his bags of monies.

Sucks.  :-\

And just a final point before I butt out like a good newbie - Is Atwa on a leash, or is she just naturally like that? (That being her behaviour that is screenshotted on Coconut's blog)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 March 31, 23:38:03
Oh FFS enough already.

Johan what exactly is your position at TSR. Why are involving yourself in this? Why do you care? It's all getting incredibly tedious so put up or shut up.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 March 31, 23:39:15
If you don't know don't come here claiming to be from TSR - after all " we have people using that site to make trouble all the time at TSR " is claiming you are someone in the know implying either an exec with TSR Inc, an Admin or a Forum Mod -  If you don't know anything than run back to TSR and tell them to send use someone who really does to explain it to us- like we'd really believe them but still - get your lies straight

Because based on all the information I have, it seems like Johan really is as clueless as he claims to be. Based on his position within the organization, they probably don't let him out of his cage much.
I would be interested in finding out what your information on me might be?
Did you looks at the IP's and that user agent by the way? I thought it looked very interesting and I'm sure it's in all our interest to bring forward any additional information that can help us get us to the bottom of this.

If i'm not sure about something then i don't pretend to be, hence the "i don't know"'s
You can call it clueless if you want, i think i'm just being honest.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 March 31, 23:39:43
The only thing that would keep Atwa quiet would be a heavy muzzle and tranquilizers... She is their attack mutt, don't you know? And Johan, don't deny what you don't know for sure. Thomas has more way of hiding things than ever you would guess, because he keeps bringing her back like a homesick ghost.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 March 31, 23:48:43
I would be interested in finding out what your information on me might be?
Did you looks at the IP's and that user agent by the way? I thought it looked very interesting and I'm sure it's in all our interest to bring forward any additional information that can help us get us to the bottom of this.

If i'm not sure about something then i don't pretend to be, hence the "i don't know"'s
You can call it clueless if you want, i think i'm just being honest.

Gee, johan, you're coming off as almost guileless. If you really are unaware of the lengths that Thomass has gone to in order to crown himself King of Simworld then all I can say is, wow, you've missed quite a show.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: showercapfrog on 2009 March 31, 23:50:23
Oh FFS enough already.

Johan what exactly is your position at TSR. Why are involving yourself in this? Why do you care? It's all getting incredibly tedious so put up or shut up.

If you whois TSR, there's a "Johan" listed as being the "Contact" (Registrant, Billing, Admin, Technical).  I'm guessing that this might be the same one...especially as details match some stuff known about Thomas.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 March 31, 23:54:21
He's a brother. At least, from what I heard a long time ago.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 March 31, 23:59:52

I've been trying to read up there but it's very hard to tell what parts are speculation and what are supposed to be facts.
Are you saying that everything posted there are serious accusations?

wha  wha WHA?  Did I just read that correctly?  "What is speculation and what is supposed to be facts?"  Have you seen the screen shots. Oh yeah, that's right, you're supposed to think those are faked.  

Yes, everything posted over there are "serious accusations" backed up with screen shots from Coconut and various other members of the community (who can all testify to their validity.  I, personally can testify that all the screenshots Paleoanth volunteered have not been altered, because I have my own to compare them with and they are identical.)  

I don't get why you're over here Johan, I really don't.  At least you're honest about who you are, but I find it either disgusting or very amusing that TSR has sent someone to wade into enemy territory to search for facts, especially considering that facts don't mean a whole lot to TSR.  

So, let me get this straight though... TSR was never hacked?  Or if they were, the passwords to customer accounts was not taken, only a couple FA's were messed with, having their profiles changed (Only during the slowest time and so quickly caught too.  Hm, how "odd")  but otherwise, security is locked up tight?  

Then how was Buggy's password recovered?  How was it discovered that the passwords for her TSR is the same as her password for MTS2?  How did this happen, if the only people that knew about it were people from TSR (Buggy's original complaining) and a few people from MTS2?  If someone wanted to get to Buggy, why would they drag TSR into the middle?  

Again, it's been made overly clear, a little too clear that TSR has their mitts all over this.  How do you explain that one then?  What are they telling you to say now?  

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 01, 00:01:06
If you whois TSR, there's a "Johan" listed as being the "Contact" (Registrant, Billing, Admin, Technical).  I'm guessing that this might be the same one...especially as details match some stuff known about Thomas.

So if he's involved with the technical side of TSR, it's very possible he's here to ensure that he doesn't get thrown to the wolves by refuting what Delphy has already been told.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: fway on 2009 April 01, 00:15:42
Man, Thomas is just digging his own grave deeper and deeper. I can't wait for the shit to hit the fan and TSR dies. Once TSR dies out and TS3 tanks, the world will be safe again. I can't wait for that day.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 April 01, 00:24:16
Well that was a pointless visit.  Now we know where Drea gets her mad skillz from.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 01, 00:26:28
Johan, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and believe that you really don't know what's going on with the company you -- co-own?

However, before you get involved with a company, you should educate yourself as to whether it's legal or not. TSR is not. Also, when you are an important higher-up at that company, you should know what people are doing in the company's name. Thomas is probably the most reviled person in the Sims community right now, all because of things he's done before this.

You have a lot of reading to do. Please inform yourself and examine all the evidence. You probably have evidence we don't have; you see Thomas a lot more than us. However, if you are being truthful, he has been keeping things from you. Ignorance isn't much of an excuse, but after this if you still plead it, I will not believe you.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 01, 00:59:51
Did I miss someone getting the Beatles' song reference?  Because if not, i want my prize, since now the song is stuck in my head, dammit! :)

And its I'm Fixing a Hole.  Recorded in 1967, written by Paul McCarthney....can't remember which album though I can find out by searching my albums.

And I'm sorry, but I just can't by this, and I think johan is here because they lack anyone else with enough subtlety.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 April 01, 01:02:16
I don't see how he couldn't know. You would have to actively try to not hear about it. Maybe Thomass keeps him locked away in an office or something, because that's the only excuse I can think of. Surely he has seen his brother's second home. Surely he knows about all the hate mail that comes to their office, because you know they have it. I just don't get how he can be so clueless, or Steve for that matter. He works at the BBS for God's sake!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 01, 01:09:38
And its I'm Fixing a Hole.  Recorded in 1967, written by Paul McCarthney....can't remember which album though I can find out by searching my albums.

Wasn't it Sgt. Peppers?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: bmyall on 2009 April 01, 01:10:25
 It's from SGT. Peppers, Soggy

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: stepho on 2009 April 01, 01:11:41
While the BBS is busy deleting any thread that mentions account security, I sign into World of Warcraft and see...


The text reads:
Welcome to World of Wacraft!
Help us fight email scammers! Official Blizzard emails will
always come from an email address and
will never ask you for your password. Please always check URLs
contained in any suspicious emails.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 April 01, 01:13:48
Not sure what you are showing us there-  Care to explain?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2009 April 01, 01:15:24
I imagine the email phishing scam warning on the bottom left.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 01, 01:28:55
First pie goes to Soggy Fox, second one goes to neriana and the third to bmyall! Good work, guys! (I have it stuck in my head, too, cause I've been reading the new John Lennon biography.) :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: De on 2009 April 01, 01:52:52
Johan may be telling the truth about not knowing much about the dirty goings on at TSR. Johan, Per and Mick normally stayed out of things unless there was a site issue. Otherwise you would not know they existed. Thomas does a lot of things behind their backs.

And Johan, poor Johan. Yes, Atwa is gone from TSR. But Anita is still there under one of her many names. One question, if there was no hacker issue at TSR in which subscriber info was taken, why are you here? Why are you coming to your 'enemy' for help?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 01, 01:55:08
Oh, is that any good?

And I learned it from a collection as a little kid.  So, to me, its from that :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 01, 01:59:21
The book is awesome, and I know most if not all of their songs by heart, owning all of the CD's that are out there. :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 April 01, 02:00:46

I don't get why you're over here Johan, I really don't.  At least you're honest about who you are, but I find it either disgusting or very amusing that TSR has sent someone to wade into enemy territory to search for facts, especially considering that facts don't mean a whole lot to TSR. 

This.  I don't get it either.  Why would you go to a site that is against everything you stand for in order to get them to help you? What in the world do you think we can do for you and why would we want to?  Johan, if you don't know what has been going on, that is not our fault or problem.  Apparently, it is yours.  My suggestion is to sit down and read the whole coconut blog, think about what you read (and yes, all of it is true and has been verified) and decide exactly what you are going to do about the cesspool of filth that is TSR.  I would also suggest that you take anything that Thomas tells you with a load of rock salt.  I don't think he is capable of being honest.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 02:03:03
Probably the same reason that the depend on people  like Pescado, Delphy and Numenor to create cc programs and mods- that their FA's and SA's use to create stuff- they know next to nothing about computers other than where the on switch is which would be why Version 7/8 Whatever of the TSR site is borked and you can't download, comment, or thank people (if they deserve it) 3/4 of the time.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 01, 02:32:13
Same here, and I'll check it out, Paden.  and John was my hero even when young.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 01, 02:39:06
Oh, is that any good?

It's only probably the most important rock album of all time.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Shiny on 2009 April 01, 02:42:54
Anyone see this? Someone on the BBS started a thread urging everyone to change their passwords on all sims sites, but was quite careful not to spell out why to avoid the instant delete. The thread went on for awhile, until MaxoidDrea locked it, saying this:

"Thread is now locked. I think everyone is sufficiently warned now.

Although we've never had any issues with our account database being hacked on this site, we appreciate the reminder that frequently changing passwords is important for internet security.

However, I want to remind everyone that if you've had problems with your personal accounts on other internet sites, it's important to take it up with those site administrators, not start a panic here."

Yes, it's important that you trust everything the other site administrators tell you and under no circumstances should you warn others to prevent the same thing from happening to them.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 01, 03:04:07
Not the Album, I meant the Biography  ;D

I have been a beatles fan since I was 8 or 9 years old.  That's....34 years now :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 April 01, 03:07:50
My favorite album ever.  I even own (don't laugh) the 70's musical inspired by the album but staring the Bee-Gee's and Peter Frampton with guest stars like Steve Martin.  Terrible movie but the songs are there and even sung by different artists they remain classics.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 01, 03:14:00
I'm sorry, its not my favorite Beatles album, that's reserved for the white album, which is I think is more influential, even if it lacked mainstream success.

And I have a copy of the movie soundtrack too - one of my family prefers those versions to the original.  I must admit George Burns does a wonderful job. :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 01, 03:23:49
I've got albums on vinyl and CD, movies on DVD and VHS. Hell, I have a copy of the movie "Magical Mystery Tour" put up somewhere... And yes, I have the movie with the Bee Gees and Frampton, as well as the Love album that came out awhile back... Beatle fanatic here, can you tell?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 01, 03:27:05
Anyone see this? Someone on the BBS started a thread urging everyone to change their passwords on all sims sites, but was quite careful not to spell out why to avoid the instant delete. The thread went on for awhile, until MaxoidDrea locked it, saying this:

"Thread is now locked. I think everyone is sufficiently warned now.

Although we've never had any issues with our account database being hacked on this site, we appreciate the reminder that frequently changing passwords is important for internet security.

However, I want to remind everyone that if you've had problems with your personal accounts on other internet sites, it's important to take it up with those site administrators, not start a panic here."

Yes, it's important that you trust everything the other site administrators tell you and under no circumstances should you warn others to prevent the same thing from happening to them.

Yup. That definitely sounds like the Voice of TASS-R speaking to the masses from inside her iron cubicle. I wouldn't worry about her too much, though. The more totalitarian she behaves, the more she turns people on to the anti-paysite movement. Go, Drea (you tactless cow)!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 April 01, 03:29:07
 This whole thing just gets stranger every time I come to this site.

  Why would a TSR admin be here?

 I think I need more tin foil for my hat.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: bmyall on 2009 April 01, 03:29:56
Same here Paden, I actually have most of them on 8-track as well

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 01, 03:35:14
Sergeant Pepper's is actually not my favorite Beatles album either: that's Revolver. But I do think it was probably their most influential. Everything they did was such a big deal, though, it's hard to say.

The BBS and TSR: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. War is peace.

Maybe they should try another one, from Mark Twain: If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 01, 03:41:51
Oh, and I used to get albums from my dad being a dj - like the double album of Rock and Roll Music - the original was a double album with a very cool cover - but unfortunately I lost all my albums years ago.  One day I need to go get my dad's albums - it might be tucked into those.  I hope.

And I don't see any point of bothering with arguing with Johan.  He either knows the truth and is lying, or is clueless.  I'm off to bed now.....wheeee for catching up tomorrow.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: calalily on 2009 April 01, 04:03:33
I don't get why you're over here Johan, I really don't.  At least you're honest about who you are, but I find it either disgusting or very amusing that TSR has sent someone to wade into enemy territory to search for facts, especially considering that facts don't mean a whole lot to TSR. 

This.  I don't get it either.  Why would you go to a site that is against everything you stand for in order to get them to help you?

Derail and make TSR look reasonable - johan is the latest in a long line of TSR trolls making smarmy inroads - they want to look like they are really all good guys. Fail. Stick with the lying guys - this reasonable mindset only works when the people want to be convinced, and no one who reads here wants to secretly take your side.

Plus, we'll bury you in posts easily.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Souvenirs on 2009 April 01, 04:09:13
I agree with cala.  I think Thomas sent Johan here to make it seem like he's doing something to catch that "hacker" that supposedly hacked TSR a few months back—his first few posts were all about the terrible people that try to hack into TSR.  He's acting like he has an earnest request for help, which makes TSR look good.  "Oh, look, we're so intent on catching that hacker that we were even willing to ask our enemy for help!"  I doubt there was a hacker at all, but they're still playing the game.  They've got to look like they're doing something.

Johan could very well think that there was a hacker and he needed him to run over to PMBD to get IP information to catch the person.  If he's out of the loop, that may be what Thomas told him.  Who knows?  It's not like he's to be trusted whether he knows or not, and I doubt he'd not side with his brother even if he were to find out that he's a complete crook.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 01, 04:13:42
Personally, I think Johan means well enough, but the truth of the organizational structure is that he is the code monkey that is kept locked in a cage most of the time, and honestly has NO idea what is going on or why. Coders are generally people who don't deal with bullshit, so he has no idea he's stumbling through a massive pile of USDA Grade A BS built by the rest of TSR's staff. All he knows is that he didn't do it. All evidence available suggests Thomas is the one who orchestrated all this, and the rest of them are just dragged along for the ride.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Chelsea on 2009 April 01, 04:26:10
"I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in, and stops my mind from wandering..." First one to identify that song quote gets the first cream pie to throw at the idiots expecting us to believe they didn't do anything. ;D Sorry bout the off-topic, just thought it would be fun to riff for a moment...

Is it too late to say "Fixing a Hole," by The Beatles? I didn't read the next few pages so I don't know if someone guessed, but as the Beatles are my favorite band, I automatically jumped up like AHHH BEATLES xD

nevermind, I saw that someone guessed...but still YAY BEATLES.

And Johan I think really does mean well, too--if that means anything. He doesn't seem to be RUDE like all the others. But still, why doesn't everyone over in the Higher-Ups at TSR know what's going on? They run such a bad business, if even the *employees* don't know what the fuck is happening.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 01, 04:26:41
I would like to think Johan means well, that he might actually be convinced by evidence.  I'm waiting to see what he does, but I'm not hopeful.  Would Thomas risk letting Johan come here if Johan were even the least bit likely to rectify or expose the wrongdoing at TSR?  I doubt it.  The theory that Johan is here to make it look like TSR are making a good faith effort to catch the Phantom Hacker sounds more plausible to me.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 01, 04:29:38
I would like to think Johan means well, that he might actually be convinced by evidence.  I'm waiting to see what he does, but I'm not hopeful.  Would Thomas risk letting Johan come here if Johan were even the least bit likely to rectify or expose the wrongdoing at TSR?  I doubt it.  The theory that Johan is here to make it look like TSR are making a good faith effort to catch the Phantom Hacker sounds more plausible to me.
It is not clear whether Thomas can stop him, to be honest. While TSR has the trappings of a corporate structure, they also have the baggage of a fambly business. And, of course, Johan is probably not interested in confessing to any wrongdoing, particularly if he wasn't the one who did it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: bmyall on 2009 April 01, 04:41:17
It may be that some people complained to pay pal about the supposed security breech. If Johan is in charge of billing (someone said that earlier) he would have been notified. Perhaps coming here was the only place to get answers.

Then again, he may just be checking to see how much is known.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 01, 04:49:09
Wouldn't it make more sense, if he was looking for answers, to go directly to MTS2?  Delphy has been overwhelmingly cooperative with TSR about this, and he's sharing all the information he gets on the site.  It would make a lot more sense to go there, where it actually happened, then to come to this site, which is openly hostile to TSR. 

I don't know if he's been on the MtS2 thread or not.  I don't remember seeing him, but I haven't checked that thread for awhile.   But I don't think so, because Delphy was coming here and answering his questions.

He did make a request of Pescado, quite a few pages back, he wanted Pescado to check some numbers.  I thought that was really weird. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 01, 05:15:43
Not so weird, really. While Pescado can be an absolute, grade A donkey's rear, he's still one of the best at what he does. That's known and can't be refuted, no matter how much they might hate the guy.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 01, 06:30:14
While Pescado can be an absolute, grade A donkey's rear, he's still one of the best at what he does. That's known and can't be refuted, no matter how much they might hate the guy.

That would make Pescado an ass's ass. :D

I do think it's possible that johan is completely clueless. I've seen lots of businesses where one part lacks clue one as to what the other part is doing. That doesn't excuse him -- but we'll see what happens.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: paperbeth on 2009 April 01, 06:48:31
A possible next best seller?

Sorry for the shitty copy/paste job, I just couldn't resist and don't have my propper tools at the moment.
This just keeps reminding me of OJ trying to say he didn't do it, but if he had done it, this is how he would have done it. T$R seems to be opperating on that same mentality.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 01, 07:13:17
He did make a request of Pescado, quite a few pages back, he wanted Pescado to check some numbers.  I thought that was really weird. 
There's nothing interesting to check in those numbers that haven't already been checked and reported, plus the Phorums don't collect much info due to privacy concerns. All the IPs in question correspond to either former Thomas/Atwa IPs, or public proxies.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 April 01, 07:20:49
There does seem to be some panic going on. The timings are going way off base.  They told Delphy months ago,  that the breach was fixed in December,  the Windkeeper thing was noticed on the 21st February,  If they stuck to the breach they could have created doubt for simsecret which would have put doubt on buggygate for some people.  They are clucking because they want their paying subscribers to carry on paying and feel safe. At the same time try and unravel themselves from any of the other wrong doings.  They haven't had time to get a real plan together to accomplish this, so it seems they are doing it on a each to their own basis.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 01, 07:27:22
I guess I am the only one that isn't sure that johan is THE Johan. I also have a closet full of tinfoil hats.  :D

Happy April Fools Day Everyone.

And yes, Pescado, I know the forum runs on Malaysian Time, but I, however don't.  :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 01, 07:41:30
Time is NOT on Thomass's side, now is it? Damn Rolling Stones...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 April 01, 08:20:00
bloody hell. I forgot about april fool. That'll teach me to only look at avi's. I got through nearly a full reply before it registered

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Axeleefe on 2009 April 01, 08:31:35
 :D Yay for confusing Calalily avi's

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 01, 08:33:27
I tend to look at avi's alot, so, looking at mine now, it's hard to register that it's my post and not Cala's.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: calalily on 2009 April 01, 08:34:23
That was an April Fools joke on me - I thought to myself - "Fuck - when did I write that?!?!?"

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 01, 08:39:00
That was an April Fools joke on me - I thought to myself - "Fuck - when did I write that?!?!?"

Yay! That's awesome!  ;D I warned you, but, I guess since you're in the future, you forgot.  :D 

ETA: A page of Cala avi's. Too funny.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Axeleefe on 2009 April 01, 08:53:21
ETA: A page of Cala avi's. Too funny.

For her it must be like fathering a bunch of blurry faced TSR-opposed tiny calalilies  ;D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 01, 08:57:30
How many people are thinking "Cala, why are you talking to yourself? Quit it!"

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dragonballz on 2009 April 01, 09:10:24
Going back a few pages....

IP's at the time Buggy's stuff was deleted

All three used exacty the same browser versions, plugins and settings.

IP's Atwa has used on Natural Sims

 same as leftywillnot  

Ip's 'hacker' has used on simsecret

Atwa is connected to all three cases. She has no access to TSR's userdatabase. Also she has no reason to keep hold of the logins of BuggyBooz fro months on end.  However, someone with admin access provided her with

1. the proxy server ip, and
2. the passwords used to get into both accounts
3. the knowledge about the theft

Do we think that Atwa would have the capabilities to read and try out some passwords? - sure
Do we think that Atwa has the knowledge to hack into TSR? - Fat chance.

The odd thing about this leftywillnot character: He/she/it is a member of BPS but has not posted since December. I was wracking my brain trying to remember where I had seen the user ID before, and then hit on it.

It was posting rabidly for awhile asking about Atwat's beach jar mesh and where it might now be found. ( I PM'ed asking for a share if it was able to track them down, which it did: ( Initially it shared them with me via PM, claiming that to it's SHOCK AND AWE, ATWAT HERSELF HAD FOUND LEFTY AND VERY KINDLY SHARED SAID FILE MESH.

Odd that this username pops up again here with connections to the twat, and odder still if it was Atwat herself pulling this charade of "desperately seeking my own file".  ???

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: showercapfrog on 2009 April 01, 09:12:30
We already know that Atwat is crazy...although that is a very weird flavour of craziness.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 01, 09:16:18
Atwat has to make sock accounts to ask for her content. Nobody else wants it.

That's very pathetic and sad.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Axeleefe on 2009 April 01, 09:21:18
That gave me a giggle fit  :D

Seems like something she could add to her repertoire.
Also - she could be advised by someone else(Ahem, Thoma$) advising her to either point the finger the other way, or go nuts while she can.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 01, 10:15:36
IP's at the time Buggy's stuff was deleted
All three used exacty the same browser versions, plugins and settings.

IP's Atwa has used on Natural Sims
same as leftywillnot 

Ip's 'hacker' has used on simsecret

Ip's used by Thomas while being a member of Sims2Artists (Thanks, Gayle)

(Sims2Artists was hacked as well when they were moving to a different host.) twice listed twice listed

Ip Atwa
83.142.228.* possibly the same This is the ip that compromised Sims2artists while they were moving, combined with the email adress Atwa used to join Sims2Artists.

Worth investigating further, me thinks. Full details forwarded to Delphy.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 April 01, 10:23:31
I'll investigate the IP addresses Nouk is forwarding, but I have to say this:  A simple list is not enough!  If we just had IPs we would never have posted anything up in the first place.  IP addresses themselves aren't conclusive proof.  If we just take IPs, and list them, then we could say "Yes, Thomas used that proxy IP" - but thats totally disregarding the fact that the proxy IP was used *months* later and was never used on his account prior to that.  This is primarly the reason why I am *not* in the "Thomas did it!!" camp, but am instead questioning the hows, whys and wherefores of *everything* going on.

What I personally think is interesting is more along the lines of the SherrySim/leftywillnot angle - people have said this is Atwa, but do we have confirmed times and dates and browser match strings to prove this?

What we need are times and dates and browser strings where possible.  This is to build up a picture of who logged in using what PC at what time.  Then we can say "Okay so-and-so logged in from a *confirmed* IP that is verified by a third part, then logged out, then logged in via the cloaked proxy 1 min later then did x y z".  In other words, a chain of events linking everything.  Isolated IP addresses with no dates or other corroborating evidence are, for me, simply not enough.  I know I'll probably raise the ire of some people here by saying that, but until *all* parts of the stories check out or can be explained I am not going to conclusively say "So-and-So Did this!".

As I said, though, I'll investigate anything sent on to me.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 01, 10:55:28
Delphy I don't think that's unreasonable. In fact I think you have a responsibility to be as thorough as possible. At the end of the day all any of us want is the truth. We have the liberty to sit here and surmise and point fingers, you don't. If the evidence leads to Thomas so be it, if it doesn't then we should find out where it does lead.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Irish Wench on 2009 April 01, 12:04:32
A note from Coconut:

I had semi retired from the public and had left the maintenance of the blog to one of the very capable admins here, until such a time when TSR did something that would be more newsworthy then their tiresome and persistent hiring, firing and rehiring of Atwa and her attention seeking antics. Recent public events and heavy inside intel have prompted my return. I am, at present, awaiting some evidence to be sent to me for my next article and I will be returning shortly. (

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 April 01, 12:30:26
 My eyes! that avatar is everywheres!  Tinfoil hat no longer working, must use metal mixing bowl!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 April 01, 12:39:22
This ought to be interesting!

And I am too lazy to change my avatar.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 12:47:59
My eyes! that avatar is everywheres!  Tinfoil hat no longer working, must use metal mixing bowl!

I will lend you my giant bakery sized one that makes 10 loaves of bread at a time if you want - -

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 April 01, 14:08:18
Yay, for April's Fool. I came on here, to check, if you all changed your avis. I got excited when I saw the first unread post had it... just to realize it was Cala. I thought you forgot  :( Just to scroll down and see a lot of Calalilies (darn I hope I got all the l's right) talking to themselves.  ;D

*off to change avi and catch up with this thread since I last read*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 01, 14:22:06
I tried to change mine but it just isn't working.  So, stuck with a piratey fox ;.;

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 April 01, 14:57:53
I've edited my post on S2C to point to the discussion here, and rewrote parts of it, since we are now dealing with multiple attacks on multiple sites spanning months, and it's not clear to me yet who is behind this.  I'm also still in contact with Steve, and I have asked for more clarification regarding IP addresses and so on.

This is actually a unique opportunity here - to figure out, once and for all, who "hacked" all these various sites.  I know a lot of you are thinking "TSR did it!" but I am more cautious and have posted as such - if it *does* turn out to be some previously unknown quantity inside TSR, or elsewhere, then we can take it further from there.  It's certainly *linked* to TSR since the latest event started around the stolen content allegations, but I am not convinced that (as I have said) this was anything TSR sanctioned, as many of you believe.

So I'm going to go ahead with investigating as much as I can, checking out any IP addresses, times, dates, and try and build up as much investigate documentation as possible - and we shall see where this takes us. :)

(You may now commence allegations of bullying, believing lies, calling me a cockbagel, or whatever... but I'm just after the truth, no matter who it leads to.)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Yaardarm Monkey II on 2009 April 01, 15:04:54
ummm....what's a "cockbagel" ?    ???

cause if your cock looks like a bagel, you need to see a doctor   :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 April 01, 15:13:34
Nope, you're not a cockbagel, Delphy (whatever that is).

Actually I admire the way you're going about this.  As much as any of us would want to pin the shit on TSR,  it's prudent to be quiet until the facts are in.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 15:22:49
Delphy we do understand that you need to get all the evidence from the IP's and tie it to credit cards, paypal accounts or bank accounts as do the other site owners who have been hacked or had their stuff stolen. There really is nothing you can do until you have that info- Just for reference you're not a cockbagel - I think you're doing your damnedest for the community and for your creators to ensure you have a legal leg to stand on and know who did this before you take action. Otherwise you and the other freesite owners will end up looking like idiots not whomever did this whether or not they were linked to TSR or another paysite.

The thing that gets me about this is that Aikea Guinea, Icedmango and other retired (e.g. the fuck you I'm sick of Thomass's shite group) creators  get the idea that Shakeshafts alleged actions as well as TSR's attitude in general made them look bad and have said so on S2C and GOS- Are the other FA"s and SA's (what few there are )who do decent work so blind that they cannot see that Shakeshafts actions have put the quality and legitimacy of all of their work into question. I know yesterday when I opened up the game I was like did MsBarrows really come up with that mesh, Did SimsAddict99 really do that or was it stolen from another creator ? This seriously discredits everyone at TSR (more than they already are) not just Shakeshaft and while most of them are in it for the money rather than the love of the game  and they made their own beds my leaving the freesites  i still pity them for being such fools.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Realmscat on 2009 April 01, 15:27:50
Because this thread already deals with the new TSR contraversy I need to ask a question just incase it is related, and not some annoying April fools joke on MTS2. What the hell is up with all those annoying fracking questions popping up? It is like a ritual for me in the morning to sip my coffee and browse MTS2, and a few other sites. The pop-ups make it impossible as I refuse to click on anything without knowing it's origin.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 April 01, 15:32:28
LOL @ cockbagel. I am totally going to use that!

 Yeah, I think it's an April Fools joke, but I am steering clear of MTS2 until it's gone. It's very annoying.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 01, 15:49:49
Seeking truth and justice are both admirable.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: sleegee on 2009 April 01, 15:57:35
Because this thread already deals with the new TSR contraversy I need to ask a question just incase it is related, and not some annoying April fools joke on MTS2. What the hell is up with all those annoying fracking questions popping up? It is like a ritual for me in the morning to sip my coffee and browse MTS2, and a few other sites. The pop-ups make it impossible as I refuse to click on anything without knowing it's origin.

I hear ya.  I went there too this morning and was met by that stupid pop up.  So until I know what it is, I'm avoiding MTS2.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Requip on 2009 April 01, 16:00:07
Has TSR removed Shakeshaft's (fucking thief) crap? Has anyone apologized to Boogy for stealing them?  ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 16:01:38
Has TSR removed Shakeshaft's (fucking thief) crap? Has anyone apologized to Boogy for stealing them?  ::)

No and several people have made negative comments both on her latest creation asking if it was stolen to and in her guestbook and TSR Mod Cadiva removed them as being confrontational.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 01, 16:14:39
Anyone who's ever made content for sims 2 might consider heading over to the booty, downloading shakeshaft's stuff and making certain that they haven't been ripped off as well. There's a very good chance that she's  stolen other people's work before and is only now being busted for it.

(multiple Calatars - WIN!)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 16:34:47
I have to go kill my cats now (its spring and they want out 15 times a night -oww my bloody aching head arghhh!) Someone already questioned it since Windkeeper did the OFB windows 2 or 3 years ago- Yesterday  Cadiva responded with " There's nothing wrong with adding in even more options to the OfB windows. This set is different to Windkeeper's and compliments it."  Today someone stated and I will copy and post here before it gets deleted On Apr 1, 2009 normawilahmina wrote:  "  Looks like you're really good at altering previously made meshes. "

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Quinctia on 2009 April 01, 16:37:36
I just posted this elsewhere, but here's my take on it, since it shows my reasoning on this whole thing.

The problem with trying to blame someone besides TSR, is that it's becoming increasingly unlikely.

Hijacking people's accounts is not some mystical thing that smart, computer-literate people can magically do. It's very unlikely that these accounts were brute-forced. That just doesn't happen anymore. Password restrictions are strict enough, and sites block IPs for a certain length of time after login attempts. The fact that they got into LJ helps me to think the passwords were known. I said as much when simsecret was hacked, too. So, basically, here are all the alternatives to "someone got ahold of passwords from/via TSR" (and I believe TSR is at fault IF they had a security leak months ago that they never told anyone about OR if someone there is doing all this):

1) Sinthe, Buggybooz, and Thomas are all random morons using something like "password" as their passwords. All these accounts were shown using IPs that trace back to what is probably the same person/computer.  Even if you don't believe that Sinthe's case is the same person and it was someone else coincidentally using the same browser on a similar computer with the same IP masking service, you've still got the other commonality there.

2) Sinthe, Buggybooz, and Thomas are all close enough to the same untrustworthy person that they have given out their account information to them.

3) Sinthe, Buggybooz, and Thomas all fell for a phishing scheme and entered their site information at a malicious third-party site. This requires both Sinthe and Buggybooz to have been active at all at TSR sometime recently, and it means the entire community has been too stupid to notice this.

4) Someone is using a cookie-grabber on a malicious third-party website, and these people all had a TSR cookie with an unhashed password, so TSR is still run by idiots. And Sinthe and Buggybooz would have had to been active on the TSR website pretty recently.

Add in the fact that the only people who knew Buggybooz was even complaining about a stolen item were those at TSR and the FA forum at MTS2, and the timing of the attack on Buggy is ridiculously suspect. It also doesn't strike me as a good way to frame TSR, because it doesn't honestly seem BIG enough.

At best, it seems TSR is a terribly insecure site run by morons that should probably be prosecuted and, at worst, TSR is a terribly malicious site run by morons that should probably be prosecuted.  :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 01, 16:58:41
I thought passwords were supposed to be encrypted and invisible to everyone anyway. Admins can reset passwords, but not see the original ones. That doesn't seem to be the case at TSR.

All this "helpful Steve" investigation stuff strikes me as a distract and obfuscate tactic.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 18:00:14
Someone might want to head over to Zazzle.Com - they have a TSR Sucks Mug maybe we out to start a pool and buy a couple case of them and ship them to Ben Bell, and Rod Humble over at EA and Thomas, Johan and Steve at TSR - maybe Shakeshaft to

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 18:06:34
I also found this lovely little link on Associated Content if anyone wants to head over and snark a little It is a review for TSR and you can post anonymously

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 April 01, 18:33:15
Just so I can explain some TSR stuff more clearly, could someone explain to me exactly what the TSR "watermarking" does?  Does it phone home whenever you use it/install it/unpack it with a message saying "paid for/not paid for" or does it only tell TSR something if you complain that the item doesn't work?  Or does it simply prove you're a pirate if it's NOT present or what?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jojoba on 2009 April 01, 18:37:16
I do not believe that is the 'real' Johan, and if it was, All he did was ask questions to us get us to question what we thought about it, and try to convince us to be all squishy about the situation. He gave no details of the event, and claimed he did not know - being a major staff member at TSR, he will damn know. Just looks to me like a poor attempt to rattle up the good discussion we were having here.

Scurvy, the watermark marks who downloaded that item, and the item can be an image or file. It can contain info like date, time and user.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 01, 18:51:44
For what it's worth, Delphy, I'm glad you are looking into this so completely.  As much as I feel it's going to turn out to be TSR, I'd rather know the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt.  And I'm hoping that's what you'll be able to find, the absolute truth. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: gayle_afcb on 2009 April 01, 19:10:43
This security breach back in December was when they said in the seekrit forums about a disgruntled ex member (believed to be me although I wasn't named) had hacked TSR but got nowhere, they had caught the person and made sure they'd not get away with anything similar again etc.  This alleged hacking of TSR was coincidently occuring whilst I was speaking to the police here in the UK about the fact that Sims2Artists had just been hacked using oh surprise of surprises the self same IP address that hacked simsecret and on that occassion they changed all the account details at LunarPages to a known Atwat email address.  The one she had used to join Natural Sims.  I do want to clarify that the IP addresses for Thomas were from NS not S2A, when some of us left NS and started S2A we copied all the bans from NS over hence why we still have those details.  We had them banned before we even opened the forum along with about 90% of Sweden just to be sure!  Neither Thomas or Atwat have managed to join S2A forum as far as we know...

I have no doubt at all that the blame will be put at either my door or Cocnuts door by TSR. I was a main contender for being cocnut for quite some time but whether I am or not now I really don't know. Outside of my own forum I am not particularly active in the community and haven't given TSR so much as a 2nd thought since I jacked in being an SA 13 months ago and moved out into the much nicer, friendlier and way more supportive free community well apart from lots of cussing mainly at police officers and a few close friends when we were hacked. Sadly though Atwat is totally obsessed with me and really can't understand why I don't want to be her friend  ??? Seriously woman grow the fuck up and go stalk someone else, you really are pathetic ::)

Course Atwat did see me outside her apartment with my laptop when her accounts at TSR were allegedly hacked, can't remember what forum it was now that she came out with that BS!  We'll not mention the fact that my passport expired in 2006, I don't even know what town she lives in let alone her address and the minor fact that there are photo's of me on the same day camping in a field in the middle of nowhere with no electricity but loads of witnesses to prove where I was ::)  

Delphy if there is anything I can help with you know where to find me - I am trying to dig out all the screenies I have with the IP's and the linking of them to Thomas/Atwat ready for you. ;D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 19:14:39
I just found an email address for EA and have emailed them a lovely long letter- it is for anyone who was looking for it- Whether or not TSR is guilty of directly doing this or whether someone associated with them indirectly saw a situation and took advantage of it - TSR has gotten ridiculous and EA condoning and encouraging  the behavior by kissing up to TSR and allowing them to get away with blatant copyright and EULA infringement as well as violating the rights of the gaming community that EA is supposed to serve just makes me sick. And I told them so- by the way new email address- - new password- Thoushaltnotsteal

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dragonballz on 2009 April 01, 19:34:20
I think my new TSR password is something along the lines of thomassucksass.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 April 01, 19:39:18
I think my new TSR password is something along the lines of thomassucksass.

A very popular choice :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dusdeedawn on 2009 April 01, 19:53:29
What the crap is this? ( :goes off to hurl:

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 20:01:02
Thomas making his KYAG (kiss your ass goodbye)  folder

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kutto on 2009 April 01, 20:02:01
What the crap is this? ( :goes off to hurl:

This is clearly an April Fool's joke.

Quote from: TSR
It's that easy to manipulate people into believing something!

You would know, wouldn't you? :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 01, 20:02:59
What the crap is this? ( :goes off to hurl:

Looks like an April Fools joke to me.  :D

Ninja'd by Kutto!  ;D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Emma on 2009 April 01, 20:09:34
No mention of Shakeshaft stealing Buggybooz's meshes. Well, I suppose that isn't a 'myth' though is it? :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 20:11:49
Well you know EA's Eula does not but didn't Delphy, Numenor, Pescado, et al created most of the tools for content creation - eg Simpe- CEP - what about their terms of use hmm - Frankly If I were them I would change my TOS on SimPE and CEP which are from the looks  of TSR the only tools their most of their  creators know how to use- looking at the tools listed for creating objects hardly any of the FA's or SA's know how to use Wesh, Milkshape or GIMP- if they could not use them anymore what would TSR do since from the looks and functionality of their stupid site none of them could code their way out of their own underpants.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 April 01, 20:17:02
Oh well, looks like you already found it. I think we have answered the most popular accusations there.

He did make a request of Pescado, quite a few pages back, he wanted Pescado to check some numbers.  I thought that was really weird. 
There's nothing interesting to check in those numbers that haven't already been checked and reported, plus the Phorums don't collect much info due to privacy concerns. All the IPs in question correspond to either former Thomas/Atwa IPs, or public proxies.

Does that include the sherriesims IP's? Does your forum software collect user agent, if so have you searched for that particular one?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 01, 20:17:45
The problem with changing the TOU for SimPE is that Quaxi isn't around, and Peter doesn't feel right changing it, even if he's taken over keeping the software up to date, at least as I understand it.  And of course TSR is full of shit, I didn't even read beyond the beginning.  If they make it sound good enough, then they can get sympathiez and more moniez.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 01, 20:20:01
What the crap is this? ( :goes off to hurl:
Looks like an April Fools joke to me.  :D
Ninja'd by Kutto!  ;D

They really had me going for a while with the whole Fact:  thing. It looked so professional too. That was a nice touch.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 01, 20:20:55
Quoted from TSR April Fools Joke statement:

"Initially it was claimed that TSR and other Paysites shared subscriber's credit card details between themselves to create bogus accounts and take payments for them without the card owner knowing. When we pointed out that PayPal handles the transaction and the service provider never sees credit card numbers, that part of the accusation got deleted because it was realised for once, that someone making something up didn't actually constitute a fact."

When did anyone ever accuse them of that? What a load of bullshit.  >:(

ETA: The only way a card owner would not know is if they just pay their credit card without looking at the statement. Is anyone that stupid?  ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 20:21:52
I just complete fucked over all my information at TSR and posted the real reason I left- I am just sick of the shite

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Emma on 2009 April 01, 20:23:31
No mention of 'shape'...I guess they didn't get DOT to write this statement.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 April 01, 20:24:18
johan, I'd say you *might* convince TSR sheeps. Good luck trying to convert those who have already converted to free-sitism. Your joining here was all a bunch of fluff. I hear the sheep calling. They're missing their shepherd.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 01, 20:25:14
There are more than enough sources outside of Coconut who can concur that every single thing on that list has happened. This includes ex-FA's and even paysiteowners. So now all these people are suddenly liars and pirates?
Especially cute that they had to add pure lies to the sharing of paypal information - claim so that they would look less bad for sharing personal information with HUNDREDS of people.

