how did you get that wall on them stairs? i use them stairs without the fug bits under them to make them at least fit a bit, but they would be perfect.
pretty please, tell me
Oi, those fucking stairs. I followed a tutorial to use fencing as a stair rail, since the railing for those stairs looks like hot shit on a stick. It turned out more complicated than I had hoped, but essentially:
The whole house is built on a foundation. Once I figured out where the stairs were going to land, I took out the foundation beside them. I built the wall next to them (on the level of the flooring, NOT the ground, yay for floaty walls!...what is it, four clicks difference?), fencing ontop, and lowered terrain (CFE cheat, of course) on them until the wall matched up with the stairs. Replace foundation, and I put a wall on the back of the stairs, to match the rest of the house. It took me about three hours on that fucking rail, with much cursing and poker-smoking cigarettes until I was satisfied. I ended up with the split-level stairs only because, once again, hot shit on a stick without it. Unfortunately, you can't have your bastardized railing/wall go to the bottom square of the stairs. Normally, I just throw a flat bit of fencing there, but I didn't like the look. It did, unfortunately, give me a slightly bigger opening on the second floor, but I just fenced it off and told myself that Sims like hanging over the edge and waving at people as they ascend the stairs. Though the download suggested would probably be less of a headache than my routine. I, also, can't recall what it looks like with walls-down view. That might be an issue.
Honestly, it was a happy accident. I'm gonna load up the game first thing tomorrow morning and see if I can reverse-engineer that step building process, because something isn't sitting right with me about those instructions. I'm not sure yet if that buggers actually playing it, but that's my experiment for tomorrow.
Missbonbon, my list literally took up half of a standard index card when it came to the CC. Essentially, the fireplace, the chimney recolor, the shrubs, the front door, and the wall colors. I found suitable replacements for the wall colors, though I admit that they don't look as nice as the painted plaster CC ones, the door was easily changed to the same as the interior doors, and the shrubs to Maxis ones. The fireplace is the only thing I haven't replaced in the non-CC house, as I'm partial to the one in there. I think I also have Lord Darcy's multi-deco slot in my game, which might be the only needed thing (then again, clutter is easily deleted. I just like the homier little touches).
falln_angel, cheers! It'll be nice not to have a red line under all the words with extra u's.
Fake edit: Mwah! I see where I cheated. Rather than just leave that extra wall on the back of the stairs, I built a bathroom there. It seems that the fencing isn't visible when first floor walls are up, only second floor walls, but it still looks decent, just dangerous.