I've been working on my first hair.
I only intended to fool around and test out my ability to draw hair textures, but it's come together well enough that I will complete the project.
My first texture, on the mesh.
Quite a shock! I swear it looked better in Photoshop. D:
Second go. I squished the texture in half and added shading.
Third time's the charm.
Squished again and made a new alpha channel. I have always hated the EAxis alpha. I need to add the part back in.
The bummer is that I absent mindedly flattened my PSD, and while I have a back-up, it's from before I added the shading (see first pic).
I need the texture on seperate layers to recolour it properly, so the final version will look different from what you see here, but hopefully it will look better.
Any comments, criticisms, or tips you may have are especially welcomed. I need all of the help I can get!
ETA: After, erm, hours of fidding, I've determined it would be much easier to just draw a new texture. x_o