The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: ChamiMinds on 2007 January 06, 06:35:26

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: ChamiMinds on 2007 January 06, 06:35:26
::shakes head:: I'm having a debate with a few friends on another board about paysites being evil and I even directed them over here! But here's the latest bit of agrument in favor of them especially TSR. They love TSR.. It makes me get sick inside but anyway here's the last few back and forths.
Edited Post to put Link here, my apoligies for forgetting!
One member Lita said:
It may be against the EA eula but EA actively support pay sites such as TSR, they even featured them in a fansite interview. The fact is EA are cashing in on this themselves, which is why they now produce stuff packs. In the days of the original Sims, EA gave away a free download every week. They dont do that now, and im sure they cut down the content in expansion packs in order to bulk out the stuff packs

The thing that makes Sims2 such a great game is the very talented modding community, and EA are very well aware of this, so if they take action against paysites they will be shooting themselves in the foot.

Personally I do believe that TSR gives fantastic value for money, I think you can sign up for $9 and just go on a downloading spree, a stuff pack would cost at least that and only give you 125 items. For $9 at TSR you could have thousands of items made to a much higher quality that anythign EA will give you. And you get to pick and choose the stuff you want. The clothes are fantastic, never mind anything else there

Have you seen the wonderful realistic eyes you can get for your sims? and the amazing hair? these 2 things alone have made a huge difference to the way our sims look. EA simply wouldnt pay to employ the kind of artists that are required to make the great content we see on sites like TSR. But this stuff takes time to make and requires a high level of skill.

All credit to Modthesims2 for staying free and TSR have free stuff too, as do many of the other paysites, and lets face it, you dont need to join a paysite to enjoy the game.

Barb says:
I have to admit that I've been tempted to pay, and if the right site came along, I probably would.
Just this morning, I found out that the aquarium from the monster house is on the TSR, and am thinking about it right now.  There are just some things that are WORTH paying for ...

Chami (me! hehe) says:
I'm not saying that there is no time or talent that goes into these objects. Hell I know that as I dabble in it myself. But the truth of the matter is that it's not right to charge for something that was not yours in the first place. These objects, eyes, hair, clothes are all based of the content MAXIS made.

Let's say I have a book that someone else wrote, I take the book and change the cover with a picture I drew myself putting my name on it. Now inside I take out some pages and re-write them and replace them. Put it all together in new wrapping ect. This whole process takes me a few days to finish and it looks really great perhaps even better than the orginal. Can I then take it and ask people to pay me for it? Then I even get others to pay for that same book? Not even a different one?

That is exactly what paysites are doing! I know that EA has done this but again it is their product so they can do that. It's theirs they made the stuff in the first place. And yes they give you less for your money than TSR does because well again it's theirs it isn't TSR's.

And yes I know, I know, If I don't like it I don't have to pay ect ect. And I don't. But I hate it when others try to claim it as their own when it's not.

Barb says:
If the original author - EA in this case - isn't complaining, they are allowing it by not stopping it.  Lita is right, EA lets it go on because it is good for them too.  If they don't seem to care, then it simply comes down to personal preference on whether to pay or not, and is not longer an issue of having the legal right to charge.
On a side note, I did go ahead and subcribe to TSR - which makes me either a hypocrite or a flip-flopper, but I just couldn't turn down the things I want from the site.

Damn she is stupid!
Lita says:
The book metaphor is very good Chami, but it doesnt work because the publishers woudlnt let you do it, whereas EA do let people do it, eula or no eula.

I paint with watercolors and acrylics and sometimes I sell my pictures on Ebay. I dont own the copyright in the canvas and I dont own the copyright in the paints, but I do consider that I own the copyright in the actual combined result which is the picture, and I charge people for it. This metaphor doesnt quite fit either I know, but when I sell a picture, Im not selling a canvas and a portion of paint, im selling my own artistic endeavour and people are paying for the visual aspect of it, not because its an 8x10 Cotterman canvas with a smattering of Windor & Newtons finest. Should I give away the picture because I didnt make the canvas and the paint myself?