To all of the current FA's that know and have read the truth, and are supporting this shit: you know what you are, and it's ain't pretty.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: HugeLunatic on 2009 April 01, 20:26:51
Quote from: TSR
If our information is correct we actually know who she is, and given that she once wanted desperately to be an FA at TSR but didn't get it, we think it explains quite a lot about her bitterness towards us, don't you?

So show the proof.  And why is "she" still having access.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 April 01, 20:32:29
Quote from: TSR
If our information is correct we actually know who she is, and given that she once wanted desperately to be an FA at TSR but didn't get it, we think it explains quite a lot about her bitterness towards us, don't you?

So show the proof.  And why is "she" still having access.

We are still investigating it and until we are done we don't want to put out any names. Pieces are falling into place though.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 01, 20:33:06
Wow, TSR I TRULY love your April Fool's Day Joke! :D

BTW: Snarky your avatar is win! And I love all the callas lol I'm too lazay to change ;)

Quote from: TSR
If our information is correct we actually know who she is, and given that she once wanted desperately to be an FA at TSR but didn't get it, we think it explains quite a lot about her bitterness towards us, don't you?

So show the proof.  And why is "she" still having access.

We are still investigating it and until we are done we don't want to put out any names. Pieces are falling into place though.

Yes. You do that. Your investigations are purely eye-opening.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 01, 20:36:42
No mention of 'shape'...I guess they didn't get DOT to write this statement.

You can't change your avi, either, huh? Next year we'll have to all change to the Emma loves Goopy Avi.  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: misssnark on 2009 April 01, 20:38:30
I'm really more of a lurker but I've been following this since it started and I just read the TSR statement, which left me with a few questions:

1. Does anyone know what buggybooz's account name on TSR was? I've searched for both the name buggybooz and the names of her items on TSR and found nothing, which leads me to believe she used an entirely different name there. In that case,
2. How did this supposed hacker who stole the FA database connect buggybooz's account on TSR with the account on MTS2? Also,
3. AFAIK buggybooz is not an FA at TSR, so if only the FA passwords were stolen the "hacker" could not have gotten hers.
4. How did the hacker connect Thomas to the Hamilton account on MTS2?
5. Why would Thomas use his TSR password on MTS2 as well?

There's also the matter of simsecret and Sinthe's account being hacked into.
6. Does Sinthe use the same account name on TSR and LJ?
7. Was Sinthe an FA there?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 01, 20:38:46
*yawn* Johan is back? What, did he finish making the Kool-Aid early? Dude, you'd better slip more LSD into it, people are beginning to come out of their fog where y'all are concerned.

Oh, and Johan? The only things falling into place are the dandruff bits out of your scalp and onto your shoulder. And your credibility has FALLEN into pieces, or did you not know how to write that correctly, you silly twit?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dragonballz on 2009 April 01, 20:43:37
Would someone be so kind as to post a screenie of this "TSR April 1 Joke" a.k.a. hurl-inducer? My farging browser is having significant problems with TSR atm. (what a shocker...perhaps IE is afraid it may vomit as well)

quasi-edit: Nevermind. It loaded and now I mop my lunch off the keyboard.  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 01, 20:43:49
I'm really more of a lurker but I've been following this since it started and I just read the TSR statement, which left me with a few questions:

1. Does anyone know what buggybooz's account name on TSR was? I've searched for both the name buggybooz and the names of her items on TSR and found nothing, which leads me to believe she used an entirely different name there. In that case,
2. How did this supposed hacker who stole the FA database connect buggybooz's account on TSR with the account on MTS2? Also,
3. AFAIK buggybooz is not an FA at TSR, so if only the FA passwords were stolen the "hacker" could not have gotten hers.
4. How did the hacker connect Thomas to the Hamilton account on MTS2?
5. Why would Thomas use his TSR password on MTS2 as well?

There's also the matter of simsecret and Sinthe's account being hacked into.
6. Does Sinthe use the same account name on TSR and LJ?
7. Was Sinthe an FA there?

Very awesome questions! -I for one would love to know how this haxxorrrr figured out which was buggy's account info as well! And naturally, all the other connect the info to this specific account with thomass's info. I am sure sinthe can fill us in whether his account name was the same, and I don't believe Sinthe ever was an fa or tsr related??? But I'll let them answer that since I don't know the definitive answer!

-yes in the process dragonballz ^-*
okiedoke! Yes, April Hurl's Day, indeed!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 01, 20:44:31
What the crap is this? ( :goes off to hurl:
This might actually be a good sign.  TSR is on the defensive.  People are asking questions.  They must be, or TSR wouldn't feel the need to spew lies to answer them.

It's hard to find my favorite bit, there's so many good ones.  I like this one best.  It's how they explain why EA wuvs them so much.
Quote from: TSR douchebags
we don't have sick game hacks in our databases and we are enthusiastic about the game and custom content.
What "sick game hacks" would these be?  Do they refer to Pescado's and others' fixes for innumerable EA bugs?  Or maybe Lord Darcy's fixed objects that have their full functionality with any combo of EPs and SPs?  When TSR says "enthusiastic about the game", do they mean "we don't point out how buggy it is and don't fix it because we don't know how"?  Do they mean "we spray our pants over every new EA item, no matter how broken"?  I would say those who write free fixes are passionate about the game.  They clearly care about the game.  TSR clearly cares about moneez.

edit: Also, obviously, FREE content creators are passionate about custom content.  Many FAs are only enthusiastic about their paychecks.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 01, 20:47:37
I can't think of any sick hacks, unless you count yellow pee puddles as sick. I know there are some that are rather vile, but those are made by people in the PAY community, are they not?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 01, 20:48:53
We are still investigating it and until we are done we don't want to put out any names. Pieces are falling into place though.

Oh, look johan, I found a clue! -


You can have it. Now, do us all a favor and quit playing fucking mind games like you do with what's left of your unfortunate subscribers. By the way, have you sampled the booty today?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dusdeedawn on 2009 April 01, 20:51:51
Quote from: TSR douchebags
we don't have sick game hacks in our databases and we are enthusiastic about the game and custom content.
When TSR says "enthusiastic about the game", do they mean "we don't point out how buggy it is and don't fix it because we don't know how"?  Do they mean "we spray our pants over every new EA item, no matter how broken"?  I would say those who write free fixes are passionate about the game.  They clearly care about the game.  TSR clearly cares about moneez.

Enthusiastic: meaning 'We likes it, but we sucks at it'. :D
Any five year old with a smelly marker falls under the term 'enthusiastic'. But you still have to take it away when they start sucking it!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: HugeLunatic on 2009 April 01, 20:53:43
 :D  Snarky you are pure win!

I have question err rather a thought.  I can't imagine when a user buys a proxy IP from Hide My IP, that they actually have to share it with anyone else.  You have bought that IP.  Otherwise why buy one when you can get one for free? 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 01, 20:57:34
We are still investigating it and until we are done we don't want to put out any names. Pieces are falling into place though.

Oh, look johan, I found a clue! -

*snippidy doo-daaa*

You can have it. Now, do us all a favor and quit playing fucking mind games like you do with what's left of your unfortunate subscribers. By the way, have you sampled the booty today?

ROFLMAO! Thanks for the stomach hurtzz!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Koraliene on 2009 April 01, 21:00:55
Quote from: TSR
If our information is correct we actually know who she is, and given that she once wanted desperately to be an FA at TSR but didn't get it, we think it explains quite a lot about her bitterness towards us, don't you?

So show the proof.  And why is "she" still having access.

We are still investigating it and until we are done we don't want to put out any names. Pieces are falling into place though.

XD That's some good detective speak right thur.

Anyway, I just wanted to add my two cents. I've used the Booty for some things, the vast, vast majority of them -not- TSR items, so I'm not exactly Enemy Numero Uno. Most things I've downloaded from the Booty, I believe, are meshes; I've never pirated any game and/or movie, and I never have an intention to. So, I was beyond insulted to read "it's in their nature." So, because I support the EULA, and am a member of a forum that supports the EULA, you'll try to define me in a negative way? I'm so sorry that, since I don't make a profit off of other players work, and disagree with their interpretation of a legal document, I'm now a thief. Personally, call me a Pirate, I don't care--it's a compliment around here; but don't try to act as if we're all bad people and that's just our 'nature' because we support the Booty.

Also: "This is the game EULA and does not relate to custom content tools which have their own EULA."
Wait... I'll be the first to admit if I'm wrong if you'll correct me, but don't all CC and its' creators have to bow down before the EULA, regardless of their own TOU's? So, doesn't this statement (at least to me) sound as if TSR is placing individual players' terms above the terms of EA (since most 'custom content tools' were not created by EA)? But then again, they'd need to do that in order to get away legally with making money off CC, wouldn't they?

And what's with the punctuation errors? Why can't TSR--a "professional company"--learn how to use their commas and ellipses?

Whatever, it just sounded like they're trying to cover their tracks and all. I hope more users begin to see through TSR's BS. I never even had a thing against TSR, just paysites in general, until this cute little letter you all posted. (And you are MADE of win, SnarkyShark).

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dragonballz on 2009 April 01, 21:01:51
I didn't know Thomass' asshole had the gift of speech:

If our information is correct we actually know who she is, and given that she once wanted desperately to be an FA at TSR but didn't get it, we think it explains quite a lot about her bitterness towards us, don't you?

I understand that high-paid whores run a very profitable "business relationship" in the sack:

Myth: TSR is "in bed" with EA and have some kind of business relationship

THAT is my lulz for the day.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Craftingmomma on 2009 April 01, 21:07:57
Maybe if their little "statement" had actually addressed what Shakeshaft did to Buggybooz, it would have more credibility.  Not one mention to what started the whole thing.  In fact at BPS, Buggybooz stated that "Tsr have actually suggested that it was me hacking my own account."

There are just to many coincidences for some of it not to be true.  If you connect the dots, it leads back to TSR.   I'm glad Delphy is still investigating.   I liked how the message had to spin what Steve told Delphy to match what Johan let slip on this forum.

The sad thing is that some will buy their statement.   Too many have that sheep mentality and won't believe the truth when it is right before them, but with every misdeed that TSR does more are having the blinders pulled off.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 April 01, 21:11:40
Well, I for one cannot "pirate" any Sims software as I run on a Mac. Sorry folks, no Intel chip or Windows OS on this G5. And I don't think anyone has "pirated" the Sims 2 for the Mac and if they did they would be for EP's and SP's I already legally own. As for movies or TV shows, I have either taped them on VHS from cable TV or DVR (again perfectly legal as I do not make copies other than for myself) or I watch them on Hulu or Again legal.

The only reason people here talked about "pirating" Sims 3 was because of SecuROM and not many people were going to go that route anyway as most have decided they don't want the game at all (at least not a first). As for the Booty, everything in said Booty is PAID FOR and is simply shared among friends. Get it right idiots. It's called File Sharing.

Geez, no wonder TSR is full of FAIL.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 April 01, 21:12:15
In regards to TSR's mythbuster: Why are they always saying we pirates are greedy and just want their shinies? Especially when those item mess with the game, overwrite items that came with the game and so on. One of the reasons, I stopped downloading directly from TSR, is that after a downloading spree over there, one of my neighborhoods exploded and I couldn't even get it back after taking out all those downloads.
I admit of going into the booty, to download items because BPS makes TSR recolors look so pretty. But those are usally added to my quarantine folder, so I can easily get rid of them, if they bork the game. I actually wish, freesites would stop recoloring pay-meshes and start looking for alternatives, so I don't have to do that anymore either.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Zazazu on 2009 April 01, 21:14:36
Guys, have you learned nothing? I can't screen shot right now. Here is a quote.
TSR: Accusations, Lies, Bullying?

TSR has been on the receiving end of countless slur campaigns recently.... actually going back quite some time now, since the establishment of the Pirate site and the rise of Coconut. We haven't been very public about our opinion of all this and haven't been running around denying each and every lie because to be frank, it would be fruitless in many cases. But the recent accusation that TSR was responsible for gaining unauthorized access to MTS2 and deleting content is an accusation too far!

So, whether you as a reader believe any of what we are about to say or not, this is our response. If you have no intention of believing it because you are on the Pirate bandwagon then you are wasting your time continuing, nothing we say is likely to change your mind as you will twist it to suit yourself. But if you are actually in two minds, or have the sense to see that these constant attacks on TSR must have a deeper, underpinning issue, then you might take something of value from it. In any case, this is our side of the argument.
Myth: Paysites are illegal

The story: The Pirates want the pay content but they don't want to have to pay for it. It's in their nature. Read their forums, they openly pirate Expansion Packs and they intend to do the same with Sims 3. "I'm going to Arr Sims 3" means they will steal it rather than give EAxis as they call them, any more money. They hide behind an Asian host because they know that what they are doing is wrong and that any Western host would remove them (that used to be a brag on the home page). They hide behind the game EULA which originally stated "non commercial use". This is the game EULA and does not relate to custom content tools which have their own EULA. EA have been quite clear that they have no objection to fansites selling custom content. Many of these sites have been invited to events at EA and are wholeheartedly supported by them.

The Fact: Paysites are not illegal, otherwise EA would have done something to stop them, not encouraged them. This is from the official statement composed by EA Legal (not a forum moderator as the Pirates like to claim), as posted by EA recently:

"...Whether players choose to share their original artistic creations with the community is up to them: some custom content creators design work for a fee; some host their works on sites that organize, store and serve an enormous amount of content for subscribers; some artists request donations; and some artists allow all players to download their creations for free. These artists set their own terms for how they want to share their talents with the community at large. Those terms should be respected by other players."

This is from the company that hold all rights to Sims game code. Does that read that Paysites are illegal to you?

Pay content is about choice, if you want it, and can afford it, then buy it. If you don't want to or can't buy it, go for the free stuff. Piracy is theft. Theft is illegal, selling CC for The Sims games clearly isn't! Anyone with any ability to see sense can work that out for themselves.
Myth: TSR shares PayPal information

The story: Initially it was claimed that TSR and other Paysites shared subscriber's credit card details between themselves to create bogus accounts and take payments for them without the card owner knowing. When we pointed out that PayPal handles the transaction and the service provider never sees credit card numbers, that part of the accusation got deleted because it was realised for once, that someone making something up didn't actually constitute a fact.

The rest of the accusation came from a screenshot of an internal TSR discussion. It contained around a dozen names and addresses taken from our TSR member database that members had provided on signup. Nothing from PayPal. It was just assumed that's where it came from by someone not knowing that we actually take that information from members who offer it. So, are we allowed to have private discussions as staff? Yes, of course we are! Did we share that information publicly? No, you can thank Coconut for that, for half-heartedly blurring a little bit of data and then posting it for all to see for their own sense of power and satisfaction. This information was obtained unlawfully, without the permission of TSR, and distributed without permission also.

The Fact: TSR has never and will never share PayPal information. We don't even use it ourselves; we use our own member database. Further, more of our payments are taken by a Credit Card handler than PayPal.
Myth: TSR place trojans in their downloads to gain information

The Story: In the early days of the Pirates and pay content file sharing, we put watermarks on the files at the point of downloading. This simply applied the TSR user ID, IP and time/date to the .package file of the downloader, so that we could take the files from the booty and see which user shared it. This was done server side, our end. It gathered no information about the user once they downloaded that file. This hardly constitutes a Trojan or virus.

The Fact: TSR, as a professional business, has no desire to add malware to its downloads and takes no part in such activities. The Pirates didn't like that we were on to them so cooked up this story because at the time they didn't know how we were catching them. They hated it even more when they found we used their own shared files against them! Of course they now know, but wont retract their claim because it adds too much value to their smear campaign.
Myth: TSR attacks other sites and tries to take them down

The Story: The latest such case was the take-down of the Reflexsims forum (which later turned into another forum). Apparently, Thomas decided to take down their forum on his own and simply did so by telling them to shut down.

Fact: The owner of Reflexsims approached Thomas privately about the growing piracy situation, asking for advice on how to deal with it. Thomas' first advice was, quote: "you need to stop allowing them to trash paysites in bigforums such as yours". She tried just this and in return got kicked out of the very forum she started! What happened after this had nothing to do with Thomas nor TSR - the person she gave the forum to a long time ago was the person who pulled the plug on the forum as a courtesy towards the previous owner. To try and blame TSR for this, Coconut faked a photoshopped "forum post" where Thomas seemingly does a countdown for the forum to go down. It's that easy to manipulate people into believing something!
Myth: TSR hacked an account on MTS2 and deleted content

The story: Delphy initially accused Thomas of gaining unauthorized access to an account on MTS2 and deleting content. This was based on 2 IP addresses and screenshots were posted as "conclusive evidence", claiming that they are Thomas. In fact, both these addresses are used by 'Hide my IP' cloaking software and also appear in TSR's member database hundreds of times, over several accounts. An account on TSR used those same IP's the same day on TSR using the same browser details as the screenshots posted by Delphy on MTS2, we know that these are cloaked IP's and are not enough to accuse anyone. After several discussions and cooperation between our sites, Delphy is no longer sure that TSR was involved and has retracted his allegation. We continue to investigate the source of the attacks on both our sites.

The Fact: TSR had nothing to do with content being deleted from MTS2. We have had someone gain access to FA accounts and delete their content several times too (fruitless, as we just restore them from backups). We didn't go accusing anyone of it even though we have a pretty good idea who is behind it. We don't play offensively, we aren't out to damage the Sims community, we try and keep ourselves to ourselves and act professionally! We will continue to work with MTS2 to resolve this if we can.
Myth: TSR's security breach has compromised everyone's account and identity

The Story: This is the newest one, and a direct result from my chat with Delphy. He informed his community that TSR was subject to a security breach early this year. He doesn't know the details and never actually claimed to in his post, but it has been twisted and turned into the "fact" that all TSR member accounts had been compromised and that TSR did nothing to inform or protect them. Its now even suggested that subscribers credit card details are included.

The Fact: The only accounts affected were FA and staff accounts. All FA passwords were immediately changed by us (even Coconut posted about that happening). No user accounts were compromised and therefore no announcement was necessary. We know this because of the information that was obtained. Nobody's credit card details are at risk because, wait for the shock.... we don't get credit card details from our "secure payment service provider" (the clue is in the name).
Myth: TSR is "in bed" with EA and have some kind of business relationship

The story: TSR has been invited to all of the fansite events at EA in Redwood Shores and on the odd occasion, to other events and meetings too. We have a great working relationship with EA, as do all the other sites that regularly get invited to these events, TSR is not the only one! I can't explain why we get along so well, but I can guess that it's because for the past 9+ years we have encouraged and supported the Sims community to grow, we have supported EA in what they do as any fansite does, and we act professionally in what we do. We don't allow bashing in our forums, we don't have sick game hacks in our databases and we are enthusiastic about the game and custom content. Like all those other sites that get invited back, we are a fansite supporting The Sims games. That's all.

Fact: EA does not sponsor or endorse TSR any more than it does many other fansites. We have the same "not endorsed by or affiliated with" disclaimers on our site as any other. We don't pay EA backhanders, we simply talk to each other, and that's the extent of our professional relationship.
What about the rest of the rumours circulating?

There are other accusations of course which are not covered here. That doesn't mean to say that they are true or that we have no response, we just find it absurd that we have to spend our time on such stupid, ridiculous lies that quite frankly, anyone with any common sense should be able to see are unfounded. In most cases, TSR have neither the influence or motivation to do what we are accused of and that includes closing down other sites forums. Really.. It's pathetic.
So what about this "coconut"?

Someone who attacks TSR for being dishonest and being involved in shady activities. Someone who, through unethical and probably illegal means, gains access to areas of our site where they should not have been (and others as it may turn out), who reads people private emails right off their mail server, who posted our private, internal discussions publicly, who create fake so called "screenshots" in Photoshop to spread lies, who turns their own assumptions into "facts" for their own satisfaction… someone who themselves does all the things they accuse TSR of! They even have to hide now behind the Pirates dodgy hosting because they have been kicked out from all the legitimate blog hosts they ever used for breaking their terms of use. A real inspiration! Use your own common sense and decide, is this someone acting in the best interest of the Sims community?

If our information is correct we actually know who she is, and given that she once wanted desperately to be an FA at TSR but didn't get it, we think it explains quite a lot about her bitterness towards us, don't you?

TSR is a professionally managed organisation. It has been owned and managed by the same staff for almost 10 years. We have been around longer than any other Sims site and we have seen it all in this community. And now, enough is enough. We will defend ourselves against this barrage of attacks, abuse and insults.

We will also continue to do what we do. We won't be beaten down by the bully element in this community who brag about their achievements of having Sims sites closed down with their accumulative actions. Bullies are the lowest of the low, and we don't think they have a place in a Sims game playing community! We do, and we aren't going anywhere!
I'm going to do a double-post in a second. My apologies, but this is screaming for a pick-apart.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 01, 21:15:53
Myth: TSR attacks other sites and tries to take them down
-This joke makes me laugh. HArd. I just love their explanation.


And I love how they are once again trying to make it sound like Delphy is blindly and wrongly throwing out assumptions and downplaying the evidence he has.  ::) Delphy has been very responsible with his investigations. And their rep Johan is coming here basically discrediting their "initial" excuse-since according to him there never was any user login info compromised. -ETA: their "AFD Statement" even repeats this as FACT. So. How does a haxxor get NON-fa account info then, if your "regular user" info was in FACT never COMPROMISED? Yeah. See Snarky's clue for your answer.

The Fact: TSR, as a professional business,
Now, How are they Following your  NON-COMMERCIAL EULA?? TSR OPENLY admits they are a business. (like we didn't already know) And Professional at that. (lmao....) SO. They are in direct competition with YOUR Professional Empire Business. Now, when will you squash them??  (Doesn't hold breath)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dusdeedawn on 2009 April 01, 21:16:12
No, don't do it, Zazazu! :o :D
Thanks for that, I was considering doing it myself, but it's so... ::hurl::

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Koraliene on 2009 April 01, 21:18:43
Guys, have you learned nothing? I can't screen shot right now. Here is a quote.
TSR: Accusations, Lies, Bullying?
TSR BS is too long to quote D:
XD I was all over the pick-apart but thought I'd leave it to members more experienced with TSR's crap. Instead, I patiently wait for Johan to attempt to refute your comments, since the part after that (where Pirate's logic>TSR's fail) is the best =D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 01, 21:23:05
I have papers to write, so all I have time for is this:

johan, you're a fucknut. We know that what's "falling into place" is your scheme to cover your idiot family's tracks.

Most of us don't want TSR's crappity stolen buggy content. But you know that. Your faq is a bunch of deliberate lies, beginning to end -- but you know that. TSR doesn't care what the community thinks, they just want to placate and isolate their fans who will keep giving them monies. What they say and do is disgusting to the vast majority of Sims players, but that doesn't matter, they just have to play to their base. TSR can survive like that; EA can't. EA hitching itself to TSR is quite possibly the dumbest business move that dumb company has ever perpetrated, and I look forward to them going down in flames.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dragonballz on 2009 April 01, 21:23:57
TSR has been on the receiving end of countless slur campaigns recently.... actually going back quite some time now, since the establishment of the Pirate site

Translation: I don't like receiving, and I want you to be on the bottom this time, daddy! (but I have a serious oversion to implementing the word "booty")

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 21:25:02
 x-posted to S2C Ya know it is funny who they call pirates given that they condone theft in their own creators. Wanna know what just in case there is a TSR Troll like Johan baby lurking I do support the Booty The Graveyard  and SimsCave- but, sorry don't download TSR crap all that was downloaded via a legit sub. In fact I mostly download stuff from sites that no longer exist because PMBD along with Sims Cave and the Graveyard host shit from a lot of the sites that TSR has been responsible for shutting down or things that have been removed as downloads by TSR creators who removed shit before editing one's own stuff was banned and told TSR to fuck themselves with their glass sword download )
 Mainly I support these three sites  because they don;'t lie about where and how they got their stuff like lets see- Shakeshaft- I hope all the creators that work for you as FA's or SA's that x-post at Mod the Sims see the truth and stop working for you- Get over it and maybe switch to Spore - a lot more 12's play that game and can be snowed over.

I support FREE SITES - Mod the Sims, Parsimonious, Insimenator.Org, Garden of Shadows, PiggisSims and NoukieSims2 and BlackPearlSims2 are free forums and custom content forums, not " Pirate Sites"  and they do not use other peoples meshes or ideas without saying " Credits go to creatorblahblah for this idea or mesh " In fact everything I have downloaded on those sites have given credit where credit was due - even if it was a TSR creator many of whom are either hated on free sites or at the very least pitied if they have not had the balls to tell you to go do anatomically impossible things with yourself - in order to create at free sites where they had creative control of their own shit.

By the way Thomass- all of my Sims 1, and 2 games as well as all of my other video games, CDs, movies and books were obtained legally  not by theft- looks like you are casting all free site users in the same light and that is really asking for a slander lawsuit. Albeit my games were mostly obtained from used game stores so EA still didn't get my money, but try listening before opening your dumbass mouth you might learn something - like how not to PO the fanbase

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 01, 21:27:03
Can't we just P&L and show our MS paint skillz?


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 01, 21:33:34
Johan, if you are still reading and are actually after the truth, this post is for you.
(Yes, go ahead folks, laugh at the futility of this.)

TSR claims pirates just don't want to pay for TSR content.  Have you read the pirates explanation for why they do what they do?  It is here (,1104.0.html), in the second post.  After reading that, consider these facts.

- Pirates pay for TSR content.  Does TSR think it appears in the booty by magic?
- Pirates purchase said content *for others*.  You've seen the booty shopping list and know what it's for, right?
- Pirates stated intention is to economically bring down TSR by depriving it of income from pay content by distributing it for free.
  Personal acquisition is not the goal.

Lastly, my own two cents.  I personally am in the small minority of members here who are NOT against all paysites.  Although I much prefer high quality free content, and think it's better for the community, I have on occasion paid for high quality pay content (not from TSR) and don't regret it.  I revile TSR not because it is a paysite, but because it is run by an unethical greedy liar and because TSR steals and sells the work of free creators.

edit: The awful behavior of TSR (and to a lesser extent, PeggyZone) are the reasons I joined this site.

edit2: I obtained all my Sims2 games, EPs and SPs legally.  Most recently I have bought them used because I refuse to pay EA anymore.  This is partly due to their relationship with TSR.  To put it plainly, you, TSR, have cost your best friend EA some money.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Zazazu on 2009 April 01, 21:37:32
Myth: Paysites are illegal
The Fact: Paysites are not illegal, otherwise EA would have done something to stop them, not encouraged them. This is from the official statement composed by EA Legal (not a forum moderator as the Pirates like to claim), as posted by EA recently:
You know, both sides are being screwed by EA on this. The EULA clearly states that commercial use of their tools is against it. Drea the Dumbass is saying the opposite, and has further said that we can just go ahead and violate the EULA willy-nilly. Neither of her statements would hold up in court. According to current legal documents, paysites = illegal. Yup, EA is muddying the waters. No, their statements have not exonerated you. They are so much fluff. EA is trying to save their own asses and keep both sides happy. They fail. This is their natural state.

Myth: TSR shares PayPal information
The story: Initially it was claimed that TSR and other Paysites shared subscriber's credit card details between themselves to create bogus accounts and take payments for them without the card owner knowing. When we pointed out that PayPal handles the transaction and the service provider never sees credit card numbers, that part of the accusation got deleted because it was realised for once, that someone making something up didn't actually constitute a fact.

The rest of the accusation came from a screenshot of an internal TSR discussion. It contained around a dozen names and addresses taken from our TSR member database that members had provided on signup. Nothing from PayPal. It was just assumed that's where it came from by someone not knowing that we actually take that information from members who offer it. So, are we allowed to have private discussions as staff? Yes, of course we are! Did we share that information publicly? No, you can thank Coconut for that, for half-heartedly blurring a little bit of data and then posting it for all to see for their own sense of power and satisfaction. This information was obtained unlawfully, without the permission of TSR, and distributed without permission also.
Spreading this as "us" accusing you of sharing Paypal info is back-handed and specifically geared to discredit the pirate side. Bully for you. TSR did not share Paypal info. We know this. A particular FA of TSR who used to have her own site shared Paypal info. TSR only shared the real names and email addresses of members. Yes, in a private forum which you knew had been breached. There was no reason to share this information, whatsoever. It was a breach of privacy. It has been discussed at length here how sharing the real names of a person can lead to getting everything on them. Ya'll are idiots.

Myth: TSR place trojans in their downloads to gain information

The Story: In the early days of the Pirates and pay content file sharing, we put watermarks on the files at the point of downloading. This simply applied the TSR user ID, IP and time/date to the .package file of the downloader, so that we could take the files from the booty and see which user shared it. This was done server side, our end. It gathered no information about the user once they downloaded that file. This hardly constitutes a Trojan or virus.
Ya'll are the ones who were joking about them being trojans. Yes, they were watermarks. Correct me if I'm wrong, Pescado, but aren't they still being used?

Myth: TSR attacks other sites and tries to take them down
Fact: The owner of Reflexsims approached Thomas privately about the growing piracy situation, asking for advice on how to deal with it. Thomas' first advice was, quote: "you need to stop allowing them to trash paysites in bigforums such as yours". She tried just this and in return got kicked out of the very forum she started! What happened after this had nothing to do with Thomas nor TSR - the person she gave the forum to a long time ago was the person who pulled the plug on the forum as a courtesy towards the previous owner. To try and blame TSR for this, Coconut faked a photoshopped "forum post" where Thomas seemingly does a countdown for the forum to go down. It's that easy to manipulate people into believing something!
Photoshopping does not exist. I'm quite good at IDing Photoshopping as I've actually taken quite a few graphic design classes. If you're taking your advice from DOT, you're doing it wrong.

Myth: TSR hacked an account on MTS2 and deleted content

The story: Delphy initially accused Thomas of gaining unauthorized access to an account on MTS2 and deleting content. This was based on 2 IP addresses and screenshots were posted as "conclusive evidence", claiming that they are Thomas. In fact, both these addresses are used by 'Hide my IP' cloaking software and also appear in TSR's member database hundreds of times, over several accounts. An account on TSR used those same IP's the same day on TSR using the same browser details as the screenshots posted by Delphy on MTS2, we know that these are cloaked IP's and are not enough to accuse anyone. After several discussions and cooperation between our sites, Delphy is no longer sure that TSR was involved and has retracted his allegation. We continue to investigate the source of the attacks on both our sites.
This is still under debate. You know it is still under debate as you are in the fucking forum watching the debate go down.

Myth: TSR's security breach has compromised everyone's account and identity

The Story: This is the newest one, and a direct result from my chat with Delphy. He informed his community that TSR was subject to a security breach early this year. He doesn't know the details and never actually claimed to in his post, but it has been twisted and turned into the "fact" that all TSR member accounts had been compromised and that TSR did nothing to inform or protect them. Its now even suggested that subscribers credit card details are included.

The Fact: The only accounts affected were FA and staff accounts. All FA passwords were immediately changed by us (even Coconut posted about that happening). No user accounts were compromised and therefore no announcement was necessary. We know this because of the information that was obtained. Nobody's credit card details are at risk because, wait for the shock.... we don't get credit card details from our "secure payment service provider" (the clue is in the name).
Then why would buggybooz (sp?) have been affected? You can't use this as an excuse if it wouldn't include her. Excuses = you fail at them.

Myth: TSR is "in bed" with EA and have some kind of business relationship

Fact: EA does not sponsor or endorse TSR any more than it does many other fansites. We have the same "not endorsed by or affiliated with" disclaimers on our site as any other. We don't pay EA backhanders, we simply talk to each other, and that's the extent of our professional relationship.
Your representatives, including Steve and Thomas, have repeatedly stated that you do have a relationship. So which one is it? You can only have it one way.

Someone who attacks TSR for being dishonest and being involved in shady activities. Someone who, through unethical and probably illegal means, gains access to areas of our site where they should not have been (and others as it may turn out), who reads people private emails right off their mail server, who posted our private, internal discussions publicly, who create fake so called "screenshots" in Photoshop to spread lies, who turns their own assumptions into "facts" for their own satisfaction… someone who themselves does all the things they accuse TSR of! They even have to hide now behind the Pirates dodgy hosting because they have been kicked out from all the legitimate blog hosts they ever used for breaking their terms of use. A real inspiration! Use your own common sense and decide, is this someone acting in the best interest of the Sims community?
1. Her methodology for getting access to your forums are not known. My personal theory is that you have a leak...a human leak. 
2. She hasn't taken anyone's emails without their consent. Any emails posted were given to her, and permissions were listed from the party involved.
3. Yes, she's posted your "private" discussions publicly. That's kind of the whole point. Forgive me if I'm not crying for you. 
4. Again, not Photoshopped. Learn to spot fake images from someone other than DOT. 
5. She's been kicked off of other servers because several representatives from TSR have been flooding every service with reports. Doi.

TSR is a professionally managed organisation.
Yours is one of the most unprofessionally run organizations I've ever seen. Johan's actions in the past few days are appalling. If you have questions about your business's practices, you discuss those internally. You don't go to your competitors/enemies to ask for help. You don't basically give people a laundry list of the accusations against you. Oh, you think this exonerates you? Have you ever heard the theory that giving any attention to the concerns of a revolutionary force gives that force street credit? Big backfire, kids.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dusdeedawn on 2009 April 01, 21:47:28
The Fact: ... All FA passwords were immediately changed by us (even Coconut posted about that happening)...
If our information is correct we actually know who she is, and given that she once wanted desperately to be an FA at TSR but didn't get it, we think it explains quite a lot about her bitterness towards us, don't you?

Trying to use Coconut as an alibi and discredit her all in the same statement. Tsk, tsk. Clearly they have plans for an insanity plea.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: tahirifan on 2009 April 01, 21:51:08
Sounds like an American Congressperson when they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  "I am innoccent; they are all lying about me, so ignore their truths and listen to my lies so I can get re-elected and keep stealling you blind."

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ScooterBabe on 2009 April 01, 21:57:18
Sounds like an American Congressperson when they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  "I am innoccent; they are all lying about me, so ignore their truths and listen to my lies so I can get re-elected and keep stealling you blind."

Yep, I tend to agree. And to think I still have a little over 2 months left on my subscription at that POS site. >:( Maybe I should put it to good use... ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 01, 21:58:55
Sounds like an American Congressperson when they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  "I am innoccent; they are all lying about me, so ignore their truths and listen to my lies so I can get re-elected and keep stealling you blind."

Yep, I tend to agree. And to think I still have a little over 2 months left on my subscription at that POS site. >:( Maybe I should put it to good use... ;)

Yes, yes you should. Hopefully, you were smart enough to use a different username here than there. They read everything over here.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 01, 21:59:12
Oh, and johan, whatever do you plan to do about Shakeshaft? Your employee stole something and tried to pass it off as her own to make you a profit. Doesn't that reflect poorly on TSR? Isn't that something someone should be fired over, in a legitimate business?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 22:00:31
Myth: TSR's security breach has compromised everyone's account and identity

The Story: This is the newest one, and a direct result from my chat with Delphy. He informed his community that TSR was subject to a security breach early this year. He doesn't know the details and never actually claimed to in his post, but it has been twisted and turned into the "fact" that all TSR member accounts had been compromised and that TSR did nothing to inform or protect them. Its now even suggested that subscribers credit card details are included.

The Fact: The only accounts affected were FA and staff accounts. All FA passwords were immediately changed by us (even Coconut posted about that happening). No user accounts were compromised and therefore no announcement was necessary. We know this because of the information that was obtained. Nobody's credit card details are at risk because, wait for the shock.... we don't get credit card details from our "secure payment service provider" (the clue is in the name).

 >:(Tell me Thomass/DOT or whoever the fuck you are - how much do your really know about hackers or hacking- If your system was professionally hacked - the hacker would not be going after- Shakeshafts stolen , meshes, or Bunny's illegally used EA meshes (since she gets paid for her creations and the meshes she uses are EA's from the H&M Stuff pack not that they aren't nice but still) when there are thousands of subscribers on your site with easily accessible (since you fail at encrypting shit like passwords and financial info) credit card numbers, Paypal Account info (all they need is the email address of the person and a random number password generator that you can buy at Radioshack since most people use shit like password or 123456 as password ), or checking account info (since you are so greedy you still take checks ) that could net them hundreds of thousands of dollars. Any hacker who was decent at what they did would have gone after the subscribers-  As per accusing Coconut, Pescado, or Delphy of this - any of them might have the computer knowledge to commit your fake security breach - but they are to busy rolling on the floor laughing their asses off watching while you and your brother make utter morons of themselves-

By condoning Shakeshafts theft you make all the FA's, SA's and submitters  at your site and other paysites look  like shitty  lying thieves and not all of them are at least in the sense of stealing others work.You also make your Fuck Buddies EA look bad because by condoning your actions they will lose yet another 641 million dollars in sale the 2009 fiscal year just like they lost in the last quarter alone of the 2008 fiscal year (yes folks thats true check their quarterly report at the Hastings site- presumably over SporeRom Phail and the cruddy economy- plus being TSR tools) and wanna know what - if they do - they won't blame the freesites- we don't violate their EULA - since most of your creators aren't capable of using more than Bodyshop or Homecrafter (how many FA's is it that you have that only create sims and wallpaper ,Studiok, Chaz, Marko, need I keep going ) the tools belong to EA and therefore - your creators are violating EA's EULA - moron  - and EA is just setting your company up for a fall when no one buys Sims 3 or any other games (at least not new - as they don't get profits from used game sales) or any of their other games because of your actions and theirs in regards to this issue.

Also given that other than Sctinky and Parsism every creator at the EA Camp was from TSR or a site of  a TSR FA or SA - bull shit

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 01, 22:01:15
* Applauds Zazazu

I find the fact that you asshats put a question mark at the end of your statement's title; TSR: Accusations, Lies, Bullying? quite appropriate. Because the answer to all of them is yes -

TSR does make FALSE and misleading accusations.

TSR does in fact lie, and has so from the beginning.

TSR does in fact bully, not only other community members, but entire forums as well.

It does sucks that people like you have been allowed to get away with your shitty behavior for so long, but I take much comfort in the fact that I'm involved with a site that is costing EACH AND EVERYONE of you thieving pigs money. -  :-*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Sigmund on 2009 April 01, 22:01:55
Sounds like an American Congressperson when they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  "I am innoccent; they are all lying about me, so ignore their truths and listen to my lies so I can get re-elected and keep stealling you blind."

Yep, I tend to agree. And to think I still have a little over 2 months left on my subscription at that POS site. >:( Maybe I should put it to good use... ;)

You should. I'm pretty sure there's a sticky here that lists any of the people to contact.

Incidentally, I find it interesting that Johan initially showed up and prefaced all of his statements with "I don't know". Now he seems to be taking the position that he's actually very much in the know, but can't directly answer anything here because it's all one big sekkrit.  ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 01, 22:04:13
Luckily, (unluckily) for the Sims community-TSR are sociopath LIARS, who have fallen victim to their own lies. It's a proven FACT that liars will keep exaggerating their tales to fit what they need at the moment, with no regard to their PREVIOUS lies. They are stuck in their sticky web of deceit, and now it has become easy for all of us to see through their sick schemes. It's not a coincidence that the sim secret hackings are all of a sudden being tied in with the MTS2 hacking--they simply forgot about that one. Opps. And since we know Atwat is NOT involved with this most recent hacking event (straight from the Johan @ TSR  mouth) the suspect list has dwindled.  (1 suspect left.-Who could that be??)-Remember, that it can't be the "FA Haxor" since  Buggy's info is in the NON-COMPROMISED reg. user area (like the rest of their non-fa members!)

Your AFD statement--Gawwdd. Don't you guys KNOW when to shutup?? Apparently, you don't.  In a way, you are helping to safeguard the community, since we can now see through your illegal activities and STAY AWAY from you. (But alas, you need to learn how to STAY AWAY from US.) We want sanity and peace. You are filth who keeps intruding upon our rights as game players, fans and now (not really a new thing) cc creators. And yes, WHY did you NOT mention SHAKESHAFT'S THEFT in your statement? Ahh, I think we know why...

You guys are disgusting. I call BULLSHIT.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Kyna on 2009 April 01, 22:07:28
Myth: TSR's security breach has compromised everyone's account and identity

The Story: This is the newest one, and a direct result from my chat with Delphy. He informed his community that TSR was subject to a security breach early this year. He doesn't know the details and never actually claimed to in his post, but it has been twisted and turned into the "fact" that all TSR member accounts had been compromised and that TSR did nothing to inform or protect them. Its now even suggested that subscribers credit card details are included.

