**Warning--Verbose Pirate Ahead**
So, hey everyone. I'd like some feedback on my
little pet project here. I didn't make any of these things, these are all EAxis objects and textures stolen from Castaway Stories. As I'm sure most of you know, MATY (and Insim) have a bunch of the items, clothes, etc. ripped from the various 'Stories' games and converted for TS2. There were some things I wanted which are way down on the totem pole (no fancy animations or functions), so I decided to give it a go. The reason I'm posting here is cause, well,
A) I lurk here a ton and am relatively comfy with you all. I'm nervous about posting, but I know you guys to be honest and encouraging. (And I hope even our Pirate King won't hang me by my thumbs for too long if I screwed up).
B) These items aren't welcome at MTS2.
C) Three days ago I had no idea how to clone an object, and I only learned how to recolor about a week ago. So I've no reason to believe I've done any of this right.

And, since this is a feedback thread, I decided here was best. Now, I don't expect anyone to tutor me if I've frakked up, just lemme know, so I can go from there. Of course any help is welcome, just not expected.
Of course, since I'm brand new to this I've gone for the easiest things. I've hemmed and hawed about whether I should post any of this, cause it's so simplistic anyone (who has CS) can do it, and it feels sorta over-easy if you know what I mean. But this is my first go, so what the hey. Plus, if these are ok, it will save others the work. Anyway, I converted about 20 objects and their recols, plus a whole slew of recolors for existing TS2 objects. The textures on all these things could be called...dingy...for anyone who hasn't seen CS. With a couple exceptions, I did un-native-y stuff cause I liked the industrial look the objects have. If these are ok though, I'll do some native stuff that hasn't been done yet (as far as I know). For the recols, a lot of the items are from the base game. The exceptions I know are: I recolored the worn fridge (from Uni?) rather than the BG one. If anyone wants tho, I can redo them for the cheap BG fridge. The communal shower is also Uni. The life preservers are from FFS, maybe one is from BV? The jukebox is from NL. I'm not sure about the "Dangling Daylight Ceiling Lamp" (the one that looks just like the garden hanging lamp), or the two cheap lamps (Pix-arm and Watt is it) which are both recolored by the same packages, but I think they are all BG. The atomic door is from Pets. The garden lamp is from Seasons. The holy smoke stair recol requires Numenor's replacement which is
As for the objects, I have no clue as to compatibility particulars. I tried to mess with the Base Game Starter and Any Game Starter, but to be honest, I didn't really didn't like them. What I have installed is all SP/EP up to BV/TSS, so I know that config works. I doubt many (if any) of these are Base Game compatible; I know nothing about how that works.

If anything needs updating for FT, and someone is inclined, please do so. I believe everything is ok for pet interactions. The bookcase is ok for Uni. If I missed something, please let me know. It's quite possible I have overlooked something or just plain didn't know. One object, the dog bone, was already done by someone, at MATY I think, but I also did it, cause I wasn't happy with the package size of the one I downloaded. Hope that is okay. I have play-tested everything, (as has my bf--thanks hon

), but far from exhaustively. Just some fair-warning there.
Known issues:
1. The package cs_militarydresser has a wonky recolor. I tried to fix it, but it's still acting funny. It works, but it's slow to load, and in debug, I can see the tooltip doesn't wordwrap properly. I had a few others that acted that way, but was able to redo them and they are okay now. If someone can tell me what causes that, I'd be grateful.
2. The package cs_militarydesk, looks like a desk, and is in the desk section of the catalog. Please note, however, that the game considers it to be a table, and thus it cannot function as the One Desk. Not wanting to create an entirely new object, I left it this way. All the GUIDs used (for all the objects here) are the ones they have in CS, with no conflicts in my game.
3. The barstools have a freaky shadow. I dunno if that's my fault or not...it's
late early and I'm too lazy to boot CS to see. I usually play with shadows off, so it doesn't bother me, but I'll probably look into it in the next day or two.
edit: This is a Maxis error.4. Ugly, non-matchiness (thanks EAxis). A lot of this stuff isn't very pretty, even considering it supposed to be grungy, and I won't even be keeping it all. For the sake of completeness, however, I did every color I could find.
I think that's about it. If you read all that, here's some rum and cookies. And some pictures for your perusing pleasure. I took pictures of everything except maybe one light. (Not pictures of every color; I'm not insane, mind you). Hope it's ok to post this long freakin post and so many pics.

I feel extremely self-conscious all of the sudden. Couple last notes: the cabinets are from WDS, and the first picture shows some crates, later ones show a bed and bedding, all extracted by JMP. And finally, don't believe the L&P - the lamps are on the dressers thanks to OMSP.
Here are TS2 recolor files:
http://www.mediafire.com/?i9zvzmfzi8zHere are the CS objects with their recolors packaged in (EAxis-style):