I think almost
everyone has probably seen a prostitute, whether or not they are aware of it. Jess Maree is right that many of them are easy to spot, especially in certain areas, and I think you're being ironic/sarcastic about them all wearing the same thing, right? If so, then you are very accurate.
It's a misconception that all prostitutes dress like....well, whores, or stumble around in a drug-induced delirium shouting at inanimate objects because they're mad that they didn't get a fiver for a handjob behind a dumpster. These are examples of an extreme, even if many or even most prostitutes end up at this extreme at one point or another. Just as there are murderers and rapists and furries (haha) who look like "normal" people, and normal people who look like they've lost their minds, there are hookers who don't look like hookers. In fact, the successful ones (a term I use rather loosely to describe the ones who don't get beaten up by their pimps, or get seduced by easy access to drugs) rarely do. It is the extreme cases (the homeless, half-crazy drug addicts and the draggy Hollywood madams dressed in furs) that we notice, because they are
noticeable, and they aren't everywhere because they are shifted to seedier locales by "respectable" society.
Of course, people who find themselves lifestyle should expect a life of hardship, because they two quite frequently go hand in hand. It's not a glamorous, or even a normal type of life for most people who get involved in it, and it can lead down dangerous paths very quickly and easily...but it doesn't
always. Basically what I'm trying to get at is this: sure,
most prostitutes might not blend in at a PTA meeting or a post office, but it is incredibly naive to believe that
none of them do. Some live in well to do suburbs or even ritzy neighborhoods, and they fit right in; the secret to their success is that they don't
seem like the traditional conception of the downtrodden, rapidly deteriorating whore. Ashley Dupre, anyone?
Anyway, that was my random rant for the day.
And nobody get your panties in twist about the furry comment. It was just a joke.
Edited because my grammar sucks when I haven't been awake for a few hours.