The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: leilatigress on 2007 August 07, 16:44:38

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: leilatigress on 2007 August 07, 16:44:38
Did a Search and couldn't find anything on this so I thought I might post about it.

Insim/insimadult are running a donation drive.  Apparently they have been for a while though I didn't know about it.  Kathy's update on the 2nd included this

 Aug 02, 2007 - 7:42 PM - by kathy
Over the course of the next few days I will be making various site upgrades. One of which that is being finished now are thread thumbnails for easier browsing. So if you experience any downtime over the next few days bare with us. Also, as much as I hate to bring this up, we are running a donation drive, one thus far that isn't going so well so please if anyone can afford to donate please consider doing so to keep these sites running. is the link for the donations.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: SparklePlenty on 2007 August 07, 17:31:19
Already donated, but as someone on another similar thread posted, it would be ever so nice if she would post a donato-meter on the board so everyone could see the progress toward the goal.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: redisenchanted on 2007 August 07, 17:40:28
I plan to donate ASAP. I love insiminator. A gauge though would be nice, it would help see if progress is being made.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: AW on 2007 August 07, 18:11:21
Donated.  I too wish there was a meter.  If they need more, I'd like to know so I can help.  Maybe I'll pm Yakov or Kathy - if noone else has.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: redisenchanted on 2007 August 07, 18:37:26
I suggested they add one in the donation thread.

BTW, Some moron named janice12was trolling the thread. Telling them they should close the site or go pay.  :roll:

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: silver on 2007 August 07, 19:55:20
Yeah, I saw that with Janice, too. I wonder if she was the same troll on the MTS donation thread who whined about the same thing, or perhaps a good buddy of the other troll.

Give me a freakin' break. You give a few dollars to a site that has given so much, and you expect people to kiss your butt and give you a gift? As with MTS, Nouk, etc., the site ALONE is a gift. Either she really is a jackass, or was trying to pretend to be one to stir up trouble. In either case, STFU, Janice.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: Frank on 2007 August 08, 03:47:40
Here's what I posted back at Janice...hey.....lil slow at other bs.........I'd bet my top dollar that Janice is Jan/Charlotte.........

Originally Posted by Janice12  
Why should we donate for free sites? I only pay for sites when I get something in return.

How much you wanna bet that's Jan/Charlotte from Main St Sims? After the fanatical drama she's caused the past couple weeks with her pay site, yahoo wouldn't surprise me..........Hey Janice..........this is BionixWV from where the treasure ya doing........bothering one of the 2 best free sites are ya?

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: silver on 2007 August 08, 12:30:43
I'm not sure it's Jan/Charlotte. It might be. It could be one of a whole bunch of people.

But whoever it is signed up just to complain about not getting any goodies  if it gives a few bucks, it seems. Oh, and then throw in a few jabs.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: MizzKitty on 2007 August 08, 18:58:36
Oh. I had a vague notion that they were doing a drive but moneys are low, I just donated to mts2 and (insert a bundle of flimsy excuses) so I figured I'd pass. But since it seems they aren't doing so hot I guess I can wrench a few §§ from my wallet.

I agree with everyone else that a meter might help to show things like this.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: HawkGirl on 2007 August 09, 04:04:50
I donated and I'll be donating to Nouk tomorrow. She is also having a donation drive for her new server. I think I can spare a penny or two. Heck I'll even make it three whole pennies if she'd just do one long hair. ;)

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: obscurity on 2007 August 15, 22:52:22
Quote from: "HawkGirl"
Heck I'll even make it three whole pennies if she'd just do one long hair. ;)

*starts petition for nouk to make long hairz*  :lol:

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: Solander on 2007 August 15, 23:19:30
Hi everyone,

maybe the following sounds somewhat weird, but i did want to post it nonetheless

First of all, i don't do this for any personal honor or whatever. In fact, i don't care, if someone loves, worships or hates me, as long as he/she lets me live my own life. I just would like to support the following site with an idea, that came to my mind yesterday.

So ...  as some of you might know, Pimp my does not accept any donations. We do not need the money, so we have no reason to let people donate.

BUT as this thread tells you, Insim needs it.

