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1  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / We Get Letters - A Cautionary Tale on: 2007 June 21, 10:36:42
Quote from: "Broomhilda"
I gain 5 pounds and I'm coming out of a 34d. I also notice my back aching sometimes.

I think boobs causing back ache probably also has something to do with the way the weight is distributed over your body, your height/weight and stuff like that. I've got 32DD boobs (and for a few days a month, 34E boobs) and I've never had back ache (except when I've done something that strains my back of course). I have a friend who has F cup breasts and one with double F cup breasts and they don't have problems either, but I know a girl with F cup breasts who has terrible back ache and her doctor has recommended that she get a reduction on the NHS. She's very tall and slim, and her doctor said her frame just wasn't capable of dealing with the weight of her breasts.
2  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols. on: 2007 May 30, 23:38:29
Quote from: "tumadre"

Twelveness I tell yeeee.

:] Now go watch some ten year old without her clothes off, join Delphy, he always has videos..

Yes, I'm terribly immature,  next I'll probably start making unfounded accusations about people I've never even met...
3  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols. on: 2007 May 30, 23:33:48
Quote from: "tumadre"
Ignorant. Ignorant. People.

I bet you all watch kiddie porn too

lyk zomg!!1111

Fuck off and die.
4  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols. on: 2007 May 30, 23:21:45
Quote from: "tumadre"

and wasn't fired. yes. QUIT! Stop making up shit, Delphy. You never fired Lyric, she quit for your antics. Flying everywhere for your loves.

I think I might actually die laughing. Maybe after I get my free shit.
5  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols. on: 2007 May 30, 22:59:21
Quote from: "Delphy"
Derange, sure! Free webcams for all!  Maybe I'll throw in a puppy too.  Everybody likes puppies, right?

I'd rather have a laptop and a kitten. Can you manage that? I promise I make an excellent cult member, there's no leader too crazy for me to follow, no sex ritual to weird for me to take part in and no drink laced with poison I won't consume on the orders of the Great One.
6  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Not paysite-related : Delphy lols. on: 2007 May 25, 14:19:42
Quote from: "Got_Nerd"

Delphy was arrested in the United Kingdom.  At the time of his arrest, underage for pornographic purposes was under 16.  In the article, the term child is specifically used to describe the pornography.  That is not 'older teenagers'.  That's children.

Just correcting some of the misconceptions about British law that people seem to have.

But the term 'child pornography' would have meant, at the time,  porn featuring anyone below 16, there weren't, and still aren't, separate charges for pre or post pubescent child pornography. So while it couldn't refer to older teenagers, it could still have referred to girls who were not physically children. Not that I'm saying you're not a sick bastard if you have pornography featuring fifteen year olds, just that because it says child, that doesn't actually mean that it must be pre or peri-pubescent girls.
7  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Think Before you Speak LOL on: 2007 May 23, 21:55:35
OK, I still don't get it, was he saying douche or douchy? If he was saying douche, then I could see how that would be mildly embarrassing, and weird because I can't see how you'd get that by mixing up Gucci and dooney. If he was saying douchy, I don't get why it's embarrassing because I don't know what it means, though I guess even if it's nonsense it still might be embarrassing to have him say a random collection of syllables. Maybe I'm just not easily embarrassed, or maybe it's embarrassing in another language.
8  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations) on: 2007 May 16, 20:12:23
Should anyone want them I have some default skintone replacements:

They're just the Maxis defaults, but with nipples added to the teen, adult and elder females and pubic hair on all of the teens, adults and elders. I know there are a lot of skins like this already, but I've found it difficult to find ones I like. I couldn't find skins that didn't have too detailed female genitals for my liking (I use crammyboy's cock on my male sims (but not the pubic hair, it always seems too far away from the sim's body) so I'm not sure why I don't like them), that also had pubic hair that matches most of my sims. These have brown hair on the S1 and S2 skins and black hair on the S3 and S4 skins, so they still sometimes look a bit odd, but not as odd as having an S1 sim with black hair and blond pubic hair. The grey hair on the elders looks awful, I'm considering whether to try to make it look more natural or just to change them to the same colours as the teens and adults.

I'm away from my PC right now so I can't post any pictures, so I'm afraid you'll have to download them to look at them, in the unlikely event that anyone wants to have a look at them.
9  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / New Paysite Alert on: 2007 May 06, 00:21:27
Quote from: "Captain Feathersword"
Cool, what's the usage given?
(My Shorter OED is 10,000 miles away)

Hang on, suddenly having difficulty finding the page... Ah, they were stuck together with marshmallow.

5) (foll. by on, upon) take advantage of; impose upon (a man would practise upon him who trusts)
10  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / New Paysite Alert on: 2007 May 06, 00:03:57
Quote from: "Pirates Like Sapphires"

Er, no. Where the BLOODY FUCK did you get that?!!!! I have NEVER encountered the word "practise" to mean that. EVER. That's just weird. It DEFINITELY doesn't mean that over here!! It's the verbial form of "practice" to us, whereas "practice" is the noun...but to take advantage of someone? No...

