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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR nukes GoS >=( on: 2010 April 29, 20:37:11
The only files actually hosted at GOS is content created by Liegenschonheit, Aikea Guinea, Gelydh, Nymphy, Nixy and Bosie, all other creators and File Shared (friendly or not) content is hosted off site. Therefore it is not on GOS's server and they are not responsible any content not created by GOS creators who have the seniority to have their files hosted on site.

Actually almost no files are hosted on GOS. The ONLY thing that could even be considered to be hosted on there would be thumbnails for their download threads. Otherwise it states not to attach files to your posts. Not even download links.

I understood that there were no files actually hosted there, only links to files hosted elsewhere. If that is in fact the case ( I can't actually say positively) it means that TSR is now apparently attacking sites that even so much as provide a link to their little things. Nice huh? Lock your doors people!

I'm sure it's only temporary but still.  Why isn't she on the cheese server anyway?

Oh ya, Johan in 3....2....1

Yep, no files hosted on GOS whatsoever. About the cheese sever, I thought it was because GOS took up to much space or something? I think I remember reading about Pescado calling Liegen stupid for some of the things the forum does/stores that aren't necessary.

Apparently what entirely happened was Thomas complain to GoDaddy and Liegen filed a counter suit against it. Well to file a counter suit, she had to take down their "TSR Sharing" thread, but she made a new one. From what some people on my reading list says is that GoDaddy pulled GOS while this whole thing gets sorted out, and when Liegen can she will try to get it back up as quickly as possible.

What really puzzles me is that Thomas & Co don't understand how counterproductive this kind of behaviour is. You'd have thought they would have learned after the Reflex/BPS debacle which turned loads of people against TSR who had previously been either pro-TSR or on the fence.

And the thing is, GoS might have to close down now,  but it will pop back into existence somewhere else and so will whatever files were hosted there. The only difference will be that a lot of people will hate TSR a lot more.

But apparantly they don't think that far at TSR headquarters. Dumb, dumb, extremely dumb.   Roll Eyes

EXACTLY. What TSR has done also is disabled direct linking to item pages. Meaning if I WCIF'd the shiny floors, I would be told to search TSR. I can somewhat see WHY they did it. If someone has to search the site, they might want to browse longer and be more susceptible to "staying," BUT they basically fucked themselves. Whatever free publicity they got from WCIF and requests threads, is gone. Who's going to want to bother with it if it's going to be more hassle than what it is?
2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Look at what I made and om nom nom it! (Post your creations pt. 2) on: 2010 April 26, 14:18:51
Which brings me back to another thing. I just don't see how anything in the desk can change where the sims sit. That must be determined by the chair, they're sitting on.  No? Huh

I would assume the chair is affected because it snaps to the desk and not the other way around. Like if the chair is in the corner of a room, then the chair affects it, but the desk has to decide where the chair will snap in at, thus affecting the position the sims sit at.
3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2010 February 16, 15:46:42
Just as a heads up for everyone to make sure they aren't getting hacked, that their accounts aren't compromised, that their information isn't being shared, to check all their stuff. Mainly because, I have a free account there to report items when I see a free creators items over there, and have just discovered that I have been blocked.

Something went wrong when you tried to access the page /account/login. If this problem persists, please contact our on-line support.

Additional info:
Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception SQLSTATE[00000] [1129] Host 'lalala' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

So when I go to the on-line support page, I get this:

Something went wrong when you tried to access the page /support. If this problem persists, please contact our on-line support.

Additional info:
Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception SQLSTATE[00000] [1129] Host 'lalala' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

Lalala added in by me. Tongue

Oh and if someone could go report this item please:

For the hair, since ya know Aikea specifically states to not upload her items to TSR.

Feel free to package our items with your sims/lots, but please no paysites (including TSR) and no Exchange! Credit is always appreciated.
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN! on: 2010 January 31, 18:15:22
Is it possible she apologised the first time and they just felt sorry for her?  Maybe they thought givning her another chance would give some direction to her life.  I mean I can understand someone feeling sorry for her in spite of how ugly she comes across at times.

But we are on her 4th or 5th time coming back. Once or twice I can see them genuinely feeling bad for her. But by now it's no longer a "chance" but a habit they are developing. Not to mention, every time she leaves she is put into this crazed mental state. It's no longer just TSR doing bad things, but if Atwat is really as bad off as she says she is, then are toying with her mental health. Or what's left of it if you will.
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN! on: 2010 January 31, 17:36:15
As for Atwat, that message is disturbing. Especially the part where she kept talking while Susan was away. I mean, back in 15 means back in 15. I honestly could see Atwat enlisting the help of outside hackers to do her bidding.

She actually reminds me a lot of an old friend/enemy of mine. She would tell my boyfriend and I that her husband beat her, and that he wanted a divorce. Then She would tell her husband that our room mate was stalking her. Then told her husband that she wanted a divorce, but told myself that her husband was throwing her out of the house. Oh and that her husband also tried to "rape" her. Of course all of this she contradicted herself on by telling other people the exact opposite.

Atwat strikes me as that type of a person. Someone who just wants sympathy. Someone who just wants people to feel bad for her. Not realizing that 99% of the damage done to herself, is done by herself.

