The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: Elfen Lied on 2008 May 02, 03:05:51

Title: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Elfen Lied on 2008 May 02, 03:05:51
If you don't donate dammit!

I did a search for this site around here and couldn't find anything so...

From their news:

Hey everyone... We're back again... And befor I start I have to make a note
I was informed that the stuff about donation is anoying... But here's the thing...
if noone donates we're going to be pay... So I'd rather anoy you guys then be pay...
No affense I hope you guys understand so please don't forget that button in the news....

Hello again everyone.... The bad news is still noone is helping us stay open... We've not recieved
one cent since the kindness of those two people... We are getting closer and closer to having to have donation objects... So I'm begging you to please help us stay free...

Some of the downloads are ok (nothing I want though,) but the site design and some of the DLs reek of twelve.

Sweetsims (

Can anyone figure out what the Hell she is trying to say in her signature on MTS2?

Still a True pirate not shareing for free.... Not sharing with cheepskates that can't earn their way in this world... The good people I knew are now dead... Lost to a selfish world.... FightTheGoodFight

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Charity_Bonney on 2008 May 02, 03:42:46
I have never heard of sweet sims before...

It seems that they are saying pirates are cheap bastards unwilling to pay for the hard work of the pay CC creators. Basically, feed the Chillen's!

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 02, 03:46:49
Ok, the site is shite, It's full of "untitled document" pages and the page about their creators is blank. It looks like a quick, nasty attempt to filk some money out of people.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Charlotte on 2008 May 02, 03:59:37
Exactly what I was thinking - I have a feeling even if someone paid their hosting bill for a few years they'd still find an excuse to go pay ::)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Sigmund on 2008 May 02, 04:22:07
You know, I think she (he?) has some stuff posted on MTS2. I'm pretty sure I followed a link to that website just the other day, actually. Their argument about needing the money or going pay is pretty weak, seeing as how they obviously are already aware of the fact that they can post their downloads at MTS2 for free.

Not only is their stuff not particularly outstanding, but I can honestly say that even if I *was* inclined to donate money to their website, that demand would turn me off immediately. *shakes head* The greediness of people never ceases to amaze me.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: deelink on 2008 May 02, 04:40:11
Well I didn't go to their site, but if they are bad mouthing pirates, threatening their audience for money with going PAY to get their objects (either way it's exortion), well they can go walk the plank. I'm not buying. That is rat ass paysite owner dictatorship talking, and they are just prime candidates to lose their soul to the paysite debate. Considerig I can't fucking decipher what they tried to say from the excerpts that Elfen Lied provided for us, I can safely say the community is not missing out on much.

Feed em to the sharks! Arr!

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Paden on 2008 May 02, 04:46:01
A self-respecting shark would spit them out, but if we could find a handy Kraken, that would work just fine. They eat anything! Just look at all it consumed in POTC: At World's End...

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 02, 05:14:25
They don't have the fansite disclaimer up, and the site hurts my eyes more than Peggy's. Plus the spelling is atrocious. And these ( cinch it for me.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Captain Berg on 2008 May 02, 09:46:58
I'd donate so she could hire a decent web designer  :o Holy crap - even I make better sites and I've been using the same teqnique since 1997!

Mmm, GeoCities...  ::)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 02, 09:57:51
The sad thing is, it's web design 101.. for god's sake give the damn page a title..  ;)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2008 May 02, 10:31:52
Well this might explain the sudden need for cash. From April 7th -

Hello again all... Sorry this update is late but you will see why at the end... Pluse I'm working two jobs remember. I had to fight to get today off so I could do the update... I'm gonna be in alot of trouble tomorrow. x_x' ANYWAYS! NOW! THE REASON I GOT THE DAY OFF! THE UPDATE YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!

Probably not a good idea to let your hobby interfere with your ability to pay bills. Unless of course the sims community is expected to support this site owner's desire to transition from hobby to home business.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: uknortherner on 2008 May 02, 12:09:20
That is one hideous site. Broken links everywhere, and random badly-formatted pages that seem to require a resolution that no graphics card (or monitor for that matter) on this planet can stretch to. As for the content - well, all I can say is, don't give up your day jobs.

As for that crap about skiving off work to post updates, well, what is she expecting? Compensation? There are a lot of creators out there (and on here) who can juggle jobs, family life and content creation and none of those are begging for cash for their "hard work", and their CC's a million times better too!

Epic fail, this one.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: wyrdwing on 2008 May 02, 12:26:00 ( bit down the page)

If she can afford donation hair then she can afford to keep a site running.... but oh wait... she's been dipping in the booty so that's why. :D

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 02, 12:27:34
oh lord, I missed it before.. they were silly enough to try to do something with the mermaid mesh.. *rolls eyes* That must have been the twelvish content you guys mentioned.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Elfen Lied on 2008 May 02, 14:37:27
Also, where are the credits to the obvious creators like Nouk and Enayla (a blind man can see their work?) I am a firm believer in telling people where you get stuff from no matter how many pages takes.

This site is sloppy. I want to stab it repeatedly with my cutlass.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: chemistrycourtney on 2008 May 02, 14:46:07
I think I'm bothered by the way that the only hair that she's crediting is that one pay hair, and then one hair at xm sims.  I mean, hello? Where is your content list for everyone else's mesh? 

Edit cause Elfen Lied said the same thing.. so DITTO!

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Markus on 2008 May 02, 15:48:36
I need eye bleach after seeing that website.  :o

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: susim on 2008 May 02, 16:14:06
She spells like Jan. 

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Jojoba on 2008 May 02, 16:20:03
You know, I think she (he?) has some stuff posted on MTS2. I'm pretty sure I followed a link to that website just the other day, actually. Their argument about needing the money or going pay is pretty weak, seeing as how they obviously are already aware of the fact that they can post their downloads at MTS2 for free.

