The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: Chinchillagrl on 2007 May 29, 06:42:16

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Chinchillagrl on 2007 May 29, 06:42:16

This is in response to Hecubus' Letter Writing Campaign. This girl just made a complete ass of herself.

Quote from: amadeus451
Why do you hate me?


Why do you hate me?

Yes, I create for a site that maintains a subscription area. I have been associated with that site since it was a Yahoo Group. As a matter of fact, I was the 478th person to join the group. I am also the senior moderator on the forum. So, you could say that I have been there since the beginning and that I know the owners pretty well.

Because of the fact that we do maintain a subscription area, we are, by your definition, a paysite. And we have been painted as greedy opportunists, rolling in our “ill gotten” gains. We are characterized as evil, evil people STEALING from children and swimming in our bloody lucre. You have already decided what I am all about despite the fact that very few of you have taken the time to get to know me as a person.

The decision to have a subscription area was reached after a great deal of soul searching. We attempted to maintain our site based solely off voluntary donations. What we got for that, in the way of thanks, was innumerable hateful comments about how our bandwidth was always used up. The site owner started making mail order candles and selling Avon in an attempt to generate the funds necessary to keep our site free. But it was not enough.

Our site also maintains an “adult” area. A vast majority of our forum members are over the age of eighteen and we do enjoy using custom content of an “adult” nature. I tell you this because it was also a factor in our decision to maintain a subscription area. I know that there is at least 2 very good adult oriented fansites out there. I will not go into details about them here as Kathy & Eric have politely asked that they not be discussed on this forum.

Half of our site’s administrative staff are creators and a majority of those create adult oriented custom content. Creators are, by their very nature, sensitive individuals. And it hurts all of the Creators when we get a rude, hateful email from some angry parent who has just found out that their thirteen year old downloaded “pornographic” content from our site. It is all our fault, despite the fact that said thirteen year old knowing falsified their registration data & claimed to be over eighteen. These parents held us responsible for THEIR parental failures. If we had a dime for every one of those hateful emails, we could maintain the site completely free for two years. So, we moved all of our adult oriented custom content into our subscription area.

At least now when Mister & Missus Too-Busy-Keeping-Up-With-The-Joneses-To-Be-A-Parent send us some electronic vitriol threatening our arrest for making pornography available to minors, we can inform them that we will be filing counter-charges against their innocent little angel for wire fraud because the little darling used Mommy & Daddy’s credit card to pay for access to our adult area.

Why do you hate me?

You hate me because I am associated with a paysite. And because of that association, everything that I have just stated above is completely invalid in your eyes. I used to feel welcome and at home here. Now I feel like...

...the African-American ghetto kid bussed to the white suburban school.
...the overweight, uncoordinated kid that gets picked last EVERY time in gym class.
...the shy girl, wearing the oversized threadbare sweater you pass in the halls without a single glance, let alone a kind word.
...the girl all the “popular” girls spread rumors about how promiscuous she is because they can.
...the mentally challenged kid that gets picked on because he is “just like Forrest Gump”.
...a Jew in Nazi occupied Europe.

I do not expect, or want, sympathy. To be honest, I do not even expect common courtesy here after I post this. But, I felt the need to let you all know how I feel. So, in closing, let me just make a few more points.

The petition that you all are signing is sponsored by an individual with a link to the PaySitesMustBeDestroyed website. This site openly admits that it is violating the Intellectual Property Rights of Creators. It thumbs it’s nose at those Creators from the protection of Malaysia, a country that does not honor the copywrite laws of any nation. Numerous members of this forum also have links to this site in their signatures. And you justify indulging in File Theft by saying that paysite creators broke the rules first by violating EA’s EULA. Folks, I was raised that two wrongs DO NOT make a right.

Hercubus singled out TSR & OpenHouseForSims as two particularly offensive paysites. OpenHouseForSims in her letter has an “This Site Has Exceeded It’s Bandwidth” message up at the time I am writing this, so I have no way of knowing what their subscription rates are at this time. TSR has an annual subscription rate of $42.95US. So, why is TSR more offensive with an ANNUAL subscription rate of slightly less than a new EP, but , with a MONTHLY subscription rate of $39.95US goes unnoticed in this thread at the time that I am posting this?

In closing, I just want to say this...

There are certainly people out there charging excessive fees for access to THEIR custom content. But that is THEIR right. You do not have to like it. But you DO NOT have a “right” to their Intellectual Property for free. They are the Creators and it is their right to charge, whatever they wish, for their creations. The only right you have is to choose whether or not you wish to pay for their content.


There used to be a link here for my creations. But it's a paysite, so none of you will want to go there.

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Duckie on 2007 May 29, 07:05:58
Quote from: "Chinchillagrl"

Amadeus451 whined at Insim:

Why do you hate me?

Hercubus singled out TSR & OpenHouseForSims as two particularly offensive paysites. OpenHouseForSims in her letter has an “This Site Has Exceeded It’s Bandwidth” message up at the time I am writing this, so I have no way of knowing what their subscription rates are at this time. TSR has an annual subscription rate of $42.95US. So, why is TSR more offensive with an ANNUAL subscription rate of slightly less than a new EP, but , with a MONTHLY subscription rate of $39.95US goes unnoticed in this thread at the time that I am posting this?


