The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: Frank on 2007 June 04, 20:59:00

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 04, 20:59:00
After I pm'd Kathy and explained the situation to her about sharing. Which she said was ok until "someone complained,lol" .Beosboxboy asked me if I had permission to use TSRs ChazDesigns, Ollewoor, and Jirka celeb sims as source for my masks. I replied to him that those 3 explicity state not to upload their sims anywhere, which I haven't. Think about it.....I uploaded masks converted from their sims faces, and not their sims, right? None of those 3 said anything about converting and uploading, and pfft, I know I could go thru and find 10 downloads there at Insim from anyone that has CC from a paysite, and point out the same thing. I further said that if Kathy or Eric there at Insim said to remove the masks, I would, so, we shall see. Didn't I see something here recently about Beosboxboy being for paysites or something like that?

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Anouk on 2007 June 04, 21:15:29
Well, in my opinion they're not really your masks, since you 'maskified' other people's work.
So the stuff might get deleted. And yes, Beosboxboy has no problems with paysites. However, I think this is not just a paysite content issue, since you're using parts of other people's skintones.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 04, 21:21:30
True, but my main goal in this work was for people like myself and my wife, who don't want a shitload of MB in skins, but still want celebs in their games, that's all. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I guess........The conversion process was my part of the work, and I said that at insim, but oh well............If anybody bitches and sez take it down, no prob, but I've been invited to upload them at SFV, just as soon as I can figure out how to over there, cause it ain't like Insim, post topic, attach files, and PRESTO! LOl..........lordy me..........

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Anouk on 2007 June 04, 21:26:22
I understand, and if I where the creator I would have allowed it, but then again, I don't lock my stuff up on a paysite. :(

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Duckie on 2007 June 04, 21:28:40
Honestly, if you don't want to worry about people questioning your masks like Beosboxboy is then you should upload them to SFV.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Capucine on 2007 June 04, 21:31:38
Tell him to shove his opinion up his flapping mangina. Pop it up on rapidshare or something and share the link with friends. :)

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: HawkGirl on 2007 June 04, 21:41:26
I don't think we should turn this into a let's bash Beos fest. He has a right to his opinion on the issue of being pro paysite, against them. The same as we do and this had nothing to do with being pro paysite or not. He was just asking if you had permission to make those into masks. He wasn't being nasty or hateful. We would do the same to protect free site creators and their content.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: calalily on 2007 June 04, 21:45:47
The thread is already gone.

Quote from: "Capucine"
flapping mangina

Ha ha - funny.  :lol:  :lol:

Quote from: "HawkGirl"
I don't think we should turn this into a let's bash Beos fest.

I think you've registered at the wrong forum if you think this shouldn't turn into some sort of bashfest.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 04, 21:52:31
Quote from: "HawkGirl"
I don't think we should turn this into a let's bash Beos fest. He has a right to his opinion on the issue of being pro paysite, against them. The same as we do and this had nothing to do with being pro paysite or not. He was just asking if you had permission to make those into masks. He wasn't being nasty or hateful. We would do the same to protect free site creators and their content.

I didn't say he was being nasty or bashing him, LIKE SOMEONE said I was and told Kathy......hmmm.......I wonder who lied on me.......I go by the book.......the only rule those 3 creators had was not to upload their sims, SIMS AS IN WHOLE SIMS, which I did not do, correct?Ok, well, the masks have been moved away from people at Insim, and I sure as hell ain't going there ever again. Fuck the drama, I'm to old for that shit. As soon as someone can help me in uploading the masks to SFV, please do so, lol. I got lost over there........I don't blame Kathy or no one, just take the rulings from creators by their exact wording/meaning.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: HawkGirl on 2007 June 04, 22:01:16
[/quote]I didn't say he was being nasty or bashing him, LIKE SOMEONE said I was and told Kathy......hmmm.......I wonder who lied on me.......I go by the book.......the only rule those 3 creators had was not to upload their sims, SIMS AS IN WHOLE SIMS, which I did not do, correct?Ok, well, the masks have been moved away from people at Insim, and I sure as hell ain't going there ever again. Fuck the drama, I'm to old for that shit. As soon as someone can help me in uploading the masks to SFV, please do so, lol. I got lost over there........I don't blame Kathy or no one, just take the rulings from creators by their exact wording/meaning.[/quote]

I don't know anything about that, I just was going by what you said. I didn't even see the post on Insim till after you posted then went to see what had happened. But I think that's what Kathy was trying to prevent was "Drama" over it.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: SoggyFox on 2007 June 04, 22:38:54
Beosboxboy does have stuff over on TSR - I'm not sure how old it is, and he's not listed as a FA [ I believe he's a SA? ].