Have you got a link to her MTS2 profile? Think its best to contact her at MTS2 or her site..seems she's either not very knowledgeable of hosting and how to maintain her site, or shes spinning a web - so contacting will help decipher that and can offer her advice on staying free(and thus we have no new paysite!) :)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 02, 16:32:41
oh lord, I missed it before.. they were silly enough to try to do something with the mermaid mesh.. *rolls eyes* That must have been the twelvish content you guys mentioned.
Uh, no. Everything is the twelvish content. There's also dead links a-go-go and women's clothing listed in the men's section. This is bad. It makes my first website, in the dark days of the 'net when I thought that buttons made in Paint and blown up to 300x300 were classy look good.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: silver on 2008 May 02, 20:01:09
I did download one item, then immediately got rid of it. The picture was rather misleading. The item looked OK, I guess, if you like that sort of look.

I'm just hoping this isn't the start of a new trend ... free sites wanting donations for any content at all, crappy or otherwise, on their sites, or they start threatening to go pay. This can be almost as annoying as pay sites. Sigh. If an owner of a free site that has plenty of quality downloads and updates regularly truly himself or herself in financial trouble and sincerely asks for a few dollars to keep it going (e.g. Insimenator), that is NOT the same as "Lookee here! I have some downloads on my site! Gimme money or I'll go pay/go away!" That is pretentious/annoying/juvenile ... oh, stick your own adjective in there!

It would be amusing to see just how much money Sweetsims hopes to make by going pay. I'm sure it will be buckets and buckets. Oh, yes, and that statement, "Still a True pirate not shareing for free.... Not sharing with cheepskates that can't earn their way in this world" makes me just want to open my wallet up and shell out cash! I guess I'd better Google this "true pirate" thing.

For this ... person's ... information, people do contribute to free sites and usually don't mind that others benefit from the content, whether the downloaders are "cheapskates" or not. They are happy to keep the site open and that all are able to share in the goodies. But here is the catch ... the site has to have good content and update frequently, and it has to have an owner who doesn't have a crappy attitude and isn't greedy. I guess the Sweetsims owner kind of missed some of that last part.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 02, 20:53:39
Silver it can be a little tough out there at times even if you do work very hard on your content and your site, take it from experience.. I do agree on their attitude though, it's not likely to make anyone want to donate to them.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: silver on 2008 May 02, 21:42:00
Silver it can be a little tough out there at times even if you do work very hard on your content and your site, take it from experience.. I do agree on their attitude though, it's not likely to make anyone want to donate to them.

True, that, concerning quality free sites. And harsh economic times are probably not helping donations any. I guess I was more irked at the whole concept of "If you don't pony up money, I'm going pay" attitude and the implication that we pirates are cheapskates, and I made too broad a statement. Or by "cheapskates", did she/he mean downloaders who didn't donate money to free sites? I have to re-read that statement again.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Sigmund on 2008 May 02, 21:45:16
You know, I think she (he?) has some stuff posted on MTS2. I'm pretty sure I followed a link to that website just the other day, actually. Their argument about needing the money or going pay is pretty weak, seeing as how they obviously are already aware of the fact that they can post their downloads at MTS2 for free.

Have you got a link to her MTS2 profile? Think its best to contact her at MTS2 or her site..seems she's either not very knowledgeable of hosting and how to maintain her site, or shes spinning a web - so contacting will help decipher that and can offer her advice on staying free(and thus we have no new paysite!) :)

Here we go:

I'm not sure if it's the same person who posted the message about needing more money or going pay, but they definitely appear to be connected to the site.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: JFederated on 2008 May 02, 22:05:35
What an empty-headed plan, threatening to go pay - like that's so popular anymore.  You get scratched off the list.  Screw you and your intensely lame attempts at manipulation.  Who put a gun to their heads to make that sorry excuse for a website?

But they got scratched off anyway by putting up stuff they DID NOT MAKE, did NOT credit, or, as on one page, is simply a sim they made in a MAXIS BASE GAME OUTFIT, like no one can freaking do that.


Yeah - I flushed them down the testicle toilet!  I did!   :D

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Elfen Lied on 2008 May 03, 00:11:20 is where I got the link from. She is the one that has the signature that bugs me.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: redisenchanted on 2008 May 03, 00:19:50
Fight Global Warming Make it happen!!!
Still a True pirate not shareing for free.... Not sharing with cheepskates that can't earn their way in this world... The good people I knew are now dead... Lost to a selfish world.... FightTheGoodFight

I guess it speeks for itself.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 03, 03:55:09
I'm sorry, but what the heck is she talking about? What the hell has pirate content to do with global warming?

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Paden on 2008 May 03, 04:15:06
It's the pixels, they heat up the atmosphere... *tongue firmly in cheek*

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: gyrobot on 2008 May 03, 04:28:44
Also, where are the credits to the obvious creators like Nouk and Enayla (a blind man can see their work?) I am a firm believer in telling people where you get stuff from no matter how many pages takes.

This site is sloppy. I want to stab it repeatedly with my cutlass.

Fuck that, I would get near her site with an Ship of the Line and full cannonade her.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Liza on 2008 May 03, 08:54:17
I don't know about the rest of you, but I was pretty tempted to click the "translate!" button on the left to see if it would tell me what she was trying to say in English.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: rtgkbg on 2008 May 03, 09:55:24
The site does suck, and I have to say that I really hate when creators advertise their sites so blatently on sites like mts2.  Here is an exerpt from a post for some dress recolors from lidiqnata:

"Hey more stuff by me-this time some teen formals :P
 These dresses REQUIRE MESHES!!!

 Read about meshes:
 Dress #1
 Mesh by Blue at"

Super annoying!  If your meshes are free anyway, why not have them available in the same post, instead of making people go try to navigate your poorly built sucky website!! ??  Have a link for your site on your profile page, instead.  Arr-  walk the plank, I say! 

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: uknortherner on 2008 May 03, 12:25:16
I'm sorry, but what the heck is she talking about? What the hell has pirate content to do with global warming?

Well, she could help fight global warming by switching off her computer and never creating sub-par content ever again...