You have got to be kidding me. She honestly thinks that $39.95 "subscription rate" posted on the front page of MATY is real?

*Points and laughs at Amadeus451*

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Chinchillagrl on 2007 May 29, 07:09:13
I know, the MATY "subscription" page comment cracked me up.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Duckie on 2007 May 29, 07:14:50
The rest of her little hissy fit pissed me off. Pegasus Diana expressed my anger a lot better than I ever could have so I didn't reply. Some people really do need to take a long walk off a short gang-plank.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: alia on 2007 May 29, 07:33:05
Gods, that Amadeus chick is so full of it!  :x

She needs history lessons immediately.

Beos also wrote an interesting post in the thread. I guess he fears that EA will ban all CC. That would be stupid of them, since the CC is the only reason why I still play the game. The last part is the most interesting, though:

Quote from: "beosboxboy"

To my mind, this whole enterprise is ill-considered and short-sighted, and bears no discernible difference from any other form of abusive attack or demand placed upon any creator of custom content for The Sims 2.  I cannot support it, nor can I support any site that supports it.

So, he is leaving Insim? If he is, I bet he is going to TSR, since he seems to think they "respect the creators' rights" and whatnot.

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: TheVanity on 2007 May 29, 08:00:44

The decision to have a subscription area was reached after a great deal of soul searching.

I wonder what is this "soul searchig" they brought up. The central point of all this discussion, the only part they were supposed to express clearly - really, what was this "i feel like a Jew in the Nazi Germany rant" about? - when they came up with soul searching? WTF?!

If they cannot/don`t have the 'talent' to maintain a site, why don`t they upload it all to MTS2 or InSim or Spiff Sims or whatever? Why insist on having an 'unlucrative' site/hobby?

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Quinctia on 2007 May 29, 08:16:41
I'm honestly surprised she has enough brainpower to survive day-to-day, let alone actually produce anything for the game.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: calalily on 2007 May 29, 08:30:58
Quote from: "alia"
Beos also wrote an interesting post in the thread. I guess he fears that EA will ban all CC. That would be stupid of them, since the CC is the only reason why I still play the game. The last part is the most interesting, though:

Quote from: "beosboxboy"

To my mind, this whole enterprise is ill-considered and short-sighted, and bears no discernible difference from any other form of abusive attack or demand placed upon any creator of custom content for The Sims 2.  I cannot support it, nor can I support any site that supports it.

So, he is leaving Insim? If he is, I bet he is going to TSR, since he seems to think they "respect the creators' rights" and whatnot.

*To make hollow laughing* yes he probably does, and probably wants to leave insim.  I daresay he'd get less respect at TSR - they don't let you do what you like with your stuff - you can't pull it if you don't want it there.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: watergirl on 2007 May 29, 08:37:31
Now I feel like...
...the African-American ghetto kid bussed to the white suburban school.
...the overweight, uncoordinated kid that gets picked last EVERY time in gym class.
...the shy girl, wearing the oversized threadbare sweater you pass in the halls without a single glance, let alone a kind word.
...the girl all the “popular” girls spread rumors about how promiscuous she is because they can.
...the mentally challenged kid that gets picked on because he is “just like Forrest Gump”.
...a Jew in Nazi occupied Europe.

Lurker has to comment on this one.

What a Drama Queen!!!  I am shocked someone would ever compare themselves to these examples.  This is just a game. I would suggest if all of this is making you feel this bad about yourself that maybe you should find a different hobby.


Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: MizzKitty on 2007 May 29, 09:01:34
*joins in on the pointing and laughing*

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Captain Feathersword on 2007 May 29, 09:13:41
*points and laughs*
Godwin's Law FTW!!!11!!

Maybe she would benefit from getting out of her little paysite once in a while. There are numerous references to paysite owners that are actually liked as individuals. It's what they do not who they are that we don't like. Of coure if they then go and act like HChangeri we don't like them.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: feathered on 2007 May 29, 09:30:16
Quote from: "watergirl"
Now I feel like...
...the African-American ghetto kid bussed to the white suburban school.
...the overweight, uncoordinated kid that gets picked last EVERY time in gym class.
...the shy girl, wearing the oversized threadbare sweater you pass in the halls without a single glance, let alone a kind word.
...the girl all the “popular” girls spread rumors about how promiscuous she is because they can.
...the mentally challenged kid that gets picked on because he is “just like Forrest Gump”.
...a Jew in Nazi occupied Europe.

Lurker has to comment on this one.

What a Drama Queen!!!  I am shocked someone would ever compare themselves to these examples.  This is just a game. I would suggest if all of this is making you feel this bad about yourself that maybe you should find a different hobby.