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 04, 22:48:00
Ok, fine, point is, someone here twisted what I said, and told Kathy I was bashing him, which I never did. All I did was relay what he said, and what I replied, and asked a question here about him. Kathy pm'd me and said "one of her staff" read what I put here and I was bashing him, and more or less, IF I read it right, that was embarrasing or something,and I should have pm'd people here about it. I dunno. Like I said, I took the one SAME ruling by all 3 creators at the face value: I didn't post sims. And I bet I could go find at least 10 downloads right now at Insim that has CC that the original creators said the same thing, yet, since I came out in the open........I left my toys there that were ok with all, but what's good for the goose, is good for the gander, that's all I ask. I'm not mad at anyone at Insim, just maybe they should read creator rulings a lil more thorough next time. I'll be glad when the paysites are all whacked out......I've made many a cool lots with things from here, transformed many a skins and sims, and would love to share, but hey........can't win them all, huh?

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: dewshine on 2007 June 04, 22:51:30
Which celebrity faces did you do?  I'm willing to offer you a place to upload them (with credit to the original skin makers) if you would like to.  Here's my site addy:

If you would like to offer them there I'll upload them to my misc genetic page  under your name.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 04, 22:56:53
Well, I can compile a list, just not the kind like Mask #12A & 12B is So and So,ok? I can get names, but now, matching them up, oy, vey, we're talking 127 masks now,lol. Thanks for the help, dew. I'll get on the ball over at your site,ok?

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: dewshine on 2007 June 04, 23:00:15
That would be lovely.  you can email me or PM me when you are ready.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 04, 23:08:57
Man,lol....this ain't my day. Go to TSR to compile a couple lists of the celebs I maskified, only to find TSR is on the blink for maintenance. I'll be over in the corner here, sucking down rum & vodka, and vodka for real here at home,lol. What paysite god did I piss off today? Oh well........

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Capucine on 2007 June 04, 23:20:58
Quote from: "BionixWV"
What paysite god did I piss off today? Oh well........

Consider your day a fruitful one! :wink:

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: HawkGirl on 2007 June 04, 23:46:58
Quote from: "BionixWV"
Ok, fine, point is, someone here twisted what I said, and told Kathy I was bashing him, which I never did. All I did was relay what he said, and what I replied, and asked a question here about him. Kathy pm'd me and said "one of her staff" read what I put here and I was bashing him, and more or less, IF I read it right, that was embarrasing or something,and I should have pm'd people here about it. I dunno. Like I said, I took the one SAME ruling by all 3 creators at the face value: I didn't post sims. And I bet I could go find at least 10 downloads right now at Insim that has CC that the original creators said the same thing, yet, since I came out in the open........I left my toys there that were ok with all, but what's good for the goose, is good for the gander, that's all I ask. I'm not mad at anyone at Insim, just maybe they should read creator rulings a lil more thorough next time. I'll be glad when the paysites are all whacked out......I've made many a cool lots with things from here, transformed many a skins and sims, and would love to share, but hey........can't win them all, huh?

I'd just point Kathy over here to your post, if you feel you were wronged so she can read it. But, I wouldn't get too upset. I really think Kathy was just trying to keep the drama at bay. We seem to have a lot of that circulating these days.

And there you go Dew is offering to upload them for you. She's the best now if I could just convince her to make some understandable tutorials, you know the kind you find in the for dummy books lol

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 June 04, 23:56:39
I still don't know why you tried to post at Insim when we all advised you to go to SFV, where the rules are MUCH more relaxed.

The admins at Insim have pretty clear creator rules....not sure why you went around that to ask an admin, who gave you at best a conditional 'yes'.

