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Author Topic: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)  (Read 964178 times)

Posts: 47

oh, that stinks

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2940 on: 2008 June 25, 06:20:51 »

Beth, that link did help me. Unfortunateley, this is the best picture i could get.

 Also, i figured out how to make it a full circle. PM me if you're intrested.
They didn't exacty turn out the way I planned, but better is better than none at all! That thumbnail was from these pshyco eyes i made. I put them on all my phsyco sims! ha ha, they are really funny!
« Last Edit: 2008 June 25, 17:54:37 by Sammy » Logged

()   ()what is it? its a bird & a bunny! its a Birunny!
Get me here::,1673.435.html

Posts: 32

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2941 on: 2008 June 25, 06:43:11 »

I have only gotten to like page 138 here, and already my downloads folder is yelling at me, please stop making pretty stuff  Grin

But I, well, I can't create to save my life (believe me, I tried, didn't work out so well...think I should sell it?) but I do build! As well as I can and I can decorate like it's nobodies business!

So, here's a house I made. I'm rebuilding my game, took all the premade sims, and I'm building a whole new neighborhood for them with brand new houses (also got Skip and Bella back because I mean, come on, I love them) and I started with the Goth's House, so here it is:


This freaking took me almost all day (had to sit and wait for Ikea to download and then I had to burn it and then figure out how to install it and blah blah blah) so I hope you like it!

Will be working on the other ones later tonight and tomorrow...and forever and ever, lol.

(edited because I did not finish my thought, I keep getting sidetracked o.0)

Posts: 2217

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2942 on: 2008 June 25, 06:44:29 »

Ummm, Sammy, you may want to black out the part where it says where the file was saved to.  I don't know if that is your real name or not, but, if it is, you don't want it on a public forum.

I'd tell you to go to Hell, but I work there and don't want to see you every day.

Posts: 1384

Ms. Smartypants

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2943 on: 2008 June 25, 08:39:57 »

Does a comic count as something I made?  It's Sims 2, and I made it, so it must count.  Right?  Right.

I feel like such a dork.  More than usual.  xD

It was great!  Cheesy
I love the layout and the pictures were beautiful. The plot reminds me of a manga I read (InuYasha?), but since this is just the first "issue" you have time to develope your own story and ideas. An excellent start. Moar, plz!

Now to more important things: Your avi is missing! Shocked
You understand, of course, that your avi is an essential part of PMBD, and therefore you must upload it again ASAP. It is your duty as a pirate, so get to it, missy.
Oh, and Plum, POST MOAR!

Sammy: The eyes look pretty but is hard to tell since they are so small in the pic. Perhaps you could post a closeup?
Edit: And I agree with Keirra, you should blacken your name in the pic you posted.

Clawdee: Love the house! Much better than the Maxian house.
But, did you take all sims from the original neighbourhoods and put them into the new neigbourhood? Because if you did, it will probably cause problems for your game.
« Last Edit: 2008 June 25, 09:07:06 by alia » Logged

SunSun a.k.a. Shannis

I aten't dead yet.

Posts: 32

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2944 on: 2008 June 25, 08:52:00 »

Clawdee: Love the house! Much better than the Maxian house.
But, did you take all sims from the original neighbourhoods and put them into the new neigbourhood? Because if you did, it will probably cause problems for your game.

Thank you! And yes I did :/ But they've all been sitting and hanging out in the same hood for about a week or 2, I did delete all their perveious neighborhoods, so it's just 3 hoods right now (the one they are hanging in, the one I build the houses in, and then the one they are all going to move in when I'm done with their houses and move them in) The only problem I've had is their relationship points and what not (but I read that was to be expected, and as soon as SimPE updates for Ikea I'll fix that).

I havn't played them though per say, I've moved the 'realtors' in to build the house (to make sure all the doors, stairs and stuff are accessible) and they've been running around the houses happy as clams, lol. (and I'm going to bed because, I woke up at 8 this morning and I havn't napped and it's almost, I'm dead.