I agree. It's funny and offensive at the same time.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: darkangel on 2007 May 29, 10:14:16
I don't even find it funny. Who the fuck is this person that he can compare himself to a fucking genocide? (And I never swear in posts but now I have to.) Gosh his IQ is probably below 10. Seriously, this is just so offensive...comparing his shiteous paysite to a genocide/racism.

I'd love to beat some sense into that idiot.  :roll:

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Doursim on 2007 May 29, 10:36:36
Yea I didn't think that the genocide comparision was very funny or relevant either.  The fact that the whole essay was written on the premise of "you HATE me!"  is ignorant to start.  No one here hates paysite owners.  There is a line in the sand, they stand on one side and we stand on the other.  When one of them steps to our side, we cheer and accept them as one of us.  When one from our side steps over then we boo, hiss, and flood guestbooks with hatemail (*not endorsed btw.)  We hate the choices, not the person making them.  

Though sometimes the person making them is still an utter asshat, that can't be helped :P  We are all more than free to dislike simmers on a personal level, there are a few that I dislike, but it's because of their personality, not their stance on the pay/free debate.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: PutanginaMo on 2007 May 29, 10:58:51
You hate me?

um.. seroiusly "yes"

coz i hate paysite owners... :)

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: darkangel on 2007 May 29, 11:01:54
Quote from: "Doursim"
No one here hates paysite owners.

Excluding me of course. I feel nothing but hate for stupid greedy little people who think they can rip us off and then defend themself so shiteously with fucking stupid arguments. I basically hate everyone who tries to rip me off anyway.  :roll:

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Bigtruckgirl on 2007 May 29, 12:32:46
Did they pull this thread? I was trying to read it and now it says

"you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons..."

Damn it I hate it when real life takes over and I miss something good. LOL

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: darkangel on 2007 May 29, 12:38:59
InSim Mod decided to go on with "delete because you're not being nice".

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Smonaff on 2007 May 29, 12:45:09
God forbid some whiny baby gets their feelings hurt.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: darkangel on 2007 May 29, 13:01:35
Quote from: "Smonaff"
God forbid some whiny baby gets their feelings hurt.

Plus he hurt my brain and insulted my intelligence by reading his bullshit. But okay.  :roll:

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: ghengisjohn on 2007 May 29, 14:18:02
Quote from: "amadeus451"

...the African-American ghetto kid bussed to the white suburban school.
...the overweight, uncoordinated kid that gets picked last EVERY time in gym class.
...the shy girl, wearing the oversized threadbare sweater you pass in the halls without a single glance, let alone a kind word.
...the girl all the “popular” girls spread rumors about how promiscuous she is because they can.
...the mentally challenged kid that gets picked on because he is “just like Forrest Gump”.
...a Jew in Nazi occupied Europe.

She fails so much it burns.

Okay, maybe they have something with the mentally challenged part. Only I'm not so much picking on as wondering if her mother used her as a basketball.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Ensign EO on 2007 May 29, 15:16:10
{Insert retarded bullshit that's been quoted several times already.}

I do not expect, or want, sympathy. To be honest, I do not even expect common courtesy here after I post this. But, I felt the need to let you all know how I feel. So, in closing, let me just make a few more points.

Then what the hell is up with you pretending that you got it even half as bad as the Jewish during the Nazi regime?  Crazy ass.

I hate it when people say, "In closing", "Finally", "Lastly", et cetera, and then go on for a couple more paragraphs.

You have already decided what I am all about despite the fact that very few of you have taken the time to get to know me as a person.

How come none of the paysite owners want to know the horrible, horrible pirates/file sharers as people?  Don't they got us--even the ones who are only downloading and never actually supplying the content to be shared--all painted with the same "FUCKING THEIFS" brush?  Or is there a paysite owner out there I'm not aware of that likes us as people and thinks we're just being naughty and only deserve a slap on the wrist?

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Anouk on 2007 May 29, 15:22:04
...the mentally challenged kid that gets picked on because he is “just like Forrest Gump”.
...a Jew in Nazi occupied Europe.

Go tell my grandmother that in her face. I dare you.

This is a new low.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Frank on 2007 May 29, 15:46:40
I dunno about idiot of the year,wait till December to decide that, but Idiot of the month, for May, yes. Hell, let's make it a "feature" here, every month name a new jackass. Maybe even send the winner every month a certified PMBD "Idiot of the Month" html certificate,lol.........

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: fionaskye on 2007 May 29, 15:47:03
Quote from: "amadeus451"
Why do you hate me?

Well, I didn't.  I try not to hate people.  It's not good for one's karma.  Plus its such wasted emotion - put that energy into changing things that bother you instead.  But after reading this ...

Quote from: "amadeus451"
Now I feel like ...a Jew in Nazi occupied Europe.

I'm finding myself not liking rather strongly this Amadeus451 person.  I think it would be awesome for her to sit down with my in-laws and chat about what it was like to be a Jew in the 1930s in Poland.  Then she could see what real hatred is all about and STOP WHINING LIKE A FUCKING 4-YEAR-OLD.