The Fact: No user accounts were compromised

Then how was someone able gain to access to Buggybooz' password via TSR?

When Delphy asked Steve this question the other day, Steve implied that the security breach was responsible for the leaking of Buggy's password.  Now you're telling us "nope, it wasn't, no way could the password have been acquired through the security breach, as no user accounts were compromised".

If Buggy's password wasn't acquired from TSR by hacking, then someone at TSR who has access to (unencrypted!) passwords either used it themselves or leaked it to whoever did use it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Marhis on 2009 April 01, 22:11:03
Thanks for the laugh, really. Did you got business lessons from Walt, by any chance?

If you really think your pseudo serious-business-corporation pose and blabber might be taken seriously by the people OUTSIDE of TSR brotherhood, you've been exposed to idiots for too long, and lose the grasp on the world out there.

But I guess you deserve each other, so everything it's ok; I'm even more glad, now, to be different from you and your oh-so-professional-and-mature attitude. I wouldn't have imagined it would be possible: good job.

Pity I'm NOT a pirate, hm?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Kyna on 2009 April 01, 22:14:08
Incidentally, I find it interesting that Johan initially showed up and prefaced all of his statements with "I don't know". Now he seems to be taking the position that he's actually very much in the know, but can't directly answer anything here because it's all one big sekkrit.  ::)

Of course he was in the know.  He was sent over here to find out the list of issues that the wider community has with TSR, so that they could write that garbage statement to address the issues.

We know the statement is garbage, but it wasn't aimed at us.  It is designed to reassure the sheeple who have heard rumours about what is really happening at TSR.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 01, 22:15:39
I keep telling ya, it's the Kool-Aid they're serving, it rots what they had for brains until it becomes as full of holes as sieve.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Marhis on 2009 April 01, 22:21:09
Now you're telling us "nope, it wasn't, no way could the password have been acquired through the security breach, as no user accounts were compromised".

Silly Kyna, OF COURSE!

Don't you know that every hacker (or better, cracker), soon after breaching someone else's server, always leaves a receipt detailing what exactly did they do?
That's how TSR knows, in detail, what data were sadly used against them (poor victims; there, there, have an handkerchief for your tears) and what data were totally safe. No doubt. This is exactly how professional businesses work. Right.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ScooterBabe on 2009 April 01, 22:28:00
Sounds like an American Congressperson when they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  "I am innoccent; they are all lying about me, so ignore their truths and listen to my lies so I can get re-elected and keep stealling you blind."

Yep, I tend to agree. And to think I still have a little over 2 months left on my subscription at that POS site. >:( Maybe I should put it to good use... ;)

Yes, yes you should. Hopefully, you were smart enough to use a different username here than there. They read everything over here.

Of course I did! :D I may be a noob here, but not to other forums. ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Nietzsche on 2009 April 01, 22:37:10
Hey, johan. You and your brother have a nice little racket going on. Making 13 year olds pay for things that they could get for free, wish I had that business acumen. But, now that you all have gotten caught with your grubby little hands in the cookie jar, what are you going to do? Most of the people here are over the age of 18, which means they can organize a lot better than your group of indoctrinated tweens. My conclusion? TSR is a wannabe monopoly. My premiss? Your continuous abuse of the consumers at your site, the complete lack of ethics involved in the creation of FA content, and your constant childish behavior prove that you all are nothing more than the bitches who'll wake up all alone. So admit your wrongs before we have to force you to.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jorganza on 2009 April 01, 22:37:58
Did anyone catch this?

"Bullies are the lowest of the low, and we don't think they have a place in a Sims game playing community! We do, and we aren't going anywhere!"

At least they admit that they're bullies (or either that they like to seriously contradict themselves.)  :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 01, 22:40:32
Did anyone catch this?

"Bullies are the lowest of the low, and we don't think they have a place in a Sims game playing community! We do, and we aren't going anywhere!"

At least they admit that they're bullies (or either that they like to seriously contradict themselves.)  :P

LMAO How well placed TSR. Sly little devils you  ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 01, 22:42:54
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 01, 22:44:43
They're playing the "Pescado is mean and he is our enemy, so we must be good!" card. Some people will buy it and rejoice loudly. Hopefully most people will see the lack of logic.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ShadySentinel on 2009 April 01, 22:54:59
Just squeaking in to throw in that in most of the LJ communites I belong to (that are Sims related of course) all have posted links to this thread and all the others...and are proceeding to make fun of Thoma$$.
Lots of laughs.
I also really like how he referred to that completely unclear rambling from MaxoidDrea/Hydra/whatev the fuck as proof that what they're doing is A-OK.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 01, 22:56:55
This is from the official statement composed by EA Legal (not a forum moderator as the Pirates like to claim), as posted by EA recently:

"...Whether players choose to share their original artistic creations with the community is up to them: some custom content creators design work for a fee; some host their works on sites that organize, store and serve an enormous amount of content for subscribers; some artists request donations; and some artists allow all players to download their creations for free. These artists set their own terms for how they want to share their talents with the community at large. Those terms should be respected by other players."

This is from the company that hold all rights to Sims game code. Does that read that Paysites are illegal to you?

So much fail I don't know where to begin.  

1: If it was an "official" statement, why was it posted by a mere Maxoid?   If it's an official statement, shouldn't an official person be making it?  

Potential comeback:  The BBS is official enough!  EA doesn't have to have something posted officially!  That's what maxoids are for!
Response to potential comeback:  Humble had all the time in the world to assure people that Sims 3 would not have SecRom on it, and it wasn't just by a cutsie little note left in the BBS, it was on the front page of the site under "news."

2: Generally, "official" announcements don't use internet slang (that little post he refers to is on the BBS, and uses the word 'plz' in the title.  Not "Please," but "plz.")

Potential comeback: Drea is just trying to get people's attention, and internet slang usually does the trick.
Response to potential comeback:  Yeah, it also makes you look like a twelve year old AOL user.  It does not put forth any air of professionalism about that announcement, it makes it look like a joke.  

3: How come only YOUR artists rights are taken into consideration?  I want my stuff removed from your site.  So does Paleoanth.  So do other people.  Yet you refuse.  How come your rights need to be protected, but only yours?

Potential Comeback: You signed an agreement that said we could keep your stuff.  STFU!
Response to Potential Comeback: I changed my mind.  My terms now are no pay sites.    I'm still the artist of those items, I created them, I want them removed. These are my terms now, and I want you to respect them.  

The story: The Pirates want the pay content but they don't want to have to pay for it. It's in their nature. Read their forums, they openly pirate Expansion Packs and they intend to do the same with Sims 3. "I'm going to Arr Sims 3" means they will steal it rather than give EAxis as they call them, any more money.

The story, huh?  If we wanted your precious pay content so badly, why would we have a thread that encourages people to look for free alternatives?  Most of the core members don't even use the booty, we prefer to keep our games as clean of pay content as possible. The only pay TSR content I have in my game, is content I downloaded when I was a paying member or had an incentive day.  

Yes, some people here are planning on Arring Sims 3, but that doesn't mean all of them are.  I admit I thought about it, but it wasn't because I wanted to steal it.  I and other members have stated several times that we wanted to own the game, not steal it, but that if EA was going to have SecRom on it, we weren't going to risk it.  I don't like to steal.  In fact, the whole idea has bothered me enough that it's one of the many reasons why I just am not going to bother with Sims 3 at all.  

I find it ironic that members of your site were sending out links to get illegal copies of PSP and other software, yet you claim to be holy and pure.  Bullshit.  Your former artist manager sent out email and PM's telling Paleoanth, myself, and others how to get illegal copies of graphics programs.  Maybe she doesn't work for you anymore, but she did when we got them.  If we have to take into consideration that just because a member did it, it doesn't mean everyone does it, it works both ways.   SOME pirates believe in ARRing.  Not all of them.  And the reasons why they believe in it are their own business, and we owe you no explanations.  How about your Artist Manager encouraging people to download pirated copies of PSP?  I'll bet you don't want to explain that, do you?

Pay content is about choice, if you want it, and can afford it, then buy it. If you don't want to or can't buy it, go for the free stuff. Piracy is theft. Theft is illegal, selling CC for The Sims games clearly isn't! Anyone with any ability to see sense can work that out for themselves.

1: That's the problem, it isn't clear.  If EA comes out with an official statement saying that it is all right to have a commercial website and to sell items commercially,  I will no longer be seen on this board (I'll lose all respect for EA, but that's not important to you, right?)  If EA comes out and says, "We sanction TSR as an official fansite that is allowed to sell content," I will leave this site unless all TSR stuff is removed from the booty.  I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Potential comeback:  But we haz a statement! See above!
Response to potential comeback:  A vague statement, that still claims that the EULA isn't changing  (I noticed that part of the "official" statement is missing from your cut 'n paste up there)  and the EULA is what's official.  Anything else is just a suggestion.  Even the wording in the statement points to their suggestion.  there rights "should" be respected.  What your official statment really boils down to, is someone trying to placate you, while still keeping the true law intact.  Sorry, to me the EULA speaks a lot louder than a statement posted on a BBS.   Again, if EA really believes in you, let 'em prove it.  Let 'em state clearly that they don't mind at all if you charge, that it's perfectly "legal" to them.  

The story: Initially it was claimed that TSR and other Paysites shared subscriber's credit card details between themselves to create bogus accounts and take payments for them without the card owner knowing. When we pointed out that PayPal handles the transaction and the service provider never sees credit card numbers, that part of the accusation got deleted because it was realised for once, that someone making something up didn't actually constitute a fact.

1:  That was not the issue.  You hadn't been accused of making bogus charges on people's credit cards, or if you were, there is no official evidence of it, so it can't be considered fact.  What you were accused of doing, was sharing personal details about paid subscribers that you suspected were pirates with members of your site who were not administrators, but merely hired help.  You were also accused of cackling gleefully about catching people who still had several months left on a subscription, banning them, but keeping their money anyway.  Those are what the screenshots showed.  Not you making illegal charges.   Several times it was suggested that if you had mentioned these people only by their "screen names" it would have been considered merely petty, but not harmful.  But you shared real names and other real information.  At one point, one of your members even shared someone's true phone number and encouraged other people to call this person and harass them.  

Potential comeback:  No we didn't.
response to Potential Comeback:  Prove it.  And having Dot play a ten year old game of "Hai, Screenshots are faked!" is not proving it.  Honestly, I don't think you can really prove that now, because you waited too long.   If you had the "true" pages, you should have been able to show them ages and ages ago.    Sorry, you lose this one.  

The Pirates didn't like that we were on to them so cooked up this story because at the time they didn't know how we were catching them. They hated it even more when they found we used their own shared files against them! Of course they now know, but wont retract their claim because it adds too much value to their smear campaign.

1: I can't speak for everyone, but what I heard from the pirates was that the files had a tracker in them.  I only worried that it was worse, when I saw BlackGarden gleefully cackling how booty files were crashing people's systems.  Until then, I was convinced that the trackers were nothing more than an irritation, not something that was potentially damaging.  

Fact: The owner of Reflexsims approached Thomas privately about the growing piracy situation, asking for advice on how to deal with it. Thomas' first advice was, quote: "you need to stop allowing them to trash paysites in bigforums such as yours". She tried just this and in return got kicked out of the very forum she started!

1: If she got kicked out, then why did she have a noticed up that she was giving up the forum?  First there was a notice that she was handing over the forum to someone else, then the next thing, the forum was closed.  If you're kicked out of a place, you don't usually leave a lovely little note about how sorry you are, but you just don't have the time to run the forum anymore.  

The Story: This is the newest one, and a direct result from my chat with Delphy. He informed his community that TSR was subject to a security breach early this year. He doesn't know the details and never actually claimed to in his post, but it has been twisted and turned into the "fact" that all TSR member accounts had been compromised and that TSR did nothing to inform or protect them. Its now even suggested that subscribers credit card details are included.

1: Either you got this one wrong, or I might have started this one, and if so, it was a misunderstanding.  I mentioned that if the site had been hacked, whoever hacked it could easily get some valuable information.  I mentioned that because I paid with a credit card, that I had given you 100% honest information in my member profile, because I believed that in order to pay by CC, the two would have to match up.  Also, since the information wasn't visible to anyone but me and the staff at TSR, I figured it was safe.   I also admitted I shared a lot of personal information by PM with folks, and kept those PM's.  IF your site was hacked while I was a member, and they went after my account, they would have access to serious information I do not want made public.  I never said that my credit card was in jeopardy.  

If our information is correct we actually know who she is, and given that she once wanted desperately to be an FA at TSR but didn't get it, we think it explains quite a lot about her bitterness towards us, don't you?

Boy, it sure is taking a lot of time for you to prove this.  Are you sure you guys are all that smart?  I mean, shouldn't you have caught this person by now since she's just a bitter person.  Why would a bitter person have so much time and patience to plan attacks so slowly?  She's been able to do this for months, according to you, why not destroy and run?  

But, I'll be fair.  I look forward to seeing this evidence.   (And yes, there had better be evidence, not just "We said!")  I will go over this evidence with as fair a mind as I can. If I conclude you are still wrong, then that's how it goes.  If I conclude that given your evidence and that of Coconut, a true conclusion cannot be reached, then I will never tell anyone that you shared personal information, I will say that you've been accused of it, but that it wasn't proven.  If I end up believing you, then I will never again say anything about TSR sharing information, or closing down reflex Sims forum, or any of the other things you've been accused of.

However, I won't stop bitching and whining about you still having my minisite up, because that IS a fact and it's easy enough to prove.  And, I won't stop hanging around here, because that has nothing to do with the EULA and that whole issue.  But I will not mention again, any of the crimes you manage to prove your innocence with, unless it is to correct someone who is misinformed and is still accusing you.  

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 22:58:26
I have but one thing to say (well several but thats beside the point) Although a lot of us may initially have bought your shit at TSR figuratively and literally - the shit has hit the fan- literally and figuratively- Only a 12 would believe the logic of this statement and guess what 12 year olds don't have Paypal, Mastercard, Visa, or Bank of East Shittyhump - and if they have halfway decent, financially savvy parents - those parents will do some consumer research and see what the gaming sites  and mags (many of whom have received forum posts letters to editor etc), and people who actually play the sims and create for the game are saying - So guess what unless  your straighten up and fly right you will even lose the tweeny sheeple that you love to fleece.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ShadySentinel on 2009 April 01, 23:06:18
LOL...Someone posted this thread on the BBS talking about their favorite April Fool's day joke...their last one was the article by Thoma$$...and MaxoidHydra completely misses it.
I chuckled.,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.127,item.23&threadID=9de6094c18a98e134daf563f77a69e95&directoryID=2&startRow=1

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 01, 23:08:32
That is funny, but let's not point it out to the EAxoids. ;)  Or maybe we should, so they'll get hand cramps from all the censoring?

edit: Ok, I'm blind.  Hydra actually read it, replied, didn't stompinate it.  She really did miss it.  Even funnier than I originally thought.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ShadySentinel on 2009 April 01, 23:14:45
That is funny, but let's not point it out to the EAxoids. ;)  Or maybe we should, so they'll get hand cramps from all the censoring?
Lol, I think we should just leave it. On the one hand, people will see the shit that Thoma$$ is spewing and possibly believe him, but on the other, I think more people will get curious about wtf is going on. You know, do a little reading around, finding the phorum, coconut's blog and whatnot.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: eifslitc on 2009 April 01, 23:15:26
LOL...Someone posted this thread on the BBS talking about their favorite April Fool's day joke...their last one was the article by Thoma$$...and MaxoidHydra completely misses it.
I chuckled.,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.127,item.23&threadID=9de6094c18a98e134daf563f77a69e95&directoryID=2&startRow=1
LOL. Maybe he was trying to play it cool by not drawing attention to it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 01, 23:19:47
Yes, the BBS thread is a stealth thread.  What I meant was, let's not draw the EAxoids attention to the thread by posting the link here, since they do read stuff here.  I could just be overly paranoid though.

I saw a BBS thread yesterday by someone asking what TSR was.  They had heard lots about it and wanted to know what the commotion was about.  Many people answered, and they were in agreement with what's stated in these forums.  So yay!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 01, 23:22:53
I caught Hydra's veiled threat.

Apparently in BBS speak "keep it sims related" means "don't talk negatively about TSR as they are making my car payments".

Sad twat.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 23:29:35
 " Keep it Sims Related" Yes Hydra because we all know that The SIMS resource is really about WNBA Challenge 2008, or Spore, or maybe Barbie Fantasy World in La La Land

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 01, 23:30:56
Has anyone confirmed Dot's whereabouts on the night in question? I'm pretty sure buggy's pots had some shapes. Maybe it was a jealously thing.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 01, 23:32:39
Apparently in BBS speak "keep it sims related" means "don't talk negatively about TSR as they are making my car payments".
I don't understand why she didn't just lock it or delete it.  Dare I hope they've seen the futility of that?

edit: Or is it okay because it's a link to TSR lies?  The post itself is critical of TSR, but the link is to TSR spewage.  Maybe that's why it's not stomped?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 01, 23:39:26
And still, Buggubooz's stolen meshes have not been removed yet?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 23:42:21
nope and anytime someone with a still legit sub comments- on any of her work about the issue it is yet again removed by dear dear Cadiva

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 01, 23:42:47
Quote from: CatOfWar
I don't understand why she didn't just lock it or delete it.  Dare I hope they've seen the futility of that?

I couldn't explain it either. Maybe she had an epiphany and realized that you can only ban so many of your customers before, you know, there aren't any left to ban. There's also a slim chance she got laid last night and came to work today in an especially chipper mood. Who's to say really? 

When you're dealing with a compromised maxoid anything is possible, I guess.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: fleurcreole on 2009 April 01, 23:44:48
As much as I hate TSR, the whole "we want our creations removed" part would need something better than "we changed our minds". So If I signed a contract then the next day I decided I wanted out, I'd be stupid to believe that the contract would be annulled immediately. That is the whole point of having a contract! However if the creators knew ( and not just thought; that is a shitty legal defense, then again what's legitimacy when it comes to TSR?) as in they were told by TSR, that their creations were going to be removed then by all means, do ignore my rambling.

I couldn't explain it either. Maybe she had an epiphany and realized that you can only ban so many of your customers before, you know, there aren't any left to ban. There's also a slim chance she got laid last night and came to work today in an especially chipper mood. Who's to say really?
My money's on the second. Have we got any takers?

I don't get it. How can TSR still have so many subscribers? It's like they never venture outside of the "safe" haven of TSR and the BBS.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 01, 23:45:47
Apparently in BBS speak "keep it sims related" means "don't talk negatively about TSR as they are making my car payments".
I don't understand why she didn't just lock it or delete it.  Dare I hope they've seen the futility of that?

edit: Or is it okay because it's a link to TSR lies?  The post itself is critical of TSR, but the link is to TSR spewage.  Maybe that's why it's not stomped?

Well they are not squashing (yet) but they sure are deleting comments-they just deleted the last post a few secs ago but mine's still there..(..under the radar somehow? (*(fake)agreeing with it I suppose??)..) hmm how convenient they deleted the one referring to this site...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ShadySentinel on 2009 April 01, 23:47:24
Yes, the BBS thread is a stealth thread.  What I meant was, let's not draw the EAxoids attention to the thread by posting the link here, since they do read stuff here.  I could just be overly paranoid though.

I saw a BBS thread yesterday by someone asking what TSR was.  They had heard lots about it and wanted to know what the commotion was about.  Many people answered, and they were in agreement with what's stated in these forums.  So yay!
...Should I remove the link?  :o

I caught Hydra's veiled threat.

Apparently in BBS speak "keep it sims related" means "don't talk negatively about TSR as they are making my car payments".

Sad twat.
As much as I agree that Hydra is indeed a twat, I think she really was referring to the second poster talking about pranking her sons. Or whatever she did.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 01, 23:48:37
As much as I hate TSR, the whole "we want our creations removed" part would need something better than "we changed our minds". So If I signed a contract then the next day I decided I wanted out, I'd be stupid to believe that the contract would be annulled immediately.

How about this.  The TSR contract doesn't allow the creator to have any say.  TSR and EA bray "respect creators wishes!" but the TSR contract says a creator's wishes don't matter, TSR gets to keep the creator's work forever and use it in any way they please, regardless of any wishes the creator may have.

(edited to remove my double post)
...Should I remove the link?  :o
I thought of removing the link, but then saw Hydra's comment in the thread.  She knows about it.  She's removing specific comments.  So no, wouldn't help.  Ignore silly Cat.  Silly Cat is silly.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 01, 23:52:23
I don't get it. How can TSR still have so many subscribers? It's like they never venture outside of the "safe" haven of TSR and the BBS.

There's that, but also, there are people who think anyone who causes conflict is bad. Therefore the people who are making fusses are the problem. This is a very common theme every activist group I've ever read about has had to contend with. It's a bit worse here because it's "just a game", and people who get angry about anything connected to it are supposedly the ones who are doing something wrong. Besides, aren't those nasty pirates big ol' meany heads? And led by Pescado, who may in fact be the devil himself?

Just a few things I've seen in the past two days on other websites: it's just a game! There are two sides to every story! Both sides have done bad things, and no one can really tell who's wrong! (That's a big one.) Pirates are childish and want free stuff! I love TSR and have friends there and nothing will make me leave! I hate this drama! Why can't we all get along -- it's the pirates' fault that we're not getting along! People just hate TSR for no reason, they're jealous, they're mean! Pescado hurts people and is a meany-head and a hacker!

I'm really fucking sick of the Sims community right now.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 01, 23:55:10
Most creators that have left TSR because of lack of control or creative rights over what they make have free sites where they post all their TSR stuff - or they immediately x-post at Mod the Sims and other free sites- this way the same content is available for free to a savvy user.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 01, 23:57:38
Neriana pointed out several reasons good reasons.  My husband thought of another one.  Some people think if you attack something they like, you are attacking them.  If they think you are attacking a game they like, you're attacking them for liking the game, or calling them stupid because they bought it.  They get angry and can't see that this is not about the game nor is it a personal attack against them.  Angry people don't listen well.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: fleurcreole on 2009 April 02, 00:00:52

How about this.  The TSR contract doesn't allow the creator to have any say.  TSR and EA bray "respect creators wishes!" but the TSR contract says a creator's wishes don't matter, TSR gets to keep the creator's work forever and use it in any way they please, regardless of any wishes the creator may have.

As much as I feel bad for those creators, they should not have signed period. Saying that you didn't know what the contract entails is not a defense. Read the fine lines! Yes I am aware TSR is violating many rules right now but my post was about the contract itself and the whole changing sides defense. Okay, say the contract is illegal but don't act as if you did not sign over your creations to TSR at some point. I just want to make sure there are no loopholes for TSR trolls to exploit.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 00:05:04
The biggest one I'm hearing is - I am not part of that community so it doesn't affect me- Yes it does- unethical business practices affect everyone - I don't drive- but do high gas prices affect me- yeah they do cause I have to pay more for public transportation- Given the number of free site shut downs instigated by TSR and associates - it does affect the Sims Community even if they don't download from TSR, post on the official BBS, belong to the Booty, GOS, Insim, MATY, Mod the Sims or any of the other sites where the community is p'od about this stuff- because  if you are hanging out in one of the sites that is on the fence about this - they are the ones that TSR goes after the creators on ,and they are the sites that get shut down if if the site owner is willing to willing to kiss their ass against the creators wishes- RSF need I say more- So it affects everyone - I wish people would get over the attitude that things don't affect them or that if they aren't involved it is not their problem- I pointed out to someone on LJ that
If TSR gets away with Shady dealings it could be LJ or any other site or comm next. And even if they are not guilty of what they are currently accused of (and though I don't believe it for a minute I am going to wait for Pescado and Delphy to track all the shit down and put their case together) they have been guilty of shit in the past and if people are afraid their pretty (not ) downloads will go away - even now with S3 on the horizon there are more free sites with pretty stuff than pay.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 02, 00:13:20
As much as I hate TSR, the whole "we want our creations removed" part would need something better than "we changed our minds". So If I signed a contract then the next day I decided I wanted out, I'd be stupid to believe that the contract would be annulled immediately. That is the whole point of having a contract! However if the creators knew ( and not just thought; that is a shitty legal defense, then again what's legitimacy when it comes to TSR?) as in they were told by TSR, that their creations were going to be removed then by all means, do ignore my rambling.

Ah, but if that whole statement is to be taken as the gospel truth, it doesn't state that I am not allowed to change policy, does it?  It says my wishes "should" be respected.  I want my stuff removed.  Those are my wishes.  Yes, I did agree that when I uploaded my stuff that they then "owned" it, but c'mon, that's just like their EULA, isn't it?  It doesn't really have to be respected, does it?  What matters is the artists wishes.  

It's another example of how TSR tries to have their cake, eat it, and own the bakery.   They want us to follow their rules to the letter, but feel free to mess with anyone else.   I want my stuff removed and others do too.  If they really wanted to respect the artists wishes, they'd remove it, just to show that they are the good guys, and not the bullies they accuse us of being.  

In truth, as much as I'd love them to remove my stuff, I don't for a moment believe they will.  I am going to continue to bitch until they remove my minisite  because it is in the rule that you can have your account cancelled.  A cancelled account should mean your page is gone.  As it is now, people could still send me PM's or write in my GB, and I can't do anything about it.  It's MY name and my information (at least what I claimed it to be) they have no right to keep that posted up on their site.  But they won't do it, because they're so not bullies,  that they take some strange pride in keeping it up, I guess.  If it were me, I'd have gotten rid of it ages ago.  Who wants the mini site of someone who openly and cheerfully is against you, on your page?  Seems a little weird to me.  But, I think they're going, 'As long as it pisses her off, we'll show her! We'll fix her little red wagon but good!"  

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Chelsea on 2009 April 02, 00:15:51
Does TSR realize that when their FA's pirate another creator's things, that they are actually pirates?

And I really just think Hydra is a moron, and didn't click on the TSR link, assuming it was a real joke that TSR was pulling.

Remember kids, he/she/it isn't that bright. If it was, it wouldn't be a moderator on the BBS.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ShadySentinel on 2009 April 02, 00:44:26
Apparently in BBS speak "keep it sims related" means "don't talk negatively about TSR as they are making my car payments".
I don't understand why she didn't just lock it or delete it.  Dare I hope they've seen the futility of that?

edit: Or is it okay because it's a link to TSR lies?  The post itself is critical of TSR, but the link is to TSR spewage.  Maybe that's why it's not stomped?

Well they are not squashing (yet) but they sure are deleting comments-they just deleted the last post a few secs ago but mine's still there..(..under the radar somehow? (*(fake)agreeing with it I suppose??)..) hmm how convenient they deleted the one referring to this site...
I saw that cartoon earlier today and just went back to peek and see what you said but I still laugh my ass off everytime. *sigh*
If we ever succeed at getting TSR to shut down we'll have less to laugh at. Sad. :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 00:52:11
Unfortunately not- they have money and will probably come back with another site and spew more shite all over the place.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 02, 00:56:05
Quote from: neriana
I'm really fucking sick of the Sims community right now.

I do understand that what you're saying, that there is some resistance to change out there. But, at the same time, resentment towards TSR has never been more palpable within the simming community. At one time in this community, talking negatively about a site like TSR (or the individuals who chose to be involved with it) would have brought down fire and brimstone on anyone who'd dared. If you did, you did it quietly or else you just kept it to yourself. That's changed a lot. And it's continuing to change. There are a lot of reasons for it, but aside from the work of Pescado, PMBD and, of course, coconut, I suspect another big reason is cultural. The flagging world economy is making many people angry and less likely to put up with bullshit from corrupt businesses. The whole greed-is-good mentality that permeated the business world for so long now has a spot light on it and is under serious scrutiny. Not even a pissy little company like TSR is exempt from what's happening on a global level.

So I wouldn't get too disheartened by any residual negativity, neriana. The way I see it, the whiners will either have to change and adapt or else be consigned to the past.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 01:03:30
Of course if the number of Simmers who are ticked off and EA's complicity in TSR's corrupt business practices - and their condoning by omission of the hacking of free sites for the benefit of paysites, the violation of the EULA on the Content tools, the fact that we have had to rely on Pescado, Delphy, TJ, Squinge and Numenor to fix EATSRs borked shit etc- Than EA will sell TSR right up shit creek without a paddle - simply because while TSR might lose a couple thousand dollars from subs and creators who are sick of the crud- EA stands to lost much much more- many people aren't just planning to not buy Sims 3 new or legally but they are not planning to buy any EA games new or legally for any system or in any genre of gaming . This means EA will be screwed- and by default so will TSR

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 02, 01:04:13
Quote from: neriana
I'm really fucking sick of the Sims community right now.
So I wouldn't get too disheartened by any residual negativity, neriana. The way I see it, the whiners will either have to change and adapt or else be consigned to the past.

Overall, I agree with you. I've just had something happen somewhere I didn't expect it, and it's disappointed me. Besides all the arguments I listed, I've also seen some people who've woken up to what's going on. Well, that's activism for you: two steps forward, one step back, and sometimes the step back is into a big pile of poo :P.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Land Lubber on 2009 April 02, 01:15:26
you all know your fighting a somewhat losing  :o battle
TSR is the first site sims players have contact with outside of the exchange

ye I know "SHEEPLE "

you know what? that just turns them (sheeple) off to the message you get more converts by homey than you do by calling them stupid

personally I couldn't care less
The constant pressure to commit to one side or the other
you like the stuff I create?
no-one tells me who, why, where I share


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 02, 01:18:38
Yup - I got Rock Band 2 since I'm a hug fan of music games, and they're more fun when played with friends.  And I was buying additional music, but stopped, as much as I'd like to have those songs for the game.

I live in a house of five adults who -all- game.  Five people who are unlikely to buy anything from EA.  I won't even play WAR, because its EA - and around here, an MMO I don't play tends to not be played by anyone else here.

And if we're fighting a losing battle, why are the admins at TSR so damn desperate that instead of going' Shakeshaft, look, lose that download, they caught on to you stealing it?'  Why did they go in and destroy [unsuccessfully] Buggy's account?  Why did they lie about it, and with so many conflicting stories that its obvious even without all the evidence in, that they did it?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ShadySentinel on 2009 April 02, 01:19:26
you know what? that just turns them (sheeple) off to the message you get more converts by homey than you do by calling them stupid
I do not agree.
Quite a few of the members here used to subscribe to TSR or were even artists there.
As I mentioned, on the LJ communities they're spreading the word and I have seen lots of comments about how they are no longer TSR customers and how can they help our cause?

ETA: I don't think we have really ever called them stupid. Misguided, yes. And who better to redirect them than the Pirates?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 02, 01:19:34
Quote from: neriana
I'm really fucking sick of the Sims community right now.
So I wouldn't get too disheartened by any residual negativity, neriana. The way I see it, the whiners will either have to change and adapt or else be consigned to the past.

Overall, I agree with you. I've just had something happen somewhere I didn't expect it, and it's disappointed me. Besides all the arguments I listed, I've also seen some people who've woken up to what's going on. Well, that's activism for you: two steps forward, one step back, and sometimes the step back is into a big pile of poo :P.

Well, I suppose that's as good a way as any to refer to Thomas and Co.... :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 01:29:16
Landlubber- I can point out to you that you are wrong at least on my part - I don't know about the other people here but the first site I found was Mod the Sims- I did not even join the Exchange (since you get the downloads in your SP's and EP's if you have them all) until well after my third EP was purchased) While I do have a sub at TSR it was a gift- not something I really wanted as I like free stuff better- better quality for one- I know the stuff I have submitted there and at the Exchange is shit. As per sites against TSR getting people via being nice to them- Sheeple other than TSR employees like Johan don't tend to come here- they tend to go to TSR which is why they are sheeple- There are sites like spreading the word about TSR corruption - and for the most part we are nice until you say something so dumb that it makes it clear that you are either a TSR fanboy/girl, or a TSR/EA employee in disguise -  Frankly as a creator I have as little to do with the Exchange as possible as they don't credit creators, which makes content theft even easier, and they don't properly clean install or virus scan their files. If you don't care why bother to post???

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Camy on 2009 April 02, 01:46:04
Quote from: TSR
We haven't been very public about our opinion of all this and haven't been running around denying each and every lie because to be frank, it would be fruitless in many cases.

There you go TSR.  You fail once again.

Edit: Oh this is just too funny.

Quote from: TSR
This information was obtained unlawfully, without the permission of TSR, and distributed without permission also.

You admit it.  Good job.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 02, 01:52:46

personally I couldn't care less

Oh, I'll bet you could, if you really tried.  I'm betting there are millions of people who care a lot less than you.  It's just hard to track them down, because they can't be bothered to come here and tell us how little they care.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 02, 01:54:12
Actually, Dstar, one site can have their uploaded stuff removed from the exchange - three guesses as to which one.

And I started at the exchange and got tired of having my uploads vanish after a few weeks because no one noticed them and no one bothered to rate them to keep them around [not -noone- just not enough] and then someone would ask me to reupload it.  I'd first gone to MTS2 because alot of building tutorials used RGiles' clear floors.

I knew of TSR from sims 1 days, when paysites first came into existence - trying to make out like bandwidth was -so- high that it required 5 a month from 100+ people [closer to more].  And their site has always been damn hard to get around on, so I never went.

And even though when I made featured over at MTS2 when they were doing a lot of recruiting, they never bothered with me.  I guess generalists aren't wanted  ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 02, 02:01:58
personally I couldn't care less
The constant pressure to commit to one side or the other
you like the stuff I create?

I've never seen anyone "not care" in large, bolded, all-caps underlined font and large, all-caps red font before. Impressive.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 02:07:31
I have submitted at both - and I agree I don't like my stuff being ignored- I will admit - I have submitted shit at TSR- after my attitude (like with a lot of creators) was why not take advantage of the fact I didn't pay for the sub that I got for Christmas in order to get my stuff out there- frankly my lots were shit-- the Foursquare that I posted here is the best thing I have done so far- I am a relative noob at creating lots and most of them were just aww what the fuck experiments. I create lots and floors  and walls and would like to learn to do other things- TSR does not allow me to do that because their tutorials are shit- and the more experienced creators are not helpful-

 I can trust that people in the creators forums here- at GOS, and Mod the Sims will be honest with me when something does not work properly or look right- that in combination with the buggybooz/Shakeshaft/hacking/stealing issue and the corrupt business practices have driven me to leave. Not the mention the whole privacy issue/internet security identity theft thing- for one thing although my trust is a little lacking at the moment - I don't think that either Delphy or Pescado as the owner operators of Mod the Sims, or the Booty would sell my name address and credit info (not that they have that ) to the highest internet bidder for a little quick cash.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 02, 02:41:55
Not to mention that free creators will help you, and back you up if someone steals your stuff.

MTS2 is a great place for tutorials and asking for help with stuff.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 02:47:39
Thanks for reminding me actually- I have to go see if they have tutorial on  placing modular stairs as I have a lot request from a house plan that requires them going up to the entryway.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 02, 03:20:08
Modular stairs - I know there are several tutorials for those.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 03:39:56
Just found one thanks- Now for triangular modern windows- Have already gone and done several  WCIF searches at S2C - I don wanna use Shakeshafts  OFB windows - well the lot will have to have square modern windows cause I am trying not to use TSR content on this lot and won't use any of Shakeshafts shit- actually I kind of went on a deleting spree- over 2000 files from my dl folder - I deleted anything I don't use - all of Shakeshafts stuff that is not currently being used on my legacy lot- most of the stuff from SimsAddict99 that I don't use- most Windkeeper- I like her stuff - and she has not been heard from at TSR for nearly a year, I just don't use it, and all of Caschcrafts stuff- because it is beautiful but slows my game to much. I'm frankly more into the genetics anyways.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 02, 03:49:32
If you can tell me what sort of shape you want, other than triangle, I can make you some windows, if you didn't want to dive in and try yourself.  Windows aren't hard, and texture is as easy as repository, so it wouldn't take long.  Be a nice break from messing with my counter culture matching set work.

And yay for getting rid of TSR stuff - think I still have some reflective floors from where I was going to try to make some that were both less shiny and free, not pay.

Otherwise, I only use free stuff - if something is pay and I want it, I'll make my own.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 03:57:34
I am making this lot for neo-patriot - who saw the foursquare and my offer to do lots for people cause I know a lot of people love creating - everything except lots- unfortunately the triangles are the only window i need- I have plenty of modern windows- Tigs pretty Metro Window set will work perfectly - just the stupid triangles. I am not going to worry about it and just use half modern windows- I might actually have something - I seriously have a shit-ton of build mode stuff- my garden section makes Agway look poorly stocked- at any right following the architectural plan to the letter could lead to issues from the architectural company I told neo-patriot it probably wouldn't be done til Friday and have only searched WCIF- so I have enough time to post.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Sinthe on 2009 April 02, 04:02:36
I'm really more of a lurker but I've been following this since it started and I just read the TSR statement, which left me with a few questions:

1. Does anyone know what buggybooz's account name on TSR was? I've searched for both the name buggybooz and the names of her items on TSR and found nothing, which leads me to believe she used an entirely different name there. In that case,
2. How did this supposed hacker who stole the FA database connect buggybooz's account on TSR with the account on MTS2? Also,
3. AFAIK buggybooz is not an FA at TSR, so if only the FA passwords were stolen the "hacker" could not have gotten hers.
4. How did the hacker connect Thomas to the Hamilton account on MTS2?
5. Why would Thomas use his TSR password on MTS2 as well?

There's also the matter of simsecret and Sinthe's account being hacked into.
6. Does Sinthe use the same account name on TSR and LJ?
7. Was Sinthe an FA there?

Answering 6 & 7 now because I've been at work all night!

6. Yes, my display name on TSR and my username on LJ were (because my first TSR account was banned after they broke into my journal) both Sinthe. The passwords for both sites were also the same (yes, I know it's stupid!).

7. No, I was not. I'm a crappy artist... maybe I could be someday!  ;D The extent of my involvement on TSR has always been downloading free content, since I like some of the SA's there. I've never submitted any media, nor have I posted on their forums (to my recollection). My TSR password couldn't have been compromised if they had a security breach only affecting FA's or whatever the details of that particular lie are.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: De on 2009 April 02, 04:06:24
you all know your fighting a somewhat losing  :o battle
TSR is the first site sims players have contact with outside of the exchange

ye I know "SHEEPLE "

you know what? that just turns them (sheeple) off to the message you get more converts by homey than you do by calling them stupid

personally I couldn't care less
The constant pressure to commit to one side or the other
you like the stuff I create?
no-one tells me who, why, where I share


Um, are you ok? I doesn't seem as though you have left the Sims community at all and it also seems as if you care very much. And as someone else stated you are wrong about TSR being the first Sims site players have contact with. Mine was MTS2 as well.

Edit: Is anyone else having server timeout issues?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Craftingmomma on 2009 April 02, 04:16:56
I've been getting server time outs for about 24hrs.  Figure this is the first place a lot people go to get the latest.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 April 02, 04:27:50
Yeah, it took me four tries to get in tonight. I guess the letter those dipshits wrote is making us really popular today.  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Yaardarm Monkey II on 2009 April 02, 04:30:48

Just a few things I've seen in the past two days on other websites: it's just a game! There are two sides to every story! Both sides have done bad things, and no one can really tell who's wrong! (That's a big one.) Pirates are childish and want free stuff! I love TSR and have friends there and nothing will make me leave! I hate this drama! Why can't we all get along -- it's the pirates' fault that we're not getting along! People just hate TSR for no reason, they're jealous, they're mean! Pescado hurts people and is a meany-head and a hacker!

I'm really fucking sick of the Sims community right now.

 >:(   yuppers...and especially the ones that just want 'everything to be nice & happy happy'

And this mentality of 'oh well it doesnt affect me' is scary; remember the words of Pastor Niemoller:

"In Germany, they came first for the Communists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews,
And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . .
And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

And again those BBS sheep fail to recognize:  "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing"     :-\

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 04:35:54
That is what I said to someone over at SimsWank- yup it doesn't affect you until the corporate drones that now  run LJ , or Facebook, or Myspace, or FF.Net, or TwilightHarryPotterDoratheExplorer Fans Forums start trying to control everything you say- and what you can put in your journal and whether or not you can upload your CC there if you are a creator, and decreeing any opinions that go against what they say must be banned immediately- or the government decides that the Constitution no longer applies to anyone etc- Than guess what - it effects you .