I've used it to mean that before so I looked it up and the OED has it as a meaning of practise:

5) take advantage of; impose upon.
11  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Who Put This There? on: 2007 April 30, 18:09:59
Quote from: "cogitoergosim"

You are a male, you don't know how big boobs work. It's like having super powers!

It is? You can have mine then, though I think they must be defective. Unless you consider extra trouble finding bras in your size, them getting in the way during physical exercise and having people talking to your chest, not you face, as superpowers, in which case mine are working perfectly.
12  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / WTF H&M? What kinda sellout-ripoff is this? on: 2007 April 29, 11:34:00
Curious about H&M clothing, since I haven't been into an H&M for over 5 years (they were handy when I was in high school and had no money but wanted something to wear on a Friday night) I went into the H&M in Newcastle this week. MY EYES! They were some OK looking things, trousers, jumpers, T-shirts, but mostly there were naff looking clothes in eye searing colours. Touching the fabrics and looking at the stitching, it was clear that the quality hadn't improved in 5 years (nothing I've bought from H&M lasted more than a year of irregular use).

The store itself was playing loud dance music, was badly laid out and had mannequins wearing extremely impractical outfits, to be fair, some of the clothes were OK, but the mannequins were dressed in 4 or 5 bright colours each; it just hurt my eyes. I was the only girl looking around who didn't have huge 'gold' jewellery, a tight hairsprayed pony tail and either a tracksuit, miniskirt or combination of the two.

I guess I might shop in H&M again at some point if I needed something that didn't have to last, when money was tight, but it's never going to be a favourite.  

Oh, nearly forgot, a lot of the clothes looked like you'd have to be VERY thin for them to be flattering (a lot of very tight stuff, clingy fabrics, very short skirts, too skimpy to wear a bra with them and no hidden support, stuff like that), so I guess they're ideal for sims.

Looking back, my post seems like I'm a bit of a clothing snob, I'm not, Dorothy Perkins and stuff bought on eBay for no more than £10 is as expensive as I can get most of the time, though I have a few expensive things, mostly gifts. And I guess the stuff in H&M could be quite fashionable, I don't know, I don't pay attention to fashion, I only buy clothes based on what I like and what I think is flattering.
13  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Who Put This There? on: 2007 April 26, 16:37:15
Quote from: "MizzKitty"

Oh, and I heard somewhere that women gain most weight during their periods. So on top of being psychotic one is getting bloated and fat...

I'm very bloated just before and for the first couple of days of my period. I have bras bought just for then as I go up about one and a half back sizes and one cup size. I don't know how much weight I put on though, I rarely bother to weigh myself.
14  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Who Put This There? on: 2007 April 26, 13:31:59
Quote from: "Hecubus"

Your argument, Pescado, ignores medical facts.

And it ignores what many of us already know: A show of hands in this very random group will produce any number of people (women in particular) who eat exactly or LESS food than is required to maintain weight AND exercise regularly ...and still gain. It's not laziness, it's not a failing of willpower, it's a failing in our we can't figure out.

But those people are a minority. I don't doubt that there are many people out there who have trouble staying at a healthy weight for medical reasons, but I doubt that they make up anything like the majority of people who are overweight. I've read more than one paper on obesity in children and all of them concluded that the main reasons were overeating, poor diet and lack of exercise. This fits with what I've observed in my own life as well, all of the overweight people I know well visibly eat more/eat more crappy food/exercise less, than the people I know who are a healthy weight, and the skinny people I know eat less than the healthy people. I know that metabolism and other things affect weight gain/lose and the people I know don't fall onto an exact scale, some that might be expected to be fatter than others based on their diet and exercise habits aren't (I eat a lot more than a friend who is around the same weight and only exercise maybe a little more).  Only one of them claims another reason for her weight (birth control injection) and I believed her at first, until I saw that she ate 6 meals a day and got her boyfriend to do everything for her. Perhaps that's part of the problem in this discussion (ignoring Pescado's comments, since he's deliberately being an arsehole), people who have medical problems relating to weight themselves are probably more inclined to believe that a lot of other people do, while people who haven't met many people with actual thyroid problems or other issues assume that a significant proportion of the people who say they do are lying. I believe everyone here who says that they can't lose weight and that it's not a diet and exercise issue, but that's still a small number of people compared to the people I know who are overweight (or underweight) because of their lifestyles.
15  The Pirate Ship / ARR! / Who Put This There? on: 2007 April 25, 23:11:43
Quote from: "Hecubus"

 And sure...don't we all pose to get our 'best side'?

I just face the camera on the rare occasions when someone takes a photo of me. I've never taken a photo of myself, unless you count using a photo booth to get a photo for my passport.

I don't think Lyric  looks fat in that picture, I think she looks a bit on the plump side, but not huge. But I do laugh at the picture, not because of her looks or her weight, but because I think there's something silly about putting on a shitload of make up, taking a photo of yourself from above, with about 40% face/60% boobs, fiddling around with the contrast and then posting it on the internet.
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