*clears throat sheepishly*

Sorry 'bout that.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Caedre on 2007 May 29, 15:49:21
Quote from: "BionixWV"
I dunno about idiot of the year,wait till December to decide that, but Idiot of the month, for May, yes. Hell, let's make it a "feature" here, every month name a new jackass. Maybe even send the winner every month a certified PMBD "Idiot of the Month" html certificate,lol.........

Sounds like a great idea!  :D

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Tramen on 2007 May 29, 16:22:34
Its fans like this that give all fandoms a bad name - heck, just recently there was outrage after a so called Doctor Who fan on the main LJ community compared missing the new episode because of the football to things much like the ones stated in this thread. She/he was booted after she/he continued this stupid argument and happily hasn't been on any other Doctor Who communities.

Fans like these are far too obsessed to be healthy.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: darkangel on 2007 May 29, 16:26:15
Quote from: "BionixWV"
I dunno about idiot of the year,wait till December to decide that, but Idiot of the month, for May, yes. Hell, let's make it a "feature" here, every month name a new jackass. Maybe even send the winner every month a certified PMBD "Idiot of the Month" html certificate,lol.........


Talking about "fans"...there were people bitching after the shootings in VT that their tv show was cancelled for news. For real.  :roll:

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Pescado on 2007 May 29, 16:31:05
Quote from: "fionaskye"

I'm finding myself not liking rather strongly this Amadeus451 person.  I think it would be awesome for her to sit down with my in-laws and chat about what it was like to be a Jew in the 1930s in Poland.  Then she could see what real hatred is all about and STOP WHINING LIKE A FUCKING 4-YEAR-OLD.

You actually waited for them to WHINE? I didn't even wait THAT long. Just by SEEING THAT PERSON's *NAME*, before they even wrote anything, I felt the unexplainable urge to SET THEM ON FIRE! And not in the same way I want to set everyone on fire, either. WHY IS THAT, HRM?!?

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Tramen on 2007 May 29, 16:43:59
Quote from: "darkangel"
Talking about "fans"...there were people bitching after the shootings in VT that their tv show was cancelled for news. For real.  :roll:

That is just sick and twisted :evil:

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Quinctia on 2007 May 29, 16:47:54
Quote from: "Pescado"
You actually waited for them to WHINE? I didn't even wait THAT long. Just by SEEING THAT PERSON's *NAME*, before they even wrote anything, I felt the unexplainable urge to SET THEM ON FIRE! And not in the same way I want to set everyone on fire, either. WHY IS THAT, HRM?!?

It's not all bad, the name put the song "Rock Me Amadeus" in my head!  It's really the only positive thing involved with learning of this person's existence, though.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: RedLove on 2007 May 29, 16:52:39
Fugly certificate for the dumb asses :)

Bleh. Didn't feel like wasting too much time on the "Idiots of the year"

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: missangelica on 2007 May 29, 16:53:08
What an extremely long post to say, "HEY, I'm not getting any attention!  I want to be infamous like Carla Niven! LOOK AT ME EVERYONE!  I'll even mention the holocaust to piss people off and force them to look at me!!"

I'm glad the thread was removed.  She/he shouldn't get anymore attention for bad behavior.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Bliss on 2007 May 29, 20:13:11
I have one response for that whole blahblahblah:

Why am I responsible for your self esteem, whiny mcwhinerpants?

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: giggy on 2007 May 29, 20:21:21
dang thread locked

At least I replied there

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: missangelica on 2007 May 29, 20:42:44
Want to know the real tragedy of this?  According to the amadeus451's profile (, it's a HE and he's 44!  Omg, how can you get to 44 and still be such a drama whore?  Seriously.

Weep for humanity, folks.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: keirra on 2007 May 29, 20:51:24
Does anyone know what paysite this guy is from? his age, you would think he would know better than to use such horrible comparisons!  :roll:

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: 93emoose on 2007 May 29, 21:16:50
Quote from: "alia"
I bet he is going to TSR.

He [beosboxboy] is already there and has been for a while, at least I think.

edited to clarify "he"

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: RedLove on 2007 May 29, 21:34:07
I think she knows she just means if he leaves Insim then he's going ONLY to TSR and not uploading his stuff anywhere else.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: cheekylilgirl on 2007 May 29, 22:02:17
Quote from: "alia"
Beos also wrote an interesting post in the thread. I guess he fears that EA will ban all CC. That would be stupid of them, since the CC is the only reason why I still play the game. The last part is the most interesting, though:

Quote from: "beosboxboy"

To my mind, this whole enterprise is ill-considered and short-sighted, and bears no discernible difference from any other form of abusive attack or demand placed upon any creator of custom content for The Sims 2.  I cannot support it, nor can I support any site that supports it.

So, he is leaving Insim? If he is, I bet he is going to TSR, since he seems to think they "respect the creators' rights" and whatnot.

I thought the same thing (leaving insim) when I read that.

Back OT, I was not sure if I should laugh at that original poster or pity them with their warped idea's of being a victim of sorts.


Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Aquamarine on 2007 May 29, 22:10:31
Oh man, that made my day. Too bad about the Insim thread (ho noes, debate! *baleeted*).