In any case Im not really taking sides in this issue, Im just trying to present a balanced view. Also it is a very interesting debate and everyone should be encouraged to state their opinion (if they have one) because if they dont then we only hear one side of the story.

But there is one thing that seriously bothers me about this campaign to destroy paysites, and it smacks of something nasty.

This is JM Pescado's Mission Statement on the Paysitesmustbedestroyed website

Firstly, we hate paysites. Are you a paysite owner? Well, we hate you, too.
We do it because it will piss you off. Yes, we are assholes. Tough.
Besides, you're only charging for bandwidth, right?
Isn't it so nice of us to contribute our $100/yr to alleviate your bandwidth load?
No? It pisses you off? Great! And now you know why we do this.

Nothing about eula's or copyright issues, no sensible argument against paysites, no proper critisism, just 'We hate you & We do it because it will piss you off'.

The guy is acting like a thug and a bully.

Sure, the Eula is stated on the first page of the site and the relevant bits are nicely highlighted so that we know what it is that we are supposed to be so incensed about, but the fact remains that no sensible argument, other than the Eula issue, has been put forward. My belief is that the Eula issue is for EAGames to resolve, not JM Pescado.

Lets also not overlook the fact that JM Pescado's site Moreawesomethanyou was also once a paysite. Did he see the light? or was he just incensed that other sites were making more money than he was. Judging from the tone of his mission statement, I know what I am inclined to believe.

There may be a good and strong moral argument against paysites out there, but this isnt it.

And here the stupid newest TSR payer said she agreed fully with her.

And my last reply:
First I want to say thanks to Lita for allowing this debate to continue on here as I've been on other boards that squash any type of debates. Not saying I love debates but on some things it adds to discussion. ::smiles::
Also thanks for showing your opinions everyone!

Now back to topic:
Awh Barb you subscribed to TSR! Did you have to? hehe. You should have gone to the PaysitesMustBeDestroyed link in my sig like I suggested a few days ago, then you could have gotten all you wanted for free! ::Shakes head sadly::

Now just because EA doesn't do anything about it does not make it ok. It's like two guys writing down an agreement that they won't hit each other. Well guy A decides to hit guy B and guy B doesn't stop guy A. Not eceactly ok to continue hitting guy B. I know a bit over dramatic but it is what comes to mind! haha. Both sides should hold up to their agreement.

Lita I know what you were saying with the painting train of thought. Difference being those things you are using were made for that purpose whereas the game was meant to be played not really for the files to be messed around with and changed. It just so happened that people found a way and got interested in it and so it latter became apart of it. Hence the lines in the EULA.

For Pescado's Mission Statement.. that's just his sense of humor from what I've seen in his posts and that's Pescado for you. Does it make it nice? no. But hey they do highlight the parts of the EULA that explains the paysite issue and that IS the argument and believe it should be followed by both parties.
Also as far as I know JM Pescado's site has never been pay. He has it look that way on the front page of his site because that's his sense of humor. And I have to say I find it pretty funny! Haha. He's never charged though for any file of his what so ever.

Oh and should anyone want to unsubscribe to TSR (cause they really are horrible but that's like it's own new topic) I found some helpful hints from a
PaysitesMustBeDestroyed forum member:
How to Unsubscribe from TSR
With all this TSR stuff, you shouldn't need to have a sub again, unless you're some kind of masochist. TSR makes it hard for you to unsubscribe, because they are a stinking evil paysite. If you have a 2-month recurring sub, what you need to do is to go into your Paypal account and manually cancel your sub. (With Paypal, you can also filter your transactions by subscriptions, which would also bring up TSR) Find the receipt for payment from TSR (usually it's Jan Isaacson) and cancel recurring subscription. That is the most effective way to cancel. Don't let them take any more money from you!

Other notes:
- Juttaponath in the Booty is organized by page number in the Sets category. If you go to her mini-site and filter by all Set, you should come up with around 21 pages if you set view to 15 sets per page. Since Jutta is stupid about not naming 100 of her sets "Adult Silk Corset Underwear" or some shit, I've put it all by page number instead. I will work on something similar with Sims2sisters at some point.

