The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: Gwendolyne on 2007 May 06, 19:16:12

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Gwendolyne on 2007 May 06, 19:16:12
Meine neuen sachen werden demnächst bei TSR hochgeladen.
wie ich das mit den bananasachen mache ist noch in der schwebe.
steffors bananasachen bleiben aber auf meiner seite.
ich mache das, weil ich die nase voll habe von den Piratenseiten

Aber ich muss das wirtschaftlich sehen. TSR hat 1400000 mitglieder.
wenn jeder 10. meine sachen zieht, verdien ich weiter mein geld .
der traffic meiner seite kostet jeden monat 25€ . er ist so extrem hochgegangen, durch die ganzen free sets von banana. die einnahmen waren aber extrem rückläufig, weil die letzten 3 sets immer schon am 3. tag auf der piratenseite gehostet waren. wer kauft denn noch was , wenn er weiss wo er es frei findet

For those that do not speak German:
Birgit will only upload to TSR in future. She is doing this, cause she is fed up with Piratessites.
 Her Site had too much traffic with all the the free stuff there, so she had to pay 25 Euros every month.  :shock:
And then, as the sets were uploaded on piratessites after 3 days, nobody downloaded them  :cry:
Now she works for TSR as she earns her money there when every 10th of the 1400000 members there downloads her stuff.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Granuaile on 2007 May 06, 19:28:40
25 Euros a month?  :shock:   I'm sure she could have gotten a better hosting plan somewhere else.

Her logic makes no sense because her stuff is going to be pirated from TSR anyway.  :lol:

Now she works for TSR as she earns her money there and does not have to take care for evil filesharers

It's nice to see where her true priorities lie.  It wasn't for the fans because she was moaning about downloaders grabbing her free stuff.

ETA:  I wish her fans that don't read German could see where her thoughts really lie.  

Plus, if she's blaming pirates for her site closing, wouldn't this qualify as a full killmark?  :P

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Gwendolyne on 2007 May 06, 19:33:15
Birgit has always stated she did it for the money, so that is not a surprise for me.
Yes, 25 Euros. That is 7 people buying a payset. That is a lot.

At least one person has to buy it anyway for PMBD.
Maybe one for SFV.

Hmm. Poor Birgit, she'll get more money at TSR!

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: emmag on 2007 May 06, 19:37:25
I really don't understand how they can try and make filesharers look like evil beings... if she was strapped for cash, there was NOTHING stopping her uploading to a community website like instead; she could share her creations with fans and it wouldn't have cost her anything.

As soon as they're offered money, their priorities go straight out of the window... it's kind of sad, really.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Granuaile on 2007 May 06, 19:41:55
It doesn't sound like she ever did it for the fans but for cold hard cash.  Yet the thing is, if it wasn't for her fans she would be...nothing.  That's something these paysite owners seem to forget.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: MizzKitty on 2007 May 06, 19:56:53
I don't know this Birgit person or her creations (at least I don't recall downloading from her) but if she'd rather upload to TSR than find cheaper hosting then... Well... She'll get what's coming to her as we Destroy All Things Pay!  :twisted:

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Gwendolyne on 2007 May 06, 20:01:14
Come on, 25 Euros, that is 33,90  USD
10 people buying her set and she is in plus!  :o
And I bet there were a few hundred peple buying her set  :evil:

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: MizzKitty on 2007 May 06, 20:04:36
Quote from: "Gwendolyne"
Come on, 25 Euros, that is 33,90  USD
10 people buying her set and she is in plus!  :o
And I bet there were a few hundred peple buying her set  :evil:

A few hundred... Times 25 euro... HOW is it they claim that it doesn't pay for them? I'm considering becoming a paysite owner now :P $.$

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: sherrie on 2007 May 06, 20:07:29
Now she works for TSR as she earns her money there when every 10th of the 1400000 members there downloads her stuff.

I dont see her listed as an FA so is this something that is being kept a secret from the others?

she's listed as SA which is a non paid position, and yet she clearly states she is being paid. I wonder how many more are on a secret payroll.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Granuaile on 2007 May 06, 20:12:50
Quote from: "Gwendolyne"
Come on, 25 Euros, that is 33,90  USD
10 people buying her set and she is in plus!  :o
And I bet there were a few hundred peple buying her set  :evil:

I never thought of that, but it makes sense because she had a lot of people who loved her stuff.  Didn't she first establish herself at Meshkiste, a free site?

Wait!  Isn't Brigit the one who has files that override Maxis' stuff?

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Gwendolyne on 2007 May 06, 20:14:47
I can only say what she wrote, sherrie_sim. I am sure she does have an appointment already with TSR to become an FA after a little time. If it was a secret, she shouldn't have posted iit in a forum where nosy German speaking Gwendolyne could find and read it  :roll:

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 May 06, 21:03:52
Oh, this is good.

Does she not think we will get her stuff in the booty?