This person sounds like an even more whiny version of Beosboxboy. I wouldn't be surprised if the latter moves to TSR - he strikes me as having wanted to open a paysite for quite some time now but is afraid of the inevitable backlash.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: MoonDragon on 2007 May 29, 22:20:02
Ah yes, the "Nancy Oleson" technique.  Just like on the show I don't think anyone but her mother is buying it ... and going for the Holocaust angle?  When will people learn?  Every time I see someone try that their point gets lost amidst all the outrage and laughter … friggin' amateur wannabe drama queen.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: CaitSneko on 2007 May 29, 22:21:36
I agree with Pescado, I feel like burning that person who actualy bothered to write that whole damn thing. I dont understand why they would bother honestly. Yeah they got a damn lot of attention but now everyone thinks there an asshat.psh this is crap. :roll:

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Paleoanth on 2007 May 29, 22:42:28
Quote from: "Aquamarine"

....This person sounds like an even more whiny version of Beosboxboy. I wouldn't be surprised if the latter moves to TSR.....

He is a SA at TSR.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: callmeird on 2007 May 29, 22:46:39
Awww I wanted to read the replies in that thread. Always too late to the table. Hmpf.

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Feverish on 2007 May 29, 22:57:58

...the mentally challenged kid that gets picked on because he is “just like Forrest Gump”.

"Stupid is as stupid does. "

They always want to play the victim. The Woe is Me syndrome.  I doubt anyone ever thought about him before, but I'm pretty sure alot of people hate him now because he's an idiot. A 44 year old man whining like that....I'm embarrassed FOR him. No offense, but I actually thought it was a teenage girl.

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Chinchillagrl on 2007 May 29, 23:31:47
Quote from: "Feverish"

...the mentally challenged kid that gets picked on because he is “just like Forrest Gump”.

"Stupid is as stupid does. "

They always want to play the victim. The Woe is Me syndrome.  I doubt anyone ever thought about him before, but I'm pretty sure alot of people hate him now because he's an idiot. A 44 year old man whining like that....I'm embarrassed FOR him. No offense, but I actually thought it was a teenage girl.

I assumed it was young girl (maybe early 20's and very immature). To find out it's a 44 year old man! Just wow.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: missangelica on 2007 May 29, 23:36:29
Reading through the posts he has made he does sound like a teenage girl.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: SoggyFox on 2007 May 29, 23:43:52
Hi - actually, if he really wanted to whine, he could have compared himself to a Rom during Nazi German - they still don't get anything for it.

As for the girl examples, he'd only be so lucky.

I don't hate, its not worth my time, effort or energy, but if I did, I'd say that yeah, I'd hate him - what a....well, I'm not even sure he qualifies as someone like Forrest.

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 May 29, 23:58:04
Quote from: "Feverish"
A 44 year old man whining like that....I'm embarrassed FOR him. No offense, but I actually thought it was a teenage girl.

So did I. Jeezum crow; shut up, you whiny old man.

BBB is always inventing these scenarios that will never happen and then writing a novella fussing about EA and, as an afterthought, about the imaginary OHNOEZ! event he's narked off about.

EA isn't going to prohibit free content, as if they could. If they tried, all we'd do is react by not buying any EP that made it impossible to use CC, then wait for the modding comm to strip the crap code out and redistribute it.

I don't have a lot of free time to game, and, frankly, I enjoy the "shopping" for freebies more than playing sometimes, which is why my DL folder was pushing 13G at one point. I actually enjoy the OCDness of running CleanInstaller, SimCat and HackConflictDetect, and organizing folders. I'd probably enjoy binning hair if I had the time to sit down and locate a good tut and just learn to do it.

I also enjoy building (or popping someone else's lots into) a hood, and making Sim people.

I am not so interested in playing the actual game or meeting goals, though I do flirt with the idea of doing a challenge when I have some free time one day.

I don't breed or kill off my Sims, but that's mostly lack of time to play.

I populate houses and install annoyance-killing hacks, then let the Sims pretty much do as they like, and intervene only if they look like they are about to kill themselves stupidly and I need them for screenshots later.

On rare occasions I do play, my houses are full of CC, my Sims are full of CC and default-killing replacements, and I decorate, screenshot, and on occasion set them on collision courses with other Sims. The fun for me is seeing how the game engine will interpret the personality settings I've chosen, ditto turn-ons/offs, ditto skills they've earned, ditto relationships they choose to form.

My style of play isn't for everyone. I do typically run through each EP's scenario at least once, though I typically ignore EAxian default families altogether. With Uni, they go to Uni, I make YASims. With NL, they get a car and go DTown, buy crap. I made one vamp and let him vamp three other hood denizens, including Cassandra Goth. With OFB, they open a business. With OMFGPETZ!!!eleventy1!, they get a cat or two (have tried all pets but dogs so far, that's there a pug in the game?), with Seasons, they gardened their little brains out and fished, and I remembered why I hate the occult characters in the game. Stupid Plant Sims.

Point is, without CC, I have no reason to play the game, because I dislike EAxian defaults. The game engine itself is fun, I like making interactive environments and populating them, but the set goals and default hood denizens are boring.