- Along with full sets, I'll be adding single meshes by FAs and RAs to their folders, because some creators like Lianaa, Sophel21 etc require meshes from other creators. This should solve that whole ridiculous "pay mesh, free colour" nonsense they have at TSR too. I have not packaged them together with the sets, so you would need to search for the meshes yourself. Razz Sorry. Hey, TSR makes you do it, too!

Any comments or things I've left out? Besides of course they are stupid because I am trying to be civil and nice in this debate.. boy is it tough with them sometimes though!! That's why I had to post it here. So sorry for being another whiner! Haha. ::Grins::

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Soup Parrot on 2007 January 06, 07:03:51
:roll: Chami, I see various attitudes

I don't care

Oh its your choice to buy so dont complain

Maxis doesnt enforce it must be ok

Sometime we have to stop and realize that many people we are posting with may be younger than us, quite possibly under 18. They don't know better, they don't know different, they have been bassically conditioned that this is the norm. Even Adults.

I have seen several threads where people will tell us bits and pieces of a discussion but no links so we can join in the debate. It be nice to have a link.

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: iamjbird on 2007 January 06, 08:18:36
i'm 15 but yea.. nothing bully about this site. they shouldn't take it personal

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: tIIsuggas on 2007 January 06, 10:05:58
Chami, I would like a link too.

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Pescado on 2007 January 06, 11:20:20
Quote from: "iamjbird"
i'm 15 but yea.. nothing bully about this site. they shouldn't take it personal

There is no 15. This is still 12.

You are hereby officially warned for failing to convincingly pretend to be older than 12.

Title: Intermission.
Post by: tIIsuggas on 2007 January 06, 15:07:10
I didn't want to start a new thread, just in case the link I give gets locked.

Please anyone feel free to join in, it appears, that most on this ( forum aren't well informed.

We need to be civil, as it is the official uk Sims2 site.

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Quorneater on 2007 January 06, 15:23:21
Bah!  I can't log into that site.  T2, since the point about Paypal being a secure way of paying has been raised in that thread, you could take the opportunity to point out that Paypal does release your actual home address to the sites you send money to, and that there have been instances of paysite owners publishing subscribers' addresses.  That should put a few people off paying for paysites!

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: tIIsuggas on 2007 January 06, 15:28:48
To make a new account at the UK forum, click register, it takes you to EA reg page, make a new account, then go back to the forum, and log in.  It is different from the BBS as you don't need games registered to join in the forum.

Quote from: "teadrinker"
Bah!  I can't log into that site.  T2, since the point about Paypal being a secure way of paying has been raised in that thread, you could take the opportunity to point out that Paypal does release your actual home address to the sites you send money to, and that there have been instances of paysite owners publishing subscribers' addresses.  That should put a few people off paying for paysites!

I don't know, but I think the UK site is independant from the US site.  Edit, skip that, you need to log in with your bbs account details.  then click on forum.

Thanks for reminding me about the paypal scandals, I will edit my post.

Any chance of a reminder as to which paysites were sharing personal info?

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Soup Parrot on 2007 January 06, 15:53:51
if you are registered in the EA system no need to make a new account, just sign in as normal. :lol:  Unless you want to be covert 8)

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Surelyfunke on 2007 January 06, 15:56:35
Rose Sims shared personal info with TSR, resulting in a couple of bans. Birgit also collected and shared Bluesoup's personal info. Other paysite owners were involved, but not sure how widespread the sharing of info went with regards to them.

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: tIIsuggas on 2007 January 06, 16:02:00
Thanks, I will go and edit my post again.

Keep em coming.

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: wicked_one on 2007 January 07, 04:51:06
paypal only gives the site owner your address if the site owner tells them they want your address with your payment/donation--for shipping purposes....or if the site owner didnt realize that they have more options on the donation/sub button that says "no shipping address required"
Paypal shouldnt have it set to "shipping address required" by default (I doubt they'll change that anytime soon), but it's up to the site owner to know their paypal options before putting the button on their site

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: BlueSoup on 2007 January 07, 05:11:44
I found a way around that shipping address thing, regardless of how the site has it set.