Posts: 1384

Ms. Smartypants

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2945 on: 2008 June 25, 09:02:58 »

Clawdee: Love the house! Much better than the Maxian house.
But, did you take all sims from the original neighbourhoods and put them into the new neigbourhood? Because if you did, it will probably cause problems for your game.

Thank you! And yes I did :/ But they've all been sitting and hanging out in the same hood for about a week or 2, I did delete all their perveious neighborhoods, so it's just 3 hoods right now (the one they are hanging in, the one I build the houses in, and then the one they are all going to move in when I'm done with their houses and move them in) The only problem I've had is their relationship points and what not (but I read that was to be expected, and as soon as SimPE updates for Ikea I'll fix that).

I havn't played them though per say, I've moved the 'realtors' in to build the house (to make sure all the doors, stairs and stuff are accessible) and they've been running around the houses happy as clams, lol. (and I'm going to bed because, I woke up at 8 this morning and I havn't napped and it's almost, I'm dead.

Uh, as I understand, taking sims from their neighbourhoods and putting them in the other is very likely to bork your game. I think it's a sim memory thing? Something gets corrupted? Sorry I can't be much of a help, I just remember everyone warning that taking sims out of their neighbourhoods is a VERY BAD THING and should not be done.

The only way to do it safely is to clone the sim in SimPe and add the memories to the clone manually.

SunSun a.k.a. Shannis

I aten't dead yet.

Posts: 13

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2946 on: 2008 June 25, 09:46:53 »

Nouk, GC, DrHouse, Twiki, anyone else who is screaming WANT..

Those were worth screaming for! Thanks again for sharing them.

--[ my sims2 stuff - last update: 8 Aug ]--
Fuzzy Pumpkin

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2947 on: 2008 June 25, 16:32:59 »

Uh, as I understand, taking sims from their neighbourhoods and putting them in the other is very likely to bork your game. I think it's a sim memory thing? Something gets corrupted? Sorry I can't be much of a help, I just remember everyone warning that taking sims out of their neighbourhoods is a VERY BAD THING and should not be done.
It is. Basically, every sim you have has memories of every sim they've met (including "silent" bits you can't see in the game). When you move a sim to a different neighborhood, they carry those memories with them...but they no longer match up to any sims in the 'hood. This causes file corruption, and eventual borkenage of memories and wants. It's a bad thing. Depending on how many sims you did this with, you may not notice problems for a week or a month, but it will start sometime, and in the meantime you've become attached to the sims.

Stuff at MTS2, in my 4shared folder, and MATY/Peasantry

LiveJournal w/ story crap

Posts: 47

oh, that stinks

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2948 on: 2008 June 25, 17:50:01 »

Ummm, Sammy, you may want to black out the part where it says where the file was saved to.  I don't know if that is your real name or not, but, if it is, you don't want it on a public forum.
Yeah, thats not really my name. and oops! i didn't even realize that was there!
*goes to go edit picture*
you didn't see anything...

()   ()what is it? its a bird & a bunny! its a Birunny!
Get me here::,1673.435.html

Posts: 341

Random writing.

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2949 on: 2008 June 25, 19:22:03 »

Sammy can you PM me what you did?
They look good! Maybe you can mess with the colour etc to make them look a bit more realisic, and then upload them? :]

Updated April 30th!

Posts: 606

Can I has cc?

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2950 on: 2008 June 25, 20:03:11 »

It was great!  Cheesy
I love the layout and the pictures were beautiful. The plot reminds me of a manga I read (InuYasha?), but since this is just the first "issue" you have time to develope your own story and ideas. An excellent start. Moar, plz!
Thx u!  You know what inspired me to make it?  How much I freaking hate Inuyasha inspired me to make it.  So, yeah, it has a lot of Inuyasha influences.  I'll try to keep it from turning into a clone, though there are a few more things I plan to take from Inuyasha before I bury that trash.  Rumiko Takahashi pisses me the hell off!!

