The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: Marhis on 2006 December 04, 05:47:11

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Marhis on 2006 December 04, 05:47:11

Not much to see, anybody knows more?

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: simminggramma on 2006 December 04, 05:58:14
I loved this line:

2) The creators who have been stolen can direct offenders to this site

As far as I know, Pescado hasn't made off with any creators, has he?

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Ensign EO on 2006 December 04, 05:59:46
Omfg, we're stealing their visitors!!  But I thought they had to pay for bandwidth...  I'm so confused.

I don't think it's talking about just PSMBD, since all creations are put into folders with the creator's name (somewhere it talks about redistribution without credit), but who knows, maybe they're the misinformed ones.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Plum on 2006 December 04, 07:14:28
How touching.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Evirus on 2006 December 04, 07:59:28
OMG! Thanks for the great laugh! :lol:

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Pescado on 2006 December 04, 08:09:32
I would find this more credible if their site actually WORKED.

Also, who or what is "anitkamysteria"? We seem to be very popular there.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Sherry on 2006 December 04, 08:34:33
2) The creators who have been stolen can direct offenders to this site

For ease of communication all my randsom notes for safe return of the creators I have stolen will be ready-made texts in English and in French, the only two languages in the world, apparently.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Silvercoin on 2006 December 04, 10:46:13
I do believe the creators and supporters of that site need a different kind of help group.

It is forbidden to appropriate the idea and concept of this Group

... :roll:

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Captain Feathersword on 2006 December 04, 10:57:57
Yes I loled at that. I also though it was amusing that the creators of stuff objects couldn't even make an interesting heading and yet have put the sit in frames so you have to see it all the time. If that was the best I could come up with I would leave it to people to look at the address bar, the top of the browser window, or maybe even just remember where they went for themselves.
I don't think I would trust them to do a translation for me as they don't seem to been able to get the French stuff out of the English version.
Pescado should sign up. This site doesn't agree with stealing people's content, only charging for it.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Pescado on 2006 December 04, 11:39:25
That site doesn't even LOAD.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Anouk on 2006 December 04, 12:49:30

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: MMEStalker on 2006 December 04, 13:00:15
Wow, what a helpful link they have on the Links page. To a UK site about IP which isn't being updated any more and is going to close next year.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: The ISZ on 2006 December 04, 14:03:13
I find it funny that they even mention IP as anything created for the game is IP of EA.  What retards.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: torque on 2006 December 04, 14:58:40
Quote from: "Silvercoin"
I do believe the creators and supporters of that site need a different kind of help group.

It is forbidden to appropriate the idea and concept of this Group

... :roll:

They need a help group for themselves. that site is ridiculous. I just wasted a whole minute of my life.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: silver on 2006 December 04, 16:08:17
2) The creators who have been stolen can direct offenders to this site; this will prevent them from explaining again and again the same thing each time a creation is stolen. They will also find ready-made texts in English and in French to put in their e-mails, and can of course ask for our help if they need a mail translated.

And this is going to help? I think most offenders know very well what they're doing.

When you put a website you like on your links page, you are sharing one of your finds with your visitors. This is of course authorized, and even encouraged! Numerous lists and databases exist on the net. But if you put up creations for people to download from your site, that's as many visitors the creator's website will not have. Now, most creators, and especially the famous ones, have to pay for their bandwidth… In order to keep their downloads free or cheap, they need advertisers. By stealing their visitors, even though you might not realise it, you cause them to slowly lose their advertisers... and the website is forced to close down.

Are all sites charging ONLY for bandwidth? Should sites who run for profit even exist in the first place? And if not, why should we care?

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: jesserocket on 2006 December 04, 16:39:23
Quote from: "Pescado"
I would find this more credible if their site actually WORKED.

Also, who or what is "anitkamysteria"? We seem to be very popular there.

Wow, that site blows. And also despite it being brand new, seems dead and pathetic.

And Anitkamysteria is a lass who occasionally posted here under the name of Anita, and got told off for overadvertising her site here, and making requests even when told not to...She has a forum in Polish..I can't read Polish.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: FatedCircle on 2006 December 04, 16:59:37
I've never even heard of most of the sites in their list of supporters... :?

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: photo on 2006 December 04, 17:49:07
i didn't even get through the first line and i was laughing my ass off... what a bunch of crap

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 December 04, 18:01:18
This is going to make us the laughing stock of the entire gaming community *sighs*

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: yamikuronue on 2006 December 04, 18:13:58
Quote from: "Jysudo"
This is going to make us the laughing stock of the entire gaming community *sighs*

we're not already?

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: neriana on 2006 December 04, 19:18:52
Quote from: "yamikuronue"
Quote from: "Jysudo"
This is going to make us the laughing stock of the entire gaming community *sighs*

we're not already?

Yes. It sure makes me laugh, anyway. I've never seen people take themselves as seriously as a large proportion of creators for this game do. They need a collective enema.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: PirateBooty on 2006 December 04, 19:27:23
an acid enema

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: AnneBonny on 2006 December 04, 20:04:45
3) If you are being stolen, you can send the offender on our site in order to inform him and ask him to remove your creation from his site, and you can count on the help and support of our group in case you meet any resistance.

I do believe they are sending a strong message. They will send over little blue men with fish to beat us into their mindset that paysites are divine and right and true.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 December 04, 20:44:35
LOL So are they going to send Pescado to their forum and ask him to stop?  And if they should meet with resistance, then just what do they plan to do?!