And like I stated shoddy corrupt business practices effect everyone TSR Gets Away with it = So Does Everyone Else cause they think that they can won't get prosecuted, boycotted or whatever cause they are on the internet.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 02, 04:42:19
I think a lot of people just don't want to have to decide.  I think a lot of this has to do with Sims 3 coming out soon.  I commented on the BBS (before I was banned) that like it or not, if you buy Sims 3, you are sending a message that you don't mind that EA approves of TSR, and in your own way, you're helping to support their continued attitude of "We want to OWN all Sims 2 content!"  

People don't want to feel that getting Sims 3 is bad, not if they've been waiting for it.  They want to get it and play it, and feel good about it.  So, they're telling themselves that the Pirates are the bad ones, TSR is the good ones.   Now they can get Sims 3 and feel all is right with the world.

This all happening just before Sims 3 coming out, is both a blessing and a curse.  Most of us don't seem to care much about Sims 3.  But a lot of folks do, sadly enough.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 04:59:13
Even if I did I would be buying it used- and given the economy a lot of the people who do still give a shit about EA and want to play Sims 3 will buy it used to- that is what happens in a shitty economy people buy luxury items used if they buy them at all . EA may be  screwed even if some people still buy Sims 3- Hopefully enough of us won't buy it at least not immediately or new that it sends a message to EATSR that they are not okay  and that there are other, better- Non EA games to purchase even if we can't have our little pixels and oodles of CC- at that point I see EA throwing Thomass and Stevie boy to the ravening wolves of EULA violation, and internet security violation.- I already own Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon and Zoo Tycoon I am certain Bill Gates would be willing to take my 29.99 away from RodHumble/BenBell/EATSR for the three ZT Ep's I don't already own and their pretty little flight simulator game- or better yet Fable, Elder Scrolls Oblivion or one of their other rpg/sim games. After all if I am going to give my hard earned money away to a corrupt corporate drone it may as well be one who pretends to give a shit about their customers by at least making statements when something is wrong in his customer community (e.g. Vista Security issues statements or XBox360 issues).

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ShadySentinel on 2009 April 02, 05:52:09
The part that pisses me off -probably the most- is that the ones who are all "sunshiney and sparkles!" are under the impression we should be grateful that we even have The Sims 2 or some shit.
Like they don't know what it means to be a consumer.
I'd be grateful (maybe...big maybe) if they gave it to us for free...? But that is not the case, as we all know, and have forked over a lot of money for it. (Hence not wanting to fork over more money and look to the booty).

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 02, 06:02:28
The ones who are all sunshine and sparkles often haven't forked over money for it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 06:29:40
Know must of the sunshiney sparkly ones don't know what it means to be a consumer or they wouldn't be sucking up to companies that have crappy customer service, that don't care about their customers and that sell their info over the internet.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 02, 07:17:38
Know must of the sunshiney sparkly ones don't know what it means to be a consumer
  I can somewhat understand children acting childish, not knowing the value of a dollar, or common courtesy, or that bleating "all games are baaaa-ggy" does not an excuse EA's abysmal coding.  It's the ignorant adults that really upset me.  I said that people who don't care about corporate misbehavior keep bad businesses in business and some woman replied "So?".  She also said she didn't read the arguments against EA and TSR because she's too busy with three kids.  Not too busy to play the game or to post dumb comments apparently.  (I did not say that to her, of course.)  I'm done complaining for now. ;)  Many of you here have been speaking out for so long, dealing with worse nonsense, and you're still at it, so it seems watching foolish people type foolishness can be borne.

What are some effective ways to counter some of the apathy, the ignorance, and the common excuses people make for EA?

For example, can "all games are buggy" be countered like so?  Don't just say EA games are very buggy, say they are much buggier than other companies games.  Give examples of companies, such as Triumph Studios, that do more thorough testing and fix bugs faster.  If people say "but Sims2 is sooo complicated and has so many EPs", don't just say there are free community fixes, but give some specific examples.  Lord Darcy's fixed objects have full functionality, and work with different combination of EPs.  So just because EA can't / won't do it, doesn't mean it can't be done.  Give links to said examples.  Point out specific bugs that would have been caught if EA bothered to test.  Point out game crashing, game file corrupting bugs that EA never fixed or took forever to fix (while the free community fixed it much faster).  I have seen all these arguments used, but are they effective at convincing people?

What's the best way to convince short attention span people?  Those who can't be bothered to read a paragraph?  Put your key point at the beginning in bold?  Or just try to sum up each argument in one sentence?

How do people who don't frequent the BBS except to speak out avoid being treated as "outsiders"? .  I sure don't want to spend lots of time on the BBS, wading through mostly silly prattle, answering mostly silly questions, in order to build up a good reputation there.  I enjoy helping and answering questions on MTS2, but that's a much different environment.  I *am* an outsider on the BBS.  I try to be polite to other users, to present arguments in a non-confrontational way, but I doubt that will get me far if I'm seen as someone who only showed up to "argue" and "cause trouble".

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 April 02, 07:34:50
My first sims2 fansite find from the bbs was sims2uk.  I don't know why I didn't click the TSR link, I knew nothing about it and hadn't read anything negative about any sites. I have heard stories of TSR being ok in the sims 1 days, Maxis being fair when they had control, but I know nothing of this, I wasn't a sims player.  All I have known is the way TSR and EA are now. TSR came into the sims2 community with an ok image because they carried it over from sims1.  The image both EA and TSR will carry to the sims3 is the one here and now for the sims2. As for pirates wanting everything for free I bought all my games,  I want nothing for free, I do not download TSR either pay or free, I don't need them, this goes for any other pay sites that carry free items.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: paperbeth on 2009 April 02, 07:40:43
I just wanted to mention that I am a member of a sims group on myspace. Most of the members seem to be your average everyday players. Just the type of poeple who would end up at TSR not knowing any better. Lately I have seen quite a bit of enlightenment, on their part, on their forum. They have been talking about pay vs. free a lot lately and they seem to be coming to their own conclusions that TSR and EAxis are both not to be trusted. It is small but hopeful step in the right direction.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: snowball on 2009 April 02, 07:40:56
*delurking for a moment*

TSR is a little bit like a wart on the ass of EAxis. If EA pushes out some shit, then TSR is quick to go do some shitting in reply. If EA burn their collective asses, then TSR burns too. Also, TSR seems to be doing some serious asslicking, which is why they're so full of shit.  :-X

Sadly, EA chose to protect the shit of others as well. No good. Only protect your own shit.

If you type the word "shit" too many times, it looks really funny. Too bad the same thing can't be said of the word "TSR".

Ew. This was a bad one. Need to lurk MOAR! ;D
Shitty vocabulary at the moment - I haz it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: stepho on 2009 April 02, 08:06:15
A shit leopard can't change it's spots.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Saraswati on 2009 April 02, 08:23:13
I think a lot of people just don't want to have to decide.  I think a lot of this has to do with Sims 3 coming out soon.  I commented on the BBS (before I was banned) that like it or not, if you buy Sims 3, you are sending a message that you don't mind that EA approves of TSR, and in your own way, you're helping to support their continued attitude of "We want to OWN all Sims 2 content!"  

People don't want to feel that getting Sims 3 is bad, not if they've been waiting for it.  They want to get it and play it, and feel good about it.  So, they're telling themselves that the Pirates are the bad ones, TSR is the good ones.   Now they can get Sims 3 and feel all is right with the world.

This all happening just before Sims 3 coming out, is both a blessing and a curse.  Most of us don't seem to care much about Sims 3.  But a lot of folks do, sadly enough.

You guys have also got to realise that there's another factor that comes into play.. Things are very tough out there. I've got a semi-serious illness and my weeks are knocking the hell out of me. So sometimes when things are piling on top of you that badly, you need all the releif you can get to just get through your week. There's a million people out there like me that might get Sims 3 (I'm now thinking about it after the announcement about Securom) but we may not like TSR.. We may not say anything on the BBS but if we read enough stuff we get clear that we don't want to visit there or ever engage with the place. And if we open our mouths, we'll still tell the truth about TSR to others because Coconut educates us. It's a world of shades of grey rather than black and white.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Quorneater on 2009 April 02, 08:46:22
I feel totally sickened by this latest turn of events, but I have decided I am not going to let it affect my choice of what I want to play on my computer at home.  I am done making useless gestures.   If I thought that by not playing The Sims 3, I could make the world a better place, then it might be worth the effort.  But I don't think it's going to do a thing.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Craftingmomma on 2009 April 02, 09:16:52
For me, I'm not trying to change world.  I'm doing the things I can live with.  Part of that is not supporting a company who has treated their customer base like criminals, supports a site that has been caught so many times doing unethical things, and just generally lacks consumer support.  There are a lot of fun games that have nothing to do with EA or the Sims.  And plenty of companies that actually value their customer.  Those will be the games I play.  I'll continue with Sims 2 and maybe someday I'll pick up a used copy of Sims 3.

@CatOfWar  for the BBS, tech might be the place to start.  That's how I've built my reputation and I'm no techie.  A lot of questions can be answered by linking to the help section at MTS2 or even from EA's help section.  Gameplay also is a good area or any of the expansion pack sections.   I still manage to get into trouble though.  Have been warned twice, once for 4 words in all caps and once for telling someone to google Squinge and choose the .org site lol.  I also have a troll(a favorite of several) that I butt heads with from time to time.

It also helps if you have friends that can bene you on the BBS.  Pm me your BBS name and I'll look for you to give benes.  If you are who I think you are on the BBS, your doing fine.  Funny posts also get bene's.  It's kinda pick and choose your battles on the BBS.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Saraswati on 2009 April 02, 09:33:50
I think "doing things you can live with" is a good way to look at it.. It can be things big and small. In Inge's case she will make a HUGE difference by helping the Simmers who are around for Sims 3 by finding ways to mod it.  The biggest way is getting information out there.. and I think Pescado said it well, the net sees Censorship (even company driven censorship) as damage, and finds a way to route around it. ;) You guys are doing an outstanding job of ensuring this issue won't be forgotten.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kayley on 2009 April 02, 10:20:11
My little brother is a big gamer, he and his friends generally buy 4 or 5 games a month between them and swap them between themselves, and I explained all the happenings in the Sims community to him a couple days ago. He had been planning to pick up an EA game, but decided to go for one by a different company instead (Ubisoft, i think) and convinced all his friends to avoid them too.

He said that while it might not be directly relevant to him, (he played The Sims once and thought it sucked) if EA treat one gaming community like this, how long will it be until they start to treat others the same? He is already well aware of their excellent customer service "skills". It's not much, but if he spreads the word at school too EA will be losing a good 8 - 10 sales a month just from him and his friends and acquaintances from school.

I might pick up TS3 secondhand in about a years time, maybe.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Quorneater on 2009 April 02, 10:48:06
I am looking forward to trying CitiesXL, which should be out fairly soon (I hope).  Looks like being the SimCity5 we never got.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 April 02, 11:39:11
My choice to not buy the sims 3 is a personal one. I don't think that my not using paysites has an impact on them but that is my stand, it was my choice long before I knew of this site.  I hope modders are going to move forward to sims 3 if they can.  I would not wish an unmodded sims game on anyone.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 April 02, 12:47:14
Well, EA certainly hasn't treated the Mac Gaming community very well either. Yes, I know they will release Sims 3 for the Mac via a Cider emulation on the same day, but I still can't play it as I have an older Mac and refuse and don't have the money to buy a new Intel Mac. Yes, our ports were years and months behind the Windows releases and Pets was a total disaster that EA gave Aspyr hell over (Aspyr is the company that ports our Sims games). I have all the EP's Aspyr was allowed to port the last one being Bon Voyage which was released December 2007. Of the Stuff Packs that got ported I have Family Fun Stuff, Glamour Life and Happy Holidays. That's it. Period. And EA never released the patch for Bon Voyage to Aspyr to port! You know how I play it, with Pescado's mod. Yup, Pescado's mod to prevent duplicate vacation lot Townies. Do we want the rest of Sims 2? Hell yes. We've written EA and told Aspyr. Aspyr cannot do anything because they need the code from EA. Aspyr is just as frustrated as we are, so I don't blame them. I blame EA for being greedy jerks who care little for anyone who would love to support their game. As for boycotting EA with Sims 3, that's easy. Don't want it anyway.

But I will stand down off my soapbox for now. Has anyone spoken with Buggybooz recently? I hope she is doing well and will continue to create. I'm sorry she had all this nastiness happen to her and I think she makes wonderful things.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Lorelei on 2009 April 02, 12:48:03
Coconut has just posted a bit more about this. Enjoy.

P.S. TSR sucks.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 13:22:30
I am looking forward to trying CitiesXL, which should be out fairly soon (I hope).  Looks like being the SimCity5 we never got.

There are plenty of EA games I would like to try to- but corrupt corporate idiots like EA can still take a hit- Most often games that people have tried and not liked either for the PC (therefore defeating the issue of limited activations or number of pc's its been on etc) or console can be found either in used game stores, or over Ebay for down to 1/3 the price- Even at large corporate Used multimedia stores like Gamestop  the big gaming companies like EA don't get a dime from a used game- yes you risk the whole quality issue- but given this is EA we are talking about - that is sad but true,the game will have glitches  and issue anyways that might prevent you from playing - In these tough economic times why pay a crappy and corrupt company 49.99 for a new game that will badly fuck up your computer until they come up with 15 patches none of which fix the problem with your game- Go to Ebay - Buy a used copy for 20 bucks. If I here good things that I what I will do.. I don't have 50 dollars to buy Sims 3- and neither will a lot of people.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 April 02, 13:57:50
TSRs stand of the day on the MTS2 hacking is starting to get confusing, they are constantly changing their minds and I have lost track of what they are claiming right now.  I know they have refuted the claim that security was compromised.  Can I ask, if they are saying coconut is a mad haxxor and she did it, how did she have access to buggy's and thom's password, isn't that back to the security was compromised tack.  I don't believe for one minute that coconut has anything to do with this just trying to get round TSR's logic on this.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 02, 14:10:00
Steve first blamed Coconut, then blamed BuggyBooz herself, back to blaming Coconut. In the end I assure you, it will be Coconut. And I doubt TSR will show Delphy anything they don't want him to find out anyway.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 02, 14:14:21
Quote from: justso
TSRs stand of the day on the MTS2 hacking is starting to get confusing, they are constantly changing their minds and I have lost track of what they are claiming right now.  I know they have refuted the claim that security was compromised.  Can I ask, if they are saying coconut is a mad haxxor and she did it, how did she have access to buggy's and thom's password, isn't that back to the security was compromised tack.  I don't believe for one minute that coconut has anything to do with this just trying to get round TSR's logic on this.

Well, justso, apparently if you want answers to to your questions you should go ask the owner's of the site that hosted buggy's stolen mesh. They will happily steer you in the right direction.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 14:19:37
Given that there happy little statement also appears to claim that anyone who supports free sites like Mod the Sims over The Shit Resource must be a Pirate, must have hacked, or stolen copies of the Sims 2 and must download from the Booty all the time who knows WTF they are saying-

 Frankly I come here for the company-  and the fact the Booty is one of the 3 repositories for iitems from sites  that TSR etc  has sent up shit creek without a paddle, and where the owner/ operators/creators of the site has disappeared off the face of  the earth since the event (and only some have gone to TSR), or at least in the case of SimsCave and the Graveyard  given the thumbs up for their shit being posted here there- I don't know if that is true for any of the inactive sites here since some have disappeared and some have gone free.

I really don't like TSR, or EA at this point- they should at least coordinate on their lies - than if they hadn't already entirely discredited themselves in the eyes of many users and creators it might be believable.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 April 02, 14:28:58
What and listen to the same confusing shit that johan has been spouting here.  Sorry a visit to TSR from me anytime soon isn't on the cards.   I like to hold on to the contents of my stomach, crawling around in the excrement that is TSR wouldn't achieve this.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 02, 14:33:50
Actually, according to someone a while back, its a few of the FAs at TSR who have copies of sims2 ep/sps that arrrquired them.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 14:35:49
What and listen to the same confusing shit that johan has been spouting here.  Sorry a visit to TSR from me anytime soon isn't on the cards.   I like to hold on to the contents of my stomach, crawling around in the excrement that is TSR wouldn't achieve this.

Someone actually posted the shit excuse blog here a few pages back- I  put the real reason I left on my profile pulled my stories and screenies down- unfortunately I can't remove my stuff . I have blocked all 5 of their IP's from my site both through net security and blocked their IP's through my firewall as well and went into stealth mode on my firewall settings- given that they are not afraid of trying to fuck with the computers/servers etc of people who don't like them  or oppose them, even if they or someone associated with them didn't hack MTS2-which I doubt (I am sure we will know eventually since Delphy and Pescado are tracking down the info) - I am just sick of the crap and don't want them having access to my computer in any way. Let them keep thinking they are in control until EA sells them up the creek when the financial shit hits the fan.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 14:44:38
Actually, according to someone a while back, its a few of the FAs at TSR who have copies of sims2 ep/sps that arrrquired them.

What EA didn't give their little ass kissers free copies for sucking up to them-(modified)
 (modified) Of course given the potential difficulties with creating new programs to put custom content into Sims 3- and given the fact that EA has demonstrated through their actions that they don't wish to work with the people who create the programs that allow creators whether at TSR or elsewhere to create and instead are collaborating with the people who know how to use but not develop the existing programs - who knows when we will see any true cc for sims 2- at least in terms of things that aren't lots, or re-colors

TSR has already changed their site to reflect Sims 3 with a separate section for Sims 3- I know people who design web.pages and those changes don't come cheap unless you do it yourself and most corporations like TSR don't design their own web pages. They are currently the only site I have come across that has entirely re-designed their page to reflect Sims 3- Delphy has stated he will simply include Sims 3  in Mod the Sims and other creators have not changed their pages to reflect Sims 3 even if they will be hosting creations for it- TSR will look seriously foolish if they have changed their site months in advance only to have it end up that they cannot host anything except what fans of the game can already find free at the Sims 3 official site until the people who create the modding programs catch up to them.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Quorneater on 2009 April 02, 14:58:17
Pete of SimPe doesn't seem to interested in Sims 3

You talking about my husband here?  If so, I'd be interested to know the basis of this declaration.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 15:07:40
Pete of SimPe doesn't seem to interested in Sims 3

You talking about my husband here?  If so, I'd be interested to know the basis of this declaration.

Modified to reflect that it was internet rumor - I have heard via the grapevine and we know how that can be that SimPe may be one of the programs that is not updated for Sims 3. I apologize as I did not mean to offend .

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 02, 15:13:21
Actually, alot of the code-types that came up with useful tools for sims 2 are getting ready to do the same for sims 3.  And Numenor is a guy, he looks a little like one of the members of Depeche Mode.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Quorneater on 2009 April 02, 15:14:58
That's correct dstar - he's not planning to update SimPE for Sims 3.  Have you seen the complaints forum on the SimPE site?!  SimPE turned out to have scaleability issues.  It would have needed redesigning from scratch to overcome them, and then it wouldn't be SimPE any more.  Doesn't mean he's not planning to create a Something-That-Is-Not-SimPE at some point.

There was no SimPE for Sims 1 either, but there were plenty of modding tools, and I am sure there will be for Sims 3 :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 15:18:54
That makes the situation for TSR even sadder and funnier- It really is sometimes hard to tell from user names and and avis and I try to avoid looking at personal info on peoples profile pages- I only go  to peoples profiles if I am searching for something by a particular creator.

I am glad they are - frankly because it works to break the TSR monopoly cause while EA may give TSR Bodyshop and Homecrafter First, the people who create the programs that really work will release programs to everyone at the same time and by the time many creators for TSR have figured out that BodyhsopSims3 and HomecrafterSims3 (whatever they will be called in the end) don't work- everyone else will have figured out how to create everything from skins to walls to floors and objects  using the programs created by the modding community  and already have their custom content out there. I don't know how the other former TSR creators here and at other freesites learned to do stuff but, if you follow their Custom Creation for 12's Tutorials by DOT, Padre and Co you end up starting with Bodyshop and Homecrafter.

QuornStar- I am glad that that one is correct at any rate- Thank you

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 April 02, 15:23:39
I wish someone had coded something like SimPE for the Mac OS. Someone did try, but not sure what happened to him. Quorneater, if your husband does code a new SimPE for Sims 3, please have him work with a Mac programer or player to make sure it works on Macs too. We often get the "Oh you can correct that in SimPE answer if you have problems" answer. It shouldn't be too hard as the new Macs have Intel chips.

Alas, I will not have access as I play on a G5 PowerPC Mac.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 April 02, 15:24:15

 Of course this is speculation-

Speculation is fine, but we need to be a bit on the careful side with it as we know for a fact that our words get twisted anyway.   This is how we get branded for saying things that might turn out to be not true.  All someone needs to do is take what you said out of context and state that is what those nasty pirates at PMBD are saying and here is the proof that it is wrong.  Then our credibility is shot.  Especially as the war is now escalating, TSR will be pulling out all the stops. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Quorneater on 2009 April 02, 15:41:42
So SimPE didn't run on a Mac with an emulator?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: WedgewoodBlue on 2009 April 02, 15:42:30
The only game I have ever played has been The Sims. I don't own any other games, not much of a gamer I guess. I am not going to either buy nor ARR Sims3. Absolutely nothing about this new Sims venture holds any allure for me. Without the free CC made available on reputable sites, I would never have continued to even play this game.
With the economy the way it is, the price for Sims3 is beyond my means to purchase, but even if I could afford it, I still would not be buying it. (I wouldn't even waste my time ARRing it.)
TSR claims to have only a professional working relationship with EA...............yup, yup. Hookers have only professional working relationships with their clients too.
"Johan" made me LOL. Nothing like "taking the fifth" to excuse your lack of knowledge. As if I believed anything that moron had to say.
As a company, EA has treated their customers horribly. TSR follows suit and treats their subscribers just as bad.
As someone earlier said, I am also so tired of all the crap that is going on in this community. It's so terrible that honesty and integrity seem to be a relic of the past.

Buggybooze (sorry I probably got that wrong) deserves at the very least a public apology, but I am not naive enough to hold my breath in anticipation of such an event.

All this whining from TSR by TSR is just so tedious. All the twists they spin on their lies and subterfuge is tiring and old, very, very old. We all know there is no low too low for TSR. Sadly, nothing they do surprises or shocks me any more. I actually expect them to behave like this because it's their business motto.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: VayaSims on 2009 April 02, 15:45:29
I'm not sure that i have to post this here. ???
And i don't know that this is already posted here.

But the T$R has posted this "TSR: Accusations, Lies, Bullying? " at their site.
Here is the link to that page: (

And MaxoidDrea has posted at the BBS an explain about the ELAU.
Here is the link to that post:,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.127,item.23#edf2ebf5fe6f1e9b27776ad4e0169acc (,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.127,item.23#edf2ebf5fe6f1e9b27776ad4e0169acc)

(Sorry for the long links) :-[

EDIT: The T$R is so stupid to post these things at their site and point their finger at the "Pirate" With the words "the pirates did this". Yea, right we know better T$R. >:(

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: HugeLunatic on 2009 April 02, 15:52:11
So SimPE didn't run on a Mac with an emulator?

You could, but then you have to purchase the virtual program.  I use VMWare with XP and simpe opens fine, but the issue is you need to install games on the windows virtual to use the bulk of what simpe offers.  I had to arr the base game just to get object workshop to work, but then I copied the TSData folders over and point to them manually in simpe.  It was difficult to get it to do so, lots of checking boxes and restarting, and the thumbnails never showed.  Even though the thumbs folder is in the TSData folder.  It really was a giant pain.  The checkboxes didn't work properly to uncheck and make with a certain EP only.  Now I just have a full windows box.

The dot net program isn't compatible with macs.  But from my understanding Java is.  And I think trying to set up mono was way too hard for most people.  Me included.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 15:52:50
I am not a Mac expert as I operate on a PC but, depending on how old your Mac is , the emulators either do not work at all, or work poorly- I know my sisters last Powerbook she got re-furbed and she couldn't run the emulator on it in order to run Excel  before Office 2008 came out for Mac and she got a new computer.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 02, 16:00:29
I'm not sure that i have to post this here. ???
And i don't know that this is already posted here.

But the T$R has posted this "TSR: Accusations, Lies, Bullying? " at their site.
Here is the link to that page: (

And MaxoidDrea has posted at the BBS an explain about the ELAU.
Here is the link to that post:,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.127,item.23#edf2ebf5fe6f1e9b27776ad4e0169acc (,item.43,item.61,item.104,item.41,item.127,item.23#edf2ebf5fe6f1e9b27776ad4e0169acc)

(Sorry for the long links) :-[

EDIT: The T$R is so stupid to post these things at their site and point their finger at the "Pirate" With the words "the pirates did this". Yea, right we know better T$R. >:(

Hey there--we have been actually discussing the TSR statement since yesterday and the BBS nonsense for quite some time! But thanks for the attempt ^-* I am sure there are places that don't know, so do continue to spread the info.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 April 02, 16:25:55
So SimPE didn't run on a Mac with an emulator?

Well it would if I had Windows or some kind of Windows emulation which I personally do not. The old Windows emulation programs (before the Intel chips) took up so much memory and everything ran at like a quarter speed. For playing games, it was near impossible to run anything. The only programs that ran at something near a normal speed were things like Word, Excel, Powerpoint.

I personally run everything on the Mac OS. I doubt I could even find a Window emulation program anymore. Thanks Huge Lunatic for explaining the Mac operations. And thanks Quorneater for listening.

Back to TSR....

I really hate their current smoke and mirrors to try and rest this issue away from the original point, the theft of Buggybooz's mesh and Shakeshaft's idiocy at having done so. I would really like to see 1) TSR remove the mesh 2) Publicly apologize to Buggy and 3) do as Buggy suggests with the money they have collected from it. But none of that will happen given TSR and their low morals.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 02, 17:00:18
We got a brand new mac a while back and tried using Ubuntu, which is supposed to let you use all sorts of pc games, including things like wow and other mmos - we ended up taking it back because the emulator was too complex for us, computer geeks, to puzzle out.

Otherwise, it was a lovely system, but as much pc dependent stuff as we run, we needed to stick with pcs.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 April 02, 17:09:58
dstar I hope you didn't think that my post after yours was in response to something you said, I started typing before you posted, I am back and forward at my pc as I am busy.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 17:31:05
No  I did not.I am busy to- that is unfortunately how things work unless one is in live chat,

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Chelsea on 2009 April 02, 18:12:40
Going back a couple pages, my first custom content site was ModTheSims2, and LianaSims2. Then GOS, and from GOS I learned about the booty...I very briefly heard about TSR but once I realized it was pay and that most of the CC was shitty...I didn't give it a second look. Then I realized that the a few of the awesome creators I downloaded stuff from were actually ex-TSR-ers. But yeah, to my point that I never even gave TSR a chance.

I can't understand how they think they could possibly get away with blaming it on BuggyBooz? Steve and Tom are just the biggest morons I've ever seen.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 April 02, 18:23:20
Going back a couple pages, my first custom content site was ModTheSims2, and LianaSims2. Then GOS, and from GOS I learned about the booty...I very briefly heard about TSR but once I realized it was pay and that most of the CC was shitty...I didn't give it a second look. Then I realized that the a few of the awesome creators I downloaded stuff from were actually ex-TSR-ers. But yeah, to my point that I never even gave TSR a chance.

I can't understand how they think they could possibly get away with blaming it on BuggyBooz? Steve and Tom are just the biggest morons I've ever seen.

See, my first downloading pages were MTS2 and TSR (don't know which one was first), I never really got involved in their communities and was just a grab the downloads and leave kinda person. I luckily never paid for a subscription, as I am to cheap to do that. Once, I ventured out into the community (I was looking for prettier Sims than all those photoskinned TSR shits), I realized how big this community was. It was very enlightening to me (even though my download folder considers it the time of utterly explosion).

Anyway, I am sorry, i am going back to this now, as I just thought about it. If you're a person like I was, just grab a few downloads and leave, wouldn't a statement like TSR made, make you nosy? I know, I would google the shit out of coconut and the pirates to make sense out of what they wrote. So, I wonder how many people will actually learn about all this from their little statement?

edited for clarification

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Chelsea on 2009 April 02, 18:32:21
Going back a couple pages, my first custom content site was ModTheSims2, and LianaSims2. Then GOS, and from GOS I learned about the booty...I very briefly heard about TSR but once I realized it was pay and that most of the CC was shitty...I didn't give it a second look. Then I realized that the a few of the awesome creators I downloaded stuff from were actually ex-TSR-ers. But yeah, to my point that I never even gave TSR a chance.

I can't understand how they think they could possibly get away with blaming it on BuggyBooz? Steve and Tom are just the biggest morons I've ever seen.

See, my first downloading pages were MTS2 and TSR (don't know which one was first), I never really got involved in their communities and was just a grab the downloads and leave kinda person. I luckily never paid for a subscription, as I am to cheap to do that. Once, I ventured out into the community (I was looking for prettier Sims than all those photoskinned TSR shits), I realized how big this community was. It was very enlightening to me (even though my download folder considers it the time of utterly explosion).

Anyway, I am sorry, i am going back to this now, as I just thought about it. If you're a person like I was, just grab a few downloads and leave, wouldn't a statement like TSR made, make you nosy? I know, I would google the shit out of coconut and the pirates to make sense out of what they wrote. So, I wonder how many people will actually learn about all this from their little statement?

edited for clarification

Good point. Well, isn't that just like them to be stupid like that? They seem incapable of planning things out, and trying to see how other people think. They really are the most stupid, greedy, and self-absorbed assholes I think I've ever heard of.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 April 02, 18:37:09
I like that screenshot that TSR tried to fake. DOT, you've failed again. Next time, take a class first.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jojoba on 2009 April 02, 18:43:45
That statementwotsit was a lame attempt to annoy us and derail the discussion. From reading around other sites, its not fooled anyone and no one is convinced by it.

There has been no answers to question we were asking earlier..which is not much of a surprise, but to timewarp a bit and copy questions posted earlier, as food for thought  ;)

Changing Buggy's policy: What would a hacker gain from this and why would they even have an interest in changing her policy? Why 'yes to paysites and anything you want' if you were a mere hacker and not aware of the paysite issues and Buggys recent problem with a paysite? Means that they were knowledgeable of the community and of the issue, meaning if they are deep in the sims community or were informed by someone who is. Either way, they would have known peple would notice this, so wanted the attention and wanted the questions...

Time frame: If a hacker had access to that amount of information, why use it over 3 months after gaining it? Why use it only on two accounts (Buggy, and Hamilthomas)?

Subscriber accounts: Why were only these accounts affected? Why were they so easy to breach? Does that mean all admin staff have access to subscriber account passwords, and other details? Why were subscribers not told that their details may have been yoinked? Why have they still not been told?

FA accounts: Why have they changed the story to only FA accounts being effected? Why was Buggy's password yoinked then? Why was (as it appears to be) Sinthe's password yoinked then?

Also, has anyone posted this recent Delphy post from S2C (

We have multiple sites coming forward with different logs of IPs and accusations and allegations flying around all over the place.

I think it's clear that *something* went on and there has been various concerted attacks on multiple sites over the past few months. We need to basically share as much details as possible to try and figure out who is behind this and then take things from there.

While I am no longer convinced this was a specific TSR sanctioned action, I do believe that it stems from the entire situation regarding the stolen content, since this seems to act as the catalyst for events occuring recently. I think that more investigation is definatly warrented and we are conducting these inquests over on PMBD. I will be sharing any such details over there, but until we have a clear chain of events of what happened, in which order, and by who, I am refraining from pointing any more fingers at people. Let's have cool heads and try and work through this.

(Oh and yes, I am perfectly aware that I'll probably be accused of being bullied or believing "lies" or whatever, but my position through this has always been to find out *who* did this and to collect as much evidence as possible so that we can get to the truth, no matter who or where that leads us).


So there is obviously more drama to this then first meets the eye - and there is quite a lot of drama to begin with. Delphy was very sure in his opinion on this initially, and must have taken this new stance from evidence he has since seen, so I hope he enlightens the rest of us as to what is going on. Looks complicated.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 02, 18:56:00
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, my eyes are rolling so hard right now that I think they're gonna fall out, but someone does believe that load of codswallop, Jojoba. One of the teens on InSIM said she was going to check it all out for herself and read their side of the story. She got suckered in and now she's stamping around saying that if TSR gets taken down, she is never ever going to come back there again. My thing is, she didn't bother coming over here to see all that has passed in the history of this shit. She only went to one source. That bothers me, because she doesn't seem such a bad kid, but if she turns into a troll for them... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I really hate Thomas and company right not, I honestly do.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 02, 18:59:52
So, imagine that your Thomass and one of your creators has been caught red-handed stealing the work of a much loved free creator. Your back is now firmly against the wall. What do you do?

Simple! In an effort to diffuse the situation you call in DOT and give her the responsibility of trying to discredit all those unfortunate screenshots that have proven what vile organization you run. Dot, always eager to prove what a tool she can be, immediately sets to work fabricating tutorials that pretty much go against all current knowledge of the subject she professes to know so well. But, hey, you suspect that your target audience of TSR subscribers aren't very bright to begin with, so what does a little thing like that matter? Then, for a breathtaking finale, DOT produces what's supposed to be an accurate recreation of coconut's blog. This in order that people will look at it and gasp in amazement at how similar they are, hopefully proving that coconut maybe did have enough time and dog-gone gumption to fake the several hundred screencaps that show the lowlifes that make up your site's creative team being their natural twatty selves.

Only problem is DOT's mock up of coconut's blog kind-of-sort-of doesn't look anything like the original. Again, what do you do? Well, if your Thomass of TSR, you go ahead and post it anyway because, of course, you never intended to link to the original so people could actually make any sort of comparison (that would have been just plain DOTarded of you).  Pretty slick of you, huh? Only problem is you actually used the real name of her blog in the otherwise obvious fake. So now people who had no idea that there was a blog named The True Face of TSR now do realize it, and (Great Googlefu!) can go make the comparisons for themselves.

If they do they will come to the inescapable conclusion that DOT sucks at photoshop and had no clue what the hell she's was talking about in her pretend tutorials.

Coconut's actual blog -

Dot's attempt following the methods involved in her own tutorials  -

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jojoba on 2009 April 02, 19:07:31
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, my eyes are rolling so hard right now that I think they're gonna fall out, but someone does believe that load of codswallop, Jojoba. One of the teens on InSIM said she was going to check it all out for herself and read their side of the story.

TSR have not and will not post 'their side of the story'. They will post something which advantages them the most, which means it will often not contain all the facts or all elements. Posting their side will mean telling the truth on matters they do not want to discuss, and just will not happen. Too many questions for them to answer.

It is always best to look and read all you can with matters, but there are some who will not publically say their version - unless they manipulate that version and leave bits out of it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 19:09:06
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, my eyes are rolling so hard right now that I think they're gonna fall out, but someone does believe that load of codswallop, Jojoba. One of the teens on InSIM said she was going to check it all out for herself and read their side of the story. She got suckered in and now she's stamping around saying that if TSR gets taken down, she is never ever going to come back there again. My thing is, she didn't bother coming over here to see all that has passed in the history of this shit. She only went to one source. That bothers me, because she doesn't seem such a bad kid, but if she turns into a troll for them... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I really hate Thomas and company right not, I honestly do.

Unfortunately, some people have to learn the hard way- If she is a creator she will find out when she reaches FA or SA status and the pressure to increase her number of downloads is so great that she creates crappier and crappier stuff and is driven to the desperation of stealing from another creator (theoretically either Shakeshaft was a thief to begin with which in comparing some of her stuff to that of other creators with similar items other than Buggybooz, or she was so desperate because of Thoma$$ cracking the whip to make more money for the company that she was drive to it).

If she is just a gamer she will find out when her Sims sleep above the covers of the bed, or under the bed, or when her Sims die of hysterical laughter because ever our dear little AI driven pixels think that a great deal of TSR stuff looks funny.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 02, 19:12:09
Hmph, just checked her profile and she's not a teen, she's an actual adult. Will wonders never cease at what people will believe after a couple jugs of electric Kool-Aid gets down their gullet?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 02, 19:14:00
Actually, the second one is how coconut's blog looks in my browser. (And the thought that I apparently use the same settings as DOT is giving me serious pain.) However, it's black and green text, using a common font, on a white background. Of course it can be faked!

TSR is trying to get people wrapped up in technical stuff. They don't want people to use their powers of analysis, their memories, or their logical capabilities. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.

Cui bono?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 April 02, 19:15:55
Paden, the way I look at it is that you can't always convince everyone. Somebody will always drink the koolaid no matter what it is. You could point them right to the facts and they will just stick their fingers in their ears and start singing.

And TSR is perfect at distorting the truth. I mean the sheer fact that they don't allow any discussion on this, makes it abundantly clear, that they know a few comments could destroy their own logic. I think that's why it's so important, to keep discussions on other sites going, so that anyone looking for the truth, has an easier time to find what they're looking for.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 02, 19:22:05
I know, but it's still disheartening to see someone so openly declare support for the evil empire and blame the good guys for what's wrong. Hell, if it wasn't for the good guys, InSIM wouldn't be where it is today. I don't think Thom and Co. would have ever lent a hand to us, unless it was to give Walt more than he paid for it and lock the whole site down until the TSR snake could swallow it completely and digest it... I think I need to go play my game a bit, torture Don Lothario until I get into a better mood or something. I'll be back later.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: lewisb on 2009 April 02, 19:25:21
Paden I feel your pain and saw the post @ IS. I think she is new to the community and may be young and idealistic, but I think that they have to learn the hard way as raebchen said. I was a hard-headed youth, but thank God I can read and desire to look up info on the subject before deciding to make an arguement. I think that poster hasn't read everything, plus haven't experienced much in the community.

Truth be told, she acted like the community and IS will fold if she leaves. Me thinks she must be narcissistic?

EDIT: left out a word.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skye on 2009 April 02, 19:26:40
Something's bothering me reading/catching up with all of you who have shared so much information, I read through this posting: (

Now in part of it, TSR said that they have discussed all this with Delphy and  'This is the newest one, and a direct result from my chat with Delphy. He informed his community that TSR was subject to a security breach early this year. He doesn't know the details and never actually claimed to in his post, but it has been twisted and turned into the "fact" that all TSR member accounts had been compromised and that TSR did nothing to inform or protect them. Its now even suggested that subscribers credit card details are included.'

I didn't read the same thing in Delphy's post. He stated facts, and left it at that.

thanks again for sharing all your info, and keep it coming!!!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 April 02, 19:32:27
Paden I feel your pain and saw the post @ IS. I think she is new to the community and may be young and idealistic, but I think that they have to learn the hard way as raebchen said. I was a hard-headed youth, but thank God I can read and desire to look up info on the subject before deciding to make an arguement. I think that poster hasn't read everything, plus haven't experienced much in the community.

Truth be told, she acted like the community and IS will fold if she leaves. Me thinks she must be narcissistic?

EDIT: left out a word.

Then again, this person could always be a sockpuppet (I haven't read what was said at insim yet). After all, it's the internetz. I could really be a 50 year old fat man instead of a 25 24 year old woman.

*off to lurk at insim now*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Xanadu on 2009 April 02, 19:59:51
Not sure if you've seen this gem yet, but the latest "contest" at TSR has just been posted.

The title of the contest:  TSR's Hunt the Booty Competition!

???  These people have the worst sense of timing imaginable...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: lewisb on 2009 April 02, 20:00:50
Well now the poster has opened a thread (,103783.msg1499595/topicseen.html#new) stating that she will not post anymore cause of the TSR debate. She's sick of it.

Do I need more proof?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Naria on 2009 April 02, 20:13:45
Well now the poster has opened a thread (,103783.msg1499595/topicseen.html#new) stating that she will not post anymore cause of the TSR debate. She's sick of it.

Do I need more proof?

Is it wrong that I was so happy to see that thread?

*Runs back off to lurk.*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 April 02, 20:15:46
This person just wants some "Oh no, don't leave. We all love you!" comments.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 April 02, 20:16:30
 wahahah  someone bashed the tsr so she is running home to mommy, please, the lady needs to  get some thick skin and grow up.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 02, 20:17:10
Not sure if you've seen this gem yet, but the latest "contest" at TSR has just been posted.
The title of the contest:  TSR's Hunt the Booty Competition!
???  These people have the worst sense of timing imaginable...

