The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: Pescado on 2007 January 17, 05:30:18

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Pescado on 2007 January 17, 05:30:18
Okay, here's the deal:

Anyone who sent payments to should immediately file for a refund. I will attempt to issue any refund requests received so the money can be retried. If I can't, escalate the matter to a claim. Let's see how they like being pelted in 20-30 claims.

We will attempt to reroute the money to a different source.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Noodles on 2007 January 17, 05:34:09
Please tell me they did not freeze your bank account.  Paypal is evil and my husband is terrified of using them for that exact reason.  *crosses fingers for Pescado and rest of community*

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Soup Parrot on 2007 January 17, 05:37:45
I will try ! Why they do that I can send my money to anyone I want to.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Pescado on 2007 January 17, 05:41:09
Quote from: "Noodles"
Please tell me they did not freeze your bank account.  Paypal is evil and my husband is terrified of using them for that exact reason.  *crosses fingers for Pescado and rest of community*

This is sort of the reason I didn't give them a bank account. Apparently, Paypal is quite racist and did not approve of Malaysians getting more than $2000.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Soup Parrot on 2007 January 17, 05:47:39
So they should of still given the money to you or was the place it sent to the Malaysia acct. I had PMed about it.

Im in paypal anyone know ehere to file this? HELP section doesnt answer my question.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 January 17, 06:00:12
On the front page:

Scroll down to the bottom, and click on the "Security Center" link.

On the bottom right of that page, there's a link that says, "Open a dispute - item not received"

Then click "Report a problem"


And continue with the instructions.

Make sure to type "Milton is a dumbass" in the comments :P

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Pescado on 2007 January 17, 06:32:29
Quote from: "Keely"
A hitch I'm finding is that it refuses to let me item dispute it because it's not yet cleared.  It's showing it should clear tomorrow though.  Until then Paypay just wants to send me round and round in a circle.

If you can prevent it from clearing, do so.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Quinctia on 2007 January 17, 07:40:10
What is with paypal and fucking sites I like over?

Back when Hurricane Katrina hit, they set up a paypal fund over at SomethingAwful, and they raised so much money, Paypal basically froze the account and wasn't going to release the funds.  Unless they went to whatever charity that paypal was associated with (which of course, was a sucky one).  So Lowtax had to refund everyone their money back, and that's why you can't use paypal on SA anymore.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: alia on 2007 January 17, 08:21:18
Quote from: "Pescado"

This is sort of the reason I didn't give them a bank account. Apparently, Paypal is quite racist and did not approve of Malaysians getting more than $2000.

Because all Malaysian bank accounts that receive over $20 from Europe/US belong to terrorists!!!!

I mean, Malaysians absolutely can not have anything that Europeans/Americans might want to pay for! And if they did, it would be a scam anyway.

Yay for imperialism!

Note: I was being sarcastic.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Pescado on 2007 January 17, 08:22:51
Quote from: "alia"
Because all Malaysian bank accounts that receive over $20 from Europe/US belong to terrorists!!!!

I mean, Malaysians absolutely can not have anything that Europeans/Americans might want to pay for! And if they did, it would be a scam anyway.

The way Paypal is behaving, that is probably not such a sarcastic response on their end.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Scurv-aceous on 2007 January 17, 10:37:55
Is the the credit card one?  Just need to know so that I know whether or not to do something about my donation.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Pescado on 2007 January 17, 13:22:04
If you filed your donation after 01/14, you are fine....for now. We retain about 1.1K of those funds. If you filed on or before 01/14, AND have been contacted by the Super-Deformed Bobblehead via a Juno email, you should immediately file a complaint with your credit card company.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 January 17, 14:49:38
Only people who actually got an email from me should file.  The others that Pescado should think file are the ones whose payments got transferred from the credit card account to this account, but just because their money got transferred is no reason that they should be filing.  They don't let you bounce accounts to get your money back.

So only people who got an email from me should file.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: m_firestorm on 2007 January 17, 16:59:42
Grah! My payment won't clear till the 23rd, so I can't do anything till then. Unless I take all the money out of my bank account... but I don't want to be doing that.
Those paypal bastards really piss me off...

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Quorneater on 2007 January 17, 17:57:30
It's a bit grim.  Poor old Jack Woods after we sent money to a paypal account for him they wouldn't let him have it cos he didn't have a home.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 January 17, 18:51:05
Quote from: "Keely"
Hmm, Blue I did not get an email from you that I can find but by what's been listed (email address used and the date given) I should fall under the need to file column.

On a paypal related note, you cannot stop a payment from clearing even by calling.  However, it's great fun to go off on a tangent when they insist on wanting to know why you would want to to begin with.

If you PM me your name, I can tell you for sure whether you're affected or not when I get home this afternoon.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: icedwhitemocha on 2007 January 17, 21:46:17
Quote from: "teadrinker"
It's a bit grim.  Poor old Jack Woods after we sent money to a paypal account for him they wouldn't let him have it cos he didn't have a home.

That's frankly appalling.  Did he appeal to paypal?

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Kraken on 2007 January 17, 23:08:36

I received your e-mail and did as you told me only hope I completed it correctly since I've never filed a dispute or claim before.

My only worry was getting anyone into trouble by filing the claim even if Pescado does deserve to be whacked on the bonce (head) with his parrot!

I got an e-mail back from them saying they were looking into the matter.

Also I re-sent same amount to your address.  Let me know if I messed up somewhere along the line. :?

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 January 18, 04:41:36
No, you're not going to get anyone in trouble.

And please, people, only file for a dispute if I emailed you.  Immediately escalate it to a claim.  Then you have a 7-day wait to get your money back from Paypal.

Also, if anyone wants to donate any funds (I know we're asking a lot) the donation drive is still on, only we're using a real, verifiable person behind the server purchase this time.

We currently have $1600.  We need $2100.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Quorneater on 2007 January 18, 09:38:22
Quote from: "BlueSoup"
only we're using a real, verifiable person behind the server purchase this time.

Well, I am surprised it took two lessons to learn it!

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 January 18, 18:03:38
Since when does Pescado ever listen to anyone else?

We need only $300 more.

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: donovan on 2007 January 18, 18:06:13
I would like to donate again, but won't be able to until paypal gives me my money.  I will redirect the money when this happens.

(returns to lurker mode...)

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: Soup Parrot on 2007 January 18, 19:37:13
:D  I waited yesterday for them to answer my email, they never did. So I just now filed claim, and dispute. Hope i did it right :).

i just rad the email they sent me confirming it look at this part:
We will make every effort to resolve this claim within 30 days although we
may require additional time to complete our investigation.

Our investigation will be made on a best-effort basis and PayPal cannot
guarantee funds recovery
. For more information about how PayPal
investigates complaints, please review the User Agreement.



In other words if we didnt know what was going on from Pescados end, Paypal whos holding the money, could claim they couldnt recover it.  So they could be bilking all sorts of people out of their money. Corporate thievery!

Title: Paypal Robbery
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 January 19, 05:53:24
Hrm.  I hope you get it back, Soup Parrot.

Anyhow, server company paid.  Thank you all for your donations.  Pescado and I and the rest of us muchly appreciate it. :)

{If you can get onto MATY, can you please copy/paste the above note into the server thread there?}