EA won't ban CC. That's such a retarded non-issue.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Witchboy on 2007 May 30, 00:35:51
Well poop! It seems they have deleted the thread @ Insim. I was so wanting to read the juicy details too LOL

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: MizzKitty on 2007 May 30, 01:38:27
A 44 year old male? I feel dirty... and not in the good way.  :?

When we have men, my father's age acting like teen girls in their whiny "nobody loves me" tantrum capacity, then it's time to take a step back and realise how seriously fucked up this community is.

Yes, yes, I know, some of you have been saying it for years but... new low!

And I didn't get offended in the least about those comparisons. It was way too stupid to offend me. It had nothing to do with anything and was just a ploy for drama-whorish attention - in an ugly, fat, old-guy sort of way.

Disclaimer: I do not have anything against ugly people, fat people, people past the age of forty or men, but combine all of those things into one being and add drama-whore to the mix and I think it would be a favour to the world if that being ceased to exist.

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Baroness on 2007 May 30, 01:39:12
Now I feel like...

...the African-American ghetto kid bussed to the white suburban school.
...the overweight, uncoordinated kid that gets picked last EVERY time in gym class.
...the shy girl, wearing the oversized threadbare sweater you pass in the halls without a single glance, let alone a kind word.
...the girl all the “popular” girls spread rumors about how promiscuous she is because they can.
...the mentally challenged kid that gets picked on because he is “just like Forrest Gump”.
...a Jew in Nazi occupied Europe.

...The fat kid, denied the second helping of mashed potatoes.
...The bride, who gets a bad perm the day before her wedding.
...The man, who sits in gum at the movie theatre.
...The grandmother, who's senior discount isn't honored because it's after 5 pm.
...Jesus, on the cross.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Ensign EO on 2007 May 30, 01:46:22
I, uh, don't know how old my dad is.  <.<  I think he turned 40 last year.  Or he's still 36, depending on what number system you use.

I really want to say it's odd and I've never encountered it in my life, but my father's older sister has this drama streak going on too, and the family on my father's side in general has this whole teeny drama vibe going on.

And I don't see any reason whatsoever for people to be comparing their situation to the Nazis.  That's just... ugh.  Paysite drama is nowhere near being as horrific as what occurred during the Holocaust.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Feverish on 2007 May 30, 01:46:37
Haha. Jesus on the cross. I love that one. Someone should pm him and advise him to add that to any future lists of comparisons.
Gosh I hate reading long posts. It was so not necessary to type that much and say so little.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: SoggyFox on 2007 May 30, 02:37:45
Okay, I'm old, and this guy is marginally older than me.  But, you know, there are plenty of whiny drama queens at my age too.  :roll:

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: evilragdoll on 2007 May 30, 05:22:59
yack yack yack, talk to the hand, dramawhore. :roll:
I think this rant totally deserves to go here:, where more people can point and laugh to that.
I can't decide if it's better or worse that the drama queen in question is actually a 44 yo male.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Feverish on 2007 May 30, 05:25:36
Quote from: "evilragdoll"

I can't decide if it's better or worse that the drama queen in question is actually a 44 yo male.

It's better because it's worse. If my dad posted something like that I think I would ask to be put up for adoption.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Pirate Gem on 2007 May 30, 05:34:45
but , with a MONTHLY subscription rate of $39.95US goes unnoticed in this thread at the time that I am posting this?

Rofl, maybe she explore it more before throwing around stupid accusations like that, maybe..actually READING or clicking links available?

If Pescado ever charged that would make him a Hypocrit, this girl has some serious issues.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: missangelica on 2007 May 30, 05:36:45
Quote from: "Pirate Gem"
Rofl, maybe she explore it more before throwing around stupid accusations like that, maybe..actually READING or clicking links available?

If Pescado ever charged that would make him a Hypocrit, this girl has some serious issues.

No.  HE and 44.  There, revel in that horror!

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Pescado on 2007 May 30, 05:40:39
Quote from: "Quinctia"
It's not all bad, the name put the song "Rock Me Amadeus" in my head!  It's really the only positive thing involved with learning of this person's existence, though.

I think it's more the number-name thing. I hate number-names, but THAT particular number name conjures up images of BURNINATION for some reason.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Pirate Gem on 2007 May 30, 05:43:28
Quote from: "missangelica"
Quote from: "Pirate Gem"
Rofl, maybe she explore it more before throwing around stupid accusations like that, maybe..actually READING or clicking links available?

If Pescado ever charged that would make him a Hypocrit, this girl has some serious issues.

No.  HE and 44.  There, revel in that horror!


Okay I read all the posts before, but i missed the bit about it being a 44 year old guy, seriously with that kind of whinging I thought it was female...

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: willywiluhps on 2007 May 30, 05:44:56
So it's been established how stupid and pathetic this is...but I have to admit I learned something from it all.

[PMBD] thumbs it’s nose at those Creators from the protection of Malaysia, a country that does not honor the copywrite laws of any nation.

