And, why don't you post the proof that Thomas didn't say it? Or at least post his "secret" announcement in the "Sooper Sekret FoRUM" about the change of policy, so we can see it wasn't mentioned there. It still isn't complete proof, but it will at least show you might not be talking completely out of your asshole.
Darqstar, how exactly do you want me to prove something that doesn't exist? It's coconut who claims there's such a thing, not me. I'm still waiting for coconut to prove it. Coconut, are you hiding?
Again, you don't read very well do you. Read what you quoted again and think about it for awhile. I even highlighted parts of it, so you know just what to focus on. I know you can't prove what someone didn't say, but you can post a screen shot of an area where we would expect such things to be said and show us that even though Thomas talked about the announcement, he didn't say anything about FA's posting in their blog. Again, it's not proof positive, but again, in the scheme of things this is not nearly as terrible as you want us to think it is.
Let me put this in brass tacks. I don't really give a damn if Thomas did offer money for people to post it in their blogs or not. I don't think anyone here really gives a damn. It's a minor issue at best. I don't think Coconut really cares either, it's just one more amusing thing in the vast sea of stupid, know as TSR. If it was at all important she would have proof, or she never would have brought it up.
If Coconut is going to make up things about Thomas, she can do far better than him offering extra $$ to FA's for doing his dirty work.
And, I think you're trying to get coconut to "prove" it because someone from TSR sent you over here, and like a good little lapdog, you ran off to do their bidding. But, I think
Thomas whoever sent you is hoping Coconut
will post his or her screen shots, and somehow, those screenshots will help narrow down who Coconut is. So, run back and tell
Thomas that it didn't work.
And Thomas? Sending Solander over worked better than this one. Try to pick a slightly smarter idiot out of the pool next time.