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: CaptainChris on 2008 May 03, 14:26:57
What the hell? I just went to the site for the first time, why are are the pictures so badly pixelated? Also those sims use for models, a Bushpig with lipstick comes to mind.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Moune on 2008 May 03, 19:58:31
I'm just going to point out that no matter whatever the owner is saying/writing/doing and no matter what the quality of the site layout/content this is still a FREE site and a FREE creator. Maybe someone else will say a few words about the PMBD (PAYSITES Must Be Destroyed, remember?) policy concerning bashing of FREE sites and creators.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: falln_angel on 2008 May 03, 21:24:47
Point taken. We should probably refrain from negative comments until we actually see a donation set. (Although in fairness this whole thread stared because she's currently threatening to cross the line into Paysite territory...)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: alia on 2008 May 03, 21:41:50
I'm just going to point out that no matter whatever the owner is saying/writing/doing and no matter what the quality of the site layout/content this is still a FREE site and a FREE creator. Maybe someone else will say a few words about the PMBD (PAYSITES Must Be Destroyed, remember?) policy concerning bashing of FREE sites and creators.

Thank you, Moune, I was just going to post that, but you beat me to it. :)

If the site goes pay, then you can badmouth it all you like. However, until it happens, keep it civil, mmkay?

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 03, 22:08:12
Moune, Alia, I don't know what came over me.. I forgot about that momentarily. Thank you.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Hecubus on 2008 May 03, 22:24:10
I think that we're so used to discussing paysites here. I am more appalled at the threat - I find that kind of extortion pretty crappy.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Paden on 2008 May 03, 22:29:06
I know that the policy is not to bash free sites, but when they turn around and slap the whole damn community in the face with, "Gimme moneis NOW or I'm gonna start a pay site," I get my back up a bit. I don't like threats. I don't like demands. And I don't like anyone who is willing to get into bed with the pay site mentality so they can support their site. If you want to start a donation drive to keep your site alive, you need to find forums to post it on, saying what the problem is and how people can help. Or, you can talk to people like Nouk and Jessica, or the dear folks over at Sublime about keeping your site alive and functioning.

Don't start to throw a fit because you're not rolling in the damn donations, because truth to tell, if you aren't well-known for quality content, people aren't going to whip out the handy dandy credit card and rack up another expenditure to keep you going, especially if you are screaming like a little kid that didn't get their Peanut Buster Parfait at the flippin Dairy Queen. Come to PMBD and lay it on the line for us, but don't slam us. Don't denigrate us. Don't say we don't care because in all honesty, there are plenty of folks here that donate to keep the free sites going, as well as helping out with our other project of filling the Booty.

If you ask one of the pirates here in a  nice manner, more than likely you will be helped out with a donation, or at the very least, options for free hosting. They will also be pointed to tutorials in case they're having problems with making textures or meshes or what not. We help. We help more than probably many others every would imagine. They still have the option of coming here and making their voices heard in an appeal for help. But screaming like a child, using a sig that is inflammatory and insulting, is just not going to get them the hand up that they need. Has any of our free hosting sites offered them help? Or have they been rejected because these people want to do it all themselves? I dunno. I do know that I call bullshit on them about their threat to turn into a pay site. I'd rather see my still living heart fed to a hyena than see another pay site crop up if there was any way we as a community could have prevented it.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: calalily on 2008 May 04, 03:35:05
Gimme monies NAO or I'm gonna start being a paysite.

I await your monies. :D

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: deelink on 2008 May 04, 03:48:45
I agree with Paden in all accounts. Like I said before, I smell exortion and pettiness. And although the site is free at the moment, behaviour like that backed up with only sub par content is the perfect recipe to be fobbed off via the plank. There ARE alternatives other than going pay, there is support out there.  :)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Astonished lemons on 2008 May 04, 04:13:30
Shit, look at this crap theyre trying to lay on us!

*Points to the beards*

Not only do they have manners like scum sucking TSR wannabe's, but they try to guilt us into giving them cash with crummily done work that was obviously made with Paint which makes everything look terrible. .

No, I take that back, Ive seen better things at MTS2 that were done with paint. This is just insulting.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: calalily on 2008 May 04, 04:34:38
Not a paysite yet - no more bashing freesites.

I might not like the extortion way of doing things, but we don't want to drive them to being a paysite if being a freesite gets them no respect from us.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: glasscigarette on 2008 May 04, 07:56:08
Thanks for diffusing the situation a bit, Moune. I was ready with my bashing-hammer until you reminded me that the site is still free, and is therefore protected from our wrath. As was stated so much more eloquently by Paden, I simply don't like being insulted or having someone tell me that I am somehow obligated to pay for their hobby, as if I'm beside myself awaiting their unknown creations.

That said, I think it's still fair to say that this person (or people) is/are behaving quite childishly and expecting a lot from the community, considering the fact that they are pretty much an unknown entity. They have apparently obtained a few donations but still haven't reached their goal, which confirms my belief that they are either paying too much for what they are getting, or trying to make a little on the side. Hopefully he/she/it will learn a little more about efficiently and cost-effectively running a site and won't be "forced" to go which point I assume the site would languish and fade away, anyway.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Moune on 2008 May 04, 09:14:59
Well, I agree with Paden, Cala, GlassCigarette and others that the whole 'give me money or I'll go pay' thing is a stupid and insulting threat - for several reasons. So I basically see nothing wrong with bashing the threatening itself. The site and the content, however, should remain off-limits until the threat is carried out, though.

I know some of you smell a scam here. My impression is more of a rather young person who is also completely 'misguided' about the whole paysite thing. As long as the web is rampant with Sims paysites, a some people are always going to think it is ok to have a few so-called donation sets on their site.

Mind you, I could be completely wrong, though.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2008 May 04, 10:17:46
Moune, I didn't even look through her content. But, like it's been stated,  if you follow her front page carefully you'll find a major theme - Donate or I go pay. Within the course of a couple of months she uses begging, badgering and not so subtle forms of manipulation, all in an attempt to coax money out of visitors to the site. Plus, these comments really raised a red flag for me. -

Hello all... We're starting off this week with our first donation ever! Someone was kind
enough to share their hard earned cash with us and we thank you JFox for all your kindness!
and in celebration... I'm releasing one of the outfits that would have had to of been
donation to thank her.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Which I guess would make it donation not pay... So she got it for everyone ^_^. We need 20 dollars a month... Untill we reach our goal... Everytime we hit our monthly goal I'll be able to put out stuff I'd have to save... Which will make me really really happy! :D So se can keep all our creations free. :)

It's very possible that this is a paysite in all but name. They're just using different tactics to extract money.  -  :-\

edit for clarity

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Moune on 2008 May 04, 13:32:54
Snarky - Hmm, I hadn't seen that (must admit I didn't take the time for a detailed look around). It does sound like the owner might already be mentally in paysite land, but again that might be more out of misguidedness than of greed. Maybe it's one of those borderline cases. I mean, it's not the first time we've seen a free site do some very heavy handed begging for donations.   ::)

For all intents and purposes, though, there is no CC being held hostage against money and nothing from this site to be put in the booty, so I think I would still consider it a free site and therefore off-limits to content and layout bashing (which you weren't doing, anyway).

