I know I am like 40 pages behind or something, but I wanted to touch on what Amazone asked. No, I don't think just 12's use InSIM, I believe it was Devilfish who cleared it up for me, but I was talking more about the kids who wont take an alternative for it. They just have to have that one or the world will asplode. I actually have it in my game, I like it, and would love to see it carried on.
Perhaps it was slightly 12 of me to push so hard for InSIM to be hosted on the new site, or any site for that matter. You can agree with me or not, but I don't see Kathy or Eric as being worthy of being respected anymore. That was basically my whole point, it urked me for that to be the
only reason it wasn't being looked at anymore.
I would also like to know how InSIM 2.0 is coming. The sooner the better, I say.