Any one want to run over to T$R and explain to them what irony means?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 02, 20:18:08
She probably wants people to scream at her for leaving? Or what? Keep her prisoner?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 April 02, 20:20:06
She probably wants people to scream at her for leaving? Or what? Keep her prisoner?

Or she's trying to steer away from the real issues. We already know that that is a common method used by TSR cult members.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 02, 20:23:48
Well now the poster has opened a thread (,103783.msg1499595/topicseen.html#new) stating that she will not post anymore cause of the TSR debate. She's sick of it.

Do I need more proof?

I'm not a mod at Insem, so it doesn't affect me what people do.  However, that new thread comes off a lot like, "I'm TIRED of this, so I'm going to STAMP MY FEET and try to make you feel GUILTY for BORING me! So there!"

If she no longer wanted to hear about the drama, she could always oh, I dunno, maybe not read about them?  This is the same as folks who come to Sim Secrets and whine whine whine about how Sim Secrets if full of drama and saying mean things, and how much they hate it.  Do these people really think we're all going to go, "Oh shit, this user is tired of this discussion.  THAT'S IT FOLKS!  Everyone out of the pool!"

It's  a good thing I'm not a mod, because my reaction would be, "And what should we discuss instead, my little snowflake?"

No one has to read or get involved in any of this, unless they want to.  There is nothing wrong with saying, "I'm neutral and I just don't care enough to get involved on either side."   Yes, it's irritating for those of us fighting the cause, but people have to pick and choose their battles and if you're just someone who uses the Sims 2 to escape your problems and your life already contains a lot of other drama, that should be your right, exercise it.  If someone tries to force your hand, you do have the right to say, "It's just a game and I don't care enough about it to get involved in the politics."

But sorry, coming up and basically telling everyone how upset you are is a drama queen move of the highest order.  There are hundreds if not thousands of other Sim fans who don't give a shit.  But they don't all come to make announcements, trying to make people feel guilty for caring when they don't.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 April 02, 20:31:44
 The first thing I thought of when I read her post was..

      "DIE 12 DIE!"

  I have been hanging out on here too long  lol

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Xanadu on 2009 April 02, 20:38:58
Not sure if you've seen this gem yet, but the latest "contest" at TSR has just been posted.
The title of the contest:  TSR's Hunt the Booty Competition!
???  These people have the worst sense of timing imaginable...

Any one want to run over to T$R and explain to them what irony means?

Complete lack of taste or tact...  I've decided to stop posting my lots to TSR and move over to MTS2 and BlackPearlSims (where people are sane and nice, without seeming fake about it).  I might possibly make some donations to PSMD at the end of my subscription time over there.  This whole thing has soured me on TSR and I already had planned not to buy Sims3 due to the inordinate amount of glitches in all of the Sims2 releases, some of which have still yet to be patched by Maxis...  sigh.  Time to move on, I suppose.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 02, 20:46:34
I'd say anyone has the right to be neutral, but ask some of these people recently what that gets you.  A forum shut down, an account hacked.  If anything, being neutral seems to be the blood in the water for TSR these days.  They can't touch most if any of the pro-free sites, so they go after the ones on the fence.

If I were neutral still, right now I'd be hopping off the fence right about now, and not for TSR, even if I didn't like Pes and the pirates.  Pro-free doesn't mean you're part of the destroy paysite cause, it just means you think all CC should be free.  And when the paysites are acting so unethical [note not a single remaining paysite has come out and said 'What TSR has done is wrong, and while we refuse to become a freesite, we do not condon this behavior.'], then its a sign that maybe, just maybe, paysties are run by unethical, greedy assholes.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anyerfillag on 2009 April 02, 20:48:25
This person just wants some "Oh no, don't leave. We all love you!" comments.

Best thing? Not one person is being supportive and asking her to stay - everyone is saying good riddance to her :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Craftingmomma on 2009 April 02, 20:50:31
What gets me about her attitude was that she demanded hard proof of TSR's wrong-doing.  Didn't want links to places she could read about all this, but she swallows TSR's bull with no problem.  That post by TSR had no hard evidence.  Think that little TSR sheep had too much Kool-aid.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 02, 20:55:21
Not sure if you've seen this gem yet, but the latest "contest" at TSR has just been posted.

The title of the contest:  TSR's Hunt the Booty Competition!

???  These people have the worst sense of timing imaginable...

Simply browse the site and look for the booty left lying around by the Pirates that visit TSR every day.

Hey! Great idea TSR! I'll start @ Shakeshit's Page-She's definitely a dirty ol' pirate who visits TSR everyday....

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: zordac on 2009 April 02, 20:56:08
I tried to give her hard evidence early on and she just kept that sheepish attitude.

Oh well,

No skin off my ass!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 02, 21:02:01

Good for you! Welcome to the Good Guys.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: pixiecrap on 2009 April 02, 21:05:40
That competition... it's just a way to get "TSR booty" up on google instead of pointing it here. :p

(p.s. yes, this is my first post. Arrr. )

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ShadySentinel on 2009 April 02, 21:07:50
This might be a stupid question, but the "booty" that they refer to...are these objects created by former artists who are now pirates? Or are they just stamping a treasure chest wherever?

Also, I think it'd be hilarious if a bunch of pirates entered and won.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 02, 21:11:16
But we don't go there - so if they are using us for a contest, they are making stuff up.  Dorks.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Lilwen on 2009 April 02, 21:14:28

Also, I think it'd be hilarious if a bunch of pirates entered and won.

You have more chance of Pigs flying.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Emma on 2009 April 02, 21:20:30
Hey, I found one!


Go me.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skye on 2009 April 02, 21:24:32
Why would I go there-I can make my own at home! LOL

I would love to just delete my account there, just out of protest. I doubt I'll ever go there again.  (I'll bet they are just enjoying themselves a plenty, checking out this site again.) They seem to get their jollies from lurkin' da "pirates" don't they? From one of the pages I saw in all this, they do check out this site a lot!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 April 02, 21:26:58
Good job, Emma. Maybe you can win something!  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 02, 21:34:20
This may be a good place to check for anything else shakeshit probably stole.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 02, 21:45:19
OMG!! I love this game.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Chelsea on 2009 April 02, 21:46:35
This may be a good place to check for anything else shakeshit probably stole.


xD that made me laugh so freakin' hard

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: BoilerFox on 2009 April 02, 21:49:59
This may be a good place to check for anything else shakeshit probably stole.


I would totally laugh, but thats bad enough to be something actually posted by DOT. LOL

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 02, 21:51:50
This may be a good place to check for anything else shakeshit probably stole.


I would totally laugh, but thats bad enough to be something actually posted by DOT. LOL

aHH come on! I tried my best with her photoshop tutorials... ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ValancySterling on 2009 April 02, 21:54:25
Not sure if you've seen this gem yet, but the latest "contest" at TSR has just been posted.

The title of the contest:  TSR's Hunt the Booty Competition!

???  These people have the worst sense of timing imaginable...

Hey would could be like TSR, take this out of context, and when sheeple say the booty is illegal, point to this contest and say "Oh no, TSR totally supports the booty.  Look they even had a contest to honor us!"

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 02, 21:55:54
Not sure if you've seen this gem yet, but the latest "contest" at TSR has just been posted.

The title of the contest:  TSR's Hunt the Booty Competition!

???  These people have the worst sense of timing imaginable...

Hey would could be like TSR, take this out of context, and when sheeple say the booty is illegal, point to this contest and say "Oh no, TSR totally supports the booty.  Look they even had a contest to honor us!"

We can even ALLOW for the sheeples to come over to the booty here and find all sorts of "treasures"... Go Team Community!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: lewisb on 2009 April 02, 21:56:43
Me thinks they are trying to make light of a bad situation.

Making T$R cry... you guys rock!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: AuntySocial on 2009 April 02, 22:02:52
Before I go looking for T$R's contest booty.  I'll get a wide angled mirror and just look at my own.   

I've been luriking around since this mess started.  I've posted a few things at the BBS, most of which got deleted.  I'm looking forward to seeing the screenshot's of this chat that coconut mentions.   I think that will be the best evidence against these jacka$$e$.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: karu on 2009 April 02, 22:03:55
Maybe they are trying to get top spot in google.   ::)


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: BoilerFox on 2009 April 02, 22:16:06
This may be a good place to check for anything else shakeshit probably stole.


I would totally laugh, but thats bad enough to be something actually posted by DOT. LOL

aHH come on! I tried my best with her photoshop tutorials... ;)

LOL, true. But really your booty bag doesn't have a "shape". 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 02, 22:17:43
Ahhhhh! Your DOT avatar scurrred me, Sabian the II! LMao!  ;)

LOL, true. But really your booty bag doesn't have a "shape". 

LOL 'shape,' ahh. And it doesn't have 'finals' or 'hardware' either. But let that demise be on shakeshit, since she stole made the bag.  :D

Eta: You are forgiven Sabian! Yes, that would have been a nice AFD touch! Although tsr beat EVERYONE yesterday! tsr for the AFD win!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 April 02, 22:32:08
Pro-free doesn't mean you're part of the destroy paysite cause, it just means you think all CC should be free.
Exactly. And what TSR doesn't realize is that you can be pro-free and not be a pirate. I've not arr'd any games, music, yada yada. It's just not for me. But just because I'm not interested in that doesn't mean that I'm pro-paysite. The EULA says no profiting from content, and even if it didn't I'd not support a paysite simply because I think it's stupid to pay a 3rd party for pixels that I can't touch and might not be able to trust. ;) I'd say there are a lot of us out there who would rather have it free and honest, unlike some of the ARRing FAs I've heard who are pretending to have bought their games. :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: BoilerFox on 2009 April 02, 22:34:30

LOL 'shape,' ahh. And it doesn't have 'finals' or 'hardware' either. But let that demise be on shakeshit, since she stole made the bag.  :D

The gall of TSR will never cease to amaze me. People like that are the reason I keep all my creations to myself. Well, that and I don't make anything very good. :-P

This thread has been a trip to read. Just when you think people can't sink any lower TSR rears its ugly head.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 02, 22:38:27
Techincally, I don't even know if I could call myself a pirate.  Yes, I come here.  I'm sure TSR thinks I'm a pirate.  But, I've never shared any paid content.  Well, I did share one thing, but that was with someone who had bought it before from TSR, then their account expired, her computer fried, and she lost all her pay items.  I didn't feel bad giving her one measly item that she had already paid for once. I don't call that sharing, I call that restoring.  But other than that?  Nope.  Damn my stupid promise to them that I wouldn't share any of their pay items with anyone! 

I also haven't donated money to this site, thanks to being freakin' broke.  (but, good news, the doctor says I can go back to work on the 18th, unless something happens and I re-injure myself) 

Which brings me to a question... do we have any ways of donating money? Is there a general paypal account somewhere? Because I don't see a donation button on the site.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 02, 22:40:05
For TSR, it's like they're playing a game of Limbo with morality and legality. Someone pulls something low/stupid and the rest watch from the sidelines, chanting, "How low can ya go? How low can ya go?" :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 02, 22:53:54
Pro-free doesn't mean you're part of the destroy paysite cause, it just means you think all CC should be free.
Exactly. And what TSR doesn't realize is that you can be pro-free and not be a pirate. I've not arr'd any games, music, yada yada. It's just not for me. But just because I'm not interested in that doesn't mean that I'm pro-paysite. The EULA says no profiting from content, and even if it didn't I'd not support a paysite simply because I think it's stupid to pay a 3rd party for pixels that I can't touch and might not be able to trust. ;) I'd say there are a lot of us out there who would rather have it free and honest, unlike some of the ARRing FAs I've heard who are pretending to have bought their games. :D

Exactly- while I do download here and other fsf sites  it is generally stuff from sites that have long gone extinct due to the greed of people like Thoma$$, Peggy, et al - or for stuff that is hard to find because creators have lost their files in leaving a site etc.  I mostly like Maxis match furniture which means I mostly go to SironaSims2, Piggis Sims2, Simcastic, and Mod the Sims for my Sim House Decorating Needs- why should I buy it from you ? Especially since half your Maxis Match creators x-post at Mod the Sims and other free sites.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 02, 22:54:25
Even if you have the contents of the entire booty in your download folder, you're still not a pirate. It's all copyrighted by EA after it's stuffed in the .package format.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 02, 22:58:27
Maybe they are trying to get top spot in google. 

Ha ha ha!  T$R google fail!


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: badcyn on 2009 April 02, 23:38:35
Maybe they are trying to get top spot in google. 

Ha ha ha!  T$R google fail!


That is fabulouS!


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: lollipop on 2009 April 03, 00:18:37
This is what I found on the TSR front page news :

Posted by TSR Admin on Apr 1, 2009• TSR: Accusations, Lies, Bullying?

Myth: TSR place trojans in their downloads to gain information
The Story: In the early days of the Pirates and pay content file sharing, we put watermarks on the files at the point of downloading. This simply applied the TSR user ID, IP and time/date to the .package file of the downloader, so that we could take the files from the booty and see which user shared it. This was done server side, our end. It gathered no information about the user once they downloaded that file. This hardly constitutes a Trojan or virus.

The Fact: TSR, as a professional business, has no desire to add malware to its downloads and takes no part in such activities. The Pirates didn't like that we were on to them so cooked up this story because at the time they didn't know how we were catching them. They hated it even more when they found we used their own shared files against them! Of course they now know, but wont retract their claim because it adds too much value to their smear campaign.

Wouldn't this mean that TSR is still catching file sharers even from the booty even thou it's being cleaned?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 03, 00:27:00
In their own deranged minds, maybe. TSR is the breeding ground and home of paranoid fools and the more they blither on about this shit, the more they are providing evidence that they are indeed, [CENSORED].

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 03, 00:33:42
Just look at the date that was posted. It is CLEARLY meant to be a joke.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 03, 01:01:52
I would say they are  not succeeding-at gaining the top spot in Google, but they certainly are suckceeding at getting the top spot in Giggle (For all your search and destroy needs) Did not Thoma$$ pay attention to what day it was to make his little statement- Here Iwill make a statement on April Fools Day and see how many people believe me instead of laughing my at my  over- enlarged from eating freesites for lunch posterior- cause I am an idiot.

I'm tired of the excuses - Thomass- I don't know how old you are chronologically but, grow up, go back to college and take a class in Customer Service 101 (I want my account deleted, my moneys back  and all my stuff removed dude- number one rule of customer service - The Customer {thats me since I paid good money for my sub} is Always {and that means always even when they are wrong in your personal perspective that has no place in a profit making business} Right) - He and TSR have lost all their credibility with the financially responsible Sims Gamer .

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ShadySentinel on 2009 April 03, 01:18:03

Also, I think it'd be hilarious if a bunch of pirates entered and won.

You have more chance of Pigs flying.
Oh, I know. And I wasn't saying "Hey guys, let's do this!". I just think it'd be amusing if Thoma$$ had to hand over those prizes to pirates. :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 03, 01:32:54
If its like any other tsr contest, its rigged.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 03, 01:39:55
If its like any other tsr contest, its rigged.

Rigged how? Only subscribers win?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 03, 01:54:07
Nope, only employees... :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 April 03, 02:07:48
I have a contest idea--best pirate ship made entirely with stuff from the booty!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 03, 02:09:20
Nope, only employees... :P
Huh?  Because $500/month and illegal copies of PhotoShop and The Sims2 aren't incentive enough to work for TSR?
If the contests are rigged do the subscribers not notice?  Hey look, an employee won again.  They sure are lucky!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 03, 02:10:22
How come we don't contests to win free ...... ok nevermind.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: WedgewoodBlue on 2009 April 03, 03:56:05
If its like any other tsr contest, its rigged.

Rigged how? Only subscribers win?

I think it was that kudos draw, Atwa was in charge and she handpicked winners from her close circle of like minded morons.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: pixelated on 2009 April 03, 04:04:21
That was a long read. And yeah, I'm as disgusted (yet unsurprised) as the rest of you.

One good thing about shit like this happening is that big drama tends to bring in new blood to the good side, which is always nice. I was impressed with some of the first posts some of you made in this thread, but by now I've lost track of who said what. So, a general hey and welcome to all first-time-posting lurkers and new arrivals. *waves*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: snowball on 2009 April 03, 04:16:49
TheSuckResource are really quite stupid to try and put references to us into every single bloody thing they do. Makes them sound like they're obsessed, or as if they have a bad constipation with the emphasis on 'bad'.

Or like they're in love with Pescado.

*conspiracy music*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Lowell on 2009 April 03, 04:36:25
TheSuckResource are really quite stupid to try and put references to us into every single bloody thing they do. Makes them sound like they're obsessed, or as if they have a bad constipation with the emphasis on 'bad'.

Or like they're in love with Pescado.

*conspiracy music*
Damn you. Now I have to bleach my brain a few times to get rid of the image of Thoma$$ making heart-eyes at Pescado.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 03, 04:50:32
If its like any other tsr contest, its rigged.
Rigged how? Only subscribers win?
You say this like ALL contests aren't rigged. Even MATY contests are rigged. We're just just entirely fair about it, in that even the bribes are publicly scored.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 April 03, 05:22:17

 I have around 5 accounts at the tsr because I do not go there enough and I always forget my info.... If I won they would take it away anyways LOL

 we should all play anyways, it will prevet the 12's from finding the treasure chest.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 April 03, 13:24:01


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 03, 13:31:02
Given the overly-sexualized for a PG-13 site content of some of the FA"s and SA's  creations (has anyone seen the latest naughty lingerie  by BBK-Z) a " Hunt the Booty" contest is majorly ironic- don't they know how it sounds to some parent who goes and looks at the actual content of the site but knows nothing about TSR - I have a 12 year old niece and If I heard that some PG-13 site was having a " Hunt the Booty" contest and didn't know how TSR operated  I would immediately ban her from going to that site as would her mother.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: snowball on 2009 April 03, 14:49:04
Blah blah blah
Damn you. Now I have to bleach my brain a few times to get rid of the image of Thoma$$ making heart-eyes at Pescado.

Oops! Sorry. Here. You get for free. *hands out brain bleach*
I made it myself. From acid. The strength of this stuff is just the right one, I hope. I haven't tested yet...

@Simlizus: Ah, so that's the way it is. I see.


No, on the other hand, I really wish I didn't  :-X

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 April 03, 16:27:09
Apparently T$R is doing damage control in the form of re-issuing their email newsletter.   I was really glad to see it.  I'd forgotten about and this gave me the chance to unsubscribe to the stupid thing.

Since there's nothing in it that isn't on the front page I suggest that you all do the same.  It will help trash such morale as remains.

Edited for this Breaking New Bulletin:

Apparently there has been some fallout from this whole mess:

For those of you still on bannation:

From SimMaster Anubis:

There have been some changes around here. The SimMasters are no longer doing the moderating. If you need help with a problem person, please contact the Maxoid's guestbook instead of a SimMaster's.

But that doesn't mean I don't want to hear from you. I'm still here and able to chat about the Sims or other things, just not moderating issues.

I really appreciate your comments. I save them all, although I don't leave them in my guestbook. I generally check my guestbook at least daily (unless I'm out of town on business.)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Quorneater on 2009 April 03, 16:47:12
Yes it's not like it's a regular newsletter, they only seem to send it out when there is some sort of drama going on.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 03, 16:59:49
I found this interesting...  I got "mail" when I checked the BBS:

Administrative Action [delete]

Your account has been banned for 3 days for posting off topic threads after you and other members have been warned. If you continue to post off topic threads after 3 days, your account will be banned for a longer period or permanently. Please review the BBS rules and our Terms of Service:

I never posted a thread, I only replied in them.   So, why was I banned?  There is a new rule that you can't reply in off topic threads that other people start? 

It irritates me, because I didn't do what they said, and it entirely ignores the real reason.  I was banned for dissin' their buddies, TSR.  And they can't even be bothered to give me a reason that covers what I actually did.

And I can't even argue this, because it's not signed, and if I start a thread to ask about it, I'll be told I was off topic and get banned again. 


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 April 03, 17:12:43
What, if anything, is happening with the TSR/Buggybooz investigation?

I know these things take time, but I hope it doesn't drop into the memory hole of the interwebz.

Darqstar, what a classic Catch-22.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 03, 17:19:23
Quote from: Darqstar
I was banned for dissin' their buddies, TSR.  And they can't even be bothered to give me a reason that covers what I actually did.

An obvious indication that their association with TSR is now causing them endless grief is that they have to take Draconian measures to cover that fact. The writing is on the wall EAbots: Ditch TSR or lose tons of money. Just remember that your McMansion McPayments may be at stake. Choose wisely.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 03, 17:29:17
Heh, if the SimMasters are no longer doing the moderation, what *DO* they do? Are they now like superfluous hangers-on that exist to look official while having no actual duties or powers, much like, say, MATY Senators?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 April 03, 17:32:58
What, if anything, is happening with the TSR/Buggybooz investigation?

I know these things take time, but I hope it doesn't drop into the memory hole of the interwebz.

Darqstar, what a classic Catch-22.

I haven't forgotten about it - I'm just waiting for some answers to some questions back from Steve at TSR. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 03, 18:18:16
I don't think even the Mods at the BBS (doesn't that stand for Big Bundle of Shit?) do much moderating- the definition after all means to hold the balance between one side and the other or to be in the middle- Pescado is a moderator- The mods at GOS, Insim, MATY, and WickedNouk are moderators - they give everyone a chance to state what they think even if they disagree or it goes against admin opinion - of course they might poke fun at you later if you are an idiot, but, they respect your right to have an opinion and to state it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 03, 18:21:28
I haven't forgotten about it - I'm just waiting for some answers to some questions back from Steve at TSR. 
I don't really think they have answers. This is a case of the hands not knowing what the others are doing, although if you leave them alone long enough, they'll either drop it down a pit and forget about it, or manage to come up with some kind of coherent fabrication that they can all stick to. You can see this already in their wild initial stories, none of which they could consistently verify with even each other. The fact of the matter is that their technician has explicitly denied that any security breach took place, which clearly begs the question of how this information got into the hands of allegedly unaffiliated characters given that the security breach NEVER HAPPENED.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 03, 18:32:27
I got my message too, Darq - the real crock of shit is, I never got a warning - I never even got a warning in the threads asking for clarification - I just got threads deleted and banned.  So, the ban email goes into my screen shot folder and once I figure out -who- to contact and how, its going to them.

Is it bad I'm far more annoyed at EA now, than I am at TSR?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Nutty on 2009 April 03, 18:38:43
I got my message too, Darq - the real crock of shit is, I never got a warning - I never even got a warning in the threads asking for clarification - I just got threads deleted and banned.  So, the ban email goes into my screen shot folder and once I figure out -who- to contact and how, its going to them.

Is it bad I'm far more annoyed at EA now, than I am at TSR?

Pff, they're as bad as each other :-\ Thomas reminds me of Tony Blair with his spin tactics >:(

Hi, by the way *waves* I've been following for a while, finally feeling brave enough to step out of the shadows. I have a theory about the SM announcement, though; aren't a couple of them working for TSR? Sounds like they're trying to cover their arses by stripping the TSR guys of their mod powers.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 03, 18:52:25
Is it bad I'm far more annoyed at EA now, than I am at TSR?

No. EA is the root of the problem.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Sigmund on 2009 April 03, 18:52:43
I have a theory about the SM announcement, though; aren't a couple of them working for TSR? Sounds like they're trying to cover their arses by stripping the TSR guys of their mod powers.

I don't know about the SimMasters, but several of the Maxoids are most likely in TSR's pocket, and unfortunately they're still around. Drea, for one, is definitely not subtle about it. To be honest, I'm not even sure what it is that SMs do at the site, so I'm not sure what to make of this.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Lowell on 2009 April 03, 18:55:16
I have a theory about the SM announcement, though; aren't a couple of them working for TSR? Sounds like they're trying to cover their arses by stripping the TSR guys of their mod powers.
Steve's SimMaster account is still active by last check, yes; I got the impression from Anubis's post that those accounts still hold their power, they're just not the ones that users are supposed to actively turn to or anything. Kind of a blanket "we all quit/were fired/were technically demoted for consistency's sake, so go to those guys instead."

Which is rather amusing, because wasn't it that (up until a bunch of them jumped ship within a week some time back) the SMs were the ones who were at least trying to come off as even-handed, while the Maxoids have consistently been the ones doing the T$R coverups and declaring places like MATY as "unfit content for the BBS"? That's kind of a large step towards censorship (as much as you can consider it censorship on a forum that could be considered as 'private domain' in spite of it belonging to a publicly-traded company) the likes of which hadn't been seen up to that point. Of course, this is all just theoretical - I avoid the place except for if I'm linked to something specific there - but considering the connection between EA and T$R (even without factoring in Steve's SM account), which they're only making more obvious by the day, it's not the most unheard of thing. I'd like to say that I don't think that it's possible that this is the vein that it's heading towards and that it might even be the reason why the accounts of some people here were banned without so much as a warning, but I'm not sure I can positively convince myself that it doesn't have at least a slight chance of being a possibility.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: rum nate on 2009 April 03, 18:56:17
I haven't been on the bbs for a while. I was going to post in the threads people were posting links to on here, but they were all deleted by the time I got on. I really don't care if they ban me or anything. I do love the fact that they can't even give the right reason for banning.

On an unrelated note, the official site has decided to post their own marcos, and used some of the common phrases used here, like Do Not Want. Here is a link to their marcos if anyone cares,

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 03, 19:03:40
My opinion would be that EA being the corrupt business that they are and being in the financial trouble they are in since the whole SporecuROM issue (look up their sales from last quarter- I have read  minus 641 million dollars from the year before), given the issues over TSR and the Great Paysite Debate at the moment it could be that EA is simply making buddies only to have someone to blame when their sales are poor this year- The demotion of the Simsmasters like Steve could be a ruse so EA can make believe they are doing something in order to claim " Good Customer Service" and that they are listening to the complaints of gamers- or it could be the first step in selling TSR up Shit Creek without boat, paddle, or lifejacket when pardon me for another cliched saying the shit hits the fan at full speed cause some of use won't have anything to do with EA/will not purchase further new games etc because they condone TSR's actions, address customer complaints.

Wanna know what Bill Gates did when Content Creators for his Simulation Games like Zoo Tycoon Started charging and violating his Eula- made the tools so that you had to know how to write code to put new shit in the game and closed down the paysites- What does EA Games do - kisses up to the paysites and sweeps misdeeds under the rugs, tells the customers they are wrong (big no no people big no no), and ignores repeated requests to stop associating with paysites- See the problem here- Bill Gates/Microsoft are good business people- EA Games not so much.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 03, 19:04:36
What, if anything, is happening with the TSR/Buggybooz investigation?
I haven't forgotten about it - I'm just waiting for some answers to some questions back from Steve at TSR. 

Delphy, I'm confused about one thing... when you wrote that TSR had been hacked, you made it sound like Steve had been pretty clear with you that yes, they had been.  Then, I hear, "Well, no, it wasn't like we were really hacked..." a sudden claim that it was only FA's who were affected, blah blah blah.

Did Steve say they were hacked?  And did he make it very clear that they were hacked and it was a fairly serious hack, or did they mention it briefly, lightly, as if it wasn't really significant?  

From the way you spoke about it first, it came across like you were told clearly, by Steve, that they were hacked and that this was something that most defenately could have been a way for someone to get access to Buggy's TSR and Thomas's password to the Hamilton Account.   But TSR and co. seem to be implying that it was mentioned so briefly, so lightly, almost as if they were surprised you even figured that could be the reason.

And I still say that if they weren't hacked, how else would they get both passwords?  Buggy's and Thomas's.   I did consider that maybe, just maybe, Shakeshaft had hacked TSR, but I can't see Thomas being so stupid as to leave his password to his MST2 account somewhere where someone hacking TSR would be able to find it.  

I got my message too, Darq - the real crock of shit is, I never got a warning - I never even got a warning in the threads asking for clarification - I just got threads deleted and banned.  So, the ban email goes into my screen shot folder and once I figure out -who- to contact and how, its going to them.

Is it bad I'm far more annoyed at EA now, than I am at TSR?

I don't think it's bad.  I feel the same way. Because with EA's not-so-subtle approval, hell downright asskissin' we both know that TSR is not going down unless we can get enough subscribers to bow out of the place that it can no longer afford to run.  It's just sad EA has decided that a site that is purely a business (And that's what it is.  They shouldn't even be allowed to call it a fansite, it is a BUSINESS. )  is much more important, and much more in the spirit of what EA wants people to think The Sims is all about.   That sites like Nouk's, MTS2, SAU, and all those sites that make good quality content and do their best to keep up not only an excellent site, but to also never forget they are fans, and that the love of the game is what counts, aren't worth their time and effort.

Didn't someone have a screenshot once of Thomas saying he didn't even like playing The Sims?  That's what I'm talking about, their number one fansite is owned and operated by people who don't give a crap about the game even, yet EA invites them to all the parties and tells them how swell they are, etc.  Meanwhile, they suck up the freebies and probably laugh their asses off at the silly people who actually enjoy the game.

Even some of the FA's start to become indifferent to the game as time goes on and they become more and more dependent on the money the game brings in.  I was merely an SA, and I started to get disenchanted with the game itself, because it seemed more important for me to make stuff, than to play.  I'd hear about a new expansion pack and tell myself it wasn't even worth it, unless it had great items for recoloring.  It wasn't like I'd have time to ever play it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: eifslitc on 2009 April 03, 19:10:17
The more I hear about TSR (and after reading Darqstar's signature), that place seems more and more like some Nazi Sims camp...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 April 03, 19:38:53

Delphy, I'm confused about one thing... when you wrote that TSR had been hacked, you made it sound like Steve had been pretty clear with you that yes, they had been.  Then, I hear, "Well, no, it wasn't like we were really hacked..." a sudden claim that it was only FA's who were affected, blah blah blah.

Did Steve say they were hacked?  And did he make it very clear that they were hacked and it was a fairly serious hack, or did they mention it briefly, lightly, as if it wasn't really significant?  

From the way you spoke about it first, it came across like you were told clearly, by Steve, that they were hacked and that this was something that most defenately could have been a way for someone to get access to Buggy's TSR and Thomas's password to the Hamilton Account.   But TSR and co. seem to be implying that it was mentioned so briefly, so lightly, almost as if they were surprised you even figured that could be the reason.

Steve said that it was possible that Thomas' details had been gotten by a 3rd party (ie they'd been hacked) but that it was months ago, and later said that it was *only* FA and Staff access that was gotten.  It was something that was mentioned more in passing rather than a detailed explanation, so I do not know the full details, but it was definately mentioned and something I questioned him on to try and explain how this could have happened.

And I still say that if they weren't hacked, how else would they get both passwords?  Buggy's and Thomas's.   I did consider that maybe, just maybe, Shakeshaft had hacked TSR, but I can't see Thomas being so stupid as to leave his password to his MST2 account somewhere where someone hacking TSR would be able to find it.  

This is one of my key problems with the "coconut did it" theory - even HAD somebody gotten Thomas' password months ago, they would have no way of getting Buggy's (since the account was unknown) during the same hack.  Since nobody outside of TSR knew what buggys account on TSR *was* (not even I did, and Steve certainly didn't give me the impression he knew either for sure when we first talked) then this doesn't cover any theft of buggys account details there. This is one of the points I am awaiting to get details back from Steve on (among other things).

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 03, 19:43:16
Did TSR try to blame Buggybooz for this at one point?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 03, 19:50:44
 Just following a line of logic or illogic as the case may be -Delphy, was Shakeshaft by chance one of the creators that got lured over to TSR? I ask because I did a search  t if I had any of her stuff from MTS2 to delete-and noticed that  the last time she was logged in was on the 26- which would be right before the shit hit the fan- and I know on my profile it shows the last time I was actively logged into the server in order to download stuff or post on the forums . Have you looked into the former MTS2 creators who went to TSR to see if anyone else was active recently - This seems it might be a possible issue  if you have TSR creators who are no longer active on Mod the Sims  in terms of currently creating items for upload like MsBarrows or Shakeshaft who still can access their accounts . 

 I don't know much about computers like you and Pescado do  but the fact that the person who Buggybooz accused of stealing her stuff was active on Mod the Sims- the place she left to go to TSR in and of itself seems highly suspicious to me,  given that it happened around the  time that Buggybooz was reporting her stuff stolen - Someone accused of theft on my site at at around the same time period they had been accused of stealing from my site  would indicate to me that they (or someone else  since Shakeshaft may not for all we know be that computer savvy)  may be looking for security holes in order to be able to hack Buggys account.

As a Note and a Vote of Self Confidence to Buggybooz and freesites everywhere- almost all TSR content has been rooted from my downloads folder except the few sets I can't replace with other peoples stuff  in terms of Maxis Match/Completion/Add-On sets!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: uknortherner on 2009 April 03, 19:56:59
On an unrelated note, the official site has decided to post their own marcos, and used some of the common phrases used here, like Do Not Want. Here is a link to their marcos if anyone cares,

I was going to mention this on the other TSR thread that's been heavily derailed but didn't bother. The "JOIN THE DARK SIDE: WE HAVE BETTER LAMPS" one's brilliant!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 03, 19:57:30

Steve said that it was possible that Thomas' details had been gotten by a 3rd party (ie they'd been hacked) but that it was months ago, and later said that it was *only* FA and Staff access that was gotten.  It was something that was mentioned more in passing rather than a detailed explanation, so I do not know the full details, but it was definately mentioned and something I questioned him on to try and explain how this could have happened.

Thank you for clearing that up for me.  As much as I hate crediting TSR, their "Why is everyone talking hack?" confusion makes a little more sense and seems less like an act to confuse you and all of us.  

This is one of my key problems with the "coconut did it" theory - even HAD somebody gotten Thomas' password months ago, they would have no way of getting Buggy's (since the account was unknown) during the same hack.  Since nobody outside of TSR knew what buggys account on TSR *was* (not even I did, and Steve certainly didn't give me the impression he knew either for sure when we first talked) then this doesn't cover any theft of buggys account details there. This is one of the points I am awaiting to get details back from Steve on (among other things).

Also, how about the fact that Buggy wasn't an FA.  If the hacker never got past FA accounts (Are they on a different server I wonder?) how did they get to Buggy's?

And, if they just were pretty sure they only got to FA accounts, but now that this has happened, they are wondering if perhaps the mysterious hacker got further than they thought, shouldn't they be warning their account holders about changing passwords?  

I've been trying not to speculate until more facts are known, but sometimes it gets really hard not to.   :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Nutty on 2009 April 03, 20:24:28
This is one of my key problems with the "coconut did it" theory - even HAD somebody gotten Thomas' password months ago, they would have no way of getting Buggy's (since the account was unknown) during the same hack.  Since nobody outside of TSR knew what buggys account on TSR *was* (not even I did, and Steve certainly didn't give me the impression he knew either for sure when we first talked) then this doesn't cover any theft of buggys account details there. This is one of the points I am awaiting to get details back from Steve on (among other things).

Also, how about the fact that Buggy wasn't an FA.  If the hacker never got past FA accounts (Are they on a different server I wonder?) how did they get to Buggy's?

And, if they just were pretty sure they only got to FA accounts, but now that this has happened, they are wondering if perhaps the mysterious hacker got further than they thought, shouldn't they be warning their account holders about changing passwords?  

I've been trying not to speculate until more facts are known, but sometimes it gets really hard not to.   :D

Even if they only got to FA accounts, warning everyone to change their passwords should've been the first thing they did. It's good business sense; by not warning your customers of a security breach (if it even happened) you make yourselves look bad and therefore lose custom.

I just hope Delphy isn't being led on a wild goose chase in all this. Call me paranoid, but I wouldn't put it past them :P

On an unrelated note, the official site has decided to post their own marcos, and used some of the common phrases used here, like Do Not Want. Here is a link to their marcos if anyone cares,

I was going to mention this on the other TSR thread that's been heavily derailed but didn't bother. The "JOIN THE DARK SIDE: WE HAVE BETTER LAMPS" one's brilliant!

Cheers for the link - I needed a laugh ;) My favourite's the [i ][/i] one ;D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 April 03, 20:48:57
Delphy, was Shakeshaft by chance one of the creators that got lured over to TSR? I ask because I did a search  t if I had any of her stuff from MTS2 to delete-and noticed that  the last time she was logged in was on the 26- which would be right before the shit hit the fan- and I know on my profile it shows the last time I was actively logged into the server in order to download stuff or post on the forums . Have you looked into the former MTS2 creators who went to TSR to see if anyone else was active recently - This seems it might be a big security breach if you have TSR creators who are no longer active on Mod the Sims  in terms of currently creating items for upload like MsBarrows or Shakeshaft who still can access their accounts . 

I'm confused - why would it be a "security breach" for people who have left MTS2 to still have accounts?  It's a free site, anybody can make an account, but only buggybooz had the password to her MTS2 account.  I really don't think that investigating ex-MTS2 people is really relevant, and Shakeshaft was actively logged into MTS2 multiple times (pretty much once a day) stretching back months, so I don't think it's really that relevant about any logins on the 26th.

On another note, the whole thing re: browser strings and what "coconut" said doesn't sit well with me - yes they arent' that hard to change but the fact remains that the browser string is *identical* in all the various cases, complete with a not-so-common ImageShack toolbar.  So it's my feeling that it's not just a coincedence but, when combined with the *other* evidence, is, in fact, quite important to note.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 03, 20:56:42
Sorry for sounding like an idiot like I said in comparison to you and Pescado I know next to nothing about computers. Just following a possible thread of logic or illogic that struck my brain.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 April 03, 21:05:27
A thought about the Sim Masters verses Maxoids....

My understanding was that the Sim Masters were the moderators of the BBS i.e. they locked threads "flaming" someone, gave warnings to people who's behavior was out of line, locked threads that were becoming too long and repeated the same thing over and over and over again. Basically, the general day to day running of the BBS. The Sim Masters were all volunteers from the regular fan base and gave of their own time. The Maxoids are EA employees who are a part of the Sims division and visit the site rarely, perhaps make "official announcements" (We are having a contest to see who can retell the best Fairy Tale or whatever contest), and posted special customer content for everyone to download (like Moonbelly and Monkey).

So now someone has decided that the Sim Masters *cough* Steve *cough* should be some sort of "title" with no job function and the Maxoids are now the Moderators. I wonder what Drea's job description really is. Heck, I do a better job than she does. We all could.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 April 03, 21:20:10
With regards to the whole Sim Masters thing, it could just be that EA/Maxis want more control over the forums and the information on them.  I mean, since the whole Sims Store stuff we know that they are moving much more into the social/online areas, so it's logical to think that they would want to have extra control, and I think that perhaps the whole thing that has happened lately was just the straw that broke the camels back, in terms of who does what and who has power - especially when you think that a lot of sim masters left not that long ago.

I'm not really going to draw any conclusions into it - I just see it as more of a control thing rather than anything tinfoil hattery related like TSR paying them, etc etc.  Occams razor, people, remember? :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 03, 21:36:49
Well if you're turning full controll over to the people that treat the paying customers like dummies and alienating them, all in favor of a site they are not affiliated with, then they shouldn't be surprised that alot of people get to that conclusion on their own.

Also, Delphy, do you have an opinion on your name being used and words being put in your mouth in that 'myth' joke they posted?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Amazone on 2009 April 03, 21:47:30
Dreas position? She must be a PR-master for EA and TSR. Maybe she has a crush on Thomass or some other guy from TSR.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 03, 21:55:16
I bet it's the golden sheen of his blond hair.... or his Gold card.  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 03, 22:28:26
Delphy, the problem with Occam's Razor is that what one person thinks is the simplest explanation, another person often thinks does not fit the evidence. I think the simplest explanation that fits the evidence is that the Maxoids are in the pay of TSR. Other people think EA is more deeply involved as well. What seems "simplest" is often not a compelling explanation, because it does not flow from the evidence at hand.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: scrappysim on 2009 April 03, 22:32:32
That Simmaster thing was posted a little while ago. (march 20).  We were talking about it once before.  I believe that what is really going on has to do with the SimMaster fiasco a while back when so many of the Sim Masters left because of what was happening over there.  I think EA/Maxis just decided not to replace them and I think I remember that there was any one or two left after that anyway. If they get New Sim Masters then they will have to explain to them how to moderate the boards and what rules to enforce (you know, the written rules and the Other Rules!) and instead they seem to just be letting the board go and allowing the Maxiods to step in occassionaly and make arbitrary statements and delete threads all willy-nilly and dole out bans but not really mod.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 April 03, 22:54:52
Delphy, the problem with Occam's Razor is that what one person thinks is the simplest explanation, another person often thinks does not fit the evidence. I think the simplest explanation that fits the evidence is that the Maxoids are in the pay of TSR. Other people think EA is more deeply involved as well. What seems "simplest" is often not a compelling explanation, because it does not flow from the evidence at hand.