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: AW on 2008 May 04, 13:59:58
You know, all throughout this forum there are offers, suggestions, etc. for those sites who financially struggle and want to stay open because they love creating and sharing with the community.  I think, beyond any doubt whatsoever, that we have proven time and time again that we as a forum will step up and help a site.  However, if the reasons for going pay are less than altruistic, then no matter what we say or do, going pay will be what happens.

Someone should invite the owner here to see how or if she would like help.  I know that between Sublime & WNF, there are many sites that are part of their groups.  (This may have been suggested, however, I have computer issues and my time is limited to read, etc. - pardon if there is a redundancy in my post)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Anouk on 2008 May 04, 14:38:07
The site owner has allready been contacted by someone I know and were offered help and suggestions, but they are refusing to do anything substantial about anything, really. All they want is money, not a better solution like cheaper hosting, etc. Plus they said they allready contacted EA and were told they would not be shut down if they became a paysite.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: idtaminger on 2008 May 04, 16:09:53
What's with the political correctness around here? Lack of natural demand for a site's content usually = shite content. A trashy site is still a trashy site, and we should allow it to fade away like nature intended.

In fact, helping them stay open I think dilutes the potency of the  whole free site argument, which is that sites can offer high quality content without going pay. Some of the arguments bandied about on the side of paysites is that they offer the best quality content, even though that's certainly not true. ::) Having a diluge of trashy free stuff floating around doesn't exactly help the cause.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Hecubus on 2008 May 04, 16:42:43
What's with the political correctness around here? Lack of natural demand for a site's content usually = shite content. A trashy site is still a trashy site, and we should allow it to fade away like nature intended.

And it will, without any help from us.

In fact, helping them stay open I think dilutes the potency of the  whole free site argument, which is that sites can offer high quality content without going pay. Some of the arguments bandied about on the side of paysites is that they offer the best quality content, even though that's certainly not true. ::) Having a diluge of trashy free stuff floating around doesn't exactly help the cause.

Here's the thing: the marketplace DOES adjust - crappy freesites either get better, have a small following that makes it worthwhile, or fades away, without any specific help. But remember: FREESITES are the product of someone sharing their HOBBY. To quote from the FAQ, "just like you don't tell your Aunt Helen how awful the sweater she knitted you is, we don't talk smack about free creations."

If she goes pay, we have cause. Again, from the FAQ (which I dont' mind quoting here since I wrote this bit): "What's the difference? Money hadn't changed hands. When you pay for something, you have an expctation of quality. When someone gives you something, you have no expectations. We may not personally like every free item, but we admire anyone who creates and is happy to give the product of their hobby to fellow fans."

We ALL know there are many EXCELLENT FREE SITES out there - they're the household names on our lips, like All About Style, Sims2Play, All4Sims, Simcastic, Parsimonious, MTS2, etc. etc. etc. This thread is intended to get this child to NOT go pay, to realize that her stuff isn't WORTH money (as though we thought any sites were), and MAKE SURE we know the second she decides to be stupid.

It's not about being PC, it's about being realistic and TRUE to our MISSION. She's not a paysite yet. We are not in the business of destroying her.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: RedLove on 2008 May 04, 18:21:19
Idtaminger. I think the point is that sites remain free. No matter if there stuff isn't up to your (general) standards.

ETA: Hec you said it better. :P

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: idtaminger on 2008 May 04, 20:16:31
To quote from the FAQ, "just like you don't tell your Aunt Helen how awful the sweater she knitted you is, we don't talk smack about free creations."

I wouldn't tell Aunt Helen how awful the sweater was in so many words, but I'd definitely drop a hint. Like a polite reminder never, ever to give me any sweaters again.  ;)

It's not about being PC, it's about being realistic and TRUE to our MISSION. She's not a paysite yet. We are not in the business of destroying her.

I never said she needed to be destroyed. But I don't think all this hoopla over the threats of a less-than average creator is warranted.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 04, 21:33:54
The site owner has allready been contacted by someone I know and were offered help and suggestions, but they are refusing to do anything substantial about anything, really. All they want is money, not a better solution like cheaper hosting, etc. Plus they said they allready contacted EA and were told they would not be shut down if they became a paysite.

The reason why I think so many of us were focused on the quality of the site(ie the mass of broken stuff) was that it was giving some of us the irks and a feeling that they weren't genuine about staying free.. However I think you guys are right, if we stop giving them too much attentiion they'll find their natural level anyway.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2008 May 05, 06:11:11
I agree with Snarky on this one, I don't think this is much more than an attempt to get "easy money". What really raised warning bells for me is that they claim to need $20 a month for expenses. This is a non-dynamic site that doesn't get much traffic (I'd assume). My site isn't huge, but I host it and GoS for less than half of that. Either these people have a host that is seriously gouging them, or they are trying to get a little extra money from the site.

I'm not terribly impressed, either. I'm not trying to bash "free creators", but I just don't get the impression that this is a serious free site. The beards posted earlier in this thread were the exact same beard in three different "sets". They don't bother to credit anyone, anywhere for their work. Nearly every page has pay items plastered all over it (which is strange, considering that they claim to be anti-pirate, while simultaneously claiming to be poor. I don't doubt that there is raiding of the booty going on, but why the hypocrisy?). I'm also not keen about their tactics to get money. I've had to ask for donations to help me out in the past, but it never even occurred to me to threaten to go pay or to say I'd release donation items when someone ponied up some cash.  In short, I guess I agree with Paden as well. I'm definitely not biting, they can go back to mts2.