I had no idea we had copywrite laws!

But uuuggghhh...three cheers for improper use of apostrophes, misguided capitalization, and sentences that must be read three times before making vague sense!  :cry:

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: dorquemada on 2007 May 30, 08:04:05
Quote from: "Pescado"
Quote from: "Quinctia"
It's not all bad, the name put the song "Rock Me Amadeus" in my head!  It's really the only positive thing involved with learning of this person's existence, though.

I think it's more the number-name thing. I hate number-names, but THAT particular number name conjures up images of BURNINATION for some reason.

Do you think the Amadude himself put those numbers there knowingly? 'cause I find it kinda mismatching for him to dig this book and be such a pathetic twit.

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 May 30, 09:19:08
Quote from: "Pescado"
Quote from: "Quinctia"
It's not all bad, the name put the song "Rock Me Amadeus" in my head!  It's really the only positive thing involved with learning of this person's existence, though.

I think it's more the number-name thing. I hate number-names, but THAT particular number name conjures up images of BURNINATION for some reason.

OMFG, Pescado reads books, pass it on!

What, not gossip-worthy? Seems like it is the only thing these days that isn't.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Darqstar on 2007 May 31, 01:38:32
Actually, the fact that this assclown is in his 40s does not surprise me.

Anyone who's under the age of 30 has use the net for a good portion of their lives.  They may be idiots, but someone probably told them the first rule of arguing on the net, which is the moment you mention anything having to do with Nazis and WWII, you have lost the argument.  

Also, I'm betting he's fairly new to the real net.  Yeah, he might have exchanged some email with friends and family, maybe even cruised a few websites, got some information, balanced his checkbook with his bank, but all of those are passive activities.

It wouldn't surprise me if Sims2 is his first experience at interacting with the web.  He writes like someone who has no clue how UNserious the web is and how the more hurt you behaive the more likely everyone is to gather 'round and laugh their ass off at your expense.  He talks like someone who really believes that his heartfelt post will bring a tear to our eyes and a promise to reform.

Sorry, I just have a lot of trouble finding sympathy for someone who feels like the world is out to get him because he's unable to keep his tiny little pixles to himself and only those who will pay him for them.  They're fuckin' Pixels.  If you can't make enough money by donation, then maybe you just shouldn't be doing this shit.

In truth, I'd have more respect for the guy if he said, "I charge for my Pixels because I can, so there!"  But the "I'm a victim because I charge" gets totally on my nerves.  Whiny little assclown.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: SoggyFox on 2007 May 31, 01:44:12
I doubt that.  My mother, who is in her 60s, manages to do quite a few things on her computer and on the internet.

I am 40 and I've been doing stuff online since the days of BBSs.  I didn't grow up with the internet and computers, I watched them grow up.

And even my grandmother, in her 80s, manages to do real basic stuff.

As for it being a way of losing an argument?  Its that way in RL too.  Trying to make others feel sorry for you in such a grandiose and pathetic manner is well.....pathetic.

*passes around more spiced rum*

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: nordicicequeen on 2007 May 31, 02:39:49
Quote from: "missangelica"
Want to know the real tragedy of this?  According to the amadeus451's profile (, it's a HE and he's 44!  Omg, how can you get to 44 and still be such a drama whore?  Seriously.

Weep for humanity, folks.

Just looking at the profile kinda tells you a little bit about him:
"The four basic food groups:
Caffine, Nicotine, Chocolate, & the white stuff in Twinkies."

Can we say Fat Loser Who Still Lives with His Mother?
(and no, I don't have anything against the bigger people, and yes, I still live at home, but I'm also not 44)

He can't even spell caffeine right...

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Yaardarm Monkey on 2007 May 31, 02:52:19
Quote from: "Pescado"
I think it's more the number-name thing. I hate number-names, but THAT particular number name conjures up images of BURNINATION for some reason.

because ya just cant get enough of Rock Me Amadeus (


Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Duckie on 2007 May 31, 02:57:44
:o I'm never clicking another link from you. Ever.  :lol:

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: evilragdoll on 2007 May 31, 03:28:12
Ha! My dad is 64 and the only one I ever trust to touch my computer when it goes kablooey. He assembled his computer himself, mine too. If he writes something stupid and whiny emo-like like that pathetic rant, I'd probably have to call the nice man in white scrubs to take him to the lunatic bin.  :lol:
When my mom was alive (died at 60, two years ago), she managed her computer quite well too.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: HideTheRum on 2007 May 31, 11:08:10
Wow...I'm amazed at how such a big, retarded, idiotic, astoundingly cretin loser might be able to get through simple tasks in ordinary routine like I dunno, making breakfast without setting his house on fire, driving a car without killing himself within the first minute, climbing stairs without falling and breaking all hisbones, having whatever job, any job you can think of, without being fired within the first day...I just can't honesty figure it out, really, such a cretin making it through every day...He just sounds too immensely stupid to even be able to go to the loo without being surrounded by paddled walls and floors O__O

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: MizzKitty on 2007 May 31, 12:59:00
Quote from: "HideTheRum"
He just sounds too immensely stupid to even be able to go to the loo without being surrounded by paddled walls and floors O__O

That just gave me a very disgusting image in my head.  :shock:

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 May 31, 13:17:08
Quote from: "Yaardarm Monkey"

because ya just cant get enough of Rock Me Amadeus (


Thanks for the memories! (Or should that be 'danke'?) Gads...I remember hours spent watching Videos on MTV in its first year or so...this one and "Der Commisar" were among our favorites to watch/mock.