Your creating this second thread just smacks of....drama. Sorry, but that's how I read it. Put them up at SFV or Dewshine... and let it be.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 05, 00:31:11
Hec, I am, waiting on word from Dew, and I've asked for help for SFV, since I got lost over there.Ok, it may smell like a lil drama, but it's like this: I hate double standards, I go by the book, spoken word or written, and more. I only went to Insim when I got lost trying to figure out posting at SFV.I can't say it plainly enough, to me, when someone sez "Don't post my sims anywhere" , I read it as "Ok, so I won't post the WHOLE sim" anywhere, but I can morph, convert, etc, parts of the sim, and post, and give credit to the original creator." I have only seen a handful of creators state that nothing can be done to their creations, any part or whole. Hell, I have a lot on the main exchange that's been there for some time, rated 4.51, with only 50 downloads, and if someone wants to download that, and change parts of it, and reupload it, they can go right ahead. I know I posted somewhere here bout stealing, but honestly, if someone were to try and say they made that lot I made, it wouldn't faze me in the slightest. Yeah, I gripe "for" other people if you can call it that about this subject, but oh well. I'm ending my part on this thread with this: Dew has invited me, so now I'm waiting, and I'm waiting on someone from SFV to help me out. I'm 34, can tear apart computers blindfolded, but games, and forums, and doing all that crazy shit to files, I'm in the dark.I am slowly learning though, so bear with this crazy hillbilly,ok?

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: dewshine on 2007 June 05, 00:44:19
I just sent you a reply.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: evilragdoll on 2007 June 05, 00:51:08
Quote from: "Capucine"
Quote from: "BionixWV"
What paysite god did I piss off today? Oh well........

Consider your day a fruitful one! :wink:

I'd say every day you manage to piss off a paysite 'god' is a well-spent day... "As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death".
(Leonardo da Vinci).

ETA: BionixWV, your location frightens me. Do you fly? :shock:

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 05, 01:07:38
Well, I sent links to dew via pm here for the masks, so if it's alright, here's the link to them as well:

I only have 10 of Jirka's celeb sims converted so far, equaling 20 masks.
Oh, btw, each "face" has been converted into 2 masks, one facemask, and one full head/facemask.

All told, there's 127 masks at that link above

84 for ChazDesigns
27 for Ollewoor
20 for Jirka

Quote from evilragdolly
ETA: BionixWV, your location frightens me. Do you fly?

Only when I have about 6 screwdrivers in me,lol.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: dewshine on 2007 June 05, 01:30:10

I got the files.  I shall look at them in game and try to get some pictures.  I'll also do some sorting so that they masks are in smaller archives.  That way I can link up each archive with a collage for it so people know what they are downloading.

I'll make sure that you name is put on the files if they are not already.  Do you want me to use your avi here to mark the collages like how I'm marking DumbBlonde's items for the Trashed Set?

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 05, 01:35:47
Yeah, that be fine. Just make sure people know I didn't create the source material for the masks;I just morphed the faces into masks. That lil bit of work, a total of 5 hours so far, I have done.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: dewshine on 2007 June 05, 01:41:35
Yes I plan on giving credit to the original skin / celebrity sim maker as well.  

I'll provide links to the pages on TSR for people who want to buy the sims first, lol.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Sherry on 2007 June 05, 03:29:20
You can post them in this forum

Simply start a new thread, upload to a free file host, and please at least credit whose work you used.

As for your problem with Insim.  It comes down to the fact many creators, especially those who have exclusive/pay content are overly concerned about anyone touching their work.  Did you honestly believe that Chaz wouldn't care about this because of your interpretation of his wording?  I never read any TOU on the kid and I could tell you if he knew about it he would probably be pissed.  

At the SFV, a filesharing based forum we don't care if others take a crack at improving work, more specifically if it's work that you had to pay for in the first place.  

Insim is a great place, but it's not going to be like PMBD and the SFV in terms of whiny little paysites, and we have to respect that.  It was pretty clear from what Kathy said that it could remain so long as it didn't become an issue.  It's not a double standard issue, it's just a drama issue.  There are only really a couple of forums where you can sink your teeth into these sorts of issues and we have to respect that.  Hell after stewing about a certain comment, I wanted to post again today on the paysite thread at S2C, but I noticed it had considerably dropped down the forum, and ya know sometimes you just have to let things go.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: fionaskye on 2007 June 05, 03:30:23
Late to the game but wanted to point something out...

It's the old "letter of the law vs. spirit of the law" debate.  Yes, the creators of the original Sims upon which your masks are based said "Do not post my SIMS anywhere", but I'm guessing that because they (conceivably) spent a lot of time perfecting the appearance of said Sims, they might not appreciate finding masks of their hard work floating around.  Notifying them and getting their "blessing" before doing your project might have been a good thing - if they're decent people, they might even have been really excited about it.  I know I would have been.