ETA: Oh, I just realized that they host a forum as well. It has a total of 49 users, so that must be what they need the $20 a month for.  ::)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 09, 19:34:07
Hey guys you finally noticed me.... It's been a while.... I see you've all decided to take my MTS message out of context.... I actually used to have it say Pirates are people who steal from hard working people blah blah blah..... THEN! (but of course noone caught this... )" I would like to thank Robin hood and his band of merry men for all the free Down loads"..... AS FOR! Complaining about credits being on the site.... You must read the read me files.... To see what is used in the content on the pictures.... The credit links have been up since the begining of the site and have no been changed.... If you're looking for credit from someone like Nouk or other creators please check the read me.... All credits should be appropreately listed there.... I'm sorry if you guys are all made from the confusion.... Oh and one more thing.... The last note is not about you guys it's a personal note about my old site creator please see her site here.......... Saying the good people of the world are lost to a selfish world because she actually stole free content from our site and put it on hers..... I figured sooner you guys would feel the need to hate on me.... So have fun.... But I'm not coming after you or anyone else a I'm very busy and I'm writing this when I have a free moment because I figured someone who be all over anything they could find....x_x' I will readd the last part of my MTS signature up if I can fit it.... But I was so mad about the stolen DL's I did not care and I'm sure you guys can understand that because I noticed you spend alot of time being mad about alot of stuff..... And I recieved help for my wording about donations from someone I will call unnamed for their protection unless they are a member here and wish to tell their name.... So now I've explained myself I hope you understand or what not... If you don't that's your choice but thanx for coming by and see us I guess..... Have fun :)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 09, 19:53:07
 :) Hey Blue, thank you for coming to explain yourself. We'd moved on from the topic but anyone here will happily give you any help you want with the wording.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 09, 20:20:33
Thank you so much Saraswati :) I think I have received help from someone on your page.... Who is helping me with my wording.... I'm not quite sure how I should word asking for help but I hope they will continue to help me.... We did have trouble with our communications in the beggining but now we seem to be getting along and if you of anyone else has any suggestions about my wording about donations, for that I would really appricaite it. ^_^ Thank you again. :)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 09, 20:27:29
Blue, I'm shooting you a PM about something..

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 09, 21:30:08
I've sent Blue some suggestions to try to help out on that score, it's up to her whether she takes them up or not.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 09, 22:22:15
Thank you  lostINtheFuture we're still growing... For the most part everything on that page was self taught or taught with the help of people I will not name here for my own protection....  :o I tell all the girls to make sure they put credits in their read me files.... To encourage the reading of read me files. :) And to assure everyone gets proper credit... L is usually very good about that and me and Tetou mostly use iteams from maxis or that are on the page... I also try to keep it that way because my DL's folder... Is like almost as old as the actual game.... I have no idea where I've picked up some of this stuff... I'm sure there are other people who feel the same. :P BUT! I have answered the pm thank you Sarahswati I can't wait to hear your answer. ^_^

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: keirra on 2008 May 09, 23:58:55
BlueIzumi, picture sigs are annoying, especially blinking ones.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Hecubus on 2008 May 10, 00:14:14's an unwriten rule, but one we're pretty strict about - please, no large and/or blinky images in sigs or avis.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 10, 00:19:08
 ;) Blue and I have had some communication and I've been showing her some stuff on how her site can look different with a CMS (I did a quick mock-up for her)

Blue, don't take offence with the smilie thing.. think about it in terms of this forum being started originally because JM Pescado was annoyed about people charging too much for payfiles.. He's not very fluffy (Although Sim-PK is a terrible flirt who likes to play with the ladies much to the real JM's disgust)  so the whole feel of the phorum's not very fluffy either.. Blinking smilies are a little too cute for most of the crabby middle aged women on this phorum.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 10, 01:16:39
Hey okay thank you Saraswati I will go read your emails in a moment. :) Sorry about the smilie it's older then dirt... If you'll notice the site of evil is still in it. :P I have not logged into this site in a long long time... I will remove it promptly. :)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Zazazu on 2008 May 10, 04:02:10
Hey okay thank you Saraswati I will go read your emails in a moment. :) Sorry about the smilie it's older then dirt
Like your downloads folder?  ;D I know the feeling...I've been downloading cc from the first moment it was available for this game, and I have a lot of old, unmarked stuff with those lovely 259285720efslg_one.pkg filenames. That's why the few times I share lots and the like, I list the file names and if anything's unclear, yell that people need to put their names on their crap.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Paden on 2008 May 10, 04:06:18
Blinking smilies are a little too cute for most of the crabby middle aged women on this phorum.

I'm not crabby, I'm a bitch, get it right or you'll get no more donuts, young lady!  :D

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 10, 04:08:45
 :) Blue and I have been having a great chat off the board and I'm going to do everything I can to help her fix up the site..

Oh gawd, I had one of those download folders first up.. back on my old graphics card and my game stopped working when the download folder got to 1gb.. I vividly remember deleting rainbow lipstick I'd never used..  :o

*chuckles at Paden* so if I called you crabby bitch that would make you happy? *blinks cutely*

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Paden on 2008 May 10, 04:18:20
*hands her a donut* For now, yeah!  :D

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 10, 23:15:59
Thank you lost for your support. :) It's nice to hear that. ^_^ I have to amit though it will take a little while I've already got my b/f working on the site but Sarawati said it may take some time so you will have to forgive us while he learns. :) The things he needs to know. :P

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 10, 23:17:36
 :) it's worth the time Blue, it really is.. Because once he's got the tools under his belt if you make changes, he can make them really quickly.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 10, 23:25:09
Thank you Saraswati.... That will be good.... It's nice cause now he's doing something about it.... I'm kinda mad at him right now. :P BUT! He said he read today.... And it is a good thing you mentioned.... Because guess what he wants to do for a job.... That's right web design so he needs to get better.... I feel bad he'll probebly read this later if he does I'm sorry. :P

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 10, 23:28:10
Blue tell him to look at Joomla, Wordpress or CMS made simple. Most of us use one of those CMS's and that way he might be able to get help if he's got any questions.