I don't really think thats the *simplest* solution, though.  As scrappysim points out, a lot of the SimMasters left, so obviously there was a power vacuum, and it was clear to EA or the community manager of Maxis that something had to be done. 

Even if we *do* consider the idea that the Maxoids where in the pay of TSR, isn't EA a public company? Do they not have accounts?  Why would an *employee* of one of the largest software companies in the world want to get a cut from what is, essentially, a fly in the ointment?  There is no logical rhyme nor reason why "the maxoids are in the pay of TSR" - not from a financial standpoint.  Even if you consider the possibility that TSR is somehow paying the Maxoids under the table, as a public company they would be obliged to investigate any such allegations and accusations, so why has nothing come out?

Whats actually *more* likely is the other way round - TSR are linked to EA via some kind of license deal or a advertising deal or something like that. 

If we consider the "evidence", it's more akin to them simply wanting to control the forums (aka the BBS) more in the run up to the Sims 3, and shutting down any dissedent talk, rather than them being specifically in the pay of TSR.  If they *where* in the pay of TSR, then test it - put up a post saying how great say, Parsiminous is, or another huge free site - and see what happens.  No bashing, no name calling, no "Parsim are better than TSR" or whatever - just a fan thread about the site.  If your theory is correct, then this would be seen as competition and would be shut down.  Indeed, the thread BlueSoup is still up... and that has a lot of anti-TSR statements in it, but the *actual subject itself* is more general for the game. If the maxoids *where* in the pay of TSR, wouldn't BlueSoups thread be shut down too?  It seems to not make any sense with your scenario.

No, I think it's more likely that people equate any *anti*-TSR deletions to "the maxoids are being paid by TSR", but I think the same thing would apply to bad mouthing *any* site there.  In this case it's probably more the "evidence" that is flawed - or, rather, the assumptions made *from* the evidence, rather than the evidence itself.  After all, as I said, why would the largest gaming company in the world need to be paid by a *fansite*? 

But if you *really* want to test things - go ahead and do it, instead of assuming that it's true. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 03, 23:05:02
Quote from: Delphy
Even if you consider the possibility that TSR is somehow paying the Maxoids under the table, as a public company they would be obliged to investigate any such allegations and accusations, so why has nothing come out?
Let's say TSR paid people under the table, and let's say EA were opposed to this, and investigated.  I don't think they would publicise this, it would make them look bad.  I think they would try to cover it up as much as they could instead.  If however, EA upper management is as uninvolved and as ignorant as some think, they could just be unaware.  Or they could be aware but not care so long as it doesn't hurt their business.  I know I'm only speculating.  Just saying I think TSR bribing EA employees is plausible.  However, your idea of a legal business arrangement between EA and TSR is also quite plausible.  However, the April 1st TSR "myths and lies" thingie denies any such legal arrangement.  Doesn't mean they don't have one, just means they won't admit it if they do.

edit: Regardless, I think in any scenario we come up with, TSR is still a bunch of greedy lying liars who lie.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 April 03, 23:08:41
Quote from: Delphy
Even if you consider the possibility that TSR is somehow paying the Maxoids under the table, as a public company they would be obliged to investigate any such allegations and accusations, so why has nothing come out?
Let's say TSR paid people under the table, and let's say EA were opposed to this, and investigated.  I don't think they would publicise this, it would make them look bad.  I think they would try to cover it up as much as they could instead.  If however, EA upper management is as uninvolved and as ignorant as some think, they could just be unaware.  Or they could be aware but not care so long as it doesn't hurt their business.  I know I'm only speculating.  Just saying I think TSR bribing EA employees is plausible.  However, your idea of a legal business arrangement between EA and TSR is also quite plausible.  However, the April 1st TSR "myths and lies" thingie denies any such legal arrangement.  Doesn't mean they don't have one, just means they won't admit it if they do.

I think it's actually more likely there is *no* such business or legal arrangement, but instead it's a more personal one.  After all, TSR have had years to talk to the Maxoids, get to know them, and so on - just as we had that opportunity on MTS2 when MaxoidTom was around.  So it's probably much *more* likely that the Anti-anti-TSR stance comes more from a personal trust element (as in trust between the Maxoid and the TSR staff) rather than anything business like.  I think *this* explanation is way simpler than any one involving money, since we *know* that Maxis/EA has contact with fansites and we *know* they talk to them from time to time, so therefore it only makes sense that they would favour some over others, but this does *not* mean it's anything legal, concrete, or set in any kind of financial terms - it'd be more of a bias rather than anything else.

Let's think about this for a second.  You have these sites - one of which you have been talking to for years and who you have built up a relationship with.  Not a business one, just a personal one.  So you have this community - on the one hand is the "pirate" side - with sharing of EA owned materials (Castaway etc) and other such dubious dealings but, more importantly, with zero contact with the Maxoids.  Then you have the other hand - that of TSR and the paysites - who are way more likely to basically kiss ass, to say nice things about the game, to basically do whatever they can to be invited to events, and to, essentially, create a higher profile for thier own site.  Again, nothing business like, nothing legal, no money under the table. 

I think that some people forget this long standing relationship in thier haste to be all "TSR is evil".  Just becuase *you* think TSR is evil does not mean that the Maxoids (who have had *years* of talking to them, inviting them to events, etc) think they are, and does not mean that the Maxoids are taking cuts under the table.  In fact, I think the entire theory of the Maxoids being paid by TSR is, actually, ludicrous, and it's way more likely that any such goings on by the Maxoids on the BBS are more becuase of this long standing personal relationship than anything else.

It's pure and simple a personal relationship between TSR and the Maxis people, thats been going on for years, and that is *extremely* unlikely to be broken by any such antics as done by the pirate faction up till now.

Oh and I'd like to add that this is just my thoughts and feelings based on my years in the community and as owner of a Sims 2 fansite who *has* been contacted by EA and has dealings with Maxoids.  It's not becuase I am pro-TSR, I'm just simply pointing out that the theory that the Maxoids are being paid by them is mired in implausibility and, in my opinion, *extremely* unlikely.

For you tl;dr people.  To sum up:

- TSR and Maxis have a personal relationship going back years
- TSR always is nice to Maxis
- Maxis is therefore going to be more nice to TSR

- Pirates and Maxis have a personal relationship spanning in nanoseconds
- Pirates always bash TSR and Maxis
- Maxis is therefore going to be less nice to Pirates

That simple enough for you Neriana? :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 03, 23:49:17
The unfortunate thing is that either way- they have ticked off a bunch of fans- because of their relationship with a company that in the past has shown that they are willing to use  dirty, underhanded tactics and to commit nefarious deeds in order to  make a profit, (we really don't need to re-list these things again I'm sure we've all memorized the list) does not reflect well on EA. Regardless of whether or not someone linked to TSR hacked your system - the use of TSR employees/founders relationships with the Maxoids and EA execs to cover up and leave unpunished the theft of Buggys and possibly other creators (since who knows how many complaints from creators at other sites have been hushed up and left unpunished by TSR when it comes to FA's and SA's- I highly doubt they would give anyone that info either) work is terribly unethical-

This will only end up hurting EA in the end simply because between this issue, SecuRom, the less than stellar quality of their last five or ten games and the flagging economy - EA will be looking for someone to blame  when they lose money hand over fist this year too and it is human nature to blame the people closest to us for our problems (.e.g. your mother doesn't like your spouse and you end up divorced -who do you blame Mom- not your spouse or yourself for being a dickwad). I am quite sure that despite their relationship with TSR - if enough customers evidence anger at TSR and indirectly or directly this effects the sales of Sims 3 at EA - TSR will take the blame for it- EA has more money, more power, and probably better lawyers than TSR - and the unfortunate thing is that  they are sinking their own ship because the angrier people get at TSR and by default at EA because of their relationship with TSR - the more likely it will be that if Sims 3 tanks - relationship or no- TSR will end up the scapegoats in this.

There are plenty of fans who are in no way related to PMBD, SimsCave, MATY or the SimsGraveyard that are ticked about this - not just the people here and many of them are members of TSR banned- not banned- whatever- until their subs run out who blame TSR and  EA by default - I've been keeping an eye on all of the forums and   with a few exceptions from various sites -the attitude is F*ck both of them and not just from the Pirates.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 03, 23:54:54
Actually, its either EA or Sims - sims is not a part of maxis anymore, its a seperate entity.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 04, 00:22:32
That simple enough for you Neriana? :)

You misunderstood me thoroughly if you think I was saying that the simplest explanation is the best. I was saying that an explanation that's simple isn't better or worse than an explanation that's complex. In other words, Occam's Razor is useless.

In your explanation, you keep talking about "Maxis". Maxis no longer exists. You are right; EA keeps inviting TSR to "fan" stuff. They keep not inviting other people. Whom EA chooses to invite to their parties is an important piece of evidence. If who is "nice" to them actually factors into EA's business arrangements, they're even more poorly run than I thought. Further, TSR is not "nice" to EA at all; TSR violates EA's EULA every day.

Basically, to believe that EA just likes TSR because they're all warm and fuzzy buddies with them, to the extent of excluding other fansites from this warm and fuzzy buddiness and of censoring the BBS as EA regularly does, requires a huge leap of logic. Multinational corporations aren't run on huggles.

Your proposed experiment would be pretty useless now that it's been made public. However, that experiment has already been done, in a way. MTS2 isn't on the list of EA fansites for its supposed "adult" content. We have proven that TSR has plenty of "adult" content, people have complained about that content on the BBS for years, but TSR is still on that list.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: tahirifan on 2009 April 04, 00:33:26
Then you have the other hand - that of TSR and the paysites - who are way more likely to basically kiss ass, to say nice things about the game, to basically do whatever they can to be invited to events, and to, essentially, create a higher profile for thier own site.  Again, nothing business like, nothing legal, no money under the table. 
Sad but true, Delphy, asskissing is always the under hand but an effecitive way to get ahead.  I never subscribe to this method but when they fall flat on their faces it is always enjoyable to watch.  Sooner or later, EA will get sick of all the drama especially if it effects their $$$.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: uknortherner on 2009 April 04, 02:11:51
On a sidenote, SimSecret no. 106 this week:


Random bullshitter or a spy in our midst?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 April 04, 02:12:35
That simple enough for you Neriana? :)

You misunderstood me thoroughly if you think I was saying that the simplest explanation is the best. I was saying that an explanation that's simple isn't better or worse than an explanation that's complex. In other words, Occam's Razor is useless.

In your explanation, you keep talking about "Maxis". Maxis no longer exists. You are right; EA keeps inviting TSR to "fan" stuff. They keep not inviting other people. Whom EA chooses to invite to their parties is an important piece of evidence. If who is "nice" to them actually factors into EA's business arrangements, they're even more poorly run than I thought. Further, TSR is not "nice" to EA at all; TSR violates EA's EULA every day.

Basically, to believe that EA just likes TSR because they're all warm and fuzzy buddies with them, to the extent of excluding other fansites from this warm and fuzzy buddiness and of censoring the BBS as EA regularly does, requires a huge leap of logic. Multinational corporations aren't run on huggles.

Your proposed experiment would be pretty useless now that it's been made public. However, that experiment has already been done, in a way. MTS2 isn't on the list of EA fansites for its supposed "adult" content. We have proven that TSR has plenty of "adult" content, people have complained about that content on the BBS for years, but TSR is still on that list.

Actually, "Maxis" does exist in the sense that there are still "Maxoids".  I was referring to a personal relationship between TSR and the Max*oids*, not neccesarily Maxis as a now-defunct entity. 

Multinational corporations aren't run on huggles, no, but we are not talking about multinational corporations as a whole - we are talking about *individual* people with *individual* biases for or against particular sites, ethics, and colours of the rainbow.  So, it's really *not* a huge leap to go from "TSR and the Maxoids have a long standing relationship" to "Maxoids will favour TSR on thier own site".  It's *certainly* a hell of a lot better an explanation that the "Maxoids are being paid by TSR" which makes about as much sense as a chocolate fireplace.

TSR *is* nice - to the Maxoids.  Doesn't matter what TSR do in terms of "violating" the EULA or with some few adult bits of contact - if the *primary* contact that the Maxoids have with TSR *is* nice, then of course that is going to foster a good relationship.  Come on, it doesn't take a leap of faith to see that people are, well, people, and have feelings and thoughts too, and, in reality, they act on those a hell of a lot more than logic.  Think about it: If you cultivate a nice relationship with somebody it's far easier to overlook thier faults than if you pick them apart, bash them left right and center and generally *be* an ass rather than trying to kiss it.  And since the Max*oids* have a huge say in who gets invited to events (something they have direct control over), as well as how things play out on thier own site (again, direct control), then of *course* it's going to be biased.  But this is nothing to do with the "EA multinational" - it's purely personal, and so long as it can be justified and doesn't backfire, who in the corporate world is really going to care?

When things really come down to it, as *people*, who do you think the Maxoids are going to side with?  The people that constantly bash them, and thier parent company, that deride every decision they ever make, call them names, and generally act like douchebags on thier site... or the people that you have been talking to and have built up a relationship with over *8* years?  Yes, it sucks, no it's not fair, but it *is* a wholly personal thing, and the only way to stop it from happening is to get somebody impartial dealing with the community instead.  To be honest, you pirates are labouring against that 8 years of communications and dialogue, and petty name calling and spamming and so on really will achieve nothing.

With regards to the fansite list: TSR is most likely on the list becuase they *care* about being on the list and becuase of this long standing relationship.  I, on the other hand, do *not* care if I am on the list of fansites.  If I did I'd probably be on them a lot more to put me back, but quite frankly, I don't want to put the time and effort into doing that just to attract a bunch of 12s to my site.

Oh and come on - you know better than I do that TSR are *not* the sole invitee to the events that the Maxoids throw! So the part of your argument that "EA only ever invite TSR" is basically useless and backed up by evidence thats actually provable - ie *all* of the events that have gone down in the past 4 years.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 April 04, 02:16:20
On a sidenote, SimSecret no. 106 this week:


Random bullshitter or a spy in our midst?

Shit stirrer. Methinks they are just trying to shift attention from matters at hand. If it's true, it will come out, if not,  :-\ 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 April 04, 02:19:54
On a sidenote, SimSecret no. 106 this week:


Random bullshitter or a spy in our midst?

Shit stirrer. Methinks they are just trying to shift attention from matters at hand. If it's true, it will come out, if not,  :-\ 

I agree. My first thought was that someone is trying to start a witch hunt while laughing in their super sekrit forum.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 04, 02:22:42
If its true they won't be an FA for long - if TSR gets ahold of the Secret.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 04, 02:30:54
Oh and come on - you know better than I do that TSR are *not* the sole invitee to the events that the Maxoids throw! So the part of your argument that "EA only ever invite TSR" is basically useless and backed up by evidence thats actually provable - ie *all* of the events that have gone down in the past 4 years.

Did I say EA only ever invites TSR? I certainly don't recall typing it.

I find the idea that employees of a company go against that company's interests because people outside the company are NICE to them absolutely and utterly ludicrous. But sure, if you think the "Maxoids" are that silly and unprofessional. I don't think quite that poorly of them.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 04, 02:32:18
Random bullshitter or a spy in our midst?
I see it as an entirely legitimate position: We can't have spies in our "midst" because we don't really have a midst, this is a public forum. They like free stuff, and they like getting paid money. This is an entirely reasonable and consistent position.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 April 04, 02:36:23

 I agree with Delphy, it is more a personal relationship going on then someone getting money under the tables.

 And i think that secret was meant to stir up crap too. But then again you never know....

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 04, 03:15:36
Um, yeah right. I don't know of many well-liked cross-members of PMBD and MATY that are active any more. Don't get me wrong, I do still quite like the ones that are cross-members but the being active on both forums has rather died in recent times. Methinks it be an idiot trying to start shit.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 04, 03:27:37
Agreed - most of the people from MATY that also posted here regularly that I liked haven't posted much at all.  Unless they use completely different handles, which is possible, then its just someone trying to start us fighting amongst ourselves again. :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 04, 03:28:32
Random bullshitter or a spy in our midst?
I see it as an entirely legitimate position: We can't have spies in our "midst" because we don't really have a midst, this is a public forum. They like free stuff, and they like getting paid money. This is an entirely reasonable and consistent position.

ORLY?   hmmm interesting

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 04, 03:32:06
ORLY?   hmmm interesting
No, it's not me. Seriously. Me? An artist? Ahahaha. But no, I simply see it as an entirely reasonable position. If someone wants to take TSR's money, I don't see the problem. They're not all here butthurt and whining about us being pirates while secretly downloading. It's a consistent philosophical position.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 04, 03:40:20
Pes has a point.  I know I said that if EA ever came out saying paysites are AOk, that I'd be glad to sell crap while giving good stuff away for free.  Just to make a point - besides, I'd also donate it to the booty :) 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 04, 03:44:57
It is a consistent position: they're greedy. That's consistent. Being consistent doesn't mean one is good morally ;).

Of course, that's assuming this person exists in the first place.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 April 04, 03:58:30
Oh and come on - you know better than I do that TSR are *not* the sole invitee to the events that the Maxoids throw! So the part of your argument that "EA only ever invite TSR" is basically useless and backed up by evidence thats actually provable - ie *all* of the events that have gone down in the past 4 years.

Did I say EA only ever invites TSR? I certainly don't recall typing it.

Yeah, you basically implied it when you said this:

Quote from: neriana
You are right; EA keeps inviting TSR to "fan" stuff. They keep not inviting other people.

Not inviting other people + keep inviting TSR = only inviting TSR.  Apologies if your implied statement was not your actual one.

Quote from: neriana
I find the idea that employees of a company go against that company's interests because people outside the company are NICE to them absolutely and utterly ludicrous. But sure, if you think the "Maxoids" are that silly and unprofessional. I don't think quite that poorly of them.

You dont?  I would think that "The Maxoids are being PAID by TSR" to mean that you think they *are* unprofessional, as well as illegal and underhanded.

Either you think they are unprofessional or you don't - and if you *dont* then it pretty much means the entire "Maxoids are paid by TSR" theory is based on... well, nothing, really.  (and lets face it's there is zero evidence to suggest that this theory is based on anything resembling facts, but we have years of evidence to prove that TSR talk closely with the Maxoids.  I know which one I would pick... but then I'm probably one of the sanest here. ;))

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 04, 03:59:53
Did I say EA only ever invites TSR? I certainly don't recall typing it.

No, you did not. I also think that everybody on this site is aware that other sites were also invited to the camp (even though it can be argued that TSR was shown particular preference)  but then I haven't read the "EA only ever invite TSR" thread. Maybe I should go look it up. - ;)

As far as the Sim Secret secret, it's probably just another TSR shit stirrer hoping to make us suspicious about, oh, let's say kenmtl ('cause if anyone does it for pay...). No doubt, they cooked it up in one of their super secret meetings thinking we'd be at each others throats about it. Like we'd need that  for an excuse. Stupid TSR.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 04, 04:25:18
Oh and come on - you know better than I do that TSR are *not* the sole invitee to the events that the Maxoids throw! So the part of your argument that "EA only ever invite TSR" is basically useless and backed up by evidence thats actually provable - ie *all* of the events that have gone down in the past 4 years.

Did I say EA only ever invites TSR? I certainly don't recall typing it.

Yeah, you basically implied it when you said this:

Quote from: neriana
You are right; EA keeps inviting TSR to "fan" stuff. They keep not inviting other people.

Not inviting other people + keep inviting TSR = only inviting TSR.  Apologies if your implied statement was not your actual one.

It was not my implied statement. It was the way you read what I wrote, but I'm starting to think you and I actually speak entirely different languages, because you keep misunderstanding me completely, which is not something I'm used to, whether on the internet or off it. And I write A LOT.

EA keeps giving large numbers of invitation slots to TSR while withholding invitation slots from other groups. Not ALL other groups, but many other groups. Besides this withholding, the disproportionately large number of slots allocated to TSR necessarily leaves fewer invitation slots open for other (more talented) people.

Quote from: neriana
I find the idea that employees of a company go against that company's interests because people outside the company are NICE to them absolutely and utterly ludicrous. But sure, if you think the "Maxoids" are that silly and unprofessional. I don't think quite that poorly of them.

You dont?  I would think that "The Maxoids are being PAID by TSR" to mean that you think they *are* unprofessional, as well as illegal and underhanded.

Either you think they are unprofessional or you don't - and if you *dont* then it pretty much means the entire "Maxoids are paid by TSR" theory is based on... well, nothing, really.  (and lets face it's there is zero evidence to suggest that this theory is based on anything resembling facts, but we have years of evidence to prove that TSR talk closely with the Maxoids.  I know which one I would pick... but then I'm probably one of the sanest here. ;))

I said I didn't think that were THAT silly and unprofessional. The word "that" is not unnecessary to the sentence. I do think they are unprofessional. I don't know about silly; EA is known for treating its employees crappily, EA is losing money, being paid under the table may not be silly at all. I do not know that they are being paid under the table. I think it is the most likely scenario -- and, as I said, I think this scenario actually gives them more credit than the idea that they favor TSR because TSR is (supposedly) nice to them.

I also think that admitting you believe you're one of the sanest people here is perhaps not the sanest thing you've ever done.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: theblackcatsluck on 2009 April 04, 06:19:17
Delurking for the first time, though I'm pretty sure all of you will wish I didn't.
If someone was to look at the very basic information on this whole mess, it would seem pretty straight forward who did it and what happened. There are just so many gray areas in this whole thing that have popped up and it's become rather political in a way. The more is said, it seems the more attention is distracted from the original issue of the stolen Custom Content. The way the whole thing is going it might just build on itself in till the whole thing is dropped because it's gotten so far from what it was about in the first place that there's nothing left really but he said, she said. (Run on sentence for the lose) I hope it doesn't happen, but it seems to be most likely way this is going. I doubt that would be planned, since the folks at TSR seem to have the average intelligence of most drunk rednecks.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 04, 08:47:02
On a sidenote, SimSecret no. 106 this week:


Random bullshitter or a spy in our midst?

Definitely bullshit. TSR needs to do whatever they can to draw attention off of them. Nice try, but FAIL.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Emma on 2009 April 04, 08:55:46
I definitely call bullshit. No-one is well liked on MATY. :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Jojoba on 2009 April 04, 10:30:04
I definitely call bullshit. No-one is well liked on MATY. :P

And I could not even imagine a MATYan saying they are 'well liked'. And there are few cross overs between the two forums. Just does not fit, so yea I call stirring also.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Immortelle on 2009 April 04, 10:37:49
A well liked Matyan is an oxymoron.  Whoever posted that Sim Secret is a plain moron

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 04, 10:54:02
It is a consistent position: they're greedy. That's consistent. Being consistent doesn't mean one is good morally ;).
Yeah, well, "morally good" is not really a characteristic I place a particularly high value on. Given the choice been consistency of ethos, and "goodness" of ethos, I will take someone who has a consistent ethos that they adhere to unwaveringly. "Goodness" for its own sake is an erratic and often destructive philosophy.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Immortelle on 2009 April 04, 11:10:29
I gather you vehemently disagree with the entirity of Aristotles 'the Ethics', Pescado

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Delphy on 2009 April 04, 11:39:08
neriana, lets just agree to disagree, ok?

Pescado, since you are awake let me ask you a question.  Why do you think it's a statistical coincedence that only 5 or 6 people share the exact same IP address *and* the same browser string (which in itself is a fairly unique one) out of a database of tens of millions of rows?  Sharing the same IP address is not uncommon.  Having the same browser string as the person next to you is also not uncommon, but consider this:  The browser strings never actually came up *until* I posted my first thread on S2C.  How could one person *randomly* choose the exact same browser string as the ones used in the MTS2 and TSR logs if this information was never public?  As far as I can tell none of the oher sites that got hacked have this information - they only have IP addresses.  So how would a hacker get it?  The simple answer (and the one that fits the evidence) is: They didn't.  The simple answer is that it's the same person, so therefore it is *not* statistically a coincedence, as you seem to think, that very very few people share the same IP and browser.

I'd like your thoughts on this please.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Veles on 2009 April 04, 12:01:04
Hello there, pirates! I'm not the public creator, meaning that my stuff are only for my sims, so TSR cannot delete them. Still, I'm pissed about this whole thing going on! WTF - showing your address, phone number and such so everybody can see?! Deleting somebody's work because s/he won't allow you to steal it and walk away?! There's a word for that - illegal, matey...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tabby on 2009 April 04, 14:29:15
Pescado, since you are awake let me ask you a question. 

Pes doesn't sleep, he waits.  ::)

ETA: Simsecret people seem to think it's someone called "Waverly".  I haven't a clue who that is, I've never seen anyone here named Waverly.  :-\

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Destria on 2009 April 04, 16:22:21
ETA: Simsecret people seem to think it's someone called "Waverly".  I haven't a clue who that is, I've never seen anyone here named Waverly.  :-\

This ( Waverly?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 04, 16:45:35
ETA: Simsecret people seem to think it's someone called "Waverly".  I haven't a clue who that is, I've never seen anyone here named Waverly.  :-\

There was an FA named Waverly. She used to bomb the site with bedroom sets in every unimaginable wood tone you could possibly think of (I named one particular hue Pink Salmonella, and another one Well, That's Not Black At All ). I also remember her because, once she started uploading, it would take pages and pages before she was finished and I would think to myself, "Her again!"

There's also a fabric company that's called Waverly. They were particularly well known for their cloying floral prints. Both the floral prints and the FA are considered passé, I believe.

(let's see if that smokes her out)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 04, 16:48:28
I summed up my reaction on Sim secrets to this.  Either someone has an identity crisis or they're an asshole.  Someone just doing it to stir trouble would go under asshole along with anyone doing this "just because."  

Remember a few weeks ago, there was a secret that someone said that they were at TSR  and here, and they pretended to get all indignant over Pirates, but laughed to themselves, because they didn't care?  Well, maybe it's the same person.  Or, maybe it's a different person and this is the other bookend to that person.

It doesn't matter.  If we were an exclusive, private forum, that would be different, but anyone can come here.  It's not like we have a special area for only the "Inner Circle" of PMBD.

Of course, maybe there is one, and I just don't qualify, so no one has told me.   ;D  I'll put on my tinfoil hat and think about that one.

(  <--- found on Waverly's page.  

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 04, 17:11:54
Why do you think it's a statistical coincedence that only 5 or 6 people share the exact same IP address *and* the same browser string (which in itself is a fairly unique one) out of a database of tens of millions of rows?
Which 5 or 6 people are we talking about? There's only one INTERESTING coincidence, the rest being obviously the same reason, and that one was only interesting because the person in question hasn't appeared in ages...and there are any number of explanations behind why that matches.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Xanadu on 2009 April 04, 20:31:53

(  <--- found on Waverly's page.  

Once someone has found a chest and claims it, it no longer is claimable by anyone else.  Nice way to draw false action on your website.  *rollseyes*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 April 04, 21:56:08

Calalily's response to the Myths

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Grotesque Sharonicle on 2009 April 04, 22:33:09
Yaay, Calalily you're awesome I love you. You said all that the pirates wanted to say, but didn't know how (or at least I didn't know how).

I really missed this place.
A long time passed by since the last time I was here.
And 1 thing always stays the same.

Threads of TSR being a peeping Tom. When will they stop, I mean... It's ridiculous! What's next? They'll come to my house and check my underwear?
They probably already know exactly how much I poop a day...  ???

ETA: They're just... Ridiculous.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 04, 22:57:13
Hey!  Its been a while.  And yup, tht about sums it up.  TSR is like that desperate kid in school - so wanting to be popular, but going about it the entirely wrong way.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 04, 23:25:12
I don't think TSR cares about popularity except inasmuch as it affects their bottom line.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 April 05, 01:48:33
From the TSR newsletter, which (fittingly) showed up in my spam folder:

"TSR News

Apr 02, 2009 | TSR Newsletter Returns!

After a long break during the development of TSR version 7, we would like to welcome you to the new TSR Newsletter! This time around we will be sending the newsletter out bi-monthly, so you should see 6 issues a year. The content has been slimed down a little for this current design but there is always room for improvement, so if you really want to see one of the old features return, or a new feature added, feel free to post your comments on the site and we will see what we can do. "

Sliming:  when you care enough to do your very best. :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 05, 03:53:17
Damn. I swung by to reread an excellent post by a first time poster that appeared on the previous page sometime last night (maybe early this morning) about how the whole thieving Shakeshaft situation seems to have become politicized. Apparently they decided to delete their comments and return to lurkerdom. That's too bad, your post pretty much put into words how I was beginning to feel.

(and now, instead of intelligent new contributor, it would seem we have a bona fide troll running amok looking for attention)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: calalily on 2009 April 05, 07:45:51
Yaay, Calalily you're awesome I love you. You said all that the pirates wanted to say, but didn't know how (or at least I didn't know how).

Thank you.  :-* I get so fucking sick and tired of people talking about pirates using arred games - that picture was very satisfying to take.  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Nutty on 2009 April 05, 13:19:29
Yaay, Calalily you're awesome I love you. You said all that the pirates wanted to say, but didn't know how (or at least I didn't know how).

Thank you.  :-* I get so fucking sick and tired of people talking about pirates using arred games - that picture was very satisfying to take.  :D

I can imagine ;) Love how they brush us off as thieves while they have at least one within their own team ::)

Great reply too, couldn't have said it better :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 05, 13:50:10

Thank you.  :-* I get so fucking sick and tired of people talking about pirates using arred games - that picture was very satisfying to take.  :D

That irritated me too.  Talk about making things completely black and white.   The whole thing reeked of propaganda if you ask me. 

And that picture was the bomb.  Whoever has them should l try to take pictures of our games and put them in a thread.   ;D 

*goes to see if her digital camera has been returned*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 April 05, 14:05:57
Oh, I can do that!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 April 05, 14:10:38
  I can do that too! considering were I lived at the time the original sims 2 game cost me over 60 dollars and all the ep's we around 50 or so. I have spent hundreds on my games, and I do not appreciate being called a thief.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Immortelle on 2009 April 05, 14:15:17
Just clickied onto the TSR website for the first time in a month or so, and I get a message saying there is malware.  Anyone else getting that?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 05, 14:21:56
Just clickied onto the TSR website for the first time in a month or so, and I get a message saying there is malware.  Anyone else getting that?

That seems to happen on and off to people.  I never got it, but I think that's because I have adblock. 

Supposedly, it's cause by the advertising company they're using. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Immortelle on 2009 April 05, 14:30:26
So they say.  *dons tin foil hat.  Climbs underneath table and makes a tent*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Quorneater on 2009 April 05, 14:32:37
Maybe a pirate theme was not the best to choose for the PMBD movement.  Piracy really refers to people who steal stuff they should have paid for (eg ripped off commercial software).

Wouldn't a Robin Hood theme have been less confusing?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Lilwen on 2009 April 05, 14:43:11
Maybe a pirate theme was not the best to choose for the PMBD movement.  Piracy really refers to people who steal stuff they should have paid for (eg ripped off commercial software).

Wouldn't a Robin Hood theme have been less confusing?

Yeah, but didn't he rob from the rich to give to the poor? so it still involves stealing.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 05, 14:44:41
Just clickied onto the TSR website for the first time in a month or so, and I get a message saying there is malware.  Anyone else getting that?

Yes-  and now 2 months left on my sub or no- banned  and blocked from my computer system. I just replaced my hard drive after an issue with trojans and malware infecting my computer earlier this year. Their IP is blocked in my firewall and in my security options. I really can't afford to replace any more stuff on my system and since  I have a home business this is my work computer too.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Nietzsche on 2009 April 05, 14:47:00
Maybe a pirate theme was not the best to choose for the PMBD movement.  Piracy really refers to people who steal stuff they should have paid for (eg ripped off commercial software).

Wouldn't a Robin Hood theme have been less confusing?

Pirates are more popular. Plus, we have rum.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 05, 14:48:55
Oh, I can do that!

And I started a thread for it, if others want to join in.,2403.0.html

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 05, 14:53:21
Quote from:  Quorneater
Maybe a pirate theme was not the best to choose for the PMBD movement.  Piracy really refers to people who steal stuff they should have paid for (eg ripped off commercial software).

Wouldn't a Robin Hood theme have been less confusing?

I do have to admit that every time there's a news story about a cruise ship getting jacked I sort of cringe. But, despite that, I also realize that there's also the more alluring side of pirate lore, and I think that's the side that Pescado has tapped into. A lot of people can relate to and have fun with pirate themes (I'm pretty certain more people probably dress as pirates on Halloween than, say, TSR FA's) not to mention how Hollywood has popularized pirates. 

Besides, Pescado and his band of Merry Men? -  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 April 05, 15:02:25
Quote from:  Quorneater
Maybe a pirate theme was not the best to choose for the PMBD movement.  Piracy really refers to people who steal stuff they should have paid for (eg ripped off commercial software).

Wouldn't a Robin Hood theme have been less confusing?

I do have to admit that every time there's a news story about a cruise ship getting jacked I sort of cringe. But, despite that, I also realize that there's also the more alluring side of pirate lore, and I think that's the side that Pescado has tapped into. A lot of people can relate to and have fun with pirate themes (I'm pretty certain more people probably dress as pirates on Halloween than, say, TSR FA's) not to mention how Hollywood has popularized pirates. 

Besides, Pescado and his band of Merry Men? -  :D

Dressing up as a TSR FA would truly be one scary Halloween costume. Just imagine them coming to your house now, begging for shit from you (not like that's anything new - the begging part)?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 April 05, 15:03:10
Pirates have been in the news a lot lately. The "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies haven't hurt, plus there was a lawsuit recently involving a website called "Pirate Bay" I believe. And as Snarky said, the boat attacks with both cruise ships and commercial shipping in the Pacific.

I'll post my games picture in a bit. Need to do yard work first.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: JFederated on 2009 April 05, 15:30:48
TSR is obsessed with pirates.  Had a whole theme going a while back.  There's a fetric muckton of pirate-related stuff on that site.  Are they not having a (pirate) booty hunt going on right now?

My nieces play 'Pirates!', with eyepatches and cardboard cutlasses.  I suppose they're filthy thieves too.  They're both six in Pescado years.

*will be posting pics of my purchased games also - still have legible receipts for the last three*

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Grotesque Sharonicle on 2009 April 05, 16:44:08
Haha... I wonder if ThomAss's would yell or totally freak out his nieces/children to tears if he'd ever see them putting on hats and patches and playing pirates.  :(
I kind of pity the kids if that ever happens though. They don' t even know what's all this about.

On the other hand... If he ever tells his kids about his 'work' and us, he probably tells them we eat unicorns and killed Spunge Bob. Not to talk about how we violated Big Bird. Uhh... Tom Tom Jr.s probably hate us  :( .

P.s. does anyone actually know who Pescado is? Or all we know is that he lives on a skull shaped island?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 April 05, 18:15:35

Considering the part of the world I am from, I would be more of a Viking meself ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ChaosInAMinor on 2009 April 05, 18:31:57
I'm a good ol' Barbary Coast girl, myself.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 April 05, 18:59:10
Blackbeard sailed near where I live and was even held in prison briefly 45 minutes from here. But me personally, I take "Captain Blood" and Jack Sparrow any day.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Nietzsche on 2009 April 05, 19:02:23
Blackbeard's head was on a post near where I live, so pirates FTW!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 05, 19:23:39
With my heritage, I could be plain English pirate or Viking, so meh. And for some reason, Pescado and his band of grumpy minions doesn't sound very good as a calling card... But it does beat the name Pillaging Players. Maybe. But not by much. I think. :D Sorry, my brain isn't all here today, no coffee got made this morning.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Chelsea on 2009 April 05, 19:45:43
I live two miles from the ocean, in Florida, plus I live on the Treasure Coast. ( They call it that because we have like tons of treasure from sunken ships in the ocean around us and in some places, like Vero Beach, I believe, under the sand. So yeah, arg.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Julia-Treasure on 2009 April 06, 03:36:56
And what is this please?


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 06, 03:46:29
And what is this please?


If you back up a couple pages, we've been talking about this.

What happened to your post? It seems you were interrupted or something and didn't finish your thought.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 06, 03:54:25
And yes, TSR is more obsessed with pirate stuff, I think because they are obsessed with -us-.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Julia-Treasure on 2009 April 06, 04:12:56
And what is this please?

If you back up a couple pages, we've been talking about this.

What happened to your post? It seems you were interrupted or something and didn't finish your thought.
Lol, actually the "I" was not my intention, I did not notice that - until now.^^

I found these articles because a member (Udon'tknow) from our german forum moved from MTS to TSR. And that pissed me off, so I wanted to see her profile at TSR and found the article from April 1th...
And in the Article TSR said that they're invited to EA events and were wholeheartedly supported by them, is that true?
Even if it is, I would never pay for their stuff...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 06, 09:13:10
Besides, Pescado and his band of Merry Men? -  :D
As Mr. Worf put it, "I am not a merry man!".

In unrelated news, it looks like due to the unwillingness of the community leaders to make a stand against the TSR menace, TSR has been allowed to sweep this matter under the rug again. This is why they keep doing this, you know. No one remembers the Armenians.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 April 06, 09:28:10
You mean no more investigation of how someone got into Buggy's MTS2 account or what?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Immortelle on 2009 April 06, 09:30:57
By the looks of it, they are just saying "we didn't do it.  It never happened.  It waz the Piratez!"

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Elphaba on 2009 April 06, 12:15:49
If we're not technically pirates maybe we're privateers
If this is a war and TSR are the enemy then this description sounds right to me. Think about it, EA are the state, the EULA is our letters of Marque. Plus we still gets rum.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 April 06, 12:27:57
Besides, Pescado and his band of Merry Men? -  :D
As Mr. Worf put it, "I am not a merry man!".

In unrelated news, it looks like due to the unwillingness of the community leaders to make a stand against the TSR menace, TSR has been allowed to sweep this matter under the rug again. This is why they keep doing this, you know. No one remembers the Armenians.

That's pathetic.  I really thought they'd get caught with their pants on fire this time.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Nutty on 2009 April 06, 12:42:49
Besides, Pescado and his band of Merry Men? -  :D
As Mr. Worf put it, "I am not a merry man!".

In unrelated news, it looks like due to the unwillingness of the community leaders to make a stand against the TSR menace, TSR has been allowed to sweep this matter under the rug again. This is why they keep doing this, you know. No one remembers the Armenians.

That's pathetic.  I really thought they'd get caught with their pants on fire this time.

How do they keep getting away with this? Do they have that much clout in this community? ??? It's not even like they're good liars with the way they kept changing their story :-\

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 April 06, 12:46:55
In unrelated news, it looks like due to the unwillingness of the community leaders to make a stand against the TSR menace, TSR has been allowed to sweep this matter under the rug again.
Somehow, I'm not at all surprised. Another point for them! When they're caught red-handed they still get away!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Roaring Kitten on 2009 April 06, 12:47:28
It is with heavy heart that I leave the TSR and become a pirate.  :(

Okay. I'm over it. Where's the booty cave?   ;)

Oops! Never mind. I found it!  ;D


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 06, 13:53:45
Besides, Pescado and his band of Merry Men? -  :D
As Mr. Worf put it, "I am not a merry man!".

In unrelated news, it looks like due to the unwillingness of the community leaders to make a stand against the TSR menace, TSR has been allowed to sweep this matter under the rug again. This is why they keep doing this, you know. No one remembers the Armenians.

Don't give up- remember everytime they pull this crap and then sweep it under the rug they end up with more people jumping ship- like in the old days when Pirates and Privateers would give the  crew of ships they captured the choice of being dumped overboard or joining the crew. In the case of TSR sometimes it is even the ships officers (FA"s and SA's ) that jump ship, and in the case of TSR they aren't being given the choice of drowning (no one downloading your stuff doesn't really compare), just we will find a new home for you and your creations as long as you don't try to sell them.