But as for Thomas and Johan. They are either with her or against her. Multiple times she has claimed that Thomas and Johan have been trying to help her get back into TSR. Personally, there HAS to be some truth behind all of this. Or how else would she keep coming back, and almost instantaneously become SA/FA. Thomas and Johan have the ability to keep her out, but don't? Why?
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN! on: 2010 January 29, 05:57:25
I don't have contact with the Hecuboss. If you have the images, you can zip them up and send them to me and I can repost them on the PMBD servers.

Unfortunately, I don't have the images. Is someone here still in contact with her? Doesn't Paden still talk to her? Or Moune?
7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Sugah's Place Hacked AGAIN! on: 2010 January 29, 05:13:11
This apparently senseless spree does sort of lean towards the script-kiddy theory. At this point it doesn't seem like the attacks serve any useful purpose for ANYONE, and so we're either looking at a pattern of general vandalism unrelated to the community at all, or the list has gone out into the wild.

Are we sure that all these site owners did not sign the petition? I may have missed it earlier, if it's already been stated. Plus, is there ANY way ANY of these site owners could be connected at all? Maybe we are looking to much at a broad picture, and not individual pictures. More specifically, have any of these site owners had ANY contact with Atwat at all? Or even one of her "personalities?"

Secondly, Pes go poke Hec to log into her photobucket! The images have gone inactive on the FAQ.
8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2010 January 25, 02:33:04
No information coming from TSR or from Workshop (which does not collect such information in the first place) have been used.
The people who got contacted were contacted using information found on their own websites.

If it's the case of collecting information from external sites, then fine. But you still haven't answered how you would even know someone used the workshop if they obviously had given no credit what so ever.
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2010 January 24, 22:16:15
I think there has been a slight misunderstanding here, the emails sent out were acquired from the websites where the items have been published.
As for who did it i don't really see what difference it makes whether it was Thomas or if he got help from someone else?

It makes a huge difference. You and Thomas are expected to be able to see someone's information such as their email. Murano is not. Murano is a creator. You and Thomas are owners. See the difference? If I downloaded your workshop tool, I would not have even dreamed to think that one of your creators would have access to my email address.

And even if this is just a ripple on the water, it's a ripple on the water of a huge pond that TSR has made for themselves with actions such as this. This is why people don't trust you AT ALL. You claim that your systems are encrypted now, yet your willing to hand out someone's email willy nilly.
10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2010 January 24, 20:01:02
WHY are the FA's emailing people asking them to give credit to the workshop? WHY isn't Thomas or Jonah doing it? Seriously? Creators =/= Legal teams.

Secondly, IF someone had not sent the item to TSR directly, how would they know what items are made with the work shop, and what items are not? Is the workshop constantly connected to your computer watching what your doing, OR does it embed a code string into the file to give it a dead give away?

Thirdly, WHY is a FA discussing with someone outside of TSR what they are going to do with people's information!? I mean, I don't condone sharing information with anyone at TSR for any reason, but to pretty much admit to someone outside of TSR that you have access to people's information, is terrible.

Fourthly, WHERE are they getting their email information from? Is it from their TSR account, or the workshop? And if it's from either, HOW are they connecting the two?

Also Inge, when exactly did this conversation happen with Murano?
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: Your Ugliest Paysite Creation Find: Round Two. on: 2010 January 17, 00:19:00
It literally looks like someone wrapped some hair around a conch shell.

Did anyone read simsecret and pay particular attention to #15?
12  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2010 January 17, 00:15:47
What the heck is grah?

Lol!!  Or are you just being dismissive?

Seriously. I've read some things about it here and on MATY but generally I haven't delved into the history of what grah was. I didn't have to go there, so I didn't bother.

Grah is the IRC

AHH! Now I understand why Cala was so against it back then.

because I do not deign to use something stupid like Twitter. I mean, why would I? The basic, fundamental logic which would justify such a thing simply doesn't exist: I already have a website, so why would I need or trust some third party site?

The same reason you have two forums. Because you can. Wink Either way I still find the twitter I found to be rather amusing, irregardless as to whether or not you want to admit it's yours. If it's not though, I think someone out there might be your perfect soul mate.
13  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2010 January 16, 12:54:29
I'm pretty sure your the only person I would ever think to say these things:
Yes, but these are quotes stolen from grah and reposted. You will notice how they are nonsequiturs that do not fit the Twitter format very well at all.

What the heck is grah?

And nope, got the quotes here:
14  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2010 January 15, 16:58:03
That's not even mine. It's some impostor from Glinda's office.

I'm pretty sure your the only person I would ever think to say these things:

I could install some giant wings on a baby, then FIRE IT OUT OF A SLINGSHOT, preparing the baby from birth to become a fighter pilot.
In Malaysia no one can hear you scream.
The wife likes to stab between the bones, to strike vital organs with finesse.I drive straight through, with a knife through the skull.
This looks like a good day to blow some things up.
Accept no Kewian-based substitutes!
I do use fire in the process of clearing the nose, yes.
Then, you take a flamer and jam it into one nostril and pull until fire comes out the other one.
Finally, you take two of them, jam them into both nostrils, and pull the triggers and watch fire come out your mouth.
15  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Re: TSR: In Ur Accounts, Deletin Ur Stuffs! on: 2010 January 15, 04:43:52

THANK YOU. Seriously. Twitter and facebook suck. Just easier methods for people to stalk you. O.o
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