So, if you guys ever thought "damn, i would like to donate a buck or two for those really astonishing, great, beautiful, overwhelming, top-notch, high-end and just FANTASTIC downloads at Pimp my, but they have no donation button" and IF you have some money to spent, walk on to Insim and donate to them. This way, you would make me a happy guy, would help insim AND would help the free community.

So, if anyone did not know, if he/she should donate, but would have donated to my site, you now have a reason to do so ;)

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: Anouk on 2007 August 16, 02:41:22
That's really nice of you, Solander!

Hey if you are ever in real need because of meteorites, Armageddon, 2012, whatever, you know people will donate :)

In the mean time, Insims is where it''s at :)

Title: Have donated to Insim
Post by: lollipop on 2007 August 20, 20:34:01
I've donated several time to Insim! Love that site! In fact I have wall and floors uploaded there! And to Solander, Love your site and creations! Have you on my favorites list! Rock On Dude! :D

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: WedgewoodBlue on 2007 August 24, 20:25:37
Just to let you know, I PM'd Kathy, they are about $2000.00 short of what they need. Eric and Kathy will have to take the needed money from their savings if they can't raise enough.
So if you can help, that would be terrific. Thanks.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: keirra on 2007 August 24, 20:37:07
That's really sad.  I wonder why MTS2 can get so many donations so fast, and Insim is having such a hard time?  I know MTS2 is bigger, but, Insim is pretty darn big too.

Do you think not having a meter up like Delphy had is hurting them?

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: SparklePlenty on 2007 August 24, 20:38:39
Quote from: "keirra"
That's really sad.  I wonder why MTS2 can get so many donations so fast, and Insim is having such a hard time?  I know MTS2 is bigger, but, Insim is pretty darn big too.

Do you think not having a meter up like Delphy had is hurting them?

I think it would help a lot.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: lollipop on 2007 August 24, 20:42:30
I talk to Kathy last night and asked her about the drive and she told me that they were very sadly, short. So I told her that I will donate today and I will donate on every payday.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: Paleoanth on 2007 August 24, 20:50:18
I don't go there or download from there.  However, I still think it is important to support any good free site.  I just donated a small amount.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: silver on 2007 August 24, 22:23:55
I think the meter is a bit of a problem, as is the lack of an explanation as to where the money is going. Delphy went into a rather detailed explanation of what is needed and why.

I also thinik it might be timing. MTS2 just had a donation drive. Nouk just had a donation drive. Numenor obviously needs some money. People might indeed be a bit strapped on cash. I guess hosting accounts just all fall due around the same time

Lastly, at least in the US, I know of a LOT of people who are fearing that their jobs will be gone by September or October. The job market stinks. This is probably hardly an incentive to donate to a site. :(

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: Soup Parrot on 2007 August 24, 23:12:05
Diddo Silver its not just jobs here. Lots of flooding and storm damage to homes and bussineses, and lots of people overdue on morgages or  having been foreclosed on. Not including high prices of food due to gas and inflation, and now many folks have to spend extra money as their kids are going back to school need clothes and all.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: kathy on 2007 August 25, 03:43:38
I have been currently away due to an accident. It is a bit of a pain to sit at the pc for more than 15 mins as a result and the cast is a bitch to type with. With Erics schedule he doesnt have time to make the meter so I am going to attempt to do something by the end of this weekend.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 August 25, 13:32:52
Sorry to hear about your ouches, kathy, and hope you are on the mend soon.

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: SparklePlenty on 2007 August 25, 14:52:38
Quote from: "kathy"
I have been currently away due to an accident. It is a bit of a pain to sit at the pc for more than 15 mins as a result and the cast is a bitch to type with. With Erics schedule he doesnt have time to make the meter so I am going to attempt to do something by the end of this weekend.

Donated again, but only because Kathy has a boo-boo.  8)

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: redisenchanted on 2007 August 25, 15:47:39
Poor Kathy, I'll donate again too. :)

Title: Insim Donation Drive
Post by: Jojoba on 2007 August 25, 16:56:24
Quote from: "kathy"
I have been currently away due to an accident. It is a bit of a pain to sit at the pc for more than 15 mins as a result and the cast is a bitch to type with. With Erics schedule he doesnt have time to make the meter so I am going to attempt to do something by the end of this weekend.

 :(  Look after yourself and have a much needed break hun. Hope you are feeling better soon! Dont rush to do the meter if you are busy and in pain!