The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: fionaskye on 2007 May 27, 06:15:23

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: fionaskye on 2007 May 27, 06:15:23

Seriously?  I love love love this game ... but a movie?!  Uh...  No?

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: mando on 2007 May 27, 06:33:27
I so see that sitting on a shelf for about a million years if it actually is part of the production schedule or if it actually ever gets made.
I get the feeling that the guy in charge of greenlighting this must have been mid-way through a mid-week bender when he put this through. Or the only words he heard in the discussion were "It'll be like 'The Truman Show!'".
I don't see a lot of money going into this project, so I'm going to assume that they're planning on using the game itself to create it.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: Pucci on 2007 May 27, 06:53:21
Quote from: "mando"
I'm going to assume that they're planning on using the game itself to create it.

It'll be live action, so they're using humans. I wonder who the hell would want to be in a Sims movie? I vote Angelina Jolie for the role of Bella Goth.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: mando on 2007 May 27, 07:27:20
Quote from: "Pucci"

It'll be live action, so they're using humans. I wonder who the hell would want to be in a Sims movie? I vote Angelina Jolie for the role of Bella Goth.

Maybe, but only if there's an ex-porno actress that goes by that name as well.
And live action? Good lord, why don't they just take the money, throw it in a tub and light it on fire. It would certainly be going to better use, at least it would keep them warm.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: dorquemada on 2007 May 27, 08:13:00
Some people who are involved in the project previously did masterpieces like Eragon or Scary Movie 3. So it's gonna be truly top quality movie. :mrgreen:

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: feathered on 2007 May 27, 10:02:13
I wonder, will it be in simlish and will there be subtitles? Otherwise, this is certainly in the bizarro end of the spectrum.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: Tramen on 2007 May 27, 12:51:37
Saw this posted at S2C...

what the wha?

 :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: frivolous on 2007 May 27, 13:56:12
who remembers when they were planning to make a live-action dragon ball z movie and then cancelled it out of nowhere?
hope that happens here.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: Frank on 2007 May 27, 15:09:56
Ok,ok.....I too was like what the fucking hell...but then I gave it some thought........IF a Sims movie were to be made...........How to..........

1)Base the plot loosely off of Soapdish from years ago, except a Maxis game programmer gets knocked out and wakes up in the Sims.

2)Start from the get-go, A sims movie, except no plumb-bobs. We'd see cow-plants, zombies, you name it.

That's all I have for now...........Yes, I'm a movie nut, and a bigger FX nut,lol.........

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: fionaskye on 2007 May 27, 16:07:10
Quote from: "BionixWV"
1)Base the plot loosely off of Soapdish from years ago, except a Maxis game programmer gets knocked out and wakes up in the Sims.

Eh...  That might not be too bad actually...

Don't hate me.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: alia on 2007 May 27, 16:23:59
That sounds like the only feasible solution to me.

Don't get me wrong, it sounds like a dumb idea, but at least there would be a  plot.

All the other movies that are based on a game have been mediocre at best.
Don't get me started on the Blood Rayne movie, which I (unfortunately) saw. It was terribly bad even though I was very drunk at the time.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: SparklePlenty on 2007 May 27, 16:58:09
You guys are amateurs. Pshaw!! My sons made me take them to see BOTH Pokemon movies. I had to be physically restrained from clawing my own eyes out!

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: calalily on 2007 May 27, 19:47:29
Quote from: "SparklePlenty"
You guys are amateurs. Pshaw!! My sons made me take them to see BOTH Pokemon movies. I had to be physically restrained from clawing my own eyes out!

PWNED - Thomas the Tank Engine, movie and daily without end for about 2 years, including prying the clutched Thomas out of the hand for bath and bed.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: fionaskye on 2007 May 27, 19:55:41
I so feel your pain.  Around my house, it's the original "Hobbit" animated movie.  I've seen it so many bloody times now that I can literally turn the sound off and get the dialogue spot on at any point in the movie.  But then again, it's rather fitting for my son to be so crazy about all things Tolkien.  His middle name is Aragorn after all.

(Yes, my husband and I are GIGANTIC nerds.  What of it?)

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: Bliss on 2007 May 27, 20:33:30
Personally, I think if it is done right (although it looks like it won't be) it'd be interesting.  Backstory on the Goths would be nice. Maybe even the Newbies and such.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: Anouk on 2007 May 27, 20:49:19
YUCK. How much more are you going to squeeze out of the Sims franchize? this is pathetic.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: mando on 2007 May 27, 20:54:19
Yep, I agree! If this movie actually gets made (and I have major doubts about that) I'm imagining it'll qualify as the worst (and least seen) movie since "Mac and Me".

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: callmeird on 2007 May 27, 21:16:10
Haha! I would so go see that. I -love- bad movies. I mean I pay to see Lindsay Lohan movies, and I saw Dead or Alive!

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: kathy on 2007 May 27, 22:07:13
Quote from: "calalily"
Quote from: "SparklePlenty"
You guys are amateurs. Pshaw!! My sons made me take them to see BOTH Pokemon movies. I had to be physically restrained from clawing my own eyes out!