 Meaning that those that support freesites are  offering us the choice of pretty stuff that creators are generally willing to fix (or at the very least stuff that they admit isn't perfect ) or the ugly poorly meshed, floodfilled shit at a paysite where you have to pay for the privilege o downloading  the ugly- kind of like the clearance rack at Wal-Mart where you have to shift through tons of dreck to find something even minimally reasonable.. In the case of TSR creators freesite owners offer  them to opportunity to move to a freesite and re-gain some of the legitimacy and credibility that they have lost amongst the grownups in the community by working for such a bunch of corrupt morons. 
Every person that joins the crew- is 30$ fewer USD in TSR's pockets. No matter how much they keep trying to sweep this under the rug the issues will keep cropping up again and again until something gets done about. The serious issue here is sites like Peggy, Rose and TSR really are not even just paysites they are corporations  which separates them even from the other paysites like ATS and Holy Simoly (much less corporate more respected in the community etc), and they use that power to try and hide the truth about their ethics and the quality of their stuff meanwhile they are bleeding customers out the ass because not everyone is a blind moron.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skye on 2009 April 06, 14:21:12
Okay, so I'm among those who are amazed TSR got away with it--- again.....Now who would be the ones to actually 'police' this issue?  Is it just up to us to just not go there anymore or how do they actually have to 'ante up' for their stupidity? Do they have a fine, a banning of something, or what happens to them if 'proven guilty' in this issue?

And how would TSR people feel if this same thing happened to them? Would they roll over and just 'take it' or would they run to EA, cry pretty crocodile tears, or What?!!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Sigmund on 2009 April 06, 14:26:37
Who exactly are we talking about when we say "community leaders"? Delphy? Somebody else entirely?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 06, 14:52:00
I think it's a case of how long can you expect people to remain in a fevered state about something.  I was afraid this would happen.  Excitement is like fire, it needs fuel to keep burning.  In this case, TSR is just going, "I dunno, it wasn't us."  And we're not getting any new information.  After awhile, people just can't keep up a level of excitement.

All we can hope is that people won't forget about this, and won't let TSR get away with, "I dunno." 

Funny,  Johna at least, and maybe even others, were claiming that they had to just gather more evidence.  I find it ironic, because I haven't even seen any evidence from their side, never mind "more." 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 06, 14:59:01
TSR's evidence " We Was Hacked Too (Sob Sob) sees all these hidden IP's numbers!! " Yes TSR because you might actually have some members who realize their information isn't safe and have done the common sense thing to protect themselves from identity theft - and hidden their IP numbers  or blocked you from tracing it so you can't sell their address and phone number to the highest bidder like many websites do. I have evidence that monkey's from Mars are planning to take over the world - it's in a comic book but, it's still evidence that doesn't mean it's legitimate or credible evidence.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 06, 15:03:57
The entire "we were hacked" story has even been denied by TSR, yet this leaves no other actual story. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. They've managed to throw up enough obfuscation to get the weak links in the chain to balk, which in turn has allowed TSR to bury this story. As for us, we will never forget, and never forgive.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: HugeLunatic on 2009 April 06, 15:08:49
In case anyone wants to smother the downloads with negative comments, these are the id's:  619485, 619745, 619722, 619774

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 06, 15:24:17
In case anyone wants to smother the downloads with negative comments, these are the id's:  619485, 619745, 619722, 619774

Thank you , although it will take TSRMod Cadiva about 15 minutes to quash and remove them- by the way I have been busy removing TSR Mutske's Ikea stuff from my D/L folder and replacing it with yours- yours is so much nicer thank you for your hard work.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 06, 15:37:50
Understanding the regard that some of the *leaders* hold us in, I didn't allow myself to get my hopes up. So, no real damage there. And it has been proven beyond a doubt that Shakeshaft is a thief who steals other people's files and takes credit and money for them. Who, besides Thomass and the rest of the FA skanks, would want to help cover for something like that ?

MOAR glad than ever to be on this side.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 April 06, 15:55:48
Understanding the regard that some of the *leaders* hold us in, I didn't allow myself to get my hopes up. So, no real damage there. And it has been proven beyond a doubt that Shakeshaft is a thief who steals other people's files and takes credit and money for them. Who, besides Thomass and the rest of the FA skanks, would want to help cover for something like that ?

MOAR glad than ever to be on this side.

That may be so, but what about the integrity of the "leaders?"  We're not the ones who were violated, they were.  There must have been some pretty shiny quid pro quo to get the "leaders" to drop the matter.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 April 06, 16:08:06
I'm going to wait until Delphy says something. Yes, I do respect you Pes, but I'd like to hear Delphy's side before I say anything. I do think however, that we should keep the matter open until either Delphy or Buggybooz says to drop it entirely.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 06, 16:24:51
I really do think that in some ways Delphy is stuck between a rock and a hard place- MTS2 and TSR (you note I put them in second place ) are the two biggest fansites free or pay for the Sims Games - period-  TSR has the money for more lawyers, more advertising, more, more more - Delphy funds MTS2 entirely from donations, advertising out  and of pocket when need be- Hence Delphy does not have the money to start a shit war with TSR . Until he can 150% prove what happened, how it happened, etc down to the last exact detail (e.g. credit card/paypal charges etc) there is very little he can do except to keep investigating and we all know that TSR will not be forthcoming with any information or they will outright lie to him. I also think he is trying to remain balanced because there is so much anger in the community on both the free and pay communities that if he loses perspective as one of the main leaders of the free community - than we are all screwed.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 06, 16:39:18
Actually Delphy is still researching things. He's definately not done yet, still some options left to look into.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skoria_Bay on 2009 April 06, 16:48:55
Thanks for the update Nouk. I was worried there. As I said, I'm not giving up until someone says to.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Quorneater on 2009 April 06, 16:51:10
I don't believe it will be possible to prove anything, and Delphy's not going to want to get sued (I wouldn't either).  I think TSR will continue to irritate the tits off the sims community for all of eternity.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 06, 16:52:23
I figured he wouldn't give up on this  and didn't buy TSR's line full of shit and stinky fish.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 06, 17:36:36
At the very least, the theft of Buggy's stuff should nevar be swept under the rug. Her stuff needs to be taken down from shakeshit's page (not sure if done so already), a public apology and statement needs to be made, and any monies made should be delegated to wherever Buggy says so. There's no way to deny the theft. They shouldn't be allowed to babble their way out of this obvious fact. Thieves and crooks. They are have them.

Eta: Investigations take time, so you can count on my patience and appreciation for all efforts regarding this whole hacking ordeal.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dietofworms on 2009 April 06, 19:00:20
Actually Delphy is still researching things. He's definately not done yet, still some options left to look into.

Thanks for the info.  I retract what I said above about the quid pro quo.  Guess it's still too early to tell.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Grotesque Sharonicle on 2009 April 06, 19:12:32
This is kind of getting exhausting.
I mean, I'm still on the PMBD side; you shouldn't be put in the position to pay for pixels(and crappy ones also), hell read the EULA, I expect those crazy men at tsr to at least be literate(though EA obviously supports them but that's just too long).

I mean, it's a freaking game played by kids...
Jesus, why don't they just... Get real jobs for once??

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 06, 19:56:24
Because that would take real effort on their part and would require them to leave the comforts of their nicely padded computer chairs... :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Xanadu on 2009 April 06, 21:34:31
In case anyone wants to smother the downloads with negative comments, these are the id's:  619485, 619745, 619722, 619774

Thank you , although it will take TSRMod Cadiva about 15 minutes to quash and remove them- by the way I have been busy removing TSR Mutske's Ikea stuff from my D/L folder and replacing it with yours- yours is so much nicer thank you for your hard work.

Where can I find HugeLunatic's replacement items for the Mutske Ikea stuff?  Would like to do some cleansing of my own...  heh.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 April 06, 21:42:43
 If you read the profiles, many of them are housewife's  ( giving us all bad names) That decided that this would be a good way to make extra cash while staying home. The others seem to be younger college people who probably throw something together on a weekend for extra cash. So you do not see many people who have "normal everyday jobs". Most creators who do are the ones who are free, who may not update as much but when they do it is good because it is there hobby and take pride. They do not need or want the money.

 ( not saying this is true in every case, just something I have noticed)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neo-patriot on 2009 April 06, 21:47:29
dstar, I tried to pm you but your box is full. I'll try again later.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Sigmund on 2009 April 06, 21:50:10
Because that would take real effort on their part and would require them to leave the comforts of their nicely padded computer chairs... :D

Also, I'm pretty sure that a real job generally wouldn't make as much money as some of the paysites make, depending what the job is. Didn't Peggy or somebody take a vacation based completely off money generated from her paysite? Anyway, the point is that for many of them, they are making more money than they ever could in an honest profession.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 06, 21:58:37

Also, I'm pretty sure that a real job generally wouldn't make as much money as some of the paysites make, depending what the job is. Didn't Peggy or somebody take a vacation based completely off money generated from her paysite? Anyway, the point is that for many of them, they are making more money than they ever could in an honest profession.

Not many.  TSR has been able to convince a lot of paysites to close down and go to them.  And we've heard two figures tossed out.  One was a 300 dollar a month limit, the other was a 500 dollar a month figure that (ironically) Shakeshaft was getting.  And supposedly the prices vary by individual.   While 500 dollars a month ain't chicken feed, it's also not enough to really support yourself.  However, if you had a spouse / parent supporting you, 300 dollars a month is pretty good for pocket change, doing a hobby. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 06, 22:39:33
dstar, I tried to pm you but your box is full. I'll try again later.

 OT: All emptied now is there a problem- The lot is not exact there were just some things that did not work out like the triangular glass- just PM me and I will get back to you.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Skye on 2009 April 06, 23:13:27
I could use the extra buck, but left a certain site when they decided to go pay site. Luckily for them they changed back to free.  I could never charge people for my creations.  It is a hobby, and one I enjoy sharing---mine are for the pure challenge of it!

So no one really gets in trouble for all this mess. EA couldn't care less, and can't be bothered after selling the games. And their customer service sucks rocks as well! So I doubt TSR could really be charged with anything for doing this stuff! And they have EA on their side anyways!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 April 07, 03:55:43
 I do not think FA's roll in the money but like Darstar said, it is nice money for a hobby. I know many crafts people who sit and make things by hand all year long to earn 500 dollars from their hobby.  For me to earn 500 dollar I have to work  around 40 hours serving coffee in a very busy store.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: HugeLunatic on 2009 April 07, 04:10:22
Where can I find HugeLunatic's replacement items for the Mutske Ikea stuff?  Would like to do some cleansing of my own...  heh.

You may find me here ( and here (  But I have no idea how mine compares to Mutske, since I have no pay content in my game.  Thank you dstar. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Cheesy on 2009 April 07, 04:22:39

Say what?! The Featured Artists earn up to 500 bucks per month?

That's a bit more than my monthly salary, for working 40 hours a week as a Special Education Teacher.

This makes me wonder how much does TSR earn from their activities.
I know Thomass salary is high enough to afford a new house, but I suspect the total earnings fof that site must be much higher than what I imagine.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 07, 04:32:02
Say what?! The Featured Artists earn up to 500 bucks per month?

That's a bit more than my monthly salary, for working 40 hours a week as a Special Education Teacher.

I'd guess you're not American then. That brings up a good point, though; in some countries, 500 American dollars a month would be an extremely good salary. What we'd make with a badly paid part-time job is a real living wage to some people who live where American dollars buy a lot more than they do in the U.S.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: rum nate on 2009 April 07, 04:36:09

Say what?! The Featured Artists earn up to 500 bucks per month?

That's a bit more than my monthly salary, for working 40 hours a week as a Special Education Teacher.

This makes me wonder how much does TSR earn from their activities.
I know Thomass salary is high enough to afford a new house, but I suspect the total earnings fof that site must be much higher than what I imagine.

Some one did some math a while back (it was a lot of estimation, because we don't have all the numbers), but they figured that TSR has made over $1million in the past 4 years alone. That doesn't count what they got pre-2005 or post-October 2008. But I think the person's final number came to like $1.3million or something like that for the past 4 years.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 07, 04:55:44
I'd guess you're not American then. That brings up a good point, though; in some countries, 500 American dollars a month would be an extremely good salary. What we'd make with a badly paid part-time job is a real living wage to some people who live where American dollars buy a lot more than they do in the U.S.
That's my shopping secrets right there. Buy from foreign countries where stuff is cheap! :P

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: justso on 2009 April 07, 07:04:57
TSR probably earned as much as they did because they were given an unfair advantage over the community (not sure if monopoly could rightly be used here).  While honest people and people who weren't so sure were contacting EA to clarify the situation EA was sending back emails claiming paysites are illegal, meanwhile, TSR thrived under the guise of subscription site, while advertising themselves as a freesite here, there and everywhere. They are hoping that this new situation will be brushed under the carpet,  they are using the same tactics on their members as they use here when they visit, under the assumption that sims 2 players have the attention span of gnats, they launched the booty competition, and a brand new newsletter, to divert them.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CortoMaltese on 2009 April 07, 07:54:21
Is it a wonder or a compromise? The files are really taken away from TSR (but how long ;) ?)

Could it be possible, that no one of the TSR head spoke to Shakeshaft about the theft? It's a bit curius that Steve didn't knew all files!!!
Originally Posted by Steve, via email
Thanks for the list.. some sets we didn't know those items were in.

All removed and page cache's cleared.

Hey, if I'm a thief and my boss is asking "What have you stolen?", I would say "Here, these are the stolen things". But they let Delphy and the MTS2 stuff did the work of searching....

And a little idea: The sets are still avaible here at the booty - shouldn't they be deleted here too? But not complete - only the download zip/rar. And the filenames should be attached with a note like "stolen content" - so everyone will remember!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 07, 13:24:53
Where can I find HugeLunatic's replacement items for the Mutske Ikea stuff?  Would like to do some cleansing of my own...  heh.

You may find me here ( and here (  But I have no idea how mine compares to Mutske, since I have no pay content in my game.  Thank you dstar. 

You're welcome- I have just finished playing yours in game- The texture is much more attractive and it is much mroe detailed -You also seem to be working on pieces that are actually a  part of the Ikea product line which is the sort of thing that I would call a " Completer Set" Mutske has good work (for a paysite artist) but  much like Spaik and Shakeshaft, and MsBarrows assumes that a completer set means making whatever the heck they feel like making. You put care and research into making the complete sets as do some of the other artists at Mod the Sims like Alias, FWay and Leeester who make the stuff in sets that EA forgot to include in the SP's amd EP's - You've also said that you make what you want to use in your own game- I don't think that the Completer set creators at TSR even play their games anymore-That is one of  the  big differences between paysites and freesites- Yes you can find just as many ugly re-colors of the same dresses if that is what floats your boat but, the good creators on freesites still play the game and use their own stuff in game and actually care enough to do the research etc on a type of furniture, or historic period. You care - she doesn't and it shows- Now this is a little off topic and probably belongs in the Paysite vs Free thread - So before I get blasted back to TSR crud.

While it may be worth it to some FA's who live and work in countries where $500 dollars a month is a good paycheck- There are many many FA's from the United Kingdom and the U.S - I don't know about what the minimum wage is in the U.K but in the U.S. that is below minimum wage given how much work it takes to even make a crappy set work at all (forget about well), it doesn't even meet the lowest minimum wage requirement of 4.50 USD per hour which is the rate in some Southern States. Where I am the minimum is 7$ USD per hour - I wouldn't even open the game to build a starter lot for that - if I was the sort to take money for my work rather than handing them out like candy at Halloween.
 There are plenty of online jobs out there if you want to stay at home with the kids, or are disabled- anything from working on mass mailings for big companies, to working as an answering service , to copy-editing journal articles and business reports for business and academic professionals- I work doing this and freelance writing as I live in a very rural area with very few actual on site jobs. There are plenty of things that they could do at home that would not take them from their kids that would pay as much or more than TSR that really don't require much skill at all. I make around 12 USD per hour and average about 3000 per month and I don't even really work that hard. My work consists of putting commas and question marks where they go- not hard, not labor intensive and I get to work in my pjs so stuff is out there- even if they wanted to continue getting paid for their " Art"

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 07, 14:19:41
TSR thrived under the guise of subscription site, while advertising themselves as a freesite here, there and everywhere.

In a way, that's exactly what they were.  I'm not going say TSR used to be cool, but when they first went pay, it worked like this, everything was available at any time if you had a paid subscription. If you had a free subscription, only a certain amount, which rotated every week or so.  So, TSR could very well have claimed that no, you're not buying the items, you're buying the privilege of being able to download whatever you want, whenever you want.  Granted, now more stuff is free all the time, but the way it was, everything eventually would be free.  You might have to wait for years before they got around to freeing the items you wanted, but FA/SA/Everyone elses stuff eventually would be free for a limited time.

Again, I'm not sticking up for TSR, but to be honest?  If they still ran on the old system, I'd have a hard time thinking of them as a pure paysite.  It wouldn't excuse them sharing paypal information, it wouldn't excuse FA's stealing work. I still would feel that paying FA's was wrong, but I'd have a hard time feeling it was okay for them to be in the booty. 

Which reminds me, wasn't there a site that would put up a "donation set," for a couple months, then make it free?  If so, were their donation sets in the booty?  I'm just curious. 

Edit reason: Clarification.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 07, 15:04:36
Quote from: CortoMaltese
And a little idea: The sets are still avaible here at the booty - shouldn't they be deleted here too? But not complete - only the download zip/rar. And the filenames should be attached with a note like "stolen content" - so everyone will remember!

Good idea. I'd say change the booty description to reflect that it's not Shakeshaft's work and then leave the files in as a monument to her thievery as well as TSR's ham-fisted cover-up. The package names could be changed along with the in game catalog description.  The more attention drawn to the fact that Shakeshaft is a thief and that TSR is fine with it, the better.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 07, 15:26:43
People seem to have lost sight of the important issue at hand: The IMPORTANT issue is NOT that a user on TSR happened to steal the work of a user on another site: Shit like this happens on all sites, all the time. This cannot really be considered a unique attribute of TSR, or even really specifically TSR's fault. Their botched bureaucratic handling of the affair is nothing more than par for the course, something you can expect from most sites run by bureaucracies. The issue of IMPORTANCE is that TSR HACKS PEOPLES' ACCOUNTS. THAT is the issue that must not be forgotten. Everything else is mere sophistry.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Xanadu on 2009 April 07, 15:57:03
You may find me here ( and here (  But I have no idea how mine compares to Mutske, since I have no pay content in my game.  Thank you dstar. 

You are a golden god--thanks for these.  They're all great additions to the short cutted Maxis stuff.  Not sure why they never make full sets of anything...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scurvy Cat on 2009 April 07, 16:05:52
You may find me here ( and here (  But I have no idea how mine compares to Mutske, since I have no pay content in my game.  Thank you dstar. 

You are a golden god--thanks for these.  They're all great additions to the short cutted Maxis stuff.  Not sure why they never make full sets of anything...

Because they expect the Community to do it.  They even said that at least once during the Sims 3 Creators Camp. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 07, 17:40:17
The issue of IMPORTANCE is that TSR HACKS PEOPLES' ACCOUNTS. THAT is the issue that must not be forgotten. Everything else is mere sophistry.

I agree, however, we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the mesh was stolen.  We can't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that TSR hacked the systerm.  Until then, all we can do is give our evidence and TSR can refute it.  I still have questions, but the other side doesn't seem to answer them.  Such as, if the hacker only got into the FA's at TSR, how did they get to Buggyboot's password to use it at TSR?   And, how did they get the Hamilton password to hack Thomas's account at MTS2.

I'm still bothered by the "Paysites are okay" message left.  I would have understood if it said, "I don't care what you do with my stuff," but it deliberately mentioned paysites and then Thomas's account was used too, by the same IP address.   I can't imagine them being this stupid.  When the hacking story seemed to be what they were going with, it made sense that they did this to frame Coconut.  But now TSR is denying that they were hacked, or saying the hack was extra mild.   If it was TSR, why did they make it so obvious?  Are they really that stupid, or do you figure they thought with Hide My IP (which, isn't there written evidence that Thomas bought that for Atwa at some point, or is that heresay?)  they didn't have anything to worry about, that no one would know it was them.  But again, why hack Thomas's MTS2 account?  That's where it gets weird, the two things stick out like a huge neon sign.  "OH HAI GUZ, I HAXED UR SYSTEM!" 

I think the "stolen item" is becoming a huge deal because it's one piece of evidence that there is really no other explanation for.  Buggy's maps are quite different, too different to be a mere coincidence that Shakeshaft happens to mesh in that same, unusual way.  And the texture was obviously stolen too, it was just altered to make it a different color. 

I just wish we had proof that could not be disputed that TSR did it.  Until then, it's just speculation, unfortunately.  The evidence says it's more likely that it was them than it wasn't, but as long as there is doubt, TSR can fall back on the oldest defense, "Prove it." 

But, if they didn't do this to trap/discredit Coconut, why did they do it at all?  What did TSR have to gain by hacking Buggy's account?  I could see Shakeshaft being pissed and wanting to hack, because s/h/it was discovered, God Forbid.  But why would Thomas want to hack MTS2, simply for the purpose of doing a soft removal of Buggy's stuff and changing her profile to be pro paysite?   

Sorry, I don't mean to be defending TSR here, but I'm trying to see all sides, and if I were coming into this without the history behind the whole "Free vs. pay" that would be the first question I'd ask.  "What did TSR have to gain by hacking MTS2?"  Seeing that they knew about back ups, even they had to realize there was an excellent chance that Buggy's stuff wasn't gone, but would soon be restored.  So, they didn't really do any damage, all they did was create a mess for their own doorstep. Because deny all they want,  unless they have positive proof, some will always believe they did it. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Grotesque Sharonicle on 2009 April 07, 17:51:58
I just wish we had proof that could not be disputed that TSR did it.  Until then, it's just speculation, unfortunately.  The evidence says it's more likely that it was them than it wasn't, but as long as there is doubt, TSR can fall back on the oldest defense, "Prove it." 

Well yes, but prove to who? The only ones who we can really go complain to is EA, since it's their terms who get broken by paysites, and EA clearly supports TSR.
So to who can we really go complain to if EA doesn't 'care' ?
Is there anything else left for us to do other than give TSR butt hurt my sharing? Wait for years for everyone to stop playing Sims aka buying their stuff?

I mean, it's as if TSR has a f*ing shied around their asses. Whatever they do(no matter how stupid and risky) nothing happens 'cause somebody is covering up their asses, majorly.
Though, if I was the man behind all this I'd fire Thomass's fatass asap for being so stupid like sharing personal info...

Seriously, you can't do things like that and get away with it as a 'rumor'. Something's very wrong.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Xanadu on 2009 April 07, 17:52:43
You are a golden god--thanks for these.  They're all great additions to the short cutted Maxis stuff.  Not sure why they never make full sets of anything...

Because they expect the Community to do it.  They even said that at least once during the Sims 3 Creators Camp. 

Idiots.  Wonder how they think they'll get away with that with Sims3...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 07, 18:01:39
What did they have to prove by doing it? Simply that they could and throw so much dust into the air to confuse things that the issue would get buried and left behind when a new atrocity comes along, I suppose.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: calalily on 2009 April 07, 18:03:13 - coconut's response to the TSR myths.

To put paid to another myth - coconut is NOT Shakeshaft, and not a thief or a hacker, peoples.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: falln_angel on 2009 April 07, 18:07:26
I just wish we had proof that could not be disputed that TSR did it.  Until then, it's just speculation, unfortunately.  The evidence says it's more likely that it was them than it wasn't, but as long as there is doubt, TSR can fall back on the oldest defense, "Prove it." 
Well yes, but prove to who? The only ones who we can really go complain to is EA, since it's their terms who get broken by paysites, and EA clearly supports TSR.
So to who can we really go complain to if EA doesn't 'care' ?

This is exactly who we should be able to go to. If MTS2's long-ago inclusion of non-PG13 downloads is enough for their permanent exclusion from the fansite list, then TSR's morally bankrupt and sometimes-illegal behavior should be enough for EA to wash their hands of that site as well. No self-respecting company would knowingly affiliate themselves with a site that engages in that kind of behavior, especially when their official/public relationship begins and ends with "They're a good fansite. They've been around forever. We like them." Maybe they wouldn't make a big spectacle of it, but they'd at least quitely withdraw their support instead of taking extreme measures to defend them. Of course, EA's not a self-respecting company, so their reaction to this isn't even remotely surprising. :-\

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 07, 18:08:07
Unfortunately since Thoma$$ is one of the Three Amigos that owns the company - hence if he is the one behind the hacking of Delphys server (what the fuck dude haven't you ever heard of computer etiquette- hacking other peoples servers is rude ??? and  illegal even if paysites were legal as in industrial espionage type crap, people have gone to the federal pen for hacking into someone elses server and not doing anything at all except looking at stuff)  he would have to fire his own a$$ and somehow I don't see that happening and EA won't do anything because they consider TSR's buttkissing/friendship/money as more valuable than the money that they earn off the backs of their real customers.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: falln_angel on 2009 April 07, 18:22:04
and EA won't do anything because they consider TSR's buttkissing/friendship/money as more valuable than the money that they earn off the backs of their real customers.

This it the part I have to consciously avoid getting screaming mad about. (Because screaming, in this instance, just gets you silenced and I don't think it's healthy to let that kind of frustration fester.) It's one thing for EA to say they don't care if other people sell their stuff. I think it's wrong, just like I think that people who refuse to press charges when their adult children steal their stuff to support a drug habit are wrong, but in both cases it's ultimately none of my business. But this thing of banning anyone who dares to cast light on the abhorrent behaviour of TSR makes my blood boil. If I wasn't already boycotting EA, and encouraging other people to do the same, I definitely would be now!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Grotesque Sharonicle on 2009 April 07, 18:28:51
Well yes, but EA probably gets a nice share of the amount of money from TSR's selling...
Which explains why they approve/stay silent on what TSR does.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: falln_angel on 2009 April 07, 18:38:13
Either that or EA is run by a bigger bunch of idiots than even we give them credit for! I honestly don't know which theory I believe - they both seem equally plausible.

(Love your avatar, BTW.)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 07, 19:02:21
Either that or EA is run by a bigger bunch of idiots than even we give them credit for! I honestly don't know which theory I believe - they both seem equally plausible.

(Love your avatar, BTW.)

Given the overwhelming lack of quality or innovation in the majority of their games (I am excluding Sims because it was created by Maxis and many of the old crew still work on it - though it to is borked and glitchy) in terms of boring repetitive, gltichy sports based games, repeats of RPG plots that have been rehashed over and over by the best video game companies (not EA), and movie based video games I say the likelihood of EA being run by a bunch of idiots is highly likely- as is proven by the sales of Nintendo's First Party Wii Games which are innovative, fun and non-glitchy/borked people don't want shit like that any more - and EA's attempt to provide fans with  new and innovative  e.g Sims 3 is just a re-hash of other simulation video games ideas and ideas they threw away for Sims 1 and 2 (hmm lets see farming - Harvest Moon, Collecting Shit- Animal Crossing, Sim Animals =Zoo Tycoon, ) Not that I won't buy it eventually used off of Ebay- just to see if it meets the hype - but EA still is not getting my money.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 April 07, 19:03:24 - coconut's response to the TSR myths.

To put paid to another myth - coconut is NOT Shakeshaft, and not a thief or a hacker, peoples.

This was amazing.  I am so impressed by Coconut.  To see someone of such incredible morality shine the light on truth is a thing of beauty.  Unlike the announcement at TSR which produced more heat than light, coconut illuminates. 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: rum nate on 2009 April 07, 19:15:55
I loved coconut's response. It really pointed out some of TSR's contradictions that I didn't noticed (granted, I didn't read all of their article, it got boring, so I skipped to the end)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: CatOfWar on 2009 April 07, 19:31:54
Someone asked who we can report ethics violations to besides EA, since EA doesn't give a flying duck. 

There's the Better Business Bureau.  I think they might only care about US companies though, but it's worth a try, since many TSR customers are in the States.  And we can always report EA, no shortage of things to complain about there, though most not directly tied to TSR.  Sadly, EA has an A grade from the BBB.

There is also the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).  They are the ACLU of the intarwebz.  TSR hacking Buggybooz account is something that would be in line with their interests, I hope.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 07, 19:39:19
Someone asked who we can report ethics violations to besides EA, since EA doesn't give a flying duck. 

There's the Better Business Bureau.  I think they might only care about US companies though, but it's worth a try, since many TSR customers are in the States.  And we can always report EA, no shortage of things to complain about there, though most not directly tied to TSR.  Sadly, EA has an A grade from the BBB.

There is also the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).  They are the ACLU of the intarwebz.  TSR hacking Buggybooz account is something that would be in line with their interests, I hope.

The unfortunate thing is that Delphy has to come up with proof of who it is before EFF, or BBB can do anything in terms of ethics or legal violations- The other issue is that any potential case crosses a stupid number of international borders as TSR is in Sweden, and I do believe Delphy  and his server are  in the U.K , and I am not entirely sure where Buggybooz hails from. We can however address the TSR/EA issue in as many forums as we can - bad reviews in Amazon, comments on Google etc.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 07, 19:50:47
That was a brilliant, well-thought out response by coconut and I luvz her. One of the strongest points for me was the one about allowing TSR a role in investigating themselves. It just makes no sense, whatsoever.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: falln_angel on 2009 April 07, 20:02:24
Good point! Until I read Coconut's response, I thought the strangest thing was TSR's "She stole that information by violating our privacy... and also it's all fake" stance. But that's definitely weird, and something I hadn't even noticed until Coconut pointed it out. It's kind of like the police giving a suspect all the details of an investigation before any charges have been laid, isn't it? Of course, I don't know what all information Delphy has or how much he's shared with Steve, but it does seem like he's giving TSR a great opportunity to cover their tracks.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 07, 20:09:53
One of the strongest points for me was the one about allowing TSR a role in investigating themselves. It just makes no sense, whatsoever.

I agree. It would be like Bobby Kennedy asking for Jimmy Hoffa's help to gather evidence against organized crime. I also love how TSR needs so much time to gather their "evidence". Time goes by, people forget what happened, everyone gets muddled...

But ya know, we don't even need more evidence. It's all there in TSR's own words, as coconut has shown. The contradictions within the TSR document speak for themselves.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: rum nate on 2009 April 07, 20:33:34
There's the Better Business Bureau.  I think they might only care about US companies though, but it's worth a try, since many TSR customers are in the States.  And we can always report EA, no shortage of things to complain about there, though most not directly tied to TSR.  Sadly, EA has an A grade from the BBB.

They have and A grade because the BBB sends the complaints to EA, EA says they handled it, and when the person that complained to the BBB gets a reply back from them saying EA has fixed the problem to the best of their ability and the person says no, that didn't fix it, they need to do more, the BBB basically says "Well they did all they can do, and what they did should be to your liking. If its not, too bad, they can't do anymore." Really, it seems the BBB doesn't give a damn what happens, they just want to make it look like they are helping, and in this case, no, not really.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 07, 20:43:55
What did they have to prove by doing it? Simply that they could and throw so much dust into the air to confuse things that the issue would get buried and left behind when a new atrocity comes along, I suppose.

If that's the case, it's positively backwards.  Yes, maybe it will put a layer of confusion on everything, but confusion is just that, confusion.  Some will believe one side and some will believe the other.  If they do something later, even if it ends up as vague as this, it will do the same thing, except that people will be more likely to say, "uh-huh, TSR.  How many times do we have to buy this story?" 

Each time someone gets hacked and it looks like TSR did it?  TSR becomes less and less believable, the more likely people are to believe they did it.  "Okay, we can buy into ignorance the first time.  Maybe even the second, but the third time? C'mon guys..." 

To put paid to another myth - coconut is NOT Shakeshaft, and not a thief or a hacker, peoples.

Who was accusing Coconut?  I did point out that I thought TSR was setting her up, (again, I refer to Coconut as a she, because most FA's seem to be female) to make it look like she did something.    I (and I assume most people) dismissed her as a suspect, simply because it totally goes against everything Coconut has done so far.  So far Coconut hasn't done anything really illegal. (TSR says different, but that's TSR.)   Also, Coconut is smart.  For her to hack MTS2, or anywhere else, would be beyond stupid, and Coconut ain't stupid.   Coconut does the most good by doing exactly what she's doing now, keeping us informed.  However, now that TSR is denying that any true breech in security happened, then what would be the point of TSR hacking Buggy like that?  When the idea was that TSR was saying they were hacked, I could so see everything they did, because it would be to their advantage to do a lousy hack, claim they were hacked, then let people decide for themselves who it could be, while pointing out that this Coconut person seems to be able to find her way around the site. 

I did point out that I could see Shakeshaft having the motive for hacking Buggy.   I still say Shakeshaft had a motive.  But, I don't think Shakeshaft is Coconut. 

Forgive me folks, if I'm not willing to take all of this totally on blind faith.  Yes, I believe TSR did it, but as I pointed out before, if I wasn't involved in this site, if I was still back in the old days, playing neutral, my first question would be, "What was TSR's motive for doing this?  What could they hope to gain, over what they were sure to lose, by hacking Buggy?" 

The hack of Sim secrets, the motive is easy.  But even that, I don't think it was TSR, I think it was Atwa. I think the SAU being hacked was Atwa, she certainly had the motive. 

In fact, I wonder sometimes if this is the work of Atwa and Atwa alone.  She has "Hide my IP," it was given to her as a gift from Thomas.  The only reason why I don't think it's her or her alone,  is because we've been told she still works for TSR, but she's doing it behind the scenes.  If Thomas had kept true to his word and really removed her from the site, then I'd say it was Atwa, seeking revenge.   (Hell hath no fury...) 

I want to get to the bottom of this.  And from the bottom of my heart, I hope it IS TSR doing this and that we can prove it, somehow.  However, I don't want to base everything on the basis of "Well, he said, she said."   

If Coconut came forward and said, "I have a screen shot of Thomas saying that he was going to take care of Buggy," then I'd go, "Ok, now I'm sure it was Thomas."  Because I believe Coconut, even if she can't always show the evidence.  But she doesn't have anything like that.  She does have evidence that there was a meeting to discuss how to let Shakeshaft get away with stealing and that I believe.  But what we believe here doesn't matter as much.  Who we have to get to believe is either EA games, or enough paid subscribers to TSR, that the site is destroyed by lack of income.   While the evidence to you and me and many others says that TSR is sleazy, it sure wouldn't hold up in a court of law.   And not everyone is going to believe, just on our word, that TSR is the evil empire.   

About the only motive I can think is that it was originally done to set up Coconut.  But once TSR saw the shitstorm that blaming a hacker would cause (people upset that someone had access to their information, and TSR never warned them) that they went, "Oops, well, that didn't work.  Damage Control!" 

The only other thing I could think of is that TSR wants us to believe that Coconut hacked MTS2, but never hacked TSR.  In which case, again we have the "How did they know Buggy's password?"  Maybe they figure most people will never connect the "same password" connection, but will instead think that whoever broke into the MST2 account used another way to get the password. 

If someone has another theory as to why TSR would have done this, please feel free to share.  Because I'm afraid it just doesn't look very believable to say, "Because they're TSR and they're evil."  We know that, but the other side is busy telling eveyrone we're evil.   For us to get people on our side, we have to be able to back up what we say with more evidence than TSR does.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: falln_angel on 2009 April 07, 20:54:42
I'll give you that it being an organized attack carried out by TSR as a whole seems somewhat unlikely. However, it's completely probably that someone with position in the organization *ahemthomassahem* went solo and acted without thinking, and now TSR is trying to clean up the mess without getting their hands dirty. Or rather, pretending it doesn't exist and hoping that we'll all just forget about it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: cookiepirate on 2009 April 07, 21:30:31
Poor Dot, here she goes again:


And to DiamondSim, Yes, let's hope the real thieves to pay for their crimes (unfortunately for you, it ain't the pirates!).

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 07, 21:34:41
I wonder how DOT even manages to remember how to breathe, considering her immense and unbounded stupidity. Mourning in silence means mourning IN SILENCE.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 07, 21:37:41
She fancies herself an artiste. ORLY?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 07, 21:54:21
Unless I'm wrong, most of the Emails came from Paleoanth.  And I can verify the truth of them, even the "I wuv Thomas" letter she sent directly to Paleoanth, because I got the exact same letter.  I think she CC'ed it to everyone she knew.  But all the PM's that she and I exchanged?  All are legit.  Unfortunately, my PMs and such were destroyed when my last computer fried and died.  But I would know if they were messed with.   

Everything in the booty is paid for.
No one took anything in the booty, repackaged it and claimed it was theirs
Are you admitting that TSR is an employee of EA? Because we attacked TSR on the BBS.    The EA bashing was more BBS bashing, asking why we couldn't talk about this issue. 
When did it become okay to attack and artist?  Do you mean Shakeshaft?  In which case, "When did it become okay to steal?  When did it become a crime to call a thief a thief?

We don't boast about stealing.  If you are refering to the games, we have an entire thread devoted to people taking pictures of their legitimately bought games.  If you're talking about the booty?  Again, you were paid for all of it.  If there is bragging going on, we're bragging about sharing  Since you have the mentality of a five year old, you certainly must understand what the word "Share" means. 

Maybe the community isn't in an outrage because we're starting to realize what the truth is.  Maybe we're tired of , TSR, deciding that much like the 5 thousand pound gorilla, it can shit anywhere it wants to, and where it usually wants to shit is on us.  Maybe we are tired of seeing people suckered into feeling they have to pay for content.  Maybe we're sick of seeing that you folks can act all high and mighty and gleefully chuckle when it's YOU being the assholes, but the moment we do anything you dislike, you get all whiny about it. 

Dot, you're as much of a failure at playing "Little Emo Bitch" as you are at playing Kindergarten Art teacher.  Stick to making your lamps.  You've been showing some improvement on those, clearly that's what you should keep doing.  Making your lamps, collecting your money,  and spending it, until your house of cards known as TSR comes falling down.

You aren't helping your side, bitch.  Every time I see you attempt to rise up, it just makes me angrier at all of you. 

If you want to know what's wrong with the community?  Look in the fucking mirror.  And bring Thomas with you.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Nutty on 2009 April 07, 21:59:36
Very poetic. So many things are wrong in that post:

I mourn in silence for the Sims Community and what has become of it over the years.

I do too. You're the guys who's damaged it though, not us.

Why is the Community not outraged at the stealing of private words, and the posting of private emails, all twisted to suit thieves needs?

Because it's too busy being outraged at the fact you shared the private details in the first place? :P Not even to just a handful of folk, either - as has been pointed out, hundreds of people have had access to people's true names, even phone numbers and addresses. A lot of damage can be done with that info.

Why is the Community not outraged at the stealing and redistribution of every FAs work against their wishes?

Because it's more concerned about the way you rip people off using EA's files, perhaps? If not for their original content and code, you would all be out of a job. Besides, as has been pointed out, everything in the booty was bought through subs, and later shared. Not before being cleaned of your malware though!

When did it become okay with pride, to boast about stealing?

Don't know. Try asking your fellow FAs sometime.

When did it become okay to wait 'in the dark' for the opportunity to attack people?

That's a good question, isn't it? Maybe you should ask your boss :P

They make me laugh, and at the same time make me very sad with what they don't know, or understand, and can't see.

I could say the same about you guys at TSR :P

You can't take art from an artist holding it hostage.  Art is inside of an artist, but they wouldn't know that.
They don't know anything.

Pfft! Don't we? Check out the "Ugliest Paysite Creation Find" or "Free Content Pwns Paysite Crap" threads sometime. The fact you guys charge for this shit just beggars belief. Which leads me to the other point - you're the ones holding it hostage by charging for it; we're the ones who free them to the masses.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2009 April 07, 22:01:10
Quote from: Duh't
They make me laugh, and at the same time make me very sad...

I think that's called hysterics, Duh't. Time for your meds.