And you should see the first site I designed, it's a shocker.. ;)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 10, 23:39:14
Thanx I'll make him read that when I am talking to him again today..... Bleah.... *don't want to * But this is actually kinda helpful an relaxing.... I've been so stressed about all of this..... x_x'

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: pickles on 2008 May 11, 00:27:40
Thank you for being so nice, by the way. And for coming over and explaining yourself, and accepting help!  ;D It really warms my frozen little heart.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 12, 00:08:53
Hey. Yes I know. :P Actually... I'm thinking about holding contests so you can get like your sims posted at the top for like holidays and stuff but noone wants to play my make over contest... I've honestly kinda been waiting for that... Wrost comes to worst I at least have someone for holloween to take pictures.... I'd like to make the background more plain... With out all those water falls it was supposed to be there only for like a couple of days but I was herrased about who did my back drop so I had to put my fist down and say noone was doing it.... x_x' Honestly I'm bored with it. :P Maybe if I can pick colors I'll acomplish what I really wanted. :) And yes I had to come and explain myself... Everyone was tearing me apart and they do not know me.... I've been a member of this forum for so long... I don't DL the stuff posted free... But I'm staying out of all of it... So that really hurt my feelings... :( But at the same time the site needs to be fixed.... And Markus needs to get it taken care of.... So this is very good and after the fact you've all been so pleasent. :) (Oh and Saraswati... Since I was mad at him he's been busting his ass trying to figure this stuff out. :P So we're on our way ^_^.)  So it's nice to not be hated on anymore. ^_^ I have to tell you though.... I wouln't use another hosting provider... I've had alot of trouble getting this one.... My old provider is actually holding my origenal page name for randsom... Do you believe that? Completely nuts.... x_x' Never use Dothosting... They are really rude... And the guy on go daddy wouln't help me cause I'm a girl!!! I had to have Markus call him.... And at that point I was so mad I had him cancle it!!! I'm way to open I'll shut up now. :P

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 12, 02:51:19
 :D I am so glad to hear that one Blue.. make sure you get him to come see me if he's got any questions, and make sure you get him to explain this to you too.. CMS's are not that difficult and you don't need to know anything fancy to make changes.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 12, 08:01:34
Thank you. :) I have to ask a favor. :P After we get this finished if he doesn't fix our skins page will you help me by telling him he should put the gentically correct ones on a special page.... I asked him to do it befor.... And he stuck all of them including the barbie ones on it.... Then the HTML got rid of it.... x_x' Sorry. :P I'm like ug! XD

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 12, 08:16:37
 :) too easy.. you just need to let me know what form of editor he decides on because I might need to learn enough to help you.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 13, 01:43:58
Thanks so much that'll be great.... The fact that he leaves it like that drives me nuts.... x_x' I really appriciate your help ^_^

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Dr House on 2008 May 13, 18:48:08
Hello BlueIzumi, i read the whole thread and i'm glad the misunderstangings were cleared out and that you got the help you needed. BUT can i urge you to create a different account on you computer, an account with the only purpose of uploading your creations. This way your unknown long-downloaded items won't be in it and you'll be able to fill it with totally FREE items coming from FREE sites. It's really odd to see hair from peggy and whatnot. Please don't even use free items from paysites for your site pics 'cause that's hypocrisy. Sorry if i sound harsh but your download pages just make advertising for the payshit sites and it really irks me...
I say it again: sorry if i sound harsh :)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 13, 20:16:40
 ;) Hey Dr House

I understand this is an issue.. Maybe you could start by suggesting some alternatives to Blue? She was explaining to me that Peggy and Rose were the only people who'd helped her early on which is why she uses their meshes.. I'm not a great person to suggest them because I only use about six or so hair meshes in my game (can't do without my Carnaby Sims bob) but someone who uses lots of hairs could probably give her better advice..


Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Dr House on 2008 May 13, 21:10:35
Hi Kath, i was in a bit of hurry when i wrote my precious post; i wanted to tell Blue about the alternatives (free hairs etc)
but hadn't the time. (Even though i'm sure she already knows about some free sites)

So Blue here's a couple of suggestion for free items to dress up your models or your houses:
- Mod The Sims 2:
- Bipsouille:
(french site filled with classy, SciFI and victorian hairs, skins and great accessories!)

- Insim:
- The Sims Artists Union:
(dreadful to naviguate but has TONS of awesome stuff, really worth the hassle!)

- Our mate Anouk's site:
(for a ton of beautiful hairs!)

- Wicked Nouk's Family (Anouk's webring):
(from there you can get to a lot of free sites hosted by Anouk)

- Carnaby's Sims's famous bob mentioned by Saraswati ;D

And A lot of pirates here have their sites in their sig, all free :)

etc etc There's a lot of other sites but i don't have a prepared list and these links should be enough to start a new, clean sims 2 account on your computer!
Windows: create another user, aka "Sims 2 Uploads" or something, install sims on it, fill the downloads with free items from free sites, use this account to create, test and snapshot your C.C. and voilą!  ;)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 14, 04:45:30
Blue can you clean out your inbox, I tried to send you a pm but it's full  :(

I forgot all about this.. a year ago I actually did a heap of tutes (back when my nic was Vashti) about how to do a basic HTML site. If you do these tutes you'll be able to do enough to maintain your site yourself and you don't need any special programs.

I thought it might make you feel good if you were independant and could do it yourself..