Silly bitch. How do we say that in German? LOL

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: littlegeisha on 2007 May 06, 21:22:32
Quote from: "Hecubus"
Does she not think we will get her stuff in the booty?

soon she will be a FA, and until tsr is up, and pays FA, she will be payed, even if her stuffs are in the booty. if she does it for money, she don't care if her creations are in the booty.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Feverish on 2007 May 06, 21:24:11
If her stuff is in the booty, less people will download it on tsr.
That means less money for her doesn't it?

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: TheVanity on 2007 May 06, 22:22:37
i wish i could shove this translation up to all blind, naive paysite supporter that comes up with the "they only charge to cover bandwidth costs" line.
really, im taking a screenshot and saving Gwendolyne's translation for educational purposes.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Aquamarine on 2007 May 07, 01:39:00
Somebody call the waaahbulance!

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Pescado on 2007 May 07, 02:00:31
Well, that's definitely a killmark. See, if we push all the paysites into a single paysite, we'll only need ONE active subscription to pirate them all. This is awesome.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Doursim on 2007 May 07, 03:18:41
The man has a point... :lol:

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Pescado on 2007 May 07, 03:36:44
Of course I do. I'm always right, after all.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: littlemisspirate on 2007 May 07, 11:29:32
Good riddance to that silly bitch.  Birgit would make her blind, cancer-ridden grandmother pay for her stuff.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Jojoba on 2007 May 07, 11:51:21
Quote from: "Pescado"
Well, that's definitely a killmark. See, if we push all the paysites into a single paysite, we'll only need ONE active subscription to pirate them all. This is awesome.

That is a very good point, and also very amusing  :lol:

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Gwendolyne on 2007 May 07, 12:02:09
Here is the link by the way

for those that can understand German.
I am quite sure we'll have the next killmark soon as Sasilia (Puresims), Birgits biggest friend in greed (and life) uploads to TSR as well and I am sure she'll be FA there as well soon.

So Pes, go on, make those killmarks for us (and please hit our "THANKSTHISISGREAT" button a few times  :lol: )

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: annawanna on 2007 May 07, 12:04:52
Somebody call the waaahbulance!

:lol: That's great! This is a killmark I've been hoping for.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Tchannie on 2007 May 07, 12:37:50
Pes is most definitely right there!! ^^^ Bring in the killmark! ;)

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: .darkshines on 2007 May 07, 13:42:29
oh my how i hate this person....... she stole my name, dammot!!! :?
and yah, meshing as a full-time job, of course, high unemployment in germany, yeaah all right >___>

well, 25 Euros, at least she seems to be cleverer than Sera with her 60 Euros per month ....

Quote from: "Hecubus"
Silly bitch. How do we say that in German? LOL

i'd go for (blöde) schlampe.....


Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Capucine on 2007 May 07, 14:10:33
25 Euros a month? My heart fucking bleeds. Is it really that hard to make a site pay for itself? I guess advertising revenue isn't so viable these days. I used to average $400 a month through pay-per-impression ads on my old Sims1 site. More than covered my $90 dedicated server. Roffles.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Gwendolyne on 2007 May 07, 19:59:58
Gast, weisste was, du tust mir fast leid, du kämpfst gegen windmühlen und mein paykonto wächst stetig , trotz deiner schimpftiraden

Birgits answer to a guest claiming that selling paystuff for the sims is illegal: Guest, you know what, I pity you, your battle is sensless and my Payaccount grows and grows despite your rant.  (same forum)

Seems that this is an older post, before she realized the truth  :lol:

Marilus (Sims2studio) sig (same forum)
Ich distanziere mich ausdrücklich von Seiten wie SFV

I dissiciate explicit  from sites like SFV
Hey, Hello, Marilu. Didn't you forget a site in your sig? What about us  :cry:  :cry:

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Pescado on 2007 May 07, 20:25:46
Quote from: "Gwendolyne"
Birgits answer to a guest claiming that selling paystuff for the sims is illegal: Guest, you know what, I pity you, your battle is sensless and my Payaccount grows and grows despite your rant.  (same forum)

That seems to fly in the face of her claims that she's losing money in site costs, now doesn't it?

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Tramen on 2007 May 08, 11:20:41
Love it how she thinks that going to TSR means her stuff won't be pirated  :roll:

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: sherrie on 2007 May 08, 15:20:50
she could possibly be one of the 'special' FA's the ones that are paid a monthly wage. it makes sense because she announced she was being paid, and yet officially she's still SA. so Thomas is keen to hide something from the others.

The whole thing also smells of Thomas' old trick of paying paysite owners a flat one off fee to close their sites. At this rate thomas is killing paysites quicker than we are, he seems to forget about the whole 'paysites stick together as friends' when he carries on trying to buy out any site he sees as a threat to his (illegal) business.

Title: Huzzah, new killmark - Birgit
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 May 08, 15:45:56
Ah, so he's building a monopoly.

Wonder if we can get him on racketeering? (gotta be some part of the RICO act that fits....)