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: iamjbird on 2007 January 07, 08:40:15
Quote from: "Pescado"
Quote from: "iamjbird"
i'm 15 but yea.. nothing bully about this site. they shouldn't take it personal

There is no 15. This is still 12.

You are hereby officially warned for failing to convincingly pretend to be older than 12.

my sweet 16 is in 2 months..  :?

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Pescado on 2007 January 07, 08:45:54
There is no 16. That is also still 12. You will remain 12 until you are properly 18. This is your final warning. Further transgressions will result in banning.

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Quorneater on 2007 January 07, 10:03:49
I'm 666!  Now, while that might be an exaggeration, it doesn't break any rules.

Title: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: ChamiMinds on 2007 January 08, 00:14:24
I have edited original post to add the link to the thread. I was going to put it in there along with quoting everyone so those who didn't want to click the link could still see what was said. But alas I forgot! ::Face palms::

There are a few young ones on this board but the majority are older, married with kids and even Grankids. I get the impression that they do not often play computer games and so this is still a new process for them like it might be for the 12 yr olds out there. And the accept as the norm.

T2 I'm glad tyo see you found your wayover there! Sorry I wasn't quicker to see this thread had gotten replies so I'd have seen my lack of a link. uhg. Haha. Anyway I liked the pointers you added to it and I believe this thread is dying as the only one who was debating me, Lita, has stopped posting in reply to the critizism of the sites instead she's nw replying about how much her sites costs to run it.

Anyway if anyone else would like to add your opnions the link is now in the first message but if you don't want to join yet another "newbie" type board just let me know and I'd be happy to post on your behalf.

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Ensign EO on 2008 February 17, 05:24:38
Please don't revive threads that are over a year old.,1104.0.html

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Pooki on 2008 February 17, 05:25:18
Necromancy is bad please read the FAQ (,1104.0.html)

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Lorelei on 2008 February 17, 13:34:25
There is no 16. That is also still 12. You will remain 12 until you are properly 18. This is your final warning. Further transgressions will result in banning.

Sorry but what you have just said does not make sense to me?  ???
I'm sorry for the hassle if any.
Welcome, youngster, to the land of Pirates who do not actually "pirate". Everything here is paid for and freely shared! Please help yourself to our booty.

(You see what we did there? We were accused of pirating software, and, LULZ!, we thought that was hilarious and ran with it. Don't accept everything at face value. A good life lesson, no?)

To answer your question, the Pescado Rule Of Ages is that they all must be divisible by 6. This makes it easy for him to remember who is approximately what age. He is old and has a long beard and is busy making cool stuff and beating down trolls. Roll with it.

You are 0 until you are 6. You are 12 until you are 18.

Naturally the older members of his sites embrace this system wholeheartedly. We love being 30. Or whatever. The younger members tend to be a little less excited about the concept.

Necromancy is the "art" of raising from the dead threads that have not had any new posts for more than a couple of weeks. Even then, you're pushing it. Do not revive old, dead threads. They are stinky and tend to fall apart and leave gooey nasty slimy stuff on our freshly-swabbed planks.

As Pooki & Ensign EO said, with admirable restraint, the FAQ is your friend. Find it, read it, love it, follow it.

PROTIP: It is a standard procedure, when coming to a new 'net joint, to seek out the FAQ and to LURK MOAR.

Now go forth, and sin no more.

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Azaya on 2008 February 17, 18:11:12
I'm just stuck on the part where someone said TSR was 'great value for your money'. Yeah, it is.. if you download the stuff from the booty. Honestly. There's maybe three talented creators on the entire site.

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Hecubus on 2008 February 17, 19:22:26
I'm just stuck on the part where someone said TSR was 'great value for your money'. Yeah, it is.. if you download the stuff from the booty. Honestly. There's maybe three talented creators on the entire site.