Now to more important things: Your avi is missing! Shocked
You understand, of course, that your avi is an essential part of PMBD, and therefore you must upload it again ASAP. It is your duty as a pirate, so get to it, missy.
Oh, and Plum, POST MOAR!
I found it!  *dance*

I had to go through my back-ups on my other computer.  :p



Posts: 32

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2951 on: 2008 June 25, 20:04:20 »

Uh, as I understand, taking sims from their neighbourhoods and putting them in the other is very likely to bork your game. I think it's a sim memory thing? Something gets corrupted? Sorry I can't be much of a help, I just remember everyone warning that taking sims out of their neighbourhoods is a VERY BAD THING and should not be done.
It is. Basically, every sim you have has memories of every sim they've met (including "silent" bits you can't see in the game). When you move a sim to a different neighborhood, they carry those memories with them...but they no longer match up to any sims in the 'hood. This causes file corruption, and eventual borkenage of memories and wants. It's a bad thing. Depending on how many sims you did this with, you may not notice problems for a week or a month, but it will start sometime, and in the meantime you've become attached to the sims.

Well, this is just poop.

Since I have Ikea and SimPE isn't updated for that, would it work if I uploaded the families to the Sims Exchange, download them, and then delete the 'originals'? and if this should have gone in 'Ask a pirate' then I'm sorry and I'll go ask over there...

EDIT: I'm going to go ahead and assume that uploading them to the exchange will get rid of all those 'invisible' memories and hopfully I'm won't bork my computer anymore then I have. If I assumed wrong, please correct me! and if I seem impatient, it's because I am, sorry! I totally know you guys have other things to do and I'm the LAST thing on your mind, so I'm not angry at you guys for not answering my question ASAP, because I'm not, and I'm not 12 I swear!

Also, I lol'ed for reals at your avvie Plum! I saved it to show to my sister because she too will lol.
« Last Edit: 2008 June 25, 22:23:02 by Clawdee » Logged

Posts: 2217

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2952 on: 2008 June 25, 20:04:30 »

It's back.  All is right with PMBD again!

I'd tell you to go to Hell, but I work there and don't want to see you every day.

Posts: 1384

Ms. Smartypants

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2953 on: 2008 June 25, 20:20:59 »

Now to more important things: Your avi is missing! Shocked
You understand, of course, that your avi is an essential part of PMBD, and therefore you must upload it again ASAP. It is your duty as a pirate, so get to it, missy.
Oh, and Plum, POST MOAR!
I found it!  *dance*

I had to go through my back-ups on my other computer.  :p

Yes! *does a happy dance*
And Plum, that ought to teach you to better take care of your most valued possessions, such as that avi. Wink

It's back.  All is right with PMBD again!

That avi is just as essential to PMBD as Calalily's avi is. One could even say that those two avies define who we are... Hairy-faced freaks who like to watch Johnny Depp wanking.  Wink


SunSun a.k.a. Shannis

I aten't dead yet.

Posts: 49

Now with 100% moar Steampunk.

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Re: Look at what I made and worship me! (Post Your Creations)
« Reply #2954 on: 2008 June 25, 22:44:54 »

EDIT: I'm going to go ahead and assume that uploading them to the exchange will get rid of all those 'invisible' memories and hopfully I'm won't bork my computer anymore then I have. If I assumed wrong, please correct me! and if I seem impatient, it's because I am, sorry! I totally know you guys have other things to do and I'm the LAST thing on your mind, so I'm not angry at you guys for not answering my question ASAP, because I'm not, and I'm not 12 I swear!

Also, I lol'ed for reals at your avvie Plum! I saved it to show to my sister because she too will lol.
Uploading them and downloading them won't change anything. The corrupted memories and other bits will all still be there, and it opens up the opportunity for you to bork other people's games if they download your house full of Sims. Installing occupied houses from The Exchange is pretty much a surefire way to destroy your game over time.

Edit: Chopped off some extraneous quoty stuffs.
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