The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: Chris on 2007 March 14, 21:13:40

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Chris on 2007 March 14, 21:13:40
Found this at another forum and had no other way out puttin it:

Well, yep, shes back. This times shes hittin TSR. Emilie has not uploaded anything yet, but she has a lot of new items in the upcoming list at TSR. For all those zadie lovers, she will be uploading her old Zadie stuff there.

New stuff comin soon:

\So shes just putting stuff from zadie sims up.

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Caedre on 2007 March 15, 06:46:19
*waits until Emilie is made FA*

=.= so seethrough

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: sherrie on 2007 March 15, 07:34:27
The only surprise  is that it didnt happen sooner  :roll:

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: RedLove on 2007 March 15, 15:10:31
Its so sad that she thinks she can fool us. I'm going to make a TSR account and ask her about it in pm.

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Chasie on 2007 March 15, 15:27:07
Suprise, suprise. Wonder how long it will be till she is FA? ,,, :roll:

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Pyromaniac on 2007 March 15, 19:06:26
...You have got to be joking.

Just when I thought my loathing for Thomas and everything TSR-related has diminished by a little, they pull this again.  :roll:

Everybody, start downloading Emilie's stuff from Sims2Graveyard in case she wants to redistribute them.

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Surelyfunke on 2007 March 15, 22:03:55
I don't get it. Thomas offered her to "come back" to TSR as a Select Artist (while she was Retired Artist GS Emilie). So what the hell is she doing this for?

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: RedLove on 2007 March 15, 22:37:41
Attention? Stupidity? Money? All of them?

Maybe she thought she could trick us and gets a kick out of trying...

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Doursim on 2007 March 15, 22:46:50
Quote from: "RedLove"
Attention? Stupidity? Money? All of them?

Maybe she thought she could trick us and gets a kick out of trying...

I am starting to think that the second one may be the most likely.  Though she did choose a pretty transparent handle for her new account at TSR.

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: RedLove on 2007 March 15, 22:48:30
I actually feel for her :( Cause her stupidity doesn't allow her to realize that if she wants to come out as some one new she needs NEW clothes and a name that DOESN'T begin with the letter E....or Even come close to Emilie.

And I thought I was stupid. Even I would have realized that.

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: KikiGo on 2007 March 15, 23:38:43
What name is she going to be under this time...
nevermind figured out...emisj, very secretive!

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Captain Feathersword on 2007 March 15, 23:42:59
... a name that DOESN'T begin with the letter E....or Even come close to Emilie.

You mean something like Zadie?

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: RedLove on 2007 March 15, 23:43:42
Yea but she still farked up with that one...the same email address. *feels stupid now*

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Chris on 2007 March 16, 05:43:35
oo theres some things that are up now.

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Anouk on 2007 March 16, 15:07:57
Simple: She destroyed her reputation in a large part of the community. Now she's moved on to a community where few people know who she really is and what she did. TSR has so many members that never venture anywhere else that it's as easy as 123. And it is the only place for her to go where she will be accepted, because they don't know.

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Renegade on 2007 March 16, 15:28:30
I am so out of touch with things.  What exactly happened with her to ruin her reputation?


Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: BlueButterfly on 2007 March 16, 16:36:36
Quote from: "renegadesims"
I am so out of touch with things.  What exactly happened with her to ruin her reputation?


Here, read the following thread. It's very entertaining and it should enlighten you a bit.

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: chlyn on 2007 March 16, 17:13:37
This makes me retch. :evil:

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Jojoba on 2007 March 16, 17:21:15
Just in case anyones after it, heres a direct link to her account at TSR >link< (

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: sherrie on 2007 March 16, 18:06:32
Personality: Secretive

LOL   :lol:

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: callmeird on 2007 March 26, 00:02:56
So was it Zadie Sims that ruined her rep, or did she do something stupid and embarrassing before that? I remember the Zadie fiasco from the BLS board. Boy was that entertaining.

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 March 26, 03:19:31
I'm always amazed at how stupid people like Emilie think we are. Of course, if you're stupid, you probably think everyone is on the same level.

On the other hand, TSR is exactly where someone like this belongs...she's perfect for them. May her wish to become an FA (even though she said she was no longer making cc for TS2 <smirk>) come true.


Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Tchannie on 2007 March 26, 09:29:11
Well, it probably started in GS days, when she got all pissy and shut GS down. She opened BE. A short while ago, she said she didn't enjoy TS2 and was going to stop creating permanently. Then ZS, a proper paysite, pops up, and it's Emilie again (she wasn't clever enough to hide her tracks, or get a new email addy)! But wait, didn't she say she was QUITTING? :shock:  :o  :o Not good! So she shuts ZS down when we/SFV expose her and runs to TSR, where she already has an account from her GS days, creates a new one and thinks we're not aware it's's quite silly, really.

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Jojoba on 2007 March 26, 10:19:47
From what Tchân just posted, Emilie seems like a very small pathetic person...with major split personality problems! Just cant make her mind up between Zadie and Emilie. ah dear  :roll:

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: RedLove on 2007 March 26, 10:53:41
Quote from: "Tchân de Bouley"
 Then ZS, a proper paysite, pops up

LIES. It wasn't proper. It was very Carla Niven with better clothes. It always seemed so very unorganized to me :( Sorry jus had to throw that in there.

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Helena on 2007 March 26, 11:38:56
I knew it! But I expected her to come back a bit earlier and with new stuff, not the old one from ZS :?

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Chinchillagrl on 2007 March 26, 16:37:42
Quote from: "CaptainJojoba"
Just in case anyones after it, heres a direct link to her account at TSR >link< (

Thank you for that. :D

Title: Emilies Back In Business....Again
Post by: Jojoba on 2007 March 26, 17:06:49
Thats ok Chinchillagrl :D

Title: Yikes
Post by: PsychoSimGirl on 2007 March 26, 17:49:02
Apparently she was real bad with lighting too not just charging for stuff that should be free.
I went to the Sims2Graveyard to see what they had and Teen 71 and 72 which are near the bottom of the page sure seem to have facial hair.

She really sucked with lighting it's bad enough all the women in my neighborhood have more facial hair than the men I don't need to see Hairy Sim chicks too. Yeeeuck!