Mmmm.....remember when MTV played music videos?

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: SoggyFox on 2007 May 31, 14:49:05
I do indeed - and all its programs were related to music too - like the Monkees marathons weekends, the Young Ones, Remote Control.....ah, those were the I think you have to hit like the third version of the channel to get the videos?

And he's not stupid....he has to be rather intelligent, and high strung.  In fact, I think he bounced over the fine line between genius and insanity....or not.

He is high strung though.  Best be careful or he'll snap.

Title: Re: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: blackmars on 2007 May 31, 14:56:43
Quote from: "Chinchillagrl"

...the African-American ghetto kid bussed to the white suburban school.
...the overweight, uncoordinated kid that gets picked last EVERY time in gym class.
...the shy girl, wearing the oversized threadbare sweater you pass in the halls without a single glance, let alone a kind word.
...the girl all the “popular” girls spread rumors about how promiscuous she is because they can.
...the mentally challenged kid that gets picked on because he is “just like Forrest Gump”.
...a Jew in Nazi occupied Europe.

Why do I miss this stuff? I would have loved to have given this one a new hole. I live for that kind of stuff.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: karu on 2007 May 31, 15:01:27
Quote from: "HideTheRum"
Wow...I'm amazed at how such a big, retarded, idiotic, astoundingly cretin loser might be able to get through simple tasks in ordinary routine like I dunno, making breakfast without setting his house on fire, driving a car without killing himself within the first minute, climbing stairs without falling and breaking all hisbones, having whatever job, any job you can think of, without being fired within the first day...I just can't honesty figure it out, really, such a cretin making it through every day...He just sounds too immensely stupid to even be able to go to the loo without being surrounded by paddled walls and floors O__O

I know a Sim like that

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Jojoba on 2007 May 31, 16:24:40
Quote from: "emino"
Do I need to find a pirate avatar now?

Yes! And then to become a proper pirate you much adapt the pirate speech and love for drinking rum! Yarrrr!  :wink:

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: missangelica on 2007 May 31, 16:27:31
*waves at Emino!*  You finally made it. :)  *passes some rum to ya*

Quote from: "emino"
She's a hater! Hater must be destroyed!

Psst, the hater is male and 44. x.x

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Nina on 2007 May 31, 16:42:57
Oh, it's like one of these people who cry when they can't get the E-mail username they want? Don't cry! Use babygirl69_87272772 :( babygirl69 is a very popular username among idiots, you know.

Wtf am I babbling about? xD

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: calalily on 2007 May 31, 16:49:20
Quote from: "Nina"
Wtf am I babbling about? xD

This is one of the first posts I've seen where I didn't understand it, the writer didn't understand it, and yet still posted it.  :lol:

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Ensign EO on 2007 May 31, 19:21:36
Probably has something to do with JM's extreme hatred for usernames with numbers in them.  :P

Seeing 666 in usernames bothers me more than the use of 69.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Darqstar on 2007 May 31, 21:49:32
Quote from: "SoggyFox"
I doubt that.  My mother, who is in her 60s, manages to do quite a few things on her computer and on the internet.

I never said anyone in their 40s and up were unable to handle computers.  I'm older than him, and I've been on the net since early days.  However, there is a big difference between being part of the net and using it as a communication device, or using it as a tool to get things.  Use it to communicate and you soon learn to write almost as casual as you speak.  I admit when I first started using the 'net, I had a habbit of writing everything like I was writing a letter to someone.  It took a bit before I learned to write conversation with people like I was talking, not letter writing.  
People were saying that he sounded like he was a young kid.  I'm saying he sounded more like someone who was older and new to the ways of communicating on the internet.  His little heartfelt speech sounded exactly like something someone would write for a school assignment or in a letter to someone, which was probably the only time he ever did any serious consistent writing.  He came across like someone who wasn't used to IMing and all the "Chat" that goes on in the net.   That was pretty much a composition.  "Why I don't feel accepted in the Sims2 Community."  

Quote from: "SoggyFox"
As for it being a way of losing an argument?  Its that way in RL too.  Trying to make others feel sorry for you in such a grandiose and pathetic manner is well.....pathetic.

I was actually  referring to Godwin's Law of the Usenet.

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: Frank on 2007 June 01, 16:52:20
I had mentioned a PMBD Idiot of the Month certificate here, and well, made one in OpenOffice,lol. Here's a ss of it using winsnap:


We REALLY need to do this...............

Title: Idiot of the year anyone?
Post by: blackmars on 2007 June 02, 04:14:40
:lol: That would be hilarious.