And yeah, I know this wasn't particularly piratey of me, but sometimes, someone's gotta play Devil's Advocate.  If y'all want to keelhaul me and deny me my rum-and-brown-sugar-soaked Orlando and Johnny action, so be it.  Meh.   :cry:

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 05, 08:51:22
Quote from: "Sherry"
You can post them in this forum

Simply start a new thread, upload to a free file host, and please at least credit whose work you used.

As for your problem with Insim.  It comes down to the fact many creators, especially those who have exclusive/pay content are overly concerned about anyone touching their work.  Did you honestly believe that Chaz wouldn't care about this because of your interpretation of his wording?  I never read any TOU on the kid and I could tell you if he knew about it he would probably be pissed.  

At the SFV, a filesharing based forum we don't care if others take a crack at improving work, more specifically if it's work that you had to pay for in the first place.  

Insim is a great place, but it's not going to be like PMBD and the SFV in terms of whiny little paysites, and we have to respect that.  It was pretty clear from what Kathy said that it could remain so long as it didn't become an issue.  It's not a double standard issue, it's just a drama issue.  There are only really a couple of forums where you can sink your teeth into these sorts of issues and we have to respect that.  Hell after stewing about a certain comment, I wanted to post again today on the paysite thread at S2C, but I noticed it had considerably dropped down the forum, and ya know sometimes you just have to let things go.

This sure as hell ain't been my day, Sherry. I go there, spend several minutes typing up a post and adding file and image links, go to preview.....

AND GET A DAMN CGI ERROR PAGE........and everything I just did is wiped out...........

I'm not mad at the SFV crew, the software used there I am however,lol. I'll try again later today after work. I dropped my smoke when I saw everything I just typed and such went POOF!

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Capucine on 2007 June 05, 09:20:09
What's the error message? Is it possible your router or firewall is blocking the upload of the file? Have you tried with a different web browser?

Edit: Oops, automatically assumed the file is attached and uploaded with the post. Anyway, my browser advice still is valid...

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 05, 09:22:56
Well, I didn't upload any files to there persay. Sherry said to link to the files, which I did, and they are all online, so go fig.......

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Capucine on 2007 June 05, 09:29:54
Quote from: "BionixWV"
Well, I didn't upload any files to there persay. Sherry said to link to the files, which I did, and they are all online, so go fig.......
Yeah that bit didn't register in my head momentarily, (morning here, no sleep lol) but what was the error message it gave you? Might help to figure out if this is a server-side issue or something your end. Again, I highly recommend trying another browser.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Pescado on 2007 June 05, 10:28:52
The Sims community has this habit of getting its panties in a bunch over the issue of derivative works, ignoring the fact that everything they do is a derivative work to begin with. Far as I'm concerned, anything where you make a tangible alteration is legitimately your work, regardless of what it's derived from, even if all you did was draw a big red MSPAINT X across it. Of course, it's probably still crap.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Quorneater on 2007 June 05, 12:08:42
Thank you Pescado!  I had been looking for some inspiration, as I haven't made anything for a while.  Now I am going to offer a range of Raveena's doors and curtains with red MSPaint crosses on.  Yay!  Simlogical lives again :D ;D

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Duckie on 2007 June 05, 17:15:57
Quote from: "Quorneater"
Thank you Pescado!  I had been looking for some inspiration, as I haven't made anything for a while.  Now I am going to offer a range of Raveena's doors and curtains with red MSPaint crosses on.  Yay!  Simlogical lives again :D ;D

I think the red MSPaint crosses on them would actually make them look better.

Title: It happened...Beosboxboy from Insim questioning my masks...
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 05, 18:42:34
Well, it's probably gonna take me a lil longer to compile the celebs list now. Got a nasty stomach bug this morn, going from both ends, along with cramping. So, got a Phenagren injection to calm things down, as over the counter stuff wasn't cutting it, and now, I'm high as a kite from the damn injection, and about half-silly.Oh,dew, if you read this, the masks from Ollewoor is one list I can't do. I only transformed the 10 best celebs out of all he had, and now I couldn't tell who is who. For the most part, if you know celebs, you can pick up on who is who after a minute or so, but I'll still get the lists together for Chaz and Jirka.