It is relative - let's take out the fact for a moment that this is illegal, or at the very least, highly unethical, and look at the financials. To buy everything you want from Vita, you have to spend several dollars per set. That adds up QUICKLY. On the other hand, TSR's 5 bucks a month (yeah, it's 10 for 2 months, but whatever) gives you access to MANY MORE Files, and frankly, you can get hundreds of sets costing pennies versus maybe two sets from someone like Vita for the same cost. So from a value standpoint, they ARE a good value.

See the difference?

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Tsu on 2008 February 22, 07:22:16
EA is cashing with this although everyone knows its illegal, and YES, its true, although you may be the creator, you can only use your creations because someone else did a platform just before, in this case Maxis. Your creations rights only exist until you give your stuff to EA by putting them in their platform game and that only because they allow and benefit from it, otherwise they could sue you for using their platform for unauthorized ends. If you want to create, and have your so-called rights, well, just fuck off and leave your work in 3ds and play there if you can, and for god sake stop offering your work to maxis converting your files to their licensed product and them run around saying you have fucking rights! Ho, and using design magazine images to do “your newly fresh” creations its stealing, you don’t have the right and can be sued for using other designers work to your own purposes. And don’t came with that crap of why can’t I, if maxis can use mine, because you know very well that nobody in EA asked you for nothing, and even if they did, you just give because you wanted (I never heard of anybody who was been pointed by a gun to put files in the sims game).
But all this still mean that this community war is fair and legal, and so, they are doomed. It is only necessary that this community start to gain more visibility. They can never compete with someone who gives the very same product they do free. Their only luck still is that the majority of the sims community don’t even imagine that this site exist, thus given them money for something they could have for free.
And if someone thinks that because EA is cashing with all of this, that is going to help them in any way, forget it, because legally they can’t have rights unless EA rescinded from them, what obviously is not going to happen. And besides, EA is going to cash anyway, no matter there are only free or pay sites as long as there is a community with good artists moved by their pride (yes pride, because the money a good artist can make with this is nothing compared to what he/her could make out there in the market working in modeling, animation, architecture, etc., losing the same time and having the same fun doing it).
It’s a matter of time till others start to know about this site.
And one more thing, EA do not support anyone, if they think you are good enough they simply offer you a job!

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Sinthe on 2008 February 22, 16:19:19
These people lack a moral compass. Just because Matt Stone and Trey Parker say that it's OK to illegally download episodes of South Park doesn't mean that it's suddenly legal and morally OK. Just because EAxis is sitting on its lazy, fat ass on paysites doesn't mean that they're suddenly legal and morally OK, either.

Fuck TSR in the ass. I don't have to spend 8 years sifting through shit to find the odd diamond (that's usually a pay file anyway, so I'll just go to the booty!) at my favorite free sites, like MTS2! And, y'know, I've got the moral high ground that way. We're getting to Scotland first, bitches. Value for my money, my ass! Value for my money is donating voluntarily to MTS2 or WickedNouk. Why? It's the right thing, and they're people who support doing the right thing.

Doing something illegal just because you can't be arsed to follow the law is never acceptable, at least according to my moral code.

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Paden on 2008 February 24, 22:13:10
I'm just stuck on the part where someone said TSR was 'great value for your money'. Yeah, it is.. if you download the stuff from the booty. Honestly. There's maybe three talented creators on the entire site.

It is relative - let's take out the fact for a moment that this is illegal, or at the very least, highly unethical, and look at the financials. To buy everything you want from Vita, you have to spend several dollars per set. That adds up QUICKLY. On the other hand, TSR's 5 bucks a month (yeah, it's 10 for 2 months, but whatever) gives you access to MANY MORE Files, and frankly, you can get hundreds of sets costing pennies versus maybe two sets from someone like Vita for the same cost. So from a value standpoint, they ARE a good value.

See the difference?

I see the difference but I still wanna beat them with a big stick that has nails in it...

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Dr House on 2008 February 25, 02:25:39
Yes, subscription sites are better than pay-per item ones, but 99.9% of tsr stuff is utter rubbish, plus there's the take-two-month-or-nothin'. Their prices (10 bucks for 2 months) are still a bit too high for that feeble propotion of nice stuff >:(

And don't forget Atwat. Gosh her stuff is so awful that i can quickly tell which are hers in the sets pages. I loose a bit more eyesight everytime i see her ugliness >:( There should be an atwat warning at tsr's main page.

