The Pirate Ship => ARR! => Topic started by: Frank on 2007 July 05, 16:23:09

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: Frank on 2007 July 05, 16:23:09
Three animated scarecrows at Simslice, TWO of which, by wintermutea, that just happen to be PIRATES..........

Feast your eyes below



Could those be taken as a hint, perhaps?LOL.......

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: Lhop on 2007 July 05, 16:40:41
I'm not a fan of SimSlice, but those scarecrows are pretty cool!
I know that isn't why you posted them though, so um...I'll try to think of something relevant to say.

*thinks for a minute
Sorry, I know that was another irrelevant statement, but it's only a bit past noon where I am, and I am still braindead until at least 4 pm.  At least.

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: Bigtruckgirl on 2007 July 05, 16:52:48
I certainly hope he/she did. Maybe it is their version of the "surrender" white flag.  :lol:

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: Ieliminate on 2007 July 05, 17:22:31
I don't like SimSlice for my hacking needs. These are neater than some of the other stuff. I think the message is that pirates are scary.


Pay money for these because those pirates are so scary. They steal from poor paysite owners. We are only trying to feed our children and not get a job. Pirates=Bad. Buy these now. Buy!

[Dramatization not the opinion of Erica(Me)]

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: DeeDee on 2007 July 05, 17:24:02
There's no such thing as bad publicity, so... :P

If it is related to booty, i think that's good.

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: Frank on 2007 July 05, 18:36:59
Well, I've been contributing SS stuff to the booty the past few weeks,and I've only had one SS item fuck up on me: the Plantsim shower. The others have never given me probs. I just found it itonic that Wintermutea chose pirates for his scarecrows.

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: Deckhand Dollface on 2007 July 05, 18:41:08
pirate skeletons ...... dead pirates ..... ????

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: Clementyne on 2007 July 05, 23:04:03
The pirate scarecrows are pretty nifty.  I like unique ideas, even if they are pay :roll: . (Bad me!)  That zombie alien looking thing is just plain creepy though.

Edit:  Ooh yeah, Katymouse.  The skelly pirates could be taken as a not-so-subliminal message.  Maybe a declaration of pixelated war.

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: missangelica on 2007 July 05, 23:23:20
Winter ( is a bit.. odd.  He seems to be on a pirate kick right now.

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: SnarkyShark on 2007 July 06, 11:33:12
It might be a tongue in cheek reference or just random. Either way, a paysite is giving FREE advertising to the very pirates who are going to destroy it. Now that is funny.

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: Pescado on 2007 July 06, 12:11:21
I rather doubt every pirate-related reference in the Sims really relates to us. At last check, after a reasoned discussion on the matter, he was convinced to  state his position on the entire matter as "Meh".

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 July 06, 13:59:45
What Pescado said.

Plus, remember that pirates are cool right now. See: Pirates of the Carribean, and the History Channel's programming schedule.

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: missangelica on 2007 July 06, 14:04:18
If you clicked the link I gave, you could see that Winter has decorated his MtS2 page with a pirate theme.  He's probably in the "POTC" spirit.

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: obscurity on 2007 July 06, 14:14:15
What in hell is his latest journal entry about  :?

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: pixelated on 2007 July 06, 15:51:53
Quote from: "obscurity"
What in hell is his latest journal entry about  :?

Bwahahaha, I love the comments on that entry... How stupid do you have to be to take a totally random journal entry about Cthulhu (probably written to seem deep and dark and shit) and reply with the following stuff:

Ilove your work--but unfortunatly this hack doesn't work with Seasons :-( -Will u be updating this hack?

I am looking for your Bug and Volkswagon bus meshes. I would love to know if you have another site you work with like TSR. I just love all of your nightlife vehicles they are great...

what's up? i like most your downlaods and have gotten most of my downloads from all over the net for the sims 2 exclusively from u, not only r your things extremely good graphic but also, have many options, and are very enteresting and creative unlike 100,000,000,00 billion other thigns that are all recoulers of dum curtains with 0 options. anyways i really like the muscle mesh u ahve, ALL muscle mshes i have downlaoded are crap, u're is the first in a ton to look good enough for sims 2 graphics, i noticed alot of your male characters have the mesh can u give me a link plz? thanks nick

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: AW on 2007 July 08, 04:50:21
Quote from: "obscurity"
What in hell is his latest journal entry about  :?

I am totally confused.  What in the hell is he talking about?  Someone needs to take his rum....good grief.  I read it twice and still... :?:

Title: Wonder if Wintermutea meant something by this?
Post by: HawkGirl on 2007 July 22, 13:36:00
Quote from: "BionixWV"
Well, I've been contributing SS stuff to the booty the past few weeks,and I've only had one SS item fuck up on me: the Plantsim shower. The others have never given me probs. I just found it itonic that Wintermutea chose pirates for his scarecrows.

He chose the scarecrow pirates because Bon Voyage is coming out and one of the special characters you get is a ghost pirate. Plus a Yeti, and an old man what he's for who knows. But, if you get lost in the mountains you get to take home Yeti and he takes care of your chittlens for you.