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: calalily on 2008 May 14, 11:23:29
The html tutes absolutely rock - that's what helped me make my site.  It's easy and quite fun when you get into it.   ;)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 15, 07:45:16
I am not using hypocrisy I do not! DL! Anything from this site... I have my own way of getting my iteams w/o doing such a thing.... I have only recieved support from Rose and Peggy and Sunair... As such I will not turn my back on them... In my time of need Peggy was the only one to support me... Not a free site... And I personally WILL NOT! Use any of Nouk's stuff on my own... AND KNOW ABOUT IT! I know you guys love her and that is great but she's just not.... My style. :) I will not turn my back on the people who helped me... As you would not turn your back on someone who helped you when you needed help... As for Roan... I should remove her from my site but she's scary... And quite mean... And L loves using her stuff.... So I kinda just don't touch anything.... I leave it as it was when I opened... And that way it will remain that way... No alterations... So I do not have to worry about affiliates and all that stuff.... The only page I edit is my links page so I can put whatever is wanted on there.... And I do not take all the pictures on my web page... In fact I probebly take the least amount of pictures on my site... Because I think the most I've ever made for an update is 5 iteams... And don't get all mad... I do not! Have a link on my site that says everyone donate to peggy blah blah blah... If people want to DL or pay for her stuff that's not my fault... I didn't make them... But if people want to use her free stuff I encourage it... Again I can't turn my back on the only person to have helped me in my time of need.... She was the only person to stand by me when the girl I used to work for was mean and made sure my site was turned away from as many sites as she could... Only Peggy gave me support... Noone else did.... In fact... Other free sites told me I was undeserving... And that I had talked bad about her... WHEN I SAID NOTHING! She posted nasty things on her site and I got in trouble! SO! TELL ME! How would you feel? Another side note! I am trying to build hair meshes now... To stop the need for the use of other sites hair.... In fact if you will notice I think... (unless I forgot one) All my photo's for the most part all my models are wearing my hair... And I will continue! To make it my goal to be self sufficiant... And not need to use other sites stuff... Weather they are free or pay.... And I refuse to remove pay stuff from my Dl's folder... Because I don't even have all the time to remove the stuff that is uglier then sin from there! AND TRUST ME! I have some of the ugliest Dl's I have ever seen in there.... It's so bad..... x_x' I have stuff not attatched to skins everything... You name it I got it..... x_x' It's a shameful problem.... But I do my best not to use anything from MTS... I have had problems with that site too.... Noone really wants to help you on there.... Everyone I have asked either seems to busy or to mad? I have no idea... So if I can continue and get my hair meshes going! Which I hope I can soon. :) I think I figured out a better texture. ^_^ I will try and make a bunch an tell L to only use stuff from the site once I get enough... I have been working on this very hard... I've made alot of hair meshes lately... In fact I'm working on a male one right now... Which I hope works so we don't have to use other male meshes... And then I could make a whole bunch more. :) I want to be better then pay sites so you can get pay stuff for free. :P And that is my thing... I just can't do it... It would be betrayal and wrong... So I can't... And thank you so much Saraswati for letting them know I really appriciate your help I do! You're one of the nicest people I've ever met. :) And so understanding ^_^. And sorry I went absent I've been trying to figure out how to add layers correctly... But I think Tetuo has helped me. :) So again enough from me... Thanks again Saraswati I will empty my inbox... I tried to leave the stuff in it for Markus but I'll delate it now.:) And I have to appologize about how angree I probebly sounded... But it's like still a sore spot how poorly I was treated after I split off from that other site... So... It's like old an awful memories? And then I get all upset I'm like ready to cry... People were really mean to me.... It's like a yr since then and I'm still recovering the damage that has been done... Including the theft... I'm seriously mad about how she stole stuff from our site and put it on hers... THEN!! I said please take it down it belongs to my staff and she refused... I mean the stuff was free! It's not like it was donation or anything! I have nothing donation! You can get it all at my site for free... Anyways she basically told me to shove it... And said she needed to talk to L so L wrote her asking her to remove the iteams and the site mistress said... Okay I'll remove it since yo u"begged me" but I wouln't remove it untill my next update... And then she didn't update for over a month.... x_x' Can you tell I'm still a little upset? :( As a side note I would not be surprized if she has read this... She's like that....... And I just realized another guilty secreat... Another reason I can not completely get rid of my DL's folder is... I have some stuff from like the begining of Siming... And it's stuff from a long time ago like MTS or something... That has been removed and not reuploaded.... And it's mostly male clothing.... (this is me being sain again sorry I'm still pretty tweaked about past problems. :P) And you know male clothing finding good stuff... It's well it's not crazy rare but they are a difficult find... Like said earlier here I can't remember the exact post but something like "I wish people would lable their Dl's so I can give proper credit" and all that good stuff... And that stuff if wounderful free stuff I would be loosing... My DL's folder is a mess it's like over 5GB and that's just my DL's folder.... Okay but enough so please... Leave me alone for that stuff... Because it brings up really bad memories... And kinda sets me off and makes me really sad... I lost alot of friends because of this... And I don't like reliving it...

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Saraswati on 2008 May 15, 07:58:04
Hey Blue

Ok, please do me a favour.. a chunk of text that big scares people. What I need you to do for me is sit down after you've typed a paragraph and see if you can break it up anywhere. Because I understand you're upset but most people won't read it if they get faced with that much text because it does their heads in if they can't seperate one idea from another.

What you need to understand is while most people on this forum are very nice, this is paysites must be destroyed, so they're not going to have positive thoughts about sites like Peggy. It's ok to agree to disagree. You can't expect them to perceive her positively because they haven't had the experience of her being kind to them, just way overcharging for her files and starting the charge towards ludicrously overcharged paysites.

If you're kicking around this forum you will need to become used to the fact that people are very blunt and direct about what they think. It doesn't make them bad people. We're almost legendary for our ability to accept differences of opinion around here. It's ok to say "I'm sorry you feel like that, I don't feel I'm being hypocrytical" in response. And you will need to learn to toughen up if you're hanging around here because otherwise you'll be upset every second minute.

I hope you chose to read the tutes, you will get a lot out of the independant feeling you get from being able to take care of yourself. :)


Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Paden on 2008 May 15, 08:07:30
Blue, it's going to be ok. You're going to learn this stuff and make it work because you're an intelligent person. No, turning your back on someone that helped you isn't right, and I respect that kind of loyalty. Keep learning and you'll make it the best that you can, no one can ask for more. And, I apologize for anything harsh I may have said. Peace? We can agree to disagree, it's what makes the world go around, you know?

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: tIIsuggas on 2008 May 15, 10:28:10
Hope this helps.  Tweaked to make for easier reading, no text altered except for periods, commas, spaces and uppercase where needed.  Smilies removed.

I am not using hypocrisy I do not! DL! Anything from this site.

I have my own way of getting my iteams w/o doing such a thing.  I have only recieved support from Rose and Peggy and Sunair.  As such I will not turn my back on them.  In my time of need Peggy was the only one to support me, not a free site.  And I personally WILL NOT use any of Nouk's stuff on my own.  AND KNOW ABOUT IT!

I know you guys love her and that is great but she's just not my style.  I will not turn my back on the people who helped me.  As you would not turn your back on someone who helped you when you needed help.