That could be a sig 'Thou shallst never forget Atwat'.

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: deelink on 2008 February 26, 21:56:00
And the thing is.. when you subscribe to TSR you feel you should get your moneys worth so you download a lot of stuff.
You don't need to do that since, like mentioned, TSR is full of rubbish. From bad recolours, textures and buggy objects.
Which brings me to another point

The game is buggy as all hell... why pay for objects that are also buggy and could potentially bung up your game? There is no guarantee that this will happen, but there is also NO guarantee that it won't happen.
The attitude from paysite owners is always "We aren't responsible! we are just artists trying to pretty the game for you"
Okay. Alright.
Thank you.

But do not expect me to give you money! I do not gamble with the lives of my Sims!

*pirate glove slap*

I can do that without actually paying for it.

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Valerie on 2008 February 27, 03:16:09
As I read the first post I saw that some one had posted about the stuff pack. Well, my friend cannot download downloads because it makes her computer slow. The stuff packs are for people who want extra items and cannot download, I don't think it's for the profit. It might be, but EA Does give us some free exclusive items which is good enough and people post their items there. The EA EULA clearly says you cannot profit, EA won't go against it because it's probably too much to handle. With all these pay sites there is no hope, it will continue. I agree that EA should act fast, the only question that I have is why do they interview Pay sites.. I see it so wrong as it affects them.

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: dasha on 2008 February 27, 04:24:44
Just because Matt Stone and Trey Parker say that it's OK to illegally download episodes of South Park doesn't mean that it's suddenly legal and morally OK.

Actually,  if the creators of the show say, "Hey, put this online, rip it off, we don't care" then it IS morally/legally okay, because copyright law is all about the original creator giving or not giving permission. If I write a story and say, "Send it to whoever you want, just keep (copyright: me) on it, and don't sell it" the only people I'll be pissed off at are those who are selling it. The comparison between South Park and The Sims isn't accurate, because EA has always held the position that their software is theirs, and the only paying that should be done is to them - for the game.

My own analogy would be: Stephen King writes a novel called "The Lampshade" about a lampshade that eats people's souls. He puts it on the Internet as an e-book and charges $5 a copy. Some people decide they don't want to buy the book, and get their buddy, who already downloaded it, to send them a copy (this would be the same as software piracy). Some people decide to write sequels to "The Lampshade" and sell copies of their sequels for $3.50 (this would be the same as what paysites do). Others write stories based on "The Lampshade" and put them on their own website, for anyone interested to read, free of charge (this would be like what free sites do).

Now, Stephen King realizes that a lot more people are reading his book than downloaded it. His first priority would be protecting his own intellectual property - going after the folks who are getting it free from their buddies. After that, he would pursue action against those who are writing sequels and getting paid for it - because they're plagiarists. He would not likely be upset by the authors who present their own derivative works for free, however.

Long winded post summed up: Just because EA hasn't got the time to pursue action against paysites at the moment doesn't mean that they won't at some point. And even if they don't, how ethical is it to buy a Gucci purse, replace the Gucci medallion with a Dasha one and say I made it?

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: Ensign EO on 2008 February 27, 04:37:03
Except some paysites aren't even bothering to write sequels, they just take the original novel and change one character's name to Frank, or make the monster a pencil sharpener but fail to remove or rewrite all references to the original lampshade monster.  ;)

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: dasha on 2008 February 27, 04:40:15
And any glaring plot holes would be like Peggy's and Rose's hair gaps!  ;)

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: deelink on 2008 February 27, 04:41:55
Wonderful analogy Dasha!

I likes it

*offers rum* arr..

Title: Re: EA Doesn't Stop Them, So it must be ok.
Post by: gyrobot on 2008 February 29, 01:16:08
And any glaring plot holes would be like Peggy's and Rose's hair gaps!  ;)

Well Rose's is a bit passable, but I have made Peggy's hair salon styles illegal in pleasantview and subsectors of the city. How? I deleted all of her stuff.