Here's two of my pet peeves. These examples are from Lianasims2, but really, this crap shows up everywhere, far too many examples to list. It's an epidemic. Yes, this is old news. What upsets me is that people are still doing this, years after they should have learned better.
the underboob creasePeople! We've had better meshes for a looong time now! Use them!
None of the shirts here look like they should be super snug boob hugging camis.
Even camis don't go right up under boobs, unless they have built in bras.
edit: The picture above shows my pet peeve #3, spray painted bottoms on a naked leg mesh.
At least these are supposed to be leggings, but I bet the jean shorts have naked butt cheek shape in back.
Also, those leggings look like bucket fill. That's pet peeve #4.
the oh so sexy butt crackIs this deliberate? Ok, I get some bikinis have hip hugger bottoms, but come on!
Who has half their butt hanging out? Want to show your ass, wear a thong, please.
Maybe these creators just can't make proper alphas?
There's lots more of the same, didn't feel like showcasing it all.