As for Roan, I should remove her from my site but she's scary, and quite mean.  And L loves using her stuff.  So I kinda just don't touch anything, I leave it as it was when I opened, and that way it will remain that way, no alterations.  So I do not have to worry about affiliates and all that stuff.

The only page I edit is my links page so I can put whatever is wanted on there.

And I do not take all the pictures on my web page.  In fact I probebly take the least amount of pictures on my site,  because I think the most I've ever made for an update is 5 iteams.

And don't get all mad, I do not have a link on my site that says everyone donate to peggy blah blah blah.  If people want to DL or pay for her stuff that's not my fault, I didn't make them.   But if people want to use her free stuff I encourage it.  Again I can't turn my back on the only person to have helped me in my time of need.

She was the only person to stand by me, when the girl I used to work for was mean, and made sure my site was turned away from as many sites as she could.  Only Peggy gave me support.  Noone else did,  In fact, other free sites told me I was undeserving, and that I had talked bad about her, WHEN I SAID NOTHING!   

She posted nasty things on her site and I got in trouble! SO! TELL ME! How would you feel?

Another side note! I am trying to build hair meshes now.  To stop the need for the use of other sites hair.  In fact if you will notice I think (unless I forgot one) all my photo's for the most part, all my models are wearing my hair, and I will continue to make it my goal to be self sufficiant, and not need to use other sites stuff.   Whether they are free or pay.

And I refuse to remove pay stuff from my Dl's folder, because I don't even have all the time to remove the stuff that is uglier then sin from there! AND TRUST ME! I have some of the ugliest Dl's I have ever seen in there.  It's so bad.

I have stuff not attatched to skins, everything.  You name it I got it.   It's a shameful problem.  But I do my best not to use anything from MTS.  I have had problems with that site too.  No-one really wants to help you on there.  Everyone I have asked either seems to busy or to mad?

I have no idea.  So if I can continue and get my hair meshes going! Which I hope I can soon.  I think I figured out a better texture.  I will try and make a bunch an tell L to only use stuff from the site once I get enough.

I have been working on this very hard.  I've made alot of hair meshes lately.  In fact I'm working on a male one right now. Which I hope works so we don't have to use other male meshes.  And then I could make a whole bunch more.

I want to be better then pay sites so you can get pay stuff for free.  And that is my thing.  I just can't do it.  It would be betrayal, and wrong.  So I can't. 

And thank you so much Saraswati for letting them know I really appriciate your help,  I do!   You're one of the nicest people I've ever met.  And so understanding, and sorry I went absent, I've been trying to figure out how to add layers correctly.  But I think Tetuo has helped me.

So again enough from me.  Thanks again Saraswati, I will empty my inbox.  I tried to leave the stuff in it for Markus but I'll delate it now. 

And I have to appologize about how angree I probebly sounded.  But it's like still a sore spot how poorly I was treated after I split off from that other site.  So, it's like old an awful memories?

And then I get all upset I'm like ready to cry.  People were really mean to me.  It's like a yr since then and I'm still recovering the damage that has been done.  Including the theft.  I'm seriously mad about how she stole stuff from our site and put it on hers.  THEN!! I said please take it down it belongs to my staff, and she refused.  I mean the stuff was free!  It's not like it was donation or anything!  I have nothing donation!  You can get it all at my site for free. 

Anyways she basically told me to shove it, and said she needed to talk to L, so L wrote her asking her to remove the iteams, and the site mistress said, okay I'll remove it since you "begged me",  but I wouln't remove it untill my next update.  And then she didn't update for over a month.

Can you tell I'm still a little upset? 

As a side note.  I would not be surprized if she has read this.  She's like that. 

And I just realized another guilty secreat.  Another reason I can not completely get rid of my DL's folder is, I have some stuff from like the begining of Siming.  And it's stuff from a long time ago like MTS or something.  That has been removed and not reuploaded.  And it's mostly male clothing (this is me being sain again, sorry I'm still pretty tweaked about past problems).  And you know male clothing finding good stuff.  It's, well it's not crazy, rare but they are a difficult find. 

Like said earlier here, I can't remember the exact post but something like "I wish people would lable their Dl's so I can give proper credit" and all that good stuff.  And that stuff if wounderful free stuff I would be loosing.  My DL's folder is a mess, it's like over 5GB and that's just my DL's folder.

Okay but enough, so please leave me alone for that stuff, because it brings up really bad memories, and kinda sets me off and makes me really sad.  I lost alot of friends because of this.  And I don't like reliving it.

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: Dr House on 2008 May 15, 17:45:11
? I never said to delete your downloads! I suggested you to create a second sims account! That means - as i've already said - creating another windows user, installing the game in it and tadaa you'll have an empty download folder and will be able to test and screenshot your creations while keeping your main game bloated with unknown downloads and free items from paysites! In clear: you'll have TWO installed games, one for playing with all your favorite downloads and another one for your work and your site pics!

Kath, thanx for the translation ;)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 15, 18:15:45
Okay sorry but I get all worked up again cause that's all the help I have and I will continue to be loyal to the people who have helped me so I thank you for your understand. :) And Dr. House I'm sorry... About that... But I have all those Dl's from previous times... I actually have so much space used on my computer I highly doubt I have enough space to make a new sims account... I've actually stopped DLing stuff... I only use what I make and maybe what I can get from my site... That's how much space is used on my computer.... Pluse I have another game on there that is just as large as the sims that I love so! I've kinda been splurging my memory to much. :P I actually have 2 hard drives because my old sims game was so big that! I had to get a brand new hard drive to play my game... And now the new one keeps giving me the "needs to create more vertual memory " message.... Which is really anoying... And it's brand spanking new! But I hope when the sims3 comes out I can whipe and start new... I love my DL's folder it's been through at least 10 reinstalls and 2 harddives... I've worked really hard to keep it so I'd like to continue that way... Not starting a new folder... I also would like to deleate my ugly files... But I don't have the time... x_x'.... I'm actually kind of writing here now procrastinating my meshes that need to get done... Not that I don't want to write I'd rather write here. :P I just don't want to finish the mesh so much work. :P Okay I'll be quite now thank you for being understanding. :)

Title: Re: Free site threating to go pay...
Post by: BlueIzumi on 2008 May 15, 18:38:12
And that you for unblocking my stuff  tIIsuggas :)