It almost would be funny to imagine her crying as she typed it (tears of OUTRAGE that TSR's latest bit-o-asshattery should DARE be questioned!), but seeing as it's Little Miss TSR herself,  I bet she was.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 07, 22:01:49
In the words of the great Willy Wonka - " Strike that Reverse It- Doty it was Buggybooz- a Mod the Sims freesite creator whose work was stolen against her will- And Delphy - the owner of the freesite Mod the Sims whose site was hacked- It was  Not Shakeshaft (a TSR PAYSITE ) creator whose shit was stolen and Thomas's Server at TSR that was hacked - Get your facts straight darling or do they not have enough " shape for you" . Frankly filesharing or sharing of one's  custom content  is common in all games except this one- and if you are a so called artist you will be aware that if it weren't for " filesharing" no one would know about any art at all because so called artists like you would keep it all locked up in a little cave until they got money.
 Real artists do it for the LOVE not the money- in fact most real artists died bankrupt and frequently had to sell their masterpieces to buy bread- Even in todays economy bread does not cost 1 million USD per loaf.  Also a reminder dear not all everyone who supports PMBD downloads from the Booty (filesharing technically not against the EULA Dear) - the free stuff has so much more " shape to it" not to mention other things like " texture" and " decent meshing" most of us support PMBD because they tell the truth you lie- And I'druther the truth than the pack of donkey shit that Thoma$$ is trying to sell his " Members" as a can of caviar.

AT the very least your boss Thomas should issue an apology to the artist who was stolen and talk his ickle bruver Johan into actually encrypting peoples info so this shit doesn't happen again (if it happened at all )because like any of us who aren't 12's (and many of the 12's that are minimally internet savvy to be honest) believe for a minute that if the hacker incident at your site happened at all that they only went after info from 30 FA's when you have the paypal, credit card and bank account info - of several thousand subs - unencrypted for anyone to see - yeah right never happened. Learn to lie better - and have a little stinky Limberger or mouldy Bleu cheese with your whine.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: picklechick on 2009 April 07, 22:12:33
I wish I knew how to mesh cause for some reason, I just thought it would be fun to make a bunch of shit poor lamps and plaster "Inspected and Approved Lamp Law 2009" all over them.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: calalily on 2009 April 07, 22:18:43
To put paid to another myth - coconut is NOT Shakeshaft, and not a thief or a hacker, peoples.

Who was accusing Coconut? 

This is proposed by TSR as the identity of coconut - their reason for why there isn't any publication by coconut on the subject, when in fact there are other reasons for the lack of publication. coconut isn't a thief like Shakeshaft though.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: picklechick on 2009 April 07, 22:22:00
If Shakeshaft is Coconut by their twisted and clearly deranged logic, why is she still STEALING for them? Why haven't they crucified her publicly yet like we all know they're dying to do? Uh duh TSR, cause it's a lie. They truly amaze me with their rampant stupidity. DOT is just their speshul posterchild.

Edited to clarify Shakeshaft's actual job.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 07, 22:22:10
To put paid to another myth - coconut is NOT Shakeshaft, and not a thief or a hacker, peoples.

Who was accusing Coconut? 

This is proposed by TSR as the identity of coconut - their reason for why there isn't any publication by coconut on the subject, when in fact there are other reasons for the lack of publication. coconut isn't a thief like Shakeshaft though.

TSR has proposed someone who's never been an FA. Shakeshaft IS A THIEF and an FA.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 07, 22:29:33
DOT, please go back to your can of green Play-Doh and see what kind of pretty things you can make; leave the meshing and creating to the folks that are qualified. Also, the next time you play on your mommy's computer, use spell check and such before putting such a tirade up for the adults to pick apart with superior logic skills. Finally, dear, do go to bed on time every night, because you know how cranky and useless you get if you don't have enough sleep.

Oh, wait, you're like this all of the time, what was I thinking of? I know, I was thinking that you must be as juvenile in age as you are in your posts and the things you have to say. Now, pop the binky back into your mouth and shut your freaking whining, it's old and no one cares.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 07, 22:33:45

When did they propose Shakeshaft as coconut? They said that they knew who coconut was and that it wasn't an FA.

edit: sorry I forgot to say SHAKESHAFT IS A THIEF.  My bad.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 07, 22:35:59
 I wish the would get their story straight- the current one would confuse a logician with a Phd- Socrates brain would explode.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 07, 22:40:34
This is proposed by TSR as the identity of coconut - their reason for why there isn't any publication by coconut on the subject, when in fact there are other reasons for the lack of publication. coconut isn't a thief like Shakeshaft though.

Wait a moment... let me try to wrap my brain around this.  

TSR  is claiming Coconut is Shakeshaft, the thief?

I wonder how Shakeshaft, who is a Thief feels about that.  

Coconut is made of awesome.  Shakeshaft is a thief.  I don't see how the two can be mixed up.  

But, if it's true, then why is Shakeshaft the thief still an FA?   If they really wanted us to believe that Thief  Shakeshaft, was Coconut, you'd think they'd be tossing the lousy thief, shakeshaft under the bus.  

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Ashbashtus on 2009 April 07, 23:48:23
She fancies herself an artiste. ORLY?

All those shapes certainly takes artistry no? Seriously how much more of a class A fucktwit can DOT become...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 08, 00:05:57
Do not underestimate the depths of stupidity that a human can sink to. The only problem is that this woman doesn't just need a ladder to get that low, she's on a frigging ELEVATOR!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 April 08, 00:08:34
Besides Shakeshaft being a THIEF, I just wanted to say:


You can't take art from an artist holding it hostage.  Art is inside of an artist, but they wouldn't know that.
They don't know anything.

Apparently TSR can or my stuff would have been off that site a long time ago.  YOU are holding my "art" hostage.  Set it free.  Free Paleo! Free!

You are using me and others as an ends to your crappy assed means.  Immoral twit.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 08, 00:19:55
It begs the obvious question: If coconut were REALLY Shakeshaft, WHY WOULD TSR STILL KEEP THEM AROUND? TSR certainly is not sophisticated enough to be playing some kind of demented double-game.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 08, 00:58:30

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paleoanth on 2009 April 08, 01:18:54
I love you, Kenmtl!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: paperbeth on 2009 April 08, 07:35:58
The whole thing feels like schoolyard bullshit to me. It's like being bullied (by T$R) on the playground and then going to the principal (Eaxis) about it, only to find out that the bully is the principal's nephew. So where do you turn then?
The playground monitor (BBB) has no real authority, they can only tell the principal about it. We already know he won't do anything.
Other parents (people outside of the sims community) won't do anything either, because if it wasn't their kid being bullied, then they don't see the problem.

It makes me so angry that it seems we can do nothing but complain to deaf ears. >:(

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Quorneater on 2009 April 08, 07:43:05
That's why I have tried to train myself not to get bothered by it.  I am trying to see it as being like the weather, you see to it you have an umbrella and warm coat, and other than that there is little you can do about it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: calalily on 2009 April 08, 09:32:52

When did they propose Shakeshaft as coconut? They said that they knew who coconut was and that it wasn't an FA.

The official line is different from the inside line.  They're trying desperately to find out who coconut is - but the last thing coconut wants to be thought of is a thief.  Normally speculation is not quashed, but no one wants to be Shakeshaft except Shakeshaft.

edit: sorry I forgot to say SHAKESHAFT IS A THIEF.  My bad.

Needs bigger and MOAR colour.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Moune on 2009 April 08, 09:39:59
I don't know if this can be of any use at all, but if somebody wants to try to find more information about TSR or Ibibi AB it might be an idea to take a look at this page: (

It's the Swedish registry of companies, and if it works the way it does in Denmark (and I think it does) all companies have to file complete financial records that are then made public. Ibibi is an 'aktiebolag' (AB), so all their financial information should be publicly available somewhere at this site.

There is an English version, but I don't know if it contains the same information as the Swedish one.

Sorry that I don't dig into it myself, but I don't really have the time or energy at the moment.

Forgot to add:

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Nightmare on 2009 April 08, 10:47:59
Post/send me the swedish information, I know a friend of mine who is native Swedish  ;D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: cookiepirate on 2009 April 08, 14:24:40
Just a quick update, Dot's blog entry has been removed/moved somewhere else.  It's no longer where I got the screenie from.   Long Live ScreenCaps!!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Requip on 2009 April 08, 14:58:51
Is there any news from Delphy on the investigation?  :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Sarafina on 2009 April 08, 15:09:04
Just a quick update, Dot's blog entry has been removed/moved somewhere else.  It's no longer where I got the screenie from.   Long Live ScreenCaps!!

Knowing TSR, they will probably deny the entry existed and say our screencap was photoshopped.  Then DOT will come out with another tutorial which only proves we did in her mind, but to everyone else it's as rubbish as her lamp law.  :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Missbonbon on 2009 April 08, 15:32:50
Nice blog entry coconut. Even more nice to see you back updating, although I understand why you couldn't.  ;) I find it interesting that DOT is always the TSR cheerleader and always the first to yell out "omg you guys are soooo mean!" Yet, she was involved in that pack of rabid dogs on the FA boards cheering about people's fucking names being shared.

I also find it interesting that TSR basically just said that they didn't share paypal details. That they just shared the names of their customers off of their database. Let's go have a looksee at their privacy policy shall we?

1. Collection of data

Registration for an account on this site requires only a valid e-mail address and a user name that has not been chosen already. You are not required to provide any other information if you do not want to

YET, Whenever you register your name, gender, year of birth, and country are required. Explain to me how I am supposed to register if I do not wish to provide those details?

2. Use of data

Data may be used to customize and improve your user experience on this site. Efforts will be made to prevent your data being made available to third parties unless (i) provided for otherwise in this Privacy Policy; (ii) your consent is obtained, such as when you choose to opt-in or opt-out for the sharing of data; (iii)

Riiiiight. Yet you have shared personal names from your database, with FA's, which I remind you some of them own their own websites. Such as openasshjack, and murano. That to me qualifies as a third party.

4. Minors

The Sims Resource does not allow persons who are aged thirteen or younger to become members of this site. For more information, please contact the site administrator through the Support System.

Bullshit! Please go see the smut thread for details about children registering for your website, and the pedophiles they talk to, kay.

5. Editing or deleting your account information

You are provided with the ability to edit the information stored for your user account information during registration, by visiting your user account control panel. You can request that your user account be deleted; to do so, please contact the site administrator through the Support System. Content or other data that you may have provided, and that is not stored within your user account, such as creations published, may continue to remain on the site at the site owners discretion, even after your user account is deleted. Please see the site's Terms of use for more information.

Ahh, so you can delete yourself. Sneaky TSR has kept that hidden. But wait! What is that I bolded!? Thomass can choose to keep your stuff? But what was he wailing about that EA said? Respecting creator's policies?  ::)

7. No Guarantees

While this privacy policy states standards for maintenance of data, and while efforts will be made to meet the said standards, The Sims Resource staff are not in a position to guarantee compliance with these standards. There may be factors beyond our control that may result in disclosure of data. Consequently, the site editor offers no warranties or representations as regards maintenance or non-disclosure of data.

Ahhh so they promised earlier that they wouldn't share your information unless lawfully needed. Yet in this section they cover their ass by basically saying they can share your information, if they want to.

Take this as a warning kiddies, even if they did only share the information from their servers (which is highly unlikely) they basically have a clause that everyone agrees to that they can share your information at any given time. A lot can be found out about a person just by having their full, real name. Apparently TSR doesn't think about that though.  ::)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Pescado on 2009 April 08, 15:35:39
The whole thing feels like schoolyard bullshit to me. It's like being bullied (by T$R) on the playground and then going to the principal (Eaxis) about it, only to find out that the bully is the principal's nephew. So where do you turn then?
It's simple: You don't. As you can clearly see, trying to appeal to others for help is a waste of time. Instead, you simply take action, and those who are like-minded will follow. Like with playground bullies, you simply learn to kill a man using only your thumbs, and then make his knees bend the wrong way. A suitably graphic object lesson will encourage the others to fall in line.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 08, 15:51:12
Personally I don't like inflicting physical pain on the school yard bullies- inflicting mental pain is more fun- eventually someone can die from physical pain - mental pain as long as they are restrained gives an indefinite period of suffering-

I'd like to think that those of us who choose to be pains in the ass and support free content over stolen (Shakeshaft is a Thief have we forgotten to mention that ) pay content, and who view the violation of another sites server as sacrilege, and who like to keep our private information private are making TSR suffer physically and mentally.

 Physically by showing their subs how ugly the pay stuff is and how pretty the freesite stuff made by free creators  is so that they cancel their subscriptions and come here to the light side because our cookies are better - less money for TSR=physical suffering, and mentally by telling the truth about their corrupt unethical business practices including invasion of privacy, identity theft, copyright violation (EA), intellectual property theft (Buggybooz), hacking (MTS2, SimsSecrets, Coconuts Blog, and that is only the beginning of the list of their wrongs against the Sims Community), thereby showing people what asshats they are.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Frank on 2009 April 08, 16:03:38
Since I'm a pain in everyone's ass here, can I voulunteer to be a pain in the ass elsewhere? ;D

I say storm the TSR fort once and for all, burn the place down, pillage all........or simply see if we can overload their server,and have it go PFFFT!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Grotesque Sharonicle on 2009 April 08, 16:08:33
The whole thing feels like schoolyard bullshit to me. It's like being bullied (by T$R) on the playground and then going to the principal (Eaxis) about it, only to find out that the bully is the principal's nephew. So where do you turn then?
It makes me so angry that it seems we can do nothing but complain to deaf ears. >:(

Take thy pitchforks and the torches I say, take and burn 'em all  >:( !

Did anyone pull a prank on a T$R mate on April Fool's? I was hoping they'd get a mail with a cat's ass picture macro saying "UP YORZ" , but I got here too late  :-[

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: sidhe on 2009 April 08, 17:39:02
I have not yet read this entire thread, it is after all longer than my Master's Thesis  :D, but I will get through it eventually. In the meantime can anyone tell me about this "spy ware" that TSR is reputed to attach to their files? I have heard about this before and would love to get some solid information. Are they bar coding files or embedding a security script or what?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 08, 17:45:50
They call it a watermark but it acts unlike any such harmless thing, from what I've read. Others describe it as being more like a Trojan, but not the kind a male wears to prevent spawn in nine months. I know we've discussed this on the board at a few times, but for the life of me I can't remember the thread. Search feature is your friend...

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: sidhe on 2009 April 08, 17:58:52
Thank you for the reply, I will keep searching. The search feature was what brought me to this thread.  :D  Ive tried TSR and TSR spy ware...Still have not found the details. Its a daunting thought to sift through all the material here. I am new and underestimated how extensive this site actually is.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: falln_angel on 2009 April 08, 18:01:52
Then DOT will come out with another tutorial which only proves we did in her mind, but to everyone else it's as rubbish as her lamp law.  :D

Would someone be so kind as to point me towards more information about this lamp law? (I've tried searching every way I know, and all I can come up with is references to it. Apparently it has something to do with 'shape'...) It sounds lolzy, but not enough to wallow in the muck of TSR in an attempt to look for it.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: raebchen on 2009 April 08, 18:21:19
Then DOT will come out with another tutorial which only proves we did in her mind, but to everyone else it's as rubbish as her lamp law.  :D

Would someone be so kind as to point me towards more information about this lamp law? (I've tried searching every way I know, and all I can come up with is references to it. Apparently it has something to do with 'shape'...) It sounds lolzy, but not enough to wallow in the muck of TSR in an attempt to look for it.

We don't have any copies of it. Ask Dot, she'll gladly help you out. But legend has it, that anybody reading it, goes crazy immediately and starts making ugly lams for TSR and crazy tutorials proofing nothing at all.

You've been warned!  ;D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: falln_angel on 2009 April 08, 18:33:22
*shudder* No way! That's way too much TSR contact for me. I was thinking more along the lines of the original discussion of it, since all I can see is references to known information. (That's what I get for disappearing for months.) But if it's initiate contact with Dot or continue in ignorance, I'll gladly take ignorance! :D

ETA - after far too many pages of Ugliest Paysite Creation Finds for one sitting (eyebleach?), I think I finally understand. I still don't know what the actual Lamp Law is (or if there's a different version every year), and I don't really think I want to know if it's approving the kind of crap she pumps out. But at least I get why 'shape' is such a funny word. :D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 April 08, 18:52:11
Search feature is your friend...
Truth is, it's next to impossible to find stuff here. Hundreds of pages when most of them go off topic creates a mind-numbing experience. :D I went back a month or so ago to try to find something that was said about EA and never did find it. Fished through about 300 pages of stuff before I finally gave up. Search feature wasn't my friend that day. ;) I've learned since then that if I want to remember something, I have to bookmark the page because asking for help won't work.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: sidhe on 2009 April 08, 19:15:30
Thanks for the encouragement minionsRmine ,   :D and I imagine you are right mind numbing indeed. But I can appreciate Padens advice anyway. So many people forget to use search or other tools and it is always worth trying first. I would guess that quite a few of Padens 4000 posts are helping people do what should often be obvious.  :)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Eskimo Pie on 2009 April 08, 19:30:44
Coconut is very well spoken, you can see she is very smart on how she conducts herself.

 Shakeshalf should count herself lucky, lucky that we do not strike as low as the tsr does. I would love to have open season on all shakeshalf meshes, that creators should steal her work and start posting it all over the place. So she can see what it is like to be ripped off. But that would be low like them. It is just maddening this whole thing happened and for most of us our hands are tied.


Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: narlakins on 2009 April 08, 19:43:18
Coconut is very well spoken, you can see she is very smart on how she conducts herself.

 Shakeshalf should count herself lucky, lucky that we do not strike as low as the tsr does. I would love to have open season on all shakeshalf meshes, that creators should steal her work and start posting it all over the place. So she can see what it is like to be ripped off. But that would be low like them. It is just maddening this whole thing happened and for most of us our hands are tied.

Shes probably jealous of the talent she hasnt got. To be honest what would be the point of ripping off her work? Why rip off rubbish when you can download good quality stuff?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: ValancySterling on 2009 April 08, 20:48:44
Somewhat back to the orginal topic.  I recently got an email from TSR begging me to renew my longtime defunct subscription (They even offered 30% off...oooooh ::).)  Anyways, this part of the email caught my attention given the current issue:
Obviously, I've edited out my info.  But it did list my old password.   Hopefully someone more tech minded I can interpet this, but does this mean that my password was not encrypted?  Or is there a way for them to decrypt my password and send it back to me?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 08, 20:56:53
I have not yet read this entire thread, it is after all longer than my Master's Thesis  :D, but I will get through it eventually. In the meantime can anyone tell me about this "spy ware" that TSR is reputed to attach to their files? I have heard about this before and would love to get some solid information. Are they bar coding files or embedding a security script or what?

In this thread (,14711.50.html) over at Maty, Jfade and Pescado talk about what is in the TSR files. Start with Jfade's comment on the bottom of the page, and keep reading the rest of the thread to get the truth from Pescado.

FYI: In case you are unaware, Jfade is a Mod at TSR.

Hope this info helps you out.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 April 08, 21:17:20
Thank you for the reply, I will keep searching. The search feature was what brought me to this thread.  :D  Ive tried TSR and TSR spy ware...Still have not found the details. Its a daunting thought to sift through all the material here. I am new and underestimated how extensive this site actually is.
Don't bother, you will not find anything other than the usual nonsense.
There is no evidence because it's just a watermark.
Pescado should be able to verify this but i doubt he will because he is either incompetent and can't figure out how it's constructed or he wants the myth to live on.

If you for any reason would want to check any of the other "evidence" you will find that it is equally hard to find it, like the PayPal myth for instance.
I know we didn't mention any information that were received from PayPal. I believe it's real in Coconuts head but in reality it didn't happen.
Go ahead and search for the evidence if you don't take my word for it.

I really thought some of you were smarter than this, the coconut reply is just full of nonsense and it doesn't prove any of out facts wrong.
It's just an exercise in twisting words and bending reality.

Edit: spelling

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: eph on 2009 April 08, 21:21:16
 :o How dare they send a password unsolicited in a spam mail?!

Okay, yours is a yahoo adress, but any bet that this is an automated mail to all non-paying users, so it goes to all kind of email adresses.
You could be sharing your email adress with someone who's not supposed to know that password. Maybe you used the email box of your ex and forgot to change it before you left TSR. You could have worked at a company and used a company address, so the email could end up in the catch-all mailbox of the snoopy sys op.
How can they send out a password without a specific request from you?
Nice, giving your ex-lover or an ex-colleague a chance to login to your account.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dusdeedawn on 2009 April 08, 21:28:30
Don't bother, you will not find anything other than the usual nonsense.

Of course you would say that, seeing as how the TSR mode of business is to keep people from reading anything that isn't all rainbows and spelling errors.

There is no evidence because it's just a watermark.
Pescado should be able to verify this <yak yak>

Why don't you verify this? I've seen no step-by-step tutorial on how to deconstruct a TSR payfile and check to see what's really in it. Or perhaps you know not of what you speak?

It's just an exercise in twisting words and bending reality.

That, I do believe you know a little something about.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 08, 21:32:58
Johan, pull your head out and take a breath, would ya? Or is it Thomass hiding behind his name? Either way, you boys really  need to get out more and see that you're about as full of hot air as the Republican National Convention. And y'all make about as much sense as Rush Limbaugh does at any time of day. Idiots, go play with your toes.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 08, 21:33:10
Johan, your entire post is so stupid I question whether you really work for TSR, or are stealthily working against them.

Thank you for the reply, I will keep searching. The search feature was what brought me to this thread.  :D  Ive tried TSR and TSR spy ware...Still have not found the details. Its a daunting thought to sift through all the material here. I am new and underestimated how extensive this site actually is.
Don't bother, you will not find anything other than the usual nonsense.
There is no evidence because it's just a watermark.
Pescado should be able to verify this but i doubt he will because he is either incompetent and can't figure out how it's constructed or he wants the myth to live on.

Uh yeah. That's why Pescado 's able to clean the files of the "watermark", that's why your people were chortling over the "watermark" crashing peoples' computers. You really should stick with the "Pescado is evil" line, people will believe that. No one is ever going to believe he's incompetent.

If you for any reason would want to check any of the other "evidence" you will find that it is equally hard to find it, like the PayPal myth for instance.
I know we didn't mention any information that were received from PayPal. I believe it's real in Coconuts head but in reality it didn't happen.
Go ahead and search for the evidence if you don't take my work dor it.

"Work dor it"? Okay, whatever, you can't type and English isn't your first language. However, please describe this "Paypal myth" to us.

I really thought some of you were smarter than this, the coconut reply is just full of nonsense and it doesn't prove any of out facts wrong.
It's just an exercise in twisting words and bending reality.

This is really funny, since the April 1 TSR statement was an incompetent attempt to twist words and bend reality. Please, write a response that refutes her points, instead of simply asserting that you're right and she's wrong and we're all dumb for believing her. Assertion is not proof.

If you are really Johan, I think both you and Thomas must have run out of meds lately, because you're both running around making total fools of yourselves. Even more than usual.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: keirra on 2009 April 08, 21:42:05
Thank you for the reply, I will keep searching. The search feature was what brought me to this thread.  :D  Ive tried TSR and TSR spy ware...Still have not found the details. Its a daunting thought to sift through all the material here. I am new and underestimated how extensive this site actually is.
Don't bother, you will not find anything other than the usual nonsense.
There is no evidence because it's just a watermark.
Pescado should be able to verify this but i doubt he will because he is either incompetent and can't figure out how it's constructed or he wants the myth to live on.

If you for any reason would want to check any of the other "evidence" you will find that it is equally hard to find it, like the PayPal myth for instance.
I know we didn't mention any information that were received from PayPal. I believe it's real in Coconuts head but in reality it didn't happen.
Go ahead and search for the evidence if you don't take my word for it.

I really thought some of you were smarter than this, the coconut reply is just full of nonsense and it doesn't prove any of out facts wrong.
It's just an exercise in twisting words and bending reality.

Edit: spelling

Obviously, you didn't read the link that I posted right above your post. This is what Pescado says about the "watermark".

All TSR put into the packages was the user ID, IP address, and date that the package was downloaded. (And they have come out saying they did so here ( That's it, and it had no effect on the packages when placed in the game that I ever saw.
This is lies and propaganda. They put a lot MORE in there. We've seen it.

It's obvious that he doesn't agree with you.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Requip on 2009 April 08, 21:46:26
Pescado should be able to verify this but i doubt he will because he is either incompetent and can't figure out how it's constructed or he wants the myth to live on.

 :D Is this a feeble attempt to start MOAR FIGHT with Pes? Good luck with that.  ;D

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 08, 21:53:44
No, this is an attempt to get Pescado to blab on how he removed the trojan, so they can build a better one. The files in the Booty are cleaned, and he'd like to know how.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: johan on 2009 April 08, 21:59:38
This is really funny, since the April 1 TSR statement was an incompetent attempt to twist words and bend reality. Please, write a response that refutes her points, instead of simply asserting that you're right and she's wrong and we're all dumb for believing her. Assertion is not proof.
Let's start with these two points then, Coconut claims we place trojans in the files and that we shared information that we had obtained from PayPal, correct?
Do you have _any_ support for this other than her word?

I'm not going to stay here and respond to all of the stupidity that will follow, i welcome you to prove me wrong by showing some real evidence.
When you realize there isn't any then maybe you should ask yourselves what other lies you have swallowed. Yes, seriously.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Anouk on 2009 April 08, 22:06:44
This is really funny, since the April 1 TSR statement was an incompetent attempt to twist words and bend reality. Please, write a response that refutes her points, instead of simply asserting that you're right and she's wrong and we're all dumb for believing her. Assertion is not proof.
Let's start with these two points then, Coconut claims we place trojans in the files and that we shared information that we had obtained from PayPal, correct?
Do you have _any_ support for this other than her word?

I'm not going to stay here and respond to all of the stupidity that will follow, i welcome you to prove me wrong by showing some real evidence.
When you realize there isn't any then maybe you should ask yourselves what other lies you have swallowed. Yes, seriously.

Search function is on the top left corner. Shakeshaft is a thief, and you are a liar.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dstar on 2009 April 08, 22:09:25
Jeez Thomas must be desperate to send him here again --- Just a little by the way Johan  - Most of us are capable of reading - and of seeing how your side could want to screw us out of money for shit that you are not allowed to charge for- The real evidence as I have seen in multiple screenshots and emails  (and I am internet savvy enough to realize  when something is photoshopped shit), and other reports not mention having had my complaints about my computer crashing before I used any cc except TSR ignored or being told I must have downloaded them here (not to mention having to replace my hard drive because of all the funny little malware ads on your site and having that complaint ignored to), when I had a perfectly legitimate sub led me to support Pescado and Delphy's side of the issue because they are right. And not revealing Paypal information buddy you shared peoples email addresses what the fuck do you think Paypal uses to identify customers- naked bdsm pictures? Whether it was five names, or 10 names, paypal information or no Paypal information your site admins still discussed peoples personal info with people with no rights to it- none- no matter what you thought of them- At least you should get your lies straight if your going to cover your brothers fuck ups.

Pescado is not the one making excuses and frankly having listened to what Pescado and Delphy have to say about computers and what you  have to say about computers- They are not incompetent- you are- Frankly they act like the professionals in a computer field that they probably are in real life (Pescado I realize will probably make me walk the plank for calling him professional) whereas you sound like someone who took a single BASIC class in secondary school.

 Also I play other video games that have custom content such as Zoo Tycoon, a couple of RPG"s and so on and this is the only video gaming community in which the sale of CC  which goes directly against the companies EULA is accepted-(Bill Gates has shut down Zoo Tycoon sites and there is no CC for Zoo Tycoon to because someone did exactly what your site is doing- with EA's tools e.g. charging for content created with Bill Gates programs and shiny toys) You are not following the EULA no matter what your brothers Maxoid buddies who have no corporate authority whatsoever say- See the EULA as all video game EULA's are was written for 12's hence the very simple forthright language. I have a Bachelors and a Masters and English is my native language I think I am capable of understanding a EULA written so that 12's can understand it as are most of the people who have defected from your site since Shakeshaft the thief stole Buggybooz stuff and someone hacked Mod the Sims.

I don't support piracy (that is what your FA Shakeshaft does) but, I do support freesites- if under your definition that makes me a pirate than so be it- of course under your definition of what the Booty does- by sharing the shit (and most of it is) that should be free according to EA's own EULA-  if I buy a book and lend it to someone to read that makes me a pirate- after all the author who who wrote the book doesn't want anyone to read it except people who pay for copies despite her wish going against US copyright law so  I guess the librarian who gets it for free from the publisher is a pirate too as is the person who sits and reads it in the bookstore, or the kid who gets the book for his birthday.

Also to make a point- despite my legal subscription to your big brothers business- I have deleted all of the TSR files (obtained from my subscription) from my downloads folder because most of it is ugly poorly made, and crashes my game, and I don't upload  them here- why would I want to share ugly poorly made crap - it goes right into the trash bucket and like all trash gets deleted. I don't like your site, I don't like you and I don't choose to renew my sub, or have anything to do with you- hence I download good stuff from free sites- delete your stuff and support freesite owners and creators whose rights you have violated. After all if your creators have the right to say what happens to their stuff  and you have the right to say what goes on with your site-Buggybooz - a freesite creator and Delphy- a freesite owner have just as many rights if not more because they are not violating the letter of the law as TSR has been doing for some time. Of course I am probably wasting my breath since you are just a TSR troll trying to save your brothers sinking ship- why don't you let him do his own dirty work really - my sisters don't make me do their dirty work- You're a grown man - grow some.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: picklechick on 2009 April 08, 22:20:25
I swear to god the Isaacson family produces some quality humor. I'm starting to seriously wonder if DOT is their long lost sister.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: dusdeedawn on 2009 April 08, 22:21:24
Let's start with these two points then, Coconut claims we place trojans in the files and that we shared information that we had obtained from PayPal, correct?
Do you have _any_ support for this other than her word?

We have a whole booty completely devoid of the evidence, thanks to Pescado, among others. That's what you're all butthurt about anyway, right?
And what of those screenshots taken directly from your "sekrit!!!1!11!" forum? Those are proof enough that you shared information, whether or not you got it from PayPal. And that you shared it with any half-wit that happened to floodfill their way to FA status. Is that not a gross breach of privacy in and of itself? Or are you still claiming that the screenshots were both fake and illegally obtained? Speaking of that, which one are you saying? Because if they were photoshopped into existence they're not illegally obtained. Any idiot knows that, but since you and your brainwashed few seem to be lacking even the few brain cells required for that title, I thought I'd reiterate the point.

And Nouk has a stellar point:
Shakeshaft is a thief!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Tigerism on 2009 April 08, 22:23:34
Relatively new here. I have been lurking the past couple of days, but I have been visit this site and Coconut's blog for months. I am just so glad that I stumbled upon her blog late last year because I used to visit the TSR forums frequently. I used to consider becoming a subscriber before found out about their illegal tactics.

This latest event has done nothing but make me loathe that site even more and be thankful that I never shared any private information.

Long live the Booty!

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: kenmtl on 2009 April 08, 22:26:07
No, this is an attempt to get Pescado to blab on how he removed the trojan, so they can build a better one. The files in the Booty are cleaned, and he'd like to know how.


Figure it all out for yourself there Yoboy. We're busy.

P.S. SHAKESHAFT IS A THIEF There's your info. Prove to us it's not true.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: neriana on 2009 April 08, 22:29:31
It's no wonder the Isaacsons had to resort to obtaining money illegally, lying and conning people. They'd be completely incompetent at running a real business. I wonder how long it will be before Steve locks them in their kennels again.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Paden on 2009 April 08, 22:34:44
I've swallowed as many lies as you have swallowed dicks, Johan. Tell you much?

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 08, 22:40:54

Let's start with these two points then, Coconut claims we place trojans in the files and that we shared information that we had obtained from PayPal, correct?
Do you have _any_ support for this other than her word?

Actually, we do.  Talk to BlackGarden, who admitted that booty files would crash your system.  Oh yeah, but now I remember, you guys claim Coconut is a liar!  

This is the problem, any evidence that comes forward, you are going to say, "It's A LIE!"  And even that, you can't stay consistent on.  Look at the sharing paypal information.  We've heard, "It's a LIE! No paypay was shared!"  then we've heard, "It was only five names!"  and then we heard, "It was only a dozen names!"  Which is it?  

Coconut has never changed her story on anything.  TSR changes its story quite frequently.    The moment you start changing your story, your credibility goes down.  

Now I hear you saying, "But it wasn't PAYPAL information.  It was information from our own site!"  I don't believe that, but for the sake of argument, let's say it was.  People did sign up with real names and other real life information.  But, when you give that information, you are comfortingly assure that TSR is the most professional of sites and they would never dream of sharing your information with anyone but their own staff.

And you shared it with you FA's.  They are not your staff.  Even though you pay them, they are not your staff.  Do you pay any form of taxes for them?  Deduct any wages from their earnings for tax purposes?  Then they aren't "staff" or even "employees" they are "Subcontractors."  No where does it say, "We only share information with our staff, our employees, and the FA's who are subcontractors."  

And again, you say, "But it's not confidential information!" Yes it is.  When I was on TSR, I was Darqstar.  That's all anyone needs to know, is that I'm darqstar.  If you gave out my real name, then you've crossed the line.  If you wanted to say, "I suspect darqstar has shared our payfiles," that's fine.  I told you I was darqstar, I gave that as a public persona.  But to say, "Mary Smith, who's email is is suspected of file sharing is sharing personal details.  How would anyone know that Mary Smith is really Darqstar if you hadn't shared that?  

So, you have been caught lying.  Not only have you been caught lying, but you've been caught at least four times for the same incident lying.   You have said:

1: It was only five names
2: We never shared any personal information
3: It was a private discussion of staff only
4: It was only a dozen names!

Which is it?  

Now, let's say it was Coconut who kept changing her story.  Wouldn't you point that out as a reason why Coconut isn't to be trusted?  I mean, who can trust someone who changes their story several times?  Either they are lying, or they are delusional.  Which is it?  

And, while you claim all we have is "coconut's word" which is backed up by screen shots, what do we have from you?   What evidence has TSR given to prove these accusations are false, other than just saying, "No, it's not true!"  

I'm not going to stay here and respond to all of the stupidity that will follow, i welcome you to prove me wrong by showing some real evidence.

My, my, you really have your panties in a twist, don't you?  You throw down your gauntlet, basically challenging us to prove something, then, before we can go about proving it, you flounce off like an angry little girl.  

Why don't you prove yourself right by showing us some real evidence?  You've got your little bubblegumhaired idiot, Dot, running tutorials on how to tell the difference between a fake and a real screen shot (which has provided us with hours of amusement.) yet we've never seen any screen shots from you people, faked or not.  What, is Dot taking too long faking them?  Coconut has shown some of us stuff within minutes of it being taken off the boards. You've had this going on for how many months and all you can do is change your story and scream "Prove it!"  

When you realize there isn't any then maybe you should ask yourselves what other lies you have swallowed. Yes, seriously.

Oh, and I suppose Buggy was lying about her mesh and texture being stolen too.  

Again, Coconut never changes her story.  TSR regularly changes theirs.  Coconut shows evidence, all TSR can do is scream "It's fake," but can never show one bit of evidence.

The last time you were here you claimed you were gathering more evidence.  Where is this evidence?  Where is any evidence?   Until you can show some type of evidence who am I supposed to believe?  The person who shows me evidence and never changes her story, or the sites that keeps claiming to have evidence, but refusing to show it and changing their story?

If you think about it, it isn't hard to figure it out.  

Edit to add:
Oh, and because you really should never forget this:  SHAKESHAFT IS A THIEF!  Not only that, but by your continuing to allow Shakeshaft and her stuff to stay on your site, that shows you approve of thieves. 

At least we don't repackage your shit and claim we made it.  We make sure people know who made it. 

So, who is the thief? 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: SoggyFox on 2009 April 08, 23:30:48
Actually, as memory serves, at least one other person at TSR was caught stealing meshes or texture - I'll have to look it up though.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Scourge on 2009 April 09, 00:16:39
I have a simple request for Johan and TSR. As someone who isn't a creator or anyone else of any value in this community, who merely downloads for and plays the game and who was once a paying customer of TSR, I would like to see some clear and proven, without-a-doubt evidence of your innocence in the same degree as Coconut and PMBD has shown me.

You claim these are lies but the people here have provided documents and images which I can look at and judge for myself as true or false, I will not accept mere words because that's not the kind of person I am, I require more than just that and that goes with everyone, be they TSR sock puppet or a pirate. Though, I tell you this, I am more likely to take the word of those who have little to gain from lying and telling the truth then the word of those who have lots to gain from telling a lie and lots to lose by telling the truth.

If Coconut and the pirates here were lying, what would they have to gain from it? If they were lying, wouldn't TSR be able to defend themselves in a better method than a poorly written article detailing myths by using screenshots as evidence. Oh wait, there was a screenshot.. it was a faked screenshot demonstrating how screenshots can be faked (and not even a good one at that). If Coconut and the people here at PMBD were lying, it would only go to damage their cause when they were found out. They have -nothing- to gain by lying and everything (their credibility in this community, the complete destruction of their cause and one hell of a backlash) to lose.

This is the logic of a mere fan. I am sickened by what I've seen of TSR and I have yet to see anything that refutes that in any sort of way aside from a one-sided article that doesn't only attack the one side that doesn't hesitate to provide evidence when asked as liars and bullies but also has the complete gall to ask for evidence when they have provided none themselves. But I'm fair-minded and so, I'm giving TSR a chance. Come forward with the clear evidence that those screenshots are fake, that no private information was shared, that the watermarks inside the packages are not coded to bork people's computers and everything else that TSR has been accused of doing. By ‘clear evidence’, I mean screenshots that can be verified as true.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: De on 2009 April 09, 00:43:56
Thomas, please stop hiding behind Johan's name. Have enough balls to talk shit (bullshit) under your own name.

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: minionsRmine on 2009 April 09, 00:50:37
Don't bother, you will not find anything other than the usual nonsense.
There is no evidence because it's just a watermark.
Pescado should be able to verify this but i doubt he will because he is either incompetent and can't figure out how it's constructed or he wants the myth to live on.

So, it's no more Mr. Nice Guy, eh? Last time you were here, you were all nice and all. Either a. we made you mad, b. you have multiple personalities, or c. Johan is a shared account with multiple people.

At any rate, that's not my point. My point is this:

Pescado doesn't have to tell you anything. All you're trying to do is to get him to talk like you got Delphy to talking so that somehow you can try to discredit Pescado. Pescado won't likely fall for your bait, but nice try anyway. The difference between Delphy and Pescado is that one is willing to listen to both sides and the other is hard-headed enough to just kick you in the teeth if he thinks you're an idiot. Watch your teeth, Johan. Remember, you're not at TSR. ;)

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: Darqstar on 2009 April 09, 00:54:15
Thomas, please stop hiding behind Johan's name. Have enough balls to talk shit (bullshit) under your own name.

He would never in a million years have the balls to come here and confront us under his own name.  He's a chickenshit. He won't address any issues, his only defense is, "Coconut is lying! Coconut is lying!"  Over and over again.

Of course he's going to hide behind fake names.  And he can't even do that right. 

Talk about acting like a five year old. "Prove it! But I"m leaving, so no matter what you say, I won't read it!"  What type of logic is that? 

Title: Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs!
Post by: siberiansunset on 2009 April 09, 00:56:07

Don't bother, you will not find anything other than the usual nonsense.
There is no evidence because it's just a watermark.
Pescado should be able to verify this but i doubt he will because he is either incompetent and can't figure out how it's constructed or he wants the myth to live on.

If you for any reason would want to check any of the other "evidence" you will find that it is equally hard to find it, like the PayPal myth for instance.
I know we didn't mention any information that were received from PayPal. I believe it's real in Coconuts head but in reality it didn't happen.
Go ahead and search for the evidence if you don't take my word for it.

I really thought some of you were smarter than this, the coconut reply is just full of nonsense and it doesn't prove any of out facts wrong.
It's just an exercise in twisting words and bending reality.

Edit: spelling

Me thinks this really was thomass ::)  Either way, whoever it was, show us YOUR proof. I don't see you combating any of Coconut's posts with hard, solid facts. All we get are changing lies stories to fit current situation/ it's NOT true bullshit from you. You are not proving anything by coming here and claiming it's all lies, ya know...
I trust Coconut because they stand by each and everything they post: there are no story changes. And the proof is there for all to see, there's no way for you to shut them up now. Is there? (I guess this "legal document" from thomass was a futile attempt.) LMAO

Eta: Very excellent post scourge. There's NO reason for Coconut to make up their posts. It would be pure nonsense to just fake hundreds of screenshots (and all these different personas) to just stick it to an undeserving, innocent tsr. This is one of the main reasons why I believe