I am laughing so hard right now, I want Pescado to go there just to see what will happen!  :lol:

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Aquamarine on 2006 December 04, 23:28:43
That site is a sack of shit. I can't even get a laugh out of it because it won't load correctly in any of my browsers. Some of the links even redirect me to some bizarre French search engine.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Pescado on 2006 December 04, 23:35:08
Quote from: "jesserocket"
And Anitkamysteria is a lass who occasionally posted here under the name of Anita, and got told off for overadvertising her site here, and making requests even when told not to...She has a forum in Polish..I can't read Polish.

That looks like a different site to me. A different, more pop-up laden site. Anitkamysteria is some other site, that we keep getting linked from in large quantities. Apparently, over half our external hits come from, some kind of forum I can't read. Can anyone read it? Does anyone know what they're talking about?

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Solowren on 2006 December 04, 23:37:30
I wish I could read Polish.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Pescado on 2006 December 04, 23:39:12
We seem to be very popular amongst the non-English-speaking. Apparently they are not so shy about linking here.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: jesserocket on 2006 December 04, 23:47:14
Nah, Anitka-whatever is definitely the same site, if you google it, the first result is a redirect page to AnitaSims2, then the forum is the Anitkamysteria domain...

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: wicked_one on 2006 December 05, 01:25:07
site --
forum --

the site used to be known as anitka mysteria...they changed it (in October i think) to the more simplistic anita sims2 but the forum still keeps the old name
as someone else pointed out, it's in polish and if there is a free online translation service for polish i'd love to see it lol
she speaks english to some extent, but apparently likes the obscurity (by making her site only being able to be read/understood by polish speakers)....its not like babelfish can translate it (not that babelfish is all that good at translating lol)
i wonder what it is theyre saying about this site over there? how mean everyone was to anita? or merely explaining that this is a good place to get pay files for free?

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: yamikuronue on 2006 December 05, 01:40:01 perhaps?

no, they keep giving me the same words in different orders O.o

same for a second one.... are we SURE this is polish?

EDIT: it's czech. From her FAQ page:
Registration plus sign on
Why to sickness sign on?
Them outright want to register?
Why jsem automaticky sign off?
As forth as averts , that to my user title started within time-table now sign on?
Oblivion jsem watchword!
 Log jsem to , however sickness to sign on!
WITHIN has-been jsem to log , of course nowadays to sickness sign on?!

bad translator, but at least it's sentances. To find a czech translator, off we go!


Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Dea on 2006 December 05, 02:02:35
I guess my English is a little rusty bc I dont understand much of what they are saying.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: emo on 2006 December 05, 02:35:03
Unfortunately I don't speak Polish.
But Europe in general has a whole different outlook on internet in general. Where mainly Americans sees it as a business venture, a way to market yourself and your company, many European countries sees it as a information central that should be free and convenient for everybody. Several European countries has therefor as an example made it cheaper to buy a computer with the goal that all their citizens will have access to Internet.
That's why a lot of Europeans don't have the same moral "stigma" when it comes to filesharing and such, also a lot of the European countries, heck maybe all of them!, doesn't have any laws that would regulate filesharing. And, heh, we don't feel the slightest bad about it :lol:

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Ensign EO on 2006 December 05, 02:38:19
Americans like having morals for everything.  Morals are good, but only if it's the mainstream morals.  Otherwise you're just trying too hard to be badass because no one would ever disagree with what society says.  Society is never wrong.  Never.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 December 05, 03:15:46
Certain fundamental morals are needed though. It's morals that keep us from killing and raping and whatnot like there's no tomorrow.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: jesserocket on 2006 December 05, 03:19:42
It's Czech? My mother's neighbours are Czech...I don't think I'll ask them to translate though...they'll forcefeed me, as eastern Europeans are prone to do...Lovely people, very hospitable, but terrifying.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Ensign EO on 2006 December 05, 03:34:42
idtaminger: Certainly.  I wasn't suggesting that we go crazy, but there's always some thing that's considered taboo, for whatever reason, that doesn't really seem all that bad or harmful to others, just that's it's naughty.

My grandparents forcefeed me.  :cry:  They don't understand that I'm not a big eater, since I'm a fairly sedentary person and don't need all the calories.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: Doursim on 2006 December 05, 03:41:38
Quote from: "snuh"
This site is new?
What's up with the 2005 copyright? :shock:

It's not new.  It's been around for ages.  I remember stumbling across it from some other sites link (probably parsim) and thinking.. OK, this site has a lot of words for not actually saying anything.

Title: "Sims creators help and defence group"
Post by: torque on 2006 December 05, 11:00:52
Quote from: "emo"
Unfortunately I don't speak Polish.
But Europe in general has a whole different outlook on internet in general. Where mainly Americans sees it as a business venture, a way to market yourself and your company, many European countries sees it as a information central that should be free and convenient for everybody. Several European countries has therefor as an example made it cheaper to buy a computer with the goal that all their citizens will have access to Internet.
That's why a lot of Europeans don't have the same moral "stigma" when it comes to filesharing and such, also a lot of the European countries, heck maybe all of them!, doesn't have any laws that would regulate filesharing. And, heh, we don't feel the slightest bad about it :lol:

I live in Europe. In my country we're allowed to download music, movies, programs, games etc/ and burn them on a CD. We can give the CD to friends/whoever. But we may NOT sell the CD. That means, no profit. Sometimes I like my country.

But in Germany, downloading movies and stuff is illegal and prohibited, I think. So not all countries in Europe are like that.