The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: Dachs or puppy-girl on 2007 October 19, 03:46:26

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: Dachs or puppy-girl on 2007 October 19, 03:46:26
(Edited to word this properly) As I thank each and everyday for all those who create and give to the sims2 community for free. So sorry if it was not put properly in my original post. Sorry folks!!

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: Markus on 2007 October 19, 06:32:45
You might want to check the FAQ out before anyone goes macro crazy. Hecubus did a really good job of making it interesting.

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: deelink on 2007 October 19, 06:33:29
take a break from downloading. play till you get bored. hop on here and/or other forums, talk your little heart out. Go outside. Come back in 2 months. You will have plenty of new stuff waiting for you :P

It always worked for me
(and I've been playing for 8 yrs)

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: WedgewoodBlue on 2007 October 19, 09:08:53
*shakes head sadly*
Heed marcusrandall's advice, read the FAQ, lurk moar, and next time you have an irresistible urge to start a new thread, perhaps chose Sharkbait. Of course the better choice of action would have been not starting a new thread that has absolutely nothing of merit in it, but just the same, since you did, next time make better choices, or face the wrath of the Pirates.

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: dorquemada on 2007 October 19, 09:41:53
Why wrath, when there're macros?

Oh, and changing entire text of your post isn't really polite.

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: deelink on 2007 October 19, 12:22:29
Your post edits make my post look stoopid

( (


Actually the FAQ here is actually really entertaining, I like to re-read it whilst eating a  cookie-crumpet sandwich washed down with some rum.

Title: Re: Edited thanks
Post by: Captain Feathersword on 2007 October 19, 12:25:21
Quote from: "dachshundsbykayandrobin"
(Edited to word this properly) As I thank each and everyday for all those who create and give to the sims2 community for free. So sorry if it was not put properly in my original post. Sorry folks!!

MarkusRandall's post is still a relevant reply to this. We have a thread for thank-yous. The FAQ is actually entertaining and paying attention to the details will save you from death by lolcats.

*prepares rum for sharing if OP uses its brain*

*takes a swig, just in case*

Deelink - snap

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: AW on 2007 October 19, 12:29:13
Though, it was a very nice sentiment.  And she did attempt to kinda correct it.  Just a little tiny suggestion, don't start new threads m'kay?  Search a little or pm one of the booty gods (buccaneers) about it.  They'll help you with where certain info is.  

But, hell, here's some rum anyway.  At least you weren't annoying and you did try to edit.  So *shares my rum* with you.

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: Captain Feathersword on 2007 October 19, 12:38:53
Was I not nice enough? I meant to be nice. I'm a nice pirate. If you're really bad I might tickle you to death, but how bad would that be?*

I have my rum ready, I'm just being cautious. Too many bogus pirates these days, you can't be too careful. I don't know where my next bottle of rum is coming from.** The thing is, the OP is not brand new. I recognise the name and it has 14 posts.

*On reflection, that could be pretty bad. You might end up starving before the tickling did you in. You'd have to be really bad for me to go that far.

**This is not actually true. I know exactly where it's coming from, but I don't want to alert the party who currently thinks it's their rum.

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: Dachs or puppy-girl on 2007 October 19, 12:56:53
All of you were very nice pirates. :) I just realized what I had said in the morning light and felt dumb for saying it and it also did not come out exactly right. I am sure you fellow pirates have had that happen a time or two. This is the reason for the edit. I really do not want to hurt any fellow simmers that are trying so hard to please and give their creations away as I sure do appreciate all of the downloads I have. Even if there are some downloads I have that I love more then others. I, being a fellow creator that has not been creating long and tried my hand at texturizing new hair that did not go over so well. See photo:
I would never want to hurt someone's feelings. Anyway yes next time I will search for a thread to see if one was started and if not now that I understand the ARR! and ARR? and the sharkbait. I will post it where it belongs. Do not worry you did not hurt my feelings. <She jumps off the plank for her stupidity>

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: kristalrose on 2007 October 19, 23:54:40
ummmm, those are. . . bright haircolors.  Very pastel.  :)

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: Feverish on 2007 October 20, 00:22:17
It ain't called sherbet for nothin.  They look nice, but not my style. Too bright for me. For future reference, it should have been posted in the "look what I created..." thread.

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: Captain Feathersword on 2007 October 20, 00:25:05
*carefully pours out a mug of rum*

There you go personwithincrediblylongnamethatmakesmethinkofsausagedogsandbirds. Be careful next time, and think before using that submit button.

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: Requip on 2007 October 20, 01:49:09

Oh hell................................WTF?

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2007 October 20, 02:50:59
Welcome aboard dach…robin.

Everybody else; Batten down the hatches. Another weekend is here.

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: deelink on 2007 October 20, 04:26:25
I don't mind the colours. I had a couple of raving Sims back in The Sims 1. Looking at those hair colours makes me want to reinvent them for the Sims 2 :P

I am way too busy with work and organising d/ls to learn how to recolour.
But soon... soon..
*rubs hands together in glee*

Cap...hehe Snap...we say Jinx! here is Oz

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: Yaardarm Monkey on 2007 October 20, 05:44:49
dachshundsbykayandrobin,  where did you get the model in the hair shot?


Title: Edited thanks
Post by: Dachs or puppy-girl on 2007 October 20, 13:09:49
I got her here at all4sims:
The other model I use all the time comes from here and look very simular too so I would check her out as well.

Title: Edited thanks
Post by: Yaardarm Monkey on 2007 October 20, 20:55:25

