Dollhouse Mafia Introduction and Info


Hey everyone!

I know a lot of you probably already know but I'm xXxBilliexXx and I started DHM. We're a collective that has been providing leaked Patreon content to users over telegram but obviously we've been looking for a better way to do things. Pescado was cool enough to provide us with the server space to host the Patreon content that we have. He's also cool enough to let us take over his forums since they've been a little bit dead for a while. As you've probably already noticed we've already uploaded a bunch of content to the booty and there's a lot more to come.

Feel free to request content on the forums or talk about sims related drama. So you can contact us here on the forums, Discord, or Telegram.

Dollhouse Mafia @ Telegram
SimWorld @ Discord

Also be sure to visit us at SimSecret on LJ where we post anonymous Sims fandom related secrets (submitted by users) every Friday!
SimSecret @ LiveJournal

Hi, I think the discord is down. Is there another link?


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