PWNED - Thomas the Tank Engine, movie and daily without end for about 2 years, including prying the clutched Thomas out of the hand for bath and bed.
Oh hell no the Teletubbie movies were far worse. I'm still having nightmares about that purple bastard.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: Aquamarine on 2007 May 28, 01:54:03
Quote from: "frivolous"
who remembers when they were planning to make a live-action dragon ball z movie and then cancelled it out of nowhere?
hope that happens here.

Hahaha, oh man. I totally remember that and was looking forward to pissing myself from laughing too hard.

BTW, this doesn't have shit on the upcoming Bratz movie.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: Feverish on 2007 May 28, 02:44:20
Oh my...That was awful. I did think their heads would be bigger though. I heard about that Bratz movie about a couple months ago. I'm definately going to skip it. Looks like a bad version of Cueless meets mean girls or something. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I did like Clueless. I can't wait to see Transformers though.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: 9b8ll on 2007 May 28, 03:40:33
*sigh* why!!!!  A sims Movie? they can't be for real. I tell you Hollywood,they are running out of ideas. it's all about making money. which is very sad :(

As for the bratz movie (I love bratz too ) but there so many things wrong with this movie. It might be the worst movie of the year!!!!  :evil:

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: mando on 2007 May 28, 04:25:05
What they should do is make a movie about a fight between the Bratz movie and the Sims movie, where the prize is that the winner will be declared worst movie of the year. You know, they set up a ring and there's one of those creepy dolls with its giant head, and on the other side is a cardboard box that says "The Sims 2", and it goes on for 3 hours.

Admit it, you know the kids will love it.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: mohicantunes on 2007 May 28, 06:50:26

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2007 May 28, 07:16:44
To be fair, Clueless is actually Emma, which is a Jane Austen novel. It's no Pride and Prejudice, but it isn't terrible.

And on the actual subject... Uh, no. I'll pass on this one. It sounds beyond stupid. I'd rather see the live action Neon Genesis Evangelion they've had "in the works" for years.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: MizzKitty on 2007 May 28, 07:47:20
I don't know what to say. It's not even stupid, it's... Well. I have no idea how they plan to base a movie on a game that's about simulating real life - unless they plan on having the actors whine a lot and pass out and pee on the floor and spawn babies in three days time etc...  :lol:

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: roguesimmer on 2007 May 28, 07:59:01
Quote from: "kathy"
Oh hell no the Teletubbie movies were far worse. I'm still having nightmares about that purple bastard.

They made Teletubbies into a movie?!?!   :shock:  Good gawd.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: roguesimmer on 2007 May 28, 08:04:41
Quote from: "MizzKitty"
I don't know what to say. It's not even stupid, it's... Well. I have no idea how they plan to base a movie on a game that's about simulating real life - unless they plan on having the actors whine a lot and pass out and pee on the floor and spawn babies in three days time etc...  :lol:


I seriously question the sanity of the person who gave the go-ahead for this.  It's a fun game to play, but a movie?  Live action, at that?  Geez.  There's just nowhere they can go with something like that.  The best they can do is a "Stranger Than Fiction" take off, where the people slowly realize they aren't real, but part of a computer game... and even that sounds boring as hell.

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: dorquemada on 2007 May 28, 08:07:48
To be frank, I would love to see how certain Sim characteristic look with real people. Like farting right into someone's (who's eating) face and getting happy giggles for reaction. Or neatness 0 Sim festing on a bag of chips. Or those grimaces they make when goose happens nearby...

You know, I start liking the idea of this movie.  :roll:

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: missangelica on 2007 May 28, 17:04:59
Just.. no.  *hits EA Maxis and the movie industry with a big ol' rolled up newspaper*  NO!

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: Paden on 2007 May 28, 19:50:44
Why don't they just do something funny and use Sims 2 in a Rocky Horror Picture Show remake? I saw a video on YouTube that has them doing the Time Warp. God, that film has myriad memories for me dating back to my long ago teens...

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: lemmiwinks on 2007 May 28, 23:37:30
Quote from: "fionaskye"
Quote from: "BionixWV"
1)Base the plot loosely off of Soapdish from years ago, except a Maxis game programmer gets knocked out and wakes up in the Sims.

Eh...  That might not be too bad actually...

Don't hate me.

Why does that make me think of "Tron", another high quality classic movie?

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 May 29, 02:04:28
Tron: crap movie, AWESOME video game.

(a friend of mine owned a video arcade, so after a night of drinking, we'd go there and play for free for HOURS, often past dawn. I eventually had monstrously high scores on Centipede, Tron, and Dragon's Lair....ah, memories of a misspent youth....)

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: Lilyroseisapirate on 2007 May 29, 04:11:28
actually clueless was clueless there was a movie called Emma that starred gwyneth paltrow. when i invision a sims movie the only thing i can actually see is a bunch of b grade actors running around with their arms above their head shaking because they cant get to the fridge because another sim is blocking it, lol. seriously, even with back stories how are you going to make a movie out of pixelized computer people?

Title: Uh.... WTF?!
Post by: alia on 2007 May 29, 07:48:44
But Clueless is based on Emma. Emma was written by Jane Austen and published in 1816.

So Clueless is a modernised version that is not